Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 2

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Tmm >oi i OH- at *- 1 nu. Tk>*> J.LDI. ot . H..IT I um IBI. An Blmira, N. Y , detpatoh says : physician of thi* oily recently visited Juu than Bui, ol Cau,bri. Niagara Ooaoly wbos caee it belie v.d to be without sivJIel in medical records. Mi. Base to M year* of ags. ID the summer of 1048 b wee) MiMd with * *harp pun io tb* boitom ol bis right tool. No MOM (or it ooald be asesovered. The tool and UK btoems gr*aiiy *wolleij, and duni K the n*Xl niot ysanall Ihl juiuts in Lit body became slowly anobylessd, or grown into solli ken*, lo 1847 he WM placed OB an m vaJi j bid and has never been n moved (com it Bo completely ooneolidatedare all hi* joint* htstudtng the i| IL e, that be may be Utted b] ths piscine of a hand under his head anc on* under bit becli, but wsight beiog bn 76 poondi. The bones of ibc fingers ol Ik* right band, of tbe enure left band, and of the tOM ol botb feel bkve bean intirely absorbed, and tbt flub ol ibe fingsrs and toe* bangs down like (ring*. Mr. Bess jaw* .re ligblly looked, but b* manages to sat the heartiest meals without mastics llou and without ic Bering luoouveuieuoe Pork and oiher meat is eat in tbin strips which b* draw* into hi* mouth by snckicg ihiDigb the narrow opening between hie uprer and lower teeth. He eat* ib i (alleel neat. Sine* 1869 b* ha* been totally blind. Hi* heart it five inobee lower than the usual position ol tbat organ, bat U per (eesiy louud, a* are all ol the invalid's vital parts. The nail* on bit fingers nave grown to nearly a loot in length. Mr. HHH is a man o( more tban average intelligence, and he keeps bimiell posted on all questions ol the d> . He oonverse* with ease, and is lively and cheerful. His constitutional health is so good that physicians agree that he will live beyond tbe allotted time ol the moat active mac. Tmm ITALIAN VADTBB. 1 crUur. * rr >*.r< r ih> Klfhisj ! el Sll. *b.llnrn< . A London eabl* say* : Although the committee o( medical gentlemen wbo have tbe lopervision ol the trial ol the Italian Merlatti to outdo Bncei's (eat ol tasting have txamioid him regularly, and have certified thai mere is no preeent danger ol hi* collapse, ha (ails to show the amonnt ol strength which was displayed by Huooi at the came period of bis (ast. Teslerday he we* very gloomy. Hi* night* are troubled by dreame, which disturb bis rest and prs- vent him obtaining as a uoh repose as bis health regain*. These do not keep him awake, however, but, on Ibe contrary, b* lie* in an almoet unbroken sleep, or ralber unoooioionsness, tbe distarbanee* ol hi* dreame, resulting in a condition nearly approaching delirium. He holds that symptoms are ol linle account, and say* bimiell that b* always manifests them during ibt first (ew days ol abstinence. At preset,! be has been lasting eight days, and be bat lost six and a ball pounds ol desh. fleeillr I rapprd b. DrMCtlVr. A Detroit daepateh say* : Elmer Hollies- bee is a dapper young man el Lalaystte, Ind., wbo until recently was a drummer lor a wholesale grocery bone* in Obieago. He tbriw up hi* tilnauoo three weeks ago without giving noliee to bis employers, and examinaii n ol bis aooounls showed tbal be was about 92.000 tborl. A warrant char* ing him with smbeizlr meat was sworn out and tbe ease was assigned to the Piuk> r- ton Agency. It was not lotg bed, re Hollinsbes waa located at Toronto, wbere be was lailing under Ibe nam* ol 0. Ellsworth. Mat Pinkerton came over to Detroit and ret a trap lor ibe feetive y"ung drummer. He ssnl a dispatch to K. In- worth at Toronto, purporting lo be trom " Mrs. Pearl Hollinsbee," a woman wbo passes a* Bolliosbee's wile, telliu