Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1886, p. 3

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1 THE ADVANCE. a*) of the leading Local and Family Newtvtpeis iu Northern Ontario, Published Every Thursday, FBOMTHK omcB, Oollingwood Street, Fletherton, Ont. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION : a.00 per aunnin In advance ; 1.50 It not pail I the en dot It years. No paper discontinued atH J1 ajrruiuraiies aro paid up ; and no subscri| t*aa takuii for loss ttisu one year, except wbej tvoial arruements for shorter periods are made with the publisher. ADVERTISING BATBB, *o. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per 1st insertion aa 1 a ceuta per line *aoh subsequent iiisortiou. Traunieut advurUseuioiits to be paid tor when ercWrtnl. Alvort isuuioun without spt-cial dirifi: lone will be lusortud till forbid aud charged accordingly. Liberal Inducements to regular advertisers. Notioes among reading matter, 10 cunts per line each Insertion. No advertisement discontinued until all ar rearagiis are paid up. Copy for advertisements thould reach this ffloe not later than noon on Tueaday to ensure sortion in current issua. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Flesherton DIeat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PhofhlEIOB iash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON CLAYTON'S II A It MISS SHOP ! FLE&HERTON, 7s the place to get nfllarneit Collart, <tc, made up in good siylr. Slwp in W. Clayton's Boot <6 Shoe Store, Fleshtrton. iff I. in-l I ( i\ iTtlwi-r to con- : 'I.I r-tilll:l! ' i THE K. OF L. AND UNIONS. flow Hie )>m< r. n>> May be Adjiittied. :.'l!i. win 1 i <i'.|!iir. limit In Htlie In- f.iti. ' ii liini wrfiiwill InVf -t < . IT. m| ;!i tntl flollar* III l- iti <l which will lllf!.-t i . M- il. or ran t*mn<l * '-.'tut bjtGOr* r. v-.-i i iv ' i II l>- .li'il. ^ni. [I..-, i dtlrt'ii* 1'ir lOocntSj Wri'c I I'. IIOWKI.L * <), M:\vsPAiMi! ',!". i i '-;-.'. i!ri!F\r. Klln.;> ,-^ij.i. Ni-w York TFtfttlCBRATED pH ? CHASES " LIVER CURE HAVE YOU and certain rrni' dy. NATURE'S REMEDY Th ur.malified Mic-ss,.f Dr Chaw's I.iver Cure in Liver t omi.l.in.t ir^t. v ,Wj v nh lh fact that It U compoun.lr.l lr.,iM n.,iim\rl! i,i:own liver reiiulaion, tlANDHAKr. AMI I 1 ION, i ni.i.incd nh many other invalua;.!.- r ... . KirU n,i hrrM, having a powerful eiTc^i on ' Siosnacb. DoweU and Bltxxi. BOO. 000 SOLD 'Ovtr Mfhaif m,ll,on <_! l>r. Shan't Kicife Book' Vtr-t leU i* CaiaJa a.\'itr. It'e mint n-cry man, woman and tkil-i n-ha ii tr<*tbUd milk Livtr Ctm- fttunl If try tkit ncr.'ifnt rtmnlji. SOMETHIHC NEW. GIVEN AWAY Fact Wrapped aroun.l every li.>llle of Dr. Ch.e' Liver Cure ii a valuable Household Medical (luide and Recipe Book (84 p3KfO. cnntaininif oer oo nrfnl r-ipe<, pronounieil !>y medical men and drugci*!' a invalu- able, and worth ten limes the price of the medicine. THY GNASH CTAS.IIH CURE. A safe and po^live remedy. Price, 25 < rnts. TRY CHA4I'8 KlDHEY AND UVER PltlS 5 ct^ p U>. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. tWMAHaOH * CO.. 8oU Agent*. Bradford Tke MCTeral Flaas Hr|>nir<i, Wat ! which will l-ii. bit b. t iiupi t .1. A Cleveland oetpateb to-day taya: There waa a full attendance al yesterday . station ol the K. ol L. convention Com- mittee on State of Ltbor, which 1* dealing with the difficulty between tbe Kaigbt* and the trades union*. A very full dis canton waa bad, accredited delegate* being preeect from tb* printer*, th* oigarmasers and tbe carpenter*. Outside ot oce oace by Ibe printers and Ibrea by tbe carpen- ter*, all tha trouble waa between tba Kalghla and Ibe oigarmaktri, but lo Ihe snrpriae ot many, tor every out under tha prioea ollbe Internationale by tne Knights, two oaies were given ol cots uy ibe Inter- nationals n^dcr pricsa tstablmiied by Ibe Knights. Tbe opinion* cf tbe delegate!, m *x preated in the lobby ot the Forest City Home, are gradually taking shape en the question ot tha ne* ot their cigar label. This ip ot more importance Iban tb* general public bave any idea of , lor il baa built up some establishments trom its uae, and dragged other* down by it* being with- drawn. Uae ot tbe following plans will probably be adopted : 1. Allow K. of L. labels only on goads made in co-operative Mtablisbmant*. 2. Allow no label on goods made under the prices eHablinbed by the union*. 3 Allow labels to those only wbo are members ol bath their union and K-.ighto ol Labor Connected with this will ba a proviso that Ihe Knights will not lake into their Order any napanded or exp-llcd cigar- maker until be is iu good landing with bia union. It may be Ibal all three plans will in aome way be combined. One rabid individual demands that tba oigarmakera a+,ree to take into their unions none bat Koightt, and Ibat they suspend or expel members whenever they are tnnpeudtd or expelled by the Kuigbla of Labor. The difficulty wi'.h oil er labor organise- tiona will and in a rule being adopted by the convention prohibiting auemblitd taking in an* pended or i xpelUd member* of other union*, or tboae iu any trtde wbo live in it town wheru tbere ia a union ot Ibeir trade, without content ol tee onion. In on* town recently an organiser took the entire force of an eelabli'hmenl aud formed Ibem into an assembly, although al the time such establishment wae being boycotted by Ib* orgauiaed labor o! Ibal vicinity. lois information was ten* to Mr. Powderly and tie immediately revoked th* orgauizsi'* ocmmiatiou, While Secretary Turner held back tbi charter. No more open acmione ot tbie committee will be held. They will now attempt the difficult task of forwtrtating a icbeme acceptable to all concerned. Tba most bentfleial workol tha conven- tion ia in it* educational features. Bright men ar* among it* mtmber*, at-d wmle juat now trade matteie bav* been pushed orward, many a keen thru*! ba* been given tbe fallacies with wbieh Ihe misses nave ben fed, and which bavj kept Ibem close to Ibe starvation line. Sbould tbe convention decide to publ ta tbeir j ur. l weekly, ud BO.