Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1886, p. 1

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Fatal Accident at Flesherton Station On Thursday afternoon last, about four o'clock, Mr. Wm. Radley - son of Mr. John Radley, near Maxwell 0 met witha fatal accident while crossing the C.P.R. track at Flesherton Station. He was crossing the R. R. track as before mentioned, but, unfortunately, did not not notice a shunting engine which was rapidly moving along the line towards him. In less time than it takes us to write it, poor Radley was jammed in between the engine and another car, which was standing, on the track, ans so terribly crushed that he died from the injuries sustained a short time afterwards. As soon as the accident happened Dr. Carter f this town was summoned in hot haste, but the patiend was beyond the hope of medical aid, and soon passed quietly away into the other life. Deceased was quite a young man and leaves a wife and two children - as well as his aged parents and his brothers and sisters - to mourn his loss. It is one of the saddest bereavements we have ever chronicled, and has elicited the deepest and most heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. The funeral took place on Saturday, and was very largely attended. The remains were interred in the Maxwell cemetery with military honors - the Flesherton volunteer company, under command of Lieut. Field - of which deceased was a member - and the Flesherton Band, attending in a body. Mr. John Radley, sr. - father of the deceased - desires us to convey through the columns of THE ADVANCE his heartfelt thanks to mr. Alex. Hannah and other Flesherton Station friends for their great kindness to his son at the time of the accident, and also to the Flesherton volunteer company and band for their presence at the performance of the last sad rites. Maxwell The sudden and unexpected death of Wm Radley at Flesherton Station, last week, has cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood, as he was known by all, far and near, as a quiet, industrious young man, and highly respected by all. he has left a wife and one child, besides his aged parents, to mourn his loss. His remains were followed to the grave by the larges funeral cortege ever seen in this place - it was about three-fourths of a mile in length and the number of people present was estimated at from five to six hundred. The Flesherton company of volunteers, and the Flesherton Band as well, attended to pay their last respects to their dead comrade, and the manner in which they performed the last sad rites was truly commendable. The funeral sermon by mr. Ferrier, in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening, was listened to with much attention. the friends of the deceased have the deepest sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Typhoid Fever in Euphrasia Typhoid fever claimed two residents of Euphrasia as its victims recently. On Friday Mr. Manning, of Rocklyn, died of the fever, and on Thursday, Mr. Wm. Cook, son of James Cook, Esq., Rocklyn, died from the same cause. Both were buried on Saturday last - the first was buried in Storey's Cemetery, St. Vincent, and the latter was buried in the 11tgh line (Euphrasia) cemetery. The same hearse conveyed the remains of both to their last resting place. PHOTOGRAPHY. MBS. BULMBR. Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. ^.H burton . MRS. BULMER. ,MaV Canadian Paciflf Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME Taking XJect, Mowlny, July l.oinu |ftl Toronto Leave Cr,lw,-ll Juuctioa &apos;J i". - Charleston 43 " Onnjr*- ! Arnre 1006 Ttlla. .&apos; l.i>sv.. 10&apos;JO" OraiiKvvlllit Jliuctlon In -W Hhvll.arn.- HOW Dun.ln.lk 11 FLJISIUMTON . . 