him lo come to Ibe Michigan Exchange Hotel without delay, as sbe was dangerously ill there. Hollinabee, wholly uoiuepioiooe. took the first train (or Detroit, and at 9 45 'cloak this morning be walked into tbe lobby of tbe hotel. Pinkerton eud Djtee- live Joe Manning were wailing (or him. Tbey readily identified him from a photo- graph. He meekly snbmilted to arrest Divorce in n ih 111. AL nlon despatch say*: The Ayltuer baronetage wa* eon(*rred in Itiil, so tbal tbe family ranks among tbe oldest title- bearer* in Ireland. Tbs present baronet, Sir Arthur Perey F. Aylmer, is 88 years ol age, ha* a castle at Dooadea, in Kildare, and ha* larg* en tales in tbat county and in Mealb, op an which, however, there are at present heavy mortgage*. He married In 1864, and tbe following year succeeded to bis title. A short tims linee Lady Aylmsr brought an action for divorce OL Ihs grounds ol cruelty and adultery. To sustain tbs latter elanse sbe said thai sbe lived happily with Sir Arthur tor some time, but upon becoming acquainted wilb a pretty young flower-girl known by the pseudonym ol " Rocky," he neglected bis wife and finally ran away to America with the girl, upon wbom be spent thousand* 01 pounds. Alter a lengthy trial, in which adultery wa* proved, a decree nui was I- *-rlmntl Pdnu. Professor Bauodcrs, Superintendent of the Dominion Experimental Farm Station*, will visit Manitoba, the Northwest and Urin-h Columbia, it time permits before the winter, to select sites lor the proposed (arras in those districts. Work on tbe Central Farm will be commenced immedi- ately. _ _ A correspondent writes that in a gam bling saloon in Moscow the walls and ceil- ing were cjvered with paper on which star* ( were clamped. Among Ib* stars In tbs eelling holes were out, and a man lying ou tbs floor in tbs room above saw Ibe bands ol tkoee playing cards and telegraphed them, by means ol wires connected wilb bis hoe* to bis confederate. In speaking of the recent defalcation at Ibe Troy Post office, a gentleman said : It IH never safe to enclose an old bill in an envelope to be sent by mail. Why," aid be, " men wbo are experts can tell whether a letter contains money or not imply by tbe tenis of smell. If yon will notice an old greenback it has a peculiar msll about it that can readily be per- eelved svsn II it be et closed within a letter. II is better to eend a registered letter or a postal note, or if yon enclose a bill he sure is a new on*. That will not mell." n %HU LINES* fro* 'I lib S1AL.S). The 4,0., lei a* is and. .1 I h. i, ale I |S>e0-BaS < t-r.lr. !< bT ISM -o II. r -ud n.ld In A last (Wedoetda)) night's Qusbeode spateh say* : The) Belvalioo Army, ii anticipation of more serious troublr, ad jonrned lb*ir msellog to night. It appear ibe disturbance last night took sven a mon serion* turn khan was reported. Alter tbi meeting wa* ovr Rev Mr. Blobs called lo three eheere 1st tbe Mayor, which were given in a roofing lasbioo, snd ths asaem blage on leaving the ball kspl op the shouting. Tbe polio* were all (ormsd into Una, and while tbe y were in thi* position were attacked by tbs mob, wbo threw stones and other missile)*). Three or (our policemen were eovsrely injured. When tbe order to charge was givsn tbs crowc rallied and charged oo the police, who however, aotod bravely, th* reenlt bemi several broken beads lor tks mob and two arrests. Onej of tbe parties arrested i* named Letransois, and it IB said example will be mads of him. To-nighl in expectation of an attempt to wreck the building, the) polio*) wsre served with i xtra ammunition and received orders if the peace should be broken to use their pistoli and clubs freely. A rumor wa* circulated that a ascend mob from