Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 2

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L . I -t- A PERILOUS VOYAGE. Tvrrlble Experience* on Bonn an At!ii< Linear. GRAPHIC .DETAILS OF THE CALAMITY A New York despatch, ssys : Ciptai BekusVl, ot tbe ocean steamer Weaieruland aayi of tbe recent terrible expeiieooeii un board Ibat vem !, wbile oo ber way to New York : " Oar trip has been made one of tb saddest in Ibe history of tbe company b. this affair. Ths accident can be aitiibniei only to Ibe noexplaioable. Il ooonrroi about 3.30 o'clock in tbe afternoon. Then WM a good tea runnirg, but I did oot re gard il ae anything dangeroot. The sbi| wae milking good headway acd there was i treth breest. Under Ibe turtle bgck then were assembled al Ihe time groups o tailors and piisecgers. Same were nuaok ing, othcre talkie* sai matting time paae in various ways. Suddenly one of th waves oame rushing toward Ibe ship assuming as il approached Ibe form of a lowering column of water. Il waa one ol those lights one rarely sees on Ihe coean hut when OECe seen ii never forgotten Whether a cross-sea or not there seems to be oo satisfsolory explanation. Tbi great maas of water swspt toward th ibip with imposing grandeur, aod si il struck tbe ship tbe vessel shook as though she were a mere toy The great column broke ovtr tbe deck There were terrifying screams cf ditlrees sad the vaatel was for a moment sub merged. When the flood bad pasted, i psii c prevailed on tbe decks. The tbiok iron beams aod platss of tbe turtle-back were found to be broken. Underneath ibe wreckage was a most districting light The sboek ot the wave knit d four Belgian sailors outright. Tbsy were ornehed in shocking manner. Near them lay two passengers fatally injured, aod scattered about ths decks were at least twenty more pert ons, who were more or leei fnr'J Bome very seriously. No ore) waves came oo board. The wreckage was cleared away an speedily as poaalble and that night Ihe bodies of ibe four dead sailors were given Bailor's burial The out day Ihe two passengers died, and they, too, were bailed at eta." An ioipso lion of the vessel afforded some idea ot the terrible blow shs had received. The crashed deck wae known ae tbs forward wbalsbaek. II was oonitruoled cf four- ioeb piot plank, retting upon massive iron heami. These in turn were upheld by three- inch iron rod stanebions. Tbe vaet volume of water struck Ibe wbalebaek about fifteen feel frrm Ibe stem ard crushed in a feot ion twenty-nine feet in length and extending the full width cf the ship. Nine beam* and sixteen star colons wsre crushed in upon Ibs forseastle deek where Ibe vimima were gathered. Ii will oat sbont Io 000 to repsir ibe vwsel. Second Officer Eotff, wbo was on watch wbsn tbe Occident c co-i-red, sayt : " I waa on tbe main bridge when I noticed an enor- mous wavs on Ibe starboard. Tbs next in- stant another towering wave joined il from Ihe port side. Tbey seemed to let pinto tbs air as they mingled. Tbey mist have been forty feel high, a< I raw tbmr nailed male above tbe lower yard ot Ihe'oremaiit Tben came a orab of tbe water u| ba tbe deek. It sounded louder than a dcxnn eaonont fired al ocoe. Tbe water swept from em end to tbe other of ibe main deck aod carried everything before il. Aa soon ae pout-ibis wa elsared aw*y tbe wreck and got ool tbe ded and Ujartd." i . i i IN ii . i i i i %lrlr.n King I broil h ikr H.dy. A Loodoo cable says : A detpatob DM> been received from Ooree, LUhr, in Senegal, Africa, acnonneiog ibe death in bailiff of King Bama LimbeM, cf Gayar. Tbe KIDK appeared al Tivoman,io