Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 5

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DEC. 16, 1886.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. JNBW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'STRAY HEIFER~~ St r>vJ trnui tim Hraoitm of the mxlnmiuwl Ixt7T. lal (;ou., Nuitli Durham koad. Art*- 'nehia. 1 y*i olil Ilritei . dark gray colour, one rhittibind f.iot. l-t Men about Hit October in itr will bfl.uitalih rr warded aU/.AHKTH MORTON 8 Tin VI 1 (rm the ureiui.ee of UMumtonlcu -I, l."t Ji j Cuu. ut. Kat I' * 8. Hoail. Mt'l tnethou. about latJnly. IK*.,, two unttv1 Hei- fere. I M. M partly wlnt with red ear. nod red l'ot- Any I..TK-II KIVIIIK I afonaatton la<1inc i i recovery of above will (MI t.iitalily rowanled __ JAMKB MILL* STRAY HEIFERS. pAMK M tlic praininont the tuidurlgn<xt about v tbueuil of July, two v irlini; H.ifere. . i ml ami white, ami thu other nearly all whit* Owner can bav. Uie eauie by proving propeity end pftyiriir \|M-H-. M. BKILRY. Dec. Mil, IM. 1'rtcoviHe rxiii: l.s will tM Invited In a few dar. for the . coii.iructuin of UK- eeetion of thv I.'ajw Hrr (on ein:lway ritfutluia' from lin f"i raud Narrow. In HydiiF) . a dtuanoa of about ti uiilra Thle f rellruiuury notice ia ffivn In orrtwr that <*ou- tractor* Uettiriutf to leuder for the work niav Uave ao opportunity W uajumn. thv location ttafore llu- winter et ia, Jly order, A. P. KHADI.RV. Heeretary. Uepi. of Kailwayi and Caiiala. Ottawa, -jnth Nov . IMriR. Mortgage Sale - Of -- I'ndttr uj by virtue of the pwr of *! con Wkiiitvl in * r*rtmn iiiorttf.U't;. litoh will b* pro- *lid t the %.a ot tl, iH.-r. will to oflVriNl f'r t*l by Public 4ietiii. ou inh. r IMIM. J W. ORBOW, EHQ., Al tTH'NV.KK. Munshaw'i %otel, HI TUB VILLAIW Or H K-MKKT..V, at Ik* dour ol oa o'clock uuoa. UM followlaf .audH nikuitii) : 411 and Oucular that certain parcel or tract of load and preiulM. lituatc. lying and bing lu the Townufcip of Ovprvy. in th<'ountyof <lry. aud Prorino* of Ovtario. coiiaaiDinic or a4lmea- i ir. iii<,i-t ooo buudrad acrua. umra or laa*. and Ixiing oiiupuaiMl rrf Ix>t Nnintr One, in lh I wlth ( unoMin T alii Tawuhip of >>]ir*r Tbe proaarty will b uffcrvd lor ! >ubj:t to a iaan bM Tvruii and coniHtiuim of oalo Trn per cant. f the |Mirc*iR ninny to b pal'l to tbi* Vendor*' ^uliritrM at the time of tal*. *u0Vrint with th aid l.)| rr,-nt to inakif ittir-baJf of tha j'iu* >>aM money ituLii u* wontli Ihvrealtur. til* r>alnnc to btt Mionr'd by Arot Mortffaffr o\ r th rato of above preiui4*M fur .' > ri- with InUkreat at the of c |.r I v For ftirtlier |iartieulara and coiuliliuua of eale, ixpplj U^ . cant, per anuoni pavahlu half ju.vx tlUIXM-K Tll.T. MIlXKlt 4 CKO VVTHKK. 