Hi. Ban veer would unite themselves with one already organizd and make a clean sweep. In anticipation of this it is aaid that tbs cavalry were held uuder order* ; bat ths truth ol Ibis is doubtful A tqaad of thirty police were however, in doe* proximity, ready al a moment call. i i . .1 (reuse the Nenkwm. A Winnipeg despatch aays Hev Bbalto Agassi , of Fort Pslly, has been missing for several days. II is Mlieved be has bean lost on the plaine. Mr. Obarlton addressed a public meeting u Brandon last svsniog, attacking the Dominion Oovemmenl on ill policy a* re jards Ibe Norlbweat, A Killarney despatch gives tbe partieo lars of the ibooting ol Deputy Sherff Mullet by Diilriol Attorney lUotson al Bt lobo's, juat aeroM the) Dakota border. Mullet is not likely to recover. A farmer named Blieeton, an old settler, ivtog on ibe plains nsar Touchwood, ha* wen killed by a runaway team. Tbs immigration arrivals in Winnipeg or October numbered 88S. Tbe total mmuratioo for tbe season into the North- weel is estimated al ten thousand persons. 1 'elective Fahoy, of Montreal, passed MI yesterday, having io charge two prisoners who have btso cooks on ths Allan las, but had deserted therefrom and come to the Northwetl. Tbe detective followed hen>, and found on* employed on a OP R ining nr and the) other at the dining eta- ion at Fiald. Forty Hungarian miner* employed In the Medicine Hat mines went on strike to-day. Three Ihooiand bide*) purchased in Irilieh Columbia have betn shipped to Mr, 'ohn Halla>m, r>f Toronto. Mr. Ueorge Kmg was yesterday elected layer of Oalftary. Tbe Mtaico of the Provincial Sabbath iohool Convention cloeed at Orandon to ay. The Dtil aeesion will be held in Vmnipig. Slnar*, tb* Wichita, Kansas, embeulsr, will be tried al tbe assize* now silling in uLipfn tor bricging atolen money into }*nads, embiulemeni beiog a non-extra- liable offenee. Last evening the Hudson's Bay Corn- any received Ibe following private de- patch from Baltlefoid : " Baltlelord on rs. Tbs fir* is now under control of tbe Mounted Polio* Brigade. Tbe Town Hall ad Agoew'sitore are destroyed, and Mc- Donald and Baker's atorss partly." No nnher particular* bave been received. Tbe Manitoba Southwestern brat.ch ol ic Canadian I'.-o no Railway was open t> ^elorame to day. Track laying ie proceeding on ths Maai toba and N jrtbwelern Road al Ibe rale ol mils a day. Tbe extension to Olenboro' s beit g rapidly i u-bed. Tbe work of track-layiog on tbe Had- on's Bay Railway was commenced to-day, tails have) arrived tor six miles. Captain Larkin, of Hi. Catharines, who ad the eonirael for the construction of ibe raving dock at E qoimall, B 0., la in tbe lily. BeaidM hie half-million contract in oonneolion with Ibi* work, Captain Larkio as bull filly miles of Iht V*nooover Island tail way. Two fatal accident* are reported from lat Portagi. Obarlac Bwlnbank, while nt wilb a shooting parly, wandered from is companions and was aftarwards found sad. It i* lappossd bs died ir- a fit. ,ngui Morriion, while getting o-it railroad ice, was optst from hie boat ana drownsd. After one week'* bitter discussion in rivals silting*), tb* Northwest Council me to an agreement last evening on the edislribation of seate for tbe territories, ssiniboia will bave 13 members, Baikal- be wan 4 and Alberta 8. Aaainiboia bsld nt tor 17. then fell to 16, then to 13, before he dogged resistance of the Saikatobewan nd Alberta member*. Tbs Dominion Government will be petitioned immedi lely to recognize the Territory a* a pro- inoe, and admit it into the Confederation. Obiel Oonitanline has received ths ap- ointment of Inspector of Mounted Police Mr. Felix Obenier, examiner of titles, a* been appointed Acting Registrar- General of