Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 8

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; THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [DEC. 2, 1886. 1886-W I NTER-1887 In addition to other lines of Boots & Shoes, I have a fjood supply of WINTER GOODS! Consisting of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Gum Rubbers and Overshoes. Ladies Rubbers, Overshoes and Flannel-Lined Boots. WM. CLAYTON, - Flesherton. HEARD'S CAltl<IA(JE WORKS ! Flesherton, May 28th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriage^which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and our loni; practical ctiKTieii. r and rarodil attention t.. the wanta o( the trade, and the best ". we have Mieeeeded in making a buiuty which ha no mi .-nor ourorden. Ji-i Kl HKAllI) S CAKHlAdK W(ll(hS Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAI N'S, (<i ^ FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINI>8 Or '';;;!: ::: Mo&csaial Such an M juiuuenlH, Tomb Tables, Hoailstonra niiiii'i uiul Table Tops in American und Italian M*rt>lc and (iranite, :nnl made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and M irlilci/i ;1 Shite, &c., ic. FlusluTton. Aui:. :JO, 18S3. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'SPILiS&OIHTMENT LHfi FILLS Purify the Hlood, corract all Uiiurili<rn of th Liver. Stomach, U iin\\ - nnd Ii>-wel. f bey inrtgorntean-l ruitorx tnhnalth Dnbtlltated ConHtitutlonn. anil are invaluable in all Com plamtk incidental to Komaloi of all M:* for Chiian-n ami tliv ai;o<l they aro )irieUa>. THP OINTMENT 1< an infallible romody for Had IAV*. nJ Hreaits. Ol J Woundn. Kor and l'cr. It lifanwu.for Oout and RhaumatlMn. For dliordon of the ChMt it Mat no equal. ForSORK THROAT, HROJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS illaiiiliilarSwi-lllngi. and all Skin I)|.oso U IIIM no rival; and for contracted and atlf Jolutu It actn Ilk.- a eharin. Ranufacturdil only at Profawor II H.MIW A Y' KutalilUhmrnt. 7K. New \ r,, r,i Ntrrrt ( hit, .%:{:?. Oxford si rrn >. London, >ud artiuld atli 1 J<1 /la 9.1 . 4 M , lit .<&.. wl Xb<. aneh Box or Pot. and may be had of all Urd rinr Vriiilora throoRliout tho World. f&" I'urchiutrt ikuvld lovk t<. >hr /xiM <m t hr. /** nn/l Ho.rr*. If the (tddrt** it not fi.W, (trfnr-l tftrn-t, IsiHilf'*, thry nrr njmriim*. "BELL" Uiu.ppro*.ched for Tone and Quality. CATALOQUU PRKK. BELLA CO., Gnelph.ODt J. W. BATES, Furniture Denier and Undertaker, . OMT. A Pointer for the " News." To thf Editor of The AJm>tcr. Sir. An Mr. MuCxilumn hu exprvMed thn>ug!i the column* of your |>per diufttiBfaction aa to tho result of the re- cent convention, alle^inx thut tlire was undue advantage taken by several of the muuici[ialities in the representation there- at, and calling upon thu officers if the Association to reply to him through the press, I lies most respectfully to (jiveniy reaaons for non-eoiiipliaiicu with lii* re quest. Firstly, I do nut consider that it ia or ever has lieen the policy of any party, un- der the ci-vnveiitionnl system, to discuss the internal affairs of its Association thro' the medium of the pruaa. Secondly, the object of our Association is to secure union and harmony of action. among iu members. Thirdly, the duty and privilege of any member of the Association is to submit his grievance (if auy ) in pn>|ir form to the Executive, who arc at all times wil- ling to institute an enu,uiry and report their finding to the Associatiun. This was not dune by Mr. McColman. In view of thix fact and the elections being suddenly sprung UJMIII us, and prompted by a de- sire to give him every opiM>rtumty to submit his grievances. I immediately sent him the fullnwiii',' telegram, and, after- ward, notified as in.tny of the Executive us possible, with the fnlloxxing result* : Markdale, Nov. 20, lH8<i. Neil McColman, E.| , Thornbury. Re convention, will call a meeting forth- with, if you desire it, of the Executive of the Conservative party of Centre t!rey, to the grievance \mi complniii of. (sd) Thomas Kelts, I*res. L. C. A. East Grey. REPLY. Tl.i-s Kells, Markdale. Will come on Monday re your message. (sd) kwi 'McColman. Meeting of the Executive opened at 1.30 o'clock and closed at 4 IK I p.m. The following resolution wa* passed unani- mously : Moved by A. Klliott, seconded by A. Freeborn, that as Neil McColman has failed to attend the meeting of this Kxecutive Committee, called for the ex- press [iiirgHisu of considering and, if pos- sible, rectifying grievance* which hit claims tn exist in connecttnii with his can- didature at the recent convention, this committee can take n > iictimi. from the fact that Mr. McVoln :m i not piesenl and tho C'ommittee have no data on which to proceed. Tliat ill view of the almve f.ii-tt, this Coinniiyi' uutlinri/c and in- f .rin thu nominee of the convention, Jos- eph Kurke. Esij., tn issue his address and oiiiiineiiiv nn ai'tivi< canva.1 of tlie Ridini;. After tho meeting of the Exwutive Irul diwolvetl, Mr. MfColman nnived, with wh ..... I held an interview. I anked liim if he desired a full meet in 1 ; of tin- Execu live of the K:iliii'.' colivelieil to consider the alleged grieviiin-i-x. His answer wa " N : I am now fully n.iti.-t'n.l that the Aanociatioii has performed its duty." The cournc he has chnsen to pursue has IM m in direct opponition to our Associa- tion, prejudicial to the interests of the Conservative party, and should meet with the hearty disapproval of all true Conser- vatives. THOU KKI.I.H, Pres. L.C. A. East Grey. Vandeleur, Nov. 28, 18H6. utiMili-r Answer. and liitt, and if not in*tantaucou8ly re- uiovtxt by si-rapin;: theiu off, or applying coal oil, or other quick remedy, they burrough thomsclvus into the flesh, and must be ihfj out ont! by one ; aud it ever the head remains (which i often the case) ail almost incurable running Horo, or sores, IH the result eating; to the l.i in. apparently for weeks, or monthx, and v. lien cured leaves scars, or pits, Hiniilar to small pox marks ! The larger kind resemble a Colorado IM-I tic. potato lm;4. are about us large, uiul generally attack domestic animals, especially their hind logs, crawling up- wardH on horse, cow and hog. almost covering legs, thighs, backn, also uddurK of COWH, and somctimfH caiming death of valuable animals if allowed to reuiain long. Somebody Bays : " Thosu little flua. wliirii <lo ui teaoe, Havo little ttc to lull- 'in, And thi'paKaiii have imnureuCK, Ami no ad iufliiiliiiii " But, I Lave yot to learn whether those ticks have an enemy capable of reduc- ing their number to any jxnccptablo ex- teut. They are * innumerable an the sand iij mil tin Kca shore. " It is Haddcn- ing