Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1886, p. 2

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I *, W.rkAwa'. Help y*r*!'i whaun'er ye aof, an' Uaa/thiauDu-sr'i lansbln* aa' tbe '** "*** eh.erl.ta ' ** m ' IOQ<Uy t . i renel's wneure'er ye cg. an'tve work *'. Help yweel'e wbtore'er yetti* an' ay* work twa'. ertnne favon Uiem whs work ay* wi' a busy ffBlk,'U*ne'er win forrit If they at th* fire-en' etton* ' Look before ye aak' Ib* ionp In melkle Iblngi an' tint', Ttk* thing* In t oerr way, bat tye work awa'. CHOBCB Ay^fc V aw*', etc. Olaaa speak m-^Bly worda aboot tb* folk* y* keo ^f HIT lei a biltejue anlther'i ear ate ken Uteless folk are*Teu lie**, but there I uane with ool a flaw, Kindly ipeak oUp^bor* tbia. to' ay* work awa Omoacs-AftS;rk aw*', eta.. Wcver ty thai ^Ke ill-utta, though prood folk paw ye by*T Want o' teuee intk'i witlett folk alt band their beide ower hitfki ; Dannar on, ne'er Kill yer thumb wi' lie like folk ava', Wareel on fa' cheerily, an' aye work twa'. a', etc. Keep t ca'm tough, never let yer tongue wag np an' donn. Imply glrneli are tye lure to gi'e the londei loon'; Wben you bear o' ithen' qntrreli, while they scrape an' craw, "'slang them be't" be tye your word, an' aye work twa'. Cmoacs Ayo work awa', eta. Life a' through ii jitt t feciit e'en lo the v*ry crave, Better life abun* it promi**d to th* leal ao brave; Let M fecht wi faithful he'rti, and we'll ower come II a' Help yejtel'B whaure'er ye fang, an' aye work twa'. CBOBCS- Ay* work twa', etc. Josatt B WBJBHT. The BraaVB Delay. Bweet titter, letve me, lei m* mute A abort epace in oar Klrlbeod'i bower O*t of tbe pati 1 fain would choon. Tb* eveeteet. brightest, htppiett hour, To ttaJ upon my beart of heart*, Ai balm for fitur* timee of woe Ii tbere be inch how my beart itart*, Bow stow, now fast now faat, now ilow. What WM tb* gladden boar of til ? DOWB the long renki and file 1 move ; All bear t look of tweet content, All bear tb* Anger touch of love, Bnl which Uperfeoteet of all . I fain would find on* aeemlnc beet Tbat I in tenderneee might call It f ortt f or*Ttr from the reel Wt* It that hoar, clear, calm and cold, Oar mother robed ui all In whit*, And at tb* chanoela, wh ite tnd gold, We knelt for confirmation rlet? 'Monget all tb* row of white- robed girl*, Moo* knelt with purer joy tban I ; I thrilled when on my bowed bead'e carle There fell tbe Mtulnrj'i myiMry. Or later, wa* It when we met, My lore and I, and through my toul There flatbed a nometblng unknown yet, Bo itrtnge, to tweet, beyond control T Or wae 11 when he told me til Of bit greal lov* for me, tad I Fell all my pnlte* rlw aod fall Ai to a happy melody 't Wbat wa* tb* sweetest ? Hark! the chime Of belli dotb route tbe tlneabroni air, My wadding belle ah I iweetoit time t Ah I motle beyond all compare I Before tbe altar now he tit a til I moat away y lot* to greet, Oh toon to be united hende Did bell* *'*r peal ao eleuand tweet r Farewell, dear tbelMr of tbe pact, Where all my giillan dreamt were ipnn All boor* are fair bat thii. the laet II I* my Hie i tummeM one. Yet, Ciller Bare 1 ptnte 1 loo long, Band me Ihe book lead ou tb* way Tbe alreeemi full of light and tong Oh happy boor I Ob happy day I A bonnle, Lrtw and wlueome bride Wae my aln If aggie Unem ; Bow proud WM I to let her dooo In my told Bcoituu baiue. By anld tod ycang It wat allowed, ID a' tbe country tide. Tbat DO t late In a' toe land Could inatob my bonnle bride. Though daye and year* bte fllttlt