Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1886, p. 2

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Ur.ltllul >}. pltoJori ol cold and orluuou, I'M* from tLe clou Jod still ; bUaJowa full uu Ibe valleyt, Lying 10 dark and (till , badly the autuum'l boanly FadM in t cold, (tray haz ; Where bave ye .IrS wd from us- Heautiful days " Join that came la the uiornlug, Boev wltb dawning light Ureaua tu*c we loudly ob*riUaa, Hi !><] tlml writ, fair and Iinuhl, All like tut leave* hare vanished ; Ytii, o'at !!(' H-iuuy ways Bcftly your memory lingers Ueiuulul <imj- Brtfht In uncimoglng beauty flwy bar* hurried on before, beckouioj ui fruin the shadow = On to tb heaven-lit shore ; Out In the world a cold tlariuasa, hudn. their warm, m.'t rayn, Wailing ut calliug us upward Beautiful days. TBE CHOICE OF THREE A. IVOVEL. Swell out sad Lirmoole*. From UM slow caJenee at tbe gathering rears. For life Is bitter-sweet, yet bounds tbe flood Of human (ears. i death-crowned queen, from ber bid throne she aeattan Bmileb and tears. Until Time turn aside, And we <lip pati him toward the wide increase Of all things beautiful, then fludlog tbere Our reit aod pace ; To* mournful train 1s ended. Borrow and song Together cease. A. JC BtBBEB. CHAPTER I. IDIXIIS AIFXUIAKCI " Come hire, boy, lei me look al yoa." Erneel advanced a Blip or two and looked bis uncle in Ihe (ace. lie WM a noble- looking lad of abont lit, witb large, dark eyee, black bair Ibat carted over bie head, and the unmistakable air of breeding that markt Englishmen ot good race. Hie onsle let bit wandering glance stray .round him, hot. wandering as it wae.il Memsd to take bim in from top to toe. Pre- aently he spoke sgain : "Hike yoa, bay." Ernsst said nothing. " Lit me see yoar scoind name U Bey- ton. I am (lad Ihey called yon Bsyton ; it wai yoar grandmother's maiden name, and a good old name too. Ernett. Beylon Kerabaw. By the way, have yoa ever icen anything ot yoar other acole, Bir Hugh Eerehaw T" The boy's obeek flatbed. " No, I have not ; aod I never wish to,' be answered. , " Why not ?" / M Because when my mother wrote to -'bias before she died " and bere tbe lad voioe choked " jaet after Ibe bank broke and she loet all bar money, be wrote baok and eaid that beoaote bis brother - 1 mean my father had made a low marriage, Ibat wae no reason why hs sboold support hie child and widow ; bal be sent ber 5 to go on with. She eenl 1 1 back." " Tbat was like yoar mother, she alwaye had a high ij'irn. Hi most be a onr, and bi doee put speak Ibe (roth. Yoar mother > better st Wthaa the Kershawe. e are oneipf ihe oldeel families ern ootanuei. Why, boy, onr 1 down in tbe One by Lynn r . itnrus, until yoar grandf atber, , weak man, got involved iu hia great nil and ruined as ail. There, tbere, it into the law, hat It U eomiog baok fait. ABB only one ton, by -the- ln baa all _ I will bare nothing of " "A title, boy, IB an incorporeal heredita- ment, for wbiob Ibe bolder U indebted to nobody. Il doee col deeoeod to bim, It veete In bim. Bat, tell mm, bow long wax bit before yonr mother died tbal be cent tbe five pounds, I mean ? ' "About three mjnlbe." Mr. Cardoi beeitaltd a little belor* be poke again, tapping bie white (lageri nervooily on the table. ^ "I hope my inter WM not in wan I, Erneal ? ' be laid, jsrkilr . " For a fortnight before ibe died we bad aciroely enoagh to eat," wu tbe reply. Mr. Gardas turned himself to tbe window, and for a ruinate tbe ligbl of the doll December day ebone and glietened npon hid brow and heed, which WM perfectly yd. Tben before he spoke he drew him- I back into Ibe shadow, prbape to bide aeihiDg like a tear that alone in nil Hifl ekejee. " And wby did the not appeil to me ? I ~* " quarrelled my father, to yon once, and I I Mr. Gerdot, " The old IT'' K op. Poor Boee, nearly aod dying too, and I witb to Bob wblob I do not want 1 O boy, boy, when yoa are a man never ait ap an idol, for it frightens gwd spirits away. Nothing elie OBD live io its temple ; II le a plaee where all other Ihinge are forgotten duty, aod the claims of blood, and sometimes those of honor too. Look now, I have my idol, and it baa made me forget nay miter and your mother. Had she not written at Ittl wben ibe was dying, I should have forgotten yoa too." Tbe bay looked ap pazzled. 'An Idol I youre, " Yti," went on bit noole in hit dreamy way "an idol. Many people bave them ; they keep tbem in tbe cupboard witb their family skeleton; aometimtt Ihe two are identical. And they oall them by many names, too; frequently il ia a woman's name; eomelimtt tbttof apaitioo ; eome- limee that of a VIM ; but a virlae'a not often." "And what ii tbe name of onole?" asked tbe wondering boy. " Mine ; ob, never mind ! ' At this moment a twing door in the tide t tbe room WM opened, and a tall, bony woman with beady oyee eame through. Mr. de Talor, to Me yon, eir, In tbe otnae. Mr. Oardae wbietled toflly. " Ah," be aid, " tell him I am ooming By.ihe- wy, Urioe, tbia yoang gantleman ban eome Io live bere ; bie room n ready, it it taeb a tbiny bead before. I wonder if be olle it ? Bat, at any rate, be IB kind to me. Perhape it would Lavs beea better if mother bad written to him before. Bbe migbl bave gone on living, then." Bobbing bit band aorou hia faoe to clear away ibe water gathering io bii eyet at tbe thought of hie dead mother, Erneet made bin way to Ibe wide flrepliod at Ibe top end of the room, peeped into tbe auoient ingle- ocki on eaeb tide, and al tbe old Dutob liltt wilb which il wne lined, and theo lifting up biaooal alter a grown-up fashion proceeded io warm hinaielf and fuaptol bii lairoandinga. Il wan a carioaa room in which be vtood, and ite leading fee tore was old oak paneling. It WM a remarkable room, bal ite effect apon Ihe obwrver was undoubtedly depressing. Jail M Ernest wan beginning tprealiz) tbii fact, thinga were made more lively by tbe toddtn appearacoe through the ewicg- door ot a large, eav*ge looking bull-terrier, wbioh began to tteer (or tbe fireplace, where il