Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 3

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1 11 mUTU!U< 1IIIV.I UTUT. * Alwairr-e *d.rirr. ,nd Achieve -"' -. A..irai,.u.. Almost an sge ago abode at Andover Adam Atwater. Avocation, an artist, Able aod accomplished, acuve and ambi- tious, all admired Adam. An adept al al most anything, Adam also acted as an assistant at an academy, affording aid al arithmetic, algebra and aetrooomy. Aden e Aunt, Almira, also abod* al Aidavar. and, although suiters aad arbitrary and an aristocrat, tppieeiated Adaiu'e astonishing achievements, And abundantly adminls- tsred aid, assigning an annual allowance. Aohiak Aihley^aaxlous and aimless, an fnl and sudaciooc, attended academy, and after awbile attempted attracting end alluring Adam, appearing awtolly at! action- ate. assuming affsotio,; attitudes, alto- gether acting abominably. Adam, already afninoed, avoided all Aehsab's advances, aod, although annoyed, aseidoouily at- tended aciuatomed avocations. Again aod again Achiab attempted alieuaejng Adaa'i sfiectioni. Adam, alwayi uffaMe Md amiable, adverse at avenging au aff-ont, and anxiously avoidi&g an alisroeiob, askid an abesnee, and about autumn abruptly aiuooodad. Arriving M Australia after awhile, Adam attempted agriculture. Also anted M attorney, amicably adjastiag all annoy- anees and animosities among Australians. Aobsah, ascertaining about Alam'a ah- senss, appeared abitreeted aod aotuelly ale arsenic cad awaited angel's apparel. Anon, acute ague attacked and almoil annihilated Adam. Aoxiooe Auilraliani attended and administered allsvialiooi sod anodyncc. AUc I alas ! athletic Adam, an alien and alone, altered and agsd amazingly, appetite abating, abject, aetoally alkie? alms, and anxious abool affianced aod Auot Almira, Adam's aspect appearing alarming. At Mr awbils, Ameri. can atmosphere alluring, an aceommodal- ing Auilraliao acoompaoisd Adam across Asia, across Atlantic, arriving aboal April At Audover at Aunt Almira's abols attenuated and almoel an apparition. Able allopaths edvised ale, alcohol aod aclivs astringents. Arabella Alleo, an eoiboresi and Adam's sffiaoeed, awe-etruek aad appalled, also attentively aflordsd aid. Adam acquiesced admirably. After awhile ate apples, apricots, asparagus and-to- torlb, albeit ate abstemiously. Afflicted aad ailing, Adam assayed annulling alii- aoee. Arabella, artless aod amiahls as aa angel, avowing allegiance, answered : ' Away all abeard arguments I Absence and afflictions abate affection ? All apolo <ies avaunl t ' Angelic Arabella," answsrcd Adam, " alwaye admired and adored above all, amid all ardent admirer* accept Adam and Adam'e aches aad ails T " " Aye, aye I assuredly I " atssntod Ara- bella. " Amen," amuiingly anewered Adam. Accordingly another autumn, Aunt Almira ailing, abetting and accelerating arrangement*, Adam aod Arabella at an altar acknowledged allegiance, and after- ward, ailmsota arrsstsd and appetite aug- mented, art again absorbed all Adam i attention, although an amateur, after awbils attained ae an appellation " another Angelo." Arabella as an authoress also jireo applause and nrimhOJm As ags advanced Aunt Almira, ailing and apprebeodiog apcplsmy, adopted Arabella and Adam, and a Husoes accumulated, authorized Adam's acting as agtni at ad- justing affairs, altogether an agreeable arrangement all around. Arabella al articles and anecdotes amussd Aoot Almira, Adam also aiding aoou ao Atu- traliao adventure, and amid admiring associates and agreeable acquaintance) sunt, artist and authoress auks abode amicably aod affectionately a loog time SI Andover. trrmna. All alliterations appear abeard end admit apologies. Adjectives cad adverbs ars absurd