[ ply each number uf the Order wilb a copy, its circulation will ba uver 700000 o [ic. Carefully edited, it can make or unmake any political parly ii may reoommetd cr denounce. But it will nol bt oiad lor tbi* purpose, if tbc advice of the General Maater Workman ia taken It* mission will be to preach and teach the political eeonumy ol tb* maaaes as pro- pounded by Henry George, who bat no more faithful follower than tfi*/>><>>dof i> Order , lo be mad as a vehicle to leach the members for all ordtr* nol cf a aaorel nature, and to oweanlrate tbe eaerg.as ol the organization oa principle* or actions tbal requiru uinBeontiv* or immediate attention. Nol let* than 1.000 delegate) will meet in Richmond text October, nnl*a* the basis of representation ia otaaiged al the present special teition. T ii* indicate* a membership Of 14X10000. II tb* conven- tion deoidt* il bae iba power, ine basis of representation I* inr* to br changed to eiiner 3 000 cr 5 000 mem bam 1<M each delegate. Whatever is done cow i* looked upon aa merely temporary. Bo tbe cry is, "Oa to Bi8tftnund,"to which all eyes will oou be to ..*d. A rr .on iu wa* carried tbat gave tb* Grand Mail r Workman tb* anih jtity to recall tba eornmiaaion of every organ igar in tbe Order. Tbe accomplishment of Ibit work ia greatly due lo the three Keneral organisers, Bicbard Treveliek, ot Michigan; Bert Danny, ot Pilttburg and Carrollton, of Obio. Usa-iy ii iu Ibe convention and me other two b we been working outside. The subject ol appointing competent organizers and tbe mean* to be taken for their leleo- tion was 1 meg diaoussed wben tbe noon recess occurred. A committee of three was appointed to revise tht constitution of Ibo Ordtr at<i report at tb* Richmond Convention VJ October, Tbe Executive Board presented ill report In tbe matter ot controversy between tbe trade* nniona and tba Heights ot Labor and tbe real ot tbe afternoon waa pent in bearing statement* and argu- ments on tbe report. Tb* committee appointed tbi* morning to revise Iho oonilitntion will bave much work to de). Tb* constitution will embody all Ibe resolutions or law* adopted by the >r***nt eoovenlion, with inch idea* as may brought out tbat will prove beneficial between thl* lime and the October con- vention. Died tor lnrin H Alice. A Dover (N. H ) despatch says: Lait night Henry Dordway, a French Canadian, 80 year* of age, whose once welcome addressee bad been ultimately rejected by " Dancing Alice," of tbe Salvation Army, announced bin intention ol killing himself. Despite the effort* ot his friend* to re-strain bim h* drank a pint ot wbitkey and awal- lowed a quantity of nitric acid and quick- silver, and died In a tew minute*. I ail br 10 br K i lr <llir rf . An Ottawa detpatob wyi : Th* Minister of Jnitiee this morning decided to issue a warrant for tb* eiira dllion of John H. 'rV.Oadby, Ibe Hudson, New York, forger, now confined in jail at Bt. John, N. B. Bhwifl A. Traver and J. Ky der Oody , of tbe oonnael for Ibe Farmen' National Bank, of Hudson, wbo have been here for neveral day*, will leave for 81. John to-night with the warrant. The iteamer Ontario il ashore on Garden Island ihoal, off Miulsiange. Up to the present tin* 17.020 baa been received in aid of th* Bull flrt.infftreri. John Dlgnan, an old Kingston pensioner, wbo recently married a widow, drew hi* pennion and ha* disappeared. Justice Tasoberetn ha* decided tbat oitv i* nol responsible for damages in ordering the cloning of a gin* factory. E&ward Murphy, a sailor, wkoee mother livet in BelUville, wa* waibsd overboard trom a schooner on Lak* Michigan on Wednetday and drowned. The Queen has r*aeh*d Balmoral in aftty, and ii enieylog harielf among old 1. A pottmaalar ia required to give* nolle* by letter (returning me paper doe* not answer Ice law) wb*n a tDbewirbct due* not take hi* paper out of Ibe offiae, and 'late the reason* lor lie nol being taken. Any neglect to do so makes Ibe poet- matter responsible to the publisher for 9. II any parson orders hi* paper dis- continued, be niUMi pay all arrearagaa, or tbe publisher may continue to send it nnlil laymen! 1* made, and collect Ibe whole tmouut whether it la taken Irom the office or not. There can be no legal discon- tinuance until Ihe payment I* mada. 8. Any person wbo takes a paper Irom the poit-omo*, whether directed to bia name or another, or whether he ba* sub- scribed or not, la rosi onmble for tbe pay. 4. If a latxoriber order* hi* paper to be stopped at a certain time, and tbe pob- lunar continues to seed, tha anbaoribtr ia bound to pay for it if b* take* it out ot ib* poet-office. This proceed* opon tbe ground tbat a man moat pay for what be OM*. 6, Tbe courts bave deoidsd tbat refusing to take newtpapers and periodical* trom tbe post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, I* prima fecit evidence ot intentional fraud. GLADBl'ONh'd BILL. A last (Friday) night'* London cable nays : U u now admitted lbataiad*ton< ' concession* bav* teaured tht tcooud rtd tug of the Bill. Tb* first oouoeunion was) tbat Ireland sjould be repreacnted at Wtatmuikter ou all Imperial quantum-. Tbe aeoond conoeaaion, which i quite an important, waa tbat Parliamtnt should be prorogued, instead of tb* seiaion Uitg adjourned, after th* second reading Adjournment wonld mean tbat th* Bill wonld be kept alive and returned at Ihe committee atag* on the reaiaembling of Parliament. Prorogation would mean allowing the Bill to lapse and Introducing H afresh when Parliament mat again. Mr. Gladstone proposed in tbal eaoe lo have an early anting iu autumn