Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1886, p. 3

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- * THE ADVANCE, e of tbe leading Local andFtmlly Newspapert in Nortberu Ontario. Puullsbtxt Every i'Boat nut OFHCB, CMingtcood Street, Fletherton, Out. TERMS OF 8UB8CBIPTIOH : 1.00 per annum in advance : tl.SOil not paid tbe u .1 at 44 rari. No paper coutlnud t il allarroaraaeBarepalduii, auJno ubri|. a nt takon for lean than one year, eieVt whoti peclal arrai^eniwnl* for ehorter perlode ar* adu witb tlivvubUtner. KATES. Ac. Casual advestieameiiti.i out> per in tuartio nd 3 cunts peA> each tubuequem iuHlon. - Trauiic-ut &dv*MUi>ruuntB to bo paid for wu*n ordered AdvvTtlaemunt witbout special dime ion* will be luterted till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal iuduoomentb to regular advertliert. Notlcet among retdiuij matter, 10 centt per Una eacb inaertiou..- No advurt inuuiont If acoutiuued until .ar- Copy for ivTrsitiatmtiiitii should reacb ibi* Boo tiol latamtftajj BoOSl ou Tuc-dato vUSOre ttrtiou iu i^IjteaR aeeoc'. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Klesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resli Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders|>romptly filled. co RDOBTS HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLE8HERTON, II the place togrtyoiir Harnett Collan, <tc, made tip in good ityle. Shop in W. Clayton i Boot A Shoe Store, Flenhtrton. . i - |.:il'l'l II l|ilf HtlB . I'- ' " !l f ..i JMJ-. Will.!- ' foriiiiiti lnvi-.it iM... ln-i l , > Tttpvmlcn >. I ',' Bent, poot-pui.l t mi. 1 ,' ii.liln--- |..r K'cen Wrilo to i.l n. r KOWKLL A < <>.. KKW'SPAI'Ki: .AliX I lITl-IN'i BURITAWr (WSpnioeSt.PliiiUngllou*c8q.), Ni-w U PH ?GHASESi J LIVER CURE ARGYLL'S CROFTERS. Ths Bofcott and -A K ,taUon the Ot the "Ircub e, Came HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, Hys|*ia. lmli*Mion. il.adu, !,, !*-. FSta '" Jaundice , , or .ny ,li~a* . 1 m* fnm. . d" *'" >* fo " nd , - nd ctrtain rtm cly NATURE'S REMEDY Tfca unqualified u,rr rY I'r Cha.*'. Liver Cure in LtVBrtt* -, rrU.Hhatll.t .nUiw H U>* (cEuUu>r>, '' " h I) powtiful i-r- Blood. :; Over t>*t->> anrrf H".** in tan wtma, ami , V.W many I a and t. aaa nu y-, S.anuin, O.OCO BOLD " f*H*Ut j .;, " f :''i/ rev man, i V >i t'lmtotf *'ith J r.er Cam- try Ik SOMI T N: New C;vEi A*r FREE Wrapi*d arouml every 'All' ' I>r. Chw*' Uv Curt il a valual.'e FWMnthuM M'iic.l Ouida- and Recip* Book (84 p.i;e.), .-.miaininc <> too uwful rH|>, pronoun, r. I l.y me.lical inan and draniau imlo- able, and worth trn lime lha price of tb* SHfWSJB W CHASE'S CATASSH CUBE. A uft and po iiive remedy. I'm-a, M cnis. THY CHAM'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS s c. per t. SOLO BY ALL OCALCRS T. IDMANSON OO., Sol* A|*ne AT LEABT THE DUKE BAYS EO A London cable *a>s : The ditfiooliy with tbe crofters at Tlrte It astami&g aii Ota Hbapo. Military preparatioDa BIB being 1 Oisdi) lo <t>uuc t>iu loUcd to cb.ui- eoo. Mr. MacFarlaue, Iba erjfler mem- ber who we* deitaMd at the late election*, ihii moroioft attacks tbe Dak* t>f Argyll ae responsible for tbe trouble at Tine, b> oonsolidstiag small holdings ioo great farms, thereby dning great iejastioe to tb-> nderi. Tbe D-ike bm written a. britf letter, which will apfe\r iu the Timei .o morrow, plcmply eontradioMLK thL estsrtiOD tf Mr. MrF.ilaLe. Toe Djke auihomis tbt tuicnaeui ilut tus prekeui rouble ii las to the determination of tbe landlord ot Tiree to protto. one ol Ibe etiauls, reoui ly a orofltr, against boyeol .iog by the local Laud League. The Duke Male* ihal tbin crofter ie able to ootumand oupitkl euoufb >o iLoblt bin totftktoTtr p'ok uL.d cuUiv-.n small Uiry Uriu Ttie farm M> biU by a 'aioily oow eailtd in Ao^'ialik t>L>l dun* If Tb ;ul ci tttu ltuily \i b. to ke tbe f .rm I >-t year. 8 ie L 1 -o Diuob UM tbat tbe Dake direettd the farm to be let to her, bat ber brotbt-r, au rot(iaeur froai Nw 2alM>d, | *rhu l*d ber U . be uula do belter tb re 8be weol, It- vi: tbr farm TMaot. Tbe orufier referred to ieiirtid lo improve bie ouoditiou <tod(*mily by laku K it. He WM tte brother of Ibe IBM Preildeot ol tbe Iceal Free Land kgae. Tbe mtmbere cf Ibe Laud Leagae were BO iLeenied ai tbil etep, wbieb tbey regarded ae likely to eooaaraKe landlordism, ibat they ordered atoyeoitand sent threat ening lellere to tbe orolter and tbe Dake'e geut, wboM life for tome time we* iu danger. Fortbermore Ibty dinpUoed froea poeiuoo tbe Preeideot of Ibe Land L-ago a brotber erofier, aod tntuud mat tbe land *lould be broken op into email atd ioade- qaaM holdiDKe attain It ie tbe couvie.lon uf Ibe Duke that Ibo local Laud Lgoe witbee to prtfent ai ) b i g like properc.oe ievelopmeot to Ibu teoaute ID Tine, tbe tope being oommoj wilb Laad Le>gue- in Ireland Mid of eiinilar orgoii oatlrne urouKhoB'. BoolUud to attack tbeprmoijls it Itoolnriitoa, Ttve Djke dOM uot <xi tcl tbtre will be any nionii attempt at armed rei>lntiDoe to tbe military force tbe Liberal Govern- iiibi.t ban depatebed to teetore order. A- an illaelratioo io regard to tbe eondilion to wbieb tbe iilaod baa been reduced, in he Dake'e tpiuii.u. by Ibe operation cf tbe Ltod League, be eitee tbe eaM of two I ohaeoiei', who beic B driven out of tbe ulaud a few daye ago, fonod tbemeelvce OB a H'eatuer returoiog witb a tbird pertoo, <*bom tbey arreated ae toou as tbe main- land WM moiled, the re*OD being not of oy parnoular eit ui.otion witb tbe np- riiiiig ot tbe orolt.re, bat charged with- b Houuiiug of a ebip maoy moii'b* ago aad wko ;. teen living in ptr'eat eafeiy >i Tiree, beaave no eojetablea would ven'urr to rr> bim. A difficult job to befote Mie new Govern- TI t fu bn kiog abcut a " new reigo of taw," to nee tbe pbraee made popular by the DukeV bx>k. Tu uiililary daoou- -trations maJe agaiaet tbo OMfterB usl year, wbiio ii pat a etop up'.u > id i.i LU rakte, bu cot