alroeionily. Anomoliss abound and are allowable among all able authors. L**c*itrr Kiamintr. A K.l AMeMktBSJ - .0. Oa Saturday afternoon, the 6th met., a novel aod eioiling scene took plaoe on Ibs left bank of tbs river Kelvin, immediately to the north of tbe bridge at the foot of Oibson street, Glasgow. A pair of full- died swans, are la the habil of swimming up daily from their companions in Kelvin- grovi Park so the part of tbe river mentioned. In the course of Saturday afternoon one ot the ' trds was standing on ths bank when a largi rat emerged from a hols above and seized II by ths back ot the neck. Tbe iwan, atsaeked front behind io this uonraal manner, wae at first unable to discngsgc itself from tbs teeth of its antagonist, and ahrisksd wildly with pain. Ultimately, however, it managed to twist its bsad roand, and gripped the rat by ths itomaoh in its powerful bill. Ths ones of ths iwan, mingled with tboss ot his enemy. soon gathered a crowd of spectators on tbs bridge, and ecvsral boys wsnt to ths aenei anee of the swan. Ths rat took flight, and was pelted witb itonss until hs regained ths shelter of a hols m tbs bank. Beyond being somewhat ruffled, It- iwan did not appiar to be any ihs worse for Ihs encounter. Ml Pit- II U reported by tbe Berlin Eiienifitung that tbe new proeeee for making eteel pipw em p. d at Borbaah ii very ineeeeefal. A eyndiaato hae been formed to build work. at Burbaeh, the capital being 1,100,000 mark*, of which 600.000 mark! Me leaned to tbe patentee, A. Manneemano, of Rim- eebeid. II le elated that Foake A Eben, of Hageo, Germany, have aleo purehassd patent righto, and a large Arm In Peril propoee to apply tbe method to the menu taolnre of oopper tubing. At to the pro- oeei : At soon ae the Bteel ii oaet Into Ibe roand mould, a core ii thrust into thi iteel, to that a lube ii formed between it and the walle of the mould. In order to prevent cracking of toil annular casting during exiling, toe oore ii eo made that it followi up the ibrinkage of Ibe iteel. Tbe iteel cap than obtained may then be rolled in ao ordinary train. The (harsh edifloe at Bbrewibary, N. T., it 117 yeare old, aod ii bail! on tbe lite of ao old itone oboroh ejected over 200 yean ago. A Biota which was presented by gaeen Anne ie aied in the lerviee. Tlie Bible ii printed in red am black inks, on tblok paper, In luaint type. A 'I 41.11 I t V* I KM Hi He a fall* ,.rr.i Hauk. .ad Plays l'i Bh *> IBM ll.uk. r.. Hermann, wben in search of amueeminl to while away an hour or two, frequently gives hie sllennoo to ibs banks ana other imitations of Ibi town* and cities in wbiob bs may be exhibiting hie srts, and Syri- an** Ibis morning we* no exception to tbe rule. In company witb Charles Grouse, B 0. Litpbam, 0. H Sasrloek and other*, a visit was pail to a few of the leading mercantile house*, where exchangee ot cor- diality were made, aid not s fsw bewilder- ing iuslanoee of the art indulged in. Tbi first eslabliabminl vuited wae tbe Byra nnae Savings B*nk, where President H. L Doguidwae particularly impressed with ilver rubls wbioh Burn ana passed to him tor his inipeoliou, wblan by acrna iireuge mutation was changed to a gola coin and hack again to silver, Of money there seemed to he no end, the President'* beard poflkets aad veil iceming M be lined. A '> was also made to Ibe Ball Springe B*nk, |he Hlate Bank of Byraome aod Ms Trait A Deposit Oam pssW it each ot wbieh a elate waren was kipi upon the funds lor feai Ibal by loms boon* poeui il woald din 1 piar like Ihi vaniehing lady. Bat in sach instance where money was handled n was alway* M inersaas, Ihs magician rail iog a teo dollar from s ooe witb ibe greatei of case, or elite converting a ernupled shee of note paper into a