Marriage of Mr. W. F. Doll We tender our old friend, Mr. W. F. Doll - wholesale Jeweller, Winnipeg, Manitoba - our heartiest congratulations on hi recent marriage to one of Bowmanville's fairest daughters, Miss Higginbotham. It is now some weeks since the happy event took place, and the newly wedded couple have had a very pleasant and extended bridal tour in the interval. May their lives be one long honeymoon. tanrro TI A n w "> *> t*mt TrllS r Ar Kit P. &,w.n t oo- t H uc BureMii luApriKx j bs "** tat u tnx at ov THE ADVANCE. U publUhwl Every Thursday, FaoM TMK dJU'ntftrow' Strtft, - Flrthtrivh, Ont. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : tl.OO per a nn in ID advance, SI AO if not paid althe end o* 1J yoam. S.. pa|>r diacoutlnuod until all arrearontiii are |>al.l Up ; aud uo >ut<cri| - tiaui taken for IH> than one year, except when I arranteuiimta for shorter period* are i with tin- publialier. ADVRRTIHINO HATES, Ac. Ca'Ual a.lrcrtit, nii!its.srnt per 1st Inftertlon and S cwtita per line ***4-h ubM|Ueiit iiiftrtioti TruiaiMit a>lvm .Ueu)nU t* l>e paid fur wbon orilriu.l. Adverti>eiue.ui without i>erinl ilirui- tloDi will be Inserted till forbid ami charged ccoriliiinly. Liberal iiiduoejmnt* to rngular advert iwr*. Notioea aiuon^ readiug uiattor, 10 ceuta per line each inMrtloo. No ailwrtlteinent discontinued until all ar reari(ea are paid up. Copy for advertittuueiita nhould reach this offlc* not later than noou on Tuesday to euaure (aaertlon in torrent Inn*. FAWCETT, .1.1 Pruprirtiir. FLBSHERTON: THURSDAY. AUG. 2G, 188G. Sir John tent 11,000 and |2,400 wai ad- vanrcd by Sir l).>nald Smith at the re- .(iie.ii of l.ieuc ii..\i.-riii.r Archibald, who wai acting for Sir John in the matter Sir wilt Riel the fl, 000 by letter i.. Archbishop Tin-he on the 27th Due., 1871. He cave the money on the distinct understanding that Riel ahould remain in the State* until the elections of 1872 err over. During th election Sir John s|*>ke at PeterboiM, only few month* after he sent Riel the money, :xnd in that speech I Meford KM, wh he u reported to have said of Kiel, "That 'dose he wished to God he could catch him !" I will now leave it to you a* a man of honor to reconcile Sic John's act with $3ir John'a words, for I confess that I am un- able to characterize such falsehood and treachery. Hut I muBt close, as I do not wiih to trespass too much on your kindnem. and will only add, in conclusion, that 1 have nothing to regret in thc volt- I _-:n.- re- lating to tho execution of Ixmis Kiel. I feel conscious, that in that vote I rwu superior to tile terrible expedient of n- forcing at the shedding ..i human blood, in order to gain human Votes, and whether my course is approved or not approved, 1 have, the satisfaction .1 now knowing, feeling, and Iwlievinif, that 1 voted right. I am, Faithfully yours, OEO. LANPBRKIN. Hanover, Aug. 21, 1886. THE FATAL POISON. K f Itoni/li n lint*" << n,<nl by t/ HI,,*! Fatal JtlHttltH. ItR. LAXDERKIS. W u find we have space this week to At- reply out briefly to Dr. Landerkin, M. P. W i- have referred to his jx.mty.ii oil thu Kid laiestion several times, in order that In might l>e induced to define hia position ImiiMclf. This he hasdouo ; and however erroneous we believe his logical deduct- ions on the question of the constitution- ality ot the e \.