to know theme kiud-heartctl South- ci ners have not a h'tter country. CANADIANS, SuKTHKM.ILS, Don't try the South. Kclitor, I bej; of you never admit one encouraging word in your papers favorable to Northerners moving South. I t;ot "bit" by going there aud am not ashamed to own it^ especially when doing no for the. good of my countrymen. Hundreds of North- erners, I believe, could tell the same story. I do not blame Southerners gen- erally for praising the Smith, bivaiiM; pi-i Laps not more than one in a thous- and ever saw any other. Again, I way, that, in my opinion, any person advising Canadians to move to the Southern States do so either iguorantly or for nc\- fish motives. Anyway the South is well able to take care of itself. They arc a happy, contented people now, but prub- 1 ably would be less so, with any consid- erable number of foreigners intermixed. ONTABIO. Do your readers know that Ontario is but a little over one hundred miles from \\ niiiipi-t ? Jlat Portage in in that Pro- vince and is sometimes called ONTAIIIO ! Do they know that every person in Man- itoba came from Ontario? Well, not quite ; however, it IB astonishing how many came from that desirable Province ami " still they come." H:it my advice i^. remain thrro if you can make a liv- ing ; few can do more here, yet this is HII excellent country . Does i u ryhody know that the North West has a use for /nwf. which other countries), with milder winters, have not? Attention! very little snowfalls here. The ground is frequently bare and freezes to a depth of five or six feet the frost slowly thaws out during the summer, seining up a dampness which nourishes vegetation in time of drought I I may remark, this is not a rainy climate. Stick a pin here and I will stop, lest my article proves too lengthy, although tho half (nor huudreth part) has not I .. in told. Wil. Pt'BDT. Winnipeg, Nov., 19C. Manitoba Letter. To 0* RHtor (./ Thf AdKittct. Dear Sir, I will now try to fulfil my promise of informing your readers con- cerning Thlnm. whlcli ha\c never "teen th liijlt." Thing! iliuily M-II at 'twore hy uiitht, 'I tin ; plaiuur noun at ilm km-^- ftifiht, Thlin,"". plainly MHMI at noonday hriKht. Heing a "boiiHcd op " invalid, I find it diflicult to obtain a* much interesting news as I would like to communicate. However, I will try to tell the truth concerning this great, good, bad, rich, poor, cold, hot, temperate., and I'M I KLISiil V HK.AI.rilH I. country Manitoba into which I hare been so fortunate, roceutly, av to have made ray oca|>e from the " South." that unfortunate country, so loug and intensely overhcaUnl to the destruction of various crops up.m which the inhabi- tants depend, and so unhealthy, HO sub- ject to chills, fevers, rheumatism, pneu- monia, bloody flux, etc., also, number- loss venomous serpents. There are, also, "ticks" innumerable. This iuforuia- tii.n has uevnr " seen tho light.'' Cana- dians think black flies, (mats and mos- quitics are bad, aud so they are (they are common pests in the South, too) hut those ticks, what are they like ? A mongrel, or cross between wood ticks and sheep ticks two*peciefl ; the "seed tick" from the size of a point of a pin, to a flea. D.irino their season, if a per- son happens to step off tho path or come in contact with them in the grass, they instantly H warm u]xm their fact and legs A I.IVKR CCK.