Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1886, p. 1

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Killed by Lightning The sad news of the death of George Whittaker, formerly of this Township, has been received by his mother. Deceased was the eldest surviving son of Arthur and Mary Whittaker. He was a promising young man, about 22 years of age. He accompanied his father, about two years ago, to Dacota, to seek a new home, the rest of the family being left in Artemesia until provisions were made for their removal to their new home. The sad news was received yesterday that he was killed by lightning while working in the fields. The sad news has cast a gloom over this neighborhood, and much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents and brothers and sisters. We tender Rev. A. Wilson, the esteemed pastor of the Presbyterian church here, our profoundest sympathy in the hour of his sad bereavement in the death of his little son. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. John Pentland, of Heathcote, which occurred a short time ago. Congestion of the lungs was the cause. Mr. Pentland was one of the most kindly of men, and a most earnest Christian. We tender our deepest sympathy to his God-fearing and pious wife and family. Drowned A man named Walker, tailor at Priceville, committed suicide on Sunday of last week. It seems he tied a smoothing iron (or "goose" as it is called) to his neck and threw himself into the Priceville mill pond. When the body of the unfortunate man was discovered, was noticed that he had the rope attached to the "goose" firmly grasped in one of his hands. Perchance he regretted the rash act when too late? No reason is assigned for the sad and terrible termination of Walker's life. Obituary To the early residents of this part of the country - many of whom are still living - the following particulars regarding the sad and sudden death of Capt. Geo. Pickell, which occurred on Thursday, 18th inst., in Detroit, may be interesting: - While making his first trip this season, on April 1st, he was wrecked off Point au Pelee, lake Erie, where he and those with him were several hours in the water after the cabin was washed away, and were finally rescued with great difficulty by the people on the shore. The exposure and cold he then suffered - for which he was totally unfitted by severe illness during the preceding winter, brought on a severe affection of the heart and lungs by which he was completely prostrated for some time; but previous to the event of his death he had recuperated considerably and went down to Detroit to transact business concerning his wrecked vessel, which lay there. While shakin g hands with a friend on Woodward avenue, he fell dead in his arms. The funeral took place at his residence in Algonac, Mich., and was largely attended by many from Port Huron and Detroit, as well as friends and more immediate neighbors - as he was well and favorably known all along those lakes as a competent and trust seaman, and had, as always, many warm friends. The text from which his funeral sermon was preached, was one of which he often told his people he would like, and the one from which the funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Pickell, his former wife, was preached, viz., "There remaineth, therefore, a rest for the people of God." On the Sabbath preceding his death, he was as usual found at his post in the Lord's House, and on that day a friend said to him, "Mr. Pickell, you are looking well after your illness, but you are liable to be called hence at any moment." His reply was, "My lamp is trimmed and burning." Those who are left to mourn have th assurance that their loss is his gain. Heart