UNITED - Mr. Robt Mercer of Artemesia and Miss Mary Stinson of Euphrasia, two of our most respected young people entered into partnership "for better for worse" on Wednesday last. About 35 couples were present on the occasion. The evening was gorgeous, the moon full, and the whole party adjourned to the open air where the marriage ceremony was performed. We wish the happy couple a joyous and prosperous journey through life. - Markdale Standard CAMPBELL - At Collingwood, June 21st, Richard Campbell, sr., aged 86 years. [Deceased was well known to us as a most genial and courteous old gentleman, ready-witted, and extremely well versed in the politics of the day. He was at one time, we believe - in the early history of this Township - Clerk of Artemesia, and was for many years a public school teacher. He leaves behind him a large and very respectable family, amongst whom we might mention Capt. A. G. Campbell (No. 6 Co. 31st Batt) of Toronto, and Mr. Richard Campbell, Town Clerk of Collingwood. The remains were interred in the family burying ground, Flesherton cemetery, on Wednesday of last week. - Ed. Advance] The funeral sermon of Mr. Richard Campbell - whose obituary appears elsewhere in these columns - was preached in the Methodist church, Flesherton last Sunday evening by Rev. Mr. Ayers. At the close of the sermon, Dr. Christoe made a brief but eloquent speech relative to the deceased , whom he had known for many years, and whom to know was to respect. Many interesting facts relative to the past life of Mr. Campbell were given, and the speaker testified in glowing words to his honesty, straightforwardness, temperance, and general uprightness of heart. It may be remarked that he deceased gentleman was the first public school teacher in Artemesia. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBE, Photographer* Fleshertorr, - Ont. \ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."" PRINCIPLES, JVOT MEX. tsynni lntf Jon u Torou *, unwie tint* In the itudlo of toe uto Photographer. Mr. H.J Dlion, Lure I acquired vaJuable kuowledge In Helcm- enlng. I (eel auured I can give v-A Renural e.tiifactn.1. . A eall r.-.p. < tfull r tollclted. MRS. DULMER. Fleebartou, Sept. 17th. 1885. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch, 'JTIME J Taking Xfftet, Monday, /i*ly *7lA, ' ftTAfHJM. Toronto l_*ve! Cartwell Jtuictlou | Charleston Or*ii||e- 1, Arrive ... vllle. ( Leave ... Hhelburua Dundalk Markdale. i SO 10 Oft KMT 10 S 11 IU ' IIIM- U 51 " Eip. I MUed. 44APUI 90" 43" T0 " TM " TJM " 04 830 USS J in VOL. VI., #0. 263. FLE8HERTON, OHTARIO. JULY 1, 1886. A.R. PAWCETT,' 51 * CROMiETCH EITCH-S- Tailoring Establishment FLESHEETON! /* the place to 3*1 your Suits ifaade, in future. 10 Hampden Movements ! I r. Christoe, Hueve, and Mr. John McArtbur, Duputy-Heeve, of Arteniowa, were in Owen Sound I ant week attend- ing June suuiiou of Orey County Coun- cil. Mr. John T. Middlemore, of the Clnl iln-n's Emigration Humus, ItirnuiiKliam, will be iu tli is neighborhood (Fleahcrton) shortly with a party of Kngliiih boyii ami girlu, for whom ho wislieH to fliid good homes. WllliaiQHford ............... P.: l*imi u iJ " Cheuworth .................. IS*" 9M" Owen Sound ........ ArrtTe' 100" 10D" C.lMJI ftvlltll. BTAPIOSS r**en Sousd Criauwartb : ) f 5O " Williainnfurd | S06 Markdale .._ f 7 ' Mail. Dandalk _ ghnlburu. OraaTill Junction... OVIK > Arrive vflle i Leave Ubarleeto* Cerdwall Juuctiun Twanlo TO* TS1 800 ftli su u or ' . Arrive 1045 i in suo 406 ' 4*1 ' 447 ' 529 ' 5 ss SM 630 ' 89D Mixed. We forgot to mention in our lawt issue splendid array of prizes for bor- racing, athletic games, Ac., will be Four grades. Key A Stem, with my own name on. Fine value, 114 to $80. Abo Waltluun. Kl^iii.and Springfield Watch- es eonntautly in stock at cornpotitinn price*. American Clocks, Hollow A t A 1OOJIUI WU I/I* 1 'I'llllUJ* 'IJ Flat Silverware. I <lo a largo buBiness, | g^ bll , H for , )articul ,r8. keep a finely assorted stock, soil retail, | and give customers value for their j Our old and Tory ranch eMeemed money. The public know tuy abilities friend, Mr. R. Cruse, of Thornbury, on Dominion Day (to-day). Dnut forget the Flccherton Htwtaur- aat. Lunch at any hour of the day. A good lupply of FroiU, Cainlitii. Ice Cream, Lemonadfi. Ulnger Ale, Cram j Day.) Sodaa, and other tiling. Welcome to all. uontly BiBCBorr. The Oratorio of K^tlnr. tin lt<-auti- ful Queen " will be put on in grand rtyle at the Drill Shed A -night il><>iomi*n Tho practice* have buei 't-mi nccewful, and the talented MuHical Director, Mr. D. S. Mimro, ha ' now no fears as to the rixiult. To aee At Last, th<- purfonners in ancient coatome will be \M 11 worth the price of Rev. Wealey Caiuu'n, (late pastor of Markdale Methodikt Cbnrch) and family took C. P. R. train TiiMday morning ^M j alone. Oreat credit in due to Rwv. Mr. route for toe Dew field of labor at Mitch- lAyers, Lieut. Field, and other guntl- ell. Mr. Caiain is one of the most elo- men, for the manner in which the Drill qnent speaker* in the Methodist Church ; Shed ha* been fitted up fur the occasion, and will be mimed by many people in , Tho ladieo who attended to the orna Pleaherton w well as by his former par- 1 mental department are alao deserving o( i.Mliouorii on the Marktla! circuit. W. WHYTK. D.McMCOI.L.. GEN'I, Piae AOT J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles Ac., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. for Cash. DR. GARTER, M.C.P. .t8.,()siT. PHVHirii.\. si IM.ION, FLESHERTON. li'tid*n, itrst to IHruiou ' '< rt A.'. J.i'. ii 4i:sii 11 1. 1 .1. , DENTIST, 6 ".\nr\TK nf Toronto Hcliool (if I)i ntlitry, will ), at Mnrkilaln tie ' t nu.l .ii I \\ ,H|H. . lay if itrh m->nlh. and at HaelMrca* nn the lit nd ir.l Thura>lny iu each muntli forth* practice of hi* profeeatou. as a practical Watch Repairer. W. A. BROWN, A Jeweller. Markdal, - Ont. Tit - Bits. <.\inii.\tiivi <>f L<Miil unit Other Iiitrrtttinij Item* yatlirrnl by The Advance Rrporirrt. paxacd through here on Monday fore- noon, fit routt for Mt. Forent. He called at TUK AiiVAM >: office aiid at Hrard's mammoth carriage factory while iu town. Mr. ItoU. Mc(rruther, of Artemetia, left some monster iitrawburrieti at on gauctum last Saturday evening un- doubtedly the largeHt wo liave ever seen. One of them meaaured over two inches in length ! Who says Artetiiesia can't (prow anything worth speaking aboat. Mrs. Hiilnii-r has been turning out really creditable Kpociiucnuiu the Photo- graphic art thia year. TJic far fin N." 1 Tyrout) (ArtcmcHia) violiuiot, Mr. K. A. Parks, in viaitiug friends in the Maxwell neighborhood. One of the Mcaford lacrosse players said that Jim Mosicr a member of the Flcsberton team waa on goal-keepers he ever saw. j. w. FROST, I.L.B-, Jtnrrlntt-r, Sollritin; t Omoe. Stralu'e KuiMiuf. KLKHHVII-TON. A. A. CHKHLKY. Holicltor ami Ouivyancor, RCHillellt Xullntli r. MH. FIKiST will be found at tlio Cffleeon Thurxlayi n- herrtofor.. P McCULLOOQH, Jiarristcr, Solicitor, J$c,. Odlrr, M<T