Manitoba, rice Miller, deceased. Tbe Northwest Council has adopted a esololion for granting pensions to tbe widow* Buid orphans of the Prince Albert Volunteers nh 3 lost their lives during tbe ebollion campaign. The Hndtca Bay road baa made oonneo- ion with the Canadian Pacific near tbe ae* track and will either run parallel wilh hat road into Ibe oily or will branch to be *ontb end. Bwll, a storekeeper Irom Marqnette, 'leaded guilty to twenty-three charges of orgery, al the Assize Court now being held n this oily. Senator Sabnlti has matured a icbeme or tbe settlement of vacant lands about hs oily. It is) bli Intention to organise a company wilh a capital of a million dol- ars. All tbeee lauds are now held by peculator*. Tbe company will buy tbe and*, erect buildings and sell them to eltler*. Tbe weather, wbiob ha* been fear and warm for two weeks, took a sadden change 'esterday; a big snowstorm set in, and ast night it was very cold, wilh high iois. TO UAW'*) III Hi II i nine., .r Mev. Dr. WIMim ..o.r.l ***> Id ISW **r.l I- n.o WM4*w up.u. <>ui ttrr. sir. tl rmc l .! Prt f amor Mitchell, of Bl. Andrew's, bav- in preparation " Tbe Oeaeobisms of th Second Reformation." The late Dr. Gnlbrie used to say be bad known three men ol an zing mumory Principal Cunningham, Hugh Miller an Dr. John Ker. Th* congregation of Immapuel Church Montreal, have presented their pastor, Dr StevsnsoD, wilh a purse containing 91 OCX and a act of library furniture. Tbe memoir* tf Dr. Lindsay Alsxatdsr which ought to be a particularly intsreatin and racy volume, is rapidly pasting ibroog! the press and will be issued in December Rev. James Roe* i* tbs biographer. At Moalroee, lor ibe flrsl tims since tb Reformation.two marriage* wereetlebrated lately in the parish church. The novelty ay* the local reporter, attracted a large congregation of ladle* and a sprinkling o ganllemsn. The " ex-monk " Widdows ha* purchase* a Baptist obapel in Speldburst road, Booth Hackney, lor 98,000, and alter repairing i and filling il up with an organ, be ha* opened il nnder ine till* ol " the Obnroh e~ Martin Lather." Mis* Rainy, tb* sister of Prineipa Rainy, has sailed Irom Venice to Madras and. as a deputy from tbs Ladles' Boeiet; for Female Education in India and Africa will viril Oalenlts, tbs Northwest and 0*n tral Provineea and Bombay. A meeting was recently held in May Street Church, Belfast, to bid farewell to tba following missionaries, who are leavio) (or ludia: Rev. 8. O Bbaw, J. Oargin, B Prenter, O. T. Rea. W. Beally, R. W. Bin elair and T. Mo Aulis. Rev. Dr. Wilkee, ex-paitor of Zion Dbnreb, Montreal, wbo i* ooi lined to bee wilh a severe attack of congestion of the train, has been unconscious (or tbe laei 'ew days. Yestsrday he was somewhat belter, and tbs anxiety < f bis many (riends as slightly relieved. Rev. David Macrae has begun a series of lecture* at Dundee on his recent tonr in Canada. He says tbal ten times tbs population of Seollaad could thrive on ths , Inn* c f ths Saskatchewan alone , but hs advisee all the working folk who are doing well at home to slay where they are). Io some portions of Wales Ihs anti-tilbe agitatioa baa beet for tbs tims quisled by Ihs i ffer ol several reotore ol an abate nent of 10 per cent. The Ecclesiastical Jommissionsrs, ths largest tube owners in "linlahirs, rulnis to oobeede tbe demands of the farmers fora redaction. Otneral Booth and bis personal follower* nave left Chicago tor Kansas Oily. The lorner alone ol tbe new " barracks " to be mill in Chicago was laid on Tuesday iluch enlbuaiaem was evinced when tbe iiiuoai oemeul was mads that one party who bad recently joined tbe ranks had tub scribed 97.600. The convention ot tbs Oeneral Missionary )on.mittee