disease was the cause of his death. He was over 60 years of age, and before his illness last winter, was a hale, hearty man. CALL AT THE NOTED Jewelry Store. FleHlierton. To buy Watchoj, Clonks, Jewelry Spectacle*, Faney Goods, &c., if you want to save money, aa Rucsull is n- .tei for selling a tine quality of goods at very low prices in fact other dualora througr out the country complain that Russell u spoiling their trade, aa they cannot com- pete with him. Do not leave yor re- pairs with anybody but Rusae.ll, the Boss Watchmaker & Jeweler, as he attends to every job himself. JAM. C. K I ssl I I . Jeveler, <tc., Flaherto*, Otit. Canadian 1&apos;aciiic Railway. Owen Sound Branch, TIME TWDL.E. Effect, AfWfciy, Juiy STtk, 1SS5 Xorib. STATIONS. Wail Ki|&apos; Mn..l roroneo &apos;.&apos; ?.~Luave 7 **iu 4*Spm 1 Carswcll Junctloll t*"7 " G*> Obarleaton , " Orange- 1 Arrive &apos; 9 SO &apos; T08 " villn. flxiave 1006" I 7 M " Oran*evillu Juiic-tion lo 17 " | 7 34 " Bhelburue ,1045;; Dundalk 11 10 " &apos; OSO " FI*HTOK .. ..I1JS" ,886" Markdale 11 a " i 910" Wllllamaford 1812pm Ckawworth IS* Owen Soun.l Arrive 1 I 00 " 10 *> " doine South. &apos; STATIONS i..,. Mail. MUej. rjvvn Sound Lare&apos; Ohataworth Winiam.ford MarUaU Skelburue OrtngoTilU Junction.. Orange- 1 Arrive ttlKv I Leave Oharluiton Cardwell Junction Teronto Arrive 5 50 " 3 10 ~ i L. BOS - 330 " fi B T " ! SB " 6*1" | 408 " , JS 1 Ot I 4 SI T SI " 4 W " , HOD " J!3 " &apos; li " I S6 " I H39 " | 5M " | 85.S " 613 " 007 " : " 1045 " H90 " I . WHYTK. QB.N1.8CP-T. D.Mi-XICOLL. OBN&apos;I. I&apos;A. AOT J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles Ac., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.I&apos;. .VS . OST. PHYSIO V\. K1KGEO.\, tr. FLESHEHTOX. Mtlidtnn, ntrt tn ]>iritti>n < &apos;<mr< nffif.t. J.T. MAUSHALL.L.U.H DENTIST, 6HM>!&apos;ATR of TnniTita School ot Di-ntiitry, will t> at MiirW.l,. tlir It HII.I ..i I W<Hlu- Uy &apos;j( t&apos;- h n .lit i. tip 1 at I I.- i,&apos;it..n uu the tat ftn>1 Ir.l Thiim lay iu each month for the practice of M> j. w. FROST, Ihtrrtxtrr, Solit-ltor, Olllco. Stra(&apos; I&apos;liil.llin-. Ki Knr.KT(i<. A. A. I&apos;UKSI.rv. Solu t -r mill Cvnvuyanorr, ItoiMont Mun,-r. Ml: KUORT will b fouu&apos;i at tbe Office on Th&apos;iraitayn %* horctofore. P McCULLOUQH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. Olflrr, ovrr tlrFnrlnnd&apos;s Store. MarkUnlc. !Munry to Lonu. "MASSON & MASSON, AKIUS VKUi. S H.. iJnua Ow*n Hound. In Vlclipr&apos;ii l>loc, lotl HV; Branch offle* In Markdale, over III Frlad&apos;t tor. on Friday and Saturday every J.MASHO.N.Q.C. B. UASSO.N W.MAHHON. S H --Private A Company &apos; fuinN to invvtt at loin Hill tu F.ixitt 1" &apos; c. nt. ALDW1X lli-.ni II. ! l.i III. IS. Hll.II W HANDS, EUHLIN & QARVIN, tivcrtuurt tu Luuiltr <( ll&apos;imli, UAUHIHTKKS. Hoi.iri rous. NOTAHIEH. D OONVITAMCKB8, *0. Money to I-ian at I^awent liatnn ot lutoroiit. Ofuctm. 10 King Street Kaat, Toronto. tfarrts. John W. Armstrong, FLKSIIKIITOX, C<i. OIIKT. DIVISION COURT CLKKK, COMMIS8IONF.H In B. B., Conveyanrcr. Ac. aMBlforponliaM and aale uf landi Appraiawr frC I. C Coin- and F. P. B. A S. Hoctaty. Money to I/on on the moat reavoualil.- t.Tiiit. IHIIITKH or MAUIUAUE I.1CKNSKS NOTAHV Pl&apos;IIMC. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLKKK AHTF.MFSIA. CONVEY A \rKli, < &apos; INHUKAXCE AUT, .