pait, I mind It yet In 1 weel, Bow ID the wintry night* tbe'd lay Atlde ber iplnuln' wheel ; And at e clean baartb-etane h*'d tit. And ling wl mlckle glee The bonnle aongti tbtt I lo'ed belt, She'd eiug *h**" a' to *m, Tbe aold Seoufc eanjt, tbe blitbeaom* f angi Tbe Moge beyond compare, Bbe'd ling them ower and ower again, Ami lighten t' ray care. Hot dayi and yearn ht* come tnd gage, And my aln Maggie Urcm Ntmairwill ling tbe anld Scotch aanfi In my anld boo ttlih beme. Bbe'etleepln'toaDdlD tbe kirk yard, And (an* In t' my glee ; HT tl i true love, my cboeen one It ta'tn awt' free ice. M v bopee, my joy e are fled awa', My Krtef uae tougn* can name ; Tbe wlUcw* weep thane tbe grtre u my tin Mauri* Gnem. Tke .rblrd. Bweet bird of modeit bearing. And coat of eober bn* Thoo proreet in thy being Kind eature'e parpoee trne- Olf te to each work ba* given Proportionally doe. And thine It magic innile Wbloh doth thy eonl imbue, And liitenlns intn Ite rtptureo Urlakt i u, like greet tb* dew. Firet to ntber In tbe erring. With rich melodiout not Calling on tbe wood* and flower* To dou tbeir verdant ooae* , Pouring Bono from happy beart* Tbti well up In tbeir Ihroeii Which through the balmy atinoephere Barmonloaely Boa is. And who tbe lait to leave nt, Of all oar tongiterv deer, Wben froet It on the metdow, And woodi are red and sere, And drUtltot; cold rain ttHtog Make* all thing! look to drear. Wbeo all bit late companion! Here fl 1 in abject fear. Tie then tbe grtrbirdi mnslo Fills fiweeteit on onr*ar Who ting* tt nttnn't lunortl Tb* dyiog of thn tear. thon who to detplaeit Hernrectlmpttnoned nonu. Which like tbe tontb wind rite* And *oftly Uoati along. And Kemi from earthly angels Who half to betven belong Find me Dear ti iwet * voice In til earth'* feathered throng. BiRBT LAUBtX. Deotaae ber oyei to me tnd TOO Tbe briRliteei ere and bluest, Bball *tonin arlie between ui two, Tbe oldeit friend* and trnrit ? Bbe uallee on me j my h art le light, And youn 1* eteeped In eorrow, And yt tbe flower I gave to-night Sbe'll throw to yon to-morrow. Coquette ii -be ; eo eay with me : Let him wt o wine her wear ber ; And fttr how ever fair tb,* be. Tbere 'e many t tauto lajror." But If it btp, and well It may, TSi! oacu la Talc ban pleaded, II all my looeTa an thrown aeay, And all year ilgb* unbeeded. We'll TOW oenelTee nohormlf* TOW*, Will croe no foaming billow, We'll Modtbemt oar diimal browi Nu wreath! of mournful willow ; But ihow, In pit* of ber dledaln, We i*t can live wltboot ber ; And JoiDln. han.lt, we'll laotb agtin. And tblak no more about her I RitoBTT, rrcn net. Somebody'! lip, were cloee to mine, Thai templed, I could not neltt ; oey tad coin, a aweet little mouth Wai suddenly, aoftly klteed, SotneNvi T' eye* looked ap and frowned Witb *ucb a reproTlna: glanee. " are Mate* so wfafced F* I a eked m y pet ; Tbn her eyes began to dance. And tmlllnj, the little nald answered, Aa I knelt down tt ber feet: I |T>" they're |nn a Ml nanghty, Or ele* they wouldn't b eo tweel" > O*I</bfw* JfetwHck. lor* admiration, " toe part of vela, M S t DiHo MONICA: TU ADTRO* OW " MTTLLlt," " MOLLY DAWK." AMI. OTiuu r-oruu*a MOTBL*. " You ahould bay, ' Ood blogi her,' migf , hen ye give bet we g*ri word," 8yi Mr*. , timidly, who is uluu btadiog over tbe beloved bundle, aud LOW* tb* diitreti m her neighbor'* eyei. Ood blcta ber !" uye Moniee>, witb pretty aolemoity, alter wbioh tbe mother < [MM oleate, and enmbiDe in ftgftin restored Oil. I tbiok eh know* ye," ibe Mye to MOD lea. < Bee how ebe blinks M ye t Arrab I look, now, bow ebe eintebe* at yer band I Will ye ootue to your mother cow, darlin'.