ol Ihs M. E. Choreb in tbe United State* wa* held in New York Jily yesterday. Uisbop Bowman prseided. ''be motto adopted was A million tor missions from collections alone," and 1,060,000 was fixed a* tbs sum to be ppropriated for tbe work ol Ibe ensntog ear. Oovsbsnticg relies adorned tbe hall in Hamilton (Scotland) in which the btiaar as bsld on behalf > I Ibe pre-Disruption Jbnreh al Obapslton. Mr. J. B. Da.'iell ssnt, wilb otbsr InlsresltnR objects, the word ot John Brown, of P. ieetbtll. Tbe vobdale banner which floated al Drum- log was also exhibited, as wsll as Ibe rum, swords and otter wsaions taken n m the royahnte at that battle by Why te, ( Neuk. WavM'a Wewkm. Steel ties ars lo be mads at Chattanooga, ""sun., lor Sintbsrn road*. Several reading room* are In successful Deration in Nsw England mill*. Tb* British boiler users bav* a system tablisbed by which Ibey may consult an association re*ponsibls for it* advice as to what boiler to boy. This association is eepon*ible for accidents. An English mechanic ha* found a new teel . or rather a new prooeei tor making a belter quality ol Heel tban I* in nee al pre- ssnl. li is good wbsn great toughness is qoirsd. The Fall Rivsr spinners, when Ibsy de- manded higher wagee tbe other day, were ' * that tbe mill had been operated tor a sar or more past al oo pre fit. Then thsy asked why so many new mills were to be uill. Two larg* New England wonted mills are using a newly invented German cord, iul it is to be materially improved, and ths oreiga patent will then bs purchased. Manufacturer* are watching theee experi- ments wilh a ksen eye, as textile margins re extremely light. Great Britain can produce 8 200 loco- motives a year , Germany, 8000 ; Francs, ,000 ; Belgium, 600 ; Swilnrlaud, 180 ; taly, 70 ; in all Europe, 6 400. Tbe ialdwina can turn out 600 a year. There are in Prussia 84,016 male and emale convicts engaged in abont twenty ndostriss, among which are tobacco, book- inding, sboemakttg, carpentering, weav- ng, sailmaking, baskelmaking aud wood orkiog. Tbe qneilion ol convict labor is ttraeling a great deal of attention. There are Inquiries in English marks!*, so a recent Eogllsb letter states, lor 100 000 Ions of steel rails from the Coiled Stales and tbe Colonies. All branches of the iron rade are improving, and in consequence be mill-workers and miners are already beginning ths discussion of the question of wagas. Tbe statement ii made that American buyer* have inquiries in English makers' hands for 50,000 tos* of blooms aud billet*. Considerable surprise was occasioned in Toronto police circles yesterday when il jeoam e known Ibat Inspector Seymour me of tbe ablest officer* on Ib* force, bad Men reduced to tbe rank ot Junior torgeant. His offenee consisted ol beicK onnd, when off duly, in the private room of a saloon after closing hours on Saturday igbt. Several men besides Beymour were n tbe room and had drinking glasses in rant ot them, l>- KHAMi-* JKWKI.l , tit* I hr..' S4* '. hi* All Blr Wtlfc IT. <! Til.. ..I. A k)l* and ittvolniilary iibibitor a South Kensugtoa is the) Ospeaed King Burmab, a portion ot bi* treararee, toots from tbe palace ot Mandalay, has bee: arranged in nine ease* close to tbe Oeylo Court. Three large wall eases contain ob j*et< of clothing, and tbs memory ol Prince Eeterbtzy'i rerplenslent uniform*, wit, pearl embroidery io lien ot ailver lace ana diamond taeseta on the gleamiig Hessian boots, are completely eclipsed by a eoa into which smsralds, diamonds and otb* preeioos s:ooss ars woven wilb beateb gold, so tbal the weight alone would forbid were ceremonial considerations ol toper stitions stale wanting, tbal tb* glittering garmsnt khould be worn oftener than ones a