&apos;. D BEDS, MOKTOAft K.S.I. EA8KS. *c., |irrpe.r- ed and properly BMStrtod. linnranri> affvo- tedln drt-claecoijiiiiiuioi. Uoney to lend at lowei rates R. J. SPROUL, rt-m. Gmtxyanrrr, Ajiprnuer, Vnl- Mtler and Muttry /. i../-r. limit, Afiirt- tyu, ICOMI nnd WMi ifratm uji nnd r eiwatiotu made on thtrrtftt nuticf. CKtir- M< wry Joto. Anpiy t It. J. Hl&apos;KOULS, Pottmattr, Fltihfrion. Money to Loan. At 6J Per Cent. Ink-rest 1.11 .S<ni<//i< Loan. WITH latenxt piU.l r&apos;"\y, not In advance. No onmraliiiloDoharRvil. Apply to - TIIORXBfKY. H.l. CHARLE8WORTH, OWRN BOUND, ONT.. Breeder anil Importer of c iran". Huff. CncblD Mo; atamnotb LlklitBrahmas larx astnrkcys. flf.HuITt, aSfwr (lei . llraliina" *2 for doceo. R flne Black HpaniHh and PlyuiouUi Hook ecxitoioll. Improve your itock. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, <y- Cabi- net JUdker. AH repairs protnptly A- neatlv . t..,.ni..,i Bbops, Dnibam It, nit to iHiitch &apos;rnilorlng. Mam and aixMincatlnn cm abort.t notloe. abnrteat notice. Lath and Pine Limiter for Salr ft .|il&apos;(in< ity ot IMll.&apos; 1 ,11111 Stti,m Tri un.tnrlijni><l liaa it quantity her and Pine Lath for lale at Flmhi VIl.I.AdF. I.OT Kill SU.I. I have alo acond lot for .alo In Flnherton, which will h* dlKpoNnr) ,,f on ri.naonablfl ti-riim. Apply at ADVANCR i HV, ,. or to A1KJUB Flesherion Advanc LEITCHS &apos; T It UTM BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JiOT MEN." VOL. VI., NO. 262. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. JUNE 24, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, - >rmi T-R Tailoring Establishment FLESHEETON! Is the place to get your Suits made in future. IO Hampden Movements ! Cash ior Wool at % M. Richardson & Go&apos;s. Miss Nettie Madden returned home to Churchville ou Thursday last. Tho now uniforms fof our Brans Baud art to be ready by Dominion Day. For McColl&apos;B I.ar.linc Oil, and good bargains in general grocer ios, >Vc.. go to Neil&apos;s, r&apos;evurshain. Un Tuesday of last week, Mr. David We were HUOWU a curiosity thu other Anderson H. m of the Scottish Tocalmt day by our Chief of Police iu the shape captured a live mud turtle on the of a beautiful lar^e white rose, about Toronto A Sydeuham road, while driv- two inches in cireuuifen-iice. K r " w ">K ing to Klrslu-rtou. out of a cluHter of ordinary small apple blosaoms, which were plucked from au Attention is directed to Mr. W. A. appletreu in Mr. P. Howard&apos;s garden. Brown &apos;8 announcement iu our adrertis- No theory can bo advanced to account ing columns to-day, in which something t" account for this strange freak of km. I Word*. Our valued contemporary the Flesher- tou AliVAHi-t has turned over the first leave* of V.>1. V). Its good naturvd and generous editor lias had a hard struggle but aucotiss haa crowned hi* worthy ef- forta and to-day the AI>M E village To the Obituary. jr iMsdenU of this part o/ many of whom are still living - the following particular* regard&apos; ing the sad and sudden death of (apt. of special iutercat t<> those requiring "ture as a full blown row could not be j . watches, jewelry, Ac., will be found. grafted on the apple stem without H!IOW. er. Thu U&apos;,*i,t wishes it and eueiilation befora the ing. Mr. Howard nayx thin in the second Oar young friuoi, Mr. \\ . T. Jack- uaan, foreman of .Sf,m<tirrf Office, Mark- 1 which wou ld have appeare<l had we dale, gave UK a caU ou Monday. Four grades, Key & Stein, with my own namo on. Fine value. Ml to ISO. Also Waltham, Kl^in, and Springfield \\&apos;atch- en coimtantly in stock at competition priocH. American Clocks, Hollow & Flat. Silverware. I do a large business. a ,,,| j s , 1(1W , %u . ,ii,,lei-Mtiul, por^iiancntly koep a finely as-sortexl htock, sell retail. located here for the practice of his pro- aud give customers value for their f ,->sii .11. money. The public know my abilities&apos; In our Urge implement thia week time, this ha* occurred in hi* garden.- will be foond that part of the story BulUtiu. Li.&apos;.th.