Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1886, p. 3

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THE ADVANCE. Of tbe lead! UK Local and Family New*i>ai>eri in Northern Ontario. 1'ublUbed Every Thursday, Fuou mi: OFFICE, GMingwovd Strttt, Fledutrton, "/i(. TERMS Of 8UUBCBUT10S : Jl.OO per annnui In advance ; Cl.BO If not paid t tbaeadofl) yearn. No papor dlHCoutiuiud n t il all urrartK<sr paid uy ; aud uo nbeorlp loo< takan for leu tban one year, except wbfii paclal arrauguuentii for tborter i>urid* arc mad* with tb publliber. ADVERTISING KATES, *C. Catnal advetia/9iiii>ut,8cutipr lit Inisrtiou nd 3 gents per line uacU lubavuueiit intertion. Tranuxnt dvrtieiueBt to D* paid tor b ordvrixl. Adv^rUsvuitulii without >pucial diruc iont will 'bo tnssrbxl till lurbid and charged acoordlafly. LlberaliudiKenietiti to regular advertisers. Notlcee among readlug matter, 10 cents per line each InMrtlou. No advertitoinsut discontinued until all ar- rearaget are )>aid up. Copy for ailvurtlKi'inenta shoulil roacb thin tlico not later than noon ou Tutiday to unsure tertlou In current iuuv. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and 1'roprietor. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Paenann Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN "CLAYTON'S II A K MISS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It the place to get yotir JIarntu Cvllart, <tc, made j> 111 good style. Shop in W. ClayM t Boot & Shoe Store, Fltihfrton. t oonuias Ii <> - i ,H. m<>isupilostliimti' (if tlii* cost t if ad', i- it bill K. Tli<- ml vrrtlMirwIiii wiinl.H lo ftiM-TH oni- 'l'ii'-ir. IlinlK In it tlir In- formation lie t- ,j ; IT,-.-, win in liii'hiin wm*wlll InvcttoiiR huii'!:<',| ili'.ii-iuicl ilollars In nil- vortlhliic. u .-i l>< .xi ! iii,llc:itoil wlilch will nioi-t |I|H i-vi'.' ' <i'ii,i Mr-nt, or fan btmmle tototobfltl ' -i TU -"I ill l-i/ 1 .-r- MSSMshsv*. l:> '"ii:iu:i- have l,i>fn i-.uril. Wont. iiiiKt-iui'ii. in any mlrtiwsafor Itioent". U'rltn tu (.!.>. I'. ItOWKLL A CO, NKWSI'AI'i:!; ..H\i:iM|slNi> IlUUKAl . (HSpraee9t.FrinUnf UosMCq.), Xuw York. tESRATED P^H CHASES] LIVER HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, l>ynP*'a. Indication. r.ilwo-<e. Jaundice, WSsxI^hr, KnineM, Pain in the Hark. Cottivenew, or any t lieae aruing 'torn uerauged liver, Da. CHAM'S I.ivsn Cc i " found u and certain remedy. NATURE'S RCMCDV Tke unqualifie<l vm.. ev, ..f Dr. Chawi I.iver Cure in Liver Complaint rri- - .lely .th ihe fact that u it compound',! It .....i, .lure'io-cll-known liver regulators MANI>AK AM, IIANIISI ti>. lomUnr.l h .many other invaliiIA .. i larli and h'rl. having a powerful elfrct o-. t'.- Mney, Stomach, Bowels and Wood. COO, 000 SOLD wert tfld it Cana.t* aunt. It t */ mry mmn, ucmax **,t .*<// '*. il trfxHrJ urilk Liter Crm- y/Aj'nr to ro- /A/i. iV//f rfmriiy. SOMETHINQ HEW. ClW" AUT f ! .Wrapped aroun.l every bottle of Dr. Chwe'i Liver l 'ure it a valuable HoutchoU Medical Calde and Recife Book (84 page-), containing over aoo ueful recipes pronounced MSMVCal men and druggi-K ^invalu- able, and worth ten time* the price of the, medicine. _ TIT CNMf'i CATAMW CUM. * < nd po<iiiv. remedy. Price, >s cenii. \mCNm'sKiONErANDli*iir > u.u. scn.pbo. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS iatM90M * CO., Sol. Agent.. Bradford ,T ' I o Novel A Newborg (N. T.) deapatob tay* : Two novel wilding* occurred yeaterday in tbii county. OB* took place near H.nliburK, William B. 0. Findlay and Mitt Emily B Tobia* being married on an open lawn in the preiene* of over MO peraon*. The ceremony WM performed by the Rev. Cbas. Beattie, of MiddlitowD, aMitted by tbe Rev. David Beattig, ot BootobtowD.and the Hav. Mr. Alwater, of Bethlehem. Tb* other waa Ibat ot Obarle* K William*, ol Patenon, N.J., and Mi** Harriet A. Water bory, ol Warwick, at tb* boo** ot tb* bride's parent*, near Kdenvill*. Tb* cere niony was performed at midnight. rather >* Klilr^ ky l.lhuiin . A Hellalr , 0., ipMtai *ayi : At Browns ville, in Monroe ooonty, daring a heavy rainitorm, a man named Thomai Blaoy and bit two loni wera ovfrtaken by a Mora. The father aod youngest on took refuge and*! a tree, and tbe older boy (looped ondir another. Lightning strook the big tree, killing father and too tnalantly. and tunning the other boy K tbkt be did not recover oonioioatne** tor oat* time. Mr. Wm. Loehead, B. A., Science Mailer In Perth Oollsglat* Inslilnte, ha* been ap pointed to tb* vacant Fellowship in Obem Istry and Mineralogy In Cornell Univenity Kxperimtjot* in Aaitria garrimnt povi that where Ih* floortol barraeki ar* painted witb tar th* collection ol doit in crack* i pt*T*nt*d, and there ie a oonixquen diminalioo in irritative dieeau* of tbs *T* There U also a greet diminution ot par ot/ i-UA\r u raise Jessie r>.io,,i, oi i alouo, III Hi ou.;bi Bark in. m Ucauh'e Uoor. A Tolono, IU., dmpateb iayi : A mmark- able failb enre bas been performed at tbU plsoe, and Mini Jesme Crawford ri joioes lo what appaart to be a miraculous deliver- anc* from death. Mis* Crawford IB 'ft yearn old, aod the daughter ot tbe Bav. and Mm. David Crawford, who are among Ibu wealthiest retldenti of Champaign county. Two years ago Miia Crawford graduated from ib* Meiboditl Episcopal College it Fort Wayne, Ind., and returned borne sick. Her illness unearned a dangeroun obaraoter, bat failed ijoouqner her iplendidconitl- lalion, and for two long and weary year* the fought off the grim mouiter. There appeared to be abtulately DO bope lor her recovery. Bo emaciated did *b* become tbal ibe resembled more a ikeleton than a live perion. Every week of the two >*sn it ap- peared a* il shsoonld not larvive the next. Wealth provided every comfort and luxury ; lovicg tri*tiiit rendered very service in their power. Bat careful nurtiug and Ihe moil emiui-ut medical tkill failed to rally the patient or to iniptre any bope o! recov- ery. In tbii extremity tb* while-haired father decided to put to a severe and prac tioal teat Iht faith which in bis younger day* be had proclaimed from the pulpit, and which since had