MrFarland's Store, larkdale. Money i<> Lwaii. Mr*. Samuel Kin^Htou, of Flcslierton. ban l-en visiting I'rioudH in the province of Quebec during Uic lMt tno wrekii or BO. P.ylieplnj; your eye* on Mnnro's The candidates for the cane at the IrUh Lake picnic thia year were Dr. Kaii.lerkin. M. P. for South Orey, Dr. Jaminon thu Liberal Conservative can- didate for thr Miune riding, and Mr. i Jenkina. Editor of the Durham f 7inmi>/.. We are gratined to be ablu to an- nounce that Rev. Jan. Ward in HO for re- covered an to resume his work. He i* a vigorou*, systematic aud efficient pas- toral worker, and it is a great pleasure and satisfaction to his nninerouB friends to see him so soon on duty after hix serious accident, and almost miraculous escape from death. MarhdaU Standard. much credit. Thu rendering of the Oratorio iUelf will bring credit tu Mr. D. 3. Munro for yearn to como in all amateur musical circle*. ^."BBBBl At Last f >Tnn The determination of Mr. Jamesi O. Rnwell. the Noted Jewelry Man of H.-h erton, to let his bnaiuea* be known far an immense stock ol Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacle*. *., which h u Mr. ('has. Moaier in, we think, the selling at Genuine Bargains. Just itoAjrtu* a l-'-.n,- S-ili.l Nlvrr SWISH Watch wort .araMHful angler in FkJiertoii. for $H.^5 i net casli, warranted two yean . a nil Waltl.am or Elgin Witch He never returns with less than three from f lO.ft,.,,,,. w.rr.,,le,l from ^ v w , to i ym . Spectacle, from XOc or four dozen speckled beauties, but ..(>, n i brings hometen, twelve aad foar. *. *" J L * Ur *" C " tl *** "' ' TO ' 1J " TL * " ' * the eye; buy no other. And if j.,u want your WalcLe* or Clock* Repaired man tu b'u to, as be supervises all repairs I teendo^en. Hi, most remarkable catch, thU season, however, occurred on Satur- P**' 1 ?' R " the day of the week before last, when, with out moving from one place he caught one hniiilred and twenty-fire good-sized and wide, is amply shown in the fact i .peckled trout. Charlie's experience that he ban paid in advance for a large J A g M'.l Ti.HMAKEK. advertising space in THE ADVAMCI for ono year from this ianne of our paper. Mr. Russell is a thorough good work- man, and a thoroughly reliable dealer in watches, clocks, Jewelry, Ac. We liave much pleasure in *vqsB. mending him to the public. very encouraging to the moot of ui, bnt onr own experience is that Home people ' Mr. Jenkinn carried off the canu handsorne majority. by Mr. JauiuH Sullivan, tinsmith and deal- er in Rtovps, Ac.. FleHhrrttiu, haa been duiu^ quite a smart tra !< outside onr town thil year, llu did AOIUO work for Mr. James Myleit. a prominent Knphra sia farmer living a short distaoco North of Kiniln rliv. and many other well- known tillers of the soil, beside* villag- Onr esteemed friead, Mr. Ferris, of Proton Township who left UK the mag- nificent bunch of rhubarb mentioned in our last week's imroe brought us in anothrr equally excellent bunch of the aarao useful article on ablai the other Lid of bites. are born luclcy. A week ago laat Wednesday a man named William*, while working iu Mr. (rnnrlny's bimh taking oat tan bark, ao- hand at tin- knuckle. It was uot n, Corner" every wicl; you will IM- mire to cideully cut thu third linger of bin sue something wi 11 worthy your atten- tion. Mnnio jjives excellent bargains. Dominion Day is a holiday all stores in Flcsherton be closed on that Day. loft bad cut, but Hhortly afterward* the arm became swollen, and matter