Cayar, with a camber of followers and mounted attendants under arms for tbe purpose of collecting a tribal*-, to wbiob be believed himself 'o be entitled by treaty. Hia demand was met wltb a refusal by tbe inhabitants of the place, wberenpnn so u of bis followers brgao to pillage tbe town. Tbe merchants and traders telegraphed (or aid to Ibe Governor of 81. L r UIB, a town noder French protection, and tbe Govern- ment sent a captain of tbe army and twenty live eoldiers to the totne of tbe trouble. After a sword combat witb a French lieutenant, Unit g twelve roinotee, the Ring WM ton through tbe body and killed. < n.l <.l... ,. < .| Iron Ooe of Ibe most i mporlant diroveries of late years ii that of Fnderiob Siemens, of Drtsdeo, wbo bin soeoeeded in eae log glaos lu the same way as metal is east, and obtaining an article oorrei ponding to cast metal. Ins ixpscted to revolution's* ibe iron trade In nearly every branch cf il. It is laid the east Klaus ie as bard as cat- 1 iron, osts no more to prodoee, aod bat tbe> great advantage of transparency, which will enable the detection of all flin before il i- applied to praetleal ne. Il ban been a*st rted that il nn be more profllably ased than iron or ittsl raiN and tiee on rail- roads. A oaet-glse* tie was recently tented al Ibe Anderson Foundry, Olangow. It refilled a falling weight of 375 pounds, falling npoo a rail placed upou ibe tie sal in land ballast. Tbe weight WHS dropped al a beigbt of 6 inobes aud gradually roee al the rate) of 6 inches ctoh time nntil 11 tinally fell from a heigbt of 9 feet 6 inches, which WM aa high Miteooldbe lifted by the machinery em- ployed. II took six blown from thin height before the el'guteot effect wan produced, tbe plats restating all of tbem. Tbe gbwni proved eoperiot to tbe iron, for iron Has are expected to withstand the above tett only np to 7 feet. Xbe Scitntirio Amtritan ays of tbe diaoovery : Tbe coel of glass ties will be considerably leu than that of either oast iron or ateel, while Ibe material is [raetioilly Impeniibable M regard! climatic changes and iL&ntnoes, or tbe ravages of taob inieots M the white ant" But il will be apparent thai to bave dis- cover: d how to make the call glass SH easily, cheaply and into all tbe forma into which iron is cut means a great deal more than Ibe manofsotDre of rails and tien. Heal and eold, and almonphsre and wain* all easirt an ibflasnee epon iron which will be lost oo glnae. If farther rxperment* Grow ae suooesel ol aa the ooe bova,i( ii be- eved tbal^lMi will largely snponede iron for man j purposes. San Franeiict (Jill. ' ' . i r . * 0>l 4HIO * T||>|..lil WKAI.TU \ lubl. Iron llrp,,.ll. I o, Klril b, II <.ro<. K i, .1 Harvey lu iho Ncrlli Mh* I:-.MI.I- 'I. u.l.lu ol lr.il IM-.o. SMSti An Ottawa 'tolegrsio >ayi> : Dr. Bill, o tbe OaolO((iol 8uivey, Hintee ihut in ib region be explored thin tiuiamer norihc Lake Baperiur b dUoovered a vaiaabl deposit tf r'oh magoelitu, bat refaees n give par i:aUrs nntil be bav made hi cffioial report. Auolber situiUr dejo-i WM found on the oelebratad 3 A aiive location. Thunder Bay. Still fnrlber we> during tbe past manner two importan dtseovaries have been made, ooe c.f them on HIM Alikttkan, " R iudeer Antler,' juet bi>low tba aonth bend of tb lame river, abrat 150 milei nortbweit o Tbuader By and SO miles south o 'he 0. P. B. track. Toe ore to o tirMl rate qaalily, aod is described ai occurring lu immense quantified, and il ii probable that it will be extensively workel before long. Tbe other large dep nit pooura about 100 oiilea farther well, and is al south of tbe C. P. R. at a