Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1886, p. 2

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A NIVAL, OP TUB I 1.1 ri no>i who bar* wonbl|>pe.l beauty long, Beheld a woman'* fac* to-uigbt Tuat thrilled my bmug Into acug And touched tuy uul with imudeB Imbt : And yet. iwrcuauce, bad you boen tbure You esarooly would hat* called It fair. Qrav eye* teat held a luttle ibid* Of tedueei U.at wa* hilt vzpIMMd, Lip* tbal lor laughter were not made ferni>t by pain's wlilie Duger pressed To pattern silence. All of art bank down alwahed within my heart ah, life bat on* blgb lenon yet Tbat I have learned of womanhood Tii when we luee and we forget The beautiful within the good. 'Til when the woiee nwixm to tee The buoi'i uurpauluc myitery. Llki light come* a calm conum With larger hope and purer love, A memory of the form tout bout Through nlghti of fevered palo above The cot ol childhood, better K> For tbli brief vision I may go. Once more Into the world like him Woo hu been pardoned. Lo I be kneels and murumre lu the cioiater dim, My Father, 1 have sinned 1 " Ht feeli The craviuK of the iptrtt ceate, BooUwxi by tbu antiwar, " Go la peace! MONICA Tn AUTBOB oi " rnnojt," "MOLLY BW, iKU OTHBB POrt'LAB MOvmLS. "What about the lamb ?" iayi Madam. wbOM ears are yonog as ever. "I WM only conjecturing as to whether TOOT eoniiu Mary bad a hllle lamb," *ey Mr. Kelly genially. "The old Mary bad, 700 know. A dear little animal with Fleece ai whit* ai mow ; And everywhere that Mary went The lamo wa* lure to go.' Too recollect, don't you ? What does Mint Browne do with here? Hae the got it up tain in ber room, DOW ? After all though the idea ie sweetly pretty I think there might be certain plaoee mio which it would be awkward to have even the white* Umb trotting after one. Eh ?" I suppose MiM Browne ii rich enough to indulge in any vagaries that may occur to ber," sayi Bella Fitzgerald. " There 1 * nothing like money," iayi Olga, with a ligb ; tl wbieb Lord Raes- sao]mi lookt hopeful, and young Ronayne " Like leather, yoa mean," tayi Owen Kelly : " thal'i tbe real tuinf to get hold ot" " Same people would do anything for money," says Miss Fitzgerald, with a spite tul glance at Olga'i direction. " They would seil themeelvM lor it." Hire s" turns her cold eyes upon Konaync, who is standing erect, ban dtome, but nnmiitakably miserable. " They could hardly sell tbemtelvei for a more profitable article," isyt Olga, witb An* shrug ot ber soli sbonlders. " Be tbsy tbink. Cicoint, we know, was, and is, all powerful." " Oh, no, ' sayi Olga, with a little silver; laugh ; " yon torgel, my dear Bella. Head it op again, and you will sse that Greiiae, was onee conquered by Oyrni. What be- earn* of hi* power then T" Her lashes coven her eyes lor a moment, aid wben she lift* them again tbi* arc fixed on Ronayne. By *om* ocqaetlisk art ihs gives him to understand in this single glance tbat he is Oyrni, Lord Roe* nevus Ciiatni. Be ean conquer thi* rich lord if he will. " How idle yon an, Mr. Konayn* !" ah* says. Blond. " Com* here directly and help me. Yon know I cannot do without your help." There i* the moet delicate emphskti- possible upon the pronoun. OMdicnl to her command, he some*, as Unemoyne, armed with tbi cup*, orossei the ball to Uermia aid Miss Ftlagerald. " Did yons eyea ipeak Iruijnet now ?" he asks, bending ovtr ber under pretext ol helping her witb tbe cape. " WSMM is tratls ?'' aes* she. ia tarn, with a iwitl upward glance. " Who knowi aogbl of ber ? She lie* buried in a deep well, does ihe not ? Who shall drag ber forth T" Bhi smiles, ytt in atomewbal constrained faehinn. that assort* ill with the inborn Mlf-poeeeasion that at a rale characterizes her. She glances at bim bnrriedly. How yonng and handsome and same*! be look* 1 How toll ot tenderesl entreaty ! Tbire ii, too, a touch ot melancholy ID hi* dark eyei thai newer same to tbe birth (the Is fain to acknowledge to herself witb a ping ol s) nntil tbat day wben tint ibey I on ber. Hs loves hsr tbal she knows ; but Rssi- moyne loves ber too ; aod though Runayne's rent-roll is by no means to be despised, still it counts but at a imall one besides Ibat ot Rossmovoe's. And Hermia is right ? a title is ol me in ths world ; aod nothing ii M letting or to aliifaetory at a reipeolable book at one'* banker's. A good match (Hermia again) U the one thing to bi desired , it cavern all sin*. Advice mob as Ibis coming from Mn. Derrick, is thoroughly diiinterented, aa the late lame u if d Mr. Uerriok, having behaved to her like m brute during their mercifully short married life, bad died is the odor of sanctity, leaving her complete mittress ot all bis enormoni wealth, and quite tree to make ateoond marriage ot ber own choosing. With ber (Olga), however, Ihe ease It widely different ; the it indeed without encumbrances so far as children may so be termed, and sbs has suffioisnt means to suable hsr to Ret her gowns and things from Paris, bnt there ber independence ae backwards T Am I never to be nearer 10 you than I am now ? ' 11 1 don't tee) how yon could oouvtniently be very mneb nearer," Byt Mrs. Bobun, ith a eofl laugh. " After all, I tappote I come under the bead ol either madman or fool," says Uouayue, eadly. " Yon M* everyihlng to me ; I am lees tbau nothing to yon." " It Lord RoumoyD* to some under the head of 'nothing'? How rude!" iye Olga. " I never thought ol him. I wai think- ing only of how hopelessly I love you." " Love ! How should inch a baby as yon grasp even the meaning of tbat word ?" iayi Olga, letting btr wblte lids droop until their loug laahei he upon ber cheeke like shadows, while she raitet her cup with indolent care to ber lipt. " Do you really tbink yon know wbat it meani 7" Tbe dreadful joy, always that nit 10 yerue. All Uiistueue 1 by Love,'" qaotee he, very gently ; after wbieb be tnrni away, andgoing over to tbe fireplace again, flinge himself down dejectedly at Monica's teet. " Are yon tired, Mr. Ronayne?" says Monica, very gently. Something in bit beautiful laoe tells her tbat matters are not going well witb him. "Tired? No," lifting hit eyee to heri