bwo to 'olowid up by elriet and Impartial jmiM.iratiou ae to seenre the rrgnlar o[ t rn n of aptborily on that lelaod. oooecqueiitly tbe po r ratre bave Dot beeo |iaid ' v.r In a Kreat part of Bkyc, aud tfOruilj it hae bveu footid noe-.ry foe belt olb*i.k8in a ,d propritor toad**LOH mooty 10 earry on tbe p or I eu*, in order w prolio- panp<-re from o ul etarvliu.., bile many ol the rejkjoolmMMre throogb uul tbe i-laod bive not received Ibeir utipecd for some time pait. Tbe impor- ULCO ol tbe Tiree trouble*, in tbe mod of 'be Duke, resides in tbeir representative character, as rbry n triply give local eipne- MOD to tbs general disturbance if idtae tbroo(bout tbe B i.UU ilatdi. Among etrUiu olawe* of tbo population, Ibe terms land and ngbte-of property in Uud looked at from loin point are of more importance tban might ba itferred from tbr direct oaa- loelon end trouble caused by them, and Ibe Doke is Inclined to attribute them lees to any sofforing or distress among tbe people ihau to the cplril of agitatiun OB lbse tub- j ale knob an was f imeoted originally in tbe United Slates aud MI oe then In O at Brieaui by Mr. Oeury Oeoiga aad bis fol- lowers. t 4 > -.m\ i i- 'I AT !./ mi IM.II 1. 1 i / - now. A rp ( Moll* *i!ln " ol the Pall l.ll r A London cable nay- : Tbo Krenitg firtci eaya tbs parenti of E iz Arinoroirg, toe youuK gUl wno fidnreil so oouepienoualy iu ibe Pali Hall tiai'ttf xpoorts, bave arranged to bring suit fsr 140,000 damagen aiatoel Mr Stead, Ibe former editor of ibe Oatrtir, its pnbliebers and General Boo b, ( tbe Balvatioo Army. Tbe olaim will be lor libel on tbe girl's parents and for assault- ing tbe chill. Tbs action threatened by the Armstrongs embraces six suite. !!* pro- ieec to sue Mr. Stead for tf.OOO lor lib-l. assault and tales imiTiHOLiueui, and Mr. L'homp-aj, ire proprietor, aod sir. Lam- bert, ibe printer of tbe Qotttu, togetber for 16 000 for libel. Tbe pa< ente ot tbe girl breaien to sue Memrs. Tooaopvon a- d Lambert for 17*00 tor libel and Mr. Htead for 18600 for libtl and loss ot tbeir daughter'* serTieee. Mr. Armntrong and Eis> will jointly Me Mr. Bramwrll Booth fur 16,000 for assault and wrongful detention or imprisonment ot th irl. ai.d (or loss of ber serviCM. Then El'fi* will Dr. Smltb for $ 000 on a eb%rir" < f asitanil and eaniing dintrers both of mind aod body. Tbe preliminary steps in tbs tnits have all been taken. l.nt->i from Ireland. Lord TcupltiDore has made bis Don- broody tenants an offer- of 16 per cent, reduetion. Ettra police, to tbe nomber of eighty fire, bave kren drafted into Killarney, and a large number bave alto been drafts) Into Kenmare. ' Every wherein Carlo* the barvei* proc- peots are most enoonreging. Potatoes acd oats are likely to be txeeptionally bsavy do July Wli an old man named John Clarke while eating bis dinner Iu the houee ot a relative in Peter street, Drogbsda, war eboked by a pieee of meat lodging in bis throat. At Armagh Aisises, Hugh Daisy, a far- mar, charged with having murdered hi* wife by kicking ber to death at B'toh Watertown on May 94ib, was sentenced to penal servitude for life. A lamentable occurrence ie reported from Bpldtfals, about fltleea miles from Oalway. Dr. Brodie, a dmpsrsary doctor, hot his wife voile soffuring from tbs sffoeteof drink, to wblob be bad been addicted. 1 1 rrlMr Blvrf ! tauh A 81. John's (Nfli.) dtupatoh says Tbe sobouutr Nauct Batiolt bai just put in here bria B iog ibe latest retorts from tbe L.bredor eoaet. A dsspateb Yrom Wbne Bay says that whalers report that Uudauu Bay Birait bts either btsn Irczeu over again an unprecedented ooeurrei.ce at ibis waeon or baa btoume ob^ked wilb floating ice and is solid. A large iiumber ot Arctic Dears, driven ou.u oy starvauj.'j, uavu oruencd over from Peunjlaud, and are dsvasta irg tbe country. Tney number over LOGO, nd bave appeared near Gape Mauft ra. Wual liltlri is left if tbe siores of ihat region has been ne.z d npou by these voracious aumald. Tbe Indians in that locality are eatiug tbiir deai coopanioDS. Tnoge who die among tbe white let'.lt-rB are buried ecoretly to keep the Eiquimaax frum gttticg them. Tbo grste* am k.l did goiaed. A Bl John's, Nfll, special says : Heriie nans Tar, one- ot tbe E.qaimanx who amv.d here on tbe Nanoy Barrett frum Oiksh, Labrador, saye tbs population of mat settlement waj LCarly ISO. but whim be led with bis wife tola auul rtraaintd. Early iu Uatreb ibs food gave oat, every trop ot oil aud bit ot neal akin wan Utii tit, fcud at rare interval* bear wa Hilled bit nui>liy tbe sippllee w. re q.r- iiiu- . a. O . Juui d tbey bad t-t. . LOluiuK fur -ix dy. a.,Q guaded by bunker tbey feanltd opou tbe e^rpceecf ttveral uf the whites and a few Indians Ifaat bad been killed by tbe ocld. When one of tbeir ova party died Ibe body wa oat i p >B, ibe eutraile were taken out, and tbe reiuau.der wae f'ozsu up ler one. From this food tern: la dysentery set in among Ibe nr- vivors, and on July 7ib tbtre were bat tix- teeu ptreons lelt alive. Tbe bodies of cvtr le-eniy-nve were eaten. Tbs sixteen turvivore started down Ibe BJIWI in sledges drawn by four dog, the only living creatures Isft tbtai. Tbe pouist bad been e*erineed to appease hunger long before. Wbeu about 24 ojiles ftoiii Cape Mngtord a heavy tno-torm sst in, atid while the part) were sudnavur- iog to flud their way they were atiaoked by wuile bears to the Lumber ot K or 30, WM b killed all ot itae p*riy but two, MU> urvivors being amoLg ibs bomeer at Cape WAH CLOtUDB SH It ii r p rlud that more tban cue ball < f ho i uiire p pnlaticu bavs died cf bu jer. Tnousactd< ot bears bave eruaaed ovi r fruu Ponylaod, raniacksd the shores of Ukkai), dox open graves and devoured ibe d aJ and attacked ibe liviog. Tbey have dsvae- tated an 10. manse distrisl, ot wbieb the uhaoilauis, B*ao4eiiiBg the smallsr act. litmento, bavs locked to ibe larger Oihiog ports, where they bave been followed by bordss of bears and devoured in grea numbers. Ibs neigbbornood of Hopedale, the centre ol a e m i lerable Stal fubmg Iraffio, has alo suffered from lack of food abd the ferocity ot bcare aod wolvs*. Within tbe past two months over 160 per- tot* bhve pi rirbtd from col 1 or bUigtr. or py falling a (.ruy tu tbe wild bcau'.s. Meu driviu mad by bugger bate f..us witb besas over the remains ot tneir dead com- paoioue. tte bears beirg u-n.ly tuoccisful ai.d rSOtlVibg a double r. pa.t. __ _ ^^ - ^ I UK DK AUI.