considerable dig taooe to Ibe eastward of tbe Ltke of Ibe Woode. To tbe north of Little Pic River a perfect mountain of iron has lately been discovered, bat tbe fortunate projector Mr. Peter MeKellar, of Fort William, wil cot give) the exact locality except thai it is back in the woods in the nnenr- veyed region about 200 miles back of Port Arthur. Dr. Bell slates that the whole region oorlh of tbs great lakes to Ibe Hudson's Bay, a tract wbieb be has been ear veying for thirty years, is rich ia miner ale, such as gold, silver, copper, iron aod lead. n.n MO PNBUaONIA IN 4JATTL.B i h<- Dread in-. ..^ Thai Tkrcaicsw 10 t-M,.i, /, VmMr H.I. inn A Washington despatch says: Oommis sloner U.leman, of Ibe Department ol Agriculture, in bis report alludes to Ibe ipread of plenro pneamonia. Every effort co**ible under existing laws, says tbs re port, has been mads to locate tbe diseased animals and isolate all thai have been ex poeed. II would have been mot-l fortunate f every animal exposed to the diieaue aod liable to oootraol il could bave been scm manly slanghtered and the contagion thai eradicated. Tbe experiSBOe of all countries ia* been Ibat Ibe malady may be thoroughly and completely stamped out in Ibis way, and there is no olber means >y which loe be vine tpeeies can be pro teoted from its ravages. With a disease of ibis character at Chicago il has been truly said thai tbe cattle u duitry of Ibis country IM reaohsd a crisis. There can be no doubt Ibat il will be soon aud widely dls- lemioated unless prompt and itf'oiual action can be instituted for its tpeeuy sap- iressioa. To prevent ibe spread of Irii icourite, which has already grsally iff acted onr foreign and inter Stale eorcmeree, additional legialalion by Oongrese ie now essential. N j work has been dons in Ibs iiate of Nc w York, because it was evident that Ibs appropriation was not lofBeicnt to secure any favorable results there on aeoonol of >h infection. Tbe dieeaee also 'lists in Nw Jtrney, Peunaylvania and Virginia, bot tba State authorities have not yet accepted tba rnlee and regulation! of the department tor co-operation. < "I if l>i. THK I till <MIH A firm War *l u.,,1 i ,. M fri-ml ! < o>U. Tbr .Varion say* : The *ppointmenl of }en. Bullar permaorDt Under Secretary or Ireland Is very displeaotog to the Mar- um of Londonderry. Lord Lientenaoi of relaud, whose den re to reitign bis (ffioe in ona-rqaecoe of tbe appointment is ver> trong. Sir Michael Hiok< Baoch and Lord Ash- tonrnebavo rttnrued to London. Two hnnrlrrd and thirty tenants on Lord )efrayue'8 Bligo etlate to-day paid tbeir ente, leis 90 per cent , to Mr. Redmond, Janon D nunue and Fathers Henry and Telan, as trustee*, Ibe agent of Ibe estate lavit g nfo>e1 to grant a reduction. Tbe laymante were made in an orderly and :n icess lik moncr, ths total amount iceeding 15.000 Mr. Redmond, in a peeob, eaid the moment Lord Defrayne Iseided to accept the money il would be orned over to b'm. If be tried evo'ion be teoants wcu'd make il hot for him, aod be rents woald be of use for defending hem. Tbe report that the Marqnis of Lindon- derry has retlgned ths cffloo of Lord Lien- ennl was erroneous. Tbe tenants on tb estates in Donegal and Tyrone are adopting tbs plan of tbe campaign where redactions et rent are 'efoeed. __ _ I. vital -. inll.h Klrwi. II ie rnmored that the Q Men has re olved not to worship any mire in Cralbie, and is to erect a private chapel at Balmoral. Amongst the most notable men wbo were nativen of Ltnarkubire were David Living- atone, Sir John Miwte, James W*lt, Lord lyde. General AUinon, Lockbart and lanuibelL Admirers