witb a smile that belies bit worde. " It U good ot you to ask, though. I with," ear neatly, "you woold not call me 'Mr. Ronayns.' I etn't bear it from any one I like. Detmond, tell ber to call me Ulio." It strikes both Monica and Brian at peculiar tbat be ebonld appeal to the latter as to one possessed ' * certain iofluenoi over tbe former. It strikes Miss Fitzgerald in tbe same light, too, who baa been listen ing to hit impetaoot entreaty. Beeing there is something wrong witb him, tomething tbat might be termed ex oitement in bit majiner, Deemond wbiiperi to Monica to do aa be deiirti. " He i unhappy about something ; him feel you are hit friend," be iayi in a low tone. "Oome a little farther from tbe fire, Ulio a little nearer to me," lays Monica in a tone of thy friendliness, " and I think yon will be more comfortable. He is more than grateful, Itbiuk, though be eays nothing, only be moree a good dea closer to ber aod lays hit bead againtl he knee in brotherly fashion need I lay on reboked? Bometbing in this little scene scads tb blood rnibiQgwitb impatient fervor throng Olga't vein*. Bnt that the knows Monio well and thai tbe girl ii dear to ber, ah could have hated ber heartily at tbit mo men! wilbonl wai ling to analy zi the moliv tor ber dislike. As it U, the gives the rein to ber angry ipirit and leti it drive bt wbere it will. Bbe langht quite merrily an ayi some pretty playful thingt to Lor Koumoyne Ibat all the world ean bear and Ronayne, be asiored, tbe firet of all. Desmond, with a lubdned touch of sur prise in bie eyei. turns to look at her. Bo tht night has darkened with tnllen batte tired, perhape.ot the day 'e ill- temper auc Ai ihe rant over all tbit hurriedly in ber mind, the detire for riohee grows upon her. Tee, there ii certainly a great deal of good In Rostmoyne, betide* bin income ; and perhaps a solid itenmesi it perferable to an airy gayety ot manner (thii witb an irrepressible leaning towards the " airy gayetv ' ) , and aid what a pity It it that Roetmoyne it not Ulie I " I will," saye Ronayne, alluding to ber last remark, in a low but determined tone. " Olga, tell me I am more to you than Roenmoyoe." " The boy yon an I" says Olga, witb an adorable imile that reached him through the flickering flashes ot the firelight.. " The naby I" He it beinding over ber, and with a light oareeilng touch the brashes back the hair from bit temples. " In a year, nay, in month, once we are teparated, yon will Me some other (ace, newer, more deeirable, and forget you ever eared for mine." "If i oonld believe that, I night find peeoe. Yet, for all that peace oonld give me, I would not so believe it. I am yonrt forever, boy though yon deem me ; and yet, Is one ever a boy again wben one bat onee truly loved ?" " How often havt you traly loved ?" witb an attempt at ligbtneet that it down-trod- den by the intensity ot ber regard. " At often M I have teen yon. Nay, more than tbat, every moment tince I flrtt saw yon ; beeanse night and day, whether absent or present, I have been yonrs in heart and soul." "You have fatigued yonrielf I A long two months I" laughingly. " A abort two monthi." " There hat been no time tor fioklenest." " There never will be, so far an I am concerned. 8a rare am I of that, Ibat I do not mind praying tbat Oupid't enne may light upon me it ever Improve unlaitblol. Ton know it ?" " I bave bat email acquaintance witb Mining of any tori. ' " Then learn this one : ' They that do change old love tor new. Pray god* they edange for worse ' Will you rspeat that alter me 7" 11 wait until I finish my lea ; and- mnkiad a* yon are yon will give me a tittle bit ol sake, won't yon ?" " I would give yon everything I toseeu, If I oonld" " Yon don't poseies thii oake. yon know ; ItuMadamOOonnort. "Ok, Olga, why wffl yo. Uwayi pmi standing as bt doet within tbe magic oirel ot ibe firelight, be findi s difficulty in eon quiring Ibe gloom beyond. Tbii makes bi gate in ber direction Ibe more concentrate) and, indeed, when he has separated he features from tbe mist ot the falling nigh be atill node il impossible to pierce tbs im penitrable veil of icdifiertnoe that covers her every feature. His giza, thus ueeetsarily prolonged, distasteful to bir. 1 Brian, don't keep staring al tbs learn io tbat Ksan fashion," the sayi ptayfaily ysl with a lattnt sense ol impatience lu b* ton*. " It it unworthy of yoa. Oo op Madam O'Connor nobly, cap In band, aoc I dare iay it you ask ber prettily ibe will grant m* permission to give you a cup of tea." Diamond, recOMtBCt; from hid reverie with a start, aeeepte tbe situation literally. " Will wa, Madam ? ' be lays meekly. " Oo." His lone is of tbe moet abject. There it a perceptible trembling about bis knee j oinls. " la Ibis the ' air noble ?' " bs says to Olff* io an undertone. " Have I oaobt il?" " Ton'U oateb it in a minute in real ear- nest, it yon don't tnend yonr manners," sayi Madam witb a langb. " Oive bim bil tea, Olga, my dear, though be doein't de- serve it." " Sugar 7" lays Olga laconically. " Yee, pleat*," mendscioosly. Then you shan't havi evsn one lump, if only to pnnitb yon (or your miaconduot." 11 1 thongbt as much, iayi Brian taking bit cup thankfully. " Fan IK, I can't bear HUgar, but I knew yon wonld drop il in in an unlimited degree it I taid tb* other thing. Not tbat I have tbe vaguest notion as to bow I bavs misconducted myself. II I knew, I might tot a watch npon my lips " Bet il on jour tyet," sayi Olga, with meaning. Al thu moment a light footfall is heard atid somebody comes slowly across tbs hall. A merry tongue of flame iLooling upwards, deolaret il to be the plain Mitt Browne. Mre. O'Connor bae jail passed into an adjoining room. Olga it busy with her tray and with her though It. Mrs. Her rick, partly lurnsd aside and oblivious ol Ihe ap- proaching (nest, it convening in low tone* with Lord Roetmoyne. No one, therefore, it ready to give tbe stranger welcome and put ber through the oeremony of introduction. Awkwardnen it impending, wben Monica comet to Ibe retooe. Her innate dense of kindly oonr teey conquering her ihyneiis, the litst from her seat, and going