Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 1

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MAGEE - WELSH - At 75 Terauley street, Toronto, on Wednesday evening, Dec 8th, by pastor of the Agnes street Methodist church, Mr. Thomas Magee, of Kimberly, to Miss Mary Welsh, of Holland Township. PETCH - In Flesherton, on Sunday, Dec. 12th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Petch, butcher, of a daughter. \ I FLESHERTON ADYANC j. TRUTH BEFORE FA VOX-"-" PRINCIPLES, XOT VOL. VI., O: 287. , ONTARIO. DECEMBER 16, 1886. AP . A. PROPRIETOR. Don&apos;t Fail Tit - Bite ,*NUfjL*l M( Otter I*ttrc*ig -TO CALL- And inspect my large and carefully selected stock of very I 1 " i no Goods, t real reason- able prices. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Novel- ties, etc. Latest Styles, New- est designs. Ladies&apos; Gold Watches and Queen Chains, Gent&apos;s filled Gold and Coin "Silver, Have added to my vtock, the famous "Colum- bus" Watches direct from the Factory. Everybody welcome, whether you buy or not. (ii-t your Kl iur and Feed from Oo. koe.for. Wright s wareboiuw. Fleaberton. Grey County Conncil in session tins weak. ( iraml v alue< in Mantles and Ladies at M. Richardson & Co&apos;a. Christina* t New Year&apos;- Car.lt cheap at the M, I . -a Hall, Kleahertou. Renew your lutmcription to Tn AD- TADCB DOW. All indebted to 111 are asked to call and ftettta, or remit by registered letter at oar riak. SPECIALTIES. Fitting Specks optically ( difficult Watch RepairinR. Goods and Work warranted. \v. A. nwovviw. MARKDALE, ONT. Kichardaon A CO&apos;N China Hall iicram med with new i;oodi Mutable for Clirmt ma* tradn. A tftlrntltil muortMtrnt nf \.-i- \&apos;rnr* >i<l < lii-iitinii* Cartl* at thf . ./I/-II/ //&apos;/-. Kloir and Feed for everybody at Goo. Keefer&apos;t ahop, Wright&apos;s waruhouiie, Kle,iharton. Special dieooantu on WatrhfMi, ClockM and Silverware for pmnentatiou purpoii- CM. W, A. BaowM, Mardale. 2t. Another car load of Coal Oil I car of Pine Gnderii-h Salt Wholeaale A Retail at M. Riclianlfwm & Co&apos;* Six BOXM FellBoola,C good value. Kin* bright Cheap AXCH, Fire C&apos;aeii Mi us OrercoatH, special Worthy f NI . Our worthy watchniaker ami Jeweller, mnjr other childnrii, an- rcuurtteti &apos; r- njt them at once : W Choice Vah-ntia Haisins o f the "Noted Jewelry" Store&apos;." Kleidicr *"" wher " wl " " f &apos;&apos; uu &apos;i tn " &apos;T** only 5 cents per tt. ton. Unwell, has a most magnificent ""I? of Fancy Oe* Toy. Chruti &apos; stock of silverware, watchc*. Ac , - also <-"> B.M k. and S la. all ..re. ajni aoiue lovely design in plush work "I** &apos;_!"&apos; thf piouthsof allthe ( Thooe ilrsmiiK U-aiitif nl and valuable | goods for Christmas and New Years holiday presents, or for their own use. will bo well repaid by a vi-.it to and in s|H&apos;i-ti..ii of the "Noted Jewelry Store." the I. Will. ii i will preach the an oirerMry MMBOO in connection with the PrabvUrianiKahbath School. K1.--I, orton, on Sunday. Dt<c, Vlith. The largeat aud CHRISTMAS and . ...,, fAllDS ever ottered in the Townahip. " "P"&apos;* lty to at the Meihcal Hall. KleHherton. tural K<1 &apos;*^ Nomination of randidatox for the On- tario Lt-giilature will take plac in the Town Hall here on Tueiwlay next, the H. N. innn riir t Tin 1 lulls have juxt liven iamied. nounciue the 12th annivemary of Preabytenan Sal,l,ath School.