-cut ii n of Louis, Kiel to be, we are of the opinion that he U consci- entious and honest in the matter. The fre parduu grant^ Dutnout, Pound- maker, and Big Bear, was a mistake on the part of the Government of Sir John, which we cannot and will not attempt to defend ; but the execution of Kiel, the head and front of two rebellions, was, in uur honest and unbiassed opinion, a most righteous act. The evidence all goes to GET A I'lKK WATER SI i'l'LY. Tho I (oar i Is of Health could coufcr a boon on the community if they drrn-H that all putrid ponds should be feuced in. If hmiiiin IK-III^S win- to drink of the contents of them* dirty Imlt-s, they would certainly contract disoaseH. aud if they i* rsistt d in using the filthy watrr they would die. U stun. Is to reason that cattle who drink from dirty, yrri n Bcum-oovered stagnant |X>O!H. must, to a certain degree, tie similarly affit-U'd. mid in the caae of cows there can be no doubt that their milk is as liki-ly to lie fonlly-tainUxl in tins i.mnnc-r as it in to be pnrc and gmxl uln-n tin: cattle are Hup{>lie<l with ali-r from tho running brook. But with people living iu rural districts, who have ph-nty of ^ood food and clothing, ami abuiidauoe of time to rest, sirkm-ss shonlil be the rare excep- tion. Could we but trace discaM-s. such as diphtheria, malaria, aud typhoid fever to their source, how many cases might we not find to result from tho drinking of impure water by man and beast? The IWrds of limit li should lose uo opjKirtunity to impress this car- dinal truth on the community, whicb, too often, KiifftTK more from a lack of knowledge of sanitary lawn than from carcleaa&ew. | ihow that Riel was a dangerous man to Dr. I .null rkin Itrply. To the Editor ,,f the Advmcr. Sir, I have jiut received V"ur paper with your editorial on the letter you kindly inserted fur me laat week. I am l>leiud with the courtevua, able, nnd in- KI-IIHIUS character.. f yi mr article. 1 highly |>|irvciatu tliu nmiiner, but cannot con- cur in all the matter it contain*. I ii"tuv with (ileanuru ymir conversion to the due- trine* <>f the liiJir. and unto what youaajr at*. ut the |>crnicioui influence cif th French in Quebec. I *m munewhat iur- nriaod that you did nut liml it nut before, while the French remained aulid for the Conaorvative party, very litth fault wai found with them by the Contervative pna. Now that they W^in to indicate that a change <>f ^ivcrninvnt would be KIMK! for the country, the Conaenrative preu have discovered thnt they are very bad and very ai{ruiaive. Sceptical pen- ple may nay that you are governed by the doctrine of " political exigencies," when yon make the <>tmUue;bt upon them that you do. I do think it will Vie hani to fiii'l an arv'iirnent to aatm'y rcaxonable people that Sir John did right in lianuiiiK Loui* Kiel, and granting to (iabri*>I I>n- mont a full pardon and n retetoratimi of ail hi* eatau-*. If it was juat or ri|(lit t.. grant Durunnt a pardon, it wan nothing lea* than a judicial murder to hang Louis Kiel. Gabriel Durnoiit't tianloti in an ad- mission by the Government that they were wrong arid that Blake wu right in the Ril matter. There is to my mind no argument that will justify the release of Pnundmaker and nig Bear and the free pardon of Dumont, and, at the same time justify the hait^im.' of Kiel. NOLIU- pretend* that Kiel personally cummitted murder ; that murder was authorized or countenance^ !.y him, or that it was com- mitted by any one under his control. It is notoru us that he never even tired a shot in *!>e rebellion, and that concession, not bloodshed, was his aim and dcftire. This cannot l- said of Big Bear, Pound- maker, or Duinont, with whom- what- ever their virtues rapine and liliMxlghed was the leading instinct. If Riel wan the leader, they were hi* first lieutenants ; and if Riel it consigned to s felon's grave they should scarcely be entitled to the full privileges of loyal citizens. Louis Kiel's execution, compared with the late amnesty, proves that in Canada it is more dangerous to challenge mis- government than to take human life. If the execution of Riel wn. justifiable, it was on account of the useless loss of life his rebellion occasioned ; but if those, who, with their own hands and of their />wn motion occasioned that loss of lifo, re declared guiltless, Kiel must take the place that it is least nf all in the public interest that any person punished