np to Miss Browne, who has some to a standstill, Iayi ber band softly upon hers. "Come ovtr here and ail by me," ibi says nervously, ytl witb inch a gracious sweetness that tbe stranger'* heart goes onl to ber on the spot, and Brian Desmond, if it be possible, tallt more in love witb her than ever. " Thank you," says Miis Browne, prett ing gratefully tbe little hand thai lies on ben ; and then every one wakes into lift and says somithing civil to her. Five minutes later tbe dressing-bell rings and tbe toent is al an end. CHAPTER XXI. Dinner bai oome to an end. Tbe men are still dallying with Ibsir wine. Tbe women are assembled in Ihe drawing room. Olga, having drawn back tba curtain! from tbe central window, is ttanding in its embrasure looking out silently npon the glories ot tbe night. For tbe storm has died away, the wind it gone to sltep, tbe rain bat sobbed itsell to death, and now a lovely moon ii rising slowly ilowly from behind a rippled mast of grayest olood. From ont tbe dark spaces In tbe vault above a few ilara are ihining tbe more brilliantly became ot ibe blsokneis tbat nrronndi them. The air ii sultry almost to oppressiveness, and Ibs breath of tbe rotes tbst have twined themselves around the railings ot tbe balcony renders the oalm night full ol iweelett fragrance. Even as ibe gizn, spell-bound, Ibe clouds roll backward and star* grow and multiply exeeedingly, nntil all The flcor of heaven 1* thick Inlaid wltt patlnee of bright gold. Madam O'Connor ii talking to Mis* Browne of certain family matters inlerot- ing to both. Mist Fitzgerald has gone op- stairs, either to put on another coating of powder or else to teold her long-inffering maid. Her mother has fallen into a gentle, somewhat noisy snooze. A sudden similar thought striking both Monica and Mra. Herriok at the ssme time they rise and make a itep towards the win- dow where Olga it Handing all alone. Hermia, laying bsr band on Monica s arm, entreat! ber by a gesture to change ber purpose, wbereon Monica falls back again, and Htrmia, going on, parts Ibs ear- tains, sad, stepping in to wbere Olga It, jiiot her nniovited. " Dreaming ?" ihe iayi lightly. 11 Who would not dream on mob ft night at tbit, tbe more beautiful because ot Ihe iserable day to which it ii a gloriuu* Mr miottioD ? Hue, Hermia, bow those planets learn and glitter ai thongb in mockery ol s poor toolu h mortals down below." I don't leel s bil more foolish than I did his morning," lays Hermia. " Do yoa. ear? Yon wers giving yourself a great sal ol oredil lor yonr common *en then." " Common sects' worldly wisdom bow I bale tbe sound ot all tbal jarguil" yi Olga petulantly. " Ltt at torgel w noil be wise, it only for one night. Tbe OBUty of that silent worll of fljwem beyond hat somehow entered into me. Let me enjoy il. ' How sweet tbe moonlight sleep* upon thai bank ' down there ! Watoh I. Oan yon see how tbe rotes quiver >eneath it* touch, as tbongb stirred by Home happy dream 7 ' II ii, indeed, a perfect night." sayi lermia looking al bsr in eontt surprint 1 Cnere is a suspicion of excitement in Olgta'e manner arising, as il were, from the deiirt to bide one emotion by iba betrayal ot another that "trikes ber listener ai Itraoge. " How tot ily Ibe air beats upon one's laoe ! ' sayi Mn. Bobno, leaning a little for ward. "The nigbl it, as yon lay, perfect. Tel, I don't know what ie Ibe matter with me; tbe more I feel the loveliness o! sUl aiound, tbe sadder my heart seems to grow." " Wbat 1" sayt lierajU lifticg her brows, am I to learn now that yen, tbe gayeit of all mor lain, Lav* attest luooumbej to the lusnflerable dreariness of this merry world ?" Yon run too fait. I Mar a little per- plexed, perbapt, bnt I have nol succumbed to anything." Or any one, I hope, unless il be to your advantage. Yon are playing a silly game Olga." Tbe world wonld be loit nnleai il bad a tool to tport with now and then." But why should you be Ibe one to pan- der lo ila pleasuret ?" " Who more fitting 7 I am tired ot bear- ing you apply that word ' silly ' to me, morning, noon and sskbl." " II is too late to hsheve il possible thai you and I sbonld quarrel," say* Mn. Her- riok, in a perfiolly even tone, " to don't try to get up an imaginary grievance. Yon know yon are dearer to me than acyining oo earth, after Ihe children." "Well, don't scold mi aoy more," sayt Olga ooaxlogly. " I never scold, I only reason." "Ob, bat thai U so much worse," say* Olga. "II meant tbe scolding and a lot more betide*. Do anything but reason with me, my dear Hermia." " I will say tbal I think yon are throwing yourself away." " Wbere ? Otet the balcony ? ' wilt ally. " I assure yon, yoa misjudge me; I am far too great a coward." " You are not too great a coward to eon- template Ibe commuting of a much more tenon* beti.e. To night his attention) were specially marked and you allowed them." " I can't tbink what you mean." "Wiil yon deny tbat Mr. i. < paid >i,u very Lun-ked attention t . " Marked . Wbere did he make bie im- prtsaion, then? Hi didn't piuah me, if you mean tbat." "Ot coarse, yoa can follow your owu wither, deareil, and I shell neilbergain nor lots; but it does stem ft i>uy, wnen might b* a countess Msgkavc ibe jil your feet. I know lews* altogether io fill ibe position, and sjy I you rtjest it You are pretty, clever, charming every ILtLK of Ih* most JMirk " Am I ? " She steps into the drawing room and brings herself by a laifi ilepir two opposite a huge mirror 1*1 into one ol tbe walls. Standing before it, ibe earviys herself Irom bead to foor, and tbiu the smiles. " I don't know about Ihf" clever, " ibe sayi, ' bat I am surs I am pretty. In town last season do yon rcmtmetr ? my hair created quite a furore, It ii so peeuharly light. Ever so many people, watte J to paint m*. les, it wan ll very pfMan Do yoa think it will bs U pleuanl to liv* bere sll yonr days and find no higher nmbition than tbe hope Ibal yoor fouiet may bs prettier than Mrs. Bo-and-to's 7" " I>) yon remember Ibal fancy ball and how the Prince asked who I was, and all tb* reel of it? H* laid one or two very pretty things to me. Hi, like yon, said I wai obtrming. Do yoa know," naively , 1 bavs never gol over ths feeling ot b-.