T11E ADVANCE. ae of the loading Local aud Family Newipaperi iu Northern Ontario. I'ubUtLed Every Thursday, Kito THE Orrtcx, OoHinywood Street, - - Fltiherton, Ont. TEB1IB OF 8UBHCRIPTION : 1.00 per ennnmlu advance; * 1.50 If not paU thouudof 1J yeart. No paper dUcontiuuuil C 11 all arrvara(og are paid up; and no eubBcrip o ne tajtuu for lae. thau oue yoar, except when peclal arrangementt for tbortur period! are made with the publleher. ADVEBTIBI'NQ BATES. *c. Oaaual advertisement., a conta par let iutertlou nd 3 oente per lluu each 4ubw<iueut liieertion. Trautitiut advurtieementh tu be paid for .wbea ordered. Advartieeioebt* without epeelal direo lone will be ineerted till forbid aud charged accordingly. Liberal inducement! to regular advertltera. Niiiuva among ruadiug matter, 10 centi per line each insertion. No advortleeiueut dleooutlnued until all ar rearages are paid up. Uopy for advertinumeute ihoulu reach thu ffloe not later thau noon on Tueedty to enaure urtiou in current Itaue. A. R. FAWCETT, Editvr and Proprietor. Flesherton Neat JUarket BEPT.UOOD, 1'llul'BlEIOH Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON CLAYTONS HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It tht place to get your Han\es Collan, <<, made up in good ityle. Shop in W. Clayton' t Boot d- Shoe Start, Fteiherton. ,,r . Hi. ,;-,.. ' . . i - ami i-Nlitii oftli. i' 'I ln':iilvi-rtli-r oli'i Wniil- V - ' !!nr. Dnila in it Ml** In- form: i"i him wtlb will IIIV. -I .. . i-:i,|ii llnlllIM ill ml- vertl-ni:-. i. - : ' ' li' 't'-l wlilc-h will nil 1 ' I ln^ . .',"/' mnt" tnuilt. to do * ..,../ at by cor* r7K>N .. . : - IIMM- hiM-h i^-lli'-l. (.(ni. ii .1 l.ln -- NT loconle. Wrln- f t.l ' r UOWK1.L A (". NKW-IVM'i .1; , :.\ ' :.n-IM. HI' lit- AC. (|ii-'ii'iici"i.r'- ; s I I. N' 1 * ^ 'irk. RArEO pn CHASES - LIVER CURE HAVE YOU I.ir CompUinl. Dy.pep.U. Ind,li<xi. Kilk>ujnf. J.undict, Kt.dj.hr, l>iint, Pain in ihe Back. Caedveeeetj or ny diita*. arwinf from dr.nl IITCT, D. CHAS P < l.nsn l'r will U found i lure and certain rem dy. WATURE'8 RtMCDV Tkc unqualinV'l su.-<*nf I'r C'he' I.iwr Ture in Liver Complaint rets s.lcly with the fact ihll it ll eowpou/i.V.i ft .n, ii .iwnlirrgulalor, MANDiAki ^-: 1 1 v.i.i i i is. 'omhinrd with many other in^.^ ua :i- rixt*. l.aik find herb*, having a powerful el i " Ki'lury, Si.irnach, Boweli and hloud. 500. OOO SOLD w.V(.'ii / />'. Clout 'i Rttipt Boott told 11 ' .' i.i.'tf a.'.'nt It'e n-ant nury matt, -i.i *"l f*.'"' '* " trniHtd tiV* Lirtr Ctm- flmint la try tkit txitiltiit rtmtdj. SOMETHING NEW CivtN AWAV FMI Wraepcd around every IK.; IIP of Dr. Chaie'i I.ivrr Cure It a valuable Household Mr.ln.,1 I idi.lr and Recipe Book (84 pace*), containing over too uful r* ipcv pronoun *-.1 Yvme>li.al men arid ilmj{R^ a invalu- able, and w.rth ten time* Ihe price of the medicine. THY CHASE'S CATAMN CM. A ufe nd poiiiive remedy. Price, s ' mis. TtYCdASC'S KlDNEV AND LIVID PlUS >;ct>. per bos. SOLO BY ALL DEALERS IT. BOMANSON CO., Sola Ae.nl. Bradford f 4 H K II IN IVm AL.ITB. Ferliiel. H. .. H^ el "mpfomrt .rp.r Iron, bring Fro>rn le> Dcalk. A Readlnn, Mioh., daapatoh eaya : Mra. Lioeiodk Fail*, oi Woodbridge towcibip, while on bar way to th* Fourth ol Jofy oelebraiion bare last Saturday, fall nooon- ioioun from bar leal in tba carriage, aod WM to all ikdlOktiOD* dead. M dioal MiateiDea WM ealtod, bat kll tffort* to retlore her proved fatile mod ib* WH (iTen np, allhnnub uol baving every appearaoo* of being dead. Tb* body WM laid out and taken bkck borne for burial. Arriving there, io* WM proeored in which to ptok the nmkiDt, aud Ibey wer* *o packed for more Ibati thirty miDUt** ( wbeo au old pbyeieian, Dr. Necliob, sailed on tba boreevnd family. Ha wai *o atraok witb tba lifelike look ot tb* " eorp**" tbat b* eipreeied doubt* of her death. Tb* body WM qniokly tkkcn from tb* ice and tb* doctor went to work to aetablieb the ftot of ber Uring. H* opened a veiu in Mr*. Faate'i arm tbi* morning aud tb* blood flowed freely In a abort Urn* tbe lung* beiiac to work, and tbe funeral prepera tiona war* abandoned. The patient now lien apparently Mleep Her bom* IB filled with enrion* ncigbbor*, and tb* loaal pby- Mao* are mnoh pauled over tbe oaae. It U akld by tba neighbors ibal Mre Futa'a mother onsebad aelmilar (xp*rino ; 'Hat ha lay in a trance for many dkyt, tod When me cam* to evinced a loll kuu*>led|<i ol T*tythiD| whioh bad gone on aroocc br. Prof. John Maooun.th* well known (!na dian natural hiatortan aod botaniel, ha* baen (tooted k follow of th* LinnelMi Boeiity et Lonjou, Bng. A.H JONKk'UBMk. I liarnrtril.il, I' a n.r. *, i Ireea ike Kvava- i at Dkeieiiaeiejea. A Lafci wood, N. T , de*|jittob MJ* : Bv. Bam P J n e leo'U'ed iu tbu auiiibi theatre ou the Oiiauauqu- A ' itroaudi M da. to au iiuo>e. e .u i u He oliuee for bi< tell Ibe i Inth vvme. t: i chapter, firal eptatle Keneral of Bi Jbu He dwall upon the livaa of tbe oborob member* of to-day and attacked tbe aooial tmoeement* and pl*Mor*i ol tb* American popl*. Among the gem* aud bright eayiogi ibtt fall from tbe Up* ot tbe Doled evaugeliai doriDgtbe kddreet war* tbe following: Wb*D I get to biaven with my crown aud harp I doi.'t oare kbonl beaveoly reootfuiliou. I am all fixed W* want a lillle more beayen hero in Ne Y >ik kn on tbu enrtb. If we go bome kLd ounn' crat* oar-elvn aud obey tbe tea o .tuuj;.Jm<Lt w uefdi.'lgoto beaveuatall I never *kw a boy i'ioud of bin father bu'. 'bat bin father tt a-baiu(d ot him Tbe ilock ot meo, like nor. a-, . b..ul . b improved. Iu eorue parin ot Ihe oonotry w* ark ran down pretty low. b there kny barm in dancing ? Danee all yon want to, Cor where yon ar* goiug il will be too warm to d.noe FUy cardi day kod night, tor cud* won't liknd flr* down there nnl**i voo gel kebaito* oardi. Where there ia love of tin of any daterip- lion there ia no aaJvation in that oul. Blaion i* dsli/erance from guilt of tin and love of HID. I used io daooa. bat wae never idiol enoogh to play oardi. Too oko't fiudklnaatia asylum in Aruerioa, acleit >oa find a deck of card* in nearly every room. They amoee ibemielvi.