been bit comfort and consolation. Be called in tb* good Chrit- Man people ol Ibe neighborhood and told tbem that if ever prayer* were needed they were then. They prayed tb* latbtr, tbe mother and the frienda. Prayen more earneel tban tboee which aeeended from the Crawford dwelling wer* seldom ottered from human cool*. In tbe midn ot their application* Miua Jessie rose from tbe bed, which for two years she had not left aJone, and staled Ibat the wai well. Then there wa* weeping for joy, and ibankjgivmg and praise* to Ihe Lord for tin gooduei* atd mercy. The fever which had oonramed her body and almost blotted cut her very lit* WM goo*. Tbe awful pain* wbicb 10 long had refuted to give her re it LO longer racked the waited tram*. Tb* diteaee wai utterly banished ia an in- stant. To *ay Ibat tbii woLderlal care ha* xaited a very wideipnad interest ex- pre-se* it tot mildly. The prominence ot tbe family, Ibeir undoubted intMligenoe and tbe high poiition which ibey coenpy in Church and society, together with the en- tire bople**neis of any rtllef from human agecoiee, make tbe case appear all lb more wonderful. Mike Crawford appeared \vitb tb* family at ebureb, a mere tbadow oi bir former self, bat the declare* that ibe is well, and believe* thai her cure u pe r uianiu t. >.!> H t It 10 I - I.I- III IK A Kellrd Uri Hue. lo I ar r . I hr m I u i o lovin n.'JIi 'ril lor llm>||<. A Chicago dc^pateb tayt : Bail for f 10,- 000 damages wa* begun to-day by George A. and Frederick W. Bowman, beer ttllert, of Manhalllown, Iowa, against tbe Chicago A Northwestern Railroad lor it* retain! to trar.iport 5,000 barrels ot beer for th* plaiL '! i from Chicago to Manballtown, Tb* ra,. -oad dtelinet to carry tbe bevtrag* for tear u.' tbe low* itatnte making it a penal oflcLri to take liqaor into tbe Stale. Bowman Bru ,. boogbl ".,000 barrels at M 50 per barrel, tbe payment being conditional on their catting it into Iowa. Tb* North western Boad refute to take il. Bowman L'rvt. assert that beer is told all over Iowa, K.L <i if one* they tucoetd ib gelling IB into tb* Blal* tbey eoold sell it lor & per barrel and .101 b* mol**ted. Tne refusal of th* oumpKoy to traniportll i* to be made th* occasion of a let! ot Ibe validity ol tbi Iowa law. I'l. -IrlH Ho,. OU. .11.1 -I, IU,. A Philadelphia report iayi : Otnera Master Workman Powderly, ot tb* Knigbt* ot Labor, and Mr. John W. Bay**, ut tb* (rineral Exeeuliv* Board, arrived in tbe city late lael night. Wbeu ijoeitioned to- day, Mr. Powderly aaid : " A* far a* tb* boycott it concerned, I think u it a thinu ol .he paal. Tbere ie no nccesiity for il. Tbe uH endt can now be obtained by peaceful arbitration. Tbe local aa**mbli*i now no ongtr have Ibe power to place the boycott n a firm tor ev*ry trifling oflene*. The ower to deelar* a boycott now resit an- irely wilb Ibe Qeueral Eieculive Board, and you may depend on II they will use bat power tdvlttdly. No strike in wbiob more than twenty - ive kands art concerned will be {aootioned noleis tb* Qeneral Executive Board ba* wen lepresented In person in tb* effort to 111* tb* dieting trouble by arbitration, and even then tht band* oan only b* ordsrsd ml by a majority vote of tbe General iiecutivn Board. In oaten where twenty oar band* or lee* ar* dirtotly or indirectly nviilved, a ttrike may be ordered by a looal asiembly, providing Ibat two-third* ol ite members iu good atandiug so decide by erel ballot. " This grea* bnbbob over tbe relations of the Knight* and the opeo unions is a great mistake. There wu never any trouble lib the** union*. There it bat one eieep ion to tbii, and that 1* tbe International Oigarmaker*' Union. There ti as much claabing in nor local assemblies a* there i* itwtsn tbe Knights and tbi tradss union s. ' ar. Powderly lift thl* afternoon for hi* bom*. Hl All on, (.raole.l. A Detroit despatch lay* : Tb* largeil alimony ever granted by a Michigan court wae given yesterday to Mn. Margaret \Vlhh, of Port Huron. Thl partite lo tbe uit were promicent and wealthy. The complaint wa* tor cruelty, and Ib* inpreme Court, while finding tbat tbe barge* ot personal violence were hardly opported, decreed a permanent and abeo- ate divorce, wilb 123000 alimony, payable u annual instalment! of 15 y JO, beginning [aooary 1)1. They alio awarded 93,000 th* unpaid debts ol hie wife, and eonusel In addition. Tbe wife, however, i* to release her right ol dcwer. A recent ehooting affray, ia which a man named Twite figured, waa k side issue of the divoioe cue. Illdrr phobia Iron, milk, A Cincinnati despatch iayi : Tbe paop'e n tb* neighborhood ot Hebron, acroBt tb* river in Boon* Caooty, Kentucky, are very much excited over a eaae of hydrophobia in ,uo family ot a farmer Iber*. A dog belonging in the household went md last week. Without a knowledge of it* our'i- lion it was allowed to ran aroand IB usual. It finally bit a milch cow. Tbe cow showed no kigni ol liekncis and the milk wa* uied a* formerly. Ytiteiday tbe cow (bowed onmiitakable *ign* o( bydropbobla, about Ih* lime time a child of tbe farmer beeame limiltrly affected from nourishment on th* dite&ted milk. The lymptom* are moat pronounced, and the nfferinge of the child ar* terrible. Two other number* of the family are similarly affeetsd, but there it bope ot tin i r recovery. H r. her KM?" farewrll A Brooklyn despatch oayt : Bev. Henry WurJ Beeober formally bade gond-bye to bit congregation at tbe regular Friday evening talk latl uigbl. There waaanan- niaally large altendtooe. Mr. aod Mr*. Beeoher sailsd on tbe Elroria Ibis morn- ing. A Urge number of tbe Plymouth Obnrob people accompanied th* pastor and his wife down tbe bay on Ibe steamer .;-. il K public. Mr. Becober espeet* to eoiure in England, cut will avoid, at far ** pm-iblp, any political diieusilon, though i.st leaning toward Home Rol* ia will known. Tbe M.IDI real City Council ha* de/iliaed, by an almost unanimous vote, to sit at ntxht instead ot tba afternoon. Tbey preltr tbe presuit practice ol meellOK at I and adjourning at 6 tbarr. THE COKING SBDGGIi i 1 mini ' i n B t nr t ml on Him Booltisth