ROWE - In Heathcote, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr. S.C. Rowe of a son. Marriage and Banquet An Osprey correspondent writes: - There was a banquet in the Feversham barracks recently, in honor of a young cadet, Mr. James Speers, of the 12th line of Osprey, who was lately united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Ottewell, also a member of the army. The young couple, who are highly esteemed and respected by the people here, have the best wishes of all for their future happiness. Here goes the old slipper (No. 13 as I'ma sinner) and a shower of rice for luck! PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. svime >p*ul sou* tium iu tin- studio of iou Toronto I'hotuitraphur, Mr. 8,'J. Vl ire t acquired valuable knowledge in IU fSJBOU where ebliic, I feel aiisurt-d I 'MBS. BULMER. Floshorton, Hpt. 17th, 18HS. itudio of the iou Ketou lvo K<>"'1 guuera! solicited, Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch, TIME 'r Taking Kjfeet, Mtnduy, North. BTATIONH. Tortbto Mall ,1-1-1. CardWDll Juncliou ChtrliMton a Orange- 1 Arri '10 OH ville. (Leave 1090 " Orii(jvillo Junction ln:m " Hhelbui-M ill)** " Dundalk 'll a " Fl.KXHBSJTOM 11 <7 " Markdtl* Williauiafor.l T.'prt! Chstiwnrth iS8" Owen Soiiud Arrivl 1 OS Kip i 4 ,l|'l" 830" ! 645" I 70S " ' 7* " 7:t4 " W " W JO " 886" J 10 " :" i;i - 10 ao Miawl | 8 s 13 STATIONS. L El P. >wuu Sound ..." Leave StOaiu - <Vm latswortli 10 WiUUiuiford Markdale Kli.'ilp irini ..................... Orn)!>iilU Jiinctlon ..... Orange ( Arri ---------- rill*, i Leave 623 - " TOB " T " T51 " H:UI 4S " Mixad. , Rhtrleton ........ ......... 806 Canlwell Junction ......... < 'Jii Toronto ............... ArrlT. 10 V> :tm ; I 06 " ' 4 SI " 5* " 535 " 5 VS CIS " 830 " SIO " I s - a W. WHYTE. D. MrNICOl.L. Ow'l. Pisi AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has r.ny (juantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Chen/) for Cash. DR. CART EH, M.O.P. ,V S. ,()XT. rilYSIM!N. M Rttidrncr, wst In />iri*Vi Ci.wt nfficf, 5 cutiotni. . NAItSUALL, L.U.S DENTIST. GKIOI'ATR nf To-onto f, 'io"l of D Will lui at Murk I ill' thil l-it n I r.l \V. (M . <!y .it u''i in iiitti. ! 1 i' I Ii' \i -it." i "Ti Ainlitr.l T!nirUy ill usch inoutli for the |ir.tctiee of bU )irnfeftiiion. j. w. FROST, I.L.B-. Barrlnirr, Snllritnr, OBIco. Stnlu'B KnlMinii. FI.I:I nri.r. s A. A. Clir.SI.KY. S"!mt..r ixnd Convoysnccr, Itu^iiluiit MMIV r Mil. FP.iiST will IM fuiiu'l at tlra OCico ou TriM in-, u lii'i . t (on P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. >er NrFarlnnd'H Klre. IMarkdiilc. Money to Loan. MASSON & MASSON,~ B \RittsT 1 : us >i.iciT')!ts, ftp. OKricr.-Owen Hmi4. In Vlrk-r'n block, P nili'tt St. Uraii, h i-rtii'i- in Matk<lali>. HVIT Me FarU'rl .tori', on Kiiilayanil Stunly every wak. J. 8 MASSON. W . HAfUMlN. N.B. PrlraU t Cnipan;'s funds to invi t at roni Hlz to K.lxht |wr cent. IIA'.OWIX HAVBH R P ITlF.n.W HIIVJV HANDS, EUHLIN & QARVIN, Hvrrriitin-n to Isiml'r <( Jl'imli. B \KR1STKHH, SDI.lrlTDHS, NOTARIES. CON\l:\ \M ri:-, A, M.ninv tn I at iMwem Hat>' of Inturont. Otlicen, 10 King Stn i-t Kast, Toronto. John W. Armstrong, Fl.KHllKBTuN, Co. GhlKT. DIVISION COfltT ci.rilK C'OMMISSIONEB in B. H., Convnyanear, Ac. \gaut for imrrhane and sain of lauds. Ap|)raiM)r for apos;. L.c i m and r. P. B. * S. Society. Min-y to Ixian <m t he mont rn^nnshl<i tirtn. IHHITKR or