-r th., US- IH it volume. -In lit-. rial, which aninian7a ties of an editor s car an a practical Watch Repairer. W. A. BROWN, Tho next sitting of the Fifth Division i&apos;onrt for tlm County <>f <lroy will be hold at Klcnhertou on tliu &apos;i!nl day of July next at 10 o&apos;clook a. in. A Jeweller. Markdale, - Ont. THE ADVANCE. (I&apos;tMutied evrry TViursrfuy nwming.) A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Cat&apos;futiuij j l.t Ittuui ijitlhr uiiif Oth l liy Tlit Intrrtiting Jii-t reccivod at ItichardHon&apos;s Store, one cac of Pl&apos;llK PA HIS OKKF.N iu half pound aud i>ouu<l packages. The Spoetou mills projurrty near Flelurti!i is for Halo, aw will bo seen by |iitcrs ju &apos; i-. I (IMI I!IIH ofice. Rev. Mr. Ay i rti will preach a sermon to yollUR men iu tho Motho>lint churili b*re iiuxt Huu<Uy anreaing. A very interesting ami inxtructivo letti-r (mm tin- jn n uf our ouorgctic Reevf, Dr. l&apos;!n i(,tne, luailt-d, " I&apos;oiirt of Kru >iou." appearH in another column. The mi iiilnTs in- 1 u-Uerton Division Sons of Temperance, axe respectfully requcoted to attend thu iu \t meeting at 7 o&apos;clock for the pur]>OH of electing officers for the cuiiiiug Ujrm. Three of our Fleaherton youths, vii., Tom Clayton, Will Armstrong, aud Jack Heard, have boeo campinx out iu the neighborhood of KeviTwhaiu, Onprey, daring thu jiant two weeks. Our Denial Dannou who ha* friend. Mr. J. J. been attending the week, together with a largo amount of miscellaneous reading u.alter of general iutcramt. very clever the diffioul- eer, the KU&apos;iliL-rt..ii AuVAJCcm last week anuouitccd its fourth anniveraary. We heartily congratulat.- Mr. Kawcett, he- U a plucky, impartial ^IK! talented jounialist and luu done last much to keep up the rui.utatiua .W Kleeh- Whatrn-r U-t &apos; * Tho Mdi. al Hall&apos;s aaiiiHtant making a uicc little experiment Monday evening, by mixing a number of erton. >\lmt-\.-r U-tidea we curdially chemicals which are known t.. |H,SS. M w &apos;&apos;&apos; " r &apos; &apos; ntemp ..ranr the U-st young c * rt iu l^""" qualities. The aanist- i"***"&apos; &apos;" the future ~ 1 ^^" """- i_ A.liJ. l.&apos;l i 1 . i i The Flrihrrtoii AI.VIM.-E haa entered Our genial and talented friends, the Dinwoody Bros., together &apos; ant did Ul>t liko *" ri * k letting in with Mr. Abbs-son of the Her. George :>t m^lic-nt named by a upon lU sixth volume, having had a sue- Abbs, Methodist miiiister. Stavner ttr &apos; ul "iiK certain explosive qualities to csssful career. It is a g. did have baD rimting friends and acuaint- if but M thu customer i,,*iHted, be auce. in maherton and rincinity dur- *&apos; Sc "&apos; e h <1 * > *" I&apos; 1 *"^ ing the pact wock. | **** bot ^ e > when there was a Inud and I tartling explosion aud the bottle wa> j,., m .al ,,,*.- and wn with it r. .ntinuc-.l OmngtrHlr Ailtrrlurr. SIXTH VoLi-vr. Ijut week the Flesh- erton AI-VANI r. commenced its Oth v.l- ume. Tho AM AM r. u a spicy l.ical Marty Got id, son of our popular butch- l owr i into atoms. Tbe aevistaut&apos;s eyes jounial and stands ahead <>{ a g. xl many er. haa quite a little " Zoo " of bin own &apos; -crc blinded for the time and mistaim-l "U" 1 papers in th MM,.