-will ye 1 Bore 'lie rvin' ye moit be, by Ibis." " Ob I don't take ber yet," stjs Moniot, eDtreatiogly. A little figure wilb uaked leg* and feel, creeping into tbe doorway at this moment, draws near tbe baby as it faseioated. Il U Faudbeeo, tb* eldest eon of tbe home aod baby's nurse aave the mark t " Oome nearer, Faddy," eayi Mouio, emiliog at him witb sweet encouragement ; but Faddy stops sbort and regards ber doubtfully. " Oome, tbeo, and kiss your little sister, ' oootinoes M)aioa gently, bat Ftddy U still obdurate end declines to barken to the voiee of tUe obarmer, obarm ibe never eo wisely. Tbere is, indeed, a cad leok both of, iweetneas and light about Faddy. " An' what d'ye mane be etandin' tbere, an' niver a mrd out o' ye in answer to tbe lady, ye ill-mannered cautaogae?" onea bis molber deeply incensed. Tbe laughter has all gone from ber face tnd her eyes are alHrne. " Wbat brought ye in at ail, ye ugly spalpeen, it ye oame without a civil tongoe in yer bead ?" "I oame to tee the baby an' to get me dinner," says tbe boy, with banging bead, bit bilenoe arising more trom sbynMst ban sollennesa. Tbe potatoee bave jut been lilted from tbe tire by Mrs. Moloney and an teaming in a distant corner. Faudbeeo look* wistfully toward* them. "Diokeng a sign or taste ye U get, tuen, it only to taehe ye bettber manners. Ba off, now, soi' don't let me see ye gin." " I'm hungry," says tbe boy, tear* oom ing into bis syes. Ob, MM. Daly !" says Monica ia a dis- tressed tone. " A daU o' barm it will do bin. to be bongry, tbio !" says the culf rit'a motbw, witn an angry voice, bnt witb Tinible signs of relenting in ber handsome eyes. " Be off wid > e now, I tell ye I" Tbts U tbe last burnt ol tbe storm. A* the) urchin oreepe crestfallen towards tbe door-way her rage dies, its deatb beiog as sadden a* its birth "Oome btok here I" tbe oriei ineon uttently. " Wbat d'ye mane be taking me at me word like tbatT Oome back, I tell ye, an' go an' ate eometbing, ye oralbnr, How dare ye behave as it 1 was a bad mother to ye 7" Tb* boy oame* baek, and raising hie bonny bead, amilee at ber fondly but auJa- ciouaiy. " Look at him now, the blackguard," says tb* mother, returning the smile in kind " Was tbere ever tbe like of him ? GJ an ate yer pratiee now, and tbank yer etari Miss Monies was here to gay a good word for y*." Paddy, (lad ot bis reione, oatU a ub> glance at Moniaa, and tbeo, going over to bis grandmother said tbs pot ol rest side by side, liti down (close up to tbe old dame) to fill bis little empty stomaob witb a* many ot tbo>e f saulent roots as bo can manag, whiob, in troth, is tbs poor child's only dinner from year'* end to ye*>r's end. And yet, ii is a remarkable laet that, in spit* of the toanty tare, the Irub peasant, when come to man'i estate, ia ever strong and vigorous and woll grown. And who shall say bs bain't done his Qaeen good service, too, on many battle field, aod even in toeo latter deyi, when sad rebellion raeks our land, ban not bis name been worthy of honorable mention on the plain* ot Tel-el-Kebir? " I don't tbink be looks like a b^d bay, Mr*. Daly," says Monica reflectively, gsi ing at tbe liberated Faddy. " Bad, mia*. u it?'' *ays the motber.wbo, bavlog made ber eldest born out a villain, is now prepared to maintain he is a verit- able saint. " Too don'l know him, faiz. Sor*, tbere civor was tbe like ol him yet lie it a rotl jewel, that gossoon o' mine, an' the light ol bis father's eyes. Sign* on it, he'd die for Daly 1 There niver was iob a love betwixt tatber an' too. U-.V tbe joy o' me life, an' the greatest help 'u roe. Ti* he mind* th* pig, an' tbe be,' y, an' oJd granny there, an' everytbiog. J J be widout me right band if I lo*t him." Bat I thought you said " begin* Monica, myitified by Ibis obaoge from rigbieova w.