11 47 VUi-lo* 7 /U. V &apos; tbtv X nnd *~gfAT10 Oven So;,n.l . . Chatsw.irth WUItansford Mark.UI- ...... Arrive South. Rhvlburne Orancerillfl Junction Orange-&apos; Arrive .... _Bxp^|Jlall^ Mitr.1 S 4OBU1 2 40|>m 10 " S 07 " < <ao - 47 ; a M 7 02 " 4 08 " T * " 4 31 " T " &apos; 4 S7 " M " &apos; 4 M 830 " H4S " M Chkrltnton ...&apos; tOB " &apos; 6 1} <Xrdw.ll Junction 94> " , 630 Toronto ArriruWSS" 810" E f W. WHVTK. &apos; 1>. llrNICOLL. Oax L l&apos;ti AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M CM&apos;. &S..OHT. I&apos;HISH liN. SI KiiEON, .xc. I-&apos;LESIIERTON. Om<i. Mrwln&apos;i block. HMlilvm-*, Win Wriuht J.P. MARSHALL. L.V.k D K X T I S T , OKAO &apos;ATK of Toronto S>-liool nl n.-n!ltry. will I* *t Miu-YM.- thi. I-IU1 I Irl \\.-l day of H-M-VI m >: i ih. * nt nt I- IM 1, >i tiMi on tin- Nt and JrU Thurn>1ay ui u*cii month fur tl.,- prmcticc of till |trufo*ton. oqa . KIIOST, Ll,n-. : 1&apos;<nn-cyatn-<-r. OIUc. Strain&apos;* lliiiMinr. l&apos;i A. A. CHRML.KV. s..:.,-,i, r ^&apos;,1 It.v.i !, nt Mana MT FROfTT will Ii.. found tt tlio C&apos;i/.cc OB an hrn-t"fr. P McCDLLODQH, Barrister, Solicitor, <V&apos; . Oilier, over ViT.irhjiMl&apos;s Mtorr, larkdalr. .Honey ( Loan. MA8SON & MASSON, B t)rrnH*~ Owoii So&apos;in.l. in Vi. k.ir&apos; blork. I&apos;oulctt Kt llr..-.. h &apos;iMi.-.i in Mnrk.laJo. over Mr P*rl%ti<l&apos;tf htor... on Ki i.Uv and Satur.lay every week. J.MAaHON.Q.C. B. MA8HON. W.MAHRON. N B -1&apos;ri val A (&apos;..ni|iii> i, fund* to invvit at rou Hit tu KlKht per cc s U40DS. ii r. iriii.iv. FI-.KD w OAnvix HANDS, EGHLIN & GARVIN, ,S&apos;i;,&apos;, . ,s,,, < it, I .<-nl., ,( //ir,,//JI, BAHRIHTKIIS. BOL1CITOKS. SOTAKITH. ( i &apos;.VKVANCKIUi, Ac .Mnnov to loan at Lowest lutes of iutorimt. Ofllcei. 10 King Street Eat, Tnrontn. Cards. John W. Armstrong. KLU-HKUTON, Co. OncT. DIVISION COfltT rr.ETlK. COMMISSIONER U B R.. Convi.yancr. Ac. aoeattorpanhaM and sal* ..f l.in.N Appmlser fur C. L. C. Com- aad P. P. B. A H. Hoclety. Monvy to I .... i. <ni th matt rvmalilc t.-rin- IHHTKB OF M M.I.I M.I I..IOKNSK8. NOTAHV PUBLIC. W. J. BELLAMY. Tvvr. el.FHK >BTPMIIA. OONVE YA \< &apos;En, < &apos;I >M Ml SSI <> .V Kll, INHVHAffCK AG&apos;T, ,((&apos;. Df.K us \l . IK M i M , i s i r v M s *c . prepar- ed ami propnrly ezecuteil. Innuranrt- ntlrt ted In Brut clats companies. Money to lend at lowest rates. R. J. SPROUL, Ifltthrrton. C,<mrtyancrr , Apitrniwr, Val- i/..r &apos;onf Money Itiiiirr. Ifrrd*, Mart antft, Iratet anil Will* drawn ufi mat V.i/i<.i.i..n.< nwKlr nn *hnr1f*( n. .(,&apos;... Char- art very i,ir. A nply to R. J. SPRO t J. A.\ PiatiiHirtrr. tltthrrtim. Money to Loan. At SJ Trr Cent. Intfrttt .. Stniiykl Loan- WITH Intornut pal.l yoarly. tint In advance. No commission oliamed. Apply to A.6KIER. - HIOKMtlin. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, <f- Cabi- net Maker, All repairs promptly A nnitly ecoonted. flhopn, Durham , nest to IxMf-h&apos;s Tsilo ani1 ""clBcatlonson shnrtost aoMoe. CL HARNESS SHOP ! KLE8HERTON, ft <* floe* to get your Unmru (&apos;Mm, &r, tit&apos;tilr up in yi;nl ttylt. Hfu,f. 01 H&apos;. Clayton&apos;t Boot ( *&oe Stvn, Flesherto vance LEITCHS &apos;Tailoring "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOX."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT VOL. VI., JTO. 276. FLESHERTON, OHTARIO. SEPTEMBER 30, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, ETC*. FLESHERTON! /* the place to get your 1 Suit* made in /itture. . Read it All. 1 have about f 1,600 in fine Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Specks and Musical Goods. I claim to be the leading jeweller in 20 miles radius, in assortment, quality and price of goods. No article misrepresented. No one de- ceived. No long warrants, above 2 years, as a pursuader to buy. Honest warrant, i & 2 years, covering breakages, is straight dealing. Fine Watch Repairing at regular prices. No catch charges after watches are left. A call so- licited to see stock and prices SPECIALTIES: American Watcho & Clocks, We<ld>n.j Silverware, and Uitlicult Watch Fino tocV, Clone 1&apos;rices. Tit - Bits. j / //.