nios, crisp new bill The market wai erowded with people when Hermann aod hie party walked room Ibere Ik- .foreuoou. Bteppiog up to a pis out vender Hermann aiksd : "What do you sell tbeee peanuts for ? " aod bs ran his haod down into tbe pile, bringing op a dollsr bill, much to tbs emazi menl of tbs tradesman and the crowd. H* WM than introduced to Henry Michaels, who runs a msal market on Fayette street. " Mr. Michaels appears to he s very olos man," itid Hermann, bu would you bs so kind as so band me my watob wbiob ii in your pocket}" Mr Michaels reached down into bis overcoat pocket and drew out Hermann'! elegaol timepiece. Turoicg to a young man from the country the magicisD told him M take oft hie hat. Hs did so aod in il foand a handful of mousy. Tbii sesmsd to be potato day on tbe msrkst, aod Hermann said bs would be unabls to show hie skill on tbi mark* owing to ib* scarcity of iivs stock, eggs aol the like. Tbe parly then headsd for tbe First National Bank. President E. B Jadeou sssmed to have hie pocketi tali ol moniy. At Hermann s request bs took a mall piece of paper and roiled it around In bis band. Wben he looksd al il half a minute later hs found it was a (10 bill Then tbs joodago County Saving* Hank was viaittd. Oat of President D. P. Wood'* wbukers Hermann brought good cigar* and turning to bis wsste-baskst be piokec ool a handful of paper money. James B Grouse's office was next visited, and many little trick* were played OB tbe traders. The parly then adjourned to s reelanraat whirs Ibs profsssor played a u am her o! little make on Mayor Barns, liking A W. Palmer's silk hal bs plassd it upon tb* table, and on taking it up Hermann'* shot wai found to bs under it. Picking op t eyei. Il wae found in Mayor Burn*' ovir coal pocket. Syracuit Journal. Knnrd i lor Tlnel 1 1 . People speak about their lyee as being tired, meaning that ths retina, or ieeln| portion of the eye, u fatignid, but mob ie not the ea*e, as the rstina hardly ivsr geti tired. Tbs fatigue is in the inner and outer muscles attached to the eyeball and the muscle ot accommodation, wbieh cur rounds ths leni ol the eye. Whin a osar object 1s to be looked al this mosols rslaxe* aad allows tbs Isns to thicken, innr seeing its reflective power. The inner aad outer muscle are need io covering the eye ca the objset to bs looksd at. It ii in the three mosclcc mentionsd that Ibs fsligoe ie felt, And rslisf is secured temporarily by closing ths eye or gazing at tar distant ob- jects. Tbs usual indication of etraio is s redness of Ihs rim of Ihs eyelid, betoken ing a congested state of ths inner eartac*. CMOmpaaisd with corns pain homelimes toll wearineen indicates the need of jlSSiri rightly adapted to tbs person, and in othir eases ths true remedy is to message thi eye and its inrrouodingi as tar as may be with the hand wsl in cold water.- Herald / i uiti:> i TOPICS Tfe* .1 SJMMI Tbs Marquis aod Marchioneee of Bute have arrived at Mounlstewart Hoots, thsii wonderful palace io the Isle of Bole. Ovir a million sterling has been exploded by Lord Bute in rsbnilding and furnishing ths old family seal of the Htewart*. The house covers ao sere of ground, aod be Bides all ths ordinary and extraordinary oon venlenoes suitable for ths family of a uobleman or gentleman of position" at the bonne sgonte pat it contain! a most complete bathing establishment, including a flae ewimmmg and Turkish bath. Thi drawing rooms panelled in ralnut and with beautifully painted ' ,e, an, perhar the flnssl rooms in Us three kiogdon. whils th* grand elairoass ot Otrrara marble U In Itself a light worlb trsvslllng to Scotland to sse. Now that Ibs Marquie has expanded an snormous fortune on tb* place, and mads il replete with svsry com- fort, he