- c..unt\ HP.. now. having . Mud Turtle, a Carrier ratl le r severe injuries, from which ^^^&apos;^^^&apos;^^"^ genuine success. - tiMl^nir Vrrt 1&apos;rrtt. VOLI MR Sn.The Flehert..n An vtM-r last week entered on its aixth year. The AiiViXi E u a bright, newsy journal, and one .if tliu rn.iat welcome nf .mr coun- ty exchanges. May it go mi ami (T-isper. The Kntrrjnv heartily appreciates the ability and pluck shown liy LM. FawMtt. Pigeon, ami Itahhitn. The addition of a he liafl not yet "&apos; few monkeys aud a deceased Whale, or two would aluiOMt enable Marty to set up opposition to Harry Piper. Drowned. A man named Walker, tailor at Price- ville. committed suicide on Sunday of \Vu regret to learn of tbe death of Mr. ia,,t week. It seemn he tied a amooth John Pentlaud, of Heatbcote. which ; UK iron (,,r goose " u it is called) U) occurred a abort time ago. Congestion i,j, t^k ,,! threw himself into the of the lunga wan tlic caoaa Mr. Pent- Pricevillo will pond. When the body of land was one of the most kindly of men. t | 1L< unfortunate man wan diHCovered, it and a mom earnest Christian. We ten- , wu uotic-e.1 that he had the rope at- der our deepest Hympathy to bis Oid. taclied to the " BOOM " firmly grasped in foariug aud pioun wife aud family. Meaford one of bin hands. Perchance he regret* U-.1 the rai-.li act when too late? No r. a The Laerosae ruatob between Meaford wm ig ^.^^ for Ule ^ aml ^mM, , on Monday of last week, i .,.,,,,, , , t u-.ii,.,.-. i;_ Toronto School of 1&apos;haruaacy dunug the , WM ^^^ by a fair .prUJding of our citizcnii aud otliers ou the E. G. A. few ArtttiiH&apos;bi niouthi returned home , on Saturday evening last. to Weteuder Her. A. Wilson, the M tecoied pator of tho I&apos;roabytcrian chnrcli hare, our profounduttt sympathy in hunr of his Mad bereaTeuicnt in death of his little son. the the Mr. Hall, of C&apos;aiirclivillc, v>as ou a visit to hihdanfiliU-r, Mr. Win. Fetch, Fli In -t. in, last week. He- retunn i homo mi Mimilny. II. -i:,l ith HOIIK uld time friunds during his ><ty here Onr old fricuii, .Mr. Jajiiti* Ferris, of Lot 11, Con. 17, Proton, brought some rhubarb to t!u- sanctuin of t&apos;.ie A^ricul- tural K.utorou the lit!, ,nst.. 2 foot H J"St Opened at Richardson S inches in Icn-tli. and (&apos;, iiichi-n in circum. I DrUJ,&apos; Store ailOtllCf Stock of j fer. nee. Who can ;ot ahca.l of tlm? I Hoof Ointment. Society&apos;s grounds here, and revolted iu a victory for Moaford by three straight beats, (hir boyi oonteatcd each beat very gallantly. We understand that the learned and distinguished Presbyterian ministi r, Itov. A. T. Ci&apos;lUT, will preach auuiver itary M*nnons nioriiiug aud evening in the a: i . h&apos; i. h, FlesherUiii. S&apos;liulav. liov. Mr. Colter is au old and i <-t4.&apos;m>.l friend of tho A^TI cultural Kditnrn. and one of tho fore- moat preacher* in Northern Ontario. Eat rry Eihibltlun. The annual fall exhibition of F.ast Orey Agricultural Society will bo held iu Flesbertou, ou Tburaday and Friday, 23rd aud -24th daya of {September. One of Uie pnu<-ii>al feature* of tbe exliibit- iou will lx< tin- speoding in the ring for which very lil>eral prixea will be award- ed, both daya of allow. Carriage and single horses, will be exhibiUxl both days of nliitw. The exhibition will bo uudoiibti-i!ly tho bent ever held In r.-. Prise li-t- will bu innued shortly giving full particulars. . Sprouli-&apos;s remarks on ilornu Hule at Durham re- cently, aud tries to make a little chnuk of capital ou the sly by patting Irish CatholicH ou the hack. Why, uiy dear fellow, there are Irish Catholics who are <i;&apos;iis<&apos;il to Home Kule, ami there arc Irinh Catholics who don&apos;t caro a tit; whether Irelaiiil ){etH Home Rule or not. Wo dou&apos;t u|ii>oiie any honest Irish Cathulu- will hang one for exprcsaiiix a couitcientiou* o]>iuion, however. NEW FEINTS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING ! New Goods in Every Department! M. Richardson & Co. A aurious accident oocurred on Thurs- day last, through tho carolem handling of a revolver in the hand* of Mr. John Ilricknell. It appears that Mr. II. was displaying thu revolver, iu (iru-r s Hhoo simp, to a Mr. T. Daggkt, when it acci- .lently wcut ofl, the ball entering tho foot of Da|4f(at. Dr. Aylesw-orth dressed the wouinl. but wan unable to extract the ball. Serums ramltH aro anticipat- Flrsbrrton Proplr. tit,&apos; .U.ii/.r.f A/Miuf. r A lacrosse frame was played at Hi Oi erton on Monday, 14th iiint.. Utuirn thu Victoria* of Meaford aud tho FUi.li erton club. Tho Meaford club won the match iu three straight Barnes : firnt. 