of Burnt have resolved to srcet a monnmrnt of Bigbland Mary upon Oastle Hill, Danoon. A eltiaed K!MB bae been inaerted in tbe grt at erown window " in Paisley Abbey, in memory of Mr. James Arthur, of iarnbaw and Oarlong, by bie family. Tbe freedom of Kilmarnookis to ba pre- ented to Sir William Matr, Principal of vlmburnh TJaiverrity, when be openi the Cotporalion ; Ar) - OaJlery there on U- n. 7tb, and at the nnne thai to opin the Exhibi- tion rf paintlcgi. Tbe aunnal meeting of the 1'ree Charon )efenoe Aeeoeiation wai held on the 18th ill. in Edinburgh,; when resolutions in avor (f Mr. Fiolay's Ohnreh BUI were adcpled, atid the Dineslablisbmsnt igila- 'ion on ill present linen was deprecated. A prandfatbK coming to read bis paper innd that he bad mUlaid hij ipeoiaolei, ind thereupon d> olared, " I bave lost my <lahueB somewhere, aod I uan'l read the aper." A little 8 and-a half-t ear old girl, Isitring to asMHt him, answered, " O'an'pa, >oogo outside and look frooui window, and .'II bold se paper up so yon can read il." K-on rabbitr frnm trees by mbbioj tin- rank* wild bkxdy n. !, or epr: Me with > blood. Determined to be Ready to Fight Frarce H Need br. T f HENHATIONAb HI'AII MKN1H. Gen BrOcaarl von Sobjllei.dorf, Pro*. iau Miujettr of Wai. eo>( oated for tbi Ojveromoiii the) pske of the Bill. He said: " Despite her paoifla polioy, Gar- mauy may, within a mensurable time, be involved m war. For the m HMD! such a danger does not threaten, but Ibe present epoch is moot d fliaull. Il is oaasl natural that we mould ojmpare onr war strength wuh that if Prates With toes inbabi lanta than Germany, Fra|je* has a higher peace iff oiive foroe.lt Shall ws allow ourselves to be ontaln m ithboriog Slats, lu wbiob we ceive tbat Degree ot abstinence from preparation for war, aud that nuaoefol ipoeiMou uto^mary to enable nil to live in peace 7 The B II is of the most urgent ebaraeier. The Reichstag mu-t pans tbik measure before Unmlmas if Ibs purpose of tbe G veroment is to be attained. (Sen- sation ) Lei auy one wbo regards tbe addi- tional burdens upon the people as unbearable acquaint himself witb lr> state of iff airs on toe other side of the Vjsget. Tbe Government is in ear neat. It docs not ask for more than il iiteuda to aoospt." Herr Biebter said be could not admit that Ibe situation waa io threatening Tbanki to Ihe policy of Prince Bis- marck, tbe alliaroe wilb Austria remained a tact. Tba question before tbem was not tbe acute danger of war, but the perpelnal additions to the burdens ot the people. An exhaustive examination of tbe Gjvert mint's financial proposals hould precede me acceptance of tbe Bill. Under any conditions the Reichstag t bocld reject tbe sepetennate, limiting the term to Ibres yesra at moil, with two years' service. He protested against tbe plan of making Ihe peace effective force eijui I to 1 per ceo*, of tbe population. Gen. You bcbelleodoiff, in the course )f his rip!), iiatei that ths Government lad only decided a few day* before the summoning ot Ibe Retobelsg to fix April as ibe date for ths Military Bill to come n fores. Herr Seldern spoke in favor of the Bill and rro immended that il be adopted with- out amendment. The Houss tbsn adjourned. gtfeATU H\ V TELEOKAPHIC *l n vi titY. The Prrwllar *>Beailrae l>. ., rib,* fey . In an addrsss al Pattatown, P., Rev. ames Neill related Ihe following narrative : 1 OJB winter's day I left Maueh Chunk for ao appointment in tbe mountains. In the ley tbe ibermr meter registered 16 elow zero, and when I reached Ihe plateau I tooobed 20 below, wi'h tbe wind blow ng twenty milss per hour. Presently