WM evidently accustomed to lie. On teeing Eroeat il stopped and unified. " Hollo, good dog I' tud Erneel. Tbe do; growled, and thowed ill teeth. Ernetl pol out Li i leg toward it u a eaolioo to keep cff II acknowledged the compliment by eendiug He teeth througb bit Iroatere. Then tbe lad, gronicg wrotb and being not free from fear, aeizd Ibe poker and hit the dog over tbe bead to tbrewdly tbal Ihe blood itreamed from tbe blow, and tbe bin'.e, losing bie grip, toruei and fled bowling. Wbih Ernetl WM yet warm witb tbe glow of victory, the door onoe more swan* open, violently tblt time. Bad ibrcogh il there came a boy ot about bu own a<e, a dirty, deep chested boy, with onoui hair, aad a slow, heavy fa>oe ia which were eel great gray eyes, just cow ablnza with indig- nation. Oj aeeing Erneil be palled up much IB tbe dog bad done and regarded him angrily. " Did yoa hit my dog ?" he ntked. " I bll a dog," replied Erneal, politely, " but" " I don't want yoar bate.' Oan yon flgbl ?" Ernett inquired whether tbii qaeition WM pat witb a view of gainicg general in- formation or for any particular purpoae. " Oan yoa ngbt?" WM tbe only rrjnnder. Biigbtly nettled, Erneet replied tbat under certain ciroamstanoet be could fight like a tomcat. "Then look out; I'm going to make yoar bead at yoa have made my dog't." ErnMl, in the polite language ot joulb, opined tbal tbcra would be bair and toe- nailt flying nrtl. To Ihit tally Jeremy Jonei, for il wu be, replied only by tpriagiog at him, bit bair flying oul behind like a red Indian's, and tmiling him Mvtrely in Ibe lefl eye, cauied him to measure his length apon Ibe floor. Ariaing quickly, Ernest returned Ibe compliment witb interest ; hot this lime they both went down together, pnm- melting each other heartily. Witb whom Ihe victory would ultimately bave re- mained ooold scarcely be doubllul, for Jeremy, who even al that age gave promise of the enormous physios! aliengtb which afterward made him eueb a noted char- acter, moil bave crashed hie anlagoniet in Ibe end. Bal while hie itrengtb still endured Ernett was flgbliog witb such ungovernable fory and toob a ompleta dierrgard ol personal eon- tcqnenoee, tbal he WM for a wbile, at any rate, gttting tbe btKl tf il. And ookily for bim, wbile matters were yet a tbe balaceed teales of Fate an inlerrop- ion oo:arred. For at (bat moment there oae btfora tbe blurred eight of the ttrnggl- ng boyt a vition of a little woman ; al ieaat she looked like a woman, with an indignant little late and an uplifted fore- finger. Oa, yoa wicked boyt I -what will -y^r*r^wiy>V-.H ./>. ,, M a. m . saeh a brother. Oet op 1 " " My eye I " eaid Jeremy, thiokly, for hie lip WM cot, " it's Dally." CHAPTER II. BJCaiMaLD CABDCt, ISO,., MltaNTBKOFI. When Mr. Oaidat lefl the tiitiog-raom where be bed been talking Io Erneal, he pained down a ptMagt in the rambling old bouie wbioh led him into a court yard Oa Ibe farther side of Ihe yard, which waa walled in, stood a neat red brick building one etory blgb, consisting ot two rooms and a passage. Oa to tbii building were attached a eeriee of low greenhontee, and against Ihe wall al tbe farther end of Ibeee honees WM a lianto in wbiob stood tbe boiler tbal supplied Ibe pipes with bot water, ihe little red briek building wae Mr. Otrdni' cfflee, for he WM a lawyer by profeMion ; the long tail ot glaat be- hind it were hie orehid-booaet, for orebid growinR wae his eole amuse- ment. The tout tmtmllt, offloe and orohid-hoosei, eeemed ooricuily oat of place in the gray and ancient o mrlyard wbere they stood, looking M Ihey did on to tbe old, old one-storied bouse scarred by Ihe passage of oantaries of tempestuous weather. Some snob idea seemed to strike Mr. Oardas M he closed Ihe door behind him preparatory to eroieing tbe courtyard ' Queer contrail," he mattered to him- tolf ; " very queer. Bamelbing like tbal between Reginald Oardns, E-qoire, Mis- anthrope cf Dam's Nets, aod Mr. Reginald Ctrdas, Solioitor, Obtirmanof theStokeely Board of Unardiaoe, Bailiff of Kielerwiob, etc. And yet io both oaset they are part ot tbe tame establishment. Case of old and new style I" Mr. Cardus did nolmakehia way straight to Ibe offloe. He struck cff to Ihe right Talor tested hU portly frame iu an ea*y- obair, and tamed bin broad, vulgar face toward the lawyer. it's abou) Ibi railway * reave fcuti- nest " Wbioh you own ap ia MIL Chester ?' Yen, that i it." Well, then, it ongbt lj bo a eatiifaekr> subject to talk of . Ilptjibind over nil, den it not ?" No, Cardan, that ii jail the point; it did pay, it don't now." How'a that 7 ' Well, yoo aee, when my father took oat tbi patent, and itarted t l . ' buBioesa, his 'ooie wae tbe only 'onue iu .be market, and hi madia pot, and I don'l mind telling yoa I'vi made a pot too ; bat now. what do yoa think ? there's a beggarly firm called K *Mrick & Oodley that lock oa! a new patent last year, and ii underselling oa with a better Bit 11 at a cheaper price than wi can tarn it oat at." " Well 1" " Well. We've lowered our price to thtire, bot we are doing botlnrn at a Ion We hope Io burnt them, but they don't bard ; there's somebody backing them, confound them, fcr Ratlrick A Oodley ain't worth a aitpenoi ; bat wbo il it the Lord only knows I don t believe they know themselves." 