-ath to uaboucdel admtratinn. " Arrau, oiv<r mind what I sail, aouabla," say* *ke younger Mrs. Daly witb an emphatic wink. " Bore, 'twas oaly to kape him in ordber a bit I eaid it at all, at 11 1 Bnt 'ti* young be is yet, the cratbur." Very young. Ob, Mr*. Daly, took at baby I 8ee how she is trying to get at uy hair I" Monica U beginning in a delighted tone a* tbongh to bave one'* nair pulled oat by tbe root* U the 1 most enchanting seninktion in tb* world wb*a auddsnly ber voiew die* away into alienee aod eke berself stares with great open violet eye* at aenae- thing tbat darkens the doorway and throw* a shadow upon tbe assembled group within. It i* Desmond. Kit, feeling as gailty as though she were th* leading character in some oon*p1r*cy, colors oTiraPon and rstires behind Mrs. Moloucy. Bbe lowers ber syes and is a* mute aa deatb. Bat Monioa speaks. " Is It yon ?" she s&ys. Which, of oanrse, is quit* tb* silliest thing she can say, as h* is standing there regarding her with eyee so toll of life and love that the cleverest ghost oould not copy them. Bnt then b* i* not sillier (ban ber f elJowg, for, aa a rule, all people, it yon remark, say " I* that you? ' or " Have you come ?" when they are aetaally looking into yoor face and should be able to anewer tbe question for Ibemtelwes. " Te*, it is," say* Desmond, wilb snob an amount of diffidence (I bopeltwaen'l aa- snmed) as tbould bave melted tbe heart of Ibe hardest woman upon earth. Monica ir not tbe hardest woman upon earth. Htill, *be make* him no farther speeob, and Desmond bsgina to wonder if be U yet 1 orgireo. He is regarding ber fixedly, bat ibe, alter that first swill glance, bas turned isr attention upon tbe baby on ber knee tod is seemingljt loat in admiration ot it* title tuub nose. Why will she no.1 look at lim? Wbat did be say to ber last night ihat is BO difficult to forgive T Can wrath M cherished for to long in that gentle bosom ? Her faoe i* oalm a* an angel's ; surely There'* nothing lllcandwell Insnobatempl*. "Ah, eome la, Mietber Desmond," **ys Mrs. Daly hospitably. " I'm glad 'tis com- pany I bave before ye tbe day. Maybe twill coax ye to oome agaio. Where have ye bee'n this week an' more ? Fail, ye were in long in eomin', I tboo^ht 'twas angry wid me ye were." Nobody is ever angry with a pretty woman like yon," says Desmond saneily. ' Ob, now, bark to bio: I" says Mrs. Daly laughing beart'ly. "I wonder ye aren't aibamed of yourself. An' ia tbe ouid Bqoire He'* aa wall * even yon oould wish him. How d'ye do, Kit? Won't yon oome aod speak tome?" liehae been afraid to *baka hand* witb Monioa np to thia, but now ah* torn* ud- lenly toward* him and bold* oat to him on* Blender, fair band, tbe other being twined round the baby. Bhe doea thia nine- grasp* tb* lull* inowy hand witb tiercel Moils delight and hold* It for as .wnei a* h* dare*. During Ibis ondanned period he toll* himMU what a P erfol pio. lure *b* is, with bu clear, pale, beautiful 'aoe aod ber not-brown hair, and the ten- der sweetne** ol ber attitude, ae she bendr ivtr