% k*ICNIV. H.y frfflr ! Neva c It* Plrailr. A last (fri !j) nlgbt's Halifax d fp>lcb say> : Trc-meuduus txcitem-.ui was crealcO iu tbs city tbi* *<vebu.g by reports, ibai prtad like wildfire, ol tbe wholesale puis- o^lug of a 1 13-10 [arty at McHab's I l.i.J, a piea-ors rewcri down tbe barior. Tbe ptouie wat 01 e belli by Ibe Band of H pe. a j .vehilw lemptrLOa urganiotiou, ai d >h atu-ndanta uombcred |irub>oly about 1 MO, i. olidiug ab jut 800 -mail euiliren Anuu an hour at cer diuucr n en, women and o. i dreu brgau lo take kick, vomiiiug aid oumpiaiuing of o ampe and paius tbiou.b Ibeir boJiis. BJOJB lay dowu ou the grass, u jab e to move their limbs, aod bsd to be oexritd to a nrigblx>riug collage, wbtre a ortot temporary h ispllal wax luiprovited. O.beretwk to the wood* wben their ill- bcsseame on, aud rsoiaiutd there null! ibe Btaam<-r returned to tbe oily in tbe evening AllntitTertd ie rib y, eoms of them eonlin- niKg ill all tbs a'leruoon and evening, aod being ouaj9le to move ; aud many of them ere at orit rendered onconsclous. U iog I > tbe smuailcn otjoaed amongat tbe pic i.-irkiraby tue aff.ir, aud tbe oinfosiin wbiob followed, u is impossible lo oblaiu a fuU IIHI of the people afldoted, bur-ii is be- ii v. d .bo suffersis bumterel fully fifty. N j fatal relta are auiieii-ated tnrouiib Ibe polsooitg. I lie not known wuat M tbeparuoulareaorectf Ibe trouble, ion,e .-cr.oiug i> to diseased u,eat, otbr< to ice o - .in a.d ctbtiis to tbe water. Borne people *bo i artook bo.b ot tbs beef aod the ios-eream, howt-ver, were nnt at all affected, wbils in soms oaess tbose who i by them at the tame tablet wsre tak n vioismly ill an hour later. Tbe extra- ordinary affair completely deetroytd the success of the picnic wben it was ot.lv ball \ T, i wry body becoming grsatly exeiud and crowding aboat ths sick people in alarm. Ouly two of tbs persons sffeoted were able to walk to tbsir bomss after re- tarniLg to tbs city, tbe others being drivsn off in carriages. Mm ol tboss wto wire ill wsre grown up people, only three or foor of toe tmill obiidren miking any com [>laiote. The beef i-nved to tbs pieniekers Dad been cojkcd on Tuesday tor u-e next day, but the picnic being poalpoued it was L>rstsrved on ioe until to day. Hag* Take I'o... ilon ( the Vtllsgr. A Patobogne (L I.) dsspateb says: Ltal night ibis village was invaded by a ppeeies of flying bug. The insects swarmed to eaeh numbers tbat all Ibs stores in tbs principal bn*iDee* block were compelled to close up an hoar before the usual Urns. 80 loog as a lipbt remained in tbe buildiogi tbe bngs kept up a continual attack upon windows and lamp globes. Tbe bugs w re aboat an iooh long and three quarters ef on inch in diameter, witb bard nbelly baoki rheoldsnl lubabitant never saw anytbiog like It. rn. r lei Wklakev. A Louisville (Ky.) dt spateh lay EUROPE. rraaB7 Critical P...III o .1 rraswe I VU| ia Ucut-ral II. "lu k n . A London cable-gram says : Tfiix after- nouu I *ai f AVuitJ by a occvezMticn in Parliament slrsei with an sxptritLoed public man, wbote uaod is ojuniauily ou the lover ol Eaioueau polities, but whose nams I am prubibitod lr< iu giviug. H. said : " HJUIS Hule aod 1* ma ..e .< will not gits tbs j.urcalis-B mi.o'j for di'numiuu atd treatment Ubiil nrx< iui. r, but I Ico. tu grtl *uis In Europe shortly. Francs aad Osr- many are bsgii.uibg to m >k* fto t ai tur auutber, aud I tbuold noi be torptlted that when tbe crops are gathered at leaei Oeimany will move, unless U -ueral BjoltoiKcr is obliged to tike a baok Beat by bis Gjvun.miLl, for ai prssent be ia nag- i .g O:rinauy. I rend tbe article ia last B jt.tl-.y ' tigaror beaded " B mlaLger, e eit la yutrre," aud erpeci.lly tbe rcfcrm.cc< iu U io Fr. nob patriutiam and rsleemiig the rstnru fr ui Meiz ad Bedaa. " AltbouHb tLu wiitcrti^bs bis nams, oao one duabl Ibat tbe iu>(irativn come* frum tbe General wbote naeue Ie iu the head Hub? Xbe article will irritate Pru-Ht v-ry mneb, and itej some o.uut r a tack lioia tbo Pruneiau preen will |u >b- French ' on ib ir ears' e. d ' IJju a ,tr i- playkg s> de^p gaue He knows be eai.'t lauii iou ij power witbuul wr. 1 1 fact '-u ii a >ori uf F c ou HkuDtliff. ready lor ai ytbiLg " Hittory otteu repeat* lawlf. 1C war suuuld break out there will be au ,lb> ' holy atluuo-. ll will be like b*u L .ui- XVI 1 1 Was poi ou the tbrobe o( Frauee loi tiuiu I dub't duobi tbai the Uomle de Paii will be Ibe new Lioi- XV111 to govern die- meoibered Franca for ibe alliance. N j doubt tbey would cot bar up iu aiieea. BOW IT WkVLD DOXm. "To satisfy Italy's vanity aod keep her quiet they w<.o'.d give ber bask N ee and oavoy. Iu fact it would ba tbe partition ot Poland over again. Toe talk of an alliance of Rntsia and Fra, cits all moon- shine. Tbere oao be no real alliance between monarchical and republican forms of government, no more than between a cat ai. da dog. Tbe ounarcbiPBl party la b nud Iu tuffr from toea an alll- -.LOO. H -uji rub- r K >ce and your U-i i-d Biatet woeu Loala XVI j luea tbeoj. H* >bsreby iguid nu u>ib wanautaud pre* i-red inn way fur the FILOU rtvoiotioo. Hu mat. i-tatbtoitu are too f .r ngotcd nol to sse this. i I i. II i !!. i i J - ia wauls i* ibe Blaek Sea for her floats aud Cookiantinop:s (or bsr ibter oapual. Ra*ia can do tbit by bold- lug Aualria iu check with pt ay ites if a largar Soutosrn booudary, eveu 10 tbe tea. Ai for Frauos, I tfalnk she will fl^bl like a liKsr at bay to regain ter lost pMSoos ai-d to carry toe banner ot jeoa.o.