11 That n nnfortDQa'.e, bnt what ab jut it?' "Jail this, Oardm. I want to aik yonr advice about celling onl. Oar credit ii still good, and we could tell op for a large pile, not so large as we oouldhave done, bat still lr', and I don't know whether to sell or told." Mr. Oirdns looked thoughtful. "It ii a difflju.ll point, Mr. dt Talor, tul for mycelf I am alwayi againel eaving in. Tbi other firm may smash after all, and then yon would be sorry. If yoo were t j sell now you would probably make their fortunes, wbioh I iipfoae yoa don'l want to do." " No, indeed." " Tben yoa are a very wealthy man ; yon are not dependent on thii gretae boii nesi. ?en if things were to go wrong yoa bave all your landed property bere al Ceswiok'tNeei to fall baok on. I ehould hold, if I wete yoo, even If it was al a lota for a time, and trot I to tbe forioneof w .r.' Mr. is Talor gave a sigh of r lief. " That'll my view, Mo, Oardai. TOJ'M a shrewd man, and I am glad yoa ] imp with mi. Corse K telriok A Oodley, tajr I." " Oh, yea, curse them by all means," answered the lawyer witb a emilt, at be rote to thow his client to the door. On tbi f arlhir tide ot tbi passage was another door wilb a glass top to it, which give on to a room furnished after the ordinary fashion of a oleik's offloe. Opposite ibis door Mr. de Talor stopped to lock a man wbo wae within alttiog at a table writing. The man was old, of large size, aad vf ry powerfully boil I, and dressed with extreme nealneie in bunting costume boots, breeches, spurs and all. Orer his large bead grew tatli ot coarse gray hair, which bang down In disheveled looks atca his faoi, Hiving bim a wild appearanoc, that wae added to by a curious distortion ol the month. Hie lell arm, too, bong aim MI helpless by hit tide. Mr. Gardue laughed as he followed bit visitor's gaxi. " A ouriooi aort of clerk eb ? ' be eaid. " Mad, dumb and ball paraljsed col many lawyers could tbow lueh another." Mr. de Talor glanced at tbe object of Ibeir observation uoeatily. " If he 'a io mad how out be do eleik'i work ?' be asked. " Oa, be'e only mad in a way , be oriei beautifully." " Hi bat quite lot! hie memory, I tap pose, "laid Ds Talor, with another uneasy (Ian oe. " Tie," antwered Mr. Cardan wilb a imile, > he bat. i'erhapt il ie as well. He ear, be iasv Issass stsslfrti * 'T aill and entered tbe long line of glaia-honsee, walking op from bouse to house till be reached tbe partition where Ibe temperate sorts were placid to bloom, and which was connected with hie cffloe by a glaas door. Through Ibis lail be walked softly witb a been with yoa many yean now baiu'i be Cardat '." " Tee, a great many." " Why did yon bring him 'ere at all 7 " Did I never tell yon tbe etory 7 Then if you care to Hep baek into 017 cftije I will. 1 1 Is not a long one. Yoa remember when our friend "be nodded toward tbe office " kept the hounds, and they nied Io oall bim ' hard-riding Atterlelgh 7 " Tee, I remember, and rained himself over them, like a fool." "And of coarse yoa remember Mary Atterleigh, bisdaagbler, whom we were all in love with when we were ycang f" Mr. de Tatar's broad eheek took a deeper shade of crimson as be nodded aeaent, (To be eonUnued) WirB DBAD AND Mill -til Kl Palheilc i ., \t hi, h I r., JaeMi 'I HI, r ! Take ill. Owss Mir. The body ot Ibe man found by Policeman Aguew, on tbe Third Prroinot, Hauday morning, on pier 47 EM! River, wbere he bad blown out his brains, and who WM Aflerwardi identified M James L Miller, steward of the Cuban chip Franoiioo Gar- qoito, will be taken o*re of by Louis Miugo 4 Oo. When tbe man WM first discovered be bad betide other thingt on bis person a business card of Louis Mongo and il was at first thought tbat this name was tbal of the soioide. Mongo * Oo., however, art agente for tbe veemel, having offloet al No, IS While- ball street. Tbe master ot Ibe vessel was Cipl Tkomai James, ot Ho. 888 Bridge street, London. From these touioas quite not 7 tele/-"' " Good D3rolb ' hM law bim rasa with where ie Miie Dorothy ? nw' U ' d ink> K Oh, and Mailer Jeremy ?" sV Be ie aboal, eir ; I law bi a terrel awhile back!" " Tell Bampeon or Ibe groom to find bim and tend bim to Matter Eroem here That wiU do. tnank you. Now, Erneel, I moet be off, I hope that yoa will be prelly happy here, my boy, when your trouble bM worn cff a bit. Yon will have Jeremy for a companion ; be it a lent, and an unplea- eaat loot It IB true, bat I eoppoee that be it better than nobody. And then tbere ie Dorothy "-and hia volee eoftentd M be altered ber name" but the it a girl." " Wbo are Djrolby and Jeremy? ' broke In hi< nephew ; " an Ihey yoar ebildreo ? ' Mr. Oardae itarted perceptibly, and hie tbiok, wbile eyebrowi contracted ovtr hie dark tyen Mil tbty almoel met. " Children," be Mid, tharply ; < I have no children. They are my warde. Their nama la Jonee "and be left tbe room. Weil, be .. a rnm tori, reAeettd Er jeet to himielf, " nod I don't Ihio* ever law cat-like step till he reached the door, where be paused to observe a large coarse man wbo WM Handing al the tar end ol the room, looking oul intently on Ihe court- yard. " Ah, my friend," be tali to himself, " so Ihe shoe ii beginning to pinoh. Well, it il lime." Tben he pushed tbe door softly open, passed into ths room with the same eat like step, closed il, and, eealing himself at bis writing table, took up a pen. Ap- parently, the ooarae looking man at tbt window WM too much absorbed ia hit own tboDghle to bear him, for be ttill itood ilaring into epaoe. " Well, Mr. de Talor," taid tbe lawyer, [recently, in bit toft, jerky voice, " I am tt yoar service." Tbe person addresMd started violently, and tamed sharply round. " Qxd 'eavens, Oaidat, bow did yoa get Io ? " " Tbroagb tbe door, of course ; do yoa [uppoee I came down the chimney 7" ' It's very atraom, Oardae, bal I never 'ear J yon come. You've given me quite a start. ' Mr. Oardua laughed a bard, little langh. ' Yoa were too much oeoapied witb year own iboaghtH, Mr. de Talor. I fear tbtl Ihey are not pleaeant ones. Can I belp yon ? ' " How do yoa know that my thoughts are not pleasant, Oardni ? I never aaid so." 11 It we lawyers waited for oar clients to tell as all their tboaghm, Mr. de Talor, It would often lake ue a long time to reach Ibe troth. We have to ritd their faeee, or even their backs sometimes. Yon have no idea ot bow moon exprenlon a back Ii capable, if you make mob. things yoar stady ; yours, for instance, looks viry un- comfortable to day -nothing goae wrong, I a pathetic story ojooeroing the dead man wan learned. He WM 68 yeari of age acd had been employed on Ihe Franoiioo nearly five years. He need to leave bis wife io this oily, and on hie home voyages impa- tiently counted the days an til he would see her again. Daring iMt week