~ One unrl-- tint! of Dr. l.ivor I'tirr ill convince the most koptidtl mul r.intirni l.rtli-r thin thoiitan'U i.f teMnuniali< tbsl it n a sure run . Med- ciine ami Hccipe B<>uk f 1. Have you rvurtrleil MeOrfgn" A- Parkr'n Car- hollo (>rat for anrH uf any kind? It U lw- yoiul doubt the *ury beat preparation In the mark>t (or hualinft anil ruriliK Horn*. Hiirnn. Cut*. rim|>li'. I'.lotrlior, anil in the only |irouer nn thol of |>|>lvlnK Carbnllo Acid. Hold at tlie DriiM Store for Me. per buz. MrMnwKm * PAHEK'S Ciiinoi.ic fr.nti-R Have you an old Born. Hut, Bruisn. Corn. Hun- Ion. Halt llh. MU. i. I'uiipli-. Iti.ii.lii , llon^h Itandiiur Fact? If no. tnr U l.ut nni. cure, natnel v. McOmtjor A Parked c'arln.lic Crati. Uyoii hut try it. it will convince you. It coatu l.ut iv ai tlic Drug Ntoru \VII.h Yor SVKKK.n with Pyp'paia am I I <ivr Complaint? Siiiloh Vimliier is .- . i' aiitt-i J to car* jnii. Sold at M-.lirnl Hall. STRA Y HEIFER, Strvil from the preniiiMM of the iindenlvnnd Lot 77. I -t Con., North Durham Hoatl. Art* mi-Mi*. I M-KI ill. I Ili-ifi-i . (lark i;ray colour, one white Inn I fixit, ln-l HI-I-II nlj.int Slit October. Kinder will Im nuitahlr rwnnli-l r.l.l/.Ain.TH MORTON. TEACHER WANTED. For Hchool Heotlon No 1.1. Artcnunia. IK ldln( Re4>nd or Thitd ('Una Cortlflral*, ilntlM to roninipnru on tho :inl day of January, 18RT. Ap* ply, ItatlllR <aliirv. to KI.U Ml PAUL. Secretary. I ' iiK"iil. "lit MONKYTOLOAN. At tl Per Cent. On Town or Farm Proiwrty, . DAMI'DR. Kloaherton. Thorough -Hrad BERKSHIRE BOAR! iif 1TH iMxl I'edifrree will utand (or aeaaon of " 1HM-7 at Lot No. 141 Hrat Hange Kan' of Tor- onto A St.liMihuui Road, Artrnn-i Term* oa applioauoo. (JO-asi) JAOOO A. LHVkR. CATAUUM CritKD, InuUli And swatt birath rfciirnl, \<y Sliiloh'* l Hianli Hi in dy. Price flOcenU. Natal In.Ktor ir(. Sold kt Medical Hull. NKW ADVKRTISKMKNTS. '- "- L T, - - - -*-- ' ' ^ To Orangemen and Others. Till: un>li>rsi|iiiv<l if> pri part-il to take cruel" (or punting all kiniliinf HANM.KS in it. befltifyTesof tliriut s, u.i in \, i . oriK i w i-m ly. liouJ woik cuarautooil CBiriag* VamtiDi promptly atteniliwl to. Call on t T i <!.lrctB W. M. TKli.-'.KT. neatMTtoo. r>h"i> < V.T Milbnrn'i Carriage \VorkH. ESTRAY SHEEP. Strayed fioin tin- |>r.'iiii-i-K <.f Lot 1 & i!I,S U.It ..ihimtthe . SHthi.f Ni ril . tr, 7 Kwtw HlH 1 roangB*B lamb Any pvtm n giving iiiIoruiAtioii that will U-a 1 tu thru r L\ ery, will bo > mtnl.ly n-wanliil STRAY CALl/LX. CAMK to tlie |>ri niiscn of the mi.li rt idiot'. I.nt J'i. Ci.ii. u. Ip of ArtfiiifKin. alxiut !> week* i'po, thiri 1 Calve*. Owi.t-r can havo HI i-\ proving |irui>i-rtx and i>a> iny ) . n-. liilltT I'l.vXI 'I 1 . Kiwnia. STRAYED. FltDM l,ot in. COM. 5. Ouprcy, alxnit NOT. Int. 3 calvu-. I twr light roan, lu-l!< r >o>( ami whii,-. un.i hritrr n-.i. with tupu CM her nock. Anv piTbon ^ivint- siu-li itifi.Mimlu n r.K Mill lca-1 to their iccov^-iy wi:l !< tu:itbhlv it-warded. D. I). MtrAHI.AM- . Maxwell, I'.O. Mortgage Sale - OP - mm m mum i I'mJi-r ftiulby Tirtue of th ]>nwor of nlo con- tnuifii in . itiutt inoi tiH^, whk h will lw pr.. diicixl at the Unit* ui Milr. tlitfrti ;,i lw ullrrt'i for null- by Public auction, on Saturday. Dot-ember IKth, 1MK8. ID J. W. MOIiUOW. KSy., AUCTIOX1.1 11. - AT - MnnBhaw'8 Hotel, VII.LACK OF FLB1-HKRTOS, At the hour of ouu o'clock noon, t)iu following lamlK namely : All an<l Miiiiiilar tliat certain |>ar. . 