MAUltMdl'. LK'I'.NHKS NOTAUV ITHLIC W. J. BELLAMY? TWP. CI.FBK AHTKMFMA. CO WRY A NCEK, COMMISflloyER, IMWRAXCE AWT, ,((. DKED8. MOUTdAOKS. I.KA8F.B, Ao.. pronsr d ml properly executed. Iniuriuo- affcc- td In flrt-clm companion Monoy to Irmlst lowitratf R. J- SPROUL, Flfshtrton. Ctm tvyanrrr , Appraiser, Val- uator tittd Mnnry len<lrr. Df.fd, Miirt- leaf n>ui Will* dnuiii ii;> and mad? ,m shortest notirr. Chur- gtt very Imp. Ar>yy t<> K. J. XI'KOULE, Poitnuiiter, Fifth rrton. Money to Loan. At fi\ Per Crnt. Intrrtut i/n Straight Loan. WITH Interont paid yearly, not in advanc'.No eonimiHfllon oliarged. Apply to A.CRIER. - IIIOKMtlKV. J, E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, $ Cabi- net Maker. All repair* prninptlr A neatly xprntn<1. Hh.i|>, nmlmni St. nnit tn T,<-lirh' Tailoring, flan* and iipoclftcatlona on nrmrtmt notice. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It the plat* to get your ttarnmt Cottari, <tf t moult np in good ttyle. Slap in W. Clayton' t Boot (t 9hoe Store, LEITCHS Tailoring 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, WOT VOL. VI., NO. 273. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 9, 1886. A R n. .. EDITOR J, PROPRIETOR. Establishment FLESHERTON! /* the place to el your Suit it made in future. HAMPDEN WATCHES Durable, Accurate, and Reliable. SPECIALTIES: American Watches & Clocks, Wedding Rings, Silverware, and Difhciilt Watch Repairing. Fine stock, Close Prices. Tit - Bits. Ctnituting of l.-a-nl <m<( Otlitr lutrnttituj It- HI* ijnth'-f'l !><i 'Die Advance 5 Ibs. uf Uncolored Japan Tea at J. O. Anderson's, Markdale. Wesley ArrnHtroug w onto enjoying his holidaya. for II, Tor Master K. K. Richardapu in attending High School at Owen Soaod. Miss Katie Bellamy goes to Colling- wood on a visit this week. S]-< inl < M-III ioii trains will run from Kleshcrton to ToroDto JKT < P. K., on th< 14th aud i:,th of this nmutli n. xt wt >-k . Fart- fur the round trip, 1*2. Jtut arrived : a beautiful clock of Vel- vet Pile Tweeds, in the latest designs and shades, at J. U. Andcnon'i, Markdale. Ordered Clothing a Master Fred. Armstrong returned) Kxlnlntors-nhould not forget that all Call at the. Mammoth, Markdale and L'l-i 6 or 10 Ibs. of J. <}. Anderson's fa UK i iu 35c. Tea. It is grand value. A hat watt found in front of M. Rich- ardson & CO'H storo lirrp last week, with the initials " J. B." thereon. We had a call from our old friend Mr. Wm. Ony, of Osprey Township, on Sat- urday last. A lUlialilt Jrvllrr, MARKDALE, ONT. Go and hear Kcv. W. Ayers lecture next Monday evening. The trip will only cost you 5 cents. . Mrt. Wm. PeU-h, Floahc-rton, returned Euplirnsln Frum our UU.-H I Bin. Richard White, of the 3rd line, Euphraaia, was driving into lleathcote with a horse and buifny last Saturday, hen the horse ran away. Mrs. White jumped out of the ri,' and Ml with sm-h violence on tho road that her leg was broken at the thigh. Dr. Me Bride is at- tending her. As tho Eppini; ainl Fleshcrtoii mail carrier, Mr. J. Curry, was driving home for the balance of thix month. on Monday afternoon, and wh lie descend- Don't forget that J. G. Andenon ii selling off Boots at nearly half price ; call and see. from a pleasant viirt to Toronto this j cutri.