I xperieootd sharp, piercing pains through- ut my btdy, and svery nerve wan effected. n a short time tbs pain craned io tbe iwer extremities aod gradually passsd ipward until I was sntirely free from fleiing. I congratulated myself that I as gstling along so nicely, and spoke neooragJDgly to aay bardy and faithtnl M>oy. In a f. w rloments I tell sensa- ions of inteuce happiness ; a tbcnaacd aiobows dacoed belore my vition, serapbic orgtof sweet melodies sounded in my am, ard I fslt Ibat I was being borne pward on wings ot de'ighl, when end- eoly I fella severe throk, and real /.id hat I bad fallen i faiy horse to tbe frnen roui d The sbcok. of Ibe fall recalled me arlially to my senses, and I real'z-d thai waa freesing to death. I altimpted to move my feel and arms, but o uld not. Vith an fffort born cf desperation, I sco- eedel finally in dragging myeelf a few id over the bard ground. Tbe time conpicd prooably five minutes ; ii seemed H many weeks to me. My pony seemed 'o ipreh'nd my situation and came and nbbed his note on my face ; the warm reatb wae 01 my cheek. The exercise fit rawling revived me a little, and I finally ace edei in gelling myeelt into an up- ghl position, leaning heavily again*! my pony, wbo utw slowly started onward. tier going a short diitanee I msl ths armer aod bis sun, whc were expecting me I their borne, and who, becoming alarmed t my prolonged abscise, started ona to e what waa wrong. Wben I wae taken nto their bouse I swooned, snd when I gaiu awoks I was standing in a barrel nf ?ring water and again relapmd Into in- eiiHibmiy. I did no! awaken again intil exl mcrnug, wben I found myself io-bed itb my boot* on. Upto asking why tl.i< as done, my boil replied that be bad atoned a number of nen from fretting, ut Mi.it I was nearer death's door than n* he bad ever seen, tjrt bad uiy boots eeu taken off all the fleet would have eume ff with them " P AiJjdrfJtia Frti$, There are seven teeu atndenftt in Ibe Kingston Women* Medig*al Oollege. Tbe Ktilway Oommleii'ioDerp oim nasnoed taking evidence in Oltawalo-day, and at ibe egtj olmion of ilfceir eittiog will probably , *" VIMI Tronftto. Hnry McQjade, caretaker of tae Kioga ton V M. O. A , has ejoue reui >u<-ly iuaaa 'id yeeterday be ws found in tbe ruuins fljurisbiog a revolver. E. 8. Goldiog, of Sidney, acd D-. F*ulki or, of Btirlu K, were yielerday at Belleville, Hoed 110 and coals for tbooting deer out of seaaon. Oo!. Gilder and bia companion Griffiths, wbo seek to reach tbe North Pole, are wintering *mong tbe K <ju maux near York Factory, with a view learuing the la.guage aud habits ot ibe people. Tfciasjsh entered tbe bedroom of Rev. S Blaod, who boards wild Hev. R. Wbltlog, President ot the Oemfaieuue, Kingston, and atole 1180. Tl.a asroupaota ot ths bouts were al cbnreb wten^hA/sJsbcry was com- milled. Mrs. Gsorge Washington, colored, living on Beach street, Hi. Oatharinet, died suddenly on Thursday under sutpio'-out oircunnlauoes. A jury we* empauuelled lasl evening to icqutre into the oanee ot her death. Il Hems ber bosband, wbo it employed as porter al the O'Neil House, Woodstock, has neglected to support her o( lals. The deceased vitiled Woodttook a tew days ago to endeavor to gti help from ber hu-baud for Ibe support of hereelt and ohildreL, and on ber retnrn abe U supposed io bave taken arsenic. Tbe icquetl has been adjourned until Thursday next. e. next mortem examination will be held. MsjgsBs, Kiog Milan of Her via bat announced thai be will not receive the Bulgarian deputation. Tbe French Government bat been de- feated on the question of rsla. Jog tbe c ffioe of