-aoy ibrough tbe Cjolioeot ot Europe. The Firs. N<p Itoo could bave dune ibis, but, u for luuateiy lor Europe, be wae far from b- i. g a Washington, aitn..ug'i be bad Wa-nmgtou's good ixam^ls before him. Ha cand ouly for biuittlf ai<d i i* glory, ud iiol f>r tbe people who (>iio>4 bim wnore he was 11 it Lird ri.iabu-y't Foieuu B er< >ary, aod tmi hi- Iriih Soet'j- tary, ia ibe Ctbinel '>w f <-u> . 4 au-j u.ay bava most tu do iu tv next e > A II. -!>! I I..KI. !. I. UI.M..I b. Ib* !,.!.< l-iu . .-, V* r i u.ti < i ..i. A Nsw Tk iK-pa.ob sayi: Mayor WL.I nt-y, a. b's flioalu Br. nfciyn, m >rri<d to day H. rlt.au KraiB a..) Au-* K ! u- OOD. P.ni-Uu war medal, aacuraltd ibe gruum'a breast, and, time.ai..^ ULU ul about tbtir dimtauor Id tu qB loolaf wi lab developed a ' m*oiio u >. Hermau i,d AuUa Iw J at F i^d u- j^l.il.. ou ths KniLx, and OB wa- 14 yuare eld bea the Fiauoo Pro- situ w.r broke out. H* mreb*a iff to Oghl for^bo vaterland, ai.d bis sweetbeari i< de af er bim in oue of iLe wa> goes of iba R*l Orona Ho-piial corps. A G avelo te a fr*gm-nl if ibillttruot H-rman, a. d wbtn iLex-Uiirsesoie rutnl af .cr ibs bil.ie to bury tbe dead be was pn' i jio a tbaliuw pit witb. twrotyor Ibir-jr other bocie<. let at the mwe of hit death dr.-ve AUI.B cut (t her mind, a. d, wabJerii g on tbe bv.tMi 1 '.sbetoOKbi tbs pit ID which be bad been buried aud dug out his body. B. Idler* cams upon her aud forcibly carried ber iff to tiie bospi'al wbtre ibe was sent back to O-irman}, bit ibsy did not ooiner'lo rsiuler trie bos rhu bad reforrseted. Tbat Light it raided bs>vily aod He-man was rtviv^d by ii. H> was uurxer 4 back >< I fe, b il a portion uf tbe skull pr SIL * up m i be braia mads bim iuaue. A La no vi.id Ler reaon, and ibluking bim dsil o>ma *o live wnb L-r fatbsr iu America. L m fail a eelcbrat d Oermao dceior examined Hi- ouu, a' d, ^y .r I'.uii.g res ortd bim to r a-ou. He uiaJe i< q Jirii* about bit be rclbcd, aid, di'OOveiuiK her losail. uln Brooklyn, wrote to ber aud luarttd that the was f res and loved ber ttill A w ek ago be rei>ebjed America, and to-day's wedding end* the e.ory fcr ibs pressnt. Bate** Take rn la an At Lnttotr, yeeterdey, July 7 b, wbils polling wae lo active progress, a swarm ol bsss belonging to Mr. Latebmors, banker, Ml tbsfr hive and made for ibe door ol tb> Corn Kiohaige, which wae the pollitft station, eventually settling oo a lamp po' dote by. Tbe pollloK Barents beat a baat) retreat, wbils tbe crowd fled io all direc- tions. Tbe excitement continued until a stttedtba! a nyi.n o mm climbed tbe lamp-post aod tbs bees by o , v.ring Ibsm with oi, tured It it boon formed itbaoapl'al of 1 000 000 t) corner the market 'or Ktotnek* and Baarbon whitkey. Senior A BJU, On olonati, and E. B Taylor, ot Frankfort, are named a* organisers of the lyndioate, atd it is said tbey bave BnuKbi ni nearlv all the wbiiksy o <he year' 1879 to 1883, Inclusive, soms 77.000 barrsls. _ _ There will be a veritable " man-milliner" io the new British Farlismtnt In Ibs person ot Mr. Isaacson, Tory member for Stepney, whoee business alin is Mme. Ulite, of Rtgent street. His millinery etablihment U very faablonable and profitable. Mmo. Bsmbrlob bas offered to liog IP Amriaabexinea*ou, bat oow thai P*ttl b<s dsoided to tome back, the other " stars" d mand Ibat tbeir managers pay them Im- meniie sums bef ro they leave Europe. The fear ssems to exist that the large prioe* paid to bear tbe greatest living vooalul will make tbe public leu anxious to patron- is other artitts, aud so these vooahits want tbilt salarlei IB A 'IllUm.i. . I ' A Chlsigo dsspatoh says : A milk wag.on uhaoorLi-e in Ibe driver'e eeal, boldiug tbs reins, was ths ghastly tenoatlon to biob tbe reeidentii ot Wft Twilftu street wers treated this motnug. 8rEU'l D Nowtou, retiding at Mo. 44 Ruble btrtei. had delivered milk to the Louaewives a OJH tbit elrtlt lor years. His bone aid carl bfcams familiar objects as be daily drove from door to door in tbs early umrui. g Ths horse knew tbe route as wtll as bis matter. Ttta f>orprite, therefore, was gr at tbie morning wheu tbe hor>e would *lop at old piaoee but no master would dcsotLd from bi perch, and the old bone, loo, seemed surprised, for, after remaining a few moment* near tbe curb withoot neelog bit drivor, be wonld start off attain. An offlaer who was familiar viib Newton and bit cart noticed thai nomelbiug was wrong aod investigated lie hallooed to Haoiuel wt bonl tbe least attention beiog paid to bint, doming along'ide tbe bor-e be ttopprd bim. Tbere sal Samuel, as aioal, I u - in hand and looking htraiKbt absad. Tbs eyee wsre open aod the face pale. Thinking tbe mu was f-iok, tbe officer shook bim, and be fell backward among bis cans. Be was dead, having paused away quietly while going over tbe route be bad travelled for years Tbe body wan laid out at the morgue. Heart diiease is tbs supposed oauie of death. I- ..1,111..,, . Kraailu ! tar Pi.ia. iu New tti.i.uo. A Bostoa deepateh lays : Tbere was a severs Ibonder stortn ia tote neauje yeeter- day morting. B F. Packard, a yi/ntg mau recidiLg at AlUeboro', btoams Irigbi- sord, ai d jumping from bie bed waa lu.iautly killed by a bolt 10 tbe middle o. the room. II ia body was te/nb y scarred Tbs bouae wae souaemtd. At Bandi.ipt Ine kgutuing etroek ibe hou- ot Mr- H .b> , a wine w. blie and ber ibree ebildinc ere iu bed, wheu a> bolt nUack u.e bed. tlsad, tpllutsriiigtt to pteoa* aud setuut tbe olotbtng ou fire. Tbe mother seiaeu bsr children aoo> tlagtred Into ths auset The home wae burned. At Mao, 6.11 twu barns were tet on Are ai.d consume'!. At Midileboro' two Bans were burned aod etgni hurtee killed. Tbe tobaeeo througbool the CXiooeotioal valley ws baateo down aod dsstroysd by rain At Taknton tbt lifbloing struok tb nooae ot orga Dm,, and ripped the fl jor and ssalertd ibt plaotsring iu all tb* upper r. oms. At Nt/rtio a baru wan urook ai.d set oo flre Tbs flmet qatckl.) jmmni.ioa'ed to a dwelling adj jiLi-itf ai d tj '.Ii building* wert deetroyed. The animals in ibe barn. oooii>ung ot bcr.e. a-,d other cattle, wers killed ; tbs inmate* <.t ibe bjm eteoaped At Lort ioter tte lighitii'.K d.r ooJ a/iu-.d tbe eotiage ui 01 v rP>toam ioaliiu|| tVorytuing aud -uappiLg buke ra>flsre iqiare iff Mr Pdtuam rn>bed uptiair* to bis obilJ hore ba <oond ib.t a bogs rafter ii g ov>i 900 p- .node bad taUou baaide he child iu bao, bat fortanately had not iijjrcdit. A ODK ibt vtrsets Uses wsrs torn up by the route. Honrlrede ot acre> of ojru were dwtroyed. Details ot tie damage wrought by tbis morning'* Ibander lorm are cominK in from all direct!'