under form of law shoula take that of a mar- tyr ; a man who has been put t. . death for advocating a righteous cause ; who died that others might go free. I ask you to again consider hnw it will be possible for you to reconcile with fair ami just principles the policy which sends /me rebel t<i the scaffold and welcomes other*, at least equally guilty, to freedom and oitiaenship as a band of heroea. A few more words and 1 am done. Kiel never took hi* seat in the House of Commons daring Mackenno'i rtyime. True, his name is on the roll,' but the Clerk of the House was not aware of the fact, I am told, until it wss pointed out to him by the late Thns. Moss, M. P., when the Clerk expressed very great lur- paiae, as ho did not know when or how it came there. Hut then you know, al- though you did not state it, that Kir John when Premier had promised him an am- nesty in J872, about the time he gave way for Sir (ieorge C'artierin 1'rovencher and of course thin promise rendered him somewhat of a privileged character. 1 do not wish to doubt ynur honesty or to oharfr* you with endeavoring to mis- lad yoar readers when you s*y the mony was m* paid paid by Sir John, when 8ir John's own l.itter and Hir John's own Mstb. and Hishop Teehe's oath, show that ('won Mound. AY', m our Clldi l'i>rrr.1)nulrtlt Thursday, the KKh inst., wasourcivic holidav. The S. S. "Northern Belle" tcvok Foresters to Collingwnod. Sevt-rsl | other excursions to Presque Tale were made. S.S. "(ieiirral WiMilsley," ran a moonlight excursion. A ame of Itaie ' ball was played between Kennedy's foun- dry-men and towns-people : tliu irimi- was won by the town. A lrro match was played between msrried aid iiile men : the single men had it all their own WHY and won easily. The schooner, "Hotchkis, " ha* arrived with 900 tons of coal for llmwn t <V Tho bsrije, " Wales," is her consort. The C. P. K. boats arc btfafiaf daMn large shipment* of cannvd salmon frmn British Columbia, for Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal. The Government is improving tin- li;a lx>r. Tlu- dredge is at work dfe|*-iiiiiu' the channel. The S. S. "Africa," is l*inir roh'tt.-d into a bart;e and will be out for full traffic. The C.P. R. boats are dniii". larv'i- 1 rnftic i in pmtseiiL'erM and freight to North- West and Kritinh C'olumhia. It is getting to tie ' the favorite route. Meaford Lacrosse club playi our hoys ! ' on Sept. 1st. A lively game anticipated. Weather fine, with light shuwen. The necessity for great care in hand- ling all kinds of poisons, in amply bonie out in the case of Mr. Win. Huchunan, of in mistake took a of "Rough on Rats" a deadly poison one day last week, which nearly cost him his life. It auoma that hia son, Mr. Joseph ehni-an. got a piece nf bread, and after buttering it, put on the " Itouyh on Kids ' poiion. Not desiring to use it juat then, hu wrapped the bread up in a piece of paper and left it in the jiantry a very careless thing to do, if, indeed, nothing worse. This happened before' tea time. Shortly afterwards, as Misa ., , the country, and as such he has been re Bvohanan, his Hister. was getting the tea . rn.- , moved. I his has been our opinion she chanced to notice the piece "f ,, ,;__ . . tiit- tirst, ana we see no reason t( wrapped up in the paper, and . i now. Again we say, so pensh all trait- thmkmg her brother had prepared it for on, sauu or insane \ a ranch for himself, but had likely not 1 -n , , , f .. i 1 he blood of Scott rested upon Kiel 1 needed it alter so dulliL', slit- placed it on, . .. . land upon him alone. He could have j the supiier table along with the other a , ... , , siived poor Scott with one word ; but edibles. Mr. Buchanan, sr., sat down to ,, , , , . _, . .that word he never uttered. The then | tea, took thu piece of hruatl, and ate half , , ~ {Conservative Govurnment of it before hw son came in and, ou