-"1 -* F.LESnEKTON: THURSDAY. Jl'NE 24. 188C. " Queen Esther." Tkr (mrtiutl Xitrrcil Orntnrin to Itt l;<-iH<<n<t in l>rlll Hlinl, I'l. -li. on Itiniiiiiinii /><(;/. tourt of Kt-viMusi. T , K , f ii,, w i, iw information, relative to To the KtMor ofThf .4>tnmcr. j .. Rep ro aonU,tive Character*," " Intro- As some difference of opinion exists dw'tory Iteuiarlis." Ac., inthegrand and regardiiuj tho validity of the Court of M uhliim'a.wred oratorio of" Ksther, the Ueviswu recently held, it would not lk , lltifu j y UH4 , u ," which is to be rend- be amiss to rive the authority for its actions. The statute under which we acted was sub sec. 1W of sec. 66, cliap. 180, which reads: in thc 1 trill Shed. FleHhertoo, on tlie oveuiug of Domiuiuu Day, July 1st, will bo of intorest to all of our readers. Me errors which ned convcl- "iiin, thc Court limy extuttd the time " for making coin plaints ton days far- ' thtT, ami limy men meet and deter- mine- tin- additional matter com Where it MfttN that there are There will be 100 jHrformers in Ancient Costume, maiiy of which latter have been in-cured for the occasion at great cost. tntr<nlit<-tory. The events that will bo represented in "plained of, aud the Asst-Hsor may th j B Ent.MUinment trampired ahoul 400 " for siU'li pin-posit Ix- tho CoinplaiuiuH. ' y C4rf , \\. <j. , while Artaxeries, or the Vlrv-ii> rut uf Ezra. wa^. on tlie IVrsian lie. Having dei><ed his yueen Yiudita for diaotiedicnce, he was pleased with a. Jewish maiden named Esther, nut knowing her to bo Jewess, and made her his l. Thi , b ,, t her llncle , ,, ,., the Persian capital (he b*- (Act of Ib78.| Hut to correct uuy doubt it, the Act of 1881 adds to this as sub sfctinn 20 : " lu case auy person appeals against " his assessment npou uny ground, tlru "Court of Revision or the judge of (,,'' Jewish olfictsr) to l.nik after the in ' the county court, as thu case may " be, may re-open the whole iniestion " of the assessment., so tluit oiuissions " or errors iu the assessment may be " corrected, and the accurate amount " for which the u.-sehSii;i nt should be " made be placed on the assessment " roll by the Court or .Judge before tereats of bia jieople, and to lie near his niece. Hainan, an Auialvkite, and nnt- ural eiininv of the Jews, occupied the chief cniitideiico and favor of the Kinit. and Lrini; annoyed and irritated by the Riipartut disre|>ect of the Jewish officer, Mordi'cai, laid a plot for the massacre of tin- win ile Jewish nation, and the sjiuli ation of their coods. The rendering of handing the same over to the clerk the programme will illustrate how the " of the nxmicipalit} " Tb quebti'iu mise*, did any one eomphiiii of his ussessintnt '.' It will not be denied t. :i - . - '.i-rul did so, and thc necessary steps were taken to hold the court of P U.IMII, and upon exam- ination by the court many very palpa- ble errors wen ill-cow r. il. TheCdnrt asked the Asseobor to certify to these errors, as is p ivrived lh sLrtioti gave him power I) do, by which act tin reading i;f the section certainly meant Hufli 1'riftt, no inoniiiinatioii of himself; but lie y/, () i,,,,,iA Mr. E. Hichardaou stood ou Lis dignity and utterly re- /y. //ul) Mr. J. IJaskervillc fused. What thua was to be done ? t Mr. >V. IVtcl By section 'JO the Court possessed au- ' I Mr. J. W. Lanrc thority to proceed and iliil so ; IK eaii- ' \ Mr. C. J. it would have Ir.