-ater Kast Groy Exhibition to be -" in4'leHherton^>n the 23rd and 24th | OranJ of thin mouth inoit La made i/or* UM daysofajfcow. Paste this in your hat. ~'' Mis* Maud Richardson is in Toronto purchasing F.ill Millinery. When she returns we shall have pleasure in in funn- ing the put- In- of the nature and extent of her purchases, as she always gets just the prettiest and best millinery obtainable ' -look nut for the A. E' report. Sir John Macdonald vim tod the Me- thodist General ( 'onft-rence in Toronto mi Tuesday. while it was in scmticn. and received with unbounded entliunj- Ho also jr >ined in tin- singing of that grain! old Lymn, ['rum Green- land '_ Icy Mountains," with a h.-arti- vim vvJiidi showed that our ** S % " GEEAT SLAUGHTER VIOLINS, VIOLINS, VIOLINS, AT THK What do yon think of ttie two Colored Rev. Mr. AyerH, pastor of tlie Method ist church here, will deliver a hi-turr in East Grey Exliibitfoa posters .turned Kleshorton mxt Monday evening. Sub- out of the ADVANCE office lattt week. jn:t: " Supremacy of the Human Mind." Oh. reader? there I A " Clipper " paper cutter, niniilar to the one in the Stawita-d office, Markdale, the latettt addition to the printing we usually get Admission only 6 ceuta. Bev. Mr. Ay- ers hax given this lecture to enth tic andicucoti elsewhere, which nhouM Noted Jewellery Store, FL-ESIICRTGIV, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY (30) DAYS J. G. RUSSELL Will Mil hii floe itork of Violin* ratrdJM at cnct. la Tho genial Editor of the Sholbiiruo t'rtr. I'rttt, Mr. Mortimer, was in town Saturday lant and ^ave OB a call. home last fruiii a visit to friends in Clnirclivillt! aud vicinity. plant of the ADVAVCK. no mistake. It's a dandy aud We understand tnat Campbell power presses are to be put in the offices of the EnUryrae and Hvllrtin. Collingwood, hortly. More power to your Ibows, brother* Orady and Currie I Another lar^e stock uf those famous B. Lawrence Spectacles - best in the world just received at J. O. Kuuell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flusherto'i. euBuru a crowded hon* here' on Monday evenin". We expect to e? a large lorn- out. Dr. Kpruijo. M. r , ha,s been invi ted to occupy tlie chair. I^ecture com rncncen at 8 T Nora T ratxowna PRIM* - A wry * M^IB. r \ ...I.i. t M90. ts*>MS> frtss 14 A nnsitMn-t ntftii t> 71. f nui inlcs trosn Now U th< UnMta MOV* n* Vilm .1 ! than hnlMU prt. A SOT will MflTM WttbMcb \lollli M lb S)M4S SSM* i14. WWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWVV J. O. Anilermon, Markdale, in nflering trri-;it bargains in Ruady Made Clothing ini; the hills South of Kiniberley, the hi.ldback strup broke allonini; the rig to run mi the horses heels. The horso kick- ed the d-islitxianl, a piece if tin- board of which struck a passen/i-r, Miw 8. Sherwood, on the leu, jti.-t below the knee, inflicting a L'iudi four inches Ion.- Mrs. Dynes* ami bot.y, of Kin. 1 ' ii. \. were also iaicn^cra but cca;ied unhurt, through the exi-i -!li nt nianaL" nt of Mr. ( 'nrry Had the home not bfen a iiumt docile oin', then- iiii.