will probably give up goio; it- he i* notoriously tickle, and much nddic d to taking hogs likes and dislikes both to people and placet. l,m,ion Lift. M \ .rl.l > .i.bl r Nvwa. The Qassn his intimated her intention of filvinga donation of il*> to the memorial to King Alexander III., proposed to be erected al Kingdom, FifeshiM. It is elated that there is a project on foot to build a Victoria Jubilee Tower ID Lon- don, aixteen feel higher than tbe top of 81. Paul's, on s piioe of ground bibQK> u K to Lord Baliebnry at ins baeh of the National Gallery. Thi estimated eoet ii tt,000, and Ihi proposal ii in tbs bauds of a Roftingbam architect. Tbs deeigD is to Obtain a enftieient revenue by admis- sion to tbs top of ibs lower, A Strange dealh oooorred al Hionot, near Lsominstor. the other .nan named Utrangward, while ferreting, made * iUden sttompe to ri a rabbit, wben a bntober'e knife in hie pocket out sever veins in hit thigh, oaoung death ID a few minntoe. IBIBB are sixteen towns in Niw Eng- land whiebhavs not increased their popu- lation over seven in tbe last ten years, and oome have not even erected s nsw barn io tifteeu years. Their motto ii : " Slow bat eare," with a grent deal of ringing of chnrob. bells oo Sundays. U JPI ISH-H and a high elate of eiviliz ttion do not gang thegiiber." The wante of the oivilv. ttion man uoltiply with hit advantage* and opportanitiM. With the Fiji lilanders it ii diffrinl. A CUitornian who hae bein there looking over Ibi groatid eayi : " The narivei are always happy it they have nothing te> do but play tbe Jew's- harp, throw stones into tbe water and sal yami." BAM WKLLXB rel a tee ths etory of a pris- oner in tbs Fits! io Liodon who was allowed by the turnkey to spend his saro- ingeoatside the prison, bat earning home late one evening he was told that If be remained out over time again be woold be Icoied out altogether. Thi fritbtenec him eo, according to Mr. Weller, that he could never be iaioeed to leave the pri>on agaia. The nearael approach to an iuoidni of tbil kind thai bae linee been recorded was tbe appee>ranee of twenty minere a tbe Piltiborg WorkhonM the other ivenicg demanding etdmieeion. They bad beet eientenoed tbither far eonspiraoy, bat the e>athoritiee had not taken charge of them or inpplnd them with commitment papere It wae only after eomi intireeeiioa tba Ibe Warden o juieclel to take thim io over night. ACCOBOUO u an c liner of the Canadian Gaitoms, who has josl returned from a tri[ to British Colombia, it it impaseible to sseimete tbs jauntily o( opium that is dail; being smngKied into the T sited Htatei from thai Province. He aaye that Urs;a quantities of crude opium are imparted by toe Chinese into Bntiih OolnssbU. aii wbieh they only pay 10 per cent. <i< valottn duty. Tali is then muinfaolared up ic to tutnbac table *rteie aod eruog gled orertaes) W*hiagtoD M Orrgm Ter ritory, where tbe doty it S ' per lb. There are teveral Oeiseee arms in Victoria who bavi made large fortunes in tbie way They once in a while get caught and theo ofaange their mode of del raoding the Unitk Btaiee Caitoms. 'J .u uaethod is to cat a large hois io a ettok of timber, fill it nj with manu(eoiur*d opium, plog it up aoc tow it near the r .ited Btalss shors, jass aeroei Pugst Boand, when il is ptokea up by some of their partners working al thai end of ths line WITH sash recurring tall and winter Ibs I jetlioD of thi puiilbililr of flrei from team pipes becomes one of importance. As the moet ineidiooa diseseei are usually mo<t to be feared, so Ibe moat occult eauaee of fire are awing those which ihoald be most carefully linked altar. It is very wel known that wood, at tor remaining tor some time in contact with iteam, hot-air or hot water