tbe amllloK baby. Oould any vauuted fouDa be Lslt as lovely T At this mo- ment a growing contempt for all tbe great- eel masteriiiecti ot the greatest manters permeates his bei^g and renders him weak in faith. "Wob'iye tit down, thin?'' Bays MM. Daly. Belug a women she grasp* the H;U- lion at a glance aud places a obair for him e'ow to Momea. " Wbat's Ibe mattfcer wid ye to-day, Misther Desmond, that ye haven't a woid to give u* ?" " Too ought to know what I'm tbinkiug of," *aye Desmond, aeeepling Ibe ohair and drawing it *vsn a degree closer to Monies. " Fail, tbio, I don't," says Mrs. Daly, junior, hsr handsome faoe fall of smilet. A lo v* *tt tir i* a* good ae a saint's day to an Irish peasant, and here, she tells herstK witb a gltnoe at Monies, is one ready made to ber band. " I'm thinking what a lucky man Daly if," says Desmond promptly. " Ob, git along wid ye now, an' yer blar- ney I'' says MM. Daly roaring with laughter, wbil-it sven Mr*. Meloney tbe dismal, aod tbe old grauoy ia the earner chime in mer rily. And tben the visit come* to a olose, aod they all rise and bid Mrs. Daly and tbe others " good-bye ;" and Monica, mindful of cis late ifflielions, bestows a eotl particg word upon the subdued Paddy. And DOW they are all in tbe open air attain, nd, turning do wo the boreen that leads to tbe Daly's homestead, reaob the road that leads to Moyne. Itii Desmond's way as well a* theirs, ao he accompanies tbe girln without remalk. " Wbst brought yon to see the Daly* to- day ?" ask* Monica suddenly, without any ulterior meaning beyond tbe desire of mak- ing oonveraation ; bat, to Kit's guilty soul, this question seems fraught witb mtsobiet. " Ob, I often go to see Daly. I wan: him to oome fiabing with me to-morrow; he'* tbe bsl man about here for that, and trudges bibind one for mile* without com- plaining." " Poor Daly 1 ' " Well, I hope you eupyed your visit to- day," say* Kit blithely, glancing at him mischievously from beneath her broad bat. " There was a drawback," says Brian on- tbinklngly. " I went there full of hope, and, after all, she never offered me any of your podding." Tableaux 1 Kit's agonlisd glanoe and Monica's qae* tioniog eye* awake Mr. Dsamond I) a know ledge cf what he bas doce. " Bow did you bear of Kit'* pudding?" atk* M juioa locking keenly from Brian to Kit, and then baek again. "Ob! the padding I" stammers De*- mond. " Tbere, don'l commit yourself," lays Monies in a tone that trembles. " Ob, Kit 1" Both oolprita ars afraid to look at ber. Doe* tbe tremble mean tear*, or anger, or what ? Perhaps horror at their duplicity, or contempt. Is she bopelesaly angered ? Then a suppressed sound reaoaes tbeir ears, creating a frcsb panic in their breaita IK she positively choking witb indignation ? Cautiously, anxraosly, they glanoe at ber, and find, to their ev*rla*:ing reli*.', that she is convulsed with lingbter. " Wben otxt yoa meditate forming a briiUenl plct such aa this," she bay* to Kit, " I think I (bonld leok out a more trust worthy aooomplioe it I were you." "Catch me bavlog a eewret with him again, " says Kit now ber fears are appaated tnrnict; wratbfully open D'smotd. ' I qait* forgot all about ii, I did, ic- desd," exalaima be penitently. " Forgive me tbi tiros, acd I'll promiie never to do it again." " Aud I'll promise you you ebau't bave Ibe ob*coj," says Kit with lervor. "Why was I to be deceived T" says Home*. " I think I have been Tsry buely treated. If you, Kit, desired a olaudeu'.Uc meeting witb Mr. Desmond, I don'l see wby I waa W bs drawn into it. Aod il wae a etupid arrangement, tco ; two ii company, three trumpery. I know, it I bad a lover, I should prefer " "Monioa I" says Kit indignantly, but Monies only laughs tbe more. " II ia my turn now, yon know," lay*. " Kil bad nothing to do with it, il wa< alj my fault,' 1 say* DeemoBd, laughing loo. you moat poor oat tbe vUli of your wrath on some one, let it be on me." " ?