-n unfair to hsvo i Mr. E. Kicliardaon made the changes without notification to partfest affected. T.I DM- tiie liikine of tho inuuicipiiiity was altogether mi- pl.it .i* laid and defeated. f'luiractrrt. Mr. A. R. Fawcctt <Jtirrn Esther, Miss Addie Armstrong ll-nnnii Mr. Win. liarnhouse /, , . ^ Miss Ella Ayera Mitrdectii, Mr. J. f!. RuMell iforfa-ittt Nwl.r, ..... .Mis E. Damude ViojJtetftt, Mis* M. Heecroft . . .Mr. J. Strain Mr. David lilair Mrs. W. Irwin .V""!". \ Miss Man- Smith Attendant) \ .;.. T ;, Jr, necessary- -theu was no ap|>dUnt necessary in the case of errors discov- ered by the Court. 8e evction -JO, Kill ,., above quoted. f Mwa M. VanDuaen Mian. K. Nellaniy / John \V Field \ Austin Fickell Here was an honest attempt with- VjJ** 1 out prejudice or malice, to equalize j J_ tlie assessment of the Township, yet ' / the Court was met hy opposition from me.ii whoM duty it should have been to assist in those correclious the As- sessor even going so far as to obtain le^al advice to substantiate his posi- tion And if he bad kept it to himself, nothing would Live he.-u thought of 1 I ^ 1 e sums the ni.itur ; but be spread bis inform- ^ol.o ation to others, who had not examined the statutes for themselves, took up the sou),', and the Chairman of tin Court wa< challenged by an cx-ooim- cillor as to the legality of tho Court. I. < ijiTilriiin Mias Ettiu Ayera r, . .Mus llella (ijordrum .Wu.Mi-a/ IHrertvr, Mr. D. S. Munro I'uiHid Mias Bella Chriatoe Programme. ACT I. CliOUt'S OF PERHIAXR-With Ha iii.iii in tin- funyroiiinl ''Hainan, II, i man '. 1.. !!. I. ii.' 1 1 mi in Ity ll.iniiin mi the a|i|K-aranc ' Mordecai. " Kili-.ld thia Murdecai in (corn, sitting at the King's Gate Ti the Kinn I will i,"'. this obdurate Mordeuai to overthrow." SCION E II ACT I. A client generally receives advice ac- HAMAN fjtitt*dff& Kintf fur the cording to the statement of his case- in this matter the statement was in- complete aud then f' ue the written judgement corresponded to the state- ment. I say nothing against the Assessor for, I dare say, assessing the Town- ship in tlie winter season of tho year, few men could be found to do it any belter. If blamahlc at all and 1 am sure he must be it is in not merely refusing his aid to correct errors, but iu endeavoring to fortify himself by obvious erroneous advices from his Orangcville attorney. And I have vciy little to say regard- ing the ex-Councillor, who so iinsii.-rd the privilege granted to him by the Court, in his evident .