-iag obliged to aoy one who pays ms a oonafef mint ? I am obliged to you now." ' And to the Prtnoe tbin. But you wou'i see many princes if yen ttay in Ireland, I fanny ; thsy don't hanker atter tbe soil." " Poor Ireland 1 ' sayi Mrs. Bobno. " Aod compliments, I sbonld say, will b* almost as scarce." II Ab, now, there yoa are wrong ; Ibey fly beueasii tbese murky skies. We absolutely revel in them. Wbat true Irishman bnt has one tripping freely Irom bis month OL tbe very smallest ohaMlT And tbeo, my dear Hermia, consider; are we not Ibe proud possessors of the blarnty -stone ? ' II 1 wish, dearest, you would bricg your- telf to tbink seriously of Rostmoyne." " I do tbink seriously ol him. It wonld be impossible to think ol him in any other way, he is to dull and pompous. ' 11 H* wonld make an excellent husband." " I have had enough ot husbands. They are very unsatisfactory people. And be- tidee " " WellT" " Roeemoyne has a temper." " And forty thousand a year." " Mot good enough." " If yon are waiting lor au angel, yon will wait forever. All men are " " On, Hermia, really I can't listen to nob nangbly wordi, yon know. I really wonder al yon 1" " I wasn't going to tay anything of Ihe kind," nays Hermia with great baste, not I most go with Oeorglf," sayi tbe ohild " 8) you Nhk.ll. Bnt nr-i l.;i rut, what bavs yoa gol iu your band ?" Bomtttbiog to go to bed with. Bee, insuumy 1 II it a pretty rtd plum," opening U* dtliaate piok Mt MM ur mother's ud inin.ticn." Whuie did yon gal it, durlii/g? ' In tbe dining-room " From Lord RcBiuoyoe?" " No ; Irona Mr. Kelly. I would cot have tbe one Lord KossfJtorue gave me." Olga laughs mreopsVwUily and Mis Hsr- riok eoloit. ** > Why ? ' ebe aafc>r " Beeauie I like Mr. Kelly heal. " And what did ; M give bim ?" 11 Nothing." " Not evvu a kisi? ' aayt Olga ' No," umewbal eaamelaoedly . " ller mother's own danghtor 1" tayaOlga erresaing ibe child tenderly, bnt langbiug still. " A cbilly mortal." Q:od night, my owu," iayi Hermia, and ibe oi'ild, having tinned tbtm both again, rani away. 0<ga follow* bur with willful eyes. " I almost wish 1 bad had a b*b> I ' bbe iayi Yon? Why, yon can't take oare ol > cure If I Yon are the least fitted to bave a chili ol aoy woitau I know. Leave all inch charges to He'd people like me. Why, wn orl seeing tbe laughter lurking in Olga'e dark eyee. " I merely meant tbat " "Don't explain dos'tl" says Olg, "I couldn't endure any more of it." And she langbi aloud. " Bonmoyne it very devoted to yoa. Is there anything against bim, except bis temper?" " Yei, bis beard. Nothing would induce mi to marry a man with bete all over bis laoe. It isn't clean. ' " Oive him five minutes and a razor and be might do away with It" " Oive him five ruinate*, and a rszir and b* might do away with bimielf, too," lays Olga provokingly. " Rially, I tbink ons tbing would please me jail si much M ibe other." " Ob, tbes, yoa are bent on refusing bim," lays Olga calmly. With very few people does ibe ever lose ber temper, with Olga ntver. " I am not so sure ot tbat, at ill," lays Olga airily. II ii quite wilbin tbe poui- bllitiet Ibat I may marry him Home lime or other soonir or later. There is a delight- ful vagueness about tbote two dalei that gives me the warmest encouragement." " II ii a pity yon cannot be serious some- times," says Mrs. Herriok mildly. A little hand npon bir gown saves fur- ther expostulation. A little face looking np with a certainly of welcome into bert brings again that wonderful softness into Hirmia's eye*. " Is it you, my sweetest ?" the tays fondly. " And wbere bave yon been ? I have watched in vain lor yon for tba lasl half -hour, my Fay." 1 1 was 10 ths dining room. Bui nurse called me, and now I have come to say good night," tayi tbi obild. 1 Oood-nubt, then, and God blent you, my ebiok. But where it my Georgia ?" " I'm hen," lays Oeorgii gleefully, fringing npon bir in a violent lasbion, bat one wonld bavs believed hateful to tbe calm Uermia, yet i* evidently most grateful to ber. She em braced tbe boy wmrraly and lets her eyes follow bim until be ia out ot tight. Then the tarns again to the little maiden at her Hoe. you are a baby at heart, yourself, this moment." ' f That would be no drawback. It wonld only have ortatedyiynpatby between me and my baby. 1 wbnldbave underbtood al! ber bad mood* sad condoned all her crimes." 4 If yon had been a mother, yon wonld have bai a very nanfUty ohild." I should bave bad a vsry bappy child at !eatt." Thsu sbs laughs. ' Fancy me with a dear little baby I" the isyi, " a Ibini all my own, that would rob its soil cheek against mini and love me better than any hinfl" "Audrumcli all yonr ohoices! Parisian gowns and pull yonr hair to piece* oouldn'l fancy it at all." Here Ibs door opens to admit the men the celestial half boor after dinner bavin) oom* to an end. With one consent they al converge towards Ibe winiow, where Olga and Hermia are standing wilb Monies, WEI bad joined them to My good-night to tittli Fa> . Mi-.i h'i: .. <erald, who ha* returned to the drawing-room freshly-powdered, teeing bow tbe tide rani, orostee tbe room, too ftod mingles with ths group in tbe window " How lout yon have been I We learei you dead and buried," the says to Kelly with etephsLt'ue playfulness. "We bave, mdeed. I tbooght the othi men wonld ntver itir. Wny did yon no alivi mi the chance of leaving them ? Tbe faintest suggestion thai ;--u wanted u.i wonld have Mo^P|*>e>**tt\ boars ago ' " It I ba 1 been tun ot that, i sfeonld b*v sent you a message ; il wonld nave isvei me a leelnre," say* Olga, flashing a smil al Hermia. " I sbonld disdain to send a message, say* the proud Bella. " I wonld nol oom pel any man'i presence. ' Oome, il you will ; slay away, if you won't,' ie my aoito aod I cannot help thinking I am right." " Too are, indeed, quite right. Coercion i* ot small avail in somi oast*," aayi Olga, regarding her with tbs calm dignity of one wLo plainly considers Ibe person addrsssed * ery inferior quality, Indsed. "A woman cau lattroely be too jealous ct her right! nowadays,"! ay i Mir* Fitzgerald. 