9i KliiK Street Kaat. Toronto.. Vondora' Holleltor*. Dated at Torouto thi. 1Mb day AUCTION SALE OF - Valuable Properties! t'nder anil by virtue of powrni nf Mleoontalnad in ecrtalu Mortal-* whii li will h |<rodiwod at Ui* Hum of Mtla, there will be aold on rn-s.la>. lnt * hrr. IHHC. At ii oaloek In the KorMMO,l>y JOHN W UOttKOW. Al < TIONKI K AT i VKII l - II. iTPI.. In the Village of Flusherton. THR IMI L' iwisi. rnorSBTm : Jx>t Nuinbur TIUrth-Two. In the Slith Con tmtion of tli' Tnwnlil)> f rtrrn.U, In th> CalMtv uf (iray. oMitainlni; one humlied acMH. iiK>r ur t<ot< NuiuU-n Thirty-Eight and Tulrty-Ntna. in the Ninth COIIC<-M|OII of ibe Townihlp of Artcmeeia, containing *JU acre*, naoteor ! TEBM8: OneTanthof the) purchaw money u> be paid down at tha timu of aal. two uthur teutbi wlthla tblrty dayn (Uoreaftrr. and the balniioa to b aerutcd by a lln>t ninrtfaf on the property, hwarinR interenl kt tbn rat* of par ut i'*-i auuiiiii from tha dfty of aal. i .nidUiMii. will I..- made known at the Uiue of ale. For further particular* >pply to uoiu.ssii.N ii u M.;KN. Vaiidon' Kollclton, No. WChnrch Street. Toaomti. to Orangemen and Others. TIM un.l, r.in. .1 IN preparod to take orden for paiutiMg all kino* nf KANNKHH In tho k. 11 -t vl. - .if th art. xrn.l In vour order* ear ' i GonI work tfuarantoMl Carriac* 1'alntlug promptly attewded to. Call on or a.i>'r.*a W. M. 1KUAHT. HehrV>n ektbo|> ovr v iii.ur n Canlage Wo -ki. A i I -i CJent. hi Town ni r ami I'ri- 1 ertr. DAMUDB. MEW LIVERY! rE undrrelrned !>; to annonaee that b* ha. atartndanrat-tlaaw l.lvery ia the >Uail of- Malte Miin.ham Hotel. Kl.flimtou. where the travellinf put>lie tan be aertinaiodate* with ,vl rt(i and hnraite at niott reaeonafcle yHeea 1-1 i. and be eontlneed. luti-ectfu 1 ,]; jonra, W.H.JOHNSTON. rieehert. .n Nev IVth. MM James Sullivan, The Tinsmith. Flesherton aeplribs avetroughlnf . au4 la fact ry ealua In Ike im.uin wUI reeot'n e ^kreinpt and earefnl aweeaHeaaa taaauoabU privM. I'lrahrrlwn P. S. Honor Koll fur Ne)KlH. t .11 l.TH CLAM. 1. LitBJe Swan t.ni. 51. LiMte Kichardaon. . Fred Ayeni. 4. Anniv Ricbardaon. 6. Mamie Ayera. fi. Ivot.t. Keufer. THIKH CLAM 1. Bella HOM; ii, Bvrt ArmntroDg. 8. Klli.- < im <lf in. 4. Martha Bvattie. 6. .ii nuif Treadgold 0. Gco. I'u k, 11. 7. Oortie Keufer. M Ida Dinwuudie. 9. Goo. Holtnan. 10. Edwin Leitcli. TIIIRh CLAM 1. Bert Gordou. *. Miuia Hunt. 8. \niiit- DiuwDodio. 4. Caiuiie HUii-Jv . 6. Victor Renter . 0. Nclitoii Burke. ? Oeti. Wiotil. H. Lillian Powell. 9. David HatoH. lu K.litli Uellamv. To the tl.-<te>rs *r Hard >o. , OENTLKMBN As the term of the preaent Municijjal Council ia about ex- l>ir. <j, it ia natural and proper that yuu ihould begin to wiiqiuru whu are likely to aauiru tn it. uiuc4Mvl boiiora fur the comiuff yer. 1 take tuie opportunity of thank- in,- yi>u for the o>ntidnc you bate re poacxl in me and thu ln.tt.tr conferred by auataiiuiiK oae at the |4I laat year, and wuttld further aay. that at the anlicitatu* of many of inj frienda, I have conclurlrd Ui offer myaelf for re-election. In the pjut year I can conacietitioualy aar that I with my limited uiperirnee have aerr- ed your intoreata to thr beat of my ability with what reaulta I will Wave yuu to de- termine ; but I think it ia iiuitv within bounda to nay, and reasonable for me to expect, that with thv kuowledtre of mum eipal attain I have gained in the paat year if you aee tit t. elect me at the coining poll I can aerve your intereaU better than in the |>at. Tina m all I think need- ful to aay here, aa the nomination ia cloee at hand, when we will have a better op. puituuity f<# diacuaainit matter* together. In the meautime I aak yi>u aa independ- ant electora fur ynur aupport at tow com- ing election. Very reaprctfully youra, W. O. r, KM.I Dec. 14, 1 -- . W a mini: I All peraotn am liorcby warn<>d that if any ninn; timber ii taken off Lot 106, East T. * S. R, Artcmesia. It K al pro- ceodiu^H will be takon inum- li.itrly a^afuHt tliv (juilty party, or partieH. M tlu cave may be. WHY WILL YOU r.