-plet nish action towards the Chan man. Asa citizen he has a perfect right to complain of anything wroii", pertaining to assess- ment ; but there arc proper times and means for such purposes, and if errors have occurred tlie blame should have been placed on the proper shoulders. It was unfair, unjust, and showed an unpardonable weuktie-Ks to have shown such an mi warrantable vimlictiveness towards tlie Chairman iu such a place ofertlui'W i .f the .lews ; the reply >f tlie KIIIIJ and tho granting of his pe- I Hainan ''A Song ol I'riijiliotew, warning them of the of their wicked course " Lo o'er th Wicked." ACT II. <V,,,nM i./Jncj. Sill/) M.'i'li'ai lamenting the condi timi of his people "\Vo ia me, for the devices of the wicked prosper. " S<Ltt-Etlier "Israel, oh Israel, for thfu do I truinble. " DUET yueen and Mordecai "(Jo thou unto tin' KIIIIJ and make sumdicAtion for our people." Esther's reply Chor- us "\\boknowuat but thou art come into the Kingdom for such a time as this. " StL,O Esther The reiuilve, "Faat ye and pray for niv, and I'll i>u unto th Kmu PHAYEKr MordecsU "To Thee, Lord." SOLO AND CHORUS "Prayer f..r success.' CHORl'S "He that goeth forth and weepelh." CHoHl'S "(i(xl is tho refuge of His S( )1,O Prophetess "Therefor* will we never fear. " one who never did him any harm, who does not seek to do him harm, and has always been sorry to have lost Iiis friend.;!,,,, ,,,,,, merely ,,,,au- KSTHKIrs 8ppetrallce before the King thenticated opinions of his own. s , , , .. W |,,{ t ,, it, yuecn Esther I" 1 ' H A Y EK - M < >rdecai's Sister "In Thee O Lord." ACT III. It may be said in conclusion, that the Township assessment contains many errors yet, and it will be the duty of future Courts to rectify them as nearly as may be. My ajwlogy for writing is to correct if possible tho erroneous impressions afloat, and vindicate tlie action of the Coutt. It would not be ainif* to bear iu mind that the Court of Revision is not the TownsbipCouncil. The Clerk's relations are different, the oaths are different, in fact a different institution connival in a sense, having powers to administer oaths, with appeals to the County .lud^e although constitu- ted by thc same men ; so that it dis- pels the idea advanced by some, if no other law existed, the Township could not appeal to the Court. W. 8. CHWBTOK. Honor Roll for S. H. No. 6, O.s* prey, for Hay. Sen'r 3rd. Total 800 marks ; Lizzie C<oper 745, Hughy Mektnnic 72H, Net- tie The. nip*. n 474 Jun'r 3rd, Total 000 ; Nelson Vanuutr 630, Harry Afekeoiae 680, Freddie Otte- well 450. Scn'r 2nd, Total 400 ; Jas. Mekenzio 847, Joaiah Crawford 229. Ki i * i >~RoK!Vi, Teacher. Dl'KT "Long Live Our Beauteous Queen." ACT IV. CHORCS OF 1'KltSIANS-Witli Ha man and Xercsh, and attendants in S)L() AND CHOWS "Haste to the r..ni(|iii't Hall." SOLA) Alto attendant "Morducai, the Jew." Snprano attendant "He and all his nation." Haman "Yt all this svaileth me not." Zereah "Why should this Hebrew vex my Lord ! "Make th<m sallow* fifty cu>>iU hiijli.' tTHORVS -"Hurrah '. Hurrah ! &c." SCENE Il-ACT IV. KINO 011 the throne. Scribe reading. KING- -"What honor and dignity hath IHJCII dune to Mordecai for this I" BORIBB "Notlini{ is dono for him." KINO "Who is in the Court." Si'KlUK "Hainan is in the Court." KINO Let him come in. Oh, Hainan !' HAMAN "Let the royal apparel bo brought." KINO "Make haste and take the ap parel, and doeren so to Mordecai." CHORUH-"Aha ! Ah !" QUARTETTE Ouards " The King hath given commandment." CHORUS -"Open ye the *at< CHORUS OF BA8SOE8-"For He hringethdown.'' j SOLO Mordecai'H sinter "For thoi hast l>e-ii a strength to the I'.