*s, give him a g.jod soolding, Monica,' lays Kit visiou'-lj, but with a lovely smile " I am going 10 pick some term for Aoai Pen, when I rotcru I hope I shall find tba reoresnt koight of yours--! mean mine at the point of 4r<ath." AI thia shs flits away from tbcm. like tbe KX>'1 little thing she is, up a eloping haul aad 10 into tbe fields beyond, until Deaac ted Sfoniotare an moeb alone as If a whole tphere dividad them from tbeir kind. Dan little Kil I Wueu her own time eome* may she be a* kindly dsalt wilb 1 " Tou are angry witb me still about laet night," says Desmond softly, " *nl, I own, witb good can**. Bat I was miserable when I called yon a eoqnette, and misery makes a man unjust. I wrote to Kil this morning I was afraid to write to yon and shs was very good to me." "Bow goodt" plucking a leaf from brier, aa she goee slowly very slowly down the road. Bbe branch I me yon. Do you know Monictt I have been as unhappy a* a man can be sine* lu>l I saw yon a whole night and part of a day ? Is it not punishment enough?'* " Too much for your aviue,'' whisper she softly, turning inddeuly towards him and letting ber great lumioons eyes rest with forgiveness npea bie. She smiles sweetly, but wilb some timidity, because of ths ardor of tbe glance that antwers hers. Taking ber bend with an impulsive mcvament impossible lo raelrain, Desmond presses it rapturously to bis lips. Drawiof it away from him witb any baste, Monioa walks on in silene*. " If I bad written to yon, and not to ber, would yon still have b$ec hereto- day 7" aek* he presently. " I tbiei not." " That le a ornol answer, ia il not ?" ' Would yon hsve me belle my nature ?" tikasbe with quick agitation, "would yon lave me grow false, secret, deceitful f kf y aunts trust me ; am I to peeve ay sell un- worthy et their eonndenoe ?" I am less to yon, then, than your aunts' UapleaMref You ar lee* to me than my oonMieace, snd y*t " With a violent effort, that betrays how tar ber thought* bave been travelling in company with his, she brings heraslf b&ck to the present moment, and a recollection of the macy reason* why she most not lit. ten to bia wooing, " Wby should yon believe yourself anything to me ?" abe asks ia a voice that qnivsrs audibly. 'Ah, why, indeed 7 ' return* ha bitterly. There ia snob pain In bis voles and faoe thai her son! yearn* toward* him and she repenta her ot ber laal word*. ' I am wrong. Yon are something to me," she saya, In a tone ao low thai be osn kresly bear it. Bat lovers' ears are sharp. 1 Yon mean that, Moniaa V" ' Tee," still lower. ' Then wby eannot I be more to you ? Wby am I to be denied a ohanoe of for- warding tbs eaose in which all my hopes are centred T Mooiea, say yon will meet me somewhere Boon." ' How oao I T' she says tremulously. Her vole* la full of tear*. Bhe ia altogether dil lerent from the eoqnetttab, provoking child ot last night " Yon forget all I bave jnsi aid." " AI least tell me, then," nays us sadly, that if yon oouM you would." There Is a palhstio ring in hi* tone and tetM ri*e to her eyes. Can anything be