-ht l.a\r IH-IMI a much more serious accident to record. Mr. and Mrn. Ilobt. Fawcctt. of Uiu place, are vi-itin*; friendn in Heathcote and neighborhood. Ureas (Jool are selling off at whole- sale prices <lnrini{ this month at J. (} Anderson's, Markdale, the Cheap Cash H ore. Jri'iit red m tioiis in Reaily Mndu ' at ,1. <i. Anderson's. .Markdale. TTir f":Hi>iT. of tho window* hi tli* Me- t!:oi!i-t I'liun h :i: r now uti.'i/ tilatiou. We voiiiiir v. ho the [Tdn.ul- t;iitnr of this new system iu Hauitary - i- ''i - 1-'.' l'i-lr:!, sliol'M knou soniet)iiii){ about him. Now, brethren, ilon't all K|>ak at once ! Mr. Steer, of Markdale, ami Mr. Den- nis, of Yorkvillo, took part in the clog- ing exerciucH in the Mfthodiut church here la-t Snnday Diuruiug. Id \ . W. AyerH preached a ] i rf nl and utirrinf; The Prize Lists of ArtcmoHia fall allow, (to be sWld in Pricoville) will be ready for distribution this week. An usual there are a goodly mini tier of KJU- cial prize*, chiefly by enterprising I villc buHinens men. We observe that Dr. Chrixtno tho Floalkorton delegate has been appointe<l i\ ririnlxT of ttir ' OODI ral Sii[MTmt<'rn1 rni-y " stainliii;! oiiniiiitU-o of the Mt tlio dint (tcnrral Conference, ow U-ini; lnM in the Metroj>olitan church, Toronto. Bev. Mr. AyrrH delivrred a powerful and stirring wmion in the Mi t!iinli>.t church last Sunday t v. nitn.'. to a and appro* iativo cou^ri'Kation. .It ny some' to U tin R.-\ . ivn best pulpit effort incp a - ing the pastorate of ll\> FlushortoQ cir- cuit. Dr. Ilixon will bo in atu^n'lanco at tlie Modical hall hen' on Tiicwlays am) Fridays, whilst Dr. < 'hrmtoo is alment at thi! General Conference now In mi; hel.l in Toronto. Th Dr. will, tli.r.- fnro l>o at the Mixliral Hall to morrow (Friday.) or any other tiiuc. of courc. when liii m-rviren arp reipiirod. The Markdale J3tan*itini came out in a new dress la-it we<-k. and loolui all tlm smart, r and brilit<T for tlie change. It also HportH (juitt! a unique new bend- ing, whieh. considering Ui! | r-s>nt form of our esteemed contemporary, is an im proveuieut ov< r the old one which wan rather largo for thn Hize of the |*ge. Like the ADVA.WK, the .s'fcm,/..r,( l, H s now an excellent tiiottu, vie., Hew to the line let the ctiipn fall where they may." THE BOYUfTEMPLARK. fminril IMhfr Concert in fa-ruing. Thr cattle fair here on scarcely eipial iu s)orae Monday WM to tin- District C.-uiK-il ..f E*t firry, ..f the Royal Templar* uf Tni|M-tsn-, net in the Town Hill, Kiahrrton, Tuesday aftiTH.N.n last. The representative* con- stituted a tine looking budy of nn-n and women. About 4:45 p. m., after transacting the special business f the District C'nuucil, large and mflu.-i.tial delegation fr- m the Vvnmeiis Chnstisn Temjierance '"ni-'ii , but away above % average, j a " a S " lw " f Temperance thv IM, i, , all of Tlu- attendance of buy.-m and scll.TH FK " l ' ert ""' Wt>n) m * lmitt 1 " the Hall was large, bat scarcely aa many cattl.- ""' '"""*"? introduced to the nirnil-rn. changed hand* an at the Wt fair, owing 1 ""'cers ,,f the District t '..uncil. the to the groat fall in price*. N. It. - We 1>1>trlct '"uiicill..r, Mr . Je.lm <J.,rdon. of noti.-e that TK-opl,- pay about the unu l1 "* '""" ' xt " J ' cordial wrU t- i.ld prue fur th,-ir Ixx-f all thu same. ^ dele * mt ** on b * h *" * * Council The introductory cereuimi< X. B. No. 2. We have often noti. ..I. t.*j, that no matter how cheap flour may K.-t, bread U wl<l at prrtty nun-li the Maine old figure, aa well a* the beef. Horn. RWB. In Heathcote. on the 31st ult., tlie wife ..f Mr. S. O. Howe of a ton. K cuts Caftt ibrir Sluid<M<t Itrforr." We have just camjht tho shadow of nne i'f the limit interesting f\< nu in the hin tury nf Fleslierton, t<i cmne i>ff sonietniif in Oftolier. It in to ellipse the Jubilee of last tuiiimer, end even Queen Esth. r TV anon. H,tr*d Il.m, r'ntifil. <'lr>rr Operation. Mr. \Vin. Richardniin, Veterinary Sur- geon of this town, pert'i>riue<i s very clev- r ipepatinn ..n i\ c<ilt helnn^ini; ti Mr. -lames Kinher Isst week. Ttie ndt had a were r ry gracefully gone thn-u'.