learn- ing that the piece of bread he had wrap- ped up had been placed by mistake on the table, stop|ied him. An antidote waa at once given or the dose would h.ive un- doubtedly been attended with fatal re- sults, as the |K>ixn is one of the most deadly known. As it was, Mr. Buchan- an felt " deathly sick," t.. use it connm.ii phrase, so much so, indeed, that Dr. Chri.stoc had to tie called in. We are told that the Dr. gave it as his opinion, that hail tin- p.iim.ii not been ejected from Mr. Kiiclmnan's stomach within six hours, he would have been a dead man. It is to be hoped, that every one who rends this will exercise all thc more can- in the use of poisons more or less of which can be found in every houae. "Rough ou Rats" is also rough on hu- man beings when taken NBW ADVERTISEMENTS.. OWEN MM M Collegiate Institute I WII.l. f>|H>ii 01, UONHA\, SOTH Am. Initaut Excellent Hlafl of Ti-ai-lu-m. lnpctoi ,.tti. I.IK report* ittlm Beit Koaipped School IB the Province < l~.- fur Mrm. Iwuoml aii<t I hini riant CitrtihcaleM, Junior and Heuior Matriculation with houort, and Lawunri Medical Kimmllatliillii At tni riTrlit IVm-hrr- 1 KltlllHI ittum all the I'n t Clam < '<- and a lame percentage of Second and Third Clans were auc- cetwful. r'oen, 2 (JO fur the Fall Turui payable at uutnuoe. Apply to K. W. MKIiCHANT, MA., Principal, or li U in mil:. Hc. Board of KduMtion. Owen SLUM, I. Aug. !.->, 18H6. -* BEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS! Fleshert-jn, May 28th, 1886. i overturn- ed becauw of its puoition with regard to Riel. It showed (^a, rascal clemency he never deserved. Then Sir John was con- demned by Reformers and some Conser- vatives bocause vengeance was not visited upon Riel ; now he is condemned by Dr. Landerkin and many others, because he has executed the traitor. Verily, there ii aomething tjuito beyond our ken in this seething sea of politics ! farm tor Hale. WKST HAM' of Lot 9. Coil. S, Townnlii|i of Collingwood, HO acrott uuilur good cultlva- tiuu, Prmnie HOUM* and Ham, Young Orchard. two bpringi. Ftrrfurtbur particular*, apply to UKOUUE Mc-ATEKK, Proprivtor, llnvi-lina 1' O . Ont. M>h. 1MB. (9T1-UI Euphraxta Jottings. Frum ixir oim CwrrrnptindeHt. Rain fell iu torrent* last Sunday continued until Monday, cauHing con- damage to gardens, bridges, and so are all the other poisons strychnine, Paris Green," Ac. Have all Hugh Johnston ranght a cat owl in a : trap lawt week and disposed of him in l Thornbury for the nominal -nm of one and i dollar. J. Ii. Winter's Itouue had a narrow en- from destruction by fire laat week A Mlntakr. T" tht E>iitr of The Adtane'. Thu Woniun's Christian Tenipeimnce I in. ,ii recently published a resolution in 'I'm: AhVAM-r to the effect that thi-y re- tin- " |iniminence that hone rac- poisons carefully labelled and put "*>, by the up.-ttjng of a lamp, and when you hare occasion to use them, Mr ,, i >l)Ug | ie ad in tUntferouKly ill tenderly *. you would yet Dr . McLean is attending him. School I 'i- eonmieiired again, and touch them as dynamite. W. I'. T. I'. It was Charles Buxton, M. P., -ho said : " Were it not for the hM-r hoiue and the gin )>alace, pauperism wnulil anon be nearly extinguished in Enylsnd." A London letti r says that William (ireen, HighgsU*, President f a Tciiiju-r ance Kociety, destroyed his cellar of wine, about 2,fiOO hottles/valued at 9-'<-0(N), l.y pouring it into the gutter. What is the W. C. T. U. doin Try- ing quietly, lovingly, to ihow the evil of drink, and that there are many ways fur our boys to be happy and jolly without being sinful. Only think : we ahall MHUI have a chain of mother s hearts, itretch- mg all around the world, to cnru fur the wandering boys. Item of last meeting Can any one show us a drunknrd'i happy home ? I none too noon. Six weeks in too long i for rural section*. We tender our old friend, Mr. W. F. A son