-utli ben Hhiloh'a i iir.- will KI v r iuiinedtat* irWI. IVtee) le> i-ta. .Vi rn... and ). Sol d at M.-.l.<-al Hall. CATAUIUl riUKli. l-allli ami .-v.*| hrrath 'erur'd. by Sliiloh'f t'atanli llern- ed.T. Price AOeen-e. Naaal Injector free. S.il.t at Medical Hall. A Common Cold Ii often the beginning of rrlou Uuu of the Throat, Bronchial Tuuci, and Luaci. Therrforr, the linportaur* of rarlr mil ffvclive trcalrucnl caonot b orrrcirtlmiktcil. Arrr't Cherry rectorml in T Iwari be rrltetl upon for tbc ipevdjr car* of a Cokl or Cough. I.Mt .lummy I wu attacked with fM-i.- t'ukl, whk-h, by nr k -lr. t ainl fre- qurnt eipoavrrt, bruime worwr, flnallT artilinc on my hint;*. A trrriMr rouxli > >n foltowfvd, c-< .niipmii. <l by pain* la the i lirt. from which 1 minVml iutrnnrly. Afi.r trying viriout i. nnlui. without oMaluliiK n-llrf, I roinniem-rd taking A>ir' ( Ui-i i ) 1'cctunl, aul WM Speedily Cured. I am iti-fi.-.! lint thll rrm--.|\ laTrd m life. Jno. \Vrbiter, I'awturkct, li. I. I contracted a aTfre cold, whlrh ud- ilnih Orvrlopnl Into Pnnimonla, prvtrnt- [ng dnngrrou* and obvtlnmtr vin|rtMnn. My |ihylrln at nc nnl.-rr.l the ux >-f AVIT'K Chrrry rmural. Ilia In.irurrton' wera followrU. antl thr r**ult wa a rapltl and |H riimn.-iit ,-mr. 11. >:. Mmpaoii llugfTt 1'rulrlr, Tvzai. Two rear* avn I auftVrrxl from a terrr* Cokl In- Ii witlrtl on my Lunga. I cuav MilU-d varloui pbyalvlana, an'l took tb m- .Ii' inr. ibry prwwrlbcd, but rr.rUrd only ti-mporary rrlfef. A frl. n-l InJucrtl me to try A v f'< i h. rrr IV. i..i.i. After UkhiK two 6ottln i( thin mmlkluel WM fiirt- I. 81m-* thrn I huvr g\rrm the J'ee- Uiral to my cbiklrcu, aiui cviukkr It Tht Bt Rcmtdy for CftM*. Cowrha. ami all Thro.i and l.unc iiUm,>f r unl In my fiully. Itobvrt Vaudcruwvl, Iteatlt i'.le, Pa. Rome time) dm I took ilirtit Ot-l wlnrli, b. iux rtflrrtetl, crrw wurer. ana Mtilr.l un any liiii.ii. I baj a harklntj roiifh. anj waf Terr Wrt>k. Thnne ho knew me brt eou>!uViv<| rm llf* to b In rrral dinfer. I runtlnurii to nivVr until 1 eejtiinatiireel u-ini; Ayvr'a Chrrrr IVrloml. !>! Ilian fine Ixiliirur thii tat u.ble letnlk-lne rur*.! ner, aaxl 1 feel thai I Hft ti preMrtatlu* of my life lo lu enratlTciinwrri. Jlra. Ana Luckwaei, Akron, New York, ATT-. Cherry 1**cloral Ii mniiirr.l. kere, llit one (feat remedy for all dleraare) f the tkrneA and tun**, ami U more In demand I lie* any olhrr awelkln* ef it* tlaa*. J. T. ItoberU, Maguvlla, Ark. Aytr" Cherry Pectoral, *er. l. c. A .r a ( '. . i .