tbe ship re- tamed from one ol ber Iripi to Cuba and landed In Boston. Miller hastily collected nii waget and horned boma. Oa reaching bis bonce he foond bis wife dead, and a letter, containing a money-order which be had recently tent ber, unopened. The onfortanate man WM overcome by his grief. He spent bit time in arranging for tbe faneral and remained to nee bis wife buried. In Ihe meantime the vessel, with a new captain and a new steward, had sailed away. When he found that the ship had sailed and it would be tome time before the came baok again, Miller wan- dered around dejectedly complaining ol bit sorrow. He went up into Ihe neigh- borhood of bit wife's boms, in Tenth aveune, settled all bis debla and then disappeared. Wben next seen he WM dead on the pier. A revolver lying near bi* body and ihe nature of tbe wound showed that be had died by hie own band. line York World. CURRENT TOPICS. C LONBL dcoiJi. W. WILLIAMS, the author ot Ihe "Hiitory ot thi Negro BIM io Amerioi," ii arrangirg lor tbe publication of his " Military Hinfery ot Negro Troopt n the War ot tbe Rebellion." BIX thooeaud uiikf of nw railroad, it ii estimated, will be pot down iu the United Slate* thi year. Taat tluwu that tbe rail- road builder* think bnaineia hat oome back to stay. Tbe Pennsylvania Bailroad Gjm- pauy has got all MB shops going, on order/ to (urn oat 1 500 new freight can in the next thirty day*. Tbe Pennsylvania seems to think tba amount) of buiineai it goicg to grow to tlill largir proportions. A MIMBBB ol tbe American Association for Ibi Advancement of Boienoe proposed, al tbi recant meeting io Buffalo, Ibe tub- etitution ol cemen nation " of tbi dead aa something berter than eremitic n or tbe preeent mode t r burial. Tbii plan would protect and precerve tbe body, bal tbe fate o! the Ex>piiao mummiee tuggeite tbat the solidified remains might, ia some tar distant era, ba gronid and ased te fertilisers or exhibited ai cariosities by tbe thrifty or Beientiflo people of that time. BTJOIB oan be made from any deteription of vegetable (Tire. iooh ae sawdnii, ragi or tew. Toe piuceiii la to digeat for several bnuis iu enlpborie aoid ; then to dilate tbe mix tare witb water and to boil lor tome tim, wbia tbe rfcfli or what not will be found to bave undergone a magical obange, and to bave been converted into eogar. A oarions faos Ii tbat 100 parti ot ragi will yield 116 parts sugar, tbe inereaie Io weight beinj doe to the element! of water absorbed dor iog Ibe obange. Tbe editor ot Tke Public School Spiling Card, in Eaglaod, ie mnob distressed over Ihe peculiarity ot Euglieh ipelling, which often allows a doable term for one word. He doea not know which ie preferable, "debateable " or "debatable," ' license ' or "lioenee." "eonouion" or"oonDeo lion," " despatch " or dispatoh," "vil- lainous or " villanoai," and hi it puzzled because the modern sfelliog givee "jadg menl " and " abridgment," and tbe e it retained in "management" and "engage menl." CoNriDiBiBLV more than 4,000,000 ptraont had be . n at the end ot last year insured against tiokness under tbe German law ol compulsory losaraoee. Al the beginning of 1886 tbe compulsion to insert was extended to tbe wuoltadminielration of tbi pott, railway and telegraph, and to all trades connected wilb tranaportation, and a movement ii on loot to extend tbi prio oipli itill farther. Tbi introduction el Ibe system has not led to any diminution in the number ol friindly societies or trades uniona, bnt many of them bave had an enormous incrsaae. THXXI are several new toyi of Eagliih make that are already being prepared lor Christmas. A home on tire it a London toy which would no doubt delight ehildrer wbo love excitement. Two firemen aland and work a fire engine, wbile t third climbs up a ladder to a third story window, into which be plongei headforemost, aubse q aently reapi earing throogb tbe ground Another clever idea in s boy's violin, oon- taiDing a maiioal bax. In preeting tbe violia to Ibi iboaldir a ipriog ii touched, wbieb seta tbi musical box going, and the boy oan then accompany the tone oo Ibe domb violin. A' cm IK. 1 1) ibe escalations made by a scientific writer lately, it require* a pro- digbui amount ol vegetable matter to form a layer ot oal, Ibe estimate being Ibat il woold really lake 1,000000 yeare to form a coal-bid 100 fell tbiek. Tbe Uoited States bai an area of between wJtfheelP %sjs) tfjSjMfl *tmTt miles of coal apply the whole world for a period of 1,600 to 3.000 years. About 100 ooo.ooo tone of ooal are mined from theei fields in one year, or enoogn to ran a ring around the earth at ihe cqaator five aud one half feel wide aod five aud one-ball feet deep. DB CTICB EDSIM'S report to Ibe Mew Tork Health Commissioner of tbe seisin aad condemnation of t large quantity o: adulterated ehcolate and candy in Ibe nbopi ot two popular oonfeitloneti sbonlc lead to something mcra thao a "warning to tbi offending parliae. It wae fcunc that cheap ebcoolalei had been tinted l< an appetixing color wilb Venetian red anc tbat burnt amber wu and for coloring candy toys. Both than artiiiei an notoriously poiioaoni, and any maun faetorer who one Ibim It guilty ot i orimi which io olber countries would send him to prison. THI light oi Ihe future " ie to be teen at tbe bonte of two autira In Wntminiter, Et g'aad. Thie new/ light 11 nothing bnl a gat-jit surrounded by a glass vessel oon tainiog water. Tbt fanny part m to be 1)11 : The glau vessel containing watsr inrroooding tbe gae-jit eooterales on tbt ligbt tbal iti brilliancy ia magnified three- told, and tbe practical oonscqaenoe le that room may be lighted wilb one-half to one-third ot ibe gae that woold be required loder ordinary condilionn. II by tnrronnd- inn a flame witb water we coold inoreate ti lamtnoiily, Ibin wi might ixpeat it to be about ten timea at ligbl at the bottom ol the eea tl it ii at tbi anrfaoe. GBSAT caUmilien, like] the Charleston earthquake, teem to bring ont tbe worst, as wsli ai the bail, aide of human nature. Happily