commenced It is a well known fart among our citiien*. that our Brauw Baud are al- ways ready and willing to furninli niuaic in connection witfc oar church and ao- Satur.lay laxt. cletv deanoiiHtratioiis. Ac., ^ratni, an I We never saw such rhubarb in our life. 1 therefore it i* only proper and just that the citizens should recognize mioh gen- erosity in a fitting manner. We hope whenever (he Baud does Uieui the honor MM to you. John. We are more than pli-a*e<l to learn thai know how to angle for the ".peckled M r J,.hi, 1'lewe*. of Kiuitmrloy-the beantie* " a great deal better than some ,,,,] and ehtert'nsm* miller- baa ,, ur . other people. We belong to the last chMed the Wtl; . kll ,, wn .- s , Mill, when we go fishing we get Uu | r ,, ffere j fnr ^ ,, y lhe EMM!ulltn t more raosquito bite, than , he |t e Wm. Plewes, Esq. Th. sum Poop 1 " paid was r-^JOO. The " S |w ton Mills I am about a mile at<d a half from Heal ert..n, and are driven by a grand water power. \Vith uch a man as John t'Uwes at the hlm. we pradict a bright and pn peroua future for the** nulls Some and this is saying a great deal conmder- inn the fine aamplea which have been left in this office dnrfug the past five years. y ih. u. -i. Our rraden ar askl t.. read carefully Mr. A. S. Vaiiliusen't " Card of Tl^nks" in our advvrtisiiit; c-'lunins to-day, in which, besides thanking his customers f,.r (>*at, Mr. V. draws to make I friendly c*ll and discoura, thelr ^ , |h- o* < their sweetest strains, thate^ ., to ^ ^ ^ umbft and everyone of thom w.ll promptly f^ nl ri ; . imt ,|enU f,. r which he U for his ]mcket book ami place I ' running from the wound, drcxsed the wound at the on Saturday evening. Dr. Christoe Medical Hall MASSON & MASSON, BUIHISTKUH, HOUCITOKS. Ac. OfricK* Ow^u S.HHI 1. Iu Vii;kr'n block, . Poulett St.; Uranrti ninreln Markilakv rtver Mc- KarUii'l H Mtore, ou Friday ami Katunly evvrjr week. J.MAHfcON. Q.C. B MAgftON. V MARROX S H - I'liveji- * Coujony't (and* to Invest at rom Klx l J .l,'>i i < r cunt. BALDWIN H aNUS. U. P. BCHLIN. m*U.W. IIARVIN HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, tu Luiulfl- ii y/ /M./i. Mr Robt Mercer of Arte and Mi** Mary Stinson of Enp hra*ia, two of our most rp**l yrmn ' ' h ^ ^^1*** in the hand* of the |N,.pb entered iuf, partuersbip " for treMurfjr The p.,,,, aclu ^ rn are ., lH-tterforwore" on Wedn^lay la* colorable ,. in K ,,, tir ^ uni AbootSS couple were pn^nt on the f ormad ; bat eve. out-i.le of this a,, in 'H-nauiimi. The rTrning waa gorsyoua. tlic iiin'iTi full, anil thr whole party ad- journed to the open air where the mar- ceremony was pprforme<l. We wish the happy couple a joyous and prH|irriiUN journey through life. A/iiri- ntitntion with an excellent reputation such a* has tiecti acquired by our Band, should not be allowed to suffer for want of funds. And it won't. B \HKISTK.IIS. SOI.IC IIOKS. MlTVHIK.K. ci).NVKYAN( KKH, <U Money to lxi, at , I.wet Hateu( ilitoroxt. Kant, Toronto. Omcuii. 10 MIIK Street CarcU. John W. Armstrong. KLmiinrroN, C. QHKV. DIVISION COURT fl.r.HK. COMMI8HIONRK In Ii. K., Conreyanper. Ac. Affpnt for inirrhae and talu of laada. Appraliwr for C I, C.Cnui- a<l P. H. II A 8. Hn.ly aUney to I/>an on the mot roa'onable tnnu. IHrKB OF MAUUIAOK I.ICTSSI NOTARY Pl'Bl.U'. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.S* HVKMr.sIA. COJfVBYANCKli, atMMHWIOXEH, INSURANCE Ati'T, !(.'. DKK.DS, MIIHTHAOKS.J.KANKS. *< . prvnar ed and propnrly ax.mtd. In.umtieK after- t.d In ftrit-elaiii ei|<avniea. tloney to Und at V.