M> aa to get Ibe Bill through all its tltges before winter. Gladstone in tbe greiel livu K matter of Parliamentary laenque, and Ibt, wikdotn cf bis course, wbiob might not bave beau apparent to everybody, was put oeyond queation by tbie afternoon'* pro- ceedings. Il ia of paramount importance to commit tbe Booae ot Commons to tbe principle of Home Rule. Thalaooomplitihed tbe fact will bave tremendous weigLt witb tbe oooalitoeooiM. Il i* also important for tbe Liberal parly to avoid a aittoln- tion at present. A general election wauld involve a great expenditure ol money, and Ihe richest men axe now ia Hartiuglon'* camp. A general election M tan present moment wonld also mean Horn* Rule Liberal* opposing anti-Bom* Kale Lib* rain, and Tones getting in belw*ert them. Tbe raor* LlbSjtBjhxelto pledge tluoiselvta t-i the prideiplebt Home Kale by volinv for a second reading, tb* lets will have to be opposed al tbe general election. THE BOMB RULE BILL DIBATf . The HJUB* of Common* was crowded tbia evening. Mr. Oladaicne, replying to h qaeation by Sir Michael Hicks- Betoti, said that the Government considered U It be its duty, alter the second reading of tht Home Bale Bill, uol to ask Iba Hoaie to go into committee on tbe measure, bat to adopt one of las methods which be (Mr. Glad- -ton*) dsfforibed al tbe Liberal meallegya* terday. Tne Government, be ttid, waa inclined n allow tha Bill to larne for ibe present ceacijn, and to advme itia (Jo*ei,le oaub u eMlf r*e*B*mblir^ > .' I'^rnamett, ich tbrBoA*RuleI3ill wuuid b i 3k unable, a: thin morjoenl, - .- l potniv*ly. . jlici.aal Hick* Betou, in view of tb* uo> atmfaetory atuKment of tbe Govern- mt. I, movtrt an adjownment. II; wae greeted with cheers by tbe Ofpotition, all tb* Conservatives rising to support tbe motion. Tb* speaker continuing, said tba the Government, prior to the nitre> ductiou ol tb* Bill, bad dwel% Uf u tba naeaaeily of reitoring *ooitl ordeei sawt wa* ot on* Kind and bad an intelli- gible plan,. Waa the plan ba asked, found w unfeasible Ibal nobody wonld aak foril? If n waa found feasible, why did tb* Gov- ernment DOW proiot* to withdraw or postpone the Bill ? The Bill aimply amounted to a continuance in office Bill. (Cheers.) Mr Gladstone, npon riaicg to reply, wa* loudly cheered. He repudiated tbt tordid molivea wbiob Sir Michael Hieki- Beach bad imputed to tbe Government. Although, be said, tbe general oonnJecea of hi* countrymen iu ib* Government rendered uoeb r. , udiatiou nnnaeeatary, nomerons memb^.sof tbe Boas* wbo wire frunaly to tb* { iiueipie of tb* Bill bad asked tor tim* to consider Ib* measure. Hence tbe post[.on*ment. Tha Government had rai>ed on* of tb* graateel iatue* ever submitted to Parliament and would endeavor lo keep il okar of collateral issue*. Tb* Governmtnt bad. before it a conflict and was prepared to go i OUKB 't.a rtrow|*3|p the ocp (Ob*eiB)i It waa pet.ieliy uoiTuaenl w to ibe final issue. (Obeer*.) Tbe Government wa* acting in accordance with precedent. Il wsa became tb* course wbiob Ibe Govern- ment btd taken was tbe beti means of attaining tbe end tongbl that Sir Michael lliokH-ii.'aoh bad m ved the adjournment. Lord Randolph Cuurobill mamtaical that Mr Gladstone could uol iiuole a pre- eedeul lor tbe oours* now takeu a* regard* any m*a*ur* ol great and overwhelming importance. Lord tlartiugton aaid b* thought Iba HOUM tbould know whether Ibe Govern- ment wonld continue with the present Bill in ib* aotnmo aenion or introduce a new Bill at another. Sir William Veruon Haraonrl interpoting mid tbi Odv*rnm*ut would advise tba Queen to prorogue Parliament, and Mr Gladstone with smc hoi declared that be stated yesterday Ibat tbe Government would prefer that course. lLord Har;iug%bn, oontiboing, laid : "Then tb* Hone* will b* asked to content to tht second reading ol a Bill which the Government dots nol intend to have paeitd aod beoom* law this Mtiion. Thar* is no pre- cedent for asking Ihe LI o use to proceed witb a Bill which i* dead." (Opposition eheera ) Mr. Thomas Power O'Connor laid Ibat th* action ol Lord Hartingloo and ibe Con ., ativr* nuuwed Ibat the Bill was far too much al' . or them. (Vooiferoua cheers ) , J.H . *' JJi*k*fiiaoL n motion was part of a sohenir ol dilBneit aud aDicropnlou* taotiaw. Xhs Bpr \r beta ordered Mr. Connor lo * 'hd' km, ibe latter exprestion. ^- . vJ*fcor- Certainly , without hesita- tion. Sir Michael Hicks Beach at tbi* point askod l*av* to withdraw hi* motion. Th* Parntllite*, However, inaikted npon a division. A division waaavdered, and amid loud ironical cheers Bl much laogbter, Ibe laader* ol tb* OdMSiliou voted with Ibe G >vercm*nt egstJkt adjonrniag. Tbe naotiou was rejeoied by a vole of 405 to 1. Tb* announcement of tbe molt wa* re- ceived wilb renewed Uughler acd cheers. Tbe action ot ibeParnellita* In iuaitting opon a division on Sir Michael T7ickn Ueaoh'a motion wa* merely intaavW aa a oka. Mr. Danitl Crilly, a Nationalist, com- prised the minority. Mr. Chamberlain voted again*! Ibe ad- ion rn mint. Mr. Cain* and a majority ot Ibe follower* of Lord Hartinglon abstained from voting. Tbe debate on the Hpme Rale Bill was returned, tbe duontaion beiog confined to minor apeaker*. Subsequently tbe Arma Bill paaaed tbe third raading by a vote of 146 lo 65. A deipatob (rom London aaye : It is thought unlikely that a match will b* mada between Beach and Hantan. Tba Australian aouller will probably arrange a weepstake* race between himself, Banian, Rota and Teemer. Hanlao, on being ihown tbe above deapatcb, said : " I can't under- stand why a match between Beach and myselt baa not been made. I will probably not know the reason until I hoar from Mr Inne*. my backer." An important disc jvery of gold at Kim- berlcy, Australia, la reported. Th* merchant* of Montreal have formed French Board