-h with byR<-v \\ Ayers. Mr. W. Irwin, \\..rthf I'stn- arch, mail a brief I ut well worded ai d appropriate reply mi In/half of the Sons >f Teinper.i Mr. Carey Trt-adi.'..!.! U-ing called upon then read an addreu, calculaU-il t-. shuw the evils of intemperance and the nercas- ity for Among the m * papers in tin- Km! ri'il <-rk in tin- intrrents of Temperance ami morality Mr. Tn-ail^- 1<1 imutmned THE Ai v >v r. Elect none but true prohibitionists u -i nt yi u in parlianit-nt, wli.-tlu-r Reformers - r t 'onu rv jtiv e*. In tins way More alone wuuld the i|ii-sti..ii nf Tem|x-raaet be raised above snd In v n<! tlie ivv'i-.n f p.vrty politics. (Loud appl . Mr -.f KiniU rli-y. n. vde al ' lusion to the fact a . . rl.iin I. t.-l as k. ;.t ;-. n mi Sundn\ssnd unsn-nily snc unlawful j*.-.t-<lii,_^ iii.liil.-. .1 u, I d t>y ih* trafioaa I ''Uairniaii's addmt). 1-DucV Miaas E. * M. Richardson. 3. Instrumental Duet, Muss Jenaiv Tmadcold, snd MasUr Wardruba, Good, 4 H-. .uti,.n. Mis* Hopkins. Fm. :> *-4.,. Mrs. Ktohu, at Dundalk. Charmmifljr ratwiencL C Addrwa, fUv..T. Wataon. Brief, forcible, puinted. 71'..-. Mtwrs Barn house I Russell. 8. - Mouth Organ ;.-. Mr. W01 Camp- bell. Very fin. 9 -Duet, Kosa^ll * Barnhnuae. r,,J 10.-, Mis* Damud*. UO.M!. 11.- Addrvas, Rev. W. Ayera. Short. II Instrumental duet. Miss Jrnuu Treadgnld. and Master Wardrobe. Kl opontic guiirtetto, MMMS Ayer and Daruude. MeMrs. IUn>h-.Ma and Ruasl ; .irunnist. Mi E Ruhsrds..n. Capitally r- Teatmg npn>ah->us> ninth. < >rgan acciiiupsvnitaMit irrand. 14 . Solo, Mrs. Ketchum. Bmoellent. I- --.-.. Mis* Rhth . Richarda.. Sweetly rendered. Kodsave thcQnevn. Mr Mackpiizic I>uncan. of Kn^rni.i, inmate*. severe cut under the jaw, caused by a t(jt) harrow tontli. ei|>-MiiK thu gland under the tongue. Thu Mr. Ric-hardson Tlicr.' nort-mity f..r cleverly re(>Uce<l and drrsaed and stitch- . ., e.irc* UR to inform the ,-nl,lir. throii K li , "' " P ' h<> "'"""' A!,VN, K. that he vhinj; fr tin- fnn to ilo i'X|-ilitunisly a first th: i and cheaply. ) threshing machine, and having had con j siderable experience he frols that ho can ; guarantee Hatisfaction. * ' " m> ' fr '"" th " Th * C>llt famou ' JUST RECEIVED! Direct from Staffordshire, Eng. -:o) O V (o: --- CHINA & DELF WARE CONSISTING OF TEA SETS, BREAKFAST SETTS, DINNER SETS, SETS TOILET WARE, All in now and beautiful designs, white and colored. COMPLETE TEA SETS, 44 Pieces, no seconds, at $2.25. Marriasr and Banquet. An Osprey cornwrx indent wnts : Tin-re wan a 1mni|iiet in the Keversham harraeka recently, in h<>m>r <>f a ymint; Mr. T. A. Bellamy, of Orangcvillr. .-sdi -t. Mr James S|ieers, of th.- I'.'th Im.- was in town Friday anil Saturday last, ' of Ospn-y, who wan lately nii'..l in umr U-inn tlie (.'nest of Mr. \Viii. Irwin. Prin- nutfe t Miss Lizri.