al Obarlieton Ibe development ol the former bai bein rare ; bat tven Ihere Inelaneei ol mtanoeu are not wanting. For instance, a prominent King street ventilaticu in addition to pipe ventilation ihtongh tbe roof. The beat sanitary plumbing I know of It wbere tbe whole of ii ie put into another boilding entirely detached from tbe dwelling bonee, and tbii bM been dona by an old New Yoik builder in bit own home, after a long experience with the ioix Ml science of [lambing. Now we h&ve authentic information as to the cause ot tbe tarthqatke, and it news the people who want to live will not appreciate. James M. Bwormstedl, tbe noted "Holy Prophet" ot Walnu) Hill, says a Cincinnati detpateb, io an interview state* tbat " the) recent earthquake wae oiuttd by bad ipirits in the bowels ot tbe earth. The spirits are M intelligent M men, and bave complete knowledge of tbe ue ol dyuamile, gonpowder, etc. They have been trying to blMt a passage to the surface of the earth, and thus eieape from bondtge. Tbe explotioot incident to thcsi operaliont bavt eanied tbe eartfcqaikea. I bave foretold tblt phenomena," taid tbe prophet. " It ia a tlgo of Ibe end ol tbe Christian age. The United Hiatet will be destroyed within two yeara, and all tbe wicked people will die, and tbe others will go to PalMttae." HI-HAN beings were not tbe only creatures frightened by ibe eartbqaake in Oharlte- ton. Tbe (fleet apon the domb animate wstsas demoralizing at il WM npon their masters and owncrt. TbeeLgini boose horse s stampeded and ran in tbe wildcat fright through the streets in Ihe npper part of Ibe oily. The cattle, bortei and doge in tbe country that were al largi at tbe time of tbe thoek tl id to tbe woods ani tbiokett, while thote tbat were tlabltd neighed or bellowed in the greatett dittriss and tried to break from tbeir bondtge. Oae tavage looking mMtiff in tbe city WM so thoroughly cowed Ibat he approached a reporter whin- ing and erawlicg and licked bie feet at if begging for protection and comfort. Cowl, theep and oniokent displayed the greatest terror and soogbt eaoh other's tooiety and filled Ihe air with their moans and eriei. They evidently felt tbe rocking pt the earth and instinctively reo:ga!*id iti ab- normal character. WIIILI the extra tiopieal Atlantic bM not been excessively stormy this Mason, tbe records of European aleamihipe tbow that it will toon be rough enoagh. Gap- tain McKay, ojmmandlng tbe Ounard tteamer Bervia, makes an interesting report ot encountering, wetl of tbe New fouudlaud banks, Ibe cyclone wbiob advanced from oar eoMte in the latter part ot Aogaat. The itorm WM apparently of eontioental oiigin, bat it it barely possible tbat farther reports may show il to have been connected witb tropical cyclone. The Bervia WM in a southeasterly gale blowing seventy miles an boor. This is severe enough for a eyolone ooming from the American coat: nent in August. But eommanden of steam>hipi may expect ion to encounter Ihe fall ocean bound oyclo&ee, ooming trom tbe tropics, wbiob will fully test the tlrenglb of their machinery. It it proposed to erect in Ohioago Ibe largest fl l building in the United Hlalee. It U to be a structure ot MVSO atorlee, covering tbe entire block enclosed by Uiar born avenue, Clark and Oak streets and Lafayette plaoi, and having a Ironttgt ol 213 feet on one ttreet and 818 on another. '1 In Aral floor IB to contain tan stores, a restaurant tbe kitchen of which will be on the Mvenib flx>r a bit ber ihop, bath rooms, etc. Uj the next flxir will be twenty-two eoitea of cfh' MS ol three rooms eaeb. Tbe remainder ol tbe builditg will consist of flats, 140 iu number, and it got from eight to lbreero?me eaeb. Tbe building will be fl e proof ai.j will be divided into four parti with sepirat) entrances. The first story will be ot stone and tbe remainder cf preend briok. II will coal, exelaHvs of the land, bT,', hi* thing*. THE Bpaniib prelendtr, Din OarU.s, bM rot forth a manifesto for tbe ipeeial bene- fit ot bu beloved subjects, the people of tbe Province of Catalonia. He asserti that if they will only throw in their lot and part witb bim, be will eee that they are Kuaranteed, io tbe new goveinment which he can then establish, those political im- ninniii-t thai they eLjiyed at tbe lime of King Philip V., which were practically those of an indtpindenl slate, with no oonserlption for tbe army, acd a special grant to coin monsy with tbs name and arme of Catalonia. It ii not a little to Ibe credit of Ihe Oatalonian people tbal they oinsidsred ihtse promisee in tbe ligbt of traps to oateb Ibe unwary. Wbile they an, perhaps, M inclined to naint Inter ferenoe with tbeir rigbll by the central government M any of ibe people of Spain, they have met tbe appeals of toie benighted representative of the Bourbon family witb a general ootborit of laoghter, M being altogether too silly to be for a moment seriously enterteinid. Tu namerooi great woodlaid fires lately have set thought working, and the proposition Ii submitted tbal tbe gam of tbe pine tree, acting M a lens, oonoentratee Ibs sun's rays npon some convenient bll ol tinder, and eo starts the little flams that spsedily broadens and Dually eonsamee a loreet. Anybody wbo doablt tbe probe- bility of thit hM oaly to obtain a pieoe of pine-tree gam, and undertake to kindle a fire with ii In Ibe manner stated. Il might not do for a person ol short patience, in a harry lot the kettle Io boil, bat il woald be jail Ibe thing for calm and iodt- latigable pbiloeopber*. It it a wondir tbal II WM never thooght ol by all tbe people who bave from time to time been caught In Ibi wilderneit without matches, and who bave almost invariably retorted to the merchant leal MI memben of hie family I S" St(dtiJ da, ,, "' te Ihe country on dead-bead passes, and a !ihi, V rh ' h IS " real estate owner wto ha, fifty tenement !j*. lb t.'. r - L"^T' ^ lh w .