*eilra<^e Mr. William Bradford, butcher, of c i, ldinj{ , uc Sin-Untrue wa* iu Huffalo. on Saturday ; atteud-il the last looking after his pension. Mr. B. served iu the I'uiou Army for more thau three yearn, during the American re- bellion, ami a* the American Congrcws ha* paated an Act offering duichargrK to all t'niti-il States soldiers, who had deserted after the vloHO of the war, therefore Mr. Bradford is entitled to hi* discharge aud about |HOO bounty. Shttlnirne Free Prtfi. Wr Notwithstanding the un*ettlvd state of the weather last Friday afti-riio.ni. something like five hundred |n-ciplt>, iu- cbiMri-n. and M, thu diat uuion S. S. picnic on the Kant Gray Agricultural Soou-ty'ii gnum-i* h. r. Th,Ti were fully two Imndnsl chililri'ii proHent reprewntiug tlio renpirtivii Sab- bath Schools. The Agricultural Hall n< it only furnished excellent sli, It.-r from the frei|uent Hliowor*. but wu fnuud to be very couvunieutly arraiigetl for -,nder Ww, whether the Grry care* one straw about Home Rule for Ireland, outsidu the Hpleudid i '> l.anee to make a little political capital ( future. \\V bad almoat forgotten t > add, for Dr. Lauderkin, (who is a strong , that our Brass Band, with th. ir unual ting out " the bounteous n>|.it of thingH prepared for the occawou. Tlien the ground* are admirably adapted for lacroiMe, haw ball, and all the other popular games. \\'e predict thot tl.^ will bo a favorite picoiickiug frruuiul in afMM in this dial net. It always pays the far- mer to purchase the be*t unplerornu t< h p.t in the market ; let those interested call at S[ir<'ule'i waii:r<N>iii, Fleaht-rUin. and sec these iiupleuiruts fr tbeuisvlvM Tin- Bungling "M. .H. 1 tgaisj. Mr. Walker a rleshrtn Uilor OKU iiutt.-.l luiciUt- by tyiu^ a tailor* gimer anund his neck and taking a iwuu in thr mill J'.ill'l >':Jtllf/in*il HllllrtlH Th " Siacivasful Studi-nt " of the /*/ IftiH is bound to achieve notonrty if hr hai to "bust " his suspnders in the act. ample of his jnurnahttic handiwork that comment, far as our . (her extbaiu'en are coin-iTiiwl, would >v unnscrsaan- Itut tin- j'ul'iii- r<|Uir <-ii!ii{ht. tiniriit. and ln-iir.- wr na to say, that in> nuch man iu Walker was ever in I lie tailormv biumeai in Kl.-sh.rtnn : that we never had to i-lirotiule a auiridt- in hlrsberton inoe thi> m>vption of the Alv tv x ; that the auici.U- U.t- rvfem>d to .H , nrrv<l at rncevillo, live miles from Flihert.'n It. .Her Flour al V \\ TKIMBLEH .i r*rus> wr - The weather here haa ba*u very dry this sj.niiK, which will le**n ta cr< p. cunaidcrabljr. Mr K..U Mdjua) nuiel th frarn* of a large bnk barn lait *k. Dr. Struotnuan and Rf f W Mah.xxl have bevn rrturtml tu Utia circuit fur aa- >lh-r yeaw. Tli Methndiit church Urrfc is raptJly un<ln.>iii k ' reiiair* and ill Ui upvii for wrvicn a^sin in about twu wrk Vhu there will b aptcial irrie*. o is ti<i\nti l" hate (rand uniwu picnic, in o<uiir>:ti<'ii with tha Ni.lth Schols, oil \%"ednea.lay, July th 7th, 0*1 the Mann farm, adjoining Mr. William Hutchinaoni premises. Tb picnic will b* a Knnd alfair, as th.-r; are f ur sckunla ' tak i UK part in it. viz. luuti.v, Bethal, W.raani. aud Mt rvwvs icoi.r.K.u Fi.on:. V*r barrel ipvt cuai \v.\V. TRIMBLE. >i r.i> . ,1 ..ill. . Stray>-<l fr. >in the premi-M -. if Mafcolsn Kenmnly. Ix.t I.M. intl rsu^i- Wr%. T Jk S. Ruad. Arte-ui. -. 1. 1 to\ . ar ol! white I two >i'r ol.i re i ml white Heifj-r. I two \, r ii|.l ted Hiufrr. 1 yvar 'll Heifer r^-l ith a little white on iid-. 1 rl stir. nl 1 \.