* witb or !> Moauae they are idiot*. Tb* oampe ol oldi*ra and battle field* ar* alvaya e vnred witb oarde. Woeu G id Almuxbly 1 - ohuroh move* oat of camp lu battle ah* will throw awty her oitrda too. Sanoiified people, wbo ar* ail Dolmen, are like Ibok* italk* of ecru that are devoid f everything bat the tk***l. Qod eave oi from beiog kll IMMI. 1 feed my hone on oorn, ool tassels. Holineea means whole- eomanea* ; on* hundred e*nta oa tbe dollar." If you play progrtteiv* eacbro you are i oil M moabi of a blaokleg t* auy gambler in b* o lunry . you are k blaeklegged utm- al r, aiid 1 doo'l car* whole baebaod or if* yea are. Tbat'a pratty itroi g, bat if yoa cea write anything *irong*r I'll eign it. If you want your daughter to be ao idiot teach her to dtcoe. Tben marry her off to a ballroom bock or a dude axid eetile itim D the ooonlry when note of joor fricodi will eee them. Yon women tend your daugb (era to tome look noted Frenchman to learn maooere. I have k contempt for daoeiog muter* I oab'l expr*k. I'd econer my dkoihter would gat rattle- enake bile tban ecoiely bit*. The otly [ood in tooiety ia to paok i ft dndee on you :ur touB iu Ikw. Oat of the world it oal of 'aebioo, hot I'd aooner be dead lhau in Society ii k bloody, deceitfol old wretoh, I'm not down oo dndee etp*cially, for we uaeofaciare dadee jail like kny thing elae. f )ou people keep the devil around il i* became yon welcome bim kcd treat bim well. Ood help u* to protMl our bomea and children. OKI I III It ll I lo M HI A -i OU I krlillai h>*rle>eire e>l Ike < rew el Ikr Hcmm .finagle- J.ha.eD. A Obieaxo deapaieb lay* : N*wa of a thrilling accident wbion betel tb* enw of ib* lillle ecow Mefuii JobneonlMt Buuday reached here to day Bbe wae bound for bebo>Kiu from Kcwannee with a cargo ol Dark, aud wai about fifteen mile* eoalb- Ml of tb* latter port, wben ebe WB* iod- debly overtaken by a eevare itjaail. li lor. a mao eoold act the veeatl waa oapocid and ber crew we* thrown overbear J. With <be ulmoal diffloolly tbey awatu to the Jobnion aud clambered on bar bottom end e*htd tbtmaelvaa to ber chain platae in order to eve tbemaelvee from beitig wabed ovtrboard. Tbe tea WM blub and heir poeiuon wk* peril.. on, for k part o' the time tbey wer* aabmerged by ib* water. There WM eom* danger ot the lillle craft gotog to piee** and thus canting them adrift. They floated arouud n tht* poeition for five or aiz boar*, wbeu 3kpt. Thome* Peg*, of tba eofaoouer Arctic, eigbled iheoi, and b* immediately bove lie v*ee*l to aod tent bia boat to tbr ei-t.noe ol tb* ebiawrecked men. Tbe Arctic wai five mllea diitauoe from the reek, aud tbe puil wan a loog and a hard ou* ou aoo Ui.lul iba wind ai-d tea Beftr* ib* tkilor* ooold ace m^i-b liia dielaooe tb* atekmcr Cbrieiie tov* in light ai.d bore down on the wrtck. Bbe KOI to ber before tbe Arctic'* boat did, kod eh* look off th* orew, which oonneied of eight m*n. Wben tb tnd aud t*k eabeided, theObriiti* righted tbi capniMd Jubncoa aud towed ber to Eeoaukbe. DIVOKIBO I icon A DEAD BAN. Blkaalar malrlae*.e>UI 1'kec la Nee* er. A New York dtepaicb **y* : An intone*- .ng divorce caw* now being tried in Ihi* city * that of Kilty V Dtrriokeon, wbo aa*. to ikve Mt tside a decree of dtvoroe againat bar in 1885 The fMM diiolnaed are that the couple were married ib 1873 kcd lived together tor 10 yean, wben the baiband acouied Ibe wit* of anfaithfoloiM. Boon b* induced bir to lign k atparaliou agr**ment by which be WM i|iv*n Ibe obildren, witb the oondilion thai it h* ever learned that the ehargei be made kgaioit ber were ftlie, th* ehildren ware to be retorned to her. 8obeeqa*nlly ie *a*d for divorce, and made oat by Ib* kid ol detective* k Oka* upon which ibe ; Mirt granted tb* decree on February 3'd. I88j at 3 o'clock in tbe afterncon. At 10 ) clock on th* morblog ot that day, Mra Dorrickaon kllegea tb* husband died, and h* now demand* tbat tb* divorce be aet aeide, having been granted to a dead man. Donaiderable properly and the custody of Ihe children i* onderitood to hinge upon tbe deoiaion in lha oaae. AT A I'll > l . TW* l'rr..n. l. n.l an<l -It Drlkaj ValBl lee r< am llr (mh >nr in.. A Coulterville, III., deapateh Myi . Thla place ia greatly disturbed over a poiiociag IMI wbiah embraoea about one hundred pereooa, t* f kr atoao be learned. Two ot the viotima are dead aud **v*ral other* kre dying. Oo BatorJky a local baeebkll club gave a picnic, wbieb wan attended by k large number of Ibe reiidente and rar- rounding country. Among the rcfreeb- menl* nerved wan com* ice oream made in or ppar f raiser* which bad not been nted ainoe lk*t yekr and were coated ineide with rait. Before nigh* * number of those wbo bad pkrtaken ot Ib* oraam ware takeu violently etak. and yeeterday two children of Jtmei Wilaon, k farmer, died at ler uf fering intonie *gonylor boar*. Thogrcat**! excitement prevail! John Ueriing'a daughter, 17 yeai* ; Margaret EMI, Myra Wenli-y trd 'William Orkig ai.d two toni of Dr. Finkar, of Marieea, were reporle i dying IMI iiilii M >r* d*atbe ar* expected Oa* hnri'lrrd and fifty pcreooi arc now under trialmaot. i.n. tx. m Aaywaiv. In bia ctpaoily of debtor Jon** panuei om* qaeer method*. " Ae for me," "aid be, " when k ornditor takea it into hit bead to write to mr, I croa* him off my lit. Tbat MttlM it ; no money for bim." " And wben h* doein't writ* T" " In tbal OM* I wail until h* doe*." Cardinal Guibtrl, ArobbUkop of rria, U iiriouily ill. I'lll-l !.!-. NKW I IU I U 41 I A 1 UOK Irl.a Arital l-redui r. Her Werk. A London cabltgrkm My* : Harry rhddeua, Ihe y .UHK Iriah ar'iel wbon ir... t'h A e Li'Ml, de Br u* . , - ., i u . r ,( u uu L I. Li.'ioulbl . k, .