year. Lady Duflerin is said to have ae snmed it ones, and with difficulty to bav* tood upright in il, as her Ud; ship mlgb have done (or a lew seconds in a soil of armor. Qddeo bale of varyioi ihape, some like helmet* or Phrygian bounat, othsrs of pagoda form, are in this and Ibe adjoining oaees. The King's stats umbrella, furled , is in tb* centre wal caee. There is talk ol mounting it alolt in tbs centre of IBS gallery, spread open to show it) jewelled magnificence. Ooe of tbs Slate bats, covered wilh precious touts, all set io elaborate dsvicte ol gold is surrounded by a tapering finial, tbe base ol wbieb is formed of convergent diamonds large, long, but of little value. A lapidary er dealer in gems would diseriminati widely between the different value ol tbe jewel* " lat* tb* property," as) aa auctioneer mislbl say, " ol a monarch retired trom business." Borne ol ths stones are ol gri at value, and others, compare lively speakinir, are rubbish. Palm leal ans, carried in prooeeaion, are lormed ol tbin gold. Bowls, cups, vatav, flasks, b ol all shapes but tboee to which tbs Western world is accustomed, occupy m oaees. Tbey are all more or less jewelled some ol the stones being uncut. Oreal significance, probably ot a religious kind, seems to be atlaebed to tbs circular group ol ine stone*, Ib* largest being in Ib* centre Jo tbs circular lid of a iplendidly jswrlled betel box, specially deveted to the King'* >wn use, i* a nmarkably ooetly specimen of he mystic group ol nins slonss. Tb* middle stons is a ruby of :v } carats, with only one fault, lie valus euuacqnsntly is very great. Round il are evenly atl a mooneton*, a pearl, a diamond, a cat's eye, a coral, a crystal, an emerald and a sa- 'phire. All these stouts are valuable, ths :tamonds being ol Amsterdam cutting and be first water. It is turned upside down, altar tbe invariabls practice of tbe Bur- mese jeweller*. Ingenuity ot goldsmith's work is pre eminently shown in the r1apte- lion of a lobster or similar eruiitaoean to purpose ol a flagon. Tbs labor ol beat- ng out this form must bav* been enor- mous. King Tbebaw's boroscnpe, written o palm leave* aad envsloped in sUk, bang* :i a golden network io ene of tbe oases Tb* rcliqoariee ars said to hold Ibs teeth of Brabma, wbo must indeed bave bad a miraculously fin* set, eoneidering the vast umber ol such relies to be found in tb* temple* of India and all Brahmin conn- ice. London 1'fiilv Newt. r. l.l.d.i.nr ., B...O. The following extract trom Sir Francis >oyle's " Reminiscences," just published, tvee a taste ol Mr. Gladstone's quality at n early stage of bis career: Tbs Eton lucellaity went on it* way in spile of Isumer'i defection, in spile also f tbe act thai Hallam, Belwyn and other oou< rtbutors 1st! Eton al midsummer. Mr. Gladstone and I remained behind ae its bi*f supporter*, or, ratber, il would be more like the truth if I said that Mr. Olad- tone eup ported Ibe whole burden upon his wo shoulders. I was unpucelnal aud nn letbodioel, so also were bis other vassals, nd Ibe MitttHany would bave fallen to Ibe ground but tor Mr. Gladstone's untiring nergy, pertinacity and tact I may as well remark here tbal my father a man, aa I have said elsewhere, ol great ability well a* of great experience of life pre- ieted Mr. Qladstons's future sminetoe rom the rracuer in which be bandied Ibis lomewbat tirirg business. "His not," he e marked, " tbal I think bis paper* belter ban yours or Hallam's Ibal is not my leaning at all ; hut Ibs lores ol character e has shown in managing his subordinates nsnbordinstM I should raihsr call them) ud the combination of ability and powsr >al hs ha* made evident convince me tbat ooh a young man cannot tail to dis- inguisb