- os In B'lgoioo John Bebao's stable was truck and eight bones wsrs killed. Hu tenement booae eaoghl flre from ibe*iabls and was partly bur Led. Io Fall Rivsr a boll struck a eottsge and patted lute a room where Hiobael Toooisy and bis three children, wsrei tleepiug. Oje i:e ot tbe bed aod tbs footboard wsrs nba.tered and tbe bed elolbes were tejrebed, but none of tbe occupants wers hart. Stveral bootes wers slightly damaged, acd two ladies wers pri tirated. Tbs ttrnpeat was enpreially isvert in Wureeeeer county, where the wind was almost oyeloi/io Trt. were sera ap aod twisted, bosbeU of green frail mahrD down, aoree ( f corn laid to*, and buoatet rocked fciKbilally. Tns storm wae iqaally eevere in Uoooee- tient. Iu L iBl llavrilord two larg* barns wsr* tlruek aod burned, with heavy toes. Iu Weaiber.flel 1 a Tigoroa>i eyclooe tore op large trees and protlraltd tbe growing crops. Toe barn of the) Calomel Mills Co. at Cxbridge wae etroek by lightning, and ths b'Mtlsr, Ileury Anthony, aud two valuable horses wsre killed. Numerou* olbsr bouses aud barns wers struck io tbe locali- ties viiilcd by tht storm. i it i HcollUta Joi iiiit: H. *OI.I UOUDS)." noihr Vael and HU .nan fan oni- A Boston despatch say B : M M Steward, of O'idonia, Priuoe Eiward Itlaurl, airivtd hers from N Y >f k IBU moron g ai.d wei.1 to tbe Ado>K Ki t rts< Company a rffla* anl KOI a Tali -e arbioa be Lad n bi .i fr. m Uotbaio. U axpaeted lo Ai.d 1700 iu TJ ..ted Btsvten bill* iu it. loitaad i/I iBal ! luaud a ,o .d . ir. d, bard baked brick b.tard went 'o Nw Y irk aa ao agtnl fur isvtral yogtg mo ol nis nativs towu, who bad euauotMionsd him to gsi some "iirstu good a " Iron parties wbo auvenired in ne Canadian pap-r'. He arnvid u Nt Tork witn 1830 i < gi.U aid a|.|'pe>d at the B.uaio d ll-'tsl, luird a?mne, wbcr* bo njsi tb. msLi wBo wanted So iradawilta bioj. A'.er ibsy Is't the oierk told hi . to sbun the two mnu wbo called, tskyiDg they were sharpers, but be raid be wait able tu oar* for tirjcs It Tbal afternoon ba m-t Po lip Kroigsu aod Tuomae Anderson aiN-> 3U1 E.t Tenth s !, wb. re he reotiv d *7oO in b.lU aud J5 in gold fur bu mouey. Then thsy i i .3 d him (o pot bi* mousy in a valise b' d tend ll to B wtou by exprers, f ,t tear of lot ILK il, while tfcey showed tim the tight* ol the town. Oa hie arrival here tbiB morning bs fouid a brick ins:eai of ib-i moosy be tzpecied. He called at t olios hes/ quarters and told ibs abovs s orv, layics: b* bs>d tpeol bis last o*ct in Ksttiiig to Bjslcn aLd had DO oisaus ol gaitiLg tood or lodging. A I l la iirlo.ll. A Bsrne cable ssys : English and Amerioao tonriste in Hwi /.arlaud have noddenly discovered an objet ol iuterol In a boy aged 14 y-.-", liviog in the Algerl Valley, Canton ol Zaog, and it bas become lat-bionable M visu bim. Tbe boy's body frtm bu bipe upward has not grown *inoc bin birtb, aad be bas rslalned all tbs ebaraoteriMie*. ot infancy in respect ot Ii it'll*- HTM did Inability to take food o li-r than thai ordinal iiy given to very yoong babies His arms and ISMS bave grown normally as to lar.gtb, but are thin and nuabif tus nuori hi b>dy, frail as it Is. Tbs parents of tbis spider liks creators are very poor, and the recent Inqnent visits of rish cariosity seekere, who-e pity ba* rarely tailed to take *ob<lantial form, has bMO aUvd-MLd to tbem. IMPART IK. vi i i I ' Oalr '4 Vran Old aarf Ha* flatlw Three TranaalleMilc Trls>*. A Nsw Tork dstpalcb ssy : Jack Uos- tello. 1 years of age, bas j isl arrived in ibis city on the steamer Oity ot Cbe-etr from Ireland. Tbis waa yoong Mr Uietello's tbird v iyeg aeroa* the ocean. Hi > lather letl a yonbg wife in Ireland aod eame tu iti- eonulry to make a b >me for hi* lami'v A year ago a womao o>me to Ca-tl> Q-tdeo ai a lold Fr. Riordau tbat Coaiello Wa>- a>- ing to m rry auotbcr wooiao To* pri i wiote to Ireland about It and M- Oostello aud tbe baby came right over to see ab u u. Sue found Ibat the t ry waa enttrily fal-e, having been staite I, ool cf >pi'.e. by a w. mau Co-teho wouldn't tu*rr>. Tu borne, however, was not yet mtde, and ibe little family bad a bard time to get along Finally, young J<ok was sent back as a i-tettrsge ptaaeOKer to bla grandmother In Ireland. La-ely Ooslello's oirDomilauoea bave improved, and he tent for tbe yi nug heir to eoms lo Amsriaa *gin, wbiob tbe yonlb did all alous. He was ths psl of all ibs paiseogers on the way over. op. i .ili mi Oraa ' Blrclrlrlly. Ton new organ now b:ing oiuairnot"'' in Oauterbary Gttbrdral by MBr* Willis will be, wbeo om pie led i i every way worthy of ibe grand old e irt > , of b oh it is to form a mo*t iojpuriwnt i art The entire i .atromrnt will be op rated by eltoiricily, Ibe tupply b-ii g derived fio n a battery which is being pUeed in ibe old Sinking Sjbi o'. S-tna idcu cf the woodrou* pr..periiea ol tbe new iDfruroent ma> be Katlsrsd frcm tbe t>ot that the length ol the cables n uduo-ng tbe electric currents avenge 1 J > tsot from Ihs oontolo (<t key. boaid to ths pusomatio Irvtr* operat ng tbe valves it ibe toaud boardt. Tbe organist williooupy