-.n . Heea. 1 / lurnMM*. r-rtee l . ei* eaule*. *. r-raaej eki I/ Ttinr.Migh Hr<1 BERKSHIRE BOAR! TjTn, l g oJPd|T,. wiil rt.nd lar |iana of VVle1f atloa Mo. KI flnt K.ng, Kae- of Tot- TeraM *a MOOB A. l4lV|X To the Free and Independ- ent Electors of Centre Grey ! GENTLEMEN : The time ii at hand when yuu will be callril upon to exerciae jrour franchiaj in the aeleotton uf a repnt' aenUtiTe to th- U-^islatu-e Aawmlily of Out*riu. Tht duty hirfi jrou owe to four country, to yuuraelTwaiid tupuejter- ity demand* that jruu exerciao that privi- lege: with a c*vlui and aeuled doUjnuinaliun to aiiv.tncc the boat intereaU of nur fair I'ro'iiice. In the heat of |rty atnfe uien of impulaire tcmperanteiiu are apt to overlook the real iaauea involved in the LIVING preaent, and to allow their jud|{- uienta t<> bexMim* warpvd by the mere "ihiboletha" uf the BEAD paa*. The in- tereaU cf our country, the advancement uf intelligence and the humanizing influ- ence of uur oonuaon Chriitianity demand that we lay aaide the ralij(ii>ua atrifea and party contetitiona, which have aolnngdu turbed and diatractd the National mind, and that aa aoha uf our ooaaaaou country, loyal auhjcU of our beloved tjueen, we go "hjkiid iu-hand"*u({etlieri mutually m tent upon the achievement of a higher civilisation, a purer morality and a more libvnal ctihatian aeiitiiuuit, and while brmlv maintaining uur owu nilit. yet willtDR u. grant the aame p>ivilgea which we etaira fi>r ouraelvee t<> thoae nf t>ur fel- low countryanen who may differ from ue in creed or nationality. With tho vn-w of Kivini effect to tbeae aentiiiienta, I hex to announce that I am a candidate for your utfrwgea at the com- ing election, and I rocpeetfully requeat that all my fellow eletetora who ahara theae aentiuietita, will t>y their vute and inHunnnti do what they can lu aecure my election. It ia proper that you ahotiVd aak, an. I it ia nirht that I ahuuld declare, what my oniiiKMta are in refeiwMee to the ieauee which divide the " partiel " in ihitano al the preerlit tiu.e. In the main I am in accord with the general coune of legialatwn uunii.-il and with thr principle* enunciatea and carried out fur aome yeAra by the Mowat adtnui- u trad. ,n. and if elected I ihali decia it my duty m the uttereaU of the Province tn auatam the preaent Government : reeerving of oourae to myaelf the n*rit to judije of each meaaiire which may be brought forward, upon U menu, irrea- l*.-tiv ot the aource from which it may emanate. ' am free to admit tl.at with all GOT- ernmenta there ia a terrelea'cy to nnecat- ary extravagance a|(ainatall eudi tend- enciua I ihali deem it my duty ai your rrpreaontative to raiae uijr voice and ei ert my mfliieBca. lu reference to die achuul law my opinion i* that rvovut haa ut-en laryely in the internal nf the Urachinx pnifeeaioii. and that th intereeta n/lhr |iublio which Ufat tn be para- MiounL, have t.. a oertaiu.wUeait *> nt niirrd. I aui of opinion that the preeent "holi- day" terms are tuo l>ti|(. rafxrially to in wt tire re<|*iirrinrnta of rinul cnmmnnitiea, and that emne change ia doimble in thia ra|iect. Of the many important <|iiretiuiu whick rlaini attention at tin* (larlicular junctMre it ia iiiipoaailile within thu coanpaM of a ahort aaclreaa to i[>ak with intelligent* and prwiiimi : Duriiiff thv canvaaa Ifiwrn-er I purpnae to diaouM aome <>f theae with you at the public inr-i-tinea to lie held at central fwiinu throughout lhe> conatitneiicy, when I li-i* to have the plenaure of nirrriii'j many of you and fnrniin,' acquaintance* which I truat will he mutu- ally agreeable and luting. I have th In HPT to b*. Oeiitleineii, MarkdaJe, Your ubvdieiit Srrvant. Dec. 4. IKG \VM BIIOWN. beet, ebeapeM and m.