(/ and Ottor /t Itriiu gatkrrnl by TVie .I&apos;lrui huutt for Men ami Womim at Kiuhanbiou A CO&apos;H. Mrs. I lull uer, the Flenhcrton Photo - unifdicr, hml a grand exhibit of picture* iu the Agricultural Hall on sliow day* hero. Mr. W. A. lirtafrvn, the Markdale jew- eller, had a very fair exhibit of silver- ware, etc., iu the Agricultural Hall on the Becond day of onr show. fatal ti 4 nil in at Hi-sii. riou siailua. On Thurs.lay afteruoon last, about fcrar o&apos;clock. Mr. Wm. HadU-y * of Mr. John Ua iley, near Max,;l met with a fatal accident while "rotting the C. P. K. track at Flenherton Station. Ho wan rriiHsiiiu the H. K. traufc, an lie- fore mention,, I, |,ut. unfortiinaU-U. did not not notice a shunting engine which i was rapidly uioviu alone, the liau to- 1 Still Ir.uls the : ward* him. la luan time than it takes M to write it. poor Itadley was jamased in between tlie, entfiue and another ear, _ , . , which wan (rtanaing. on the track, Mra. atithoor Kenny, of this town- , ^ t..^^. rrlutll ,s| that he died , shin tort a pnrte .ntainin K about 9 (rom t||e 1I1Jlin< H sllsUill( ,| a ,),.., t,,,n , oil rnday lHt. in Heaherton. A son of ! afu . rwardj ,. As HIM1II Rs tll( . a , Ti( i,. Ilt Mr. James Stewart. ArU-meaia, found it and returned it to the owner. The Prueliyteriao concert ia tae Town Hall, i* Friday evening, WM a M* sue- ees tinanciolly and other wise. A ftneatock of " A Head of Anv " IU *>r ju*t receivd at J. U. liusweil No- ted Jewelry Mop , Floahertoa. The oth:braUl rih LoyalUU, Rev. I >r. Ka. of 1*. tt, ad Mr. O. Hill 1 .Smith, ( Armas*, wijl addraM a man* mnetina at tibelMnM an Moaday next. ! (vt 4th, at o&apos;C-ok a, m. Russell, The Nte4 Jew* toy Tra<J in this district, in fine Goods If you witth to make a proflcnt or get so,iictlnn^ very pretty in C&apos;hina, Crock- i ery or Olaiwware, seo M. i new aud very attractive Stock. We want every subwriber iu arrenrs to pay up " like little men." It will do yourselves ^OIM! and it will do us good good all ariuiiiil. The encrgrtic and efficient License IH-IM rtor of Kaxt Or<-y, .lame C&apos;anip- Ix 11. Ks<|., was in town ilurinu Kast (irey fair. Ho xn\<- ye editor a |>leat*ant call. A. iJicowrx, A /J&apos;7i.iU. .In:, {Ii r, MAKKDALE, - - - OXT. A jeweller in a ncijjil onrin^ village a heiti-4.- reliable yoo<ls and then sells at auction. Wondir what U the mean- ing of reliable ? 1 w. Dr. Carter&apos;s office is in Strain&apos;s hl.k, Fleolicrton, and his residence at Mr. Win Wright a aliout opixiaite office. Soe card. M. KuHAiuisoM ft CO&apos;M MII.MNKRY Show Room the CRNTUK of ATTUACTION now. Mr. Mockler. Mayor, and Dr. Jamition. Reeve, of Durham, were in tow a on Friday. Mr. Ii. H. riantt has our thankft for the fine prize plums and erab apples he left iu our Haiictiuu lii-t Friday. A large stoc 1 . of l>rcm Uoodii. the new- est ilesigns and Triiiiinin:>> to maU-h. at RICHABDWON A Co&apos;*. William WalU r &apos; 1, tu r r<- Station affa&apos;r, received too late for thin week&apos;s paper, but will appear iu our next. Mr. Win l wo \ i :ir old " Pur*- U r &apos; i-olt attru. tod nincli notice ut our M snT.- , It u, au 4> &apos;Un * m J. I>o not go to you kee Fii We ure . d.li.&apos;e.l to leave a lot of mat- ter over this i i k on account of the Kast (irey Pri/e List, exhibition notes. Ac. No further aji. !< nocewary. Mrs. J. fowling, of Wenton, has been visiting at Mr. James. Beecroft&apos;a for -"!