- |. ibi'ji'it n H i. K ll(* e.SJ portrait Pup* Leo X11I. He pkluled n tbu tpriim at the Tatioan, wbere Hi* Holiu*** gkva eilliuge privilege* which b* tan rarely granted. I called at the arttat'a itadio in Booth Kiniiugton to lee the [ioture, wbieb will iborily be *zhibit*d in the Staler. Tbe Pope ban often b**n painted, bnl never, I believe, in io natural au: unaffected k pun* M lha oue oboien by Mr. Tbaddeo*. Hie 11 hue. e ihown Mated iu bia eiudy pr>-> ar teg on* of tbe a tuir.bu Li : .-i.oycltoale hiOb haw wou i.iui ib> r>(,uiattou ot cue ol tbe Kreat- B' . . nbulam of bin llui- . Ui i- ci.-l i wutte He *IM iu hie fav irite aro.ei.au, p- u i, ua>ud. with ti bead b^nt lig:;ly forward, ie ibottgb ll*t*uibg loaotue 1: nar luipirt- lion Hie delicate, luielleotuel fealuree art lamped with ikougbl. Ou* baud droop- languidly beside him over Ibe right ku*e. Tb* arliat hae akillul'y ditpoetd the tti drapery. Bound tbe Pontiff a neck haunt k golden chain, terminated with a oreia. A whit* ikull ekp orowu* the wrinkled, canworo, lofty forehead. The eyie art toll of lit* kcd Ihoagbl. Tb* moatb, by f r tbe moil *onpiouou* feature ot Leo XIII ' face hM k mure pleating and real. iul ezpreaaion tban it usually weari. Prrbap*, too, k more literal painter would have rhown the liuci and wrmkl** more, i vuu tboupb by eo doing b* might bkve detracted from tbe calm benevolence lo ODaractoriitie of Ihe Poutifl. Tbe ariui ebowa bi* illaitriuon model at hit beet, Iu many way. ibi* portrait u Ibe moat iktulaotory yel painted. A l M.l i t It UAkK. *uih,uii. eteceirel el I'r r. on lit lu*; "iru.u Wllk I l.hiuliin al mi alllladr cl !,*) reel and "ti i Live. A Laadvilie, Col., ipeeial lay* : Oeoigt 8 Edwarde, who was .truck by 1 giluiuii wblle eroaaibg Irou Hill ou the 4tb iuel., u . wl> raeoveriug. Hie oata ia k moil re- markable one and I* attraelibg cou.id. r >bl* attention from ic:enuflo men. Ei. vardi, after the flaeh, lay uuooueoioui fur fifteen mioutee before rtoiiving acnutanee Ibe lightning (truck bim on the left cheek, knookiDgoal k number of hie teeth. It then peeied diagonally acroe- hi* braaal to tbe ngai, theoee to the feel, oomiog oat ot ibe right boot, hkviag panned entirely through th* fool, leaviLg a hoi* timUar to on* mad* by k bullet. Hie clothing wae torn into fragment*, [article* being fouud a diilanoe of 900 feel from Ihe epol, kod on* of Ib* boot*, bulb ot wbiob were torn into (bred*, WM found tiz IMI away, Im- mediately auder wbere Ibe man wae a.aud ibg tbe groand WM torn up f >t a consider- able diitkbce. It* eoone along ihe body i- ehown by a black ureak on* and half inchre wide, the worn i ffeoi bting ibjnry to ib* lubge, tb* immedlki* naull being tevere hemorrhage by wbiab k quart ol blood WM loel. Io kddiuoo to Ibaae lojnriae th* turfaea ol tbe body ia almo.i mpletely covered with blietere, the reeuli of *evere borne. Tbltle Ib* D ai aoibeutto rt-oord of a pert n beinii injured b> a tr. . ligatcirg at an altiiode of over 10 500 [*, and wbere peraune .fleoied interuaii> - Mr. Edward* WM and not io*tat.tly killed. _ A <:UO*I IN Pt*llBitltlON. . ir ! a Iliiiiaird Heitee Mear l-lr.liiK lor I hrn Line. A Louiiville, Ky., d**pateh aaye : Tb* f male u mateeof a bone* ou Oreeo ttreei, between S.ith and Baveuih, bad a dread- ful experience about 1 o el ck 'bi mon.iuK Ao .at that time, ia ibe mldet of ibe 5 b 01 July revel*, all ibe luhte iu in* bt,ne war* loddeoly eztingaiabed. Th womei. wer* *ue**d abcat Dy uu-ei u b ud-, mieiUer of every kind began to fly ab .ul tbe room*, unearthly yell* were heard in every pan cf tb* bonM, and for tome tim* Ib* wbol* huu-e wa* a veritable pandemonium. Toe women did in lribi, declaring Ibal a Kb. at bad taken poeenuou of ibe houie B. ma lime after the aoiee bad Maeed OL* of itae woman returned and lighted the gM ibronnboal ihe hone* The furniture in three i*juie were foui.d emevbed to pteMe, tbe bed clo'htug cut to brede ai.d geu*ral bavoo and Oiuluaiou everywhere. A ounoaa erowd roun flue" Ibe place, aud Ibe premieen were eearo ted, but no trace of ib* my*i*noua vuttore c uld b* found. Tb* women firmly bel.ev* tbat tbe work wa* ot preternatural ageboy, aud claim Ibal Ibe booee baa bet n baanted for a uumoer of y*art. Tbtre t a itory enrrenl in Ibe vittniiy tbal a d iuble murder WM commlttad in tbe home yeari ago, and tbat tbe bodite ol I wo mordered mek lie buried In an aban- doned well beneath the bouee. I l>- I IN 1 4 > 'KM II I % b. If Illblr t.lptltrmtr ml K Kit-Ion furl, Mil h.u I I 1*1,1 or I.,. 1,1. A L .uiaville, Ky., de-paioh *ayi: Thie at teruoou a parly ot ladie* aud gintlemeu returned Irom a pleaear* trip to Mammoth Oav*, where they bad a moot tbriliing *nd painful experience. On Tuesday k jay party of twenty eeven p*r*on* iravemed th* cav*, taking tb* " long mute " nine miles io and nm* mile* out. Daring the evening, wbile the party were travelling tbroogb tbe winding pM>ai(ea beyond Echo River, nina of them, wbo wer* ia tb* rear, became eeparated from the main body. Tb* only guide wa* at the head of ihe lint, and the abeenoe of the rear goard wa* not noticed for torn* lime The unfortunate* wer* loel for eight bour> 11 Ib* lutrtcile obderground m*B t of the mighty cavern. From 1 till 9 o clock al bight Ihey waudared abaal a mleenly but constantly getting further and farther away from ib* main track. To add to tbr terror of lha limalion their light* w*nt out, leaving tbem to wander on in tbe dark- nee* aod unknown danger* of Ib* etvcru Th* wanderer* finally adopted the plan of leaving email artiolee ot clothing in Ibeir path a* Ihey walked along and by tb*e mean* Ibey were finally found by the parly of friend* who were i*ol in >*troh of them tilting on th* bank* ol Ib* E ibo River, to wbiob thf y had finally arrived Tba ladle* in tb* party aofferad grtktly Irom nervou* excitement, atd tb* eicur- aioniete were pretty badly broken up by ibe Urn* they got back to tbe hotel. A 1\I miot TKAUBDV. TlHrdrr aad NatrMe Wlikeel