( dur ahle l'iaii.<, Oiyane, Hvwiu| Machine*, Waadirtf; Machitim, Clothea Wrin^en, Hrwini; Machine Needle*, and Siippliee, f"T tale at C. Treadifold'a, next liouae to Mr. Win Strain'a, Kleaherton. 3m WILL YOU SI KKKR with l>y.Bpia an I \A*rr Ooroplaiat f Hhiloh'a VhalhMr it Xii'ante>cJ to cure you. Sold al Medieel Hall. M'-iwW>e * Paaxi'i Caa*t.rc CmtTW, - Have von aa old Aore. Cet. Mruit-, Cam. lion ion. Suit Raeem. Pimple. Iliotebaa. Hou(h Hafi'l. f*r rW f If <- thf.. i hut nne eure. nani->lv. M(>ree;or A Tarke'e Oarkvlie Cerate If yn n it '.'< It, it will eonviue^ ;. It eeU btit "* . at the Drug Store. Hv- V.MI ever trlfxl Meflraejor A T*arke'i Car tmlle rrt foi eon of anr kn.l It ! b- von.l .liih tvv ver, beet |'rn'l i. n In thr marie* for heeling iil euririff aaree. Utirv" Cat*, rinivlee, Ulotchx, and letbeoaly uropor uiothvl nf aprilvliiii Crhtlle Acid ituld at lie llrug *or for Ho per hot A I.IVMB (>{. One line?)* trial of Dr. '|<<- Ijvr Onre will r :1 in Itie mn.i -ki'tirl an I nwinrm l>MIr linn lhinan ' of ii im .tul thai M la a enre tare. Keel- "lin" an<< Hrei|>e U"<>k (I. 9liF.RPI.KflS KIURTH. ma<le raiaerahle h* that territle r.wi^h Hhi1h'e Cnre it the r-mr.lT for TO*. Sold at Medical Hall 7>r lame. hatk. a.. I. or cheat, uae Stulob Perou. Tlaaler. f'\t" 15 eenta. BeU M Meii.nl liall. rHOIM'. WHOOIMNO OOUOH an.1 Droneliitie imnir.li.leh reli*4 hy SbiK.r. Care H..I.I at MHieal Hall. THAT HACKINO CO1TOH ean U eo etlv>kl rur-l h Sbllnb'* Cure. We near ant-, it BoM al Medleal Hall A l.lTixa graaT.'.i ^iieili-n -! Ihia life worth livinM?" Aner- It all .1" i-n ' np.'n llif nr *" If lorpid or inae tivrit ramei a <iull. touli UnfniJ f'rlmv Dr. Chaae't Liver Care five* heallk and bBOTanoe. SoU by Dr. Chrialea. SHI I.OH 8 VITM.I/RK u wba . for Conatipalion. l.oae of Appetite aexl all erwiuioraa of Dvpepua ' Brie* 10 ar>J7eali per ketlle. Bali *, kOUl To the Electors of CESTEBGBEY ! GENTLEMEX. The writa for a General Election for the Local LegiaUture will be iaaued im- mediately. On Tueaday the 21at day <>f December next, the noiuinaltooa are to be made and Tueaday the 28th day of December fixed fur polling. Having received the unanimoua nomin- ation of the larger* and moet intJuential '"i, it-natm- Convention ever held in the Killing, which met in October laat, ami having tiucu received the un.at eiioourag- ing aaiturajicv, of auuport from the electora generally, I beg moat reapectfully to an uounce that I feel it uiy duty to accede tu their wiahea and accept auch nomina- tion . I have been a resident of the Kid i rag for thirtv-eitfht yeara. During the great er part of that period I have been, m->rw or ieaa, actively engaged in the adininia- tratioB of your municipal attain and while occupying prominent i~*itn.n nf truat in your County Council I have invariably been guided by a deaire to protect and promote your mtervata. My l.mg reaideuoe lu the Riding and practical knowledge of the workmu of our iiiunictpal inatilutioni enable me the more readily to anticipate your apecial require- ment, repreaent your gTrcvancva and ob- tain relief from >>ppreaai*e legial.it i-m If elected aa your repreatative, I will endea- vor faithfully to diachargu my duty hy giving effect to wholcaomelevialation. and will advocate a more economical adiiiinia- tratioii of the financea and of the Crown domain. Aa there ia not apace in a ahort addreaa to fully explain my viewi I ahull en.leav..r t.