11 It the hat s proper knowledge of ber DOM- tioQ -de ooghl to guard it carefully.' "A flue idea finely expressed 1" iayi Kelly M though imitten into reverence by tbe grandeur of bir manner. "I wonder wbat is a man'* proper po*i- tioi ? ' lays Olga lazily. "He will always find il at a woman'* feel." says Miss Fiis^irald grandly, elaltd by Kelly's apparent subjection. That young man looks blankly around Dim. Under tabitfe-SLC chain and lounge* bil eyts penetrate, hot without Ihe detircd result. " S3 tony I can't tee a footstool any where I" he says, lifting bis regretful eyee to Min FiU^e'rald, " but for that I tbould be al yonr feet from tbit until you bid me rite." (To be eintlnoed)' A Bmsck oi rre*t*e "mi I'robiblr. He bad thrown bimiell into an easy chair m the club aod lay there wilb one baud oo bit torebaad ana an open letter In tbt other. Whafi Ihe matter alek ? ' " Xes." " Come and take a drink." " No, tbank yon ; bad enough Itiok a pin into nif , won't > ou 7" " Wbat foe T" " Jail to tee if I'm awake." " Yon're all right." " K:d Ibis." And be handed over the letter, which read : Mi DiBi ixd JACK, Mamms told me ibe me I yon thM morning, I am K . xlad yon'ri from t's*j*4p*K* *VVsy, whvsUd yon not write me a lias T OMB* up just as so an VOB oar. I am longing to embrace you lonr own, JAJII. That's \ r, ileasant." " Tss, but w ho is it ?" " Don't) D kuowT I don't." " IjVBuri. to-day -by Jove, It'i ir oV|ter : I My, what can tbii bs ' PeVthink ct it, I met tbe old man toe, and biih f them were effusive and ISld tnoy ei[ ected ml up to-Light. Hntb here's ber cousin." And Ibe cousin cams np. " Hullo, Jack, Back again 7 Too left Mrs. rioeption thai night two weeks ago so inddenly I did not have time to peak to yon. Jennie told as ths DOWN when the not home, and I MIOTS yon we re all glad. You're going np tonight, arcn yon 7 Sue'* been wild for two weeks becMHe yon nsvcr wrote a line." " Yet. yet. I'll be tbere to-night. They're all well 7" Then b* rushed cfi and covered himself over wilb a newspaper, and il gradually came to bim that in a bant of champagne enthusiasm be had jtopeeed to Jennie In the corner ol a secluded drawing-room at that reception, and there it no way onl ol il nntil be can gtl an exenie to quarrel witb her and break il off. San Francitco Chronicle. B.y They net ee < man Ur*na*1. A well known member ol Congrett called upon the President Saturday for Ihe pur pote of preeenting him to a newly married couple, constituents ol his, who were anx ions to see Mr. Cleveland. Tbe member of Congress placed a marked emphasis in tbe introduction to tbe fact that Ibe people be was presenting were newly-married. He added with a flourish: " I commend them to yonr attention. 1 The President laid to tbe groom, ai hs gizad upon Ibs biide, " I congratulate yon, tir," ibaking him warmly by tbe hand M he spake. The bridegroom blushed, and for a moment did not know what to lay. Then be blurted onl, " I nope tbe American peo pie will soon have an cpportnnity to cffer eimilar congratulation t> yon." It was the Pffsldinl's turn to blush. Tbe bride laughed outright, and then Ibe President laughed. Tbii hilarity continued tor a few seconds, and then tbe President teemed to realizj thai be was committing himself, and a look of annoyance came upon bis face. Tbe interview came to an abrupt alotc. lndianopolii Sentinel. THI HritiiH Utiieal Journal of thii week announces thai " the investigation which ii being conducted under Ibe direction of the BritiHh Hydrophobia OommiMion has to far at it has yet gone afforded confirma- tion ol the truth of certain points of great importance maintained by M, Faitenr. Little doubt now remains that tbe virus used by bim in hit experiments it the true virus of ' M*ir IsmtreilBtj Nele* the arli II If lerv el me Uouilalem. Tbe usme ot America flrtt occur j IL . dilion ot I'toemy's geography, oti * uip by Hjflaeomyloi. Tbe name ulOauada fimt ooear< u i . Bret Uocit, elo ," ut Jtoyatt Curlier, printed M Paritin 164s. The first settler in Canada wsuLjuis Jebert, who came onl in 1617 with bn amily M settle, and who maintained him- self and family by tilling tbe soil. TUB flrit govirnor ot Canada was Bainnel le Ohamplain, whose term ol office coatiuaed from October 15lh, 161V, to December '25th, 1635. Tbe first earthquake in Canad* occurred n 1638. Tbe first mention ot lacrobsei* made in Bauard's Ycyagti au payt dtt Eunru, Parii, 1681. The first newspaper pnbliabed in Otuada wai Ibe Qat>bee Uatttle, which appeared ou June 21it, ITiil. Tba flitl itemtblp f rom Canada to orott tbe ocean wai tne fiayal Willmm, which Hiled from Qaebec on ibe &',b August, captained by John MrDjogaJi. Tbe first eoin issued ia Canada was in tbe year 1858. Tbe firet bank note issued was from Ibs Canada bank in 17M. This bank nevr amounted to anything more Iban a pro jBOt ; notes were issued by Ibe Bank of Montreal on October lit, 1817. Tbe firtl military organization in Oan ada wai tbe military fraternity of "La Tret-Baint Vierge," composed of sixty tirsemeu; the dale of its orgtniz.tion i* 166S. The flrtt to sug<|tst oontederation v Mr. Uuiaoke in 1808: alter bim oaine Chief Juntioe Bewell in 1814. Tbe first railway company in 0*nada wat " Tbe Oompaoy of Ptopneton of tbe Champlaiu and St. Lawrenoi Railroad;' a charter was obtained ifiib February 183)1. Tbs lino was from Latrairie to Bl Johni, and work was began ID 18S6 ; first opened tor traffi ' August, 18SC, being ran with hone-power, bat in 1837 the horns were replaced by enginet. The first di-c . very of gold was rnadu iu a stream flowiag into the Cbaudlere in 1813 by a woman named Gilbert. IB .Ui man i Journal in 1H34 a Oanadiau nuggil U detoribed by Lieol. Braddeley, R.E. Tbe firit game of lacrosse between while playen ouly occurred at Montreal in 1869 The elnbs wire the Montreal Glob and ib Hoebelaga Club. Tbe flrtt mtntiou ot Niagara ii toand iu Ltlemant's Kelation of 1M1. Tbe first tale ct land on tbe Island o Montreal wan about forty taorta where ib Bt. Ann'* market now stands. Tbe isle was made by Mauonneave to one Oadsyi date ill) January, 10 1, and the ooumdera lion wto t DO ijiariet BOO per tore yearly. Tbe ur*t on nelli were dug in 1851 Ia ,. \agact, 1860, L A Vangbn eenk au u well, and iu November struck oil at a depth of 85 feet. Tbie was tbo beginning of ib town ot Petrolia, Oat. The first FrotetiaLt oburob was bnili a Dertbier by the Seigueur Cu Lbor: iu 178C Tne flrMt varsel to streend th H:. Mary current W&H tbe Hercules ia 1824, in obarg olUapi. Bin.h, lataly deceased. 