*/ No, Oardai, no," answered Mr. dt Talor, dropping tbe labjeel of banks, which waa, te felt, beyond him ; " 'lie nothing ineh, merely a qnistion of busitieit, on *bieh I have come to aak your advlae ae a hrA nan." A I lnnul.il, | (r .. " How do yon do f" Tbat'e Canadian. How do yon fltrry yourself ?" That's French. " How d > yoo Hand ?" That's Italian. " How do yon find yourself " Thai's German. " How do yon fare 7" Thai'* Dutch. How can >ou f" That's Bwedisb. " How do yoa penplre 7" That's K<yptala. " How is yonr itomaob ? Hive yon eaten yoar riee ?" Tbat'n Chinese. "How do yon have younalf f" That's I'oli'ti. How do yoa live on ? ' That's KniRlan. " May thy ebadow never be less f Thai's Persian and all mean the tame thing. brewd i . beet advice Is at de Talor- whal isllf " Well, Cardns, it i this. Mr. And Mr. de How to JODOI OamrxD OOODI. II is an ascertained faet tbal canned goods are not always conducive Io good health. In tome inslanoes they have proved destructive Io lite. " Oaisell's Family Magieine " warm pnrohasere to take particular notice of tbe line. If these bulge out do not take them oo any account, not even M gifto. Tbe bulge ihowe th,t air hM been lefl in tbe can al Ihe time of sealing, and tbat deoay of tbe contents may bave Ml in. fifty tenement booses bM raised bii rente 2i per oent. Btill another merchant " docked " the wages of his elerka beoaoie they did not show ap on tbe morning after tbe great sbake. They will donbtleis be put on tbe list. Surely they never wonld be mieted THI Queen of Portugal wean ibe Paris life-saver's medal. In 1874 ibe WM bath- iog wilb her two eons, Cbulet and Alphonse, aged 11 and 9 yeare, at the watering place ot Canaan. A big wave carried off tbe two children, and the Qaeen bcldly ewam out to their relief. The tea WM running hlgb, and Ibe lady and bsr bo;i were nearly lotl in the anrf, wben tbe lighthouse keeper, teeing thiir danger, daehed into tbe water and loooeeded in bringing all three to shore in safely. Hsr Msjeaty wears her modal proudly M tbe reward of her bravery ; bat tbere ie no record ot any medal or any other reward having bien given to tbe lighthooae man. Mutu HINBIXTTA, Qaeio of Ibe Belgiani, received a letter from tbi unfortunate ex- Empress Carlotta few dayi ago asking ber to eome and tee hcr> toon at possible. Tbe Qaeen bad ber ponlii bitched to Ihe oaleehe, whfob ibe tlwayi drives berielf, acd let onl on t gallop. Overtaken by a etorm Her Mtjiity look refage ia a bar- racks. Being, mane hour tbe offloers set aboat improvising the beet dinner they ooald for iti'ir Mgaet visitor, bal tbe Qaeen rilased, saying : " A newly arrived reernit tbcold be content with ordinary fare." And ibi sat down at Ihe common table and ate a plate ot eabbige tour and - (ioked " pig 1 ! foot. " An ABoaRKor " writes to tbe New York Foil: Strip yoar bid-room of all plumb: log whatever; let no newer conncotion ot any lind eoms into a sleeping room ; go bsek to ths clean, old-f aibionid bawl and pitcher, aod be content with good health. A bouM to day that ban tbe beet sanitary plumbing is one thtl has the least possible amount of plombing In it. Batb-rooms and water- oloieta should be in nparate rooms, supplied with tbe beat-known ven- tilating traps tod with direct open sbafi Ibat have been borned lately were eel on re by tbe r noting of their dry etieki together. That i , poeiible, and il la pot- tible also that tome person WH abroad in them wbo wae eareleit with bid matobee, or in attending to Ibe moderate fire whioh be had started for tbi parpoee of cooking or otherwise for his own comfort, TBI American Booilty of 1'rofeiion of Danolng has made one viry imporlanl deoition in oonoeelion with their noble art. That U tbat the watix for tbe coming season will be sober and stately, not Ibe mad, hnooh.. everybody- duwn, including yonr partner, whirl of former seaeont. Use and observation bavi madi middle-aged partner* familiar wilh many peooliar forms ot walla. Then was the minuet liki glide of onr grandmother*, now repre- sented only in barrel organ ballrooms wilh pappiti on glass. Tben came the bop, the deux tempi, Ihe troii tempi, and miny olber tongi toe numerous to mention. Il wai tbi faibion tomi timi KO for the gentlemen to hold tbeir partnen' bandt ttralgbt oat from tbi shoulder, bowsprit fashion. A very good illustration of tbii idiotic form was drawn by Da Maarier, of Punch, whin hi represented yoang Midll astonishing tbe aristocracy at a eoonly ball. Of thi variooi contortions affected by n.olern walliert none ii mon distinctly hideout than tbii. Thanki to the proles- low, qaiet perioni may be able to dance Ibis winter without fear of being bowled over by impetuous and fiery yoatha wilh inelegant and defective balancing powiri. Tbe new form of walla, or rather tbe old German form rejuvenated, will certainly tind favor in the eyet ol refined people. Bold, romblng, rtekleti penoni, whote only pleasure ii found In vigorous aetion, moil nek tbe open prairie or a ballroom of soil- able dimensions. TBB utiii i i ,> OF W OHU< w ike u M.I. Biasakci, t .icrpiu.,. fruDTnuJ Wcrllai Mr.r lolurd. (" Iarlok"in Mew York Baa) Borne words of oar laogaxg* iu common an poxsle ui when we ink tbeir derivation, d the pafcel of ntilher WaOeter not Woroesler, so far ad I can diaeover, ifford oa any belp. The derivation ii enrioui of tbe oommon word blanket. Wu. u Edward III. atoeudtd Ihe ihroni o* Euglaod be almost immedialely deolared war against France, and shortly alter prepared to invade ber territory. But tbe ainewi of war were waollng, aci no tba monarch ap- pealed to hit loving aubjaeti. Engliah money bag*, however, were not tbea so plethoric as tbi y have beoome einer, and little o Mn, ex m- paratively, was in oirealation. Tbe people loved tbeir young aod valiant King, and Iba war was a popular one. The English rained large quauliiiti ol wool wbiob they aenl to Fiauaere for manufacture. It wae determini! to devote Ibe wool crop ot tbal year toward defraying tbi expeoaet of tbe expedition. After the more valuable, por- tion bad been u-ed there wai a qaanlity quiti oofit tor the Flemiib looms. Tbii wai bought up by one Bir Too mat