-.r. " PKAYBK - "Thou wilt keep him in per feet peaee." |!ASS SOLO High Priest -"Thou wil keep him." CHORUS-"TTust in the Lord." ACT V. TRII MI'HAL MARCH-Haroan claims Mordecai. pro A Matin,-,. lrotablr. It in alto)?rthrr likely that an after- Boon performance ol the Oratorio of Quoen Ktithrr will be |{ivf>n in the Shed, on Dominion Day, for th of those unable to attend the evening 1 rHViu! 's't^T/KLS "We have performance. Dnc notice will be giren ramUing. " by do,l K er. on the day nwnetl, should it SCKNE II-A<T V. U decided to do thin. IIAMAN'H DEFEAT His wife's sym- l ' pathy. Hurrah fur Dominion Day! still)' TVjLullii.i! defeat." If you want , llftrga i n . f 0(> ,,ie to LO H,-^ "J)ut ha.t to Ui Bail- iK1-hert<m H-.tuurant. W keall 4 UBtlil111 kinds <( Camln's, N'uta, Biacuits, Kreh .M"3K 111 ACT V. Kniita, Lemoiin, Ora(?p, Ic.- Cnwm, THE B.inQI' KT Duet and Chorus, Lemonade, and other Summer drinks. I,. .in- l.-ni >'ii !: -ixuti-oui Queen." 'Flowers and Vegetable Plants. ERK 1'Uli) (Jiiwii n1 iittL-ntlanta "Long takmi in esuhangu fur uonds. Come Olio, Live iurXI .1. 'Kiny." ,-.,, 11. JAMES BKKCKOFT. KAN IX 1 . HiKl S "rant's bring wine." ~>i M i "Hi*i(, what i thy ptititiou t" Si|.( )- IJioei "Tlie Di-niinciatinH." HAMAN * CEIIKMI pioad with the tht-m. KlMiberlr). From our oni C'onTSpoiMfeiif, Rev. Mr. WaUon, Pastor of tho Bap- MI l.i i Kmijj --'*(> l)ne, unj{ratefulmiin." tist church, Flesherton, occupied the HARItoN II! "IVfiold there waithi)?; u of the MBth odist Church in this place t;i)n.li bi mil by Unman s hauds, a gr 1 hijih." lr t Hainan die." lowi KIMi PART I Si; ; 'Nov The friends of tho Rabbath School in- MORDW-.ll n> 1 ir-*ini n g < Sister. tli.' Grent. iunl HarbonsA "Te, (^ircat. " 'Do I wake, or THE MARKETS. fLESHEBTON. Carefully (' </, -f-i/ /wir/i /.. Flour 2 -25 to 2 '25 Fall \Vln-at 70to 75 St'KNK SOLO King : tnd having their auuual picnic on Do- : .1 i>_ _* " minion Day. A friendly game of ball wan played on the 5th, between thu Eugenia & Kimber- ipriag Wheat " <>"> Barley IK) Oats 28 Peas 62 Butter 12 Eggs, fresh 09 Potatoes 20 Pork 5 Hay.por ton 8 Hides C Wool... 00 00 25 15 Sheepskins 50 (I 75 00 (i -.'il 02 '-2* o oy '25 5 0(1 1000 7 25 16 H5 Hours 'WliOT the Lord faiiithiui|Mtavity i if /ion." FIK^ALK. ORA.SD CHCCIU'S "Praise U>rd" turned the There Uu b-een considerable sickness here diirin i( tbw lait few weeks. Ttiere being > ft -i oeatM of Diptheria and anum her uf <.(! st but uiiil.T-lir :alil't reatnu-jit of Dr. Ken lias ImiJtinit little re-st his patients. are all lik. dytcu reto ver. A fjunil ij fiaarrel oc. urred mi the Third line in a f;uu:i] j unnied Orahani where after i> in* t mrv'sy words were exchange t>M Mr- ii nl i*iiir- niiiiu'tii'ed t. trample the garde ;ii U-i>n^ini{ t'i hr IKtU'.'htur-in- Lw vti'' i, ti- >" \iiii; wmiiaii " seized " a ' hoe and I. i-el nhe 1 d Lady off the place a Lawauil u lilue-ljr to wind up tho whole atfair. Seeding^ fctirna; rii' w