1'roi u to the Hercules bo vessel bad come op Ih ourreui wi'.bont tbe aid ol cxiu. Tbe first steamer to oms down the Lt ebice Kaj ids wai tbe Uatario, Caps. Hil hard. Ttie name was afterwards changed to Lird Bydeobam. Tbe date of be dtcOHUI wa 1843 (?) Goal wae flrai tbipptd from Canada late in iht seventeenth Odutnry, acd was ten to the Weil ludiei to Ibe sugar nil -one there. Tbe Qrt incorporated town in Onterii was Hamilton, date 1838, February 13th Toronto wai inoorporaled as a oity, Mtrou 6:b, 1834. . The oldest town in Ibt Dominion is Qaebco and not Annapolis aisome anther! ties claim. Tbii latter town wai ths first founded, bnt if not ia tn-leuce on its origins! kite. (jaebec wa* tonudsd bj Gbamplaio on 9rd Jaly, 1608, and Ih prssenl Annapoln(prtvionily Port Riyal) by Cbaruiray, between 1632 and 1645. Tb mine ol tbe old fort are still to be teen. The flmt imellibg ct iioa look place a' tba Bl. Manrioe torgsa on Ojtjb-r 1'i.b 1787. Thsie forget were etlabliibud near large beds ot bog ore ; btvd tot beeu wjrkei lor lome yeare. The flrst UmpertDoe meeting in Oaaada was bt'.d ID January, 1828, in Ihe count) of Pioton. Tb* eld tort at Cbambly (tne pteen mio) was built in 1709-11, frum pUui o De Ltry. Tbe first clock laotory wai eitablished at Wbitby, Out., iu 1871 The flrtt paper mill wat erected at St. Andrews, Qae., in 1803. The firit distillery wai Drum jnoDd>, at Quebec, which wat in opera'.iju in 1771. The flr*t Sunday school, in one sense c Ibe term, was tbe free school opened by Prince Edwiri at Quebco on Beptembe 4lb, 1793. I* wai a secular school, optn ou tinndayc. The first Binday tchool in Ih present lueaoiog of tbe word was opete: by Miti Hedge, in 1816, and in onnneetion with tbs Church, March 9ib, 1828. (Dr Miles it authority lor tbe above, bnt tben ii soms donbt at to its correetnees.) The first newipaper ia Upper GaaaJa Was tbe Upper Canada Qattttt, tbe firs number of wnioh appeared April 18th, 1798 sl Newark. Tba firm capture of Qnefcrs wai tfioled by L. and T. Kerlk in 162'J It was gfvn np by the EnRlish King in 1632 to si tbe payment of a certain earn ot money Tbe oeesion was made by tbe treaty of 8 1 Oermtin-en-Laye. Tbe first printing press ia Canada was vet up by Burger .1 Mesplel in 17*6. The first Hone of the looks of the R.leaa <;Lal was laid by Bir Jobn Franklm, AUK 16lh. 1827. Montreal was, first lighted with cil lamps in November, 1815. The first settlirs at Ottawa were two person* named Berry and Firth. Ottawa was called al flm Bytowo, atter Ool. Dy who came out from England to superintend the oooKtrooiioD ct tbe Rideau Canal. The first vessel to oome np tbe Bt. Law renoe to the foot of Bl. Mary's current wae Ibe Emerillon, of Jaoqo.es Oartier, in 1565 ; Ibe latter gives the dale 2'Jib Beptember Montreal wai founded May 17th, 1649 Paul de Gbomedy, aitnr de Maisouneuve was tbe first Governor ot the island. Tti Montreal Onrling Glub was organ- ised in January, 1807, "by tome natives ol North Britain." This ii believsd to be the first regular club in Canada. The first name of tbs present me ot Kingston wu Gataraoony, afterwards II was called Fort Fronlenao. The flril mention ol a confer mine in Canada occurs in Ihe 28tb chapter of Les- earbot, wbere he pays, ' the 16th August we arrived at Isle Peroee, wbere we found Hieur Prevert, of Bt. Halo, who was com- ing Irom the mine. Tbe plaoe where tbe mine it situated lies in 46 degrees and leveral minutes." Tbe first mention of inookicg in Canada occurs In Gartirr'i teooud voyage and ii very amusing. {.uimk.blr UUnvrri f*la*tc b fr.l !! II -nU Mil ou.iu. 1'rol. AUxander Qrsbatn B* 1 and bis uuiin.Dr. Cbiobikt** Bell, bav* reocutly made a very rtujtikabll di.c.v r}, wbiou ibey think n quit* at iuoportaLt H t&u >raii*Btis&iou of tbe ioiii ot tne bomau rjioe IhrouKb tbe telephone. Tbey bave discovered that a falling jet ot water or a lame ot gae burning in a room reproduces svery word spoken and very sound uttered wilb in a givtu diitauot. Wben two people jm iu conversation in a room in the even- og the gas which burns above their beada repeat* every word tbsy say and louadt uttered in tbe vioinily ot flowing water produce vibrations. To a reporter ot a local paper Prof. Bell bowed a glats diik, upcn which appaared a spiral streak composed of tiny little shade lioe, placed together or farther apart to make op the variation ot inteniily. Tbe suifioe wa* one of depretiion and eleva lion. Thin, Prof. Bill t>aid, represented sound wavth Wbeu tbe plate wae revolved upon a pivot and the depreesioce and eleva- tions oouveyed w the ear by a mioropbooe, there was a repetition of tbe eonvereatio: there rtoordrd aa distinct at when il WSM delivered. Tbe nndnlale anrtaee represent log toand waves was prodnoed by pbutograpby. Prof. Bell lays tbat if aoy one will go to a water pipe and turn on tbe fauoel so tbal tbe water will fall in stream to tbe ground, Ibal water ean be made lo report tbe conversation lakinf plaoe in its presence and a stream register every toand wiibiu hearing ot il. Prof. Bill eoctidera Ibie discovery quiti ai important as tbat ot ibe telephone, aoc bit ojuiit, Ohiobeater Ball, hai gone to Europe for the purpose ot bringing it before toientiflo meu in Eugland land on the Continent. Patent* bave already beei obtained iu all tbe piiuoipal countries of both continent... Tbe great objeol ol tbe inventors was to reoaid by photography or otherwise tbe vibrations in tbe jit ol water whieb correspond to sound wtiss a tbs remit ol words spoken in tbe vicinity to keep tbe voice on record, bottled up at i were, for any lecgth of I'm?, and thsn when called npon, to let tbe record ipeak Tbib, Mr. Bell says, baa been