of S. Oilmour's ha* been ner- Doll- wholesale Jeweller, Winnipeg. ioURly m t | ir(111( , M Bating overheated inn is gaining at our Township fair and Man it.. I. a our heartiest congratulations t nd driukiug too much cold water when "ii I'*. minion Day." As regards our Ar- ' * temesia Township fair, this resolution is likely to create a false impression, u horse racing does not form any part of the programme in connection with their fall fair, nor has it lortned any part in the paat. Yours truly, .Us. I(K.H.IC, 8c. -Trea*. New Dress Goods for Fall Tra-le. Melton Cloths, all shades, at 1 -' cents per yd. Supbt-rh Foullo Cloth, all shadi-H, at 17 cetitM per van), ami nni-st all-wool Jerseys A Ottomans at 2.5 to :i ccntit. ., _. . , down. A elod of dirt thrown at thi* in- M. Kic -hanlHon & Co. staut. blin.Uil the steer and i;ave thr A I'RorrMiiiK Lir Few men have ar 'x'y ft chanco to run for the fence ntar r,iiiiplinhed the name au.oiint of work ami by, nnd HO Haved his life. They decided Ifiiud in this worM n tin- c-li-l.ratwl l>r. to kill the liteer the next day, but on look at him a few hours after arriace of Mr. W. r . Doll. on his recent roamage to one of Bow. in y imt ()tate i: n ,j er tuanville . fairest daughter,, Miss Higgin. caro> ,, L . il( Mv to ^ ,, mg ^ botham. It is now some weeks since the A ^ of Jan , ei| Lout , hea< i uad uar - happy event took place, snd the newly f()W ctK ^ fro|n demt ,, wUU) tryinR to w!di couple have had a very pleasant ( , elivcr w)me ^ Me at Tnornburv . On(> and extended bridal tour in the interval. of t|ie catt , ( , R Ktwr b.Kmiug enragi^l, May their lives be one long honeymoon. julnpw j off the |iridgo , t Conn .. mU , ,. to the pond, and a-ross too lots, follow- '<! by the IMIVH. Suddenly the annual tin ne<l and made a charge on one of the IMIVH and got liis Imrns under liis vest ami niiM-d him fnun the u lii ii the buttons broke and let him THE MARKETS, FLE8HEKTON. Carefully Corrected Each H'eek. Flour 2 25 to 2 Fall Wheat $0 70 to Spring Wheat 05 Barley 00 Oats ... 28 Peas 52 Butter 11 K^s. fresh 12 Potatoes 20 Pork 5 00 Hay, per ton 800 Hides 6 25 Wool 18 Sheepskins 60 Tlio.s. A. Blakely, I'lain and (tnuimrntul House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. U pri>|>arpil to attend to all work In lit* linen of biulnvM in the nirwt satisfactory anil wnrkman- liki- iiiuiiin-r Ktiiiiau> chi-i-rfully furnlBhed. an*! contract* carried out to the letter. Ordt*rn in town orcoantrv. by mall or otherwise, will rt-. . iv<- . -|intl\ tiroinpt attention. Shop ovor Milhurn'i carriaK work*. TH08. A. BL \KELY. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages \vhich shall be the best that can be pro- * duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies,' Carriages and Waggons. y MV MM practical fiiKirieiiuo and careful attention to the want* of the trade and the Int. I lurial. wi- have mirrfnlixl in making a lnii&y which has uo iui>erlor. SulioltiiiK your urden. HEAKDH CARRIAGE WOKKH. 25 75 075 00 29 52 11 12 025 6 00 10 Oft 7 25 20 85 Over 500,IHMI of Ins works t been Hold m Canada alone. \Ve want crery K 01U K person troubled with l.iver r.iinplainl. l>> the encounter they found him (load. prpnia Hi-adarhe, Kidney or I'rinary Trim iili-s, to cull in at the 1'rim Store nnd buy s 1.. ttle of 1'r. c'hase's l.iver Cure, it will core yuu. Medlcin* and lu-cipt Uook tl.OO. [ADVKKTISKMENT. Keniie<ly'H mtftteinoTitH arc faUo. Hin wife hail (jinl reason for leaviiiK liim hen h<> onlil not Hiipiiort lu-r nor proviilc for hrr in any way, and cruolly imnl lier. It in a bleHxiiiK Kiich youn^ men lire Hrarro. Ant'iiM miyht have saved himself tin- trouble of inserting that notice in your paper, for the pub- lic know enough of his worthlcHH char- acter not U> give liis wife anything on bis account, i-xi--pt for charity. Htonr Flour. A good Hiipply of first class Stone Flonr will always he found at Mrs. A. Anvir-x.