&apos;KI,-her - Ion. which will be held in Clialmer in the Towninip. The hiifgest lot for ten cent* yi>u rrer w and thrv tinirs a* nurh for twenty five c<*nti. Kenirinbcr W. Hn HARIHK&apos; I>ruK and Il-M.k Ktur*, Kleaherton. III II r-- .if., 4. r.l.l.t WOMB* We regret to learu of th * v-r illnewi M j of that Krand and exemplary old C&apos;hrio- tnf jtian woman. Mr*. Wru. ttutlod^e. of Ar tetueitia. Her illness hi whole C*ritmu* Cnriltat tkr Meiliral /fall, >(. ./, r/..,,. day, A grand programme ban provided, conmstiiiK of dialogues, reail We hare to thank our nuod friend. iu K s. recitations, songs, aud a i Mr. W. H. KhUr. for copiea of the I.OH cantata. Kee bills for partirularH. AngrluN (Cal.) ftpii&apos;j. Lns Aii^el- II- i old, and San *ieK" C/&apos;nion all daily k. Her i norrow in the whole TowDahip, church here on the evenm* of Christmas . "d elicted universal .ympathy. i work (the felt that the end wan 1 l>ut death hat* I&apos;m*; since [MUXCKMSJ t4-rrm for her or the a(*ed and hff of Men* WnmenH and CliililrenH Over- A Knltben Caoailian and Ameri- can make* xpecial valm-s at M Iticli- ardiion A Co&apos;a. Khmherton. All account* Kent out by us during the pant three months will IN- in thf lian.l- of the Diviaion Court Clerk here on aud after three o&apos;cloc-k Saturday afteruoou next, utiU-Ms aetllcil twfore tliat tiiur. Of courae we Mfw to ivr dw I . .1. b. r. I nuai;. it. Mil* N&apos;I. l...lan. d.iufhter i>f Tin* j Nichi&apos;laon, EM{., 4th line. Aril-menu, ban; been rnu&apos;.&apos;L&apos;i-d aa Teacher "f the Kiixernt; public ai-hiNil fur the yi&apos;r 1887. The &apos; prevent Teacher Mr J. < Buchanan hail been riiKaifetl to rill the |*itii>u \:i. rt, ,i by Misa Nicholaon in the New England pnblk achiMil. MIM Wright haa been emracrvl a* Teach- er in 8.8. No. 6, ArVmteaia, for the year 1887 partner of her ; y s an. I wrrowii. At time of writing h|-es are entertained for her recovery, which we. witli bund r.-il- nf iithcrs. niimt smccrcly trunt will Ix 1 full v r, ali/.-.l. A r Lilllr 4 onrrrt. SIL.VKRWARK In 8|>oonn. Korku. T1|C Kmve*. Caatara, HutU-r l>ishcs. Kruit haxl a v-r> pl.-aMantlitth- couoertof their OifOkM. Card-hol.lers. Pickle Cr.iitn, " wn laMt h &apos;."&apos;>&apos; Napkin Kiii^s. etc- AUo 1 ln- Tea K.>t, 41. \e- Pitcher 511..! W. A. UIOWN. it. Carried. IMKK Wru.- At 75 Terauley Tront. on Wmliu&apos;sday evening, !>. own last Friday afternoon. The r&apos;. i tatiniiH. readiu|{H, HOIIKH. 4c. were rery cretlitably rendiurexl indued. A number of adultn (>ot wind of the atfair and put in an appearance. After Uie. eobi rt MetwTH. W. O. Pickell and A. K. Kaw, . it .h-livensl short atldrumu**!, in win. Ii and tvachcrx wcrv highly com- Nrti, by pafltar of the AKIK-H M-tlnhli&apos;t fbnn h, Mr. Thomas of Kinils-rlej. t.. M,-. Mary Wehtb, of H.dUnd T-.v .-I, |, stre.-t phineuted. Birth. < i h Liar H. s. A very pleaaent uvem thow wlio at u- n. I. si the Sabbath Scheol nu wa p&apos;iit 4th line by (Art?- auniTeriuury m; PrTCH.- lu Kkwherton. on Sunday. Dec. | "Tuesday eveuiny last. The pto^ran l-.