A last (Friday) nigbta Eliuburgu cable Mr. Oiadotou* ipoke in the Musi Hull beta to-night. Ticket* of admiuioi, bad beeu imuttd, Mid the ball, wbiob > cipubli) ot holding a, 000 petioun, WM fill* to it* almost capacity. The audieuc cheered (or Mr. Gladstone and Ld bery, and groaned for Mr. Cuatuberlaiu ud Lord Bartiugton and oilier Unionist* Hut Mr. John CJWHL, Chairman of Mr Qladllono'eeleolion committee, who preside. uvcr tbe meeting, called for order wbeu h began hm ipeeoa. Mr. Gladstone's vcio Deemed UM powerful tuau formerly. B id that lukeruinu WM a eoldier's bault It WM DOt WOU by lor ersin' lUOllCM O ability, bat by soldiers' vklor. Equally w*re tbe preneul diseoluttou ot Parlia od general elections tbe people's batilo Ksferriug to tbe eeoediu*; LiUcrsJs, Mr (JUdBtouu said tbe question ws whetbe ibe country woald renolve.vmb a tlrou; sense ol justice and eympstiny for Ireland to compensate for tbeie detection!. I am trocgly convinced, mid be, that ibe peopli have reuolved to carry tbe day, botwilh standing tbe detection ut prominent leaden ot tbe Liberal party. This content WM fought againtl an by ibe officers ot oar OWD army. The Conaervalivea were o juteut to leave tbe work in the ueoedera' hande Xbey call themeelveu Lnionute and 01 dm integrator*. They wub to prenerve tbi pocer union uunltered. We feel thai i BbAild be Hpcoiaily ooniorvod o far M it ii available. We aeek ibe ooiou of bear! am bund, wbioh we art niraggUog M reetore It 11 viloable to ipeedily close tbu grea ouQtrLvirey fcr every imereil m tbi ooau try. Tnt poiiuon of all partui will be deplorable. Pablio butinuM will be inter ruiled and public cuuHdeuoe ebakeu Social Older ID Ireland will not be remored unleiie tbe people tpeak oienrly, manfully aud deouively, buou a Ibe qacation merita. (Gbeeri ) Da not let U be i J tbal ibe uation u aneqaal to ibe uik of dealiu^ itb tbe question. Some fliucn at Ibe difficulty, aumt torn tbeir baoti IN Till BOUB If TllCCILE. Let tbe natioo'e voice be KIVIU in defeoo* of oar cmse. Wben tbe content U eeitled d tbe exaiiemeut b pacsed awy it ill reiemble Ibe old qiueliooi of rkliK dietbihty, Parliamentary reform, and free trade. Ibe people will wonder wby tbe opposition wat raited. A.I before they for Kot ibe opposition lo ibe repeal ot tbe Corn Lw and Ibe removal of rcli|iou diMkbilily, to will they now forget ibe opposition to Ibe change we are liming tu attain. Tbe Iriib olaime were de(ealed by Iriib aceoey, tbe C jneervnivei baving cbuined ( jrty eeaM tbrongb tbe comport of tbe Parnellitea. Do not pruee or blame Mr. Farnell (or bu aetion. It ii inpor- taut tbii tbe electors ibonld realize tbe true iaene. wbiob ii moeb dirpaled. Il u onoioa belween opposite policies regard- ing Ireland between oppoeile prinoiplee of aetion, not a choice uj ou tbe details of a large tod complicated Bill. Important e orge yon not to coniider ibe policy to be punned, bat to entangle jour- telvie in ibe detaiU of toil or ibalpailiea- Ur ccelbod cf eetabliitaiDg tbal poliey. Tbe qattuon >oa are akcd to di*e u Ibe propoiiliob to estabiub ln,i.U.uc body iu Ireland, to uiaut h e eiolusivtly Iritb kfltire. It it a iri'.cn in npt.u wbiob you are called to vole, and uoi Qulaileaod parlieulare or even a Bill. 1 propoee to rbduoe tbe lime to a poiul frooi wbieb TBIM CAH 1C se IbCll'C. A.moog tbe great nd patofal dettotiooi trom boneiiy and bontr wbereof we are ouLvuoed, tjiid wbicb wi deeply lament, ie tbal of oar Lruier powerful ally, tbe Seotimau newepeper (biue< and groan*), wbieb bat rendered great aud valuable ier- vioei to tbe Liberal party. Tbe Seolmoa now ROM to ibe root of tbe matter, and poll ibe Uiae in a way in wbicb it oao be met more meriloriouily, Joel M oar opponent* in Parliament put me luue in a way at one time favoring Home Rale and tbe principle of ibe Bill, etnd yet voted agaiuel u beoiuae tbey objcoled to ibe detaile of ibe measure. Ibe Setrma pate ibe QOMtion fairly and clearly. Il lays, A ny general profeeaionj by Minietertaliile ot a deeire for telf -governmeint in Ireland will eerve them. One qoeiuou will test tbe value or meaning of tbiM profeesione. Lei a candidate be aiked It be woald, in Ibe new Parliament, enpport Ur. Qladelone'e Olti if reiulrodoced witb tbe alteratione explained at Uit Foreign Ofii meeting. [tbe will ball for J'MMlen and ougbt to Oe rejeauj. *io play npou worui "!!! h>> " bim out of .b.i po*iwoo." Now mark the coming worde, iid Mr. Uladgionc, " Bate eel! govern menl (or Ireland ie tbe one moel deeirable in Mr. Qladetone'e Bill, bat Ibere ie another moel uude- eirable feature. ' I now make Ibe Scotiman, and all agreeing wub ibe Scolnum, A VUIT uiM)8t*i crria, I am can. Wben tbey mention eafeeelf Rovernment, Ibey don't mean by " eafe'' to iate Ibe abttanlive. Tbey mean mat, witb reasonable preoaationa, tbe Iriib oogbt to bave a real tffeouve control of Irub afltira. That U all we want (cbeert) all we aek of you. We never asked Par liamenl to tie itself to tbe detail* of tbe Bill. Tbere i* no part of it thai Parlia menl is not perfectly free lo obeuge if tbe obange is compslible witb a principle likely to forward tbe application ot tbe principle better tbau tbe provinon* embodied in ibe Bill. We would eome lo tcospt tbe cbange in tbis M no novelly. I make tbie declara- tion on bebalf of tbe Government. Tne ease is tbii : Vit bid before 01 a principle to eitabliih an Iriib statutory legislative Dody or Parliament to msna^e ezelniively [rieb affaire. We Ui1 down several eondi- lioni cRMotial to a nafe application ot tbal principle. (I moit be compatible itb and conducive to tbe u jiou ot tbe Umpire, moil be founded upon political equality, *mbra03 an equitable distribution cf Imperial hardens aud reasonably iatgnard u> minority, to afiori any rational proipeot of being accepted u a leltlemenl ot tbe queslioa. Nobody questions tboee condition. Tbey are admnted to be jnit aud rational. Tbe principle baa been reiterated over and over Il ra now idle to say tbal Ibe oonntry will be Mked to vote on tbe details if the Bill. Tbe Bill U dead witb Parlia- ment. (Oheeri.) Tbe