Blan qnitte, who bad il wovin inn a ooarae bul warm material, acd patriotically preaeuted It to ib j King at a eontribotion to ibe com- fort of tbe eoldiari and aa a ooviring for tbe horses cf tbe nobles and lB<ghta. Thia material wai nimed Blttqaette, or Blaiqail, from the name cf Ibe donor and we now ipell il blanket. Oaterpillar-Blany Mtw Yotkert are per- hipi ixnoranl whinoe the put, wbieb wai oombatid by thai other peal, tbe Kngliab iparrow, derived iln Dame. Aboal the time of the <ot duast virgin Qaien a kind of caki, composed of fine flour, homy and pice, vai in high favor ; tbty wire called "oatee." Io Timing ot tbe Bbrew " Petrvchio puns upon Ihe name ot nil pro- ipcotivt brtdi : Mymper dainty Kate, For dtlatles all are Xklea, ei -. Tbi purveyor ol Ihn daiply waa called, from ihe nemo ol eonfeotion, a " eater," or, more recently in a wider signification, " caterer." The icaiet in question wai a deetrnotive raider on the wheat wbiob fur- niihed tbe floar Io tbi oater, and hence il wai called "a oaMr- pillager." Il doee not require maob ingenuity to tee how " eater- pulagir " beaame " oaMrpillar." Perbtpt tome of tbi good people of Wall tlreel wonld like to know Ibe origin of tbe words penny and itorliog : II appear* tbal Ihere lived at one timi in Germany a brace of beggars, pretendad cripples. Both theei advenlaroni beggare are said to bave once formed a part ol tbe Oooneil at Dantsig, bat to have lobieqaenlly loet tbiir properly and bsen subjected to tbi aevireel priva- tions. Tbe oldisl of Ibaee lame gentlemen, known by ifae nima ol Thomae Penny, wai exceedingly dieliked by tbe people, and on one coMion in agrand row be wae literally thrown out ot the window into tbe etrcel, by wbieb be bsiami a vsriiable erippli. Il wai currently reported ol bim in Danl- sig ibat be had ibere displayed an immense amount of oopper ooin, but so badly exe- cuted in tbi mini as to have givto nee to tbe Dioknama of Panny'a money, an appells- lion whioh we are aware) baa been reiaiued to the present day. To this w* may add tbe origin ot tba term tterling to complete tbe primitive descent of pounds aa well ai ol penei. io the timi ot Richard I. money ooinid in tbi eaalirn parts ot Oarmany eaaii ioto rpcoitl request in England oj laoo.aut of il< parity, and wae oa'.led Kasterliug money, ai all the iohabi tan u of tboeo par to were called Easlerlings. K'ng Edward 1. titabllsbed a eerlsin etandardfor Ibe silver ooin of England, bal no gold was coined until Ibe reign of Edward III., wbo, in the year IVJtt, caused several j u oae to be coined called Fioreolee, taeanae they were coined by Florentine!. Knurling money, eame tbe term sterling, aa ixpreesive of a slacdard parity. In the reign ol Charles II. certain iralert brought a qaaallt; ot gold from Ibe ooaatof Guinea Tne King caused il to be oUid into picoee which were oalled goineat, from the oaonlry wbenoe Ibe gold wit brought. Can tbt Sun throw any light upon Ihe origin of tbe family name if the ancient and uoble line wbiob eille the Doke of Arg> II in bead 7 Tba name Campbell ii of Linn or ItaJian origiu eampoe belli. Bat how oould ench a name attach to a family essentially and purely Scotch, and Highland Bojtou u thai ; a familr, too, wblob baa alway i b.-rue t particularly OMlio oharae- ler, both in appearance and manner. Tbe nsms, too, ie oenlnrlet old, at wi find thai when the good King Robert (Ihe Binoe) overcame McDonald, the Lord of Ihe Isles, he beatowed lha lande of Lome apon hie own nephew, Bir Colin Oampbell, an appanage which still attachss to the oldeel eon ot Arg}lL I have been unable to Had bow tbe name bioami a Haotoh family's, aialeo tbe name of Murray (Moravis). A vr BBriwcce Chwrckea. The eangrigation ot Ihe Will Croidon Congregtlioctl Cbarob placed a peal of belli in thi towtr of the ehareb. Tbe High Guarchman in tbi neigbborbcol iig- nifled to Mr. WUton, ibe minister of the churoh, Ibrough Ibeir lawyeri, tbat tbe bells ranil beiilenoed al onoe "on pain ot legal proceedings." They f jnnd, howiver, to their surprita, tbat thtre Ii no law pro- hibiting Nonoonformiitt from having chim- ing bells. On Ibis Mr. Wilson and bit friend! were tbrtatentd with an indiol- mint for being a nniaanoe. Ot course tbere wai no oaae to take into eonri, bal the idea tbat Gongrtgationaliit belli are a "noi- nance, " wben Epuojpalian belli ere holy ii a little itrskin apon ordinary common MOM. London Tntk. AKBPCAHB IN A Ilium. A K. miDUc!<- .1 ihe ariv u.,. Oarcrr. A little story ocneeraing Edwin Booth has just eoms under our notlee, says tbs Buffalo 'limn. OJM, during the dayi if his early stroggle*, Booth WM " barn stcrnuicK " down in Virginia, at a pUoe ealu4 Lee's Landing. The Imptoviaed tbeatek wae a tobacco wa ebcuie, aod II WM erowoM by tbe planteri for mike around. Boou. n( i C , B eompanioni had arranged to taib , B , WMkl . ifcMUBtr eipaoicd to call late al u, hl ^J baiwe t . n tke acts were busy paokio k ._ Thi Uy WM " Tbe Merchant of Venice, ^^j j^,! wsre jost going OB for the trial soeu. wn , . they beard a whittle, and the mai^,,, eame running in to eay tbat the steami > had arrived aod wonld leave again in ten minutee. Ai tbat wit tbeir only ebance for a week of getting away they were in a Hrrible quandary. II we explain mailers," said Ibe mana- ger, " they will thick they an being cheated, and we shall bave a tree fight. The only thing it for yon fellows to get op tome tort of natural like impromptu ending for the piece, and ring down the anrtain. Oo right ahead, ladies and gentlemen, and lake your cne from Ni d here," and be hurried away to gel tbe luggage aboard. " Ned, ot eoorse, WM Lauanto, and be resolved to rely on tbe ignorance of tbe Vtrginiani cf Iboea dayi to poll bim through all right. 