so bopsleaa M tbi* love affair of bers ? "Tea, I would," ib* lays almost deepir- ataly. ' Ob, darling darling I' eay* tbo young man with i^ aio::. Bu holds ber baud* closely and look* iuto bur troubled i-yoe and wnbes be might dsre take her into bis arms, and, pressing ber to bis heart, *k ber i . repeat her words again Bat inere is lometbing la Ibe calm purity o> her beautiful faet that ro; el vebcmeiio of toy sort ; acd as yet although tbe dawn i* near ber luve ban not declared itielf to her own soul in all it* **reogtb. "I have, at least, one consolation," he say*l laat. otUlicg to mind tbs qnielnde that curronnda Moyne and it* inbabllaatP, and the withdrawal from society that baa obtained there for m&oy year*. " Aa yon are col allowed to see me except ou taob rare occasion* as tbe preeent, when ibe Fates are kind yon cannot, at leaat, see any one elie often, that ia." " Meaning-* " " Ryde." Bbe langba a little ana then colors. " Aunt Priseilla ha* asked him to eime to Moyn* next Friday," tb* say , looking at th* groond, "ahe i* glviug an ' Al Borne ' ou ihat day for him and Captain Oobbett. Bbe says sh* feel* it a duty to hir Queen to ibow some attention to ber servant*." In ber tone, a* ahe says this, there U a epioe of that mieohietthat i* never very far from any pretty woman. " Hi i* to ba invited to Moyne-to spend an entire day witb yon t" say* Devmoud thunderstrnck by this last piece of newt. " Oh, no t Oaly parl of it," aaya Monioa meekly. " It U jost aa bad. It id disgraoefnl Your aunio are purposely encouraging him to keep you away from me. Ob, why,' wretchedly, "sbrnldHnin unlucky qutrre have arisen between our bouse aod yoora ?' " Well, that'* ycur fault," saysMorjioi. ' Mica 7" " Your uncle's, then. II la all Ibe same,' ucjctBtly. " I really osn'l see that," says Mr. Use mond, very rigbtoonsly aggrieved ; " that ia visiting tba sios of the uncles upon tbe nephews with a vengeance. Monies, ai least promise me you won't be oivil to him.' " To yonr uncle ?" "Nonsense t You know I mean Kyde." " I can't be rode to him." " You eu. Wby noi ? II will keep him from calling again." No anaw*r. "Ob, I dare say yon want him to oal again," says Desmond angrily. At tbia moment, tb* gates of Moyne being jn sight and Ibose of Cools Ion) pasted, Kil suddenly appeara on the top u a high stone wall and call* gaily lo Da mond lo oome and blip her to alight. " Aod now go away, too," sh* says, " yon are forbidden gocdi, yon know, and we mnel not be scec talking lo you, under pain ot death." " Goo-i-b) a," aajs D/Kmoud with aJacriiy who is, in truth, sulky and undebirouB 01 further parby witb bia beloved. " Oaod bye, Misa Berebtord." " Good bye," says Monioa shortly. " We aball ICQ you again soon, oo doubt,' saya Kit kindly, in ber olar, sweet treble " I think it very improbable," returne be raiticg bis bt gravely and tekicg hi departure. " Now, what have yon basnet* Ibg to tha wretched young mtu. Monica?" aayi Ki eeverely, *tandicg nlill iu the middle ot th. rotd, ibe better to briog be; ni^ter b*n*o>et tbe mj , ly ot ber *y*. " Natbiog. Nothing ihl eti; t*asona,b!e bfiog eonid objeot Iu," declare* Mootoa with auob an amount of vigor ae Bta'iUi Kil. "Bat of all tbe ill-tempciel, burin delttUble meu lever mi ic my lif-i, be i the woi*t. : ' WLioH unlocked fjr fX|iij*ion from bbi gentle Monioa hss ths cffee: ot rtleooiug K' for tbe remaiudcr of tbe va'k CHAPIEB XV. R<Mbtof boi^e, they flad Ibeaimotphere there decidedly clouded. Mit* J*riio.lla who