&apos;. time |&apos;ii-t. She left for home on Tuewlay U-.t. having enjoyed herself .er\ much during ber stay liere. We congratulate tl.e inemberH of the Flishcrton Hand in<liMdnally and col- lectivi 1\ i.|"i&apos;i tin excellent nnisic fur nithod hy tbcui the second day of our how. Mr. Oco. RiiHkin carried off the palm iu butter tln< year. Arteiuesia i* noted for tin- excellency of her dairy product*, and men like Mr. ISuskm aid very ma- terially iu uUiiiiug her repoUtion. ICeinrmU r. to get your watch repair- ed )>ro|H>rly. it in ntvctotarv to take it to -ll&apos;s, Kleahl rtmi. All re], .urn j^cr attended to. 1 w. Onr Ni<vial pri/e for hrt<l drow out nuiU> a mini U i of c.nu|s titors. but aa the |ir:/e l.re.-n! hax nol Ml l en hand- Tl iTs~Ti*i~r rally IHTII Ui&apos; iiin lersiftTn&apos;iinK, Mr We uLclerhtand that Mr. John croft, of K.l< a Vali&apos;, Kiigenia. and ilArua WoodfwUD. of Qlenfk-ld, Euneuia, have (jut two a]>|&apos;Jc trauii each iu liUmnom. This s|>eaks well for the fertility of the -ml of Kugenia. ana _ PRICES. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY FROM fiUSSELL : no auction sale There will be a concert in Markdale to-morrow evening (Friday) under the auN|iu-cn of the Presbyterian church. when the Aaicultural KdiU.r of thi- paper will make his ftnrt bow ajapuh- , f 1 j| i was .. v<r > l lie reciter to a Markdale audience. i. wan beyond the |IO|H- of medical aid. and liable ! auon paed qmetiy away into the other,, 2 . He does not sell Second Hand \Vatchesandreprescnt Deceased wan quite a yonn man and them as new. I*T*. wife * two rhiuirau-*. wii , 3. He keeps the finest line of Jewelry and SpecUcIeS in *ttt*SKr* this county, and sells them 25 pefceot. lower than any other dealer. 4. He buys direct from his brother, R. Russell, of Hamil- ton, thrn l.y saving his customers the wholesale profit whioiaf Mr. Jan. HnWfic exhibited a beautiful and very large assortment of beam at Ka-t drey show, which carried off fir-t |trixo. lie WM <|nite Hncoewifnl iu all bin cxhihits M will be Keen by the |>nze list. Ilaldnea* may be prevented, and a thick growth of hair Htinmlated, by tie OIK) of Ayer&apos;g Hair vigor. 1 Ins prepar- ation aim retoreti the natural color to gray hair, and render* it soft, pliant, and Mr. Irwin Fawrett . of Kuphrania. took a nninber of firat |>riiCM at the show bore, for apples, potatoes, Ac. The ap- pkj, which were left at our xauctuni. were the lar^eat rver w-cn tht-re, lnl-l the i &apos;>tat&apos; H - wri great. A (tamide of two varietie* of plurn* from the orchard of Mr. .1. H. Kawcett. KimlxTlev, baati anytliing in the plum line we have ever aeen. One of tin plum* measured 6 inehe* aronml one way. and OfllichM the other Who can beat it? A large stock of Hats, C&apos;apx. and Fnr good* now opened at Ricltardnoo & CO&apos;H. Life becomcH almost a burden win n the body in racked with the naffering Inch aruKH from Hcrofula. If anv taint of thii diHca.-&apos; Inrkft in your lilnon. Ay erjiSarsaiiarilla w ill i xi< i it. The eu tin sadilest l>creiiveniciit we have evrr chronicled, and lias riicited tin .|ee|*.t and most heartfelt sympathy of tin- m tire community. The funeral took {ilaro on r attends mains were n.t. ir.<l in tin Maxwell c.-ii.. u ry with niUitaiv honors tin KIcslierton volunteer . miipauV. under coinmand of Lieut. Field- of ht, &apos;. oawed wax a DiemUr an t tl.i I l.aher- ton Man. I. attending; in a ll\. Mr. John Ka.ll.->. sr. auinr -.f .! ceased desires IIH to COIIM-% through thu colmnns of Tin Ai.vis. >. his heart felt tlianks U, Mr. Alex. Hannah and other Kleshi-rton Station frn-nds for their p-i at kindness t- 1 hi. -..i, at tin titue of the accident, and al-o to tlif Klcshertoti vuluntei r . ..&apos;iijany and Hand for their | .