> attend lueetinga ia the vari- oua Townabipa of the Riding l f. TV the electiona and there diacuaa in detail the vartoini queationa IM>W brforr the people In coueJuaion, I ahall advocate ei|Ual rii{hu and privilege* to all <-raane and eiveda of of ne>r majeety't euhjecta. Being a reaident of the Riding and like many of youraelvea engaged in farming "i-'ratK.ne. our intereaU an identical. I ahall do my beat to advance them. Relying upon your cordial and generoua aupport to elect me aa your representative I have the honor to be. Gentlemen. Your obedient .runt. JOHEPH ItuRKE Clarkaburg. Nov. 2fi, tanadian Parilir Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME TV Effrci, Monday, July tltk, ;.s. 4ie>U.C NejrtaV. TAT1ONII Mail Kip Mlaed Toronto Cardwell luurliuii Charleeton . Oranife- ' Arrive villa Laan ...... Orauiievllle Junction hhelburne Dandalk KLKkHtBToM Markdale Wllliaataford Chataworth Owenjiound Art I Tr^rieT T - liTATIONn Kip Oweo 8oaad~~ Teeve i ' fhaUworth i 610 Walliaiii.ford 1 1C. Markilale ; *T rI.K.HFHTOH , T Ol luinialk , 7 * hbulburu. i 1 41 Oranvill* Jnoctlou Oranice- 1 Arrive . n 30 ville ; Leave et CbarlMton V a* Cardwell Junction . a> Toronto Arriv. 10 U ' 7 team lilyoi S- ' w win IK (iBH L BCr'T D McSirot.L. Oagrir.aaa.AoT J. B. SLOAN, Has ?.ny tjuantity of Shingttr &c., on hand at his factory, at Kugenia. for Ccuh. . DR. CARTER, MC.P. et8.,0irr. P.1TSICIAM. MI KCIION. KLESHKRTtlN. OOIe. hlrain bloek BuMjvaee W m Wright LatlUe troubled with Pim|il>. niotchea. Hnh hand>or fare, or Hot-, of aur deKtip- tlon.ihoiild UM Mctirenr < Parkt rarbnlic t erate It will leavv the -am in (tarfeet hvallh. iu'K)tb. clean aud Ifoo4 color !* .ure aa.l ^M tbeyrnuinp luadu b> Mc<lrrgor A 1'arke Price We. Aold at tlie Dru Htore *i T KIICI M Cracn MeOrevnr Parke'a faiboli.- t.'erata ha. bMtn triwl %n.i found to be tlw oulv iweiuveoure lor aart Hlittmu PiutpUa. HKtchee on tb. face or bati<U. f nil. Ilurna. Knaaea. or anr Horn that iMlhlniv'.a* will hal Try Mrftrecnr * Park '. (art olfe Crw eje. per boi al tb Dru| Htore. J I' M4K>H4I I I U DKHT1ST. /1HAI>1'TK of Tnroou Hchonl of Deatiearr iW will Iwal MarkdalelU* let and Ir4 Weetee* i day of each mouth aod al Kleehertoa M %la lai , and 3rd ThuraUa; lu each ninatb for tb* lleaeli i | of hi! profMalon a Are ron dl.tnrbed a nt|lit aoil brukru uf \-ur tee* L) a lek cluld .iiftWInf and ewfittt with pain of I'titlii.u Tevlb t If > >end at nnee and (,-i-t a boltln of "Mra Win alow'. Hoolhina- Hrrup' fr Chil.lrfli Terthllif lu value It iraliilabl It will rrliera Ibe tHjor little ufft*rr llulueillatelv I'.iNind UJH.O it. tuotlu-ri. thure i> no nnotakr alx>ut il Ii cure* lljrvttntrry and l>iarrh<ra r*ii)at thr Stuinafb and RViwU, rur... V. toil (*t>lir. tut tan* ah. ft uiii.. r*MlneelnllajiiiAatii'ii. an*i !