-r*ld H nil all Vny une uivinu inf.iri nation lead- ing tu recovery of above will be suitably rewarded. UIUO onier. ami no doubt conscientious advocate, I afforded it by tho member for F.aitt Orey. We would advise our Itoman Catholic frieiiils to steer eloar of every politician who makes Homo Rule for Ireland a kind of " election hobby." He want* yonr votes, and if lie getw thorn, Ireland or any other country can take care of iUelf for aught be cares. Corporation*, they nay, have no souls . neither have half thu politicians one meets d uring hix lifetime. fnruihl miutic fur the oc- casion. Talmacr en w*paprr Urn. In bii n-riiii na on difftrent sabjccU Dr. Ttlnume h n.'t fortiottvn nrwspafivr | P- fvfsion in the fact thst they are compelled to MM; in. re "f the ihanis of the wrl<1 than ah) "th. r jTofcMion Through very news|*per othcc. day by day, gn the wekkiicM of the world, the v.v that want to be puffed, the revenges that want to !* wreaked, all thu mivtakc* that want to IK> corrected, all the i[-akers that want to be thought ebxjuelit, all the R. J- SPROUL, (!imvy<incer. Appraiser, Val- uator n4 Money Itndrr. /'.(<. \l..,l f*l't, leant and H'llln draim <;/ and Va4ua(ioiu madt ti ihorttit notice. ( Tinr- qi ery loir. Apply to K. J. 81'ROULX, Poitmatttr. FleOvrtan. Honey to Loan. At <5| Prr f^cnt. Intereit i,n Mrau/ht WTH Intormt pali) yearly, not In idvaiioe.No oommiiilau obartied. Apply to A.ttBIBK. TIIOKMIIKl. H. M. CHARLBSWORTH, OWF.N BOUND. OHT., nri><1r and Importer of Orans;.. Raff. Ooehln an-1 Mammoth I.iKhl Hraknwi l.reea. torkeye. S~s. JhifTt. S^IMT 'l.t , Hralima M ]'' doicn Bav flse Hlark Sva.iOi ami PlyaiouUi Hok ftstoiell. Imptw*. *our etoek. Cabi- Carpenter, Joiner, net Maker. All repair* promptly A neatly pitrutad. hope, Durham St. nest to 1,,-iti-h TallorlnK Plant and e|>ealflcatloa> on >bortet notloe. Mne Lnmbrr for Nalr. Th. nndnnlitn'xl h a quantity nf Pln l.nm- ber u,l Pine l^th for al at rientiminnHtailon. VILLAGE LOT FOB HALK. >.. b t''".t, U ^* l>0<n " t for *! In FlMhertnn. ll| he <ll.p.>MKt of on rekaouablntemnn. Apply at AHTAMCS nui, .. or to NEW PRINTS, NEW DEESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING ! \ew Goods in Every Department! M. Richardson & Co. HATS, & CAPS, Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality, Style, or Prices The funeral sermoo of Mr. Richard Campbnll whoso obituary appears eU. whore in thoxe <x>lumn wa* preached in tho MetliiMiist churvh, Flesherton. last Sunday evening by Rev. Mr. Avers. At tho close of tho -, nn. 'ii. Dr. Chrintoe made a brief but olmjutnit sporch rl - At C'ollingwood, i tine 2Ut. Richard Campbell. ST., aged N! year*. I >i-i-. SM-.I as well known to IIH a a genial and courteous old ^eutli' man, rcady-witUMl, and oxtremely well meaneas that want* to g*t iu wuc* no- vt-rsed in the politics of tho day. He t*d Krati* in tho ediUirial nduinni in was at one time, we talirvt? iu the order t.. aare tho taji nf tho advortitu^ oarly history of thiH Townnhip - Clerk o.lunins, all the men wh. want to b* 8*1 of Artcupwa. ami was for many ye-ars a ntf' 1 h" nevrr were riijht, all the crat-k public school U-a. lu-r. He leave* be- brsuiwl philoSophiTs, with stri,-s a.< l,.ru' himl him a largo ami very rtn|>octahle at their finger nails, m mourning brcau* family, amongst wlnun we nn^ht men- J bereft of soap ; all the variou* borv* who tion Capt. A. 0. Campbell (No li('o. fll.t , cone to stay five minute* and st< p C.zno ani Sao The new Glassware, Batt.) of Toronto, and Mr. Richard Campbell, Town Clerk of Collingwood. The remains were intern*! iu tho fani hour. Krum the editorial and rr|rtnri*J room* all the folhea and shams of the arw awn day by day and tho- Woi- atire to the deceased, whom lie bad j j| y burying ground. Flesh., rton cemetery. ' plati.