himself hereafter." * n BankejMke mi Fwncral. A most extraordinary Incident took place esterday during a burial service held in leLizarslto al th* quarantine station. Voile the Rev. Faihsr Wilson, of Bl. lary's, was reading the beautiful burial ervice ol the Roman Catholic Chnreb, and nsl as hi* lip* bad given utterance to the words, " And th* earth thall open and give p tbs dead," etc., the mighty and dtep oil of the earthquake was heard approach- ng, the house began to rock and even the ead oaptain in bit scffio seemed to teepead o nature's throe, a* ths ecffia gently wayed as though in response to the mighty oice. Tbs faces of Ihs lorronnding offi irs, frisnds and erew portrayed, if pos- ibis, more solemnity, aa though cash was loking for Ibe great summon* to come. 'karleittm Neni aad Courier. axil te nahr 4 1 find II very bard, sir," said the batcher, as he weighed his left arm and a couple of jnnnda of steak for a enstomsr, " to make any prcfit in mv business." " How's that?" " Because I have to keep so rauob dead lock on hand." AVi, York Sun. What** ! a Plassie T " And what have you named the baby ?" nqoiswd a suave candidate ol a father upon bom be was sailing. 11 Nothing," wa* tbe aniwsr. " Ah, family name, I presume," mar- mured the candidate approvingly, as be atted the obeek of the young constituent. During a recent tornado in Indiana a board was picked up by the wind, *lappd p against tbe side ot a house, and beld ight acres* a window until removed by occupants ot tb* bonne. I II K HMI II-1S I". AVBIOA. A fre.rd Hew t>rmt ID N i AMaa. A London eaWe say* : Tbs Colonial Department for som* Urn* back has gives muob atieajion to Ibe oosaay feeling in Booth Africa, ariung from sxistent ironbles belwe*n the British reeideute and ibs nativs tribe*. A deputation of South African merchants, wbo recently arrived iu England, were to day granted an inter- view by Right Hon. E. Blanbops, Colonial Secretary. Alier staling tbsir grievances, the Colonial Secretary inform, d Ibem that tbe Ooven men! waa prepared, when satiifisd thai tbe Zaln* deeired lirituh promotion, to adviss Her M*jesly to extend Ibe protectorate ovr Zalolsnd. Ths merchants i xpresetd ibemselvee as entirely eaiitfled with this stalsment. It is probable thai Western Zololand will form a nsw republic, that Eaetcrn Zuloland will aoospitbe Briiich proteelorate, Ibal tbe Boer protectorate over tbs country will be abolished and Ibat th* entire coast will, within a short period, bs placed nnder British protection. M. .Hr rr. r .1 SteMtrr. Oa Wednesday tbe gravs cloeed over th* remaina ol a young man, a trooper in tks 4th Hussars, preeenllv stationed at Piers- bill Barracks, near Edinburgh, who has bad a somewhat strangs though abort career. Il asems Ibal ibe deceased, wbo wa* very good-looking, in listed in tbs regiment abont five week* ago a* a trcopcr. In tb* mesa room, however, among kis eomradee, he bebavsd in a way superior to th* average soldisr, btiog free wilh bis money, ot which h* seemed to bav* plenty, and talking and conducting bimsell a* se- same a man of education and good birth. Al last bs informed them Ibat be was tbe ion ol tbs Earl ol Devon. No one doubted li* acoonntol himself, and many wsre sorry lor tbe youth when hs was attacked with anndioe the other day and beoam* an inmate it ths hospital. Hi* condition gradually Moame more serious, and h* died al Ihs Mglnnicg ol this week. A telegram which was sent to the Earl of Devon abont ths death has brought out another tale which outrivals that told by Ib* trooper himself. It is said tbat for aoms Urns tbs family of ibs Earl of Devon had been annoyed by eommonieations respecting a civilian who represented himself as a cadet of Ibs loose, and