olTr*4. TBE SENATE. Mr. Molnneu moved *u amendment, pro posing that voiiDii for luembem it i'amn men! lu Iba Moilbwci: Ttr riioriei snail b by ballot instead of optu voting, i provided by iba Bill. Iba amendment WM reacted by 25 10 21, a larg* number of Oonaier J*we* voting with Ibe Opposition. ** J Tbt Canadian I'aoifio hailwty Com- pany's Bill WM read a third time and paiscd, an tmendmsnt to itrik* oat the clause enabling tbe Ctnadun Pacific Kill wy director* to become membri of I'ar- liameol being votad down by :u to 7. Tbe Iluuse tban went Into committee OD -be CbtniBi Immigration BilL A motion * made lht tbe Chairman leave tbi jhair Mr Vi^sl moved ia amendment that tbe oommiiMeMl agsia tbii da; kix months. Toe Hi.une divided uu Mr. Tidal'* motion, which WM carried by 35 lo 21, Iba BUI being thai defeated. BOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. CharllOQ, referring lo a diipute wbiob bad r.s=n u to a statement made in hi* speech ou tbe tiniber limit pilioy of the Government, read a laltar written by Mr. Dilton McCaztby on behalf tf ^.n applica- tion (or a lease o( coal land*. Mr. Onaplean moved the lehpart reading o{ tb* Bill providing tot tbe tatatliahment if a D luimeul of Poblio Printing and Btaiiouery. lie tzotMi^ei^. uu general obj-.ota ot the Department aa bttL,*; the a:tainmeat of uniformity and nctlleuoe in ih; work, aud MOMcy. He pjiuted oat lual otter KovanoMnti baa conducted M.C-I bureu maaatifullf od without pccuLtary loos. He mentioned tbat Ibe priii -ing of the oUatoral luis under tbe Fru cLiihu BUI bad ocft a Tary large aum of money. Mr. Milla How muohT Mr. Oh>i lean laid ba was cot prepared to >*' tbe eXMl amount, bu it WM an encrmou* tarn. He might uy a tsm. Turning lo the Stationary Depart- NMUtt uu il, be aa.d that the pisaatit exml of stationery waa *200 000 per am.um. Under li-) preaent ijittm tber* waa* .-*! waste of a .lutes and other public doeunieats. Tb" Uont* wonld pr-jbabljr bt Hururiiied to learn that in Eni<lu4 witb. tatty million* ot p*o|,.'t* there wtre f ewar pubjjp CXL. lutnts ait tribe ted Iban in Canada. 8' m .mated vuai a tirong, well-lighted tad will venn- lated boildiu^ lor the Lew D*],ar-aiente aauloTb* ertstedfor a pria* btlaeirj $40,000 mnAJjfr 000, ex*lo<>iv9 ot^^s t ic. Tue t q*j|Hkt of ttu :" v- 7 ww^'-r* 1 4DW ** the mo*t JM.lH, tne eqV.[^rlil ot tbe l'niLg rw '.. M8.H2^;fibs> job rOCIft, nl of A H. n,t,,Unbl. llrmh. Tne eudden and remarkable death of a woman named Lyon at Oreanvilla, Mioti., ia oaoaing a good deal of comment. She wa* given to positive exprsaeion*, and whan engaged in tbe transfer of a pices ot real eitale, tbe till* of wbiob wan qua*- lionod, remarked tbat tbe " hoped Clod would ttrik* her dead if it waa nol all right." The (act Ibat her claim wae not perfect finally appeared. A lawyer con- fronted her with the evidence of her mis- representation, and no thookcd her nervon* ayatcm tbat ah* (all dead at hi* faet. Some persona regard this calamity a* a dirtot visitation of Divine wrath. Matoney, tb* insane convict who killed Dr. Metoalf, Huperinlendant cf tbe Kingston Asylum ; Kelly, a life criminal, and Bigg, gailly of eeveral heinous Crimea, were brought to tbe Hamilton Lunatic Asylnm yesterday from Kingston. .St. Paul* Ghuroh, Grand Forkv, Dakota, baa mad* a departure in tbe mode ot paying the minuter. The clergyman salary ot 91,200 ia raised at the beginning ot tb* year and placed in the bank, thai be may draw therefrom monthly. bir il. C*rlrright urged Ue.> iu lLi< lueatur*, a* U wa* impoeaitle to disoosi it lolly at ibis stage uf tbe seniou. Mr. Inoe* aaid tbi* aohatne waa first propoaed three years ago, and early tbia teaiion tender* were sent in for ibis print- ing contract, aad returned on the ground that a Bill to eaiablish a Burtaa would be introduced. In view ol Ihtse fact* b* tbongbl the prwtntalioo ol the Bill waa later than il should bave bctn. Two ytai* _ i Meaart. Cbsmberlm tud Elackboru were appointed 10 IL vsstigati tbu queetion aud did ao. They reported, ai.d a remark- abla omission in Ibe 8erciry o! B:att a I eeob wa* in nol quoting a word of those rrpirte. Toere niigbl, be (Mr. Inntf) ad muted, be sometbiug to be isid in favor of ibis soh*me, but ba waa aure tb-re was a itrcat deal to ba said agaiott n, and be thought that within a few /)) t o! the end of tuo seasion WM nol tbe lime to eutar upon the diseutaign. Tbe IIoojs* wtnt icto Ooma^iiUs ol tba Wnjie bu u* revolution* providing for urants to th* iriegolar forcti engaged in tu Northwest Mr. Camtrom (Middle**i) urged tb* claims of th* ttinBten to reeeive and Meiers. Weldcn, O'Brien aod made representations on behalf of iba volunteer* wbo were called out but did not to tb* front. Tbe Government, how- ever, declined to modify tbe Bill, wbicbj wa* read a stc.nd lime and pa**ed in committee without amendment Mr. MoLelan urtving tbe Bonie into Committee ot Way* and Mima annoacced ibat certain changes would bt made in tbe tariff, and that Ib* following duties would b* Uviid : Oj oilcloth in tbe pieo*,on or tbaped, oiliid, enamelled, itamped, painted or printed, Indian rubber, etc, > cent* per ei]uare yard-and 10 (er cent, ad valorem. Floor oilcloth remains the same aa at preset*, n rw board*, 10 eentt per 100 pounds. I ifljtjouus or JJK". o^urnt aud cr _ctr, '2 Rubber . - g, boe, pactiUK ' - > valorem. * ^ Carriage hardware - **t 4Ul.