fully ended, Farm- ers re SHI" n taking thinvs iiuietly but l..i.fini:ii jtwiiMlx fi T rain which is much MM Zeresh, Mordecai 's ley boys in which the latter came ut ' com! bst. Undor the superintendency of path- master Ellis, excellent work haa boon dune on tho n-ads, in Kimberley beat this season. The cro[ in this locality are offering owing to the severe drought. Mr. \\'ni. Stuart lost a fine St. James yearling colt last week. It is supposed to have fractured its skull wlulo racing through the fields. Mr. C. Treadj.">ld Fleshert.i, agent for Mat < 1 1 . I-T mm Cttrretpumirnt, and fevers, i Organs *c. was in town last week. Word has been received of the safe ar- rival of Mr. J. Hurlburt, who left here sometime ago for Moose Jaw, N. W. T. His accounts BO far ore favorable: to that country. ADVERT1SEME1NTS. NOTICE. TV HUH'- *'. D Argent is at tending the bin dr^a NOTICE Is hereby clva that a by-law I.MKO.I by thu Munlcl|>al Cxmncil .( th ,lnn o(th Township ol Artouioia, < i >.f Jiin. A I) UM,,|irovldm^(or Corporati tlll l Ilk 1'ownhlp o! xr(uiMia. u iv i.I Juno. A I) UKb.providiD^foi ib*ntarw to the amount n(thirt) U 1 lamiltou. Major Suther- land tillisMlfcWi ||XMntuienU in the I'res- byterim Chircli on Suhlmth. The Church wsa CMI -ileil and nearly aa many remain- ed outniiBi. Mr Ricxbuil Heron is attending Confer- ence at lUnuiyitoii M L*eli{ate from the Metli<liB! I'l n ireh hero. Mr. NiBuLli 'f Pleaherton ban opened out | a Shoe SH> ;.i n uur villa<f and from ru;>- i ntti. n mi mi ttcipate grand rults tt> tho village tmivdl SM htmwilf. Mrs Oniant. i >f I'nioiiTillo is hero visit- 1111; li<r IKI ii -ur much tateuined School Teacbti ilnllar* i*3SOO(K)| fi>r |.ur;.". . if School Suction Nunibor Fire, of the Township ol \rt. m-i. anil th t mob Hjr Law wan rguteri- 1 latbti llri;itr) < '*ru for South (ireT nn tlie Eleventh .lay! .liiur A. 11. 1HW. Any motion to quuh ur Mtt Slide th/nin. or anv pkritliervoi. nitiit l.t' tiiailt* within three viontha from thu dato ol the K.fixtration tbereuf and canuut liu I:i'li' ll.i r.'^lt- Dated ai Kleih.-rt.in thli ilet day olJune. IKK. W. J. IiKl.l. VMV. Twp. Clerk. TUe Tborough I DURHAM" BULL, Will be lor Kemce at Lot 130. 3rd R. T. A R. H., Artoim.nl*. during thu pretunt MMon. Termt, ! per cow. payable 1st Jan. Uttt. W. H. JOHXSTON, Proprietor. Now Harness Shop -IX- Corrnporulrnt. Tlie cr-i';*n.r bti ng considerably dam- aged -i>t nciw, by the wire worm. _ _.___-.. -.- -. , Th U, tr,p *ill liksly be a partial fil- P K I C El V IJ-jJ-JJll I ureon'kwoimt ,.f Ui dry weather. Dr. Strongman and , have been absent for ( lur Wi mi .tiers, Voi. 3 onioti m ie tick attuiidiiiK the Conference. Tlit! MbtliuKJiot church here ia under going co itaii rr>ai n. Tha lli'.