-: .it the |<-rf. .nn ance of thu lat itad rit. s. Saturday, other dealers charge them. - Take all your He-pairs to Kussell, as he knows how to d the work properly an<l at reasonable prices. JAMKS (i. KfSSHLL. - \nriion Hale. KAMI ,rrv E \blMi taa\. -bur .las. (S. Mrooka aucti.m aalr In me rvijwcU our fall cxtubitiOB r&apos;urnitute. Ac., in Kl<>l;.-r thu year was sii|rv>r to aay vet kaU here ei>ucially aa thu the snore IK of Household toil, .n U -.ftenioun i.rx&apos; &apos;tli A. S. Vaiil&apos;uern, aortioiie*r. A unmU-r of gentlemen at Flenlierton Station, it necroa, arc quit.- indignant with n- in inncctioD with the SC|I.N,| ipicHtion. which ban tried the pni . n. , and nanity of many. If " Val ntim- Muggins " writes a wliaqier letter than usual, the F.ditor of thit pajwr K ^nre to conn- in for a vi-ry large anare of ah- :-. tx-lund his iittek. Lat week " MngcinH" |ac- VI.\M-B readers tin benefit of a lot of plain talk, re tin school question, which \\a- not rdi-hed. But of eoiirw all the Idame fell U|H.II UH. and many most unreaisonahle and nn threats were indulged lfl by a number of gentlemen who should know U-ttir. grieved l>\ the .-sunly if they feel ag remarks ,,f i, u r i-orres. ed by taking thm raedici Th auction goo.ls. as ho do,-.-, not] brWfr7)!ii tl,,. U<giinuiig. eep mich trash : he keens uothing but winners an- he.eh\ ank,.,! to baud in rs&apos;-i.c-lass (joodH. -2 w. I i,, a f em , |, | lu ,. lr j M ., t |, r , ,,,| prize a Mr. J. O. RinwtdlH xhil.it of silver ware, gold watches. Ac., at onr exhil.it Ion, formed the centre of attraction in the Agricultural Hall. It wan really grani" took on Saturday even. . .. r in I ii|ilir.-|.i;i. &apos;l>|di"id i. \>-r claimt-d two rcvtdrnU f Kuphraxia aM it r. ,.i:tl\ On Friday Mr. Mannii,. ,,l\i.. died of the fe\cr. ami on 1 hi,r-l\ Nlr \\in * &apos;">k. son ,f .lames t&apos;linU. K.-^j., ItiN-kl\ii. <lnd from the nanit- cauae. It. th uin I., n.,| ,,i. Satur.lay hurt the fir-t wan buried in St<ire\ s reiurlcry. -,. Vi!,.-Tit ii., I the l.iti. r waa buried in the lltli hni- , F.uphra-i.ti oc Tlif same hvarsf i-"ii\< ved the of both to tlu-ir U-t resting place. Markilnlr I .ill Show. I rnUj . Orl. I. All are invited to call ami M rnr fir. Htock of Watchem, Clock-. Sihcr&apos;ware, -I v. Mnucal liu-trin Ac. Will he pleMed to iJiow ftwxln and give price* whether you boy or not. W. A. Hrown. Jeweller. Maikdal*. lottos) A&apos;.IP 111 thr clasW of horse* and o(U ex- hil.it- -I. mlii h were away ahead of any- thing . v.r eihibiled in thu district. The &apos; frjnu wrrv wrll represented, tuu, and of coins.&apos; r.H.ts ilmwrd p well. Our dairy I latereaU c:. . , .; r|.rckmted. and thi , (Duality ..f 1 utter exhibited equal to form- .&apos; . the general array of Ljuiioe &apos; \V i WM also well u|i to thn mark The l t uiU.n was about tK y.-ar Waut at apace pf giving a iu..ix&apos; exuiuUd nutiaex IHIII.II i.: tin . i.in a-, .nl tin iii-elven of the same nit-dium for re*-tif\iiiK the i that &apos; Yah nt me Muslims " did in eondemuati&apos;.n of the new s. lnx.1 . tion. J^jjr^jdJ^jyju/ we can not nn. Irrstan.l. <>nc man isain hi! wmjil "throw tiji In-, j.njH-r " Nvatisc wo allowed or countenance. I ---i. h car- ryings on." Once for all lot u* Hay to - u Ii MM n : your " throwing n| thu j.a|. er " will neither hi nelit yourself Uor yet Fall Show. Oct. 5. 1&apos;.. ii t fail to no and bring hahy of Miurs , \en if it don llie a Hraiw Baml or an rarth A < heap Trip. The AiYA*rm from now until Jan Itt. 188H ii:, month*) for the paltry / that fat cry and <l. During the la-t day Mr. BnawJl injure u, the I. a-t the (taper lo-.in,; your in twelve watches for repairs, and natrona-jo. You nnuhl just as w, H" trv Saturday had no luaw than forty u - -to], the flow of H H,.rii.- : .nek by a. I takteff a pail of water therefrom, aa to i. . I Imaciae ytM* " throwing uj. :\ i.