a rained pcaiibu in tbs second arob of the ouih Mile, just cvsr lbepot wbsrs tbe, dd ir.s ramtnt waa pla)ed, his manipulation of tb- bays beinM flb. -1 by means ot tbs tleotneity tbrooitb tbe 130 fset ot cable to tht action ol the i .stroment In tbs trifaiium above. Tbe organ will be blown by four men iu the old BiLgtcg Sshool. Tbo whole if ths patsnts employed ia tbe pnenma'ie and elelrio M'lnn arc ths inventions of MBBBII Willis, wbo ars afl.irding good evidence of their intent i >u to thoroughly snslaia ttaair world- wide reputation in the work upon wh<ch thsy arc now engaged. fltctricml Rtvim. A dealer advarlitss Li^btniog Irnit ' jare " Tbey majp be a new brand, bat for lightening fruit Jars there I* nothit g more rucceBsful tban a small boy and soliiods. A swarm of Dakota graaabrpr/ert stopped twenty minntse for refr shtmnu and ate ap a ally son Qtld D*M *z.o. M'. Mui.ro Fcrguaou. of NoTar, WM Ol be 16 b July u..- iui .a-ly a<3o(ils>d by ain L*itb Borgbs Liberal Assooialioc u ait M" t-'.w-r'.al eiaoi-laie. Thb inarn.g* of Mr. Joho Croat, of Glasgow, to Lady Tbereaa Mmaejomes-it, *euud daughter of the Karl< f K,liulos mat Wi too, wat celebrated al L^nutou Caatlt on ths 16 h inst. Ou the 7-h July, on tbs coeaiioo of Ibi ma,rriage ot Mr Hetry Ctllar.dcr, il PreatuLbkll, to Mice Baird, I R .-nuoiv i .b* Wuautry oo ib* eatales ol Frrefibbai >ud Eipbionlooe were entsriaustd to dinun at Pfcsiouball. Tie death Is announced ot If r. Jamti Qibeon, Btraifurl-on-Avou, well known IL bt literary world at tbt saebor cf " Tbt Ii ami Gale adar, Uiblugrmiiiy of Hober Hurot," etc. Mr Uibaou, wuo vaa tuaiivt of 8 irliog. earned on bu.men for o:s>o) ysara a a in- iobtLt in Livairpool. A tempera 3; eoaloiailer wit oat day returLiLM frciu amaattr>'uiaiuig. alwbioti il was n * h. l io lowsr tbs suiiSaTS)' wagai, whau ae >aw < LS cl Lii w.irkmco 1)1; g o. ihe roijaide fu'. ' Woa t u '.kit I aoe J U u k ague, J b. . a d io thc* hard imes." Jut tbal, *ir (o.ci. en: (bM) at m am sxptnso." Il ii proto ed lo ere?, a armorial si Ua-e w to CO...UJ .:iora r 'lit r. ml r vir, ruOj*itd by ito<t ora*s .>s>u* i Atw do-. bo, alo g wuh tbsir i ooi" F uwwl Hi. K .ben L> .viiai.u. f> I. flgoilaulu deltboeul bi-irwi% and their eoontry'ari(b<*a|ra>4D-i D na d, L /rd ol Ibe I-ltt ou a. 24 h July, 1411 M' Wm Ciilb-ri Dan, Utetly ot ibt firm of W AJ. DJU A Co., dita> at Da^iabtb HOUSKOO IDS 14 b J-ly.io bu 71ti yetr Mr. DJO bed oeen for nearly haul a ejsn- Dry oooneeted with tbe staple) trade of Fortar, aod hie nrm is cm ot tbe mannfaotnricg firms in tbi Nortb of laud. A vtrdiot of " Not proven " IB Botland ba. tb* aamt practical tfleal Not guilty " in K ltcd. ttd SiotlaLd, too, (ir Ihat mattor , tbal ie. liberatae tb* aceuaed, who can 01 he |u on trial again, svvo Ib agbt niw tnJr u*> tLffl ienl to OJLVCI him tbcald afitr- ward* corns to Ugh'. Io a great ma > oae* a vsrdiei of " N .1 prowsn " Uiqair* lent to oue of " Not guuiy, bai don I do n again " The Qieen has granted to Majir N .r- mau Ouibris Cbalmert, Caoierou Hub landsrr, hrr Iteen-e and petmiaa-ioo Uat Dam-yaooepl aod wear tbi ictigniaof tbe Oder of the O manisk ol thttoarth eiaB. which Ilia Higboee* tbi Kardiveof Egy P'. aaiboi id by His Itnptri*i U ]') ine Baltae, has aoblsrrad npow. him for oms and dutingoiab'd ssrtioe in tbt fluid in aavtog ttt iUe tf K,ij.r llooaer, ol the Egyptian army, Indoiu*] ehionba wts woondtd. >f V* ! t 111 I-. I B if I Hull. ( Bnwrra Ik* *w ni.i i ullrrf ttlBM-IVIB uil I.Boda. A MoQlrsal denia-ch >): Tot poll- (ffio-i aatbort'ie* bav to da> rienivtd frum Mr. U- ffi i, I) I'Oty P.jatraa -tit O ler-l a 0.taW, le rui it Ib* CIW parts! f 11 bvtwreo Bcitaiu and Canada wntt'i o- IBM iflrOl Oil JtyCldaj, tbfc 'j.d t-l AQiU-l. P eel- en only tie irv . r.'.eil r>v ib* weest) Cauadlau tV-am r calri 4 il^Jai IB* tu iui*r aLd H ui u ki in amour Ii riaa beeu oooaidereo iu.p a-ibi*) la eolab li*b Bin iform rate, aid iu= D>u,icion ba- been roob y divided mto I ar noeti aeoordi-K 10 tbeir di-ta o*> Ir m ita*> Old Ojui.tr>. B. otioi) A lLolut N vt Ha >. i., N v Brun--ick. 1'r.i.ee Ivl- rl !< d aud Q 11 bee, ai.1 toe rate liutu ibe e Pro- V.D.OM will b* 80 setts p*r poju 1 or Iru- loo of a poOt-d ; irou B a.m. B, ai-l- iOK of O .tariu, be ra.e w ill to ii (rum BtOlion itolodu^ HL.I uD ai.il ibe N iribweat Tsmtorue, 10 ee>i.l ; and fr CL 8 otioL D. CjmiOitd -i.j >.,( lint ih C'luoibit, 45 eeuu. N j parcel maty be mor* iban three prai.d* to eeigbl. Tb* pnais<e i> I j be t rr[ aid in oxd: ary itanpt. Oatfide every piekage ibs es^dor tuoai iti a term, *O(( litd by Ibs poei ma-'tr. gtti ( dtRonp'iiu, Del wtubl, gro weub t.1 value ot tbe eocieote, ib* n<cia.nre and aJ ire a i.l icodsr. Ibis in foime>tiuD is ( r ibn Br.tiib Customs aatboritiia. Mr. Wolf voo Bcti.*rad. wboee bmbbie letten trots Penis, wet* not by tbe eobjeets ol tbe boa*, ! oaok Btaio lo ibe Uoiisd States, and one uf bia early ealls after bie airiva' in Nt York wae ai ibe cfflc* of Ibe Aft/, Fiild and farm wbers be got hi" Oral lacaOLiS lo iooiaive Joo*uallID. Tb* jf(U jf teaJ.lv la far diffor*!.! from tb* jVataia jirf OD.DO* and luiagitalioo. I' Is a land tfiiboal roads ai,d wiutoal eivilia*too. lot rouiib bildla palbs t(ak BJ. a,ietake> jiy to ibe uorui of a Don-|ror"ive ( t Liie. Tb* saddle is in general nae, auA tnt DM I borase ars tbe A aee, aod alas* lotto come tbs Taio-mam. Borne ol kbo lailer aliain to great BIBB, aad are oatd by tbs rieb for display. Tbe aTtr*( Tareomao is a fleet ao4 ardy boras, capable of ftoiuf fretB 100 to \M oitlse wnbool rtst Ba ie sde> aai*<l io get along wtib very little water, aud to tutajt uu ball* of kigtly oooeta- irtted food, Ib* two ini-tip.l ii. K r*<>i*Dre ol wbieb ars toat aud one, f <or. Wneo Le uiMter eooteinplatei a ratd, bcsjradB- . ly redo***, lor a L*rtud of taut? daye), tbt food aod water a l.ai et of tAs bot>e. .el tba Hurt* it io privation. Oraee