aocomplixbed Ths water, or liquid < f whatever kad i may be, is colored witb bichromate o potash. It il were perteetly olea il would nol answrr, because tb ligl.1 need io pbotcgrapbkg woud rui through without resi<lanos noard would rs> made onf lb< tablet Tb* water u oolored for photo grapbioK, and tbe jtl if made to ful otaliqacly on a glax plate. Tbe watc spreadn Knelt ont ou tbe gla<i plat* am runs off. Il is tb* water no spread out tba it to b* photograph* a aa il pant en. Word spoken otnie the jet ol water to vibrate, tb vibration* in tbe jet ou-e oorreepotiditii Orations in tbe aim of water a* it break tpreadi on tbe glass plate and ruci of) y cf light in pawed inroogh tbal film and through the glim plate to a sensitive tablet behind. Ib? ttnsuivs tablet receive the impreation ot every vibration while tb ipeakiug continnts, the je; keer-t rnnciog ibe nlm keeps passing over Ibe plat*, tb r cordiuu table! te p moving and ibelinh paubing tbrcuxb the film tittie Ublutoi^ke a record ot tbe tpeeeh far more aceiii tbaa any verbatim report. These toieU do nol oonsider their Invention perfect, bu they are at work improving II. Waikingt Speci'l INetw. Dr. Daviei will retire from tbe position ol organist of Bt. James 1 Cathedral, Toronto, about tbi beginning of July. He will DA succeeded by Mr, Jobn Carter, jnn., and Mr. W. E. Hulam will become choir MtU. Meson?. Monroe H. Roienfeld, of New York Glty, and Kenneth Lie, an English ilaywriter, bave written lor Mill Adah Richmond a tcpoal bnrlatqas, entitled Through Fire and Flash," which the will tar ID next ie*on. Il contains several ntw tongs by Mr. Uoeenfeld, who .. the antbor of " Olimbiaa np tbe Oolden H lairs' and ' Hash, Llttl* Baby, Dcm'l Yon Cry." MUI M i>. 1.4 IT. u. I., i ,l.l, ,. u.ri I ol 11,. I'.u- a * I oulrxtlar lla|r l.ai. Uubio tialds>do is tb* proudest acbive- mi.i of tb* Panama Ganal Company . ud ino'etd gioit work. The l.ill ii of < n-J -ch, t, t ruaunx at pUoaii in huge o.b n> j-njir- We are iHlutad with afotUw L.K .l.iy >.l -L'U guu-o twuj 1 1 plosions to suow low rapidly suoU workoiii be manipuUU'd )n the Biuoke clearing cfl a really >aid ugineering feat ineeti ibe eye. L J a|>ou ledgtof elvpiag rock tirraoe towir "\> Ihe bigbest pjiut, b ui 20 feet O > cv.ralui tbe ledges aland rows ol *!!'><'> bioh were il not a holiday wuuid rv lusily at work. We) are at tbe bottom i d it nccesiary to ascend , wbicli eintrlve by meani of winding patti- M )e LasitpB on a tore-looted mu or iuc iie.t i luttDke. Tbe ooclrao i r for he raiaiug of ibi* large man* tea 8 *!> f ibe uine u( B >uderegtr, wbuse tae in sacguiue and obeerfi 1 yiomre, aa if tl iu ptd i meu to were i.oibiiig Oontmry ") Ii- lohoy ot ;'..) of blx rolleitgnee, br ii ( en itud (.(iHigbtforword Tbl o- i. r-ct mu bf, u lor ibe rewuvkl ol aliltll klrt ol 2,000000 cubic uoetfr. he lays a* il enjoyiug tbe idea ; 1 200,000 ol tb i b* been done aod cnly 800,000 remains. Tbe rooky eeelion is 500 meter* long, about 80 leel broad ai tbe bottom, sloping op to absnl 120 lest at tbe top, and the c > -r o tor further lakes tbe iwartby ground > tar aa kilometer 33 Mr. Soaderegger an wen d me plainly that be had no douot ol com- pleting lii* task by tbe end of next year. His mode ot exoavattog it vsry icgtulons. He firal ri:roed a tunnel right through ibe mountain leading .to tbe flat gti.uid ou etlbtr side. Above Ibis tunnel largt bole* about three meters broad are rand-. I nr in ail, at venaa* points sb.v* tbetociuol, ib* top beiuR made fnonil-ilisped. Toe rcokl are then bluted and rolled into tbeie apertnrer, wbo>e slandlogiidei eu.br ace a large circuit. Below a train of waggons is ro wait log to receive tbe bug* boi! r a* they dath through. In tbii way four trfBe oari are filled al once, nl in a very iborl time tbe whole train movet away wi h it| heavy load, bach it tbl praello*i *> il swill meats wbieb this enterprise* eon- tractor taken to dimin'iu tu buje t-k Ma wonder Ibe company MS proud if b tu ; aod were there many at bit pra iaU nature, wbo d u'd show mob > I solid wjik. the oaoal wonld sain man; frauds Pataim Cor. Chicago Tiaui. l.ate Nenhwesl u.i. Mr. C nklm (Oppcaiiiif) be a m >lio on tbe order paper tba. >bi* L- it>>'aur regardH with nnmlugled satitlaa tub tb noble eflcrie of Mr. Oladitone lu i no ui y eclve Uome Rule witboat diiiL/tenrktug the Kmpire, acd that the BptiJur e*bw the tame to Mr. Gladden*. In the Bonte to-day Mr. Maitio, iii urder to got a lap at tbe Royal Oommuioo*r and bil report on Ibe Norquay CIITK**, moved avotecf waul ol eoufldrDae in tbe OoverLtnent. He ebargad Judge Wall- bridge with poliliOil partiality aua unfair finding*, and said the report wa* <: in i blasted and untrnibfol prodnctn i. i v<**t ol the dvidenee, be ever saw. W l.l'l. Vrcek */askl*n Noice. Many round waistiare worn, bnt pvictcx and postilion bvijues are equally lavorei] Ribboni ars worn io prolu'ion, and notb log it prettier than ribbon tastefully man aged. Tbl fashionable ribbons of the sea ton are itriped gauze and satin, or faill witb a pearl edging like lace. Sleeves are ol medium length, Utud lei tightly than bat bean Ibo custom, and more trimmed al tbl wriitv, wbert the; are inmeiently large to permit ol ibeglov being drawn snootblj ander them. Light wrapt ol olotb are very popular and some itylesare braidtd erembroiderei around the neck aod ileeves acd across th endi ot tbe frouti, aod need no other trim ming save ribbons to tii ; thu tbroal. Veils of while < .uuny liten or due aro worn with tyii b tailor-made dren With thet* the plain linen collar and cufl are arbitrary, and a tie of silk or satin, no unlike thoee worn by gentlemen, ii worn witb Ibii vsry mtnuiib oonlume. Rtd itconlinning to be adopted for whcl ooiinmep, altbooKb it Is a tr>iog oolor fc moil people, and bai tbe disadvantage Ibe dayligbt ol being ex:eedingly ejon spienoui, a thing a woman ot taita wil alwaya avoid. Scarlet drcima art UL[ admiknible in Ibo day when eovertd lo bifek i.potled tnlle or laoe. TTreuoh womtn art likening tbemielv more and more to the gentle sivsg ot ib Pacific Uoean. Badi evirywUarc bead oo iverylbtog is Ibe order