*w vaMrem P*rtniu* and toilet /*p, 10 cents a pound and 10 per cent, ad valorem. Onion collar oloib p*i "- ia rolls or shall not glossed or floib*a 6 per ceut. ai valor* aa. Union collar cloth pigMtU roll ur gloeted or finished 5 per aval. Nail plat*, iron or steel, 16 gauge ot thicker, % uniform rale of H per cent, ad valorem. Paper hanglogt, or wall paper in roll* costing b crate ? under per roll of eight yards, 4 cent* per roll. Felt A uniform rat* of 171 l* r oeD> - Stereotype* uyfaolrolyp**, and bar- mtde wholly aAlV (>rl Note a ponntWH Beylber, a ip*tti) duly of f J 40 per dosen. Wire covered witb cotton, linen, other material, "> per cent. Stove bolls aud LUIS and all bolaar rivHtt of on* quarter inch diameter and Itss 80 par cent., ib* same as wood screw*. iiudkerchie4s, a aoifodSa^tfaS* ol 'Ji ptr cent. II ia proposed lo repeal iV 363. in rea- ped to color*, except in regard to ultra marine blue. It I* proposed to change tbi item in relation to jute elolb, wbieb i* now named at a width of 42 inches and to make tbe wi lib 40 inches. He announced (bit tbe resolutions regarding tbe togar datm wonld b- changed by making the iuereased dolien I ply to iingars above number 14 Dutch standard instead ot 13 Dutch standard. Il was also proposed to nbatilo.le Ibe follow- ing proviso lor item 40, Ways and Mean* UsrOlntioDi, provided tbal, when toy cargo ot sugar imported for refining purposes i* found to grade part abova 14, Dutch stand- ard, in color, eucb part, lo tbi extent ot not txceedUg 15 per cent, ol tbe whole otrg ., maybe admitted to inter by tbepclarie- ll wax propoaed to amend tbe aobednle of export duties by inorettiug tbe dntiet on tbe following article* : Shingle bolt*, II 50 per cord of 128 oubio feet. Spruce log*, *1 per Ihont ind4t, board measure. Pin* logs, 13 per thounod fetl, board measure. It wa* proposed tbat Ibe power vtnled in the Governor in Council to repeal certain impart dutiee shall b* eitendtd to tb* repeal ot Ibeee export duties on paw log, il found advisable and ueeetiary. Then it wa* proposed tbsi Iba importa tion aad manufacture ot oleomargarine, bulterine, aod all other inbetilntes (or butter should b* prohibited under a penally of not le*t tban $400, and net more Iban J 100, and Ibe forfeiture of Iba good* and ot tbe machinery uaed in their manufto tare. A paper announce* " A naw thing in lunou boosts," 1| luBit maao oltauline .-.* sod WBIa.KK I-KMI,I. I H r - V>|rtklr IU A London caole say* : O^e ot tbi most ujBurous mailers connected wilu Iht Koje movement to Uugllsbmen bs been to know where Mr. l'rc-l It any on* asked bis exidr*a ot at. Irinh member ha waa aiway* airrotad to write either to the House ot Common* or iu the general cffiae ol Ibe Irikb 1'arlia menlary party, iifentticrubersof tbe part) wao are known to be on terms of tba Kreale*! intimacy with Mr. farnell bavs alway* declared that they had uot the sligbtMt idea where be lived beyond tb* faet Ibat il wa* somewhere in Ibo country, not far from London. Every/ (aw months, occasionally even at critical momenta, Ireland'* Uncrowned King would disappear -ntirtly for a week, nobody kuowinn wnai had become of him. A narr jw escape from u accident which ba bad ibe otuar d> ua*. lad to tba discovery cl bis iitii> retreat. Uj the BunthllMtern Ki.lway, about ten miles from Cnaribg Cros* Hallway station, lias tb* n all villagt of hltuiaui, in Kot. Oue apprcaobor ibe small village by a [ratty road, such as fsmoo* tor, and passing tbrouifb tbe village turns into a leoiudcd street ol semi-detaobed villa*. JMkcouKbaai meets bim at Elthm. , and ootr* -j bim to Wonerab LodKe, io*nam*eTMrt O'Bbna'a bouse, the fifth of tb* row. Thl* u Par- nell's mysterious honie. It i* not bu own home exactly, bat fllBb* of bi* devoted lollowtr and recent Farliamenlary com- (jauion, to* famOM Oapl. O Snea, tba ue^olialor ot the Kilmaiubam truaty aud many otbar aimilar thiuga. Tnera Mr. ia eilbar a* a gneal or lodgar of Mr*. O tinea Hare Ida Irish dictator leeks repose from tha bitter atroggles of the Buu-e ot Common* and periodically hides away from tb* world.* H* gener- ally laavea Cnariug Croa* tilatioo by a lal* train, after the siltiLg of Iba Common* i over. The aooidenl meutia]Bd oov waa caused by a large waggon Msawn wilb f mil and vegetable*, going ID tbe early moruing toOovaut Garden Market, mmicg into col- iaun with the brougham, ibe Utter being o jUBiderskbiv damaged, but Mr. 1'aruOl without ihe tligbliwl iijury. Ha will owe that maikelttwaggon a grndgt, now*v*r. aalouii an LeTives for canaicg the betrayal *J his wcll-kepl ssorei. Tne villager* ol Kitbam, 1 may add, know ml* alonl Mr. i'arnell'* life, but ipeak of lira wilb adniiratlajB and respect. rjB v > i ur I >IM I.|?r tj|ck UjiVJI f day* have vi-ited t. Tba deniient in r* oon- nogDvit) iqaall, A OhalvKtoo, Xsaas.. (l*tpt*avJl says: [tBSjUla >o the Ar*tM ttuM sysry aeetieo ot rt I t a lenettvl drooeb: - IIDV ov?r tb* Bias*, ai-i tbare n Q.B * auflcni K !>: 1 lo*s afjong saille took Iu aoiae atawotu sma. * are nu-:a.nin*j so appreoiab! iltmag*. Iu N irtbtl^B Ba* Iho Panhandle eonutry, the i *Mgbi U uioat severely felt Cattle or* .spouted dj g by thousand*. The smailitaj water bolts have [Ob* dry, and cattle retail about in great itrds travelling I ilecu-ly. jHtBBieaej be oatll* regioat lor <fM* was in . leaving the dilion !. vtthatau i tbs et*rn Texa iction of Ib* 8 ^^ severe, and mar) IbotMaadt ot ah.ij bv dieJ. Reporid from W *t teottoa er* t*w, but all are of tbe *aa diiaetroa* teser. A l i..iii Dr. Henry UtJdtwlin, wbo ooaa{.us Ib* chair of moral i hilotophy in-JSimburga Uuiversity and : I* at*o a leadcioflh* mo*l aarn**l and adsMMcd -n of it* tdvoeatw* ot the J.-r**j*JMi*auj'Ji * ' endowment ot Ibe CuuresBBTBooiiaLj, has alwayt been .