principle at tbe Bill i-urviveit. (Load obeere.) I will never be KOtlty ot disboneety in promiilng to yoa witboat rtfloetion a new plan to give ifl.ct to tbe principle. I never will aooept a new plan nuleii I believe it to bi better tbau Ibe old on*. I bave beeu grievouily die- appointed at Ibe barnnneii and sterility ot mlad the oritioibave ibown oancerning oar plan when they have riieed objection*. The IM! tbing they bave ihown tbemielve* competent to do bat been to longest Im- provement*. (Obeen ) Perhape they JKbt Ibey would not WMICJ Ibe trea^arei of tbeir mind* on tueb ID, unprofllable aoditnce at tbe preient Government Per- bar* wben Ibey are returned to Parlia- ment. each of them at gel Ibere -(laughter) will produce . on OB M:BB ixciaain FLAMS. Tbey will find a* the first acd moit eauer to hail and welcome them, aud w will promite,in tbe name ot oar colleagues, lo oast our own Bill 10 the winds Ih* ru >meDl we are ibown a better plan to give i fl 01 lo car prioeiplee, providtd Ii i- not an tvaaico of tbs sobjiet or arlintwl maebiasry deviled to detrsad tbe Iritb of tbeir bope ol justice. Mlnieletial oandi dates moil not be tested by ibe Bill we introdaeed in Parliament beeioie II WM ibe beet we eould frame. IJjubtleis Ibey are better men than we, and if to tbey will frame s belter BUI o: pal u* IH a wsy ot l<.iing it, *nd it tbey do thin they will not t>e more happy than we, perbape. cot .juite o happy The Scetman lay* every Minl- ' naliBt moet be considered pledged to upporl the Bill. He can hardly oe pledged tu support the bill as a Miuistcr.alitt wbej ibe Miuittry ilidf does not and or expect it. We txpect him to act iu good failu, knowing tbe meaamg of hi* word*, and uot using olbera a* feint*, soreeni, or strau Kmt to eioape from it, bat that be iball, in tb* meaning ot word*, give Ireland real and effective control ol looal affair*. II he ia ready to do Ibat be IB a good Miniiturial candidate. If be pledgee 1 bimeclt to du that let bim peak by the hoar or yard if be like*, to -.he satisfaction of Scotchmen, against the vice, defecte, weaknN*e* acd lollies ot tbe Bill. Wbai tb* nation bat to decide in not a olanae, detail, ot tb* method of the Bill, but the polioy and principle embodied in il. He wbo aoeeplt them is COR BROTUKR IN aRVI. Uo wbj rspels them, shirks them aud die* unitioai meant tolaltity them, and is an adversary in tbe fight whom we mail, without injury to bit life, liuib or reputa- tion, endeavor to dtfcat. I red in Lou- doii that ttcutlaud wat dcubtlnl or adverse lo Home Bole. I aiswered that 1 did nol believe u. (Cueeri.) I hoped for an opportunity to lest U, and I law enough lu my progress yttterday to show me Ibal ibe heart ot Scotland IB mure deeply ind profoundly touched than tiojtland's will, and Scotland wai never more esrneelly bent ou a work of polioy and jaitio* than u it to soaompliib the pressnt enterprise. (L.ud ebeeri ) Itettaidmg the Parhell-Caruarvon incident, I blame neither. It is extremely important to know what happened. Mr. 1'arnell taid that Karl Carvarvon offered, it tbe Coutervativea were laooeiaful in Ihe eleoiiona, 10 grant a Horn* Bait measure, aud to protect Irish mdaatrie*. Earl Car- uarvou denied the accuracy of this state- iLenl, but Mr. Parnell adhere* to it. I believe tbal both bad tpoken with perfeoi veracity wbatevn may b the point of dm- 1'iite between them. Bat Earl Carnarvon aaa told ui what be did not aay. He said ae did not report tbe conversation lo tbe .'binet. Earl Carnarvon explained bin lie we aa Lord Lieutenant and as a Cabiuti U u inter. Lord Carnarvon told bit col eagoet tbal be favored a plan Ibal wonld nlly meet Ihe waottot Inland in rei-peoi to local telf-govercmeot, and would, to aom* extent, nullify her national aapira ions. Lord Carnarvon mty dithke it, but anbitanoe III. IB OUR kUN, HOT TBBIRD. .( be it reidy to meet the wants of Ireland or Iceal Bell-government (lulnrbanoe and ones ot "Toro them out ') and also in cm* aegree to saimfy the national aspira ion* ot Inland, there is no room for du- Jute between bim and u*. Tb* Marquis ol Jarlingtou and Mr. Chamberlain carefully .voided expressing a rtadinesa to aatitfy in torn* degree the national aspiration* of reland. Xnie aud no other is Ihe lurniDg point. Tbeae are Lord Carnarvon'* , and tbi* ia what be laid, bat I call bit attention, and iball rail it repeat- dly, it necessary, to what b* did not nay. lie bat nol tlaled What b* did say to Mr. rutll. I iball belitve until be contra- dict* it tbal be told Mr. Parnell he favored atiafying the want* ol Ireland fully wilb egard to local self government, and tbal is denred to na:ify Ireland* national atpirationt Why did not the Cabtuit ei- >tl Ibi Jituuicniil for bid mudtedd but or tb* fact tbat ibtv wer* torry to oa* mm T I believe Earl Carnarvon! .element ihat he never tcld Ibe Cabinet, but I fell tori be told Lord Salu- ur> , beoaos* it wa* bit absolute duty, ai.d MOUM He waa not entitled to make inch a lateuiint lo Mr. Parntll and withhold u rum tbe Premier if b* did to. W* know Lord BUiebory until August kosw tbat ill colleague wat in communication with ne great " disintegrator " and " ditmem ersr." I do nol find fault with Lord alisbury it be entertained a with in the ame direction a* Earl Carnarvon. I think 1 very wise of Lird Hausbury. Tb* ium- mil of my tmbiiion WM to bavt been to upporl bim and KIV* (fleet to bit win maobiuatioui. It Lord Baltsbary faltered aod coquetted wilb tbal subject betort tbe lection wai over and forty seat* MOQred * baa tally aonoealed hie opinion. Ibal aliafyicg Ibe ualtonal aapiratiooe of Ire- and 1* dieiuttgrauou aad rUim*mb*rai*nl. ( mob is ibt case be ha* a ssriout risnou- ibilily reeling upon him, and A DWICDLI aCCOtUT TO UMiIlt. ?h* course bs then panned is placed in wotnit with bii conduct now. After ibe pretence* oi Lord Hartington and Mr. Chamberlain a tooring, Mr. Glad- lone eon iinued : " At another time I will .Ucuiilhe (lau of looal jovernnenl In Eogianii, Ireland and Scotland a* a mode it dealing witb tbe great and crying tub- , ct of tooitl