8), when old George Rngglee who WM doing 6*ylo began to iharpin bis knits on bis boot, Booth walked etraighl up to him and solemnly v 7 " Too are bound to bave the yon V ' " Too bet year life I" uid Baggie*. " Now, I'll mike yoa one more offer," continued Booth ; " in addition tothiebag of duoam, I'll throw io two kege of Digger bead terbaek, a Bbolgan, and two of the beel eoon dogt in the State." "I'm blarmedif Iduu'idoit!" reepwded Skylock, much to Ibe approbation of toe aadiinee, wbo were lobaeoo-rauen tie) eoon-banlere to a man. And to abow tbal there'. LO Ul-feeli*," tb V- pat in Portia, " we'll wind up witb ginie reel." Wben they got on board tbe tteamt tbe captain, wbo bal witneeted Ihe eot oloiion of tbe play, remarked : "I'd like to tee tbe whole cf thai plaj eome tiae, gentlemen I'm bl armed It 1 thought ibai fellow 'Bhakipeare bad te much tntp in him." ew 10 I ki> K <- Hleic l-rlni. le) Mark flrvww. DieaoJve a pieoe of oaottie potaab about tbe eiBi of an ordinary toop bean In five ounces of water. Il will diteolve In ' few minoMB. Plaee yoar blue printe i* Ibu aolalion, and in a abort time they will fade to a pale orange-yellow color. Wbeel all tbe bine tintt bave dieappeared waak in elean water. Now dieeolve a heaped up leaijoonl aboal bait a pint ot water. Pat yellow prinle into thia bath and they Immediately begin to Minme a brown Permit them to remain in the __ uutil ihey are aa dark M yoa desire. The* take them out, wMb well and dry. A Hard f.lr It le indeed, to alwaye remiln In poverty and ubecnrlly ; be euter|irlilog, reader, and avoid tbla No matter la wi.ai part yoa are looeleJ, you aboald write to Hallcti A Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full parti o a Ian aboai work ibat yon can do and live at home, M a profit of at leaat 6 to*Maod upward* dally. eome have earned of er tdo In a day All I* new Capital net required. Von are itarted tree. Mam AllagM. Better not delay. 'ben aiking thing at thi table WM given ditbei. He laid ibim oat on the tabu play witb, laying : Now, tbii U TuT cot tbire will be no pliant at thii tabk " ' I horn.. < rl T Ir. The great Scotch author, antTsred aJl k- lifi wilh dyspepsia, wh ioh made bie ow" life miserable and eansed bis beet trncil fneode not a little pain be bia freifolnesi. Dyspepsia genitalh arites from disease of the liver, and M ! Pieree'a "Oolisn Msdieal Diteovesj*- ouris all diseases of this great gland, 11, follows that, wbile all cannot be Oarlylee even wilh dyspepsia, all ean be frie from Ibe malady, wbile emulating his virtue. N tw 1 , rfc . oo, now. We ean'l What are yoa doing f IkC ll.r Ih.ldl Polieeman Move allow loaogere here. here, anyway ? Linger- Hill ! Djn'l give me away. am wailing for Ibe etaloe to be flniehed, I oin jump cff II flrel and gel ahead of Ibe reel of the b)j.-CMca f o I fcr > nnir. ( ik r HI.,, . Tbe BUIe of Maine WM io-ealled in com- pliment to the Queen of Charlei I., wbo wai bora in tbe province of that name) ID France. Few people are ana ware tbal Penneyhaoia le called "after tbe great Quaker, Virginia after Qieen Klizabcth, and Lonieitna after Loaie XIV of Fracoe. Bat It U leu generally known Ibat Florida received iti womewbat pretty name from Ibe faet that on tbe Bptniei Fatqaade Floret, or PaMt of Flowere Poooe de Loon disoovered, in 1619, toil loTely tbore. The Stale of Delaware WM to deNina>ted after Lord De L Ware, wbo called there ia 1610 ; ill Ibe name Rhode Island waa adopted in 1671 from Ibe Inland of Khodea in Ibe Mediterranean, tbe two illandl btJog .appoewd to resemble each other. UatqaaUed-Dr.Sagt't Catarrh Remedy, Louitvills ii taking grial idvaneing tndis socially. Tbe Pott says tbat the fashion thii year will be " not for tbe gen< tlemio to noon tbi ladiea to partite, bat for tbe ladise to go accompanied by abaca- rones and meet tbi gentlemen M tbi houss of their boil." A elabhae been formed tot promoting this innovation la south eociety wayi. Pattey Oolllnt, wbile eboTelljn* grain io the top of a big Niigara i- all* floarlog mill, fell Into tbe hopper, ilid for eighty feet through a tpoot eight by ten ioebei in IIB, tnd tbot oat anbarl, wilb Mi toot cf pain into a eat itandiGg on Ibt tnok below, ffl inrttr I Io, k. A anriooi af>clioa>tion of the magnet U detoribtd In a Freoeb journal, tbe eobjeol of il being a o look rioently patented in France. In aprearanoe tbe clock oonaiata of a tambourine, on tke parob men t head of wbioh It painterd a oiiele of flowere, eorre pendiog to ibe hou elgne sf ordlmary diale. On zamlntion, two beee, one Urge aod tbi other tmeJI, are discovered erawllog among tbe flowera. Tbe imall bee rnoi rapidly from one to tbe other, oorrspleling ibe circle in an boar, wbile Ibe Urge ODO ikkca twelve boare Io flnitb Ibe circuit, The parobment membrane i nnbrcken. tnd ibe been are limply li__ oponit; bat two magneto, connected with tbe eloekwork iotide Ihe tambonrine, move ju't under Ibe membrtne, and Ibe inieete, wbiob tre of iron, follow tktna. Oh, wad eome power tbe glftle fie BI ToeeeonnelveeM llbereieeasl Few women want to appear sick, and yel how many wi tee with pain written on every feature, wbo bave been suffering for moolhi from female weaknets, aod who could easily care tbemielvee by tbe use at Dr. Pi trot 'i " Favorite Prescription," to be found at any drug store. This remedy is a speoifio for weak baeki, nervous or neural- gic paint, and all thai clans of iHmtssj known u "fsrual* complaints." Ilia*. ttated large treatise ou dlteaeee of WOTDIT, with moel suooeeatal eoareei of ttttlieet' 663 Main etreet, Buffalo, N . Y. Eimaod Battell, tbt Amerioen " trwtet if beauty," givee tblt advice: "Mem tand under aligbi II bringe oat Imei and makee even the young look careworn INDISPENSABLE SPIRn UA_ M. D. BOOKS! HEADERS' CATALOGUE FREE. Bend yonr Addreei H. J. 1 EH A CO. ISSfl Third ATS. New York, N. Y. CONSUMPTION. I "aassi'e I .rn Kur.uor II the bell remedy lor corns extant. It Mta quickly, nakei no tori spots and iHeetea radical care, A bnndred Imita- tions prove ils viloe. Take nsilher inbotl lutes offered ai good bpr the close Imila tlons of thegenoioe too often offered. JJakota farmer* ventilate their grain itaeki with itovtpipei. DUNN'S BAKINQ POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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