-ij^r" Whore bilk are printed in eonncctiur. | will &apos;* a death blow to that indication. with Mociala. pfttetainmentc, etc.. a free in.ticu will be j^ivcu in thi-w colinuns as usual. When there is no printing done. all iiotic. H an . lun^i ] at the rnte of 111 cents jier line first insertion, and 6 cent* INT line each sii).sc<ju,nl im*rtiun when matter is not i handed. Wraford Oltr urn I &apos;..rrrtf*&apos;H.lr*,t t Mr. William Hukhinsoii Im- rrturn od home again from KII,_- \>l;.rt- -Ii. ha t-en \isitni(.&apos; her frun<l for oait> rk&apos;V. JaVa Hoeikin. of Eapari l-rra. h.sl T good ae^aa ia< &apos; Similay evening la large cooj<rt nalwo. fWHarve^Hjiaii Fe>< aepeioa with FlFeltrtia liiaia held on M :..lav &apos;mji October. I >r Williams. ae of thr SujsTin anta of tht hurch, will preach he Sum 1 ., . 17th Oct.. aail remain i the I . *Kal. I&apos;-N hat mtrtho.1 of wiroaj nan,.. " ~" \V* P~l slia.lv. if not. imleedT IMaVaillP loka| aumcbody. Maxwell. frvm our vim <&apos;urrri]*&apos;>nt-nt The sudd, n nnd un.-ijs,-t,-,l dvath of Win Kailley nt Klesliertmi Station, Jaat &apos; week. ha cast a !... m ..nr tin* intin- &apos; nritfhU.rhood, an lie wiis kii> wn l.y all, far and near, as :i <|iiti-t, induntii. man, ami highly r,-|-> t.-.l ).\ .,il He lias [ left a wife :iinl ..lie clnld, ls-nl.-< l.is aw ! his IOM. tin remain* .i. nr l.y the Iarrt | . funeral firl&apos;./f ever set&apos;ii in this pin crayon , ketche* by_M,ss Kdith aud Mi*. , WM R , M , |I( ,,.,. f,, urt u.,f , nil | e ^eniril, , Miss I,i/4ie Richardson exlnhit.-l her ! first attempt at water color painting at Kast (irey 4.w la,,t ww-k It was a &apos; t<( ,.., , liiont cmlitable effort. 1 he paintmus &apos; > w f.,i| <>w ,.,| t ., th, 1 by MIHH 1 >wnitiiW- were good, aud the , Mr. T. A. BUkely the Fleaberioo j>aint<-r lias mciire.l th.- ,..ntr.vt ofpain- tin..- Hinl , ml. . iniuinu thu Weiil. M-ral of our citiava* were down tu Toronto takiiiu in tin .i^litn ..f tin , u\ and thr trreat e\hihiti.ni. And -.. aay the kuo wine; on, fthtmihad other ini|i.irtant I u-in, -. t. . tlicv atteiidi.l iluriiii; their vi<it. II . I-, tins fur iiuit k w.irk : with their -:. I thri-iUuni{ at ^ link and a lialf mil were at work a^-ain fortv tive iiuuuU-H. If there art- any - can lit-at ti,i.. 1< t ua In ar frutii the III. OUR Pall Stock! IS- We Invite Everybody to See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here, M.Richard son&Co. FLESHEHTOK I Mautl KichardHon shoed i_&apos;n.>.l artistic ability. Sketches by tlie M,.tTntt Mr ( ., of Markdale. wen very much admired, as well as some beautifnl -.[< ur. us in scroll Haw work hy the same gentlemen. Underwear all kindH. rery clirap, at M. Kicliar.lsi u A &apos;..-. We like thonc pleasant siK-ials. w here one can rhat, aing, (day all -ort>, of in nocoht gamr*. and make themselves at home. Such a social wax that held in the Sons of Temperance hall on M lay evening la-t. ninlrr the aiispici&apos;s of the W. C. T. U. There was. Ivsi.hs. a rich feaitt of music. l>r. Christoc. iu his m..-t genial ami happy manner, tilled the chair. Limited -puce ohligcs u* to curtail onr report. writ.- quite n uni.|iie epia- tle in last weck&apos;H Markdale >&apos;f.i ,./.,;. Soiucthiug in the /&apos;rcn/M/frrum Jtrru-n , la tin effect that it sometimes ha|>|- n,sl that a chifcl was untruthful even when the home atumaphere wax truthful, ur OUMxl the (ticotthri trrilfiuli of " Mom us. &apos; and lit- accordingly " oni|diatically denied the truth of that statement. 1 Nevcrthclrwt till 1 l&apos;rr.<li<iti-ri<in lirriru- is , corre:t. Tlie logic lined by " Jloiuns." , in ah article (overing over a column, is not only wank, but many of the state- ment* aro directly oppotietl to common and the iiiiint,. r .-I [H&apos;o|de prvaent was es- timated nt frmil tiM 1 to six liiuiilred &apos;I&apos;l.,- M.I. T. I . Flcshert.