-rn MoTiirH" Arr you ,u.turh,l t Tuompiton's bakery. FleHhcrtou, which uii^lit and hroketi (if >our riMt by a oicli child ndnrloc and errtajwKhpalBof Cnttlnf T.-etli? vvill bo sold at clieai*t rah priceo. If R<I n-ii'l t OIK-" n<1 apt a Imttle of "Mr* Win low'itSooiiiiiiu Syrup fur Chll'lrnn Tritium;. UK \alui* M Incalculabln. It will rlivu th |i.>or l.i tic suffcrrr iiiitiimliati-lv it, mother* : tlu-r> In no nilHtakn about it. U < ur. - ]i>'.iitrry UN. I Diarrluia, mffiilatfi tin- l. li.irliin I \:iiiiin:iliiiiis. The following IH a Ii-t of tin pupila of thc Owen Sound Collegiate Institnte who were Hiiccessful at tho recent De- partmental KxaininatiouH for the var- ious ura'IcH of certificates : fW n.nw Robt. Eldon. Oliver Math- er, Alex. Mc.Intyre. .1. W. Kn-ter. N.CI.H./ iv.ijn Mnw{i(! StrutliiTs. Al- lx;rt Mniiuli.-in. John Mclntosli. \Vm. McLean, (li-orge Smith, Thon. \V right, Wm. Middlcboro'. Third (?OM .latiet Carr. Mary Ciask- ell, Ma^uie Kelly. Milton Godfrey. Alex. McDonald. Martha J<inl. Sarah Boddr, Minnie Krown, Kachel Hrnwn, Hntti- Cain, Catlmrine Uenanl. Minnie, Dea- con, F-niily (lordon, Mary Kimhton, Vic- toria Temple, Jimephine Tinld, .Icunic Torrie, Lix/o Trotter. I'lio-lx- \\'nlker, Annie Wilson, Annie Young. Jolm lin-l; ftt, Lyinan Brown, ItnsHoll Dfibio, Samuel I)oiiRlas. Arthur Farewell, Thos. Irwin, Hy. Kelso, Frod Knight, llold Mjwtin. \\'in. MidillclHiro 1 . In addition to these, Kichard Hill nml Anna Hreen. cAiiiliilateH who woro not pupils of the lii-.tit.ute, obtained Third Claaii certificates. Oiren .Srouui Timn. anil i-rifrev to tin- nlnK Synip l,a<lti> troulili-H with Pimplcn. Illotrhm, Depend upon liounh Hand* or Karn. or Korea of any iloirrip- t I'.n. -hi.ilM n-- A Harke'a I'arlmln Orate It will li-ati th<- kln in |n-rf-i t hi-nllli. *-nri-s \\ in.l ('..lii-. tiift*-n anoottl, clean and IfonA color. He iirt' an. I k'l-t theui-niiim-. by \l,-i,r. L -..r .1 1'arke. I'rtoe -j5c HoM at all liru Mores. HAVE YOU LJeF CompUint, Dyrpia. Ird.e^* 1 . rilionsiisis, JaunHrc*. Hri. A. h . |iiin.-. I'- " I" *J Bck. i.e., or any dia- ni" '">"" a .Irrancul li.n. |i. tMA^f \ I.IHK l_i .U ba (ounJ a hire and certain f-m .'y NMTJRE-? RCMCOV Tbe nrnu! fir : -.1 . " ' I ' < liav , I.i>tr Cu' ia Onn|.Lii.l rr-l. : ) <> I'r la. I th^I II i< cot"|.ni...ll Ii .mi,..' .r ... I kr ..... liver f.fulalor', MANUHAKK M. I' KUW.I , ..inl.iu il "!> nuny Olhfr u,v.,'iii .'- t . I rU ;.r..l IrrU. l.'ini; powerful elTecl ,.n i i , ^-. s ..m-.h. Bowel, .ad Bloud. SCO 000 SOLO Ovrr au-Mf .'/- "' / /-'. fltff'i Kl if* />* ttt'i if-' ' i *< . ' wl ' r >" *'! ''"-' "''' '- I'-" 1 " "I :''* l-iltr Ltm- /.' i rr tk 1 1 r. r !tnt ftmtifjf. 83MCTNISC New Cms AWAY Fin l ^Jl^ll r.-ty rxMlle of I >r Oi^'. \.'*rr Cure it a i.ilnalit II..H..S .'.I Hl-dionl rluiile and Reripe llook (84 pa^e*). cootAUiing ovrr too nae'ill rrripe*, . al e>i an.l dnf Uta at invaW- l.V, and w.wlh i- n liractthe U'ttc t,f tie medion*. TY CMU't C-*IHII CUU. A afe and po ilive rrpf.1v. I 1 ' ' -. J . ^nlx. TRY CM.St'S KlWT KM ItVI- PUU <! v per bo. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. IDMAN9ON 4 CO.. Col* Acenle. Cradferd Recommend'd by Dr. Christoe Stomach ami H<wtl, |bOniiii..r<><liicolnflammatlon. anil Klve. ton. nvnU-ui "Mr \Vin- tiol low'a SootnlnK Synip" f(ir chilfirrn t.