1 or tract of lan.l ami prcniiKi-i.. Mlumli-. lyuiK mi'l buiug iu the TowMbliip of Ot.pi ,-y, in tl.i- <"< unt) of Cirey, an. 1 1'roviiici. ef Ontario, containing by aiiiiien fttirnmMit one liun.ln >l urn..-, more or |UH>, unit IM NIK fi>iii)MiM-it of Ijot NuiulM.'r Due, in the Twi'ltll Coli.-i Mnll of mill T.illl)li|> "f O|II|)>. Tin- prolirrty will be urTerisI foe alu ml.,,, i '. i'. a i I'M-I \. bill. Ti-rnii ami coii.litlonn of rale:- Tru IHT ci ut of tln> pun hnn- in i Hi y to IM pai't ttt tliu \ t uu -r> >rs At the liMu of -**li- MifflrU nt with thr alii 111 |IIM cent .In make mn-half rl Illc Jim- t-baKu iiioiii-\ Kitliin n' incnith tlii*reaJtur. thw Imlalii-f tu IM- -.1 rin nl l>% Hrnt Mnrt*;jtni; cvt-r til* HI ..... ipraml i - (<>i > > m- v. ill m. t nt ih.- rut<- ''f t> ITT . rnt pi-r itnnnm pa\at>)r half-yeat- 1> For finther purticulam auU coudlticua of ali< upi'U to MMPHV, Ml I.C-CK. TII.T, VII. 1. 1 I. . l:i>\VTHKR. irj KliiR '-triii'l Kit- 1 I.'H mo. Vcn lor bolu-lton. I'aUv.l at Toronto tliiiii',lli ilay of Nov. i X. AUCTION SA3C.3 Valuable Properties! I'li-l. r aii-1 by virtur cf powem of ealvcont&iiiMf tb curtHin \i<rt^ni;t'H wliiih will bt priKhirurl kl tliu tiiin- of sale, thort* will bo ol<l on TucMflay. :i>f li- -. mln-r. IHNO. At 11 o'clock in thu Foronoott, by JOHN \v. MUHKOW, ArcTioM:i:n. AT MITNSHAW'H M 11 ' , In the Village of Flesherton, Tin: voLMiwiN'i rin u inn N 1. Lot Nuinlx r TlnrDi 'I r.,., in tin- Siith 'oii ccanion of thu Township of ArtcnirMM. in Ui County of liri'v. coniainlUK ono In.ii.ln I < r, more or leu i. I...IH Numborii Tliirty-Kivht anil Thirty Slot, in the Ninth Cohi't'-.'.iiin of tin 1'omihhip if Artcmmia, fontainiUKiaOOacreii.uioreor ,< . TKUMS : Ono Tentli of the pnrrha*fl tnon> to IK- paid down at the time of tale, two othir ti-ntlii. uitlnn thirty dayB thcieaftcr, anil tt> balance to bn <tciire<l by a t'u- 1 inortKa^i 1 on t! property, bt-al in|! inten^t nt the rate c/ ti ptr n-iit prr nininni from thi'ilay of tala. Conilitioim will bo marlo known at the tinio rf mlo. Km further pat ti> ulm - apply to HOIIINHON A- O'HBIKN, Vvuilorx' Hollciton, No. da Church Htrert. Toovro. RURAL CANADIAN AND TIIK CANADA PKESBYTERIAN, 9Z.IXI For Hofh I'nptrt Fur 1HK7. Tim llrtnarkalili- Oder in Kood to iii.n aa veil tr SKW Mlli-i I il,( ts TIM- i-..!. PRKHBTTKHIAN I* prononncMl u. b* tin' "lowllnii dimoiultiatlonal paiwr tn ( ao da." IM now iu it-* aixTKENiu vearof pubtlcatiob and In all UN iltipartinentrt will Iw bettor thaii t-\ <-r during thi- cominff year. THK KritAi. CAN \PIAN. about to Mitr on it- TKNTII ^ i AH. la -t\ In. thu "Atftit-nltural author- ity of the Dominion," in a mr^i- ;ftl pp. ||iet, with departmonta to anlt tlie varied taitoi aurt iiitcronts to be found In ovory boni. Hubacrlbe fvr both i'tyrn now and aav* l i C. BLAOKETT BOliINHON, 1 Jordan Rtrevt, Torooto NEW LIVERY! Till iindcnuineil lnx tn AIIIUIIIIICC that h ha- turt.-d ahrnt clans Livery In th atand u| poilte Munhaw' Hotel. Flmhcrtnn, whare tu travelling publlo cau bn accuinmoclateil wiU> food rl( and horaei at moil runavnalile pritea. Try IMC and u convincod. Bopectfuily yonra, W. H.JOHNSTON, riealierton, Kv. 1Mb. KM.

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