&apos;th. the wile of Mr. Win. fetch, "a a most creihtable one to the (rtc*! biiu-hi-r, of a daughter. .lent an<l painstaking nuperinteiiiUnt, Mr. WINTER STOCK ! IS- We Imrite Everybody td See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here. : *w 1 H, Richardson & Co. RTON. tgil Mr II - Nirhnlson. t.i tin officer* mid I do t)H&apos; trade. Have Hold l:i siirinu . t-a &apos;hers, and to the rlul.lr.&apos;ii who recit and w-i({lit Cl&apos;-k-> , also It) ^old aud <s| &apos; with sncli <-.orre<-tiii-Hs and urace ami \Vatcivk. American and SWIHH. w-ho saii|( the beautiful little hyinr- the 1st of October. Iwsi;. Stock w ll1 &apos; - 11 "&apos; 1 &apos; xwevtiiess and vim. A. K. |.n.4 , ntvwfualhil in Centre (Iri-v. Kaw.-ett. of the Hi--li.it. .n Ai<t*Mi r, W. A. lti*v ajvliahle Jnweller, Mark- n"> -I the chair. 1&apos;ithy and jjt. aildresws were deliverril bv llev. KerriiT. of Maxwell, llcv. Vt. ATtH&apos; nl \rri<lnii KIcshiTton. and Rev. Thou. Wttmm. A little l>oy auil girl, children of Mr. name place Miss Nicholson prtsiiled Mc4Jouri. 4&apos;nllin^wisMl 1 own t &apos;I&apos;l&apos; or<tan with grace, and dknity were rccx-iiUr l-ft at homo alone Votes of thanks were unanimously ex the abfenoK m tlieir parent*. To tended to Mr. Nicholson, the s|.ca! r- use thetiMrlvm IV children t>ot some &apos;""&apos; t!i<> chairman. We nn-ht add tlmt r aad plaiied it on the hot stove, the edibles ami tea were |>loiidid. Wi I h. (lowder ^X|4oded and set fir.- to the miht also nay, that want of space pre little hoy&apos;t nat hen the hvl with vents UB t,&apos;iviu a fuller re|urt. remarkable im&apos;senor of mind for on< .. 9 yoiinn piillod itC instanterand threw IHMrt o( si r;ncl ? it into the now. The face of ts.th A imall barefi>..t bi.y aUmt the lite f I children, howeviir, were no badly burned m . wjuint-ryed on the hack of In- that they an- (iwely to bo diaftgured for neck, ami had hia hair cut rurly with hi>> J lf life. father* ImoU on. He had a ainall l*i r ^ ci.ntainiiii; two railroad cart, a bundle of For Xcututwaui Champion, Diamond, bung hole* and other fancy dry goo.!*. l^aaert. Laucu Tooth, Chariot. l.;mcc When last wen he wan aweepuiK wn,d otl i fceer. * M. Richanlitou A Co&apos;* mi Mmmliaw&apos;* lintel t<> hll the holea in the meuoe StocN at bottom pricea. gravel road. Anylssly finding him, or ini > ... HKJ. At tho last regular mooting of bt >vn Orange lAtAgv, In 1"! in tlif ir lixlyi n-oui. Klesht-rton Station, the following "tlii -r were elected afU-r which came a^rand o-Yrter mip|H.>r. Ming*, s|eechei, m1 a time generally : Wai. MMpa, W. M. Win. liilchriHt. D M. Jar*;t s Hi uiphill. Ctiai&apos;laitT. W. I,. Wright. Vtv Secy. James A.Ki-iiin <l\. Km. >. Janici. Athdiiw u. Tr-as, Jarvm Hazard. I&apos;. > Krod. ( ir-. l.i Ci.r. r . Au.U K&apos;itl..k-. 1st Com. Kichard Whittaker. &apos;2i\ Com. Chan. lK>ii|&apos;. 3rd Cum. Jubii Whiltakrr 4th Com. An mi- McLeml. 5th Com Tlunis the twelfth time Mr Rut:.-, t^r 1 ha* leen re ! 1 1. . I to the houorablc |>o ttitiOQ of &apos;i.rxhi|.lnl Mawter. A I!&apos; i r II ii i, i Our junior reporter write* : ( >m i i^hi laot week a cw\6* c4 Member ton y i.tl went out to the U avrr meadow to i. I at trap* wliK-h they had *-t for raM.its Vben returning he HIM-. iif <if theyoollli npied a Itruv bUi k annual Kitting mi a UH;. hich tliov thought wa rs..."