-.ttn'i^- I* |>leaant ttb tantv andU tbe prortptic>D o( one of the oldont anil I.t-Nt fur-mi,- pliyNlrlanii nnd nur*c-ii In thu 1'n iti-'l Statii*. anil IH for Kale by all driiuuintii throiiRhont thc world 1'riri- twenty-flvn contn a bottle. Iteaureand uk for M 11- WLISI.OW'I HooTHiN'i HTHi;r," and take no other kind Ha>nn> rny ynuinouid purchaMF ninit in preforenc*. tn all other remrdlc* arc: Hapld r-iil rnrr Instantly It In >ally ap- plied i ' no lout tiniv. It dor* not re- iiuiri- c'.iiHtant HIM* one application i" rffiTtiinl On>- iH.ttli 1 will ri'ini.vf- ninrf- i-ti in than any nth- r n-nu-dy In i'xil<.nre. Try It for Neuralgia. Tnolbacbe. Hi-n-lnrlu-. Khenliiatitin. Hold at 'iv a iMittle l.y all Druffiiota. "Rea/lor," In inf*vrinlnR yon of thin woii'li-rful remedy for Coui;h>. I <il<ln, Anthina, Hronchitiit, < '. ii-uini'ti.'n. and nil affection* of the throat and lung*, wu fct-l thnt WH arc 'lolnc you * tfrcat kindnew*. n* If you have any of the above . "m liUintK. if you will only try It wo will ituarautm. mtl-fH' ti"M ill rv.-r> . u-r or niMli.-y rofuildod. Ask for Mrlircffor'n I.IIHK roni|oiui(i. Price SOc. and *l uij^r bottlo ut nil Drun Htnras. For v.l, 0)acrn U nill h'li-Bhi.rton <;.l wnnn fmuie dwelling, 7 rooms. t:o.xl . .'liar, Koodtttablu > nevor-failtiiK "prlnv' 'Tf-ck 'I't-rniA naHv. Fur particular* apply to w .1 HKl.l.AMY, Hi-nln-r ton- or to < \V. HKI.I.VMY, Mark'UI. WOOL! I WOOL! Those having Wool to soil or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at thc FLESHERTON We, thc undersigned, will (rive a [irizr of 16.00 for the best " Oarfleld " oolt of IHriO ; and 110.00 for beat five colta Hired by any <me Imr-e in thin section of conn- try. Prizes to l>e awarded by JuilgoN at Kant (irey fall show. Ten dollar prize to be divided equally between HUC- ceaHful competitors. Above notice should )iavi been in price Last, but was neglected. NWMt. TRJMBI.K ft PICKBLL. "What lM<-<jTBBor'i<Sr><1jr<'iirifor "? It U for Ilvipcpola, Llvnr OomplKlnt, Indle- tl.m. Hilioimni-hx, and it in tho fliiont klotxl puri- fier in tbe known wnrlrt to-day. " DOM It five (atlilactloD f* W oannot (mint to on Initaiire where It did Dot. ' When doe* It bar* the largmt salt f " BlKht In the city of Htrailton. wbon It In man nf arturixl, there h Iw n over one th ontan .1 dol Ian' worth told In trie lt year n-tiil. and the Kri-Kt majority nf tha ial* ar* by one r- ooniiJienilinff It to unotlier For Mtle at flOo. aud 1.00 per bottle by Hie Krnggirt WITT Evri/oT DOCTORS. Consult a doctor for S fl Or 8 OI. h. ttle nf nifliriiif 1 1 c,.n salt thu Piuggiiit and he will givTc>n a n ot. boltl* of Pr. CbaiWn Liter Cnr %k 91, anil a ralnahle Bolpe Book frw. ^4" Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of competent handa, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLEtillKRTn.\. You will find an aaai.rtnient of Heavy and Lieht Harness, Whipn. lini'-h.-.. Ctirry ComhK. Kwrat I'sWIa, and tbe oelebrateil "Harneai Oil " Oil \Us A -.'I ( I VI I i C'hsap for rah Tall and Examine. (lew Harness Shop PRICEVlLLE! i.mmmim.i Thn iMiiliTMiKiiiii clonfrvii to Inform the people of Pri< fvlltn mi'l KMT rou inline in-i^h.M.rh'Mnl. tiiiil liotiM* rr>niinpncMl In tho HarnuM-Makinft hu-nii'H- in I'rid-vlllu, where he hopMto M*cur ftnlmrr of public patronwe. All work will b nit- mlfil tn at lovett caiiii rateti. Single and I >',';(., llnrni'i i{ot up in Amt-clami ntyle. Good M*((>rtinrnt of Whtim, I.runh0fi, Cnrrv Comnn, Lap UtiRterii. Kii(f, Ac., alwayii tn stock. R. J. WATSON , W. H. FLESHER FLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. I Kava on Hand a Full Assortment OF SPRING SUMMER O GOODS. In Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children* ROOTS & SHOES. I endeavor U> satisfy our customers both iu Goods and Prices. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESH EW.TOPC. FLESHEETON. MARBLE WORKS: E. YANZANT, AM. klXUS OF d !t;,KKiiI Sucli fin Moiiutni'iits, Tonih TabluR, Hcadstonoe. Counter mid 'I'uhlo Tops in American and Itiilian Marble and (irauito, ami nm<le on- sliurt notice. Also Mantles in Marble and M;il-|>li'!/.ed Slati>, Ac., ic. Fleliert4.n. Au. 'M, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS 1'urifv the Illoml. corrurt all Di>oril<>ni nf tho Stomach, lvuin'\ - ancl .-I-. Thi-> iiiriuorati-and rMtnroM health !