en. fix- pl.nxil.n. A N*w York d*apatob *ay* : John War- ner, acoompanied by bl* eon Junep'-. hired a ball bed-room in tbe flat honae 17'J Went Tenth itre*t abjnt two mootba kg). Be- yond k oaeaal obeervation tbal b* wa* appartnlly a Canadian no on* knew much about bim. Th* man came ai d went at regular lucre, ana at n.ght b* and th* boy alaya *npl in th* boua*. Al d*ybr*ak tbt* morning piilol thot* wer* beard in Warner'* room, and on the di> ir beiug forced open by the lodger* Warner wae found drad on th* floor, with a big pletol in hi* band, and hie ion Juaei h on th* bid in a dying condition, with a bullet wound in hie toropl*. Tb* boy died on hi* way to tba hoipitkl. No letter* or paper* giving any explanation of th* tflair nave b- eu din- eovcred. Tb* landlady mar en that W.uior wk* a man in redaoad eireunitaiioo , who bad be*n eeektng k mean* of livelihood. R*v. ThomM Hyda.of WolvntonBiptiil Obureli, hM oloted bl* labon ID oonniotiun with tb* oongragaiiou a| that p|eg, to A LION-TAMER'S PtRll. Tk litrrpid lu utteukHl b, a inarch ul (ke r irwt. A UK LL1NO t.SL uOL^UiO K .g.iauu,B.j Wao, axjO'r HM t'tti o i tradiuoo, babiinally ailaud Ibt performuicM ot liou tkinera m hup** cl aeiug ibe liou* devour lueir mauler, oame vety u*ar having ibur wiab gratified a OuUflt ol nigbuagoteiiba Foir* de N entity . lliJel, Ibe tamont liou taoitr, bad, a* ueual, Aliened bia taut at tb* oorn*r of tb* great 1'erie lair, wbere hie blood ourdling per f nuances bad been drawing or. w I . Lightly He bad entered tbe cjge to lace ibe f. ui n 'Co a u. with wbiui no per oriue. Tb. I* cule uolioel iu bidti id . o: m>< u. .'. He baJ a. ituXi ue i . ik . lu.a u w.ii. NJ *o-de.-, lu Woe Lfl .1 ^ Il Ui a . UdjfL ..lack cl rL'ULu.v: i-uj * d MB keJ v.1 h I. ft u .y. All wi I nali, bowivtr, up iu ciue.u pk.i. t. il. bad put ibe lour auioikl* .brough ibeir po*e. Tori* bad rviatnco tu Ib* adj jining *age aud Bidel wae aloue with on* feroeiuu* old Adioau lion hie bow beMt uamtd Bultau, which begau iu career in France by biting a ruiuo'c arm off ecu* yearn ago. Tbe beaet baa Jwayi bee j hard to manage. Bide! waa about to make Bultau aiaud Ob hie hind legi, wbeu tea lamer itamoled, trum rbtamatio pain, tailing prouc. In an UIIMUII tbe liou pjuuoeJ upon him, fatten ing it* teeth in bia ntek aod arm* Ail eeemea over, aud k iluiuilaneoe,. ory ot horror aio>e from tbe auuiuuce bcveral women faulted, kbd every uua but Bid<l aud au a*uiant, who vaa provideuUally near, lott lut.li ufcada. U; a lieuieudou* tff jrt uf oiunOit. land * 1. me liou taiuer omtoned tbe ilu by ibe jaw aud itruve to burl tbe might) man* away from biui. Al Ibe tarn* uui. tbe kauatant, catching "up a long iruk- Uped poln, made a determined lunge ai Huiiku, wbo, bowling wiui pain, relaxed bu bold, aud retired b*xi door io rtfltot on the rltoatlon. Before Ibe beael ooOld epriug kl BIUI agaiu, Bidal, aiieamiug with bljod, drained uiu.ee. f to the oaier door of the okgi MekjwbUe kll Ibe e&imele iu Ike menagerie bad raised their peoahar arlae, oiakii g the piaoe bideooe. A doctor pre aenl at once atteuded io the woonde, MVCO tec a in number, but uun* imaiediat*i> ifcgnroo*. Bilel al one* offered to ie- euter th* cage to complete Ibe perforujano- but ihe public aeopped bim witn tbuuii of AIM*! Autt!" ("Enough! Ebougb '). kud be reined for a week or ten day t tu obitin reel and uartiug. THE DIVA'S WEDDING. CkriitiM libtM (kaU M lr Coi'ig brnw* U tut. A I I > 4 I 11 I I. I., ICIII>I Nke . i r,. . l/mr \ mmm^rt CklMro On I Ihrlr Hnrula U . A Cambridge, it , ue*pwb !) Tune nioutba ago Mra. doa>rd Barry ite ot a day Laborer oil Ibe FiioAbaig Kailioad, llflug iu lb Belmuol dilrlai, died Iruu uaid woik eu:d upoata, lnaTiu uvuCQildreu lo toe orout ber kiud beailea tbougb rat&er dilp*led ba>baud. Toe eldtn eblld, Nelue, 10 yeaxe ot age, u . aoted u bodMkeeper iuoe tin deala u( bet uiuibcr, aud u* mau*gad to o.u>be tue k* and e.p|ily ibe m^utbe of bcr tu< >uui.er bto>uere trum tbe II. 50 a day ag of lotir t>tber. Li u^bi n w>* vary not lu Ibeu oollafte, aiid N*Ute, alfec utn^it Ibe little luik lo bou aud >iu^ ^g aud (atiblug loeui lu a.eep, put be> (atLcr e etip^er on ibe bo ut Ibe etuTe auu at do*u to wail toe bi rttaru. lie wa* le>te. Ibe nine oloek on tun uieuiMJ noted off tba bonre aod brougbt V u'eioek, but uo .ber. Ibeu Nellie reojciubored tbal bt uad been uriukiug inn> ibe Fjurio aod H out lo eeek biui. Faiimg to flud bliu be returned, urtd aud worried wi U . ei ueafy oree. But weul lo Ibe lillle netted otu< ber lo luck al ber airepto^ btotben, id tbeu teeuDjeJ ber jlacu iu iLe OL.U . atteriuiued to rl>y awake outii ber fatbi mi, but ibe beat, ojnibiuid wiib bei urd work, waa >oo uuou tor Ibe obild, aud ebe wae acoj nee^iug wiib ber neiad upon ber arm. Au hour Uui be was awakeoed by ibe eonnd oi talliox limbera, and eptiogiLg to her feet abe taw Ibe wbole aud ut ibe uotue ou ore, bile oloade ot eiuoku filled every ruoui. Wbil ebe Old arl tbe aauuul tell. All >be 'jw M tbat wbon ibe ocei Deinboui rrired be met ber ooaiuig uai ot tbe ouru- H uuuae witb Ibe Utel ot net l.ltle bcolbetr lu bar arm*. Tue oiber tbiee wire lying ou ibe graea in trout o( Ibe bon-e to Ibeu lbi oiu.uee Her eldeai brolbei, J mm; , ayi ena aauie opetalte auu hkkli.g iu u o je oy one, eairted ibem oal iu eatety Her foe ii baiued aud ber bait ie ourooed , Out ulburwiae tbe ie uuburi Tbe Ibrei ualler onve a*eJ 3, 4 aud 6 yearn were uol a*akeued aulil Ibe arrival ot ibtir ej fejlber, wbo reached borne with lb &r eompauy. 