&apos;ti c,.iii|ai,y of rohinwcm, and The firnt M-ini-aiinnal meeting nf the tin- Kleahertoii Hun. I :is Well, attend..! t.. \\ . i | I A , - - r ,) av , pay their last rvs|.e,H t,. their dead com - - ,. r|,, , I, ,-tiuii and initalla- rade, and tlie nuininT in liu-li they |^-r- ti..n of ofh. ITS for the en-iiii formed thu l--t >nd i.&apos;. s :,-. tiu!\ , ,-in pl.-n-i, a-, foil, in. n.liible. I . i.il n.-ruiMii l.j Mr Mrs. >|, .,.;,. |&apos;i , sideut ; Kcrner, in the Mi-tlnslist church here on MIS. (ior.|.>u. \ i. , I&apos;reeidaBt Sunday etciiinc. " listened t<. mtli much attend, .n Tlietin-inU .-f tin- de ceaaeil have the d. . ;s-t syui[>atliy of the entire BoighboHlood A few farmers vet liave j.*t<-hrs <.fi;raiii out, and we n. n .- >ne in jMttn-ular. who lian coiisidera&apos; Ii _ un \ et un.iit. ami i noted for heini; Is liunl e\,-r\ year. Far- mers who haw thri&apos;shed rejn.tt i yield ef irrnin. .li.lill .M.<,>&apos;iiy was suiiinKiind T. (iiiiuey, K-MJ , ..n a clniii>e < if asmiultini; Mr*. Milne, and lined #4(i ;,ii,l John will likely I.,- in c.uef ul in future. Thin article I&apos;M double leaded in order to ratrh your attt-ntioo the more readily ./ ^, \\lr rea<ler. Will you kindly * at thr date after your name an yo raad thin ? Do.-,t reav**"! Jaa -7 &apos; If it doen. you don&apos;t we oa for your paper. If it dweao t. you do ow its; for your |*|r. and arc barvby moai renpectfnlly ankid to pay <f with aa t- tle de-lay as |eaihle. we\a no* to carry old account* over f as much an we liave I&apos;rinn O.prr). t&apos;rvm out . ,. i &apos;..>!>; ...... (./if. (Tlie follow iiu .i recei\cil t.*. late f.-r Mr-. Keefi r. Mi -. \\nt-. ,n Mrs. (ijerdruin. lUc. S. Mi-. 1) f.. \\ i^iit. 1 n.turcr ; Mi- Hunt. Au.iitor . M Hopkins i Mr- Mis.re an.) Mi- i i_. i Irum wen . ,l.-li _ it. - t.. attiu.l &apos;I In Ninth \iuuiil l&apos;r..\-ii. i.il Cnii\. nti..ii -f\\ < I I t.. Is I,. M in th. M. tl,,.ii,t Church. O, n s... i tn. I. Oct. lith. l:nh. .-in. I llth. It is intended that this erin^ -lull U- tin m. .si j-ra.ti.nl au.l hi Ipfnl iiin\eiitl..M CM r Ii. i I Mr^ L.U .f tin&apos; H n I. Im (tn^l.!. ami l&apos;i.-i I. nt ..I ti,. \\ i U . i 1&apos; I Usl to bu prenent. A Y C D &apos; C *^ " t FA O If .b- Ll,r w. Cathart* -. 8tr. ( . - a good deal ..f tn-u- hie about tliu aitnde iu a r.-.-.-ni issue of Th &apos; *&apos; The M the AI>VAM< K, rv h<e mime U iiil.v uls.l to *&apos;&apos; -rte Tin- p.- here, and tl: F. the article, &apos; haun^ ju-t Is en .!eVail..| on duty Iniiiible eervant thinks hu is sincere about it. (hi Saturday niuht an old ^-.nt ..f the tramp specie.*, tin- "ic f..r liijii. r, vi^it Neil !H< I olmit ii M P I* "&apos; &apos;&apos;"* &apos;&apos;""&apos; r ""-&apos; &apos;* &apos; ""&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;> &apos;-&apos;cut* of the I town led him aiMino, v ndiiiL; liun t..|-n To Otf tAUor of TV Admnet. | rate houses, and a ,<; ! IL-U... i Sir, I notice in your iaauu of the 23rd ited was Camp t, win. bappem d to be in mst , that you refer to the Mirrur&apos;t re- &apos; li-il. He n.s>n i*..t up, ainl tl., \,i\ it marks, rr (jut (troy political horizon, and mosphcrv smrlltsl ..( ).rin.-.t. .in in.l tir. retjueat me to apeak out aud s.y whether \ with the invectm s hurled at tramp ami lam a candidate for the convention, to his Kindcs be held in- Markaale oi) llth pn>x. In Itoth Pen/.. :md Camp aay that they reply, I would inmt rcs|wotfully announce know th.uie two .. -ws au.l that they have tlii..,ii{h your columns, that I am avnin IM-. n H..HIC a littli t. ..f.u- with tlu-ir j.>krs et.kiiiK re-election, and will bo acandi- <>f l.-ite ..n tlieir n.-iklhlMir*. and if they date nt the convention ; and if dropped, don&apos;t stop they will vtudi they had. Camp aa predicted laid aside on sm,. shelf iwean if aecatcbe* them prow linir around I will do my beat to securn the election ,-ift-r nujht lie will .p.