4(> miniiteM; -und. &apos;2 unuutes ; third :<"> minutes. Our boyH are very much 1&apos;lra.Mil with the ({uuerouH. eourteous. treatment they received from the Fli*h- erton |x&apos;<i|ile ; they arrive*! homo about 10 o&apos;clock p. m. same day. ed. ax is a man far advanced in KiA Knlerpritf. Mr. John Whitten aud hit* large -tail of assistants are erecting a fine large frame barn for Mr. I.ntiiner of Ku^enia. Mr. Latimer lunlt the ntone himself and in jimtly prond Th* Irllor Milslie r ... tin- //.muter Tho Wiard Oil Co. ended a threo day eu^agi meiit in Hanover on Satnr day evening. I&apos;.n., rWi, n&apos;ci. They were tirst rate vocalist* to say the least. That tenor, what a melodious voice aud angelic .mile! Mute than one maslii .1 " by the twinkle uf Ins eye and curling ufhiH lips. Tho comedian, too. Wou&apos;t Home 01 iiii-s him and a Sunday drive. An lloiu, In!, ,,t. is luadu to the public for foundation their |tatroiiayu mi In-half of thu Oratorio of lux ex- " f .!&apos;V UUI " K&apos;ther&apos; &apos;mi the ground that it r.-lleut workmanship. The frame was &apos; 11 .^ l&apos; r " d &apos;&apos;&apos;> >>&apos; "> TALWCT eliuivoly. The princiiial lutrtii are taken raiHed on Tuesday of last week, the res- by |. du f. , Kel &apos;, t!eluel| wll( , have inactive captauiH ben.g Mewirs. Orahain times pleased KU-shertoii audiences in .u. 1 Lint..!!. Solxxly could safely nay ;solo and chaml>er music, but who have which side won. so keen and clone wa,&apos; h 1 | tlll>r *" ll a "" &apos;&apos;l&apos;I"&apos;rtnity of .how . . that they can lie equally successful i the contest. Tho work UIUH far 18 a miire 1>r( f tentl()lu eff ,, rtg ^ n , ng fof . ^ credit to the contractor, Mr. Whitteu. tic power as well as musical ability. I&apos;erliaps the ono point ubove all others connected with |fce i-.niiing performance of " Ksther, the Beautiful yueen," m tliu laatuii; Umelit axvruing t.. th.:so partici- t tbe Kivor fishing on ^^ whlch HMy liri)u< , r , v C(>lu< , ^ fT eekand while trolling the head of "Musical Cultu The Fltuhurtiin Aiivairrc entered laat wsk uptm iu sixth year, with, we an pleased to ii..te. strong indiratu.ni of i-..n- ttnui-.l pr.M(x-rity You have our very best wishes brother FawcvtL The FlL-ihvrton AII\*M c has entered upon iU hfth year. Th.- \i. >,, de- serves the prxxpenty it enjoyi. It fii{hu under the n^ht [K-htical banner, and al- en ting : Vt hilt making hi* firat trip this on. on April la. lie was wrecked off Point au Pelee, lake. Erie, where be and , tboae with him wet* several hours in the waU-r afu-r the i alun waa wasjkssl away, and were finally rescued with groat difficulty by the paopU OB the I. &apos;ire. The ex|>our! ao.il ouid b* thsM luffered for which he was totally oa- fitted by severe illneH during tbe pre- ceding winter, brought on aerere affect&apos; iou of UM heart and lungs by which be was completely prostrated for SOOM time) ; but previous to the event of his death he had rauu|wrated considerably and went down to Detroit fc business couoeruiug his wrecked which lay there. While shaking with a friend on W.xidward avenae), he) fell dea<l in his arms. Tlie f uiw-ral took place at his residence iu Algoaac. M a and was largely attended by many fruta Port Huron and Detroit, as well a* friends and more immediate neighbors as be wan well and favorably known all along those lakes aa a competent and trusty seaman, and bad, as alwajrm, many warm friemls. Tbe text from which his funeral ser- mon was preached, was onr which be often told bis people he would like, astd the ie from which the funural sermon of thu late Mrs. Pickell. his formur wife, was preached, rix.. There remaineth, thewrfore. a rest forthe people of God." On UK- Sabbath preceding bis death. ways works C. niter vativc hearty accord f East (iruy with the be waa as usual found at hU p>Mrt in the Lord&apos;s house, and on that day a friend satd to him. Mr. iVk.