tbal, on receipt of tbe massage, ie eon eluded that this must bs tbs man, aad accordingly informed tbs polios al Scotland Yard. A detective wa* dee- atoned to Pienbili, and, II i* said, reeog- used in the deceased an individual wbo tad been " wauted " by the police lor a number ot years, and wbo bad recently married a young lady, a ward in Chancery , year* ot age. The sham nobleman'* wits, a good-looking girl, in widow's weeds, was a witness ot ibe obsequies. BtnU. The Boston express, due her* at 7 tv ait nigbl, was two bonit lat*. About tea miles out ol Woroeitsr tber xprsss was run- ning through a dans* ground log when the engineer wbistled down brakes and stopped h* train, Hs bad smelted something un- usual and wanted to see whal il was. Tbe rain msn found *he whole front end of tbe engine (paltered with blood. Part of a horse with a few piece* ot harness and bafts lay on tbs eowcatebsr. Backing down lor about a mile pieces ol earriags and harness were found seatlered along Ib* rack, and finally, about ten rods from where a road crossed the tins, Ibe passen- ger* found a few lap robes and tbs body of baggy on the np track. A man was sitting wside them. lie bad a whip in his pocket and was drinking out of a big bottle wbea be men touod him. He didn't know any- htng about a imarh np, wbere his borne was, or why b* was silling on tb* ground, ml he did know tbal bs wae having a good ims, and bs didn't see what anybody wauted to a-k him chuckle-beaded quee- iona tot. Hartford Timu. Hanc tlrrr.lln* -l.tl.u- Aa Ottawa despatch says: Sir John inter Kaye, wbo ie at present in tbe city n hi* way bom* to England, after a trip to h* Northwest, report* having been n*peeiiag lands along to* line of tbs 0. P. 1. as tbe representative ol a syndicate tbat ntend to lake np various plots of land al iffsrenl locations along Ibal line wilb tbe mention of making them breeding stations or Olydeedals draught horses, sheep and attle, and alio treating some ot tbs land to certain extent a* arable land. The nations I is pr | ised, shall tor Ibe most part be conducted on tbs principle of an English stats. Hs is satisfiad with his visit and sinks that tor th* above purposes the soil, rasass and water ars excellent. The istrtol where il is proposed to set np these tatioos lies between Moossjaw and A n*erw Tba staid people of Monmontu. III*. ..'ere greatly she oksd one afternoon rece*)tly I seeing a horse gallop into town ridisn y a woman, with no more clothe* OB her kan when she was bora, wbo was olingisg ) tbs animal's main with all bar might. Srvsral people ran and stopped ths bone and look tbs woman into a hooee, whsre be was provided with clothing and sent ome. Il appears that sbe, wilh a female companion, had been ewimming in a rook near town, and seeing a horse gras- ng nsar by, eoneeivsd the idea tbat it would be glorious fun to take a short rids. 'bs animal remained quiet until tbs woman got on his back, wban hs took right, probably at ths novel appearance t tbe fair rider, and ran away, carrying is burden wilb him. Chicago Tribwne. n . r.i Ion In I r*nl. Man at Ib* water-cooler (panning n flee ively in the raids! ol a drisk) " What kind ol water is Ibis?" Native (reassur- ngly)- Tbat? that's well water." Man I Ibe water-cooler" You are too aaa- nine, my friend . tbi* water may b* eon- alesesnt, but it is a gross salir* lo sail it welL" _ _ An Indian resident of Takima, Wyoming territory, drank sixty-one glass* s ot soda- water during two days la*l week. Mr. Watkios, ol Ironton, Mo., tailed to torn boms for three days, and so Mr*. Walkins hunted tor him. Bbe found him, angry bat bopelul, at th* bottom of a crted mining ihaft.

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