1bepremiae< oaiagbl lu an j uiug barn, prooably Ircm au engine art, and spread lo Ibe buot>. Tbe tittle uerotue and ber brolberi were lakeu lo Ibe boone ot au aoni, in ibe Uuoliu dieirlet, e>ud lo-day ebe ba been ruoemug >o many oungreiialalloni Ibal ber hi tie beetd M nearly turned. Several wealiby people wbu Heard ot ber deed bave made arraugemeute to give ber au education, ibiuktug to bcavt a k.1'1 boold bave an oppurtlUilljr to elevate bereiif. THK .flakr* ? iara ikr Niagara H|>l'l> nnil .c l , r, .1. .1 A lam (Buoday) nuttal'e Niaara Falle, Out., deepatob iay a Contiderable ooriuatiy e mauileeled bare to-day ibrooxb ibe an ooaiiOemenl Ibal 0. D Orabam. ot Buffalo, would ran Nie*<ara'a lamooa reside ana whirlpool lu a barrel epeoially maue tor tb. oHion. Abual 4 u'okok ibie alternoo Orebam md- bie appearanee. At Ibe uld Midut tb Mm L.uJiu, a little ab.iv. ue old Bui-pojntou Bridgr, be eulertd bi oarrcl, wbion waa reveu teetloug, wiib air TalVe oouueOMd, weigbled wiib ballaol, Wa to*ad by a rowbuai vnl io tbe river, aud t lew momenta the ewiti current o>ui(bi uim and drilled biui lulo Ibr tearlol rapide i he barrel, with ite bomau Ireigbl, a- toveed aboat like a oork on tbe an<<ry b eekert, aud ebot ibe rapt 1* wiib ligblniug npetd A tew mtooiet later Orabam appear J Ib tbe whirlpool. He opened tbe lid ot ibe barrel, took a barrted tarvey ol bie eilaat tloo, oloeed il djwu again, made a olroui o( Iba pool on Ibe Gauele tida, rbol agaltj oat in ibe rapide aud eoniiuaid down tbe river IbrouKn Fun.tr a raplda, aud *< loat to ibe view ot ibe tpeoial<-r> wbo bad liued tat bai ki ou boib aidee ol Ibe river lo gel a glimi H ot bia raeb auderlaking Qe paeeed tiruub all tb daugeroaa water* au" lauded lately at Qieantton and drove up to Ibe Falla Ibia eveni.g Orabam bad au nooured tbia a lnl trip, aud it alaly iiii>du be /ould make olbere uuiier regular dv>rtuemenla. Orabam wae arrealed tbii moromg by tbe i.n-horiliee at Batpenalon Bndge tor ajunnauoiug bie aitempi lo go ibruugb Ibe t ipide, but was relreaed on bu owu reoou- uiiiuoe io appear lor trial on Monde.) morbiug. At ibe Falla ibie tvenibg be wa* taken in ebarge by tbe Suapeueinn BriJ omilabla aud brougbi io HU>PUMOU Bridne He espreted btmeell v. ry tired and bie net va very mnob nuelrnog. Hi voyage wae a bard one, ae be fell bioxell bally ebaken up ponudiug over Iba rooka going ibr. unfa Ib* rapide. BIT. J. C. Hmitb, of Bl Andrew'. Church, Quelpb, eailed U I week lor Boot land by Ib* eteamabip i aroeieia. Belore leaving tbe ony two yuuugladiea, in a very quiet and uuoeientati >u manner, left al tae mauee lor Mr. Bmitb'a aejeeptauee a email package, with note) inolo-ixl, oon taming Ibe bandaoma mm ot 1906, tbe gntron* gitl ot a law ot bu tnen j u tb* H h M* U NIP C.NI PHtS.UTi AftO D LSSic. A Loudou aeblegreBB ol Uel (frij.,| uigui'a dale *ayi : It baving been rum .rtu tUalMine. Nilaeou'e marnege with OoQbl de Caaa Miranda waa brokeo t fl, or tt 1-ejil ludeonitaly poatpouad, I atlel tbe Diva whether the repoct wai true. Ib reply I yaatarday received Ibe following tote: " DKAB Him. There ia no traib wbatevir iu tbe report you menuon. Aieoob aa ILt lioeuee Irum H me bae reaobed u- Ib. arrug will take) ulaoe Iu o-o b i oeune dji uoi arrive lu Ibu CO i-e ot b eek Ibe oeremiuy ili be 10-1, d .ubcr and will Ibeu laid U Mdrid. Will you kiudly bave tb t- rpcrl oorrtettJ? T-u > . u-a, Oo ealling al Mma. NilMOii'i Ibu after uojb, I learued luat Ibe oivil marriage Oul> u to lake plaoa in tbe preeenee ot 15 or IU luumate triaoda ol the bride aod bcide groom on Mouday or Tuesday aaxl. BOOL iwir ibe Coaui and CJUUMM Je Ceea Miranda will etart tor tbe OooUnebl, w/tlb Mile, de Cata Miranda, tbr Uooul'e daugb ter, a eprigbtly, intellliteot. graoelul girl boat M yiare old, wbom R .lieon edopttil -oms time ago. Dortug my vlett ibn aiv. iu rudaoed nae lo ber future baeband, gentleman aboat 4o. witb a cuaoc terieiioaJly Bpaoiab face, clean tbaveu '.lack baired, witb heavy mootiaoue *L ob givee bim a military appeereujc> 1 u. preparatiuua 'or tbe> wedding a>re near I) complete now. Tbe bndal oake i> ordered, loe Invitalloue lotbe Kegmiry Uffloe Have been laaued and tbe oride e lrouteau i packed. Nileaob'e temotn ai tbe eivil eera- mjuy will be tbe 8*e4iab Bfiuiater Tue Upauub Minieter will be ibe Coooi'e (mot* Among Ibe lew preeenl will be aevirai ol ibe Rotbecbilde and Lord Oerard, paraonal (rieude ot Ibe diva. Toe bride baa bad e nomber ol preeonte ainee I laal luier- viewed ber, amoog tbem e aapero pair ol buroogbbred brown carriage bonet from U Lxipjid da R iibeoaild ; mg .iflo-ji t Uvar aeeeert eerviae Irom aooifaer meai- ber ol Ibe eama lamily, aod a diauioud and 'l brooch trum tb* Qae*n Hginl ol Spain. JTAL COHOktTUUTI-m. King Oeoar ol Swedeu. Quaao I-tbellt he Due de M onlpanaier aud ibe Upanieb .nlaula bave already eeni NiUauo Utieri ol e-ingralalalion. King Oeeac'a good witbea wire couched n cbarmiug t*rme and entirely wrillen by bia own baud . " RjiiKLAi., Joly i .b, 1386. " MADAM, - YdO bave oeeu kind euuogo io Lloim cue nl yuur a^proacbing marriage *uh ibe Uoaut de Ua>a Mliajd*, Cbaiu oerlaio ot Hie Moi Catbuue M.j- t> Allow ma tj (.Oar yea my moel . i.oere ouLgratDiationa. I troet tbe *viul will not make yon lorgel wbal wae year oooniry. Ibe V-ieen baa oooimieeioued me to add ier oumplimenle and couttratalttiuua U-lieve me, aver dear Mme. * bn-iiue Si.e-on, your very eff o imaie OaciB. THI TBuCteiKtV. 