diaotder in Ireland Tb* one broad, blaming, ulariog di3>r*ao*, between ihsae ouuuirits is Ibat wbsreas tbt>ie are will governed, well constituted and con- tented communities, Ireland baa not attained tbe primary par, o*ea cf civilized lite. I ask wnttber Mr. Chamberlain'* euggostionaoan be taken ae a substitute for the Government plan 1 Well, gentlemen, tbe real rival policy is coercion. We won't quarrel about tbe word, but it mean* a policy ot special repretuve criminal legis- lation lor Ireland to tbe notation ot the remainder of Great Britain. Yoa mail abooee between polioy of coercion and a policy of conciliation. (Cbeen.) Lard Salisbury decc.iset my reference to bis policy ot twenty years' coercion a* one ol the moit deliberate mliitalement* on record. Will, I bold by II. I mean to hold by il. I mean to repeal it I mean toimprcos il npau Ibe country, and I mean ttat tbe country (ball fairly bav* tb* tueoD* of oouiiug to an u*u* en it, and t j know wbethtr il m true or fall*. (Pro loogeJ ebeeri) Tbere are only two policies oefore tbe country, and it leimain* with yon t dsoidt bilweeu them. Rtfltol, e*eb on* o! yoa, IN TBI SlkB Or ALXIGBTT 0)00, each one in Ihe eanotaary ol bid euauber, 10 ib* isncloary ol hi*tii>arl,hi* soul, w ai it in, iu tbia year of 1886, after nearly a century of *ontinn*d coercion, bccamiug weaker and weaker, more and more od, .u . and leit and le*a effective as we go along, repudiated by a large majority ot Ibe Iriib member", wbai it M to propote coercion aa an alternative to looal government in Ire- land. (Cbeert) Do nol '-Uow /uurfilve* to be carried away by oraven fear*, bat believe that by acting juttly yoa will act troogly, (Ohecr>.) Jnitiee it alway* strong. Join ui In oar effort to close thi* paiLful, terrible, awful cbapttr of the rela- tions between England and Irelati, which fur oenlurien aod ointariee ha* been Ibe opprobrium ot oar country, in th* *ye* and judgment ol tbe world, jjin n* in thi* happy, yea, holy effort, and rely upon it if w* attain our *nd il iball be done more perhaps to tbe honor ol Oraal Britain ii.au avtn tbe happinem ot Ireland. (Loul and prolonged cheers \ Mr. Gladstone Jpoke lor an boor and a halt. At taM end ot bit tpeseh a vote ot ooindcnoe in Mr. Gladstone wat carried unanimouily imid great tutbnsia**i. Lord Balttbnry made a oan,t ai^u fftch at L'tda to day. Eocrmoa* crowds awaited bin arrival and cheered him Ii u il v. Tb* hall wai pecked, tbere being "'000 p it-ma present. Fully double tbat num oer of ticketi bad bewu applied tor. Tbe ttu.lini.ci wbiltd away Iks time by aingioi ihe tialioual Anthem, " Anld Lang Byue," and varietal patriotic oug U'litl Lard Bsliebary a| (eared U(0n bit arrival tbere wa* au untbunt ol viMorou* cheering, and tbe crowd ini.g " lie I* k Jolly Q-x>d Fellow." Lird Baliebary begui bit addreit by ttatiog tbal in moat oaeei ot an appeal lo the tribunal of the people tbere wat a came with an anlegooitt to defend it, but now," laid tb* *p*ak*r, " w* hav* a ing atbadowy, immaterial, amubilautial caue." He tbtn proceeded lo argue ou ibe impracticability of itablUbtcgan Irish LfiiiiUtare. Bir Kob TI Peel, member ot Parliament forBackburu, biiberto a leading Tor), will be M Gladstone candidate for Parlia- ment 10 tbe eomiug eleetioce. Hi will probably content Bury againet Bir Ilenry Jamet TUB I i t . I i. Bat M DOWN. I . It. uniul-l.rnriBl Hb.l.D. OHrUI lb New fb.nr ID >i,r lll.pulr. A Halifax special to the Boston^ l-trtuer *a)s: " Yjcr eorrei[on']ent has inter- viewed Cousul-OtiLcraJ Pbelan, wbo said Ibal be bad forwarded a report to Secre- tary Bayard of all ibe information Ihtl bad eome into bis potiesiioo regarding tb* new circular ot Ibe Dominion Oovernment. He hid nol beeu officially supplied with ibe circular containing tin LU xlitt cation t, but, judging from ibe exbibita shown bim, be *as ooufldeai thai bad it been iuutd at nrnl the Adama and DoigJly vojld never bave been teizel. He ngard'd ibe important commercial question* raised by Ibe United Btales a* havu^ been decided iu it* favor." Thr Illilh ol lion,, Itul, . booltun American Journtl It i* now tiiieeu yeart IILCI " Horn* Rule " waa nrat promulgated at a meeting of prominent Irishmen held in Dublin, May 1 j:b. 1870, wbeu Ihe follQWiog resolu- tion was unanimously adopted : Tbal it ii the opinion if tbie meeting tbal tbe troe remedy for tbe evilt of Ireland it the es- tablishment ot an Iriib Parliament with fall oontio! over our domestic affaira." Tbia was the birth of Ibe Irisb Bom* Kale movement, and it i* rtmarkable to and tbal thin meeting wa* eompot*d ol a larg* mijorily ot " Proletunie " Tbere w*r* aoout tixly geLtlemeu assembled, and nol more than twenty K jman Catboliee amoLg tbem It will inrprita people now ton od Ibe f.'llowicg repr**enlative uam*e in the ll<l ol tboee present at Ibis metting : Sir Jjbu litrrinKtoi., D.L , Protesianl Cocser- vativ* , E 11 K i.ni. , ex High bner tJ, Oinsarvauve ; J V.Mackey O.-angtman; Bir Win. Wilde, Protetlatt Cumervaiive ; Kav. Joseph Oalbrailb, Trinity College, Pro- lectaut Conservative ; B. W. Boyle, Danker, College) Greco, Coucervative ; W. \V. Harris, LL D., ex HniriC County Armagh. Protewteot Coniervativt ; Major KUC.X ilruh Time*), Proleatant Conxrva- life ; L)r. Manuesil (tvemng 3/ait). Tory ; Ibi Yen. Arobdsacoo Q>nU, D. L)., Pro- Isitaiit Cjuasrvaliva ; William Hoaw, M. P. (Munsisr Bank), Protestant , Capi. E. B. King Harmon, Prouetant Conserva- tive ; Hon. L H. Ktag-Harmoo, Protestant Conservative , Oeorge F. Bnaw. F.T.C D., Pro:e*tanl Conservative ; A.frtJ Webb, " Kneed ; " H H. Stewart, M. D.. fro tenant Conservative ; W. L. Ereon, J. P., Orangtman. The** gintlemto, ard tboee wbo acted wilb Ibem, staled : " We must be frank acd clear ; we will bav* no part in disloyal i IL , w* will have no separa- tion from England. Bui we fetl that Ihe scbemeol one Parliaminl for all purpoi**, Imperial and local, ha* tx-su a failure, Ibal tbe attempt to toroi contoUdation on th* Iiiib people, to destroy tbeir uaiioLa' indiviaualiiy, baa been aimply dnistrous ll>4wer attrao.ive in theory for