sob prelect. II Is now known positively tbat Ihe British Cabinet is divided on the clotou qusstion, and that Ibe split threatens to become isrions. Prominent oiti/. ins of Brnnselt have s ml to thi public prosecutor an accusation against two reaideotei ot tbie oily, im- plicating them in ibe robbery ot the mail ear < n tbe Oittnd express. M trlatti, who has now lasted 39 dayi in , fell yeeterdsy from exirem weak- ness. Tbs committee ot physicians wide) bae been in attendance upon kim duria bia long period of abatineoec, advised hi to terminate bia undertaking, woiob be re fuael to do. The physicians thereopc declined to lake any farther retpousibilil in tbs matter, but they will remain wit the faster in east their prcfeaiioni services are needed. Boecl, who has nn derlakeo to last tuirly days, for a parse f 20 000, remains eheerfol, and does no loae much in weight He propose a dorio hie fast to walk to Versatile* aod back, distance ot twenty miles. I nlird Stuare. Ths bail ot FotbsrinKbam, the accuse Adams Kxprsss messenger, held in cos tody ai Hi. Lints, was yesterday fix* al 120 000. Be was noabla to f urn is lureties. Colonel Lament antborlaeo a derlal o the report tbat Free idem Cleveland i He says tbe Preside n it nece -sary to call hi seriously ill. baa not found physician. Tbe American nsbins; neboonr Hi^hlan Light, wbiob baa been eocdemied by th Vice Admiralty Oonrl of Oeorgelnwu, P E Inland, will be fined up by tbe Dominion Government as a orniser. Yesterday morning at 3 o'clock a bout at Pennsylvania Fornaoe, Tyrone, Pa occupied by a family named Powtlly, wa entirely consumed. Two of tbe inmate* John Barr and a child of 6 yeara, wer burned to death. HIM l I I4>. e on t, A new operatic star, F.-aolein Anna irbel, in creating a grea AI nuaiion ia Nor- ay. Okt Bull's ten U> x >t.der, avouK tber ' ipi-rlH, i' >aU U Lav* I redklH-'d tat 1'raulfia Ktrbei 4H throw Jinny ud into Ibsibade. Hhe| a:t yeara of age. Mrs. Ltnglry is said b be writiag a ovel dealing witb Englist life io England and America. A Vienna despatch says The director of ie Imperial theatres) ban prohibited Ihe lering of borjquele to actns>es in tbe Hot r Palace Theatre and tbi Opera House, n the grout d tbat tbe praties has grown io an absurd extent. report is again ontwnl .at Mr. rviog will, towards the cloetof 1897 or the eginoing ot 18R8, lake "Tansi" aerors ie Atlantic, and give a nerss of perform* noes in Now Tork, Bosto* Obieaico and blladelpbia. Tbe contract il is raid, was igned last week II is prfcable that to tber cities will be vititerj owing to the xpenieof tran*portirg the eenery by rail- It is proposf d to build ^bicycling path etween New Tork and Pbtidelpbia. Mr. 1 'kin, son of tbe profletor nt a coal mine u Liieester, England deei d d tbe lafl, Itariog that Komethig waa wrong. did not return, and a bttber followed irn. An be also (ailed to storo, another rotbsr and Ihsn tbe fa'bergefoended Aa one of thetD oame bark o fu! newrob was iek reioltid in thi fltdjaw of all from choke ami . omlni.H eae)veniairai'e l-oll. , I .I..I. oinrd Thi Executive Oommilles ol the Gooooi of the Dominion Alliance mot yesjtnrdty afternoon in Toronto with Mr. J. J. Me Laren Q.O., in the chair. There waa a good attendance. Xbe following rceoluti unanimously carried : ' Tbat Ibis Ooanoil desires to express its deep regret st the Ordera iu Council istnec by the Dominion Government relating to Soon Ajt Ones, appropriating the sstmt in a iunner wbieh not only faiki to fteilitate bat neriouely impedes, toe due ntoraemeQi of the law." The discussion on Ibis motion showec thai the members of tbe