'Aod tbe ITOUMWBU ?' eaid I, aticr read- lug tbie. I am ao tony I cannot iho* you m> Jreeeea. Tbey are all packed, a> we ara leaving eo eoon. But I will try io de>oribe a lew. Tbey wee* all aada m I'.rii. Tbey are aboai a di ten *oelamea alto Keener. "Al ibe Kagleuar'e I abail wear a ale blue tar ah dreee, embroidered witb (>oiul d AnKleterre, and a bonnei to matoo 1'he wedding dreaa al ibe religion* eerj- inony will be a very pale beuotrouu pcioobe, lib gause in front, trimmed wim e deli oaie lilac elair de lone, jel ojllar, bib, trimmed wiib prarle ; tullo buucal lo mateb, inmmed witb pearle and a boneb f learoaee ' Oua of ibe aweeteel lbu.g< n my Irooaaeaa, " tboogliilally eon uuaed Mine. NiUeon, " ie ibe dreet u wbiob I am to be preeeoled at ibe Bpauiab Ooort. It ia made ol ricb bile broela .111, a abort ekirl, b jdice au i d>vanl de jupe, auvered wtlb Bruaewlaleoe ; ong traiu, trimmed a* court eiiqaelte tqairee, with lalu ot wblle o trioo eaibera ; oeeklaea and diadatu it dia- inoudt My travelling Cuetome u blor erge, lailor out, aod dreaa apoltod wi b .iltuw aod faetened wun Kuld boitma, ou bicb my luilialn ara nugravad. Tben . a |Teiiy dinner dreew to one ol m> trunk*, too, a pale blue o ,. de Cbtue, nh aprou and bodice, emoroidered wiib 40ia, de*p collar, point d'Aleueon and blnr broobe iik train. My moel elnkion even lug eutleitee, perbap*, are an veniu(dre( lilac faille, covered wiib eilver ombre id- ary, wiib a white tulle ball dreti, trimmad lib roece and little knote or buoqaeie ol >aa* or pewrle. Beeldee all tbeee t havr ou* or two rob*)* d* ebambre aod two It* <owne one ot gray foplm, tbe olber ol pink aurab both imolbered in la*w. Tke> HI. "Ibmtlnr. rnalle>D. Tbe oaae ot LUoiiiiou Beei D okioo, tbe uawly married youth from Bufl-o. obo ii obarnad wiib uegleeting io tap i on bi> uewly wedded yoaiw wife, wae called in Ibe IVilioe Uourl on Wednesday afternoon. 1'he yooug man'e tojooro in Uaelle llamil ton tor aeveral daye bae evidently eobered bim ap. There were tix legal luh - pre- eaol, ibrea ol wbom were Qoanoitlly iu tereeted in ibe ciie, loclading a brnuelta corupleztonid xeollemen (rom Buffalo, wall -jied " with clatter dutmoudt and to- aooo quida. Alter a lillle confab, Mr Coi proceeded to fill op a blai k ree tt u zuoc, io which me prisoner affix d hi- iKuaiore aud by wbioa he bound bim-el' under a penalty to appear in ib I* lic- (J art oo ibe 87 b ol Aagaat bext. Tni< (urmaltty baviug btxn ixinj, letcd, bi wa <el al liberty. Tbe wuman in tba oe*a ibeo departed for Buffalo, but wbere Ibe boebaod went we do not know. Probably ue wenl to Ibe aame pleoe. Il ie rum >red tbat a eoiuproa>iee ba* been 0eot*<) iu the oaeei. bat 01 hai r aiore we did not learn. - St. < tthannri Jo A ( ollar ml . . 01 iil. . Tbe Dake and Daebeea ot Bedford ara at Eudeleigb, wber* they Intend lo alay mot ot Ibe manner. Tbe bouae at Eode- ietb ie no'qae. Il ie a ooltage wbtob waa built about 70 yeare ago. and probably it U be moel luxuriue oulUkge io ibe world. bile ioe ground*, nobly wooded and l. p ifg to ibe Tamar, are axqnititely boaatif ui I'nere are 60 milta ol (ravel walkt and itraae ridee. Tbe bai'dm* end Uvun oal ot ibe pleci eoel 100 000 E ,d-leib ideally known ae " Ibe Paradlee ol the T.oiar, ' ie freely opened to Ibe public beu lie ownere are abeent. Mr. Jamaa Btnkin, Ibe newly elected Coueervaltve can lidate lor Leomiueter Bug , ie largely ietereeteidin Manitoba and Ibe N rlheie-l beiun ibe owmr of Aeaini b iiue Farm, managi d by Mr. Pdwwr. Mi RMon o luvieia ought lo be baonbed to Thibet to try a doee ol aauee lor tbe gander. In tb* aaered laud ol Hid n eeemi Ibal ibe toureee ol tobtiatetio* are ao aotnt bat with rare txoopiiooa only a >..dioale ol bn bandaean mantge th* eop- |i ir tola wile Few villagere can affjrd lo take more than a quarter ticket in tbe lottery of matrimonial ebaneee, aod tbe po>rer ebareboldere bave fnquootly to ai>ply to tbe police to enter** ibeir claim to a 'air dividend. Rev Mr. Anthony, the Indian elargv m.ii Irom ibe Orand River reeerve, will e mluoi aervicwe at Bl. Albao'e Clljrob, RooktOB, ntkl bunday morning and tvea tag. IS MOIMINItM OH THE KCIEAIE ? lelcreelieui niailellce akewtog lit Uwik r'ur Ibe latl ten yeara ihe u oreaae ol tbe tformon (.opuia'i >u in tb* (Jailed 8u>- ov. breu about iio pr cerium. Iu 1176 i Lio.iL.btr ol M iu ui t*i id iu o.. t k C , 'd u , A X . Wa- in. j, >V . i C>. .lal. W> liO 000 w. Leu, 184 u waa eeiiwated ai iwut JUS 000 N.I laaa than 1] per cent ol tfae inereae* u torLUhed by tb immi- Ki.non Irom Europe. In 1876 1 519 Mor- n-ma were landed ; in 1(HM), 1 794 ; in 1H1. 1823; io 1884. 1.893 ; io IBett. 1 78*. For tb* latl leu yean tut yearly average Moraaon immiraiijL bu auDouul*-! to 1 810 Hinoe tba let ol January, ltM6 two tipedilior.a bavr caotied ibie more Tbe oue earl, In Mio euDLoeed of 360 pereon- ; -be .eoo d . li.ile later, buutbre-i !I60 ituail(rni> 1 I a .11 . d L'Ubltial-o in. . M .>m i . '- LI. i, .ru, -. e>L r ui i. - H(IL*I p Uij.aiy are u.or* e*ver-i tb . r. a d . v -..OUlull) enljfe-d Oy IL. U * f UUi. . A- a (act Ibe tc. u uo - I d bj b B:a e antboriilee In M. > tjroiei., c.uutry. N vertncioa, aince mi Murmoon bave dtfluitely aeltled IL Uiala, touue o.' ibe twelve apoeUee, and, uuder ineir leadorablp, a Lumber ol dueiplee of ibe *jilege ol (evenly, are yi-axly ecol out to make prixeelyiea, -! Iba amoaul of immiraii<iu abow< bow far ibiy are aoaeeMf ul. Ttiey bave ixteoded btir field ot evai geliitiion over Bwiur iud , aud over all tue uortbrrn coot, trie* ot Europe wbere Pioie-i.oii.in u (.ravaleu, wpceiaily over Ibe Bcaadiuaviau peuioeol*. tue N tOrrlaude, Bs. llaod, E .gl.na. auJ, M letter f ui.. uvcr tbe uotiburu part ol Ut-mauj Tnere la aveo a email cam. IUUL |iy 10 lOe eapital of ibe Oermau E ui ir lu ibe euuUern o anlrita n mab Caiholieie.ni iirednmiaate*, each a* B.Vne, Freooe, Bn'Kium, Italy, Bpalu. lrrlau.d, toe Baeoieb truviuaee ot Bavaria aud Pruaaia, tbe apoellee and dleeiplee uter lonad favorable ground lor their etld. Tke l-r.p.r I emieeere mm* Wrap* tar UrmmU, K. ..r i. Licen ebemieeiitaa are more oomloriebla Ibeu Ibe flannel oolltr and plaauoo. Ilia Kuod idea to poeeeet both. beevide wrape are maotlea wiib eling >lMve)e and a nood ol acatlel or blue bome- ecua. They are very it) hen wben made ol bouole oiotb. Ine late wrap* ara abort and inmmed wiib gill or eilver oord, and tbey are very ooiqo*. Boat let elotb jaekete are appro- pnatej M wear wtlb any draee. Ljbg wuiie oloih nl-ler. are need tor tbe gey reaort*. but lbo> mnet pretarred ara tbe cheeked or pUid Euiubalotb. Saelurbateot Euglieb eiraw are prefer- red lor ib* eeeabi.ro and for yaobung. Ibia 4iree* mute ibe dampoeaa 8n fl vioga and wioe icarf ribbon, nod ltd eub etraw bead*, are ueed lor mm- mug nor bate. Bieeek and gin (trip** aod red wiib gold arebev daomn lor Ibe mammae ; tnl wbtte wiib eilver or gold for y 0004 ladiea rbawl. 