tbe Imperial i>lat**man, lb* prijecl baa utterly broken down in lav and rialily. It bat ooet us perpetual iawxurny, reeorreot iniurrtotion It may mil E.glub politi- ciaut to cling to ins tx[ crimed in 1, aad purtue il ibrounb aio.ter ifj years, alwave ' just goiug to luscetd tblt lime , but f it nt Iriib frjtettauu, who** loll* ca-i in this country, and wnose all in tb* world it within ibe** MM, it ii tim t to think whether we cannot lakt into oar own bsods tb* lolotioo of ib* probltm. W* want ptaee, we want security, we want loyally lo tbe Ibrooe, we want connection with EukUud, bat we will nu longer have oar dome* tic affair* o.iuaiitied to a Loo- don Parliament. Tbi aspiration for national autonomy i* on* which hat eoucd reason and juiuoe 11 will M h rigbl behind il." III I I'M -1^-^ J lev > i.i< kiu tin wilt. A new stjl* ol *oorl has been esttb- lisbed at Watertord, Pa. Arthur Ui^iioi, a ion ot a [-romintnt merebant of ibat place, recently married a beaulital, bat trail, girl of a good Ksntaeky family. Oa Mouday, tbe bride ol a lew daya had the mulorione lo break a plate, and bir bat- band beat her unmercifully therefor, an occupation in wbiob be was di-oovered by twoeitiiius. Tbe E#l* Qos* Company, ot which Uiggin* IB a member, beard ol u. About o'oluek, tay* tbe aeooant, " a tain alarm ot fire itartled tbe village aod yoong Hiygini haetened to tbe icen*. Be was quickly teiz.-d by tare* at the men, iiis others cured a crockery crate, onder which Hi|igioi wa* placed. A iwitl * tream ol water was tbso turned in tbt vicuna and a o:owd o( 5QO men and womin wilnsiMd the mod. Alter Higgle* had been nsul/ dro<*n*d, be wsjt released and ausaksd to bis b< me. Tb* firemen then publicly expelled him from the department. Later in the eveuiug be wa* exr tiled in dit- Krac* from Ih* United Workmen aad tbe Town Club." Then b was noiiaed to leave town, and bj pnelio snbeeriplioo enough mjnty wa* raised to lend Ibe young wife to tbe home of he.- parent*. Thn pnoishmeul l a good deal boiler, and more tfltcuve uudoubledl), than tbe wbippmg poet of i>e)aware; a prominent yoaag man of tbe town would nivir desire to be pat under a crockery orate aud be playid en by tu* boae ot tbe are department, in view ol all tbe villagers, bat OLO-. Hat tb* town wouldn't taru ci; t to do ibat kind ol duty only in exceptional 0.1,1. u (or tb* ordinary wife-beater tb eourle emd jail* will Mill bave Iu be relied upon, tbonyb Ibey never astm ctaotly adequate to dial witb prisoners wbo have b*a mean enoogh to tirlke a woman. -Kotknur Henld. in cento* Mr. Tboma* Young, pott, Dundee, lather ot " Wbistle Binkle," wu buried at lay- port on tb* 25:u nl;. TbeOburob ol Kilbataha^, which eel*. orated ill eenUnaiy tbe olber day, baa bad only Soar miuiter*, and tor nearly tevenly yean tb* pulpit has been occupied by Ib* Alitou family. A parent wbo wat op b(cre !Vit)<*y liurgn Bebool Board (or uol edoeatlnn hi obildrsu, excaoad btmtelt in Ibe ease of OD* of thim, ittp-scn, by saying that " il would be touching a torpedo to meddle wilb him." While making noavations in a Mart in f perktrkget*, Aberdeco, on Ihe Mil all., i auoieLt brouit ful wa* uueartbed, wbieb WM found to contain no fewer tban t.QOO oilvtr ociut, about Ihe tic* ol MS- penny pieoee. Tbere ban jail passed away, at tbi rip* ageot -x) years, on u ol the few remainiun llawiok wortbie* wbo took part in tke old Ubuiitt ajritatioD Mr. Adam Bawtoe, *tcoiing-mak*r. He was one ol tbe earlieii and itannebest adherent* ol tbe movement in Hawick, and lor aver rltty year* be C3C- tiLutd to lake a lively interest ia pclitioe, Tbs following pttbrtic ad>rrttemtnt ar peari in tbe SccttitH American Jouimtl- Jobu Ormiston, ol K !, Booilaud, who oamc lo America l i B, rii.K, m loinkired to write to bin friend, Mary Thomtou, It be ie poor the will bsln aim. Hie yean' Mleice bas aim nt broken her heart. Ob Jack, writi me." alllrsl hy i BoBia three or four year* ago Mr, J. K. Clint, of Kingal, went to Manitoba, leaving hie wife aod children behind bim, Tbty aftciwardi joined him. Newt ootnts Tr*a>isaae ! f>ry ralsiial mm* Aes>y< tat; >' Tbe symptom* of bilionine** MI on- bappily bat too well known, eaye " Gae- eell's MtKaxiue." Tbey differ in different individuals to some extent., bowever. A bilioue man is seldom a brsakfut eater. Too frtqaenlly, aliie ! be bu an excellent aipetiia for Ihiaids, but none for solid* of a morning. Ills tongue will nardJy bear luipeeuon at any time . if u is not white and furred, it is rough at all evente. Tbe digestive system i* wholly out of order ; 4iarrb** or constipation may be a lyrcp torn, or tb* two may alternate, 'i'btn- are very often Lr-.norrboids. or lot* cl blood even. Tbere may be glddineo, and often headache and acidity or tlaloleno* and tendernesi at tbe pit tf tbe stomach. The pain fell in tb* right shoulder indicates an extra btd case, but apart from ibis tbsrs are Mbmg pains and even slifloee* in tb* liu.be. with more or leea of erampe in Ibe limb mutelei, cr borniog in tbepalmtof tbt handt, with bol pertrlring fee'. Tbere may be drowimeis and torpor by day, aod leepleetneM at Ligbl, trpsoially urita biluy. tile ot bad temper that eome on suddnnly and go t,ff again, aod tbat none are so thoroughly gnevcd at a* tbe poor patient bimtelf. Bihon* prople generally fly for relict to aperient pilli, aod Ibere is DO doubt Ibal tbey often afford temporary relief by relieving ibe cvsrgorged liver Tbii really u ansipblogiitio treatment but it amaredlv i* not radical. Wben a fiib pond ovirfl jwt its bai.ki, wi may 1st cff a portion of Ib* water, but after ibis we ought, metbinka, lo nod our way to the other end ot tb* pool and lentn the art jw. Well, JOM a word tbjol treatment. Pint and tonmoet, thin, in sudden bujous attacks, thai are often accompanied by great prostration and ky argent voa.it- ing, il ie belt M tend for a nuedioai man. Boob attack* gene- rally eome on in tbe morning at Ib* lime ite body it moel weak. I do not tbiLk upon tht wbo!. I eboold be justified in tnggeiting medicinal remsdiM in ibis paper, for tbe simple riaaon thai oai d:fler so. Tb* mineral acids and biticr vegetable unies otlsn do good. Bo does nux vomicA, and aojoita. Then there is dandelion, and chloride of ammonium and alftalie*. But 1 can only generalise. A bine pill and eolooyntb. followed nest dav by a glat* of Pullna water, will ward off many an attack, if ihe patient goes in fur | preventive mea*urei afterward, and followi a oaurse ot rational living. Tbe podopbyi- liu pill, from a ,;uiter to a bait a grain of extract, in tbree to five of extract byoeeya- mas may do M well M the blot pill, if cot better H ,da water or litbia water end I l.r . k.oliu.l u> . "lor ) . I locked the Urn*- worn school LOOM Til* rlllafle Mat of learning. AcruM the tuooU.. well-tnxLuo path kl y foul-sUps Domewar I lurolug ; HIT Ltart ft truablecl .