- >> alwirir i. MI *n*>r gttio sopj,crter of Mr IBladitonc, IL Lolintd to dear-: 7uu uu . Irwb queetlon. Iu ta* i *<Mt / . . . ^.vriaa f r My, of W.MOU Vt. CiaieVr is editor, be aayi, atttr ttatinf to* ojjubls, fetrn and ojofuaion in th* Liberal rankt over Gladstone'* Iru. *ti ... Yet above all lh6t*ot*U*atiiua viable uthc /res* of tbe oouutry tber' *e* Olw> geu*r*l voice of admiration. All atttte rci,-oul at Britopj. uf tat pUysVal a* well as the nttllecfskl feat f AprU Bin. It i many a year Bines any leader, by sheer force of lifted himself to inch a towering Height above all bit contemporaries atd won inch praise. Tbat U a email mattcv, however. BrowclLg ba *atd some * i rr : Meaiur* tbe mud t h ujhtBy Ibe i-ji>Ju it cauls. ' Nothing iu.ur**sa Us m.ri wr.L Mr. G>aditoue't greatuSSi than 14* t- . tbainddan cu-growth. whisk b^.. marked bis career. Men havo taken . beigbl, described the rang* ot bis thought agaiu aod again, only M nad their eati- matea rendered luadcqoata by uee i ut burelt of KCUIUA aad \.reottt o< tboafS* far wider than wer* <jtesa*d poitihis to bi powers. Tue spectacle of a**a.u to fai beyond tbe three aoore and ten, in aaeb tail poftieirian cl physical energy, master at all hi* faculties, enjoying iba advan- tageaot aotxamplad experience, yet free aa u j, yea, freer far, to *nl*rtaiun*w po/.-ing i-itoulation to tbe lartbesl ranging all potiibilitie* with an nndimmad eye, and where tbe yonng men utterly failed, bmldiug up a scheme which baa WOO, al ltn first utterance, Ibe approva' ol ao aatrily suspicious Ireland thai spectacle is one which come* *eldom to any generation, and which ought to b* oorres pondingly prised. ^ u h .1 Was ihr H.... ! -fc n r Tbe " Riae of Bbaron " baa long been a dinpntid point. Th.i Hebrew word teUtH occurs only in Canticles ii. 1 aud 1-aiab xxxv 1 i tb* revised version reads 'rosi" in tha text and "autumu oroeai 1 ' in Ibe margin. We art of opinion ibat Ihe naroiwtne (N. Tttetti) is iuleuded. Tbe tonne of tha Uanuolie is la tbe Spring. whin Ihe naroiten* wonld be in blossom ; II i* very sweet, ba* long been aad till! ia a plant of wbiob Ib* Oriental* are pataioa ately fond ; HasnelqnMt noticed il ou Ik* plain of Bbaron ; Tristram in cultivated land aiid lower hill* trom Gtia to Lebirou ; Mr. 0. Cbiobesltr Urt in th* di-triois between Tebdna and Jaffa (Plain of Sbaroo) " Borne low-lying paiobes," be lays, " ware qnile white with it." Tha October "gjarlerly Statement ' (Pales line Kxploration Fand) oontaio* a valuable paper by Mr. O. Hart, entitled "A Naturalist'* Jaarnty to Sinai, 1'etra and South Palestine, mad* in ibe autumn ot 1883." Tb* autumn oroont ba< no perfume, and wonld not be in bloom till late in Ihe year. Tb* narciatui i* a bulbona plan;, wbieh ID apparently implied in part ot it* Hebrew name i. a., Itrttrl, a bulb," or " onion." But quite a different plant ba* recently appeared ae Ibe true claimant to Ibe honor ot being tb* "Rose ol Sharon ' ; an Assyrian plan! cameisinlro duoed to ut by Dr. F. Deliuwb. Among the names ol different plant* ol *aim, 11 ried, ' and of object* mad* of it, occurring on a tablet In tba Britirb Maenm and published in " Tbe Cuneiform Ioseri|.tioni of Western Aia," mention i* mada of ona called kVibatriUalu, which in sound it identical with tbe Hebrew name in Oan Holes and laaiah, so thai Dr. F. De!itx<eb, without a moment's hesltatifi, apt*!* all other floral aspirant* with on* decided blow and read* " read of Sharon," Tb* desert (ball rejoie* and apron! 'ike tb* reed." Kdinburfk Reviftt A contemporary announce* a new story entitled "TLe Need of M mey." Tbsl baa Ion*; been an old, old story wilb n*. Port Hop* hat DOW 6,431 of a population Fifty man are to be added to the Men treal poli* (oro*. or .* ('MI 'lac. i it*. Ualue* Kdwarst* I hr*i-d ! h MHtt : feint -in Years. Thirty-two year* ago Jaat* warda, konwu amoi.g bi* neighbor* a* 1 Games U iwards," wa* a farmer of small mean* Itviogatew n.ile*lrom liuena Vuta. u Mariou eonuly, aay* Ihe Havanoab (O* ) .Vfi. B**idaa but wile and several ebil Jreu, ayoougmao.DanUI Majen.lU year- of age, and hi* iiattr, a pretty maid ot IB nammere. war* tumataa ot hi* family. Oaine* Edwards at tbal time wa* In tbo middle ol lit*, being 44 years old. In the moLlb ot March, 1854, about 11 o'clock at night, Mra. Uaiuea waa found in tb* kitchen banging by the ntok dead. The coroner's icqoeet, alter bearing tbe teen mony, aaid U wa* case of suicide. Tbe grave eloeed over tbe mysteries of ibe deed, tha people eaaaad to talk, and went abont their bosinaee. O-i!y a lew f k* after Ib* Mlilsmtat wai *l*ril*d new by ibe marriage ot Oaiua* Edwarda u> pretty -Jus M.jurs. Tba old ladi** ol ibe tivinbt. .rbood ieumad Ib* ulk abont tbe Elw*:da," and ote wouloVwbicper to another iba belief thai Gaiuei Edward Lung hi* wife. Timeoo^-.i ued to go weeks, monlbt, years waul by and atiil Iba old ladies al iba quilting* wooid apeak pt about tha tiuin Gain** Edward* bung bi* wife," and then u came about that Much Blaaford, wbo was run away al the time, aaw him pull tbe table from under bar and let her dangle in the air. But tfiteb wa* a negro, a slave belonging to M. H. Blacford, BOW J udi<e Blanford. Hi* deposiiua WM *>! Kuod in court. Aud to mailer* want on until *ev*ot**n year* kave passed, and still Oainet Edward* tilled tb* sell and nut hit omldren to school in Marion count; . lie into moved away went weal. After eight year* b* again tet BUS face toward tbiriatng *an, cam* back to Goorgia, atd nettled in Handolj n county. Tbre*> year* ago he u.^vea vo L)ie eounty, Alibama, biapreaent home. And still tbe old peopl* of Marion county r*msmo*r*d nee Edward'a wit*. tree and hi* oath oot! te e^nrt.^iV few years atio tbe (Matter wa* cr.uwfcl before Ib* graod jury, A true bi.l wa* found chariiiog G>ioee Edwards with murder. Last XMtda>y Mr. Dick Donnan, dapaty sneriff ejf Marian oonnly, retnruMl trom Alabama witn ibe old man, cow 70 year* old. Next week be will be brougbl before the Superior Court upon tr- curg of murder alleged to bave be*u ooiumiited thirty-two yean ago- Hi* *o.