1'tiej pjetiitoo ba>.)M ie Bade wi.b a Qolebed rolling collar, ibe bay 4 ie ana col ir belog bouud wiib a narrow mohair brtid. K.. berate wniie eergee and oat vae <ire< aru triu-DQi-d wiib a veal a wide revere ou Ibe uverekirl, ol ol.ve or old n .id velvet, or ou>dd with Kill or iilver e. r J Sup*'* d annele are ueed ae parte o' white or OiOe darnel eniie Tbe ekirl may be of ILOD wide wtb blue daubel drapery of plain olua flannel witb revere and veil, ol tbe evipe. _ _ T*j* I i llainaejeiakr Ul Jaeaalca. Ton Panama Star nitJ Ueratd Kivca to rue io ireMlii/gdetaiieolibii late earthquake aud iluroain Jauiaioa, wbicn indicate apoeelole libyeioal oouurouon betvree the lew pbinumioek. Toe earibtjuake ooeurred ilbiti tuur daya ..I ibe auuiverary ot tbe binuriccoavul'ioo by which ibe old town I Purl Rjyal wae thrown into the eea Iba atorm wbieb betjau two daye after Ibe earib<juake oflavlmonlb wae notable ool o moou fur ibe violeuo* ot in wiude ae lor tbi uupreoedented eeverny of Ibe raiufali, oauucig duaelroua fl.ol*. Al Kmgtton Mat lourteMu luebee ol rain lell. Ibe tor reLkt oomingdowu with elitjbl lotermieeioo f cover tevculy four bjuri, aodaluoe potul in loe vteiLily tbe downpour amoou ted to four iiiobee la ibe epaoe of tbree boure. Tbe jur-tioo aawee wbeiber Ibie wtJev^read eurr- ial riu over tbe teland wae not i..di .oiy eeqaed by ibe eariuqaak*. It bw ultra been ooeerved tb>i after at carioqaake Ibe air tempera ur nnderKoee till niaik * il iclaailoi.i Profi-eeor Mil e eitieei Ibal tbe temperature of anoier raoee>n wanert ba* bwn koowi tu iLCieoe btlorej aaribquakaa, and olber writera bave tiotej an aO>.ormally bigb tempi ratore nf tbiaacioepbere al tbe time > I ibtir t.ecur. reuec, wblle after Ibe eeiemio ebootv oeeae ibe air ie otieu anldeuly eojied. Woa* makee tbe connection betweea tbe recent Jamaica earir/quake atd etorm more pruO*aia ia thai tbe precipitation attending Ibe etorm waa ao exoeeeive, ibe everage rainfall over Jamaica tbe> whole munib ut June u not DTD inebee. Mra ae Prxrctera. A Brooklyn barglM WM aboo: to laveitl- gate tbe bureau drawere in a Olaeeon vinoe biauiiuu one afternoon IMI w**k wbin be accidentally eteppe'1 apon Ibe baby, lie lid fjr hi-, life. We toed you j, yunug uueu. 1 1 bae been our earn til eudeiev r. lo ! theee many year*, to prove Ibti it boaae without a Baby U nothing bat aebowrtoe mauaoieooi. A* a prot*etor a iMDy bee croieil itaelt lo 0* invulnerable Tae very preeenee of * iweel, maticeJ obtrab wna it* roev little m uia wtr.e upta aod lie lu. KR praelieiuK for future oratorical ur musical triumph*, will park- l)li ebe Biggeal bjr^lar thai ever walked Uinontorib lei uo bone* b* wtthiul Ibie aiiiaotite p>lenl burglar ejeetur. If you hav* uui a oaby of your own, dear reader*, kin out from your nn.bborn U a geooine uui ! not to be had for love or money. I uroua-e Ute blggeel .in^u g doll you *ki> rial ' d *i< J u up for twenty four boon. -.V. Y. Journal %!(! 1 V e," aeud Ibe pareou al tb* tea-ltbl*. " yum Jordan wae out driving with Mie* PupiL joy tbe olber evening and bia bur>e ran etwey. Tbey were both thrown ool and tbe buKk) wae imabed to tiecee II wee j rovi leuiiaJ eeeape lor both of tbem ; boil can't nuderetaid bow the young m eaiue to loeie conirol of hie borae." " He moi* btve been driving wnb one band,' fl ppeuitly eugge led Ibe tu i.ter'e elJeai ou a wild rake of a boy. ' Or i^rbape b* bed ebe reiut aroood bie neck,' aaid Edith. a iby yi.nag beauty of 16 wiib a charm- ingly modeet meto. Aud tban every btxl> einiaimed lo choree : " Why, Edltb!" mi- T4 CAarBVk. eear l.nilr Tktkk* tkac A\*M let iar t ee . ton el Iil> ie> ik, teee>. If k ekapitw prty want* to *t joy it**U i the ww>Je It* krr*u*> incite o.ui b* oude aod Oarrt'd ool wnb r*eOlarli> and ,t.tu .-y- ibe Me* T ik an. A ,r.ai . .He i ficqutotiy md> at me outlet in .b* maku,g u^. of a party. A aaup atooid uevejr contain kny but the moei congenial .. irlu. A peraon may be k Up- top fellow M thing* go every dky . and yet be k dlav i or bang element in k eaakp. Then kbO*jM never be a " kicker " in tb* pkrly. A man who will ehirk any doty about k eamp will MI the whole party by th* een ia k abort tim*. You don t want twib you the fellow bo i> kJwaya watehi g hi* aaanee to get 10* OMI plae by the fire, tb* preferable <-rner for a bunk, or tbe MownMl iroal for rokfkai, or wbu M in uneei my baat* lo o ibe flr.t ou ibe brook or pood with hi* N ver gu into eamp witk Lr a io a r|. fhete wul ba iroub e, 'Ore, if yoa 1 . a aiuajUlaf lreA of Oaovp bUU>an . >ibre tor o>eu to divide into o- opiee. Two out of y .ur tkrte eampere wul thai favor oo* aiiulber, a; d ibe Ibird wul baloraiiy oeoome d>'aailaned. Two ia company and three ie none, in oamp. Have yoor pktty au even (.umber, wkatever elae you do. To the party thai intend* lo enter ibto lha eertoo* boeluee* of aae>p life, and *x- peat* to aceif i lie aapleataut Ukemree ik in* tame e^int thai it en joy e the plekkent out*. tb*ie*re many 10104. mat it ia im- ^urtaul to kuow. In beee daye eamper* carry tbeir own leot* In the dky* tahen auimg WM camping, wiib bo none* bee ,.r> ui ll, w* oee4 to tiu.g a few log* k^etber in th* -baf ol toor welle, root be ibc.iMure with bark or beo*jha, aod li* eouteut**! in ikem Bat ten:* an a ureal impruv*m*i.l OVM tbe old log eaetue, if you *an nave ibem. If Ike party ie tot KM large tb* ordinary A lent ie pre/erattl*. Four pereooe M* enooath for ou* oaa>piag oarty. Beiect y ur eambiug MM m a dry epol. tear wcei and water. Ia tbeee dky* of eaboed meat*, anfee, milk aod other mentkrue, aod even luzariee. k party Deed not tneumber iieaif wuo bo.ky t-p k li*e. Hav* r .enij of ipiee*. Canned e 9 e ia to be preferred to ibe ordinary roabd eLle*. To* groukde ol .b Uiter, buwever, ar* *xeeil*t.t preaarvauve* ot On By removing the enlraiie of flab aid paiuuge Ceagrua .de in Ibeir pUee, M wea ae in ibe gula. a eawb may ke kepi freak and ewMl for a long Ume. Catup iu, cub- laiumg all r. iii-tie uteoiile, are aleo pro- vided to tbe hand ot tbe camper nowaday*. Tb* beat oed io camp u mad* by auitiag hemlock boog.be and plaaux them u layera ' in tb* lent, tb* bail* ol ib* Ok* layer being plaxi all OB* ay. and revereed in taeb aaemdibg layer. A bed cl theee bough* i* *olt, pnkgy kcd fragrant, and will indue* ouad ileep to the Uathteat eleepar Take pleuty of kULluiB. The bol.eai tommer day- in the bill* ara tallowed by kl .ote that a/* not OL!