Executive thought tbat tbe aetioo of tbe Government ai Ottawa ia Ibis matter WAS worthy of atveri 00 damnation. The Executive, reeogn ' zing the fact tbal Municipal Uunooils coola malsrially retard or promote Ihe operatic n of tbe Boot! Act, 1 a-'ed ihe followicgretolntion : "That this Couuc 1 d*utta to impress pon tba fiifncM of lenperaioe throo#irat the Province tbe abtolaie onoetsity of making sreeiai fBotla an ths lvithoogolc| municipal elee)lioua to secnrt the return ol representative! wbo are known and avowed Piohitaltlonista, and who will do all io tbeir power lo secure progressive legislation on the temperance qaeetion and Ibe thorough enforcement of me exiatirg laws," Seventy. five years ago Uriel Crocker and O myii Brswster were appreolieed to learn the printer's trade of Samuel T. Armstrong, nf Boston. On tbo firtt Moo day after Tbaaksgiving Day these two young men met, and than virtually entered i i "i a bntlness connection wbieb resulted in a partnership, and which ban continued without break nnrll now. On Monday the partners, one 90 and Ihe other 80 years old, celebrated tbe 75m anc iverssnry of their bnnineia connection. F< B painting walls or other orjtota ex- posed to dampness, a mixture hat come into extensive use in Germany termed of very fine Irou filings and linoeed II varainb. Wben the material to bspamttd is subject to frrijuprii change of HstBen- turn, luiper.d oil and anaber varnish? art sd led to the fir,, two eoall, ^ fainl may be applied in woofl; arms Br T in tbe ease ot Ibs latter II Is oot to free il from mil. , lron , ike - .ui.h \ < .iu, (To bit roetiiory, by Mr Tbomas Laldlaw, Bard ol lue Ouelpu 1 1. Audrew't Huclgty.) To-nl|rt>t we ill tbe mlnitrel harp, With tows < f assjrow we, i sirUe ejtin vriia| band its chorda and low, bo reigned e nritKraut with the breath ul bro. m and beVtuer b. Is. Thuy echi.tjcl to Ibe murmuring streams And tiiu-ic of tbaUelit; He lirougbt auld Seottiau scenes to view, As if by magic waud ; W. lot ed him I O, "a ul< bt al name " Wi' KeuuuUy was gralld. .Tbe aigbt ind vows Ibat lovers breatbe Were acred la kkvhai.ug, Be wove i i>>uu IntogteakiijilB rare, Entwined laBi vo>tl bauds; Ab4 hou. st woitb to re uoble steined. As wiUi ci allaut well He tattgpow_'DUeueu eut minds All utbtr oflfeila txc.1. Witu aj) tJiateuiuga of a i riuce To fruotgtwti im t' br. ught, Be tl^mtf' Bauij ul honored fields liySci.tti-,1. vlor fuugbt B- Mia 11- a ton . < uiu i to read Tyrannic cbaii w|ib *otru And boi ui wilb :nm aa be soured OD wing uf freedom borne. He iketehed tbe lore of Jkutliab song With true perceptive art; Hit otorlet, witb a woudrons power, luvealed tbe human baart ; Now tender, pawky, tbrewd and wise, Aouu witb hauior rile, As told by biui witb unction rare. Were true to Boottiah Ills. .Bis voice bad stirred tbe flagging seal. And rapturous plaudits wun In every ojime, lu wintry tones, Or Heaiu tbe tropie'a ton ; And m onr laud, wuoee tburwe again Hit welcome foot bad prest. K ipeetauc reigned ID every heart, Tbe heart to juy contested. Alt t for hope) within yon room Tbe Bcoulsh Mlnitrel lies, Wkere weejuug frlenot, close round bit bed, And breatbe their DOideoed tight ; Hand elatpt witb lian.i, ia kind farewell, Lips tender words convey, While soul-lit eyes ultu touching glance bay more tnau words can aay. Be breatbei a witb to bear tbat hymn the "Hock of tget Cleft. ' Friends m tbat deeply lolemu hoar Tkoir trembling vuicee lift , The dyiug mluttrel feebly joins, Yet m gt ID f i th and love. Yet, while he mugt, bia ipirit soars To ttog tae toug above Tel, though rn earth his voice was bathe*. And