o s i . r the V-SIDIIV of Tebnan . d L. in.eiL.ti t od oi the bens ie oartoy.tie p ii.r iwo uc.otba aaou year, lii n L* dai.y raiioo u uf b*rb* poaaasd ( ii.uv. propvnira O-iieade of tbe Matoa of f.torau: i* iba rasv-eosin*), *bs) t'inger eireaii of vciab ia abcu fl>* muwt. O iy 01* meet. eg is beld each twtive- n.oL,ib, aod i i* at ta* begitntof cf tbe F r-lao N*w Tear, iba opeoiug of prtne> Arabian*, Turccin.u- aod a orcae beieteo IB* Covack and larecmao compete, aod tb* ebitt race is flv* ciresjlte, or abool lw*c.i) one mile*. Mr. boh lee brand taw ibs dialBLoe i on in 27 mioatee 47 n coeds, Eiiber ice limt taken wat not cornet, or tbt winner was a voo ierf oily good horse. Tbe poress wers of ( 4d aod led op 10 Uf. Is bm*, wkieb were p ontd lo Ibe tOMcaefal j ekay *, wbo etoghi ibeo; iu ttur tnrbaa* R t icWu.ee ft* IB energtd lo tbe no *, aid oo batiicg a)ii*m l* oani'd oal. Abcui two baodrel ioiaaj^.1 ptraou* cheered tb* cooiee^niB. tk* wills ot tbs city being denee wtib, ptoplt. Tbs oat. r wall* cvsrlook Ibe coarse, at d frcm tbem the speetalor (*ls a 'a- d view of ib- bi-rves. Tts Bbab ilneaets ib* aport from a favi.ioo, a* do al-o bis < ffls- r a^d mimbera of ibe JS-riLt UganoLs. Tbe j eteys are maii,ly boy*, bat somstiaias a bsevjr wrubt. a foil grown mac, acts ae pilot. Tbs Arab from Bagdad IB pnaed i tifbly loan ai-y olbtr brt*d of Ib* ordinary taddl* boras baa an easy oau ler, aod b* Is ur* footed, bat lacy to a inking degree. Tbe hartal bee to o> tbe lath truly to make any kind ot >p*ed MiwecQ tbe radt itatioos wniob mark ibe o>o-ae of ib* roogb bridle paths. Twrf, fitlti tud j v ar*t. __ __ verdwi j i, Ttr ^^ iu it I airal W raaa ikr >i Bir Oicrg* 8 tpben ar.d party left for BYKUW -i % x 1.1 TMI n <.I..BI ol a . - ur, I ..I. i iwrc'a Uaib in a it UK. 4 (ar. A i i f 11 u n I i i.K I i i< tlew a in,l I. *JrwaBrT 'I n I ! .1 in I lovrr. A N w Y irk dt*ptlo i aays : Boss U iy- mokd, f jrtnerly a uewapaper reporter, wbo b- flxorud friqaenily iu police charts as a twi.dlor, ws>* arrnred yesterday at tbe II 1. 1 Hi. Qco'ge for paing wortble sbeqase. U i Jane 34io and to b Rtymond bad ctibed by tbe aiaoagerol ibe Balvirier* Hotel Iwo obiqaee mads to bw (Ray- mondV) order by " Oeurgs FaircLiI ',' oo the batkiog firm ot Spencer, Trak A Co., ot Albany. Spsucsr, Track * Oo., repudiated both cheques. Thai prisoner waa reoaai d ->d aotil to morrow. Rtymncd le aboat 15 ytare old, aud ba* victimised pup s ail over the world. In Europe aud iba Eaal Ibdiea be swindlsd variou- oiu-u and hotel men, claiming to b* tr. e irreapoi d t ot tbe Lo .don Sti*Jard. N-w York 2'tmn, and Ntw York Herald. Woile io Calootisk be lived with a beautiful womao whom he pwatd for bu wits, and ii it said bad a rations ot f rt> ubi servants. Ouoe, wbsu io Parit, R>ymoud claiuied to have an importai.t o u. ILI-^I n trim G 1 ii ess Oonou. 11- iuvned a e mpauy of digul'aries to a lavi b Banquet at au I o-< i. and borrowtd 500 leaner ttouj tie jioprie or. Tbr t atH tm<t ibe 'Vraaa*. A little ilaogotwr of a BJSM>J hautebold wat lately left alone 'or a short lim* wbil* ber mother west to tbe neib(Mr's Dariug lueabaitoe of tbe lady a rlug waa beard aud tbe little boaaekneper aaBwared It, to flud Ibat a dirty-looking Iran p wat Mand ii g upon tbe Hrpa. He demanded f <od or .oi.iy in a griff voice, ai d put bis fool again* l ibs door so thai It ooold not bt- clored. Tbe ebild was perplexsd for a moment, aod tbeo, rrecveriug ber ie f- P'jSctB'ion, said : " If you please take your toot away, I will go npilaira and ask my mother." Ibe brtgarly tot, for a woudi-r, 1 1 a- ho waa de*ired. and wilb a bang tbe ojuraKtons liltlo maid put six itches of oak between her aod the unwelcome visitor. Then, after the bad turned the key in tbe b<g I --R "b* at dowo aod placidly awaited Ib* icturn of bar mother. Tbry .ala-ra' ibr Hrakrimau. I'r f Ueo. L. Vjae, whoee m tonal on railroad engineering le aulborny ibe world over, was oos day pouiing ovsr the Urns card on tbe wall of tas Boston * Miut ataliou, without making ont what hs wanted to know, wben tbe PrctHaol of th< road, Mr. Furber, cams by and ascosxed him. " I am vsry glad to ssa j . u ' tbo Professor aaid. " I wi-h you would help me ont wilb this tiros tabb. I ooooot make bead or tall oat of It." The Pretidcnt jiined in tht tnvsttigattoo, and for aomc moments tbe j air fljandsred about among' a. ni.'e and p. m.'s witb no satisfactory rssulta whatever. " Ob, I t sv<r r>an maks a ylhing ool of these Ibiugs," 1're-idrul t'urber rxpliiuied at Itngtb. " Let's ask Bomreody I" And lh*v went ad ai sd a h'-kesnoan- Baton ttttr in Frond, net Journal. At 9 o'e'osk last tvui Ing ibe oondltloo ot Dr. E ! Elwsvrds, ot LoodOD, was socb as to give his Irlendi MOM lot great Mitotv. A Now Y >k telegram ia>}t K uiii-iLau o%me over froeu B' ok y u to ibe B. nib Ferry at 4 o'clock tbi< u, ILI. n at.d t.x.k the torib bound el'Va'td traiu, vbioh lift tbs terry al * 15. A' it in eee^-d op town toe ladw b om nnwdl A- l:o tlrael the |s:.t:eiaa r.b le- i-uiUiuly jumped ap and tip'ai id toll* I antL gtr< ' b aBnae if bit ttfe'i lllot* Tben every man of tuem bo.tvd in to Ibe fo- ward ear. Before tbe ten eta 1 in wa rtaobtd Ibe number of pf-einern waa- luersaecd by on*, a ;oung laJy to oatnrt'e Krb, and eodowtd wilb a. btallbr, pwtr- ful soprano voiae. Tbere wte) no pbyii- e an oo the u.iu but at the 1AJ b alrttt Halloa an amtnlai.ee waa tgtuuiooed and moibsrand ebild wsre tak<n hi mi. Tne lady wai Mr* Anuu K >aiane*.kr. ( f 101 .d tirert H. r bn- ba i it a Bro k i) n d'u;gi-l Sbt bad bteuwilb b'r caolher ia that oi-.y, but beejmiiK cervoiu there bad begi to bs tsksu buck t> ber owo iiou-e. Tbe moibsr aui bskby art in cxoe.lsul condition. Bo >Bevaiu.urui..a<, oa tbe C P. B < aib- wc-vr_ i z i L- i D, Iwi Libl ail ntoraed today a.d wei i an far ae Holland, tbe MrlBinua o tbe Mtuit.na rite^iton. Bo'b lio*4 ill be tiuudtd Ofisea eaile* Hue jtar. A e-iofer*r.e c( Iradii g frovioetal Con* Mr>a iv*, mum (Mrs (if tb* Legislaiars and oiberi, waai bald ber* uu TuiJay tiabl to di-euaa orga a . lou and otber oiaiiaie, Tbe aincu e Oi>nl la raid ti btv* mad* b.t .be proviLCial COL:**! ail plae iu N .vtmii r DJ c.u u b^r, will jiub.biy coote*! Winnipeg (ur th- C ^111 L. a aa I- 6- p-n*si,l A. P. M.oloL,ali,a w. l.