pipes, becomee carbonized on the eorfaoe aod to a abort distance below. Tbs ebarooal, of course, readily oxidixie. Whin steam is not io the pipei the oharc ial will absorb moisture. TV hen again healed Ibe moitlore ii driven out, Ie>r1ng a vaennm luto wbiob tbe frnh air ourreul, clioulaliug aroood tbe pipee, readily peoetratee. I irrparle oxvgen to the ehvooal, eao*ee a more rapid rise in tbe temperature, 111 finally tbe point of ignition 11 reached. The roeting of Ibe pipei, it it ocoure, mubt also oocdoee to the tame teeull, Ibe rnel being reduced by the beat of the stsam to a condition io which It will absorb oxygen to tbe point o red beat. The jur, a .ou < Sir Eietii Walkin, M P., bae eommunl cated to In oooiMtaenti al Folkeslene eg aooonnt of kit mieiing Ibe I'rioce ot Walea on bu return from eihootiog party at Lord Abergaveany'e. Hie Royal iiixboeie wae aood inoogh to remind him that he (Sir Edward) had returned in safety from Canada. Sir Edward said, " Yee, I have in a very large part of Her Majeely'e Dominion of Canada, and I hope before long that Her Majeety will ase the Dominion her eell." HU Highness replied," It would be a very trying journey." BU Eiward then obeert ed Ibat It would be to a high purpose in his opinion, and Ibs jubilee of Her If sjnty's teigo eoold not b eelebrated to a bjHer intnoer. Lotuitm !>i\iy Cknmiclt. A Mlrd Krp.rlr, . II. lid., Here is a pnzz's tor those who study natural history. Oa the J ,h oJ July a reportorof an Edinburgh evening newspaper took oat with him to Retno, a fsw miles from tbs Scottish milropolii, a carrier pigeon to bi dispatobsd with a menage to the office giving tbe recall of thi Rtlbo Karne*. The bird wei duly seal on Itl homiwsjtd way rijoieiog, hot only rsaabed 1 1 deeli n alien on Toesday last, four monlha after Ite dispatch. It was io splendid eon ditloo, and had roand its leg a portion ol the neeesgs, worn, bat still decipherable Qd'ty Where has the bird been upending Pall Mill Otutu. The Hurl T I ! Mai long ago a young lady having entered a dry good* store not a thousand miles from New York politely requeeted to bs shown a certain article. An impatient naif-man in a obnrlisb manner obeyed her wisbea. " Wbal'i tbi price T" ahe aked. Three dollars," wss us unceremonious reply. " Tbrss dollars !" exclaimed tbs lady io surprise , " bow vsry high your price* ars I " They're cheap enough If you'll imagine so I" wss ths surly tsply. Well, you may wrap it np tor me and I will take II," said the lady. Ths article was accordingly packed, end the lady, tak- ng it in her bands, was leaving tbe ilore ; >ut the alarmed salesman mooing alter icr, exclaimed : " Medaice, yon have not paid mo I" Oh, yes I have, if you'll only maglnc M," see archly replied. The article WM paid for, but not, however, >efore tbe proprietor took In tbe " situs- lion." /'ry <!oodi I'Hrontnt. In spile of s downpour of rain al ilawardsn tbs other day, Mr. Gladstone completed tbe task of fellteg a large beech iree ID front of tbi otslle. Ibs ditmstsr of the tree was) three feet. Bed-clothing manufactured from paper mlp, itrenglbened with twine, ii ous of ihs latest novslliee. -I I > Kit IN II I- I II HO t I A Ho, uii. ip . ii.n i>.ii. r i 'i.mh. Ali*r He I'.riir ejweUIwcl le -Three -k- .1, ( . u . t- "Tbs death oa last Wednesdsy ol Brswsr Peter Dielger's It year-aid son Jofepb from strangulation by a bons collar button which hs carried in bis mouth while romping witb schoolmates," said a well known physician, " recalls a nugalar case that came within my sxperieno* severa years ago. Il happsnsd in Peaeedale, a pretty Rood* Islanl village jast aeroei Ibe bay from Narrsgaossll Pier. Willie Booth y years old, wa* scot by hii mother to a neighboring grocery. Sbsgavs