-ll. you are look- ing well after your illuctM. bat yoa are liable to be called heucv any With last week&apos;s issue, the Flssherton AnvAXci completed the fifth year ..i ita i Hu re p&apos;. v W M. - My lamp is *- rf existence. There are but few eichanges I aud burning. " Those) who are IsA to un our hit which show as much life as i mourn have tbe the AUVA.TK. < >ur wish is that th Ai- v*>rr. may hv. I,,,,,, to adorn the rank. ! newspapers. Jkff. M i hi gain. Heartdi-HHe was the) furrtt fit- i c * uge of " death. He waa flO years of j age. and before his lUiu-ss last winter, Fii-sherton ADVAM c was a hale, hearty ruau. I^st week the C&apos;lium.-nced it tilth v.&apos;luiii* r&apos;awestt, that tditnr, says the Auvaj*. s is solidly establish. -d. We have always tin-light an much .tin 1 would now express the h.-j. that the solidity "f which he peaks may ever be retained. The Al>- MM a is a gcxid local ps|*r and it haa a jolly good fellow for an editor Shtl- burnt Ecnurmut. 1 li KleHht-rtoti AOVAX-K, one of the 1. adinn |ia|H-r of the County, hax enter- eel iU ~mli year, and if fri. n.l Kawcett me-U with as good snnpsas in the future an lie ban in the pant it IK well merited. THC ADVANCX in a first-class i*pvr an.) the editor IH a whole soiile.1 gvntletnaii deserviuu uf more tban <irdinary unooass which WL- heartily winh him. (Ttatt- Strayol from the premises of Malcolm K. IM.. .|\. lx>t iOH. ->n<J range Went. T. ft S. Road. ArWtuesia. 1 two year old white Seeer. I two year old rsl and white Heifer. 1 tw1. year old nd M.-ifi-r, I \ ear "&apos;&apos; " &apos;-vitb a httli- white oa Hide. I re.l St. ir. ai. I I year ol I Bull all \uy ..n giving information ^_.- iug to ncovfry of above will be suitably rewarded. <f orner. Messrs. Frank Nettlton, Will Jan. Stotio. W. W. Nettloton aud W \\ attH, V\ <Tr &apos;Mil, the first of the week aud while trolling tho heail of " Munical Outturn." The near the mouth succeeded in catchiug Coetmnug uf the piece, and Scenic i<lfects an iinmeuw mnskulonge. It took the w j" nterially interest and please i-oiiiliiiicd efforts of F. Nuttletou The r&apos;luftberton ADVA.SIK. also, has passed snotlier milestone mi its journey to fame, auil is now m its i.tli \olmue. ror a flvi&apos;-year old. tin- Vi&apos;\is,> lias nhown -.i^iis of being Honii-thinif more than a half dead half alive ereature and sin. .- it- in, i-ption there has Urn a tmiial iin- vx, > from out- .le^Ti e .if | nty to another, until no\v it tan.lH > near the U-p of the ladder, in honor | r &apos; Krew aud wealth esixxially wealth. and that IH what yiven a man aright to express an opiuiou - ac-eorling to tlm argiitiient of mir town c..n!r.r. U- i r&apos;.,r./ Afirr .r. Tbe KU-sliett&apos;iii Ai-VAM&apos;K hu i on iU sixth volume. Like .-th.-r (.ublish- en Hr... r&apos;awcett has had difficulties to nd with, I, ut I- in.; ,,f the atulf go.id iit-wspajier men arv made ..f, In hai m.-t those dilticultiea face to fact- and over- come th. in He has stood true to the l>et miiTvt. of K!eehert"ii and \unntv and byn-nsunt attention to business has mado the Ai&apos;V 4 \. r. what it i< ! diy. ..nr of our ni.t welcome and inierestini; ex- cliaii^e*. and a tint-clau l.ical iiaper I lie // . ti /and the Ai.viv, r had their diM4!rtH.