|^'l I mid ineetiiics here mi T uesKlaj-i*i u ngi, have proTed to bo a MT\ inl<r<itiiiii; |i;*rt of the week's ser- VICOB. l'i it.i .; K>:nae nf ymir readers would like Ui dear- about .Major Sutherland* welfare, li'is nt jireHent liuUlinu a aeriea of reriiBil itrrrkei at Siiighapton, hut his voice Iiiunnliclatlj failed him. Mr In !. Mill. -n ii putting a largu fruuii! k-.ua* is)> tli is sum HUT. SutuH' Lulxir is coiunieucing hero now. \nl 'f this |.l.ke intend t ievis of social's v tun. Mr. U\ II ainei occupied the pulpit of of tli YMetkunlistchurcn here last. Sabbath in ;iU'i u"lf tliu sninisters. t/iiileei iiunailxT of men fmui thia lucal- ity venue Jeecl u|ijii sa Jurymen, to at- tuiiil tlie>tnj /_ 111 Owen Sound thi* week. Mr. nTVr<iiay met with with a slight h'.'KlitntSlMPiilliii^ fruui a scaffold. rreito Inlonn t . "f I'riwvlllo anil nurrouadlng uoifthborbood, that ho 1ms Mimiuencud in thi Hurunm MakiiK bu-liii'- in I'm .-vllii'. whir, lie liiipi-n to - ,,Ur. i.l p'lliiic patn.u.i;. AUwork will be atten.l.'il to .it lowftat rauli rat4S Single n-l . L>oubl*> Harii.iMt sot up in nrnt rl atyle <;->.. I 'aMortuiont nl \Vhlpa. Hrui-li.'n. lurry Couilx. Lap IJuiturn. Uuin, 4c.. alwy In stock. K- J. WATSON . PIM1PBIETOB. Tbtwwll br4 Durham Hull, Prince Arthur, Will ho lor MTTica thin >-nn at Lrfit 100. 1st U .-t I ft B. K , Artvuietia. 'I i nun. 71cutK iir row. payable lt Jan. 1HN7 Hurrah, buy*! now'n your o|i|>.irtunlty to im- rnvi' your itock at "prim to null the tlm." \Vn. CAUH I'AMKI n. Proprietor. Tho Wi'll Ilrx<l Durham Hall, DAH1VTLESS. II o,,,,r-HiBI for SiinilM rl.- s. ho,. I for Nay. Clusi IV Ullnl -arruth-n 140, Alfred Thuist.ni i:U. .Mm Dynes 121. (;. Ill Ti'hn M", 11 131, Geo. P.ur ntt Kid . i, Miajt^jiu. \damai in 107. Wiltor Haker 133, Herby Wm . Mundle 99. I, Dertlia Baker 134, Joseph OhRWISBlM, Itoie Curtcs 125. Ho. on W fur month .............. 86 llvln'it iiliilly attendance ............. 75 l.<irst .daily utti't idance ............ 62 illy attendance ............ ''-' S. UAUDIM, Teacher. Will b foTthsiwrviceof Tows th on of l>r, athion place. Let 152, 3rd llange Wct, T. A 6 K . \TlvtiK.la. Triu. II OU pr row, pnvable on or before Jan. lt. 1NH7 f.iwn not re-turned NfttellytO bull will lxliarit>.| vtlmtlinr in rait or imt DONALD MrKKSXlK, l'r,'i.ri.-t.,r For Kale ll am-* U in ilMifr. >iu Kl.ii>hi-rt<in. (loo<l warm Ir&nie (Iwflnnc. 7 looms, good cAllnr. Koodntalilo nefr failing eprliiK rr...k T. rnie eauv. K<>r prticular apply to \V J H K.I. 1. AMY. Klohi-r- ton-ortoC W. BILI^MT. Markilale. Cluu II, FawcctrtLl CUw .|>nt James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleslierton Ilepalrlnn. KavetrouKhlng, and lu fact every- tiuiiK in the buniuoH will receive my prompt anil careful attt'iitlou at PAINTERS MATERIALS Always kept in .Stock. Call and M them. WOOL! i WOOL! Till.* having Wool to sdl or manufacture will find it to their advantage to fill tttDio FLESHERTON Woollen Factory ! 71,.- Vlwrliiiicry Wing now in splendid working order, and having engaged ;i atinfi)(c onii tent Lmidp, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in slOD&li. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt aud MTafv! lUextion and done at reaeoDablo rates. Don't fail to givo us a call. W. H. PLBSHER FLESHERTON. L&an & Insurance AGENCY. Tlios. A. KiakHy, House and Carnage Painter, Flcsberton. 1* prepared to attuiulto all work in his Unroof hui.in.'1-s in tlu- n . t .-iitUfm'lorv anil workman like iMtnn.-r. Dstiumt.