>nd wit* i* still living, ba* a large family children and graoda&ildr*n. oia peopu 01 mariau ova bout tks bcgit g tJAtu Mi sob Blanford betwK-e f WMftOodln c uri A ' ~l >. W. T. Tb* Buhl Worthy Oraid Ljdgt of Ib* Indrpendtnl Older of Gjod Timplari at- tended a recaption al ibt M r ri Aeadimy of Mu- ic R ebmond, V* , on TuisJay tvao- ing. Bon. J. N. S.nbta, one ot Ib* pail .fliaer* o' the Grauj j Ljd ( e of Tirgmia, pre- kUaid, and, on bebalf ot Ibe biate be repra- l**VdtlivereJ a moat eloquent address of wale me. Ia t*Maoeuc* of Ibe Mayor ol ibe eilv, rf.-v Dr. Jc undelivered an eddn** of wel- ome DO Detail <- IUD einiaa* ot K obmood. Boo. John 1 i'lnab r*i otded on bebalf f Ib* Bight Worihy Grand L)dge. and moog tbi- .tlitr epaakert war* M-n W. U Laenkl) of Qaeeee. aad Tbott-. N i-n. .f il.ftit^Si. u r*tv**B*jH|tb* I ' oji- o.. . Ibe Kmbtjtetby Uraai Lodtte 111*1 ae -rday. Alter ibe reading of tb* iijuits the rjeWhiillee oo Lfteralnr* prs oMd a rp rT na^teeticg that a temper - mm u it b,o be ioyatud to* in the Hklic loaooii'. and Ibat a ooone of sandy Die laid down somewhat on the beua ot ibe isnee tu anbjeat Ottalauqua eitoie. but giti&c tpeeial prorui of ttrnpetaae* in it* tnaoy p Ihe UouUrei.** of tb* Melboditl Cborch ^aJen.te witb aW ffOUi inal boJy lo Ib* O-ud ): Wylie, woo protutetl tbe 01., .lion* of tb* reiiglou* body from MUDS. rDbafto, repr**enting tb* Women jan I'n:( erai.ce L'oiou ot Ike Booth, i* Introdreed aud addressed tbt lodge ; klao, Mr. Plesktanlt, of Ib* Women'* 3briiiau Teuji.erai.oa Onion i.: the Hiala uf Virginia. Repreteutauve Wright, of L-ndoo. Eog. and, read a number oif reoelattco* po-aad j. tbc Grand Ladge of Ibe North of Eng- land in relation to the qtuetion of W ,rtb> Grand Lodge*, saggtatiu^ thai tb* lyitem of inch lodge* be made complete and u , form throughout the entire Ordtr ; Jso aoccurring in the propoaed di-oot; tin'jane* of tbe word " worthy " Irom Ib* of cmstrt in inbordioaie and grand lodgt>*. and expr***ing tb* opinion tbal tbe proioea' to make lodge terms tix months iu, lead of thrt* monibs is detrimental to tbt I L tore t a* of th* laJ.'ct iu tbt British Isle*. R-prMtDtativ* Wright gave roue* thai a. th* ntxl meeting ot Ibe R:gbt Worthy Grand Lodg* b* wonld move lor neb oua g*e ia Ibe eonliin:i:n a* wonld carry into (fleet tb* resolu'ioLs sabmiited. Tb* ladg* then proceeded ta vote for c finer* for the *naning year, wben tbe fol- lowing were declared elected : R. W. O. T.. Jjbu B Fioeb, Illinois ; R. W G Oonn oill >r. W. H. Lamely, Qjabee ; R. W G V. T., Mrs Bailey. New Hampshire . R W. O Secretary, B F Parker, Wmoonaiu . R. W G. Treasurer, Uriah Oopp, jon., Illinois , C. B. J. Templar, Mis* Cnibman, Obio. A motion agaiuit conntenanoiog bigb lieinie a* an aid to temperance rtform waa oarrnd and tb* lodge adjjurned. .hll.am.iiB-. New To a friend in Berlin Dr. -Sahliemacn writee Irom Albent thai alter completing bit (XoavatMM In Livsdi* and Bcs:ia, wbiob wore tr> - .igtge him in April, bt i i lei dsd tr eommeoe work ir- Orabomtooe, 'and tbat be bad given up bi* deeigo of ritartiii g to Berlin iu May or Jane. "It it highly probabl*." Bays Ib* doci- r. " Ib in autumn I tball begin to nnearlb tbe stroLgbold ol Ibe Atricts al Myetion Tbu work will probably la<t three yeart. and be tbi l*i I vb>ll Dtidirtak* ia my lifetime But even now I vealare to promite that I ahall Ibtre nuearib a palate, tb* plan ot which ha* moal reeemblaaae to ibat of Troy or Ibal of Tiryn*." O*r. LonJom Time* t.- f . .1 Whllr \t .bia Ulahe*. Oo Tuesday afMmoon laat a very tad aceideul haprtoed to Mia* McOriman, wbo livsa u lot '.'ti, 7ib cooctaaion Mono. Tb* young lady u *aid to bav* been waabing th* dinutr disbe* and had her back t > tb* tova wben btr elolht* eangbl fire and the ran out tide. Tne wind wa* ratber higb al tbt lirct, and tb* fire spread rapidly ovtr bar clothing and bar bipi, and on* ot btr arm* was burned to a erirp. V?ry slight hope* are entertained cf btr recovery Sktltunu Kconamut. King Ludwig ot Bavaria is tnlking again, and rcfnre* to tee or oommanieattj witb anybody. Hit Minister! bav* rtciiv*d no replie* to their cftbial notes since tb* ind of April. ; Tue rimaint ot Colonel Harbinger, of Ibe Frtneb army of invasion in Tocqum, w*re interred at Turn yesterday with military nonor*. Bom* of tb* tpeethe* delivered ovtr the grave were mada with a view to create in tb* public mind hominy to colonial aggrand.simcnl. ot Ibe f rt>ri to devr I p wbiob in China Colonel Harbinger waa dt wnbed a* a diatingutsbed victim aad a t jldier whom the Republic could ill affurd lo loe*. Tbt odium of tbe Tonqnin di-a->- ,'r waa thrown by tb* orator* upon M. Jules Ferry, who** foreign [oliey tottered Ibe in va ion of Tooqnin. Fre qutnlly daring tb* *p*eeb* tta* auditor* cried oot Down with Ferry, down witb Ferry!" In British Colombia eight jaron try eivil owe* aad a ilx-eightb* v*r4i*i i* ao- eapted. i Sir IUIMI. BXHIBIIION. rk Crude < (Canadian Oaiett*. LnUoo ) We bave already *pok*u of some of tb* l>oaibli dtvclopuieois of tb* expert frail trad* of C.nada in ib* near fnlur*. What i* u**d*d la prpmotc tnii d*v*lopmtul is obviously tb* jroTUUD of proper taoililies for shipment from tbe Dominion. Why, for iRSsaaot, ibould nol Canadian *t*ara- thip coenpaniss place al tha dispoesJ of ib* trniigrowara of Ka***rn Oaaada taoUiua* In tha way of storage ehamben aa may bt) on Australian vistilet Apples, pear*, grapt* and other trait* of xeeUeol and flavor ficd ibtlr way to tbe Australian fruit Market of th* Colonial LiLioiuou from tb* tar Antipodes, aod >r* ai one* tugtrly bought up al sneb high irieee ae itgtaiptuee tor a imall pear. Australia baa, of eoarte, a great advantage (ur British market* in tb* qu***tea of but Canada, with it* plaateoas orehara* and do** proximity to tha Mutbtr Land, need act fear free entry into friendly rivalry to aopply al least a part of the Briusn and European deaband. The quettioo U, of ecuni, oas tar tha eunaidsration of tbe Canadiau Oovtwn meat. the fruit grower* of Canada, and the tteam- ibip K/mpacie*. Bat wbilt Canada ia not at y* t to will forward in tb* supply of hat frcab frail* to Koslith market*, tba take* to* lead in on**** aad dairy product*. Ia ib* Daval Reatauranl ol M*e*ra. Spier* A Pond al tta* Exhibition may ha K*a topiur cdesjai Caaadiaa _ no Us. ttaac *8 daily served to tnqaentert of rani. our*, waa_fow*d 01 dst* Dr.iiTLival olub, wtitvf ' Ti Beach it on sxaibiuoo Lightly in a Lon- don music kali. Th* Extsutfi Commute* of tta* Cana- an Ataoctatton of Amateur Oarsman met in Toronto laet ivaning. Al ta* reqneet of the Laebina Cine, tae commute* ti^r**eed ih* (.ptnion thai Ihe be*i Oay* tor the regalia would b* July It* and 17lb. Fail- in*] ta* tl**uoo of tboee datea ikiy would io*>ttlJoly M.b and 11 <t. Tb* North- wswtein Asaoeialion'a regatta being set tot July Ii b aad Uth, aad the Rational >.