!i On their approach it ran into almlluu l.. k &apos;I In v thi&apos;ii l>ok(*l stick- Hit" tlir l.-i;. M lien tht animal I;HM vent to - TIII- w-rv !! i&apos; anil ftavagc nn>l-. lii-tanth the v iHilhs took tii tl rir In i I- |.<r i&apos;.inc . Here 1 they procured ln>t emit, u&apos;"t another youth to accntiipMiiv thrni, anil proceecliil tn aiiinhilnti&apos; u lut tl:< y n.. thought HH nothing abort of a ferocious rwr Arriving witlnu WHIP fix c bund red yardN f the 1<>^ in u huh tin- U-axt van rouccalttl. tin: yuiitliM lirou^litth<-ir uui-LetH tu tlirir xhmihlcrs lik. true [tritium, and |xitiriil forth .1 UailU Mil <-\ in the direction <if tin enemy. Tln-n. AMthont waiting ti> ascertain the n- .It. they aijaiii Ux>k to their li-cU for "iMi-i. It-ar liorne,"c*cli vi.-ini; with tin nth-: > ID sli.iiild rca.li a |>liu-<- of vifcty tir~.l. V. II. Thr -bear" waan t kilh-.l after aimtliiT chance for the youthn to >vcr tin tns4-Urs with tilory ! tlm Still Leadine the Trade! RUSSELL! Jewell^ is tl\c Ne*/ Goods rriving every weeek. Our Winter Stock Silvfwaie, Violins and Fancy Goods have arrived, and are srlhn; fast at the Low Prices. Any one in need of Watches, Clockf, Jewelry of all Kinds, Spectacles, Silverware, Fancy Good., Violins, Pipes, Purses, Razors, &c., will do well to call at RUSSELL&apos;S, Flesherton. AH batches warranted from a HO 5 years ; Clocks from i to jyears. Watch Repairing a Specialty, and a perfect job guranteed every time, at &apos;& Ntfal Jewelry Store. Flesherton. Suml.i > >. r n . - Rev. ThoH. Cullen. pastor of We trirt church, Toronto. oecn|>iei| Metluxlist pulpit here Sunday morning 1 Iff |.rea< Ins) an fl< Him nt am) powerful M-rnion on "Hurdcu &apos;tearing ." V.. . Mr. 1 Ciillen looks to tie a man with a r>i ^nerotiM heart, and of a warui. \ in pathetic diHlxmition. Kin nrriium *liiiii.l.-il in stnkiuv iw-nu iiri>. and u< ,o4]iitlly striking lilimtratintis. lu fact In- in a moxt striking man altoertl<<-i and one never Mrniii to Ure liatenm^ to thf interesting, iimtrnctive ami beauti [fully worded nentotires which ooine s*> atnixithly and gracefully from his h|w. Thi-re wan a large congregation . The uiimionary meeting in Uie even ing wan vorv largely atUnded. I>r. Sjirmile. M. f. occupied the chaii. and delireretl a very instructive adilr> . I i t< reHtuiK aihin-Hst - were i(iveii liv the pastor. Rev. Mr. Ayerit. l>r. I&apos;liriht.^. Mr. M Richardson, and Rv. Mr. Cnllca. the whole ln-nii; internprrnod with ap propriate miiNic by the cimrrrh choir Tin&apos; folloctinus and eoDt^ihltl^1n OI amounted to nearly |IOO. After tli* meeting the arr>inent of tte> l^ru SI>|||ST was dispnniteil liy Kev Wii> Ciilien to many of Inn okl friend*) n I acqiiaintancv*. W.W. IVrsons daltTnriuK wood for > pro prii&apos;tor of THK AuvANCt will haw* tnlraM word at the uAce whnu o <lmi^- %ixl t . ta r<vi ipt for the. same , tlierw.-*> c w ill not be reMpoiiMihle for n bear in mind that nothinK ! tkrn cord and a quarter of green \fcvr wo4 will be aeorpted this atanon m ptnortft for the Anvtx. i for on< war. A&apos;hutlt ed quantity of ffreeo WIKM) tairrn ur^nk if deliver*] witLi

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