-K eheWTalllf fiiruihi-il and oootraats oazrtod oat to ths l.'ttor. Ordun in town or country, by umil or otherwitt, wil r !<<' I vi< eiltmllv pri'int't attrnt i.m Bhop ovur M'lll.iirincarriani' works. THOS. A. BIAKELY. MONEY TO LOAN! OJ Instisnwe effected on Farrn and Village Building and co&teutg. Insurance againflt Lightning a flpccialty. I Dcdts, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, Ac., carefully prepared and properly OTICE, Toronto street, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. , \ OF THE HEART, EKYSIPELA8, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, ( THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every iperlt of dlrae aris'ie from disordered LIVLH. KIDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, ort, TORONTO. T. MILBURH 4 CO., HEARD'S CAIUtlAGK WORKS! Fleshert-jn, May 2 8th, 1886. 1 o our t 1 nends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed towards the manu- facture of Carnages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies Carriages and Waggons. KARD-8 CAKBIAQB WORKS. Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Hill & Planing Factory, In the Village of Priceville, Being fitted up with New Machinery, of the latest and most improved pal terns, ia SEC'O.VI > TO NONE in the County of Grey. We are prepared to supply the public with any amount of' Lumber and Bill stuff at Lowest Cash Prices. We have on haud about 50,000 feet of Maplo aud JJirch Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use. Sawing and Planing done expeditioasly and satisfactorily. Special bargains ivcii to Builders, Contractors, and Cash purchasers. Having lately put in an Emery Wheel, wp can pmn Crosscut Saws in firit class style and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will convince you that this is the spot to buy your Lumber. Pricevillc, Feb. 23nd. '80. PHOTCGRAPHY. MRS. BULMEE. J'/iofo^mp/iar, Flesherton, - Ont, HaTinciipeut sumo time in the studio of the tamou Ti>ri.iiti> rin itimrapli.T. Mr 8 J Olson, where I a<><]utrd valuable kimwledpo in Ketoa- chniK'. 1 f-'. ! H.Mir.'.l I can Kive r' M "l fffieral atiilaetioii. A callrecpc-ctfullj vuliritud. Flhert'in. MHS. IU LMER. . 17th. INHfi. Now Butohfr Shop in Flesh- erton r Peich & Mitchell. THE unrtomi(;ni..lri.j>frtli!lly tk this rm>or ttinity to aniiiiiiii. i t.' 1 1 , [. 'j.i, o! rlunb- ..rt 'ii .i'i,l urrouiiilinK .iinitrs.tlmt tlu.y have started a Butcher Shop in t'n :mt.i enxtilmir t . tli. Marl.;. \\.TkK. ri,i:slll.ltros, where they will I... p% ii-.-.i t> inri't with nil who lavor thuin with tin ir I'.iin-i.ut'i' t're<h Mt'atH of all kinds, ami lixli. .Vi in th.-ir -iinou*. ,ourfl. I'KTCH A MITCHELL. Sm. I in r.'iitH |ii-tane, iiii.l wi. will mail VOQ Iron a royal, valuable, SasBptfl I. m ol Roode Hint i.ill |uit )ou In the way ol mukiri; inori. nn.noy at oncf>. than any- thliuielteln AIIHTJIH r th i.x t . of all '< . unhvi. at lliilui. and w-.rk in K|'.,r.- tun. , or .11 tin. tun. Capital not rnqolrea \\ < ill tart you. tmmeiue par ore for those wlm itart et mi,-.. tOnosreTOOH I'ortlaml. Maine A GIFT Important Notice! Thosiilmrrfl>i-r |. ,.p, to inform tlin poopln of FlelKTt<iiiaii'lMirriMiiMlin ( .i'ountr>,that hehas 2inllfrtiin ! Ii .