(ueelioo bora, And la vat unn.l. u olt before, A veiiug tucjgbt WM W by U it ap-LUl all kbe way r Tbue rau uiy uit*ij|atk/ns ; Tb* IMKDS bad gone crone thai (toy, An. I 1 b,l loci my patieno*. " U there oc way to aofua can, And mate It eaIer lo bear Life I (otrowi lad vexatious.' Aeross my paUiwsy. kfcroujb UM wood* A fallen UM WM lylnt. Oa Itou U-or. MI two liuleflrlj, An.l oae of tberu wat crTit,c. I bear.l bar sub, An.) If I oooM, I'd get my lumog* awful good ; Bat wnaft UM iu* of trylog r An I UM lull* noole-i I Kauk oa u.e otber't iboal.lv, L "*" wpsr UM SXID TbM OMDJ la eofold br. Action <lu yuan, bewt. kind ud In*. fasMslM oke tad MiUMT knew C 0*1 1 was a r Aal tbso I beard-eJi I asr waskoowa loot) ja<Utueot witbOBl mallos, M ijvMclur OL.QUWI r beard ID MD oe oo j. c,r rrilaoa I I aboa.d b.T. tui+{ ihw.. I s Ucn t b Juouaracsd . In one And I win help TOO. alioe. Ac 1 I will help jam.' This U bow To eof ten care an4 (T'.rtnf ; I.M 1> u.He cu.er lo bew bjr blpug u-i by (ivtoc. H wu ;L. aiuwu I bad And I. me iMeber. bei The secret of true If I will bsJp TOO " wrra the mle H.JW cboa>l bey^ud all Q.eMre Life wi, U | t beeome ! Ka-b LMTT load Wuala be (uUea treassue , Pals an i vsuu-.o b forco*, tlo|< wn-akl | rTu m tfery tot, And ;.f be uoly pleasue. fmltrmfr llh ihr I.*,,. Tbey are men tlnjr feet ! Ttey b*n n. iqcb a litile way to meet TLe yoa/i WLI tb are requir*,! iu br steps to svenoses, aaJ make Morai uit sod alow I Tbtv ar mrb i.tii. baodi 1 Tbioijiare oe. and life bal Ail around HeliO'l Tbioijia A tteo bevao I in* Se.ly bu f jOD faab , *eiupun4 UUIKS to stain* open, aad ee Ttw baodt are Mmpisd bar 1. yu know. Trwv are mcb new. youn live* Hoxly u tr Dewoees ahnve* b.u w.llotiBuy.iaa. Toeyeteeo Thai, being tmuortaj, Uwy wuaiJ loach. Tbal if ibey rwea We luuat not cLide, bui teach. Ttj axe each 1 Tbt widen toi_. -- Aitt.ry laru . ifcey an to oftea b*M .- beef ita mixed with atrowrool will be found v*ry nouruh.og i or a raw *gg beaten up in milk. .i- - > aak*. for sosh. mocb fraee. Tbey are inch fair, frail (if tf UsMsrtata as skein I iKbt UIM iw alone Uw iky Tb.j may not be ber* by u J by- Uif t ibeoi not love, bat mom-above And Laruer pejiiuoe wilb tb* leva tbal . was recently kblei by Ugbloing at vtry Uviag Ud vnjorutu au la|oui.l dlod. i Mootrjaw. ocoe more well, the patient return* to k .. old noc-byiisnic habit* of life. Wbat am I to do then? 1 Ulky oeaaked I will Ml yon what *cn are not lT You are nol to onr eat ; yon are not to ate kuijar or ial to any extect, pnddinuf. PUtn o, obeese. You are nol to touch 'bol. Yaa are nol to en in over beatsd room*. Yoa are nutber to over work uor worry yonrteU. And yon are not to shirk emoruir^tnb, nor j.l.niy ol cierc.se. Woa* are yon to do f.r tbe acidity ? AtMMffiiooti.es* and retfuUtion o f d,,, kLd babiu iil tcilmly bauuh u. and yoa will bave the p'.ca-.ure ot knowing that its kb.cee U . si H n oi re jnvt nation ct tbe liver. It yon bol try a week ot tbe treat menll totweat. Heel convinced yoa will ocoe mor* tel aileaiare in lit*, and an intcroM in all >ooi aarroondincis. Bat acidity often lead* to rbeomaluoi, and on Ibis kubjjol I hope to bave more to say another day. I sbkJl bs 4011* satisfied witbmy pretentcaperif it t ul a fsw of my nader* on the rufbt roaj to besJth aad Ibal oao only be got at by testing for asd removing Cm cautee instead of treat tog aymptome. IL.Iih It la,, bt n.U. A properly-made boot batatolejoit a* broad aa tb* fool ie wben tbe weigbt ot tbe body rei*> apon u. Hunligbl u etMutial to th* fall develop- ment at both animal and vegetable forms , without u tbey ar* blanched, ituaud acd enfeebled. Judiciuui bathing inoreaata the acuviiy ot tbe i- km, improve* iis condition and awists u in tbe (<arlormanee ot Iboa* tune tione up ju wnion bodily bealib d ponds. In feeding infants tbe be. I snbstiiaie tor Ibe mother! milk it a mixlura of two parts cream, one [art milk and tart, of i sola -.wo ot lagar of milk mad* by du olving two LU -cet of Ibe iu,ar in a pint ot water. Tbe free oae of Ice-cold drink* while taking (ood ia injurious ; bat cool drinks m w.um wsather ar* refresbing and col harmful. Cool water le better tkau iee water. Food n [Uiree to be well mastlsated before beiLgtwallowed , othir wii. digettion it hindered. K.pid bolting ol food U a common eaute ol dytpepsia. Tbe long boor tynem u Ibi iborl lit* tyttem ; eight hours' bard work ie *no**jb for one day, bat l*n does not kill any on*. Il ia tbe man who works twelve and fifteen bourn a day wbo soften . acd Icr bim no ewh I boar Uw can be anactad. Whatever ibetrlens tbe acts ol breathing eborteoe life, aod tbe wearing ol anything mat oompreie.sthe chest to tbal locg, full nreatbi are impotiikle, rtnden loLg lite impossible. Pat ll boae dost and dry retose fr- m ib* kuteaeu tai diuing-room into tbi are. Tbe s:ove it the ouly eertiiu destroyer of the dues** producing poison* which remde in dirt A light room it nol always clean, km a dirk oae is tlwayi dirty. If tbe bouse is swarming with dies yoa may bs curtain iber* le dirt tomewbsre that attract, ib.a. Look into Ib* eornsrs, on Ui* shelves, in ths close is, and you will fl-d tilt eaose for flies. Thr il ..,<..., M., . Hallway. A London cable lay* : Aa Important eity b'jicg h use ft eonsiderim a project U co nruci a railway from Winnipeg to ibe Ne!jo River, with tbe ta^rantee ot Ib* 1'r; n ce ol Manitoba Bfon A I OHO 000 tier- g ol it* bind*, bearing Inlereel at the rate ot 4 p*r out., and mttariDK in .'