him a silver half dollar tor soms small pnrobaees, ani to prevdol Ibe little leilow'i loiiug il, Mrs Bjolb tisd tbe money io the corner ot hi* aandkerobief. Willis ran down Ibi road winging ths handhsrebisf in bis right nand and shouting. A fsw rode from ths house hs stumbled and almost fell. Hs bad been shouting at bil loodeel a mimsot before Ai be lodged forward bs threw ool hii iigbl band Io savs himself. Al ths same matanl ths half dollar, wtaion Mrs. Booth nad evidently tied very loosely, dipped oat of tae handkerchief and into Willis's mouth lie regained bis equilibrium, but eame near onokjux M death. Hs coughed until be grew dixzy aod staggered like a drunken person, but bs could not ejeel tbe silver pisee. 8->m*how be made hie way back borne and tolterec into ibs hints. Mrs. Bxilh psered ink hie Ibroal, but could not see tbs half dollar Sue pouuded oo tbe Uills fsllow's hack in the way customary witb choking persons Willie breamed more freely, but tbe half dollar did not come. Thsn Mrs. Bjoth ran for ths vlllsgs doctor. Wbsn they reached tbe bouse a tsw minute* later Willis fell much belter. Tbs strangling Muiatiou was goss aad bs breathed as oiual, with the exseplion that there isemed, as said, to bs a big lamp ju.l abov. bis sollar bone. Tbi doctor made a oaralol examination ot me boy's throat. He fai'ad 13 find ibs com, and eineloded u feaa passed into the stomsch. Wilii* very stoutly declared that he could still (eel it in bie throat. Tois, howsvsr, ths doctor attributed to ths lulls fsllow'i irnagioawoo. Hs thcrcfon admtoiitend a iiroog pbyiie aod departed. He called every day for a week, but oolbing wss sesn of the coin, which Willie repeatedly pro leettd wai net in his etomseh, hot IL, hii ibroat, whsrs hs could led it. " A tew days afterward Ihs doctor chaoscl to bs al Narragaosell Pier, wbers I was stopping. Ws met, and after da- enbiog tb* case bs asked me to visit I aoedale and sestet is a second cumins lion of thi boy's throat. I did so, and togeiher we probed carefully and thorough ly lor the half-dollar. Ws could ool find a trace of il. Al the point jail above ths .' epbsgus, wbsrs Willis continued to in- sist tbai be could plainly feel tbe coin, there was not ths (lightest lump or iwell iog. I agreed with my friend Ibat Ihs half dollar was io the boy's stomaco. After discussing thi ease, however, we called in a Kidely-kaown Providence surgeon, who aleo miaalcly examined ihs hoy's throat. Hs indorsed our opinion thai Willie bad swallowed tbe silver piece. Stronger pay- lies were sow administered, and the oexl day we tried a violent emetic. Bjlb expe dleote failed. It wai manlfsel that ihs cola could be removed only by an extremely difBoull aod daugeroni inrgieal operation No argominl could induce the family to consent M ibis. " That Ihs hoy would dis ot slow corrosive poisooiog seemed inevitable In fact, b* began M waste perceptibly within a fortnight. I remained al ths 1'ier six week, aod was so interested In tbe case lhal I drove over to sse little Willie svsry Isw days. At Ibs sod of a month hs was Ibio, weak ami colorless. Wben I started back to New York bs was simply a shadow. My friend tbe Peacedale doctor wrote me eeveral times about ihs saee. Each letter laid little Willie wee tbianer aod weaker II was now tbs middls of November, fully Iwslv* weeks SILOS ths boy swallowed Ibe half dollar, and I was inrprised tbat be had lived so loog. " Ths following wssk I was still more eurprieed by s Utter saying the coin bad been recovered. Tbe way il originally flew into tbe boy's moulh had been rsmarkabls snongb, but ths manner of ile reappearance was almost inersdlbls. Tbs boy bad actually coughed np the half dollar. Owing to hi* eiekly condition tbe