-k ou railway soutrastur, i >n Ib* en> t r tb* r,urp.> of b-aiijical u'or-aia lou regarJu>< ibe rotate of tbe p.-- p *d railway from WicLiptg In ib* 1' .c- R vtr, iu w ie ; b la inwriitad To* rrporl io Ibe MoBtftel <**irtn ibal bo cholera ba* a(i eared in tbia vieinily at wi'hi.at foaudaMou L) D. A keo will p?obablv be tb temper. tton eodidate f. r tte L.o.l Hooie ta North Wi:nii*g. A dairy a>t- .eisnon ba* been f. rm'd in tfa iwba, wi.b Mr. Waiter, M.F P., ae President. U -o Troa.Wbits wssalK r: ga Arprii* and luli^n Head to-day, and will retain to W.cmig to-m irrow ivsnin^. nii.riit i & laranw* bavi been ntvia tbal tbe M...t:ob it Sou bwrtterc K- Iway will be i e it-1 m II -i-avu ta Dsioraint tbis >eaeou, a di.-aoee of 10 ml ~- tbe work to AlaJjrtod j be eitct-'-i J by Oivooar 1 -t. Tbe otber d utb*ra rn brateu etii au.o be ezttnded Irom llcl atd. Sir Oa> rn Hhtpbin, Mr. VaoCorct aoi r irty U fi :bi* morni s ai 8 o etaek fi-r tbs P-o fle oat by tfraial Iraiu. Mr K<aa eo miaciud ttiem and will KO a* far as J. .1 cot to tb* Pac.flc c a*!. Locd i '.''am aid hit br tbi r goto 8o r'rao- ci.o.1 bai ibe "-I "f ibe tarty will rttorn via Canadian 1'icria Ratiway. I alf lain r -.'. a Ta.hrr A good ttory is to!4 of Captain Fjetor, wbo bae broom* favmooa a tbs pr*f*rred lover of Mr*. Crawford, of U Ike uotontty. Ib* oipaaiu is a reoa'kaMy good-lookiog (allow a. j tbu k very nigbly uf bia " maab m " qaalitia*. V.'hiK nayiug at an Eagliab sot. a ry boose some years aajo mere were t o rtmaikably prttty gula oa a vtait aod Ibe ci,'taiu plil lueru great attention. O as rViLiLg bs propoeed tu b .tb of ib*m and was i r m^tly r*'aa*d. N xi morciug tb* capttia wa* lats down to breakfast aid ons of Ibt gtrU lold of bir t x , *riuot witb the gallacl. Wb), said in. oibsr, " b* aaid i o'.iy tb* same thing tome." JjtibiD -b .- eaptain entered lue room aod Ibere was an aodibl* Utter. Bs a*k*1 tb* rea- A Bi. Pierre, (Ji*., d-*paieb tsje : aon Irjm a fritnd, who remarked, eortly : B>rvey Daley aud i rwniah Bmu.'.wo ' Lwk here, old man. Ibe next woe you t-anieu bloogio<lo IL* teuuouwr r'redineh try to ma-b laro girit ID oc *v*ning lake i in i r i > A UUHI. I h. I-..H > \ .. -a' ! l i .1 et Tar* G>riug. of Uloooeoter, M*k-e, wbne nbum ou ihe Orero Bank, got adiift In a dory 'unug a thick fcg a 1 J tlormy wwalbar. Tooy lay arocid twenty foar b.urt bo(iua( o find Ibeir vea'sl, but, ai.ujji i c.< ibat hops, they deddad to pull to the nortbuard lor laud. After four a, J a, ball dt>s. terribly ix lautttd, bsiog wittou, food or wier, irey lighted aid ol on bxard tbe Frtnob fishing sahoousr E <a. anchored on lue Si Pierr* Bank. The) pMud tbiriy six boors on Ibs icboxicir, si d after recuperating obtained fo id at-d water tnd took to tb<-ir (*o*y again, ead after fl vt day* reached Lamaline. Tbeire Ibwy wwrt pro. vid*d with lodging by a flihetroao of Ibe diainot aud brougbl M 81. Purrs today, safe and >oood. I li aah U, dt rr Oo A Ci oionatl O, dt patch taye: July 1U h a daughter waa) tora to Sir. Mr*. Uirbert Winter of Niwporl. Kf. Il wa* named Fraokie Cltweltnd Wiattrand a Itlter It forming Mrs. Cl velacd of tbs fact brought tbe followm g ri I s Mr Pr.in ali Wix-ra.- ny thank.* t..r tbt k u.l *ai in wlncii y i rauittub rl ui in y-.ur III la (trl'i naina. May iti* b. ble-i*l thn.ugb lit* la I bavo be>n. tint wi 1 >cn iiu me ttie lavor nut to cli ber FraDkie,bui K.in*MMr Krauk .' I am uevar oallad Krau.ia, aai I diAlilt t t.o aaiui very much. Wlih tnv oou*TT>lala.i: .a* anil boil with** I am ruo*l iloosraly yur*. Jail 0, UN. rsaiMiuB ' Her 'lnri .l.oa Her Majssly bas prssntd Ibe Tbird Battaluo ct the K > al Wel.h Foilltert wilb a One while goal Irom Ibe (ami ot hsrd in Windsor Great Park. Tin. nan msot U always pyowdedio tie uiarobm by a goat. LosaWS ert ih*v ar* nol taruculax oooma. " Ltn- doatfowr. Ir. Pa<tl,' IrvaiMr*. "At bom*.' said Mr. Towdsrly, 'my woriiary lakes tbs leltsr* as ibiv are received, draw* a bine ptnetl aroucd tb* meat aod I reed jait that. Bai here I bay to wad* through tb*m my-elf. Ill bond read all ibe eommonioauoae tsol me I woo Id want my days Isnglbensd to a bandied hoar* eaeh. Bi-ico the labor iriobiaa of IM \*<r began 1 bave rsewived nol Isee than 1 000 l*tt*n from all tort* et p i pis, telling ms wbal to do- I have a pil* ai tacm*. dtvotsd exeloaively to these, wbiob ars marked ' advice.' Taey w .old makt a pile, U Ibs abeets wire laid oat fl . i, abool two yards bib. Iti bai aetsd o i tbe ad vie* contained ia oae leoth al tb*** letter* 1 wooll bavs beeo oent to Ibe penitentiary or barged long before tbi*. Tbey eoms from rabij Aoarobials, Bjeial- lts, tgitetors and all eorte ot cranks, aod tbtve. i*lv of tbi i* advice ie bewildering indeed."- fla<iri>*ia Frtu. Major Gsosral Middlttoo will a*avt shortly oo a tour ot ictfetlioo lbroo|l thi nt I'rovinoef . A Meal HwJr Ibe < .1. koao ( ai. "Mary." stid a Pbiladslpkia boBwand bave yon noticed Qsnena snail* at tbe coachman T ' " No ; I've never seen her take ths Itast notice ot him. bai 1 saw a red hair on hsi betl coal, aod Oensvia's hair is auburn, yosj koow." " That aeltla* It," promptly repUsd tee bloated eapivaliit. " John moat go ia Ike morning Rather than see my Jaoghtsf mirry a ooaobm-n I d b-fl^meraeber-in law to a dode." /"WeiV/BAn JlMffd. Tb* Niajara wkirlpool U a great whirl fool pJaa* Mr John Hewer, a well-known Uoelah a it.1 better, died ol dropsy on Sunday nniog. H* wae the taihir oJ All Ji BlWM.otUtalellj,

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