* tun a anil rnvriiv to thv whole >i*ni "all* U ,< low's Hootliinit Hynip" for children ueehlpf la pleeaiit totbn ta*le ana i the pntMiiptlnn of ..n.-uf tbc olile.t and li*t fvraalt* vtiraiolaM. and uiiraet in :U* UtiitoO aiata, ami > ft i ) by all drn(Ki*t. tbroutfbout tht* world r. , tw.-m> nv. nt<nttt a Uittlt He nrr atnl aki '- r Ma> WD>UX>W a HooTamo Mm i- and tak no otlier kind. AT C.OIIDO HARNESS SHOP FLKSIIKKTOX, Toil will Bad an ae.irtui.nt ot Heavy and Lieht Harness. WUiua. Druihea. Curry Coniba. Sweat 1'etla. and tha celebratutt "HarnMi oil " oi.i.uts A >rn i u r\ ^ Cheap fur Caab. Call and Kaaraiae. New Butx'her 8 h op ID FlesU- J. W. FROST, LL-B-. OtVo Htralu'i Mulldlng. Ki r.iirim A. A. i MK-.1.KV Hollcltor and C'onny lUildvnt Manafi'r MR KU'ltT will b foun at the Oltre n Tliurxlate a* herolofure P McCDLLOOOH, />V'T/.vrVr. OlUrr. T *< Farlniiil > xtorr Ma i ' t Pfitch Mitchell, l'Hi'l'KlKT"KS. THR 'ni'lrMct.f ! re.|tetfiilly take thlt ..pp -r tvnlty to anMown^e to the people of Meh- arton an.! .urroundini! eoanlry that Ibev have et <.rtd a llutebvr tUiop in the itand nmtiioor . > Hid Marlilf NV.uk. PI.Rftm KTON where fhay will t* |ilea.wi f" mett with all whe favor them wIDi i"- patrnnaar Kreeh MeaM of all kiudi.and Kl.k, .o In their ll.l>ertfni . im PIITCH AMIT( HKLL FOR SA 4 acrwe li uiilao from Fleahartrn Uood warm franir dwelllnc. T rooma. food cellar r.ood .table a never fallini; .prlnit er*k Term* ea.v. For etrtli-nlar. applr ix W. J PIU.1.AMV. plvab.p lop- or in C W DKLLAMT. Mark . ;. Honey to Loan. At 6\ / W OiU. InlerMl ..n >Srraeal WITH i UI.T.-.I paia reartr. ""' '" ae>aa.M eeatealeatoei eharie* *i'r'f * ,: ASSON & MASSON, J> .' HI8TKKS. SOL!CITt)H8.*e ! >. p. nw.ii Honnrl In V l<-klr blort ! . .it m: rrranrh *Bc* In atarhrlale. ever at* f* . i.jd .More, on KriJ.< and Balurg.i ever' f H MAMON W at*-*M VI Private fompaav * funda to laveetal roin -MI to KtMht per cent. eai.'ien* <ipa a r arn, it HANDS, ECHLIN & QARVIH. >'ii<..-ni lo //.iv.iVr ef B \KltlSTK If,, s. il. Ii ITolW. i:iNVKY \fi< KR.H. .t,- Mo,,., to Ix>aa at IAW..I Hair, of i uur 0.1 offleea. '. kiag Mree< Kat, Toronto no \Hf05 (far do. John W. Armitronf. FueaiiiaToK.Co. OHRT. ryvisiuN CUURT CU:KK coattiiHiiuNiK v In It n.Couvejraucer.Ac Afeat for (inrrbat* n4 .ale of land. Appraiser for C I. r Teea and r P It * it. Hocletv M<ey to Ixn oei the uio.1 ,..,.,,.M. trim. U- r. r MAJUUAO* LjCKXba.1 NOTABV PI Bl.iC W.~J. "BKLLAMVT" rwr. , a aaviteiiaia. V- * * K, Ci>MMIN*IO!ffK. I.WRA\CK AO-T, etC. MOHTOAUKH. I.I \ SV-. Ac . rfrer- e<l and properly eteented In.uraar* aerea- ledlnftntrlaaerompanlM leweatralei Moae, u ie*4et J.V FLKSUKHTOfr, TO BE LET OR SOLD. The unA.r.ic ..i of .it fee eale hie Klaet eBilth Ulioi'. Htalil. an J Preml.e. .r.irli. at areaaetiakle prfrr or wilt lea** Ibe aaaie tea to.l man al a fair reatal Thla r' r' la well .iluated on ( .-llinweo.i e<rpea,rieahar4a. near tb. utanlns fa.anr> . For ttrmt ami partlrntar. applv to til. pr 1-t MOHBT H * R K J ..-. aw .r riaaherw. pee- J. E EDORE (forpenter, Joiner, $ net Mnker. AH repaere araaiaatf a aeeal* ebefe. Dejrkaaa M, .t *. T e4>k e Cabi- *f.

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