family bad ihowo him cvsry Indulgence. Among other thing*, as the days grsw ooldsr.bs was allowed to wash svsry morn- ing Io a basla placed on a chair oear ths kitchen stove. Whils wasbiag thus cos morning a violent fit of coughing seized bim, aod during il Ihs half-dollar flsw from bis mouth into ths basin. Tbs silver piece wai as black as tbs stovs lid. Im possibls is II may seem, the large com bad bten lodgsd for three months in tbs little fellow's throat, and so peculisrly placed that the most skilful search could not rsvsal its prescnss. Il is ool strange. therefore, that young Doelrsr'i death was at first attributed to brart disseas. aod an autopsy wai required to diseloss tbe fact Ibal be bid been itraogled by a collar- button. Poor little Willie, however, was more fortunate than ths rich brewer eon. He fully recovered io a few months, and whsn I last saw him, two rears ago, was a iiroog aod healthy lad. .Vnt } ark Sun. Ollln H..I. !>.! ho< .. The ifficaoy of oiling depeodi much upon ibs way Io whioh it ii dons. In tbs svening irosh tbe sbos olsan and then warm il with akswarm water, rather to moietso than to lean II. Bel It whirs il will dry slowly. It bonlJ not be perfectly dry the next morn- ag, whin the oil is applied, but fssl damp, not wst, howsvsr. Tbe beil nix in re '.it oil- ng shoes is mads of CDS half of neat's fool il be lore yon gsl Ibs nr i ie arliols ons third beef tallow, 1 oos-sixlh of itor oil. Mix thoroughly over a gentle isal. Depend upon the rubbing rather than ho hsal to gel ths oil to express it differ- ntly, two parts of robing to one of beat, t tbe ihoes are pegged, as farmers iboei usually ars aod always ibonld be, gel the iil 11 will between tbe upper* and mice ; i will previnl the sole pulhag loots or the estber breaking away from the pegs. Bhoe* worn at farm work should be oiled at least ace a week. Il rr ,a!re only a fsw mlnutcR to do tin work aod il it decidedly profitable labor. " ' *" trim i. ma, ie the v ., id The Visen'e life at Balmoral Is vsry simple ud quisl. Her anils is not Urge. Her Majesty is always soeompanisd to the Highlands by H B H. ths Prinoeea Beatr-.ec, whuee dsvotioo Io her mother ie a splendid example to every Kaglish, or, as the g jeen would herself say, svsry " B.-iu.h " daogh tor. Bines Ihs Princess' marriage ibe is, of course, frequently aeoimpanied by her huibani, Prince Usury of Batlenberg, whose pleasant frankness of manner and genome kindlineis of nature have woo him a high place in the regard oi the High laodtri. Oaoaeional'y other member*, of tbe Ksyal Family vi it tbs Qasso. Tbi Prints aad Prioeess of Walss often come to Abergeldis, which is quits near Bal- moral ; and Ibis season the young widowed Oneness ot Albaay has been staying al Uirkhall. Freqaiotly Her Majeety invites eome of her friepds to reside at Abergeldie Maine, and a viail to Ibem there lor ao afterooon oil or " afternoon tea " makes s plsaitnt drive. A Ia1y in-waiting, two young ladMS maids ot hoaor a Cabtoel Minuter, an tqserry, oos ot tbs gaeen i neeretariee, and ibe doctor may be eaid M makiopiheeoite; aodthsQ JSSD'* able aad lodeffcligvable cjmmiasioner. Dr. I'.-oleit, u always al band. Her Majesty hsre.ss every- where, works very h trd, aod gives muoh of her time to Ibe boaiueae of thi natioo, the managsment of her owoesta M, and the welt ars ot tbs piople among whom she lives. Bbe spend, ae much as poasible of her time in ibs opso air, rsadiog and writ- ing outside when ths wsatber perm is, and ometiOBie breakfasting and taking Ma in ooe of Ibe snmmsr-honeee; io walking aboal tbe lovely grounds, witb a (ingle at- tendant, and ooe or mire of her fiue collie dogs, aod in taking long drivee to placet) of interest and beauty io Ibe neighborhood