oo a forelgu ilrand. Bis dut it lu the auld kirk yard An* la hit native land, Amid tbe totnea of wbieb ke aaog, Uf which be waa a part ; Wimre on bli grave tin- lark dotb rain Tbe muaie ol tie bear*. Ye autumn winds thai drift ibe lea Witb Heavily boideoed tigh. Ye limpid eireami tbat gently flow beneath a leaden say. In concert tiu with lu allied votes. And join ye woodland tbroag In liquid Dotee, for one who re tgned, A Prince of Sooitun song. I'n pillar Science ntirt Art. Tbs Kris Canal is damaced bv mutkrakt every year to the value of 150.000. Dr. J. Btrahao utters a caution against loog-eontinatd dosirf with mixtures of iron, naiatalning Ihht there is danger ot intestinal concretions being formed* A aeeond case of poieoniog by 'OdiJe of potaasiom baa rtoauily been reported by Dr. Wolf, of Gori z. Tbe dose taken was only about thirty grains in ihirly-six hours. In the early dayjof cocaine investigatir its toxic power was tested on a dog, and fotty grammes were required to kill tbe animal. Tbe coet was 800 marks, or about 1160. A Hoogarian profeesor, Otto Obriimar, ban applied the incandescent electric lamp, fed by aeonmoUton or storage batteries, to survey log ia mioer, using a large lam; to light the angle to oe takea, and small ooei for lighting the vernier. A wine-glass ot cologne aod ooe of lemon juice strained clear. H urine two cakes of brown Windsor soap to a powder and mix well io a mold. Wben hard II is fit for nee, and will be found excellent for whitening tbe bands. A newly discovered Mexican flowir is quite a wonder, if reports he true. Il ia said to be whits In tbe morning, red al noon, acd bine al night ; and is further credited with emitting perfume only at Ibe middle of tbe day. It grows on a tree of tbe leibmns ot Tebnantepec. -m- mm ihe Baekwe*tt. First High School Girl" I wonder where that Madge Oe Newcomer was brought np ?" Second High School Girl- It's a mystery to ms how she evir got into our class ; why, bsr new drees is made in Ibe style of two years ago." First i . Hehool Girl -" Tes, aod to-day 1 went u, and kissed ber, and whispered to her to poke ber gum out io I could get a bile, and Ibe ignoramus didn'l know what I meant. Omaha World. The father of ibe Free Ohnreb, and ot all tbe Churches io Scotland, is Dr. Boilb, ot Stirling, ordained io 18:12 etjd Moderator ot Assembly in lcV.8 ; ot Ibe Eiabnsbed Obireh, Dr. Grant, ot St. Mart's, Elln- burke), ordained in 1*4 an4 Moderator in 1854; and -of the United Presbyterian Cborrb, Dr.'Ptdlie.ot <lU>burgh,ordained ,u 1B2H at colleague to bis father, Dr. James Peddle, who was minister of Bristol Place congregation from 1783 to 1845. Tbe above tre not Ibe oldeel men in tbe ministry. The fatbars ot Ibe ohorebes respecting age iri, in Ihe Establiabid Church Rev. James Fleming, of Troon, and in the Free Ohnreb lev. David Watere, ot Bnrgbead, and Rev. James Beatllc, of Balmnllo, Oopar Firs, wbo arc all in their tenth decade. Antelope are plentiful on tbe hills of Wyoming aod thousands have been slaughtered since thi first fall of MOW. Although hunters are happy the old rest, dsote are not, tor they consider Ibe pren nee of tbe animal a inre lign ol a hard rioter. John M. Wo'ff, of Martlnibnrg, W. v. led on Monday, aged 91 years. He not nly was the oldest man m that town, bat iad been a church member lixty years, had evei usr.l totaoco, h<l never drunk 'hinkey cr oitermtoxltaum, and was never heard to otter to oath. Accidental !- Brown; Bslfe, Jonss "We, your wife ? ' Joors (a little deaf) Vstf blntteriog aod diiagrecabU agaic v 4

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