- Ott'w-ll, nlso a ineiii- cipal of our Public Srhinds, unriii!; his her "f the army. The youii){<fiu|il<>, who stay. W> had a ploaKsnt call from Mr. aro hii(hly eiteemel snd res|^otrd hy tin- B.. who is onp of Uu> niowt genial mem- 1 people here, have the heat withes of all U-rs of the journalistic and teaching' fur their fnttir" happiness. Here i;oes fraternities. tin- old slipper (X... i:t as I'm sinner ') The Right Placo to buy Crockery, Glassware and Chinawarc is at M. Richardson & Co. PLESHEET01T. It pays to advertise in TH ADVANCE. An hut a limited number of ailn. aro ac- cepted, aud an we have only a conple of . illinium or no at preoont which wo can place at the diH]>osal of patrons, now it* the time to make your contracts ami s. cure your space. All advortiHeniontH neatly net in type and placed near read- ing matter. and s shower of nee for luck ' w. r. T. r. It is, no doubt, a cittise of i;Udn< * to many, that the Teni|iernnre cause is be- coniinK universal, and is now in the hands of those who arc inten-nted in it. For ce of a law and to put a nt-'p to MI I, un. ci.nilu.-t anil n,-idly i-nf- rxe tin- law. 4 \t thi | .nut H- v \\ . Ayera w iinan iiii-iiisly v.-u-d t- - tl..- i!iir. ' n in t. Rev T. Watson, seconded by Mr After further distusii. u --f M: Thurs ton's stall-menu by Mr*. J. K. M Mm Sini'h. u. il Mrs Ix-itrh. it w.ia nmr i-ii 1.-. Mr .1 ii .,.!. n, s*<-iii:di .1 l . Mr .1. (i tvMuell. that a Law ami < ' '"inMiitti 1 .-, selected fn-ni ll-.^ T'-III|IT- ance siK-ii-ties In r.- r> \ rvaented, Ix) ap piiintril ('arrml uuaniniounlv. ^l . .venlliy Ri-v T. Watsim. >r<>iidrd )> Mr J. K. M- r-, that a nominating cunimittee. corop<ed of the ha<U .-f the various societies, b ap|-inti .1 1-> selrct IJIVT ami I >rili r i'"iiiiiiitu-.v (."arru -1 While the Nmiiinating ('< mi:.iiii-e waa sel.-i-tinir the Law am) >nli-r < - mmittrt- in the ante-room, Mr. Trt>axlo>ld'a ad- dress was thoroughly dwcussed. Mr \\ Irwin, ('hairman nf the Nom- inating Committee, then resxl out the names of the Law and < >rder (iod. the good uf mankind, nur homes appi inti-.l t-- repn-%ent the various aocie- and the nation. Steady, eni.-<t. think- i ties present, as folio w ing wntkers arc necrssarj-. It takes time \V-f T.I'. M .1 < i->rd. .n, Mr. < i Mr. 0x,. GlsuiHf,,rd accomplishe.1 the '" brilut " l ' < ' ut ll ''- "' "''' "tabhshed K,. fer, Mr. job of lowprinR thi floor in Mr. R. J. i ****<*, customs, or hsbits. Rushim; fan- Kountain Council, R. T ..f T.- Mr. J. Sproule'n store in a nniarkably short tic * llv int " cau " harm rather than <l..nlon, RT. WalU-r Ayers. Mr. paco of time. A new floor has "*U> t- The rising generation can be btwn laid, Mr. T. A. Hlakoly and afutist- ants are busily engaged painting, and other improvetnontti in the internal ar- rangements of the store are rapidly IH-- ing pushed forward to completion. By aniionnoarnout in our advertising columiiH to-dny, it will lw ohs>rvp<l that ' a Convention of tho Liberal Couscrvat- ivo awtociation of Kant Orey will be h.-ld in MarKdale, on Friday, Oct. Htli IMSO. coiiuni ui-iiig at one o'clock p. m., for tho piirpoxv of wdecting eandidaU-n for tin- House of Commons and Ontario l,<-isliitnrr. In unit) -st the Riiling at tho coming elections All inter. st-,l i-iluoated to see thew is no need ft>r a bar Kunberloy Council, R. T. -.f T Mr r accnmmiHlnti'-n "f man or beaut ' Thunton, Mr. Carruthers, Miu S. A. Tho Law and Order I<eAKue is a grand Th--ni]ison. - s -us of Teiii|>erancr. I>r. C'hristo, Mr .1 K. MH.rr, |U-r. T. Watson. On niotmn put and carried, the mem- ber* of the Nominating Cotumitte* . n included in the Law snd Order Commit tee abovo mentioned. A motion waa carrietl by a Yry largr majority, in which all who voted pi.