ot Ibe da] Bead* ct ivery eolor, bne and form per vade Ihe female elotbiog to such an exten Ibal some ladies nowadaji, il pltoed io tb centre of* field with tbe snn fnll npo them, wonld make capital mirotn a alouttt* IHeydassle so completely. The variety in bait is greats* that ever lorni are very high, witb ft tbin brim , olheri, on tha oontriry, bave a very broai brim, turned op en one tide. Tbe Mulle bai, worn by tbe act.'tss ol that name Ibe last niw play, U a great inooeai. It i of lichen colored straw, with moderate! high crown, and the brim drooping quit low on tbe right tide and tui.ied straigb np on tbe left, lined with moat velvet ; it it fastened with so aigrette of loops ot moat green ribbon, an snormoni cluster ot piol mots roses is placed in front. In lingerie there at* a number of prelt; new models ot plastrons in embroidered tnlli or crape, trimmed witb laoe and bowa o! gauze or faille, or moire ribbon. There art also very dainty blooie-ebtmiiettes ot fine cream colored etamine, trimmed with insertion and bordere el colored em broidery ; Ihese are meant to wear either over Ihe high bodioe ol a dress or under an open jacket; cuff* to wear over the long sleeves of Ibe dress are made to correspond Oollars ol ganged tnlle or crape, triuitnec with rowi of colored beadi, and lasteaed a the elds wilb a bow ot ribbon, are tatbion able lo wear over bigh dresses. The sash ribbons wbiih are to be io extensively worn thii summer are of all widths, and are worn in different wayi. A bunch of ribbon about two inobei wide with long loops and endi extending almoi to tbe bottom of tbo skirl, plaoad under tbl back of tbe left tide, Is one of the favorite arrangements ol these pretty accessories to Ihs summer toilet. Ribbons are always charming in connection with a tbin gown Alingrih.r ie* Sale. Bpmejuitioei of the Connly ol Huron distinguished tbemeetves the other day al Bay field by a very remarkable oonviolion, They convicted the aooneed ol an attaull and fined bim 110, bat (perhtpt to make the feei quite tale) Ibey ordered tbe com plaiuanl to pay the. eoifee, and in default ot payment at fine and oosti they directed that both the defendant and tbe complain- ant ibould go to jail. Thii oonviolion will probably be quatbed. I- or ike It ,,ki. . .1 ii tot necessary to bay corn cares. Men and women should remember that Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor is tbi only ate, lure and painless corn remover eitevnt, I does lie work qniokly aod witb certain ty. Bee that tbe ilgnatnre, N. 0. Poison A Oo., ppears on each bo. tie. Btwan of poison- OS Imitation!. To tht henpecked owl txiiteuce. hunband UCt is A J1VT LIHKHAt, !' J THE VCLTAIC Bui Co., Mri-lu' J , cffer tc iud their CtlitrsUi VCLTAIC BUT* and Kleelric Appliances on ttir>> <U ,' trial to aoy man ifflioted will; N t,. * Djbih.y, L jit of Vitality, Mint- vi, , >. IlluiUatod pamphlet io sealed vri, ( N. with tall | urticulan, mailed (rx. Wnie them at once, ' The widow ot Riel died jost i- boure be'ore ber father, who came til ne way from EJmonlon to tee htr, reko<< bir bedud*. Bbe wae boned beeid* h. r ha-- band in the Oathedral OimiU)> t Bk Bioiface. sTIetMd, > Ttie !.! e> fie v> n ..- is a paradise for the invalid, aid the " Fonnlain ol Tooth" wai one* tboughi in be hid in one ot its forest glaeHi. Il is cuw thebaviu of many oousnmptives, who n d beniflt in ber geuial waimlb and fmgraiit flowers. Tbe cjuHnmptive invalid i o- d ua\ necebsaiily go so far Irom boms ar.u frjo*. J*. togel relief. For U not In the Ukt <-ias o! the dieeacs, Dr. R. Pierot'a " Gulden Medical Discovery" will restore to ptrftot heklth. Fcr all caranio throat, bronobial and lung diseases Ii is a mott rtli.lrfe, Bfjo.flr By drugsltle. Oreeoi bit arranged r3ire'.,iy i.i, Tor- key for disaruQ'.meLt without having recourse to tbe PQW*M, Xh* grHujenl ttipula'.es tor ;b withdrawal .1 bub armiM* f.raa ths frontier and* mutual eiohMg* ol priioner*. Premier Trie >opis will noictnoialiy inform tbe Powtr-of tuis ariangtmenl with Turkey, acd a* regards the oontiuusoo* ol tbe blockade be now dtoUrt* tbal tbe Pawem ean do h t?er they ooutid'r expedient. n i h, ,. !!.. are ihr ~u,,n K hi ,.i use> There would be fewer oloadtand brigbtei enunhice in many households if every dispirited stiffen rg woman rtalisedwbat a bx>n Dr. Pisroe's > Favorite Preceriptlon' it for all weakneit and maladies to wbteb her vex is liable. No lady who KIVIB ibis wonderful remedy a trial will be disap- pointed by tht result. Il not only sets promptly upon all functional derangt- menti, bat by iu rare nervine and tome propertiet ttrengthens and repairs tbe whole feminine system. Price redooed to ont dollar. By druggist!. " Ths air is tall ot expectant bride- grooms," says an exchange. In i.rder that tbie item may be intelligent to our readers, we will explain tbat it it dated from the cyelone dilriol. II outrivals all Dr. Bsge'e Catarrh Btmsdy. In consequence ot tbe snooeicf nl voyages made lately witb oatll* from Montreal insurance companies have redooed rate* to 1 A per cent, on farmers' cattle. A farther reduction isanlioipatsd in thi near falnre t DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND n D iw. i.. 94 *v CONSUMPTION, I hT*yltiTpnmd7ror ttioftbnvAdltoM* hr fta . UM< or r."-. of IM wnr.l H n1 . , , ,, .. T* b. h.n rurM. ln*1, urmt !. mr Mibhi .n.<- T , ,bt I .III * TWO BdTTI.ra rsSK, UMUv.? n> vii.nim.* TRUATimt . 11,1, atttmi! 'in.-:.T Olvc.ipr.MRnd P. O .tlrrat. D. TA^UXTM, Branch Office, 37 Tonga fit, T croc to JT .iai.trt V OTT _____ :TATED _ on ar allowedaSYw MU rf tMr1 v taw of lr M of Dr. I)yc'sf;.'lbratedVolm:Vlt with T]<rUt3 \emnry InUaBe**, f..r the -,.^T n '!.( and pel n*ni>ntnuni ">f Ven-om 7vf>mii/ i.-w..r iVoufvaDi .in;,,...,, ftn ,i all kHMnsl n.u>,li A |J for rni >thrr .ll> -MI*. Complrto iMtnrat l-m r<> irmlth. Vljw IJ imiirantwl. No ruk 1. iMorrwt film _ h 1 . md KAUMOIJ imiirant rtl iirnii.hirr In fr treeilna VOLTAIC MMHj FKE . Something for yoani men ualT- Bend u MM, n |I1 . TR 4 P V I* "*** f*. PMklni sample. Doasidwii Oo , wadcn, Out

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