-in - tun. noil i, nnw | uparoil to furmi.li liilU of any luuglli or niie of Uumbcr LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. AlwaynoD hand. Slabwoodcut toHtove-leiigtha uu baud. CiiBtoin Swin doDe by the thousand. REASONS Wh) you Bhoul.I Ret your Luinbor andHlilaglet. cut by Rpcncer: (1> Every 8aw In tho Mill In New and tho mill Is In porfuct order. (2) -Bocami! lie in a practical sawyer Midkouin his Haws aud machinery in |>< rfoct order. (3) Hecaune ho cuts all KcautlinK Jolc* exact- ly to tho 1)111 furnioheil. )-He has put in a I.tin.lier Edgor and all IxianlH aru saino wldtlm from one unrl tothe other. (5> Bocau*o you can take a load nf logs to the mill and a load of lumber hnme same day. (o)-IlecaiiHo he guarantee* to out all ctintom work in a workmanlike Tiiannoraudnatisfaction guaranteed. (7)-ecaum all .awing U done at rock bottom prices. Lumber Drlivtrtd if Required . G. H. SPENCER Bept.10th.lKS-, FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain thaw nwn PwRatlTs. ! a safe, snrn, and fftrri**i *S*iWr / wvrm* la Cbililrau or | Havo on Hand a Full Assortment SUIYIMER GOODS. In Ocnta, Ladies, Misses and Childrens HOOTS i SHOES. I eud*avr satisfy uur customers both in Goods and Pricofl. . CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, !' J , ICS 1 1 K JtT'O IV FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS UF ST. Sui-li as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Hcadto < ' inn:, r mid I'.ililr To|>M iu American oA 1; iliiin M u hi,' und (iranite, arid mad* on nhort notice. Aliui Mantles hi Marbls Marl il.'i/ fil Slntc, ftc., tit. Flesherton, Aug. :JO, 18Kt. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS &OIMTMEMT THE PILLS Purify trw lllood, correct all LhHordun of tlio Liver, Stomach, Klein 9 yt*, and I <> W>IM. lnvlKornto and rontnro to lioalth Debllltateil Conrtltutloni. and are Inraluablt In alt Ces- I'laiuti. inuidi'ii tl t.i Komalun of all aK<n. For Childreu aud th aged tbejr arc prlocleas. THE OINTMENT an Infallible remedy for Bad LOKS. lt<ul MreMti, Old Woonda, HorM aud Ultwrs. Oout mill Kin unmt ism. For cliiorden of tho Chut it haa uo It U faaMus (* For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS OlandiilarSwelliiifis, and all Hkin DUeanea U ban no rlral ; and for ontracted ad stiff joint* It acti like a charm. Rannfactured only at ProfeMor Jim I.OWAV'S Kutalilislimrnt. 78, New Oxford Street ( late 533, Oxford Htrert ), Lond*n, and am acid at IB. 1J<V,2. 9il., K M., 1U., M.. ami :tMi. nacli Hox or Pot, and may be had of all Medf cino Vendoin tlironghout the WorM. Pnrthaitn ithaiilii Innt (f. (hr Lahrl im the Pott and BOXM. Ifiheaddrat u not 5.1. J, Orfnrd Sfrret, Lmdnn. they nre tptirvxu. J. W. BATES, Furniture- Dealer and Undertaker, ONT. NOTICE: A thorough brrd Durham Bull calf, n e month oH, for sale. Also a one year old Dnrham Bull. with good pedigrees. Also a good Steam Floor Mill aft Flesherton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER, Floshertou I'. 0. I,- , ,t-