-n up the Winches- of any UIKH! man that the convention may tr <m them. S,,, U.ys, tx-wnn&apos; b>. u a elect. However, my eyes are not dun u<H.d shot, nor my strength abated to the extent so would make you believe. have nevrr instructed any (wraon to ay that I would not run for the next declar. s ;t t.ij, i , .m,| \,.ur op a bin rooat robbery on fifth ,.tT t. > write term of the local |<arliament. Youra truly, NIIL ML-COLMAN. Thornbury. ept. 24, &apos;M. Mrs Kliai Wnirbl is very ill with in- flammation I 1 1 1&apos;eiik&apos;" has an ad ditioii Mis< Julia IVriL&apos;.i is very ill .&apos; with inflanimation of the lun_-s it ill MI|\<S| II|KIII the Atiriciiltntal ! , to call on ,\li-~ \l i : l L:, liiiriloii l .. has just r, tin In. 1 \Mtll the l.ltft DOT*!- in nulliiii r\ . .in.) let the | iiMn know S.IIIM tiling als.ut tin sn tills.- (..llllUIIS. II. V I " . ^raciously ret i IMS), and wans>M>n ituv tricably entangled in a uraiid cout>lni. i nn ration of millim r - t. , I in. .tlitn >. , However, he managed U> find utit that the " Gainsborough &apos; i-i&apos; 1 - |>. pul.tr. or \ rather, the fashionable .Imp in tlie hat line this st-ason Turbans, an. I I&apos;ln-di Itoiim ts are urn h v. .rn ami MIHH Kich ardiioii makes a tine .h-|-l;iy m n.ry tiling in the l-ii-iiii .. hi w iH.lell i;.~ U. the " Fam-inatorH " have yivui pin n iiinii- f.is< inntai^ c Ian-- cable an-l M i |-i.l!\ Ii it in ..r der to |iu\e a pro|H i . ..n, . | tmu of all the pretu tilings to U- mx&apos;O in Mim Riclmrdx.ii s n. HUM r\ i...un. \I,M \\ ill h.i\i> to make a |H rsoiml ii^[..ti.,i yourself. K\ery ciiste.i:, r i-. treat***) i-oiuteoiiHlx. ami or.!, rs fi-r trifiinin-- it .itre attended to promptly, &apos;lln IU>a<ly Mude Clothing and Over Coatu prices are n-asoiinhle and jimt.&apos; i|iiaht\ a largu stock to chcHw*. from ; of maU-rial and c\er\ tli&apos;ii^ ( |s. uk-i at M. Kiehardnon A Co&apos;a. &apos; &apos;-&apos;to ..i:sid, rn!n n. I bowel, ar,coaapated. or tt tall, loperfona as arefsHna, TW, ar. For soaw Ttan I wa* a C.ptaial.k c.iiii.... LI of fcri from nrrml Urt.UMf fHUoa. A frw tH.xm of AT> Pill, rwrtorrl mr o prrfn-t br.ka. ~ W. T. Brl^btorv, Utadenun. \\ \ .-,. I r irar. I Ajer&apos;t ItUi than aa; tbiag tlw. to to ur r Regulate BIT bowi-l.. Tt l-ill, an nuNI In artloa, ami Ju ttx-lr win k tharMaKhlt . Ibrin with CWMl .(. U rnui.ni. KI.IIWV Tnil.k>. aail -(,. &apos;. MilUr. AtiMwrooith. 1 A.vrr> Pill, rum! nw of 9tomwh ami Liter troablrs. front wbirh I had *uiVr*4 for i-ar. I rtMMUrr tbrm thr brl p4H* mad*, ami wuuM B.H br wiibout taeav MorrUUaln, Uowanl. . X. Y. I w atiackr.) with BilkxM Fevw. . a* Ma>r.| br Jaim.li.i-. an.1 WM - ! .n.-. n>ly II) thai Mr frir0* tir- pair.. I .if mv no%rr>. I rnniimn.nl Ukn v . 1-iiU. and >ooa rwalanl BT o^ raiti-.ii. I...wrll, spriar I ,unV r ,>l (trrairy from a >B. nunor ,, n i,i> ,,.k. la |>U ef . \ . r> effort fi> rur* this rnir4k>n. It ht- crvmtt until tbr Ana brraaw eMlrrlv nw. I was trpbhHl. it HH- oaw timr, wlib lnil%(tioa. au.l ilWrcMinx pla la The Bowels. By thi.l\in< of t frtrad I hrvmn takhKT A\rr&apos; nib. In a lr1 I wa^Tiss. <r"in pain, mv /&apos;"I dirr^tnl |T^>ea<|j. i, &apos;&apos; h*-lhi an.l. In Inw thi >ainii.-l I). W I hi>, tMK fiull> . aatl IN- pill- IUM]P. * VI> wife an I >iM ut.-ry a fe |.-i> , ..nun, > vrd. \.tll-3 mraa. - I&apos;m., i: lin. :!, l.i..,. (win w.nt am t Tbrwturr f> fete Ihrm to br th* ! C. Der&apos;u M. FH-.U n. MkaM link- r.n i were takrn Irtj w ila> aco. and I at eaea i,-m iawsll JBM - -f \ , wowM call a donor If ihs> . anr worsr. Iu b-.rl itfrkan*e elsft .1. ait Ayer&apos;s Pills, by I>r .1 a\M kjall A jref k Co., L:r!!. ; i

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