-. step in advance, and we hope every home in Flehertoi\ will be represented on the petitions now gnintl around. I 'i-K S, 10 TIKV H hls|<-r> i round T*n. Tliat (.'upiii has been on a shooting ex- |>editioii in Kli ihi-rt.ui. govern tlsrniHclve* accord i nnU. ! su-k nf tlu- change and are Jwanl . thenifelves ti support a straight pr..hiln That llyiiirn will hortlv make hn best . ,. tion candidate in preference: tn lay other how-"whcii the loaves bcgm to fade, i .- matter of what shade of polities. Tlu- niectiiii; wa l-nnii;ht o s cUisr bj[ by all. and That many nf tin- "hoy"" who went up to the "Son "this summer soon got the sinitin : --I" Hi- -I Lawrence Spectacles best in thi- world just received at J. 0. Russell. Noted Jewelry Store. Fleaherton. That young men and 11111110 b,.nlictinii by Rev. W. Avers. TlIK i-OMl-URT young ladies in the errniiiK. under th should aelcrt noun- mi. i- aecludcHl place Ki-iintain ( 'mm. i!. wan n well managed than tin- II--) ne water bridge for osculal- affair. Mr. <!ordon otxupied. th* chair ing and hugging matches. ; Thu following program waa wall sustain Maswrll. / ' m our I \irrtrpandmt . Beautif'il weather and harvest nearly i r 4i. it stviinsl in npleadid c- n.lition Mr A il.tou anued here th hisa new tracti.-n - n-.-n,.- last week. aU.ut let] o'clock at i :!.t, and the aound of th* whistle arou*td many out of their homes* to se the i. ei Mr. W. 1. B Hamlin has removed MM our vil tge to Kii-iherton w- wisJi him every ,roea in his new sitsjatiosj. "in- : . hants is kevpiag hooss> t t -i r .-.:.l-n_- ..r hi uasknild fur- i.itur.- .-f ,ny description not tv.n l..e in the K-iosc. He says he csvunot sff.-rd to buy. If he suecveds in that ty!e, w.tli a iuwly married wife. w will try ai,-i i;iveMh. r intendiiiK matrimoar ih<- U-ni-ti. .<f his expeiieSM*. Our Prophet i very much JuturUd by a war-cloud in the Kast, ajui thml a the hattl-- -f Arn v..l.i-.h will surely bs> . . '(4 UHF nirw The harvest is about completed hrrw n.-w. an.l with the help of the r*OMU rains it will U- an average crop. Mr U Hames l<t a h--rs,- last week, but ii..t a very valuab!. (,uiU- a number of |..-.^.l.. fr-.m around here went n the excursion U> Mesvfi-rd last Thursday, which was a very r'la-unt tnp Miss I'att. -..-I, .-f Hamilton, is visit - m; >n tins Mr William Htitchmson so!d a very fine horw t.. Mr W i; 1'ickell for the inn of *ri Mr W \\ ilium* ii has purchased a new self-bindtT. From our oca Corrcaswnrfrnf, m has nest Mr Henni has his new tractn.B engine ..rkini{ to perfection 1 .i id-si of talk aaiom; the widows (rass and tliers >ne uf them *sys that the widows are not so bad of as ifiiiu- think they aro. Camp thinks more nf his o 'Its now that I'ujul.T uch a race 111 Karrt* well up to the front in > .tlij He ssys that rvnnndu him of the rule no tfsve you fr< in i*nc>ville. S.-ni.- ..f ih.- nnsiiMM nrn tsjk savat>>ly of s htn.1 suit aiounst a certain party in t iwn that will not keep their toOfiM .1 has started to go South again. notional*, \V J. If you want a nrst^lau PI MP. go to C. R. PHILLIPS l>l\IAI.k Ortten by mail promptly atu-odvd to. X.llr*. \V.-, tin- tind* rsigiuxl. will give> a pril -.f .,.iK)f,r lu> K^t - llarfi.-i.l ,-,-lt of tnd M.t)i for beot five cvlu siml by auy dtau;ht lior-<- in tins 4vtion of country. PriMstoo, awarded bv Judaesi at F.axt Orey fall show. Ten dollar priie to N- divH.-d nually K-tweon no. OMafnl corip. tiuirs. \K-M- notta sl-onld hav b*ou in t>ri.< List, but was nglertd. ItW 4t. TRIMULI a