| aiway* oot.1 ool -bk. Ire- quenlly peM ever Ibe border of Cuvl into tbe realm cf o Id Wear *ael t,fl eiolbtug, *ab*iug ail tacey *e>mp eaita. Wear woolleu etockinge. Caatere ti t e4tiog to fl-u iu tbe poud* tbuu.a carry ibeir koeiia, M tbey will aud bat carry i daliuce of tbat kind Light -,t loldicg oa.. va* boate are io ba eboteo, M ihey are eail) carried from ou*> lake to an li er, i' ao de-itrd Cum* prewar, d wun uekir f .- trout black OMM and k-ck- erel. a. d ]tl t p<d wi-b gone tor Wuoaevek aud .uu.ui r au i, tbe m.ly game to bt tit** ed oefore Uat joer. If k fail catup ie anueifated iba> o>n>per neea> to > eq . i ,ed for deer, pbeaeanae, bare aod raoMl, anl prepared to Be "tokoed for b'ar Ir no member ot a camping party 1* veread iu wxMiarati, which w like. y to be tbe ee*e in nine out cf tan of the *vreate parliee tn.t aume f r m the eity, they will be apt lo find ibtmeivt* 13 daily trouble in their unaided tffjrt* to (ry into .be myeieriee cf tee wilderoeee. It ie import- ant tneuao eaM ibat the lottreeie ot Ike party ebuold be in Ibe band* of an expert. ueed native lu tb* manor buru. I. may teem *o *a*y thing to Ibe tevioe, for to- iteu.ee, io qoii fl-bing on a br .ok toward tveuiog. peiba^a. aod "juat eat aaroM " itr ub ibe wood* to camp ; but even per- UK wbo ar* not DOVIOO* kuow bow d aV oult a thing tbal i* to do. After waiai g lor ao hour or to, a muab lour urn* tbac h* tnpp.jeed 11 i* ,ioJ* for him to oonawm* iu rraohioc O.RH , be will aaddebly awaken to the tact ibkl te M loel. Tb* mom*ul be reeviMe tbie h* will do jo*i aa bun -r.de like him bave djc* before. a:.d will M oce begin to piuige aiuulral> abuui to -eek a way oal. Tbe wore be doee ihie the dep>r k* will .It buueeit Wben h* fi>.d ibal b* tiM loal hie way, lei him etop, keep bia head, aud look *aio.ly a wai him. It u la K*ii u< dkrk. and be tioeivt* no reeponae tu hie aboou, tbe beet kud only Moetkle ibibM lor him to do i* to aeek a dry epol near by . tbruw 0,1 k ebeller of buogbe or brk, and calmly make up hie B>*u4 lo go to ileep aod await the apptkrkoee of day liatbl. Nj*aii.per ignorant ot Ibe wood* tieuld b* wubuut a oompaee, and wben be leavee camp be thould alwaya note tbe direonou be traveta. When tba I awakeoa in ibe morbiog be btme*it by tba euu it he ha* and Ibeu having oooeen hie dlreeuun, Ul hi 01 1 wk ttraigu t abead and Ax hie ey * on >ome oi jeeiou kUn* with him. Walking to thai b* tbcioli Uo* himeeU to ako4b*r ocj oi, and to oo. Tcte will lead him Ib a coon*, which moel eve, iu*4iy him to a aiream, k road or k alak>mg. K he takrta ahead. no matter in wbal direcuou, with- out travelling by lintd utj-cl*, h* will never u .d bu way out, tor bi* eoon* w li Ibvariably be u a eoneinaoej* etroie, anl be ne*i not b* "U.'f *u*d ai eooo find- i.g biLua.ll M hie *iariu.g pomi No living bum*u being, except il Be * *hild. o.n al* tor un a trackle t wo> J or lai.Klad ewauip* Wllboul ucb nrtoautuo* each M I have uoted aud avoid w*ikina{ in a circle. Tbta ie a ph*o<>m*oon well known mot-K woodm*o, but ihey e*oool expiain it Loei ouilaren never walk in (treee*. Why tbat i* 1 never beard txplamcd. either . but il ie a fael, I have known more ibau on* tneikOM of men aud WOOMO being loel in Ibe woode for daye, aud wb*n foood a wall baaeto circular L am ebowea bow they had lramp*<J and tramped over ib* Mine frwileae eooree. Wbeo a man nude that b* la loel II ia alwayejocd poiuy f -r him toao ba*k to the ekkriin*; potui, btoh i moob eaeler ot aoempii*hm*nl iban to ff> ahead M find k way oat. If he ba* no u> mpa* or it ib* *uu ia oheeored, lei him remember tbal the aide of ibe tree* where be fluJ* the moaa Ibtokeei and oaoet p eultful ie north and that th* brmiooee ot tree* will alwaye b* C:t ' TUB Emi'emr ol O*rmany, who ia now tt>i. g at Erne, will atari ebortly for Cjblf uii wbere tbe Empreee reeidea. aod ill remain witb ber tat four daya From ibtueebewillpayavi.il to tbe Ooart of DedoQ ti d will oeeapy the chateau in tbe lelt of Matoau for five daye. He will iben npair to Wilbad Oaeieio, lor bu cur* " ol three wek>' duration On bi* remm j mroe> Hie Mejetly will etop for two da>e at leohl aud one day at BalsMirtf. and will finally rrooeed *o tb* Caelle ol lUbektber*. PMUIW lliemarek. Il la rjmornd, will go to OMWIM in Ibe beginning of Aognel to meet Ui. Bfejeety. K-v Falb*r Obioiqny ha* been lecturing In Wewtero Oatario. Rev. J P. M-E-n baa accepted k o*U to Bir attord BepMI tburofi. i . . Ik* >.r.-r.i. A Winnipeej daeykteb eay* : Mr. W B. S'arih Mooapaaied Boo. Mr. White, Mint* er ot th* Interior, oo hi* journey to Ib* Pacific eoaat. Meeera JMWO* Ooimet. Thoe. MeKty and H Muma, tbceommtaeionereooo airai lor rebellion loeeee, having floiihed tkkiog evidence in Ibe Weel, left n Monday even i"g for Ottawa to prepere their report They will probably c* about two month* o arraoviue: and tit Hog tbe evtrleoe*. They ar* aoo mpaut*d by Okpt. O. H. Yooog, Secretary to lee Oommieeeon. Winaipeei wboJeekto mek kr* leading a^ente to Briii.b Columbia with k view to eerebliehiag trade eooneoiioo*. The nrai through trkin fmm Vancouver, B. 0. will arrive her* on Friday iveniog! The B iabop of Boron, Mr*. Baldwin aod family left tor K ula id Teeterdav. Tb* Btehop hM arpoinied Rev. Canon Unw to be hi* oommikakry to kdnxiniMir hu Ul ftbMo...