-,, , t,, K|,,.v,. neither in (I.*!, known for many yeiirs, and wlmrn to know was tu respect. Many interesting nfcU relative In the past life of Mr. Campbell wrre given, and the speaker testified in glowing words to his hon- esty, straightforwardness, temperance, i and general uprightness of hrart. It i may bo remarked that the deceased ) gentleman was tha first public school I tvachor in Arteniosia. Rev. Mr. Coulter, of Meafnnl. filled the pulpit of Chahaier'* Church (Flosher- ton) last SMI nl ay morning and evening, preaching anniversary nermons of more on Wcdnomlay of lant week.- Eo. VANCE.] AD- Us* Betwrrn FIcHliertoti and rtie reiidvnce of Mr. John Adauin. a young latiirs' | ''il. Kinder will ploase leavo same at ADVAXO* Office, Flonhertou. or return to Mr. Jos. Richardson. I*ot N.. 11. Co/' 18, Proton, and be awarded. nor woman. It , ( ,, eur|.n tu n* that' in your profiai..n thvao arw akepti.-sJ men. 1 only wonder that yen believe anything. I'nless an editor or a re^Tifr has in hi* prvwnt or his early home a model of earnest character, i* l>e tlu-. w> hiiuarlf uix.n the uuholdins; grace of ; IH 1. hs niu.1 luake teoi|<oral aui et*rnal slut- An*. Bl Day at I 1,1: . ,n ;t. The liitli of Jnly will be a red 1. 1 ter " day in tho Town of Eugunia this ' year, as the Orangwmnn of the Art*- than passinj; hltorort. Rev. Mr. Coulter , ">' district are going to celebrate tho pnoaesscH Ute pleasing faculty of ad- " Battle of the lioyae " in the clawiic dre*si hi* hearers a* though ho were ""lea of that bnautiful mral rotrtnkt. HpeaViuK to oach and every one indvidn '* w "ud'r*to.il. also, that Orange lod ally. Tho langn*K? used i* componcd *"* *""" Osjirey and Knphrasia will chiefly of the simplest bnt most forcible '' ' l(> braU' tliu " (ilorioua Twolfth " at Anglo-Saxon words, and is therefore in t. llu:ililn to the amallest child in an audience almost. The conversion or C / .wv. -.. . , wui* ! M well kn iwn rei the thief on the croas formed tliu theme dont of that i>lae. ws>* ,|,-.-l ir. I mcarub's of thu morning 'lriurm, and it is need- ''T hia phyniolsn. the .1 iK>aM< bring a r,mi- leu. to *ay. that the close attention of fl' *, 1 !'." ^"7 " <t , nT - r 7>-'""' I- tw.. lnv he hsssS] iftlief m Hurdixik 1II..-J tli largo auilieuce wtto mantamed from ltni.ru, n a in 1 om month he eulirely rt beginning to end. Meal or d K,,. i,l. Frum tmr iitrn (lirr(*peei</n,r. CFollowing waa rsoeived too late for hat week s paper. "Kd ) Mr. R Wnght rateod a MW frame bam n the 12tn itist. Massr*. W. J. c,,^.j ahd R. Shaw were A captaina. It was C,,^yV mrl claim the , but considering (tow the w,,rk as n.ni|dfin|, Shaw and hi* nion havr m>lhh% U. U ajibaiued f. The barn u Mx40 with su>nu atabl** underneath Measn i; Waring and J. Hr-nlt, arst the rontrnctora. Mr. E. HriKli* has a field of barUy out HI head. A goodly ndhiber atk-ndpil the ifre.i Liberal demonstration in Oweu S.-un. last ve*k. Glassware, Glasswaic f The new Crockery, Crockery, Crocker)- ! The new Dress Goods, Prints, Mushus ' The new Jfo5iery (i loves, Laces ! The new Cottonatles. Shirtings, Cottons ! The new Te>ts, Sugars, Coffees .' The new Raisins ! The' New Goods in All oh' view at D. l!>epartment. MUNRO'S. D.SJDNRO.