- ragtwla It* tb* S&ib and Uat, tbe o.o. uiltee wetjM Uka to *a* ibe dale* Axed bstwesn or after ibie*dal*i. A let Mr we* read bean R a. Fox oaTanng a Iropby tat tb* slLgU-acnil ohanjuooanap. Tta* comiBiii** ananunoaaly il*slisd t* he partakir* cf Mr. Fox'i allegsd I tpi iioaiiou from IV. M. Wetelay, of] nil*, wbo rowtd to torn* prnt*ae total i al Oarltou fUc*. for reiuatatemsni a* aa amateur wai declined. To* amendments tly adapted by tbt National 4^"- uon of Axatsur Oaruaco wire adopted by th* oomiLiiiie* ai addition* to regilta rule*. A <' - I buaa a iua aiai. Tb* firil race tjfir rowed in Great jruaia in ib* new style of wed oo tbe T htmee oa tb* Prt*id*ot of tbe Two pairs of scull* la a kifl ar* allowable ; so ar* three pair In a randan, but four pair* ia a four, tibl pair* n an eighi good heevini, what it tb* world coming to ? Howtvar, tcall* for oars s tb* cat Kreai obaog* wanted in healing. A'_d it'll have to b* made, notwithstanding all Ihe psgbaad* in KnglaLd. With saafls men su ia Ibe n*|HI* ut Ita* boat, not oa tides, a* with can. wilb nails ei>* pewcr is mort equally and more j reli- ably applied than with oars a crtw git* tcouir together and get* store pace oat of the boat. A Mailing tight with eigbl good sen In her i* ibe pnlll**! s* will a* the !a*eil boat *ver teen oa water.' FaU JCaU Oiu<M. 11.1 . llBr... Al Prot. Reid a banani in Msatsssl Uat night LJUH Cyr, an ex policeman, beat the world a ric r J for weight lifting. Wilb a steady putn from Ibe ahocldar he lifted fta Iba.. and b* lilted on 111* back J MOf be To* welgble w*r* an tatted by oompttsul aod rtliabli men. Tb* new yacbl Atlantic proved herself viry tmarl on a wind in her trial me other day, and dtt*al*d ibe Prueilla in a Urtla bruab. Th* RjchMter *PTM tfler* to wager a ar.a red appl* thai Myers, tb* obamptoa ruuuer, oaucot beat II err Mo*t u a crawl- UK match. Tb* Gilmora-Bitile Ogbi took plae* on Uareon'a Island, in Ih* River til. Liair, two milas from AUonae, Mich. A landing waa mad* al 790 yesterday mjrnmg. and tba man got to work al 8 ii For twenty- six rounds tb* spectators wtn treated lo an tiDibnioo ot nerve and brutality that a* seldom bsso tauallad. In th* ant round Built a nosAaNta* broken with crack tbal wa* siW'.iiui. Biltl* paid no attention lo the brokeisjtjose, but braced ngni np aod took th* anxreeeive. Be r u-bd ib* nxbl up to ibe llih rouad. wbtu be began to stow txheueiion. Every Mm* GilUi.ru tlraok Bilil* ice blood purled from ttat (altar sa> broken aoa* and cuouia in a stream. Uiltt% u wa* arieVol. wa* there lo atay , and b* passwtl ooo*y and deliberately. In the lati few round* Built look tb* aggraeeiv*. -and bit cat to* Otla-ort's taaa. la ib* Mibtonnd Giimote (11 heavily, and did uowaomi up when ume wa* sailed. Tim* ot flgbl, one bow and thirty minutes. About twtniy yeart ago a gentleman wa* peyiogavitii to a aoauo. mamed to a bnteaud bad lately bad a vieil frcm hi* aged father, who formerly followed the occupation of tatmitg in Hlirlingtbin, and wbo bad probably nevir betn out of boot- mud before in hi* 111*. Tba toe. Auding LI< father ratbir i< ireei m hi* (.(Bet, on* day [srauaded htm to oraa* the terry ovet tb* Mtney and intpccl tba harvesting. iben in tall operation, oo tb* Cbeatam id*. O j landing b* approeootd % yoang woman reaping with ibe tickle in a field of o*ttv. wben tb* foiljwiog dlaloga* eoeaed : Farmer-" LaMia, are yer all* mookJ* booait ib year ?" Ktafr " Bu r Farmer " I wae *pi*ru,n ;! jsr aita an ninekl* th'year ?' Reaper (m amaatm*al) I naUy don't know what yoa an aay- ing. tir." Krmer (in equal a*toniabm*ol) - GuJ* sav* a* Jo y* no ondentaa' plain Konlna 7 An > tr ait* naaekle Reaper decamp* to her ompaniont, saying thai waa a madman, while be shouted in great wrath" They war* naeibmg sis* than a set o' ignorant pock- pud din's." r Uua.> ^ai.rr. Another story trom th* school room may not be cut it placi btre. A boy brought hi* itacber torn* v*ry beantifol aod iweet- imtlhng spring djwert tb* otbtr morning, tor wflioh th* thanked him v*ry kindly a* the placed them in a tumbler upon her deak. In Ibi court* ol In* morning th* yoatbfnl giv*r btld up bis hand and eaid : " I'.ea** ma'am, can I wet my tpooge T" " No," said the teacher, " not just now." Tb* boy, how*v*r, was poraieteni ; ha apparently thougblbe wa* totitltd to tome especial tavor, aud h* repeated hi* r*qu*et in a loader tone. Th* teeobtr. bowever, **>id " nay " tbi second lima more decidedly than at Crtt, and al this the petitioner gave vent to hi* anger a* follows : ' Say, teacher, you know th* fliwer* I sweaghi yoa jn*t now ; 1 only lint '".* TOU didn't give 'em to you I* kesp-" Tkere wa* a good deal ol human wr in tbu. Children of an otder tawwth somelimee thow a umilar I Tb* largtet oil wtl! in Obio WM ttraak yea*rday aening at a depth of l.WO f*et. Tb* mil i* tituatad a mil* trom Flndlay, aad It known a* Ib* Algc well. It ' ng at ib* rate ot 210 barrels an I

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