>Ml'ililatr I ('.n-iltiitioi . aurl are Invnluahto in all ("on* l>ljlnt incidental to Peinalaa of all aflu. Kor Children and the aurd they am |>rlcelunf. THE OINTMENT laan infallible remedy for Had Iff*. Had Itreantii. Old Wniindx. Sores and I'terr* It in fatnaaa fo (rniit and RbmimatUm. For dinorilvni of tin- ( l--t it lias no t|tial. FnrSORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLD& Olandnlar Swellings, and all Rkin Dlneiwea It han no rlral ; and for nontracted anil Miff joint" it act like a charm. F.anufartured only at Profeaaor HOT.I.OW AY > Kutabllahmcnt, 1H, Nrw Oxford Ntrcrt ( l;ii < 5:(. Oxford Slrrrt >. London. andareiold at 1 ifl ,2 '*! . 4. M.. lit ,23.. and Ti rm-h HOT or Pot. nnd nmv l. had of all Med 1 . 4. M.. lit ,23. cln Vendorn . and Ti rm-h HOT or Po throiiKhnni tlie \\nrlil. Pi<rtAaifr$ Arntld li>k ft >)>' .-.I!. Orfnnl Ilif fat* nii'l lin.rr*. If I),, iiffilrna it not I'/'ui, lit* >i tif 1 y>tirttw. Q CENT. AT Insurance effected on Farm nnd Village Buildings and contents. Insurance against Lightning a specialty. Deeds, Mortgages, leases, Wills, Ac., care fully prepared and properly executed. OFF-ICF., Toronto street, near Town Hull. O OOOCXHKJOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXMXKKKKXXK) CARD OP THANKS ! In thanking my customers tor their liberal patronage in thc past, I have much pleasure in being still able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz., Thc Toronto Light Binder. Thc Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky Rakr. Thc Massny Harvester. Thc Massey Mower. The Toltcn Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolten's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton's Scufflcrs. Hamilton's Hoss Gang Plow. Wisner'n Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of REP.URH always on hand. Parties requiring any of tlio above will do well to call and ineprct Mach- ines, wliicli will be found in Sproule'a warehouse. A. S. VanDUSEN, Fl.F.HHKRTOX. o oooooooooooooooooonoooooooooooooo W. J. BELLAMY, Agent writ* to . tml lho> . (rf*, f ill in r "rniC'ni abont wnrh wMrh lhy rn .In. ^'l llro*! ill r,y i hem fmm f ". to f r, p*r dtj. flnfn h S- In ft '! T KHhr ! . TMTinf rv of >1 not rr.jr,!'.- ! TMMMrtMflm TMMMflM W tooliitel* Mr* -,f iDOfl IIUJ* ftoftoiK* ill to J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and. Undertaker, FI.F.SHF.RTON, - - ONT. NOTICE: A thorough bred Durham Bull eulf, one month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Bull . with good pedigrees. Also a good Steam Flour Mill fit Flcvhcrton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER, Flcshcrton P. O. BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL&CO.,Goeipii,ODt. Now Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton ! " Fetch t Mitchell. I'HOI'UIKTORS. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton Ki-piri ni!. Kavi-tr.nichinK . ami In fart evnry- tlilnn In the huninnaii will reoetvn my prompt and careful attention at reanonable prioefl. THE iin'i.TMfn.'il roKportfully takr> lhl oppor ttinity to annotinee to tliu people of Meih- erton and urronndini( country, that tbey have- tarteil a Itntchiir Khop in tllii iitaiid next door to the Marble Work. KI.KSTIKHTON. whuro they will lir> ploanml to mnet with all who favnr them with ttieir patronne. Krnh Meata of all kin. In. it n. I Fish, P. In thulr Hnaaoni. Kospectdilly yours, 1>KT('H AMITCItEIJj. Flesherion Neat Market. SKPT.GOOD, PBOPBISTOH i.v TO BE LET OR SOLD. The nndcrniifniMl offora for alo hl lllok- iimlth Shop, Htalile and l'rninle adjoining, at a reasonable pnei' ; or will Iwa-n tho aame to a good man at a fair rental. This property la woll xltnatod on ColllnRwnod iitreet.rlnahi'rton, near the planing factory For terma and particular", apply to the pro KOHKRT CI.VHK, nrlotor. JulyMtb, 1886 *7 tf Floltrton Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on liand for Cnsli. Orders promptly filled.