-iiU&apos;iiU, but long ago liurird all anim.Kity, and we n.&apos;W regard l!r<>. Faw- ott a.. in< of our moet miiiere and e friends \\ &apos;,. wih tin- Ai-v.sei an.l iU |.r..|.riet..r, eoiitinunl and al-uml ant sucoees. LhtHdaik HtraUL C me and See The I1CW kimbrrley. On the ."ith iust., a match was played K tweeii KmiUrly Hate Hall Club, aiul Kii-em. vu., in which the latter was vic- torious. The ecoroe were 1 1 1C IheWj El.&apos;UK5IA whoatteml the I&apos;onrerU. Hut when &apos;&apos;iwlKlMBtRL curtain fslls on the last Act, aud th.-f,.. t haul the huge flab mto tho boat, lights a r extmi<uishod, there rvmains the. K lrat rl< &apos;. v b<> ) * to met the Eugenia They brought their price to town and drill and experience, v.tcalljr ami drain Club ou thu ground "f tin- latter, when s placed itou exhibition at Stone&apos;s hotel. tic l| y. &apos;" e "*&apos;&apos;&apos; &apos;"" ,-artieipatmg in the match will be played on Saturday. i.&apos;Jth A c. intant luecesion of aur)>riseii , _> ,,- c l.ick the ear at every page. Here an i woigliod 12H Ibn. It was the largont earnest sp|Kial, and the pious devoti.m ,.f caught for sumo years in those water;*, tho .lew. connected with a beautiful Eitterpntn. melody; there the ringing chorus of tlir 1 Persians, awaken one to a now life. VV.-II The sad WWB ol the dnath of George* fnun its study, of the work IM. li. it Whittaker, formerly of this Township, might be r.umilnred out of place for iu to ipeak of its menu, but we may U- allowed to state that, wherevsr given it has produced a/umrr in musical circles, and the l ra* have warmly eomiiiond.-i| The study of " Esther &apos; is eniim-ntly Glassware, Glassware ! The new Crockcr\ , Crockery, Crocker)- ! The new Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins ! The new Hosiery Gloves, Laces ! The new Cottonades. Shirtings, Cottons I Kf )W enthusiastic over The new I mull Sunday vh&apos;K.l iu Kimberley. is to have a picnic in thu grovw, <>u firat of July. Mr .! Mg,.o. Sr has puithaMd and The new Spices, has moved into Mr. J. Hulburti rest Wei Sugars, HATS, & CAPS, Unsurpassed in Variety, Qua I it", Style, or Prices ^H , A ban been received by his mother. De- ceased was the eldest surviving son of Arthur aud Mary Whittaker. He was a &apos; promming young man. alxmt Sit yearn of age. lie accompanied his father, about I two yearn ago, to Dacota, to sock a new home, the rest of tlm family being left in Artrinesia u.it II provisions were made for tin ir n imniil to their new homo. The sad IIOVYH was receivexl yesterday that In- ^ us killed by lightning while working in the field*. The ad nows 1ms cast a gloom over this noighhnrho.i.l. ami iniieli Hympathyis i-xpri-HsiMl for the ln-ri-avi.il parents aud brother* aud MS- turs. [Coin. it. lilted I i the development of Musical it contains great vaiiety, and aftken woinlerfiil eiitliiminxni. &apos;\\lnK- it is worthy tin- tudy of IWesnionals, it is not U-yond tin- reach of capiible Ama- teurs, and is calculated to advance in a great degrtH> the general musical culture of the town. Dominion Day is a holiday all stores in Flesherton will be closed on that Day. Kev. Mr Watson, of Flsshartou preach- ed here in the Methodist Church hut Sabbath rooming. CHEAP I- LOUR &FEED. \V. W. TRIMHLE is selling Plcwcs&apos; \-i Roller Flour for $4.50 per bbl. sfwUash. First class Shorts, 85 cts. per cwt. Bran Co cts. per cwt. A Jar^e quantity constantly on hand .a all times. Kindly call and leave your order. W. W. TRIMDLB. Rices, The New Goods Coffees / Raisins I in every Department. All on view at D. S. MUNRO&apos;S. D.S.HONRO. II

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