and frequently honoring %ome ot tbs aeigb boricg gentry with a vi-u. Tbs QJSSC alto visile a great dual io the homes of ihs cot- tore. In maiy of which there ars tokios io the eh ape of photographs, picture*, books and other valuable presents of Her Majesty 'e iffsoiion and regard lor bsr bum- sis eabj cte an 1 friends. Il ii most loach ing to beer them spssk ol the gwcn's ktodaeee. and tbi Intersil shiy tax* to all ihe mimbsn of ths Royal Family ti vsry great, aad almost intimately pareoneU la its character. Bbs frequeolly sharce la tbeir demsstie jiys by attending in tbeir bomee ths " kirsloin " (ohristeniaji) of s baby, sod is their sorrows by being precenl at tbe ebort religions eerviee performed by tbs minuter oo Ibs oeeaai jn ot a funeral Rn. H'. W.Tu'lotH Wket'e IBM i f Wby BI;M.T a eingle moment when you ean get immediate relief from iaternaJ or external pain by Ibe ass ot Potson'i Nor- viline, ibe great pslo core ? Nerviline has never been known to fail Try a 10 cent am| le bottle Yoa will ti id il josl as re- ommended. Neuralgia, toothache, eraoipi, nesdaebs and all similar o >snplaioti disap- pear as if by metric wben Nirviline is need. Large b nils* 'ij oeute. Teot boltlee 10 ccott, at drugxiiie aod country dealers. I bops yjn ars not disappointed in John .'" said a Poiladelpbia mother, ae ahs found ber daosbter crylog alx months after marriage. " Yes, I am," sobbsd ths young wits. " He doesa'l abuse yoa, dots hs ?' T " No, bat hi doss worss. Hi is sxpcri- menlicg with electric ligbte, and nsss my new wire bustle ae a conductor." . lew .ur Wewk. Imerove tbe tfuodupportuultiee Ibal areoder*! you aoii you will rvcive uiure Djuuey fur vour labor. Sallttt A Co., Portland. Mala* will mail yon fr*s). Call information sbowiog bow 700 eaa make from 13 tu Ht> aod upwards a day sod UTS t bone, wDerever you may be located. You h* I b*ur write to thui at onee. A aeuiber have madeovai tM ID a day All le new. Capital no; r*>iulJ. Hallait * C'o. will start TOO. BotL SXM. All KM. Oran'1 eoeeeee atMnds evary beu i rour alilreee at one* aad see far yoereelf. _ Tbe Alaska company shipped WJ 000 ealiklns to London this year. Progreeeive jtek-etrsw partial ars taking the place ol progressive sushrs partiee in fashion able Louisville society. A > memksr of Iks Georgia Legislator* hat introduced s Bill providiag that ne pcrcoa shall charge a profit of over 16 per cent, on the ooet price of tbe oeceesariss of Ufi loch as corn, flour,; bacon, ooflte, ete. under penalties for misdemeanor. II il said tbs Bill will pace ths Hooas. A toll blooded Arabian stallioo arrived at New York on tbs steamer Richmond Hill, Wednesday. from London. Ths horse atiswers k> ibs oams ot Oaribss, is shoot yean old, 1 1 hands high and weigbe about 1 00 pounds. Caribes is a pure chestnut with olsan sal limbs, a broad obeet and well shaped Mssd. He has brlgat piercing e y en. npable of spaed, witb tbe keen ml- . altributcd M Arabian eteede. Hi has not been a racer, however Eratbai acted ai a moontaio slimbsrin tbi socib of France. He will be sent to A. Rogy, of Prine ton, 111. Robert MnsblBSK ol Dstroi>, drew ut rom Ihs bank, intei ling to be mart: id thi it mrniu|. Darm{ilit in (lit a burglar sntsrsd bu room, chloroformed him, and stole Ibs monsy. HII wedding bat bcei postpone 3 in oonseqasncs. I CURL: FITS! WWo I T u^- I 1 ' -I I ' t. 4Hm <n mv trn.rT r > 1 1, ma eiomxen* n-iw .ii, i wwmi 7 nm^t io -.,. I- . -, .... H- i .. -.-.'..- '.!..< I. mete Ijr MSB** fMMveat* ew> .>i*i .* tnllM am FTM IU. ol T ||>UIM. SaynM 4 rwttieUA n PUM i . i : . I rqr. to. tltnm Da U O . Brancli Office, 37 Yofle St., Toronto. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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