*> year*. I bree million lierling more ir wanted in London by Ibe projector*,, and ae the tebem* It favorably received by eapilalut* here, H it likely Ibal tbe money willb f rtfco mmg and the conetraetion of Ib* e w line >**jnn wilb in a few moulbi. Tbe operation ol tbis road will likely affect Ib* North-weal- rn eyttam 11 much a* tbe railway connec- tion bttwotn Dulotb and liuflalo affected Ib* New York Central. * tlUara i-.ni... .,.,. Cbioago man to arliil What i Ibe nam* ol tbe i icturt ? Arlitt- II is called " An Djiobr Suutel " II rejects tbe glowing beauty of an Italian iky as tbe orb ol day itnfea to rest behind. Obicago man I'll tell yoa what I'll do. Yoa paint In a couple of half-burned pork packing estab liobmente an' a hook an' laldvr track, an' Ubel it " Tb* Oreal Chicago Firs," an I'll take il at your own prlee. Ntw York Sim. Tw v.ilr, ex A way from ibe pnasot of pain. b troiutbe fatare era borrow, Wh-n uor stnoctb L owiaxivj by care fur to-lay At'l uoiruoi'ie,! by ibuut\bi of tae morrow. 4fu fruu u.c valuy of Man mat !-. f r ...i u.e sad raaOa of torraw, Lacs ibe beaateoat valley ot rest. Afar from tbe land of Jaeeit, Where ibe true ls auiw. ifttut by UM tseminf. Away from ibe recto a ol woe, WUsb with buaer and tlekssss to tismlnt Bwyoaa UutTsre* kisfldoB ol warT Where tracn i'..roeJ bsvts ite llle-bbiod i Liei tbe calm of tb* valley of reel. Tb* peace ibat i* Ibere it unknown To uor biexl*. No>r bas eoof oornu story DMoUwitt Itoiua, wtosebnblrayi >e?tr MI. is ibe ligbi , I H. |K ry A.. 1 its b,*i (lain BO eoU. a* me year* Paw a,wtr au.i me aces (row bouy, wonderful val la Uw l valley of rest. . n count tbe deeii Oraasbu sbai IM ail Al Ibe fuiiuteaniuf ruourniac taa takso Wbai maitn ice valley of Jeetb Wbicti wt p*s ibroncb slrras ao 1 fursaken, V> ui-.i after a few isnn4 hours Tbtgluns*! k/ul aball awakao. la tbt looed fur glsU valley cf rest f Tb* Peterkorooih Billiard By-law DIM b* boor ot cloaiug OB Saturday night M 10 oolcek. Tbe Eaet Ontario Ataooiition of Bapiiit Churches organ lie (VJih auuivtrsaxy yee- lerdayat Urooklm. M Jules Ferry it described a* josl now " rotund, robust, affable, and amblltcaJf and a* toll ot torvooai pollii*al Mbemee ae tnr." We bad joti set oat from oar hotel, not tar trom kb* noble Scott Monument in L'riuceet itrect, Eiicboagh , il was verging towards evening, and we were Handing, ia a half reeoiols frame of mind, undetermined which way we should walk in * city where every laen ot ground is a romance, and every tuborb an nobaalm*nt, wben a respectable ilranger wbo, w* tappose. taw tbal we wert nol native to the lane' of oak**, and perhap* noticed oar tyet travtl- ling up and down that iplicdid highway, and glaoeiug on Ihe gaUunag light* glimmering oat trom tbe old towa oppoaits. aoooelcd as with ' Itoa II a braw ojly. sir ? W* exprtteod oer snlir* sympathy wish hie svidsut hearty admiration. Why. sir, ' eoolinaed oar mterloeutor, I toppoee u w wtil kenl ibtrt una liefa anitber btl o' ksnira on Ibe face ol all the ycnb .' " Ha floa, beany-lootUog Lo'wlandar, *vt- denily ot th* Souituh Borders, juite pr* pared to ebant to any 1x1*01 tbe praise* of bis treat rjooieb capital. Ws mildly com plied with the claim* be levied on cor re- gard*, only narrowing ibsm by a emilwasinn of ignoranaw ot tb* greater number ol the citiet of ibe world, or tven of Europe, but giving him our hearty adbeetoo so far a* car knowledge lermiltej. W**l." tx- elaimed oar companioo, " I bav'oa been mucfcle o' a traveller myeel', but I bae ran hit about a'ugland, and bave JOB* been o'tr tb* water to Part* a bonni* city, wi', it* garden*, aod juare*. and sic like bat, ob, man it't a pair ibmg compared with Kj.br o Its jual Uk* eompanno] a saoast]* to a haggis. O- you ksn Dvid Wilkis?" Ibe great pai..ier ? w* -Uaj(*s*d. " Ays, tbal Ih* man ; did y* nas bear wbai be sail aboui Embro ? Why, be said, that b* had iat iravtllexl tvr all Europe to find that a' Ibal n wa* accessary to we ekte- where wa* juil to b* found in tbu braw wly. It wai at a [obbo dinner, giea to him jail on this vtrra spot, and I think Uktly iu ibis vtrra hoa*e y* bae jail aom* oat of. aod I mind me be said thai he'd been to Pragce and 8;Dnrif. and he'd been to Usona and Na(let aud A -.bee*, and b* mtniioctd [laces bt'd seen io Rome and Orteee aod Spain, and tb* vena erack place", too ; and mind me if b* dilna tay thai tbe libs o' tbem a' wer* to be found in Anld Ktekie. Aye, man ! bat Ita * bonny pot ! ' It la nol mere local vanity which mates Scotchmen bslisve Ibal, in point of posi- tion. Edinburgh is not only osarpaeeed. bat unrivalled by any cities ia Europe, with tb* poesibl* exception* of Corinth aad COB- lanlmople. Liimn /fowr. Aa *)M KspvrtsseoM. A few yeart ago a eoeiety of tmioenl KrtLchmtn ducoawed tb* iueelion : What language would a child naturally tpeak if never taogjit : " Twenty different reeolta wer* predicted. To Mat the matter two infant* were i re cored and isolated with a deal aod dumb woman, wbo lived alone in the Alp*, rarroanded with her aaeep and obickeuk. Alter MX year* the children and th* nurte were brooghl before tbe savants, wbo were on tiptoe of expectation k* to th* reeult. Wben, lo : not a word eooM elkher of tbe childrtu utter, bat meet ptrfeMly ciuld thty imitate th* orowing of the eoek. thi oacklmg ot a ben and the bite ting cf ahttp. ocVi(rr l>imoer+l. " IB II tru* that Mr*. MBOW etoptd with young Wilkini ?" " I * %M I DtT " aw BlmkB 10 jollr ' "" ~ r " t " 'Irra-* moeb dallvlng and b*eitation, tbe Briusa War Offlo* has decided to adopt aoeniaebiD* gun for the army. Tnree o^reiled Nord*ofsldtii. *aab w*iglung ixry pounds and firing 400 ballets in on* minute, and five barrelled guns of IN pound* aod Oriug 600 round* a minute ar* to be **nt lo Kgypl aad India. Tke tw*lve barrelled gno thai firs* 1.100 rooode 1 rniual* U b*iog eip*nm*nt*d With.

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