bas re'.uruf d from bor drive j lit moment before, is clandiog iu the ball, g ing wilb astern o:unteBttce nfoa tbs oi J faihioned eight-day elook, in wbieb two 01 tbrte pecple mi A ut bo safely slowed away The clock regards bar not at !1, but tioki on loudly with it sort ot exasperating obeli naey.aa Iboujib determined to remind evti] one of tbo flight ot 1101. " Who ha* wooed IbU clock 7 ' dtmar.ds Uiru 1'ri-oilla in an awlul lone. Witb tbrili ot t'u&uktulueae tLeglrlatetl Ibty oan answer truthfully, " Kol I." " Dear me I" says Miss Penelope timidly advanaing from tbe morniog-rrom, " I did You wcro so loag out, 1'ri.c.lU, aud 1 (eartd I mean, I iLougkt il would aava yon tbe tronble." Trouble in wiadlog a cloak 1 Wui trouble oould there be in that ? And i* i never wound nntil Saturday evening. For twenty years I bave won'id It ou Saturday evening. A good tight-day elcok nearlj fllty years old ean'i b\r bcicg tampered wilb. Now, Ptnsloec, wby did joudoihail Yon know I can't endure old roles to be up set." " Bat, my dear Priecill , I cnly tboaghl as I was passing " " Yon Ibonghr Penelope ; but I wish yoa wouldn't think. There are other things yon ought to think of that yoa often neglect, and " " Now, Prlcoilla, Is that joat? I think I nope I aeldom ntgleet my duly, aod 1 mnit say I didn't expect Ibis from yon." Qero MIBB Penelope ditsolvei into teara to Moaies/a griot cum diimay. "Oh, Aant Priasilla, I am sore Aint Fen only meant to save you trouble," she gays earnestly, pnttijg her arms round Mtra Penelope who sobs audibly on ber shoulder. "Aad who says I thought any thiogelsa ?' says |.oor MitsPriDOilla nerecly, tboogh ber vuioo irctnbli D with emotion ; it is terrible to ber to ue her fsltbtoi friend and kilter in lean of her eanuog. " irenslope, I meant notbing, but I have heard something thai bad grioved and disturbed me; eo I mail needs oome home and avengs my Ill-tem- per on tbe best creature in tbe world, Ala* I I am a wicped woman." Ob, no no," 4,r;cs Miss Ptielop3, " My dear Prlaoilla, yon will break! uiy heart if yon talk tkns. My good soul, some in her* and tall m* what has happened to distress JTCC," In truth, It ia quite plain, now, that some thing has h 1 *; pi.e<> during her drive lo fcaitc Mis* Priicilla's well balanced mind off II* binges. Where ia Terence ?" a^ie axka, looking from one to other ot tbe group in the hall. ' Here," say* T*re&oe, himself eoming leisurely towards ber from a elie paiieg*. " Come in hero witb me," my H Miss Pris cilia, and they all fellow her into tbo morn ing room. Hire p.iis torn* aud faces the unconscious Terenee witb a peJe, raproaohfol face. " Wben I tsll you I bav* jum come from Mitson, tbe oaast-guard, and that I Ibanked him for having lent you bia gun, yon will noderatasd how I have been grieved and pained to- day," she says, a tremor in ber voioa. Terooo3 ia no hogcr uoooncoioaa, aod Monisa fscln that hsr heart is beating like a lump of lead. " Ob, wha.1 I* it, Prifoiila 7" asks Mias Pemelope r-atly frightened. " A tale of eraf I and conning," aaya Miss Priioilla in a hoUo* tone. " Mitson tells me that he never lent him that gan, Ter- enee has wilfully deceived ae, bis poor auntH, who love him and only deiiro hi* ;ood. lie has, I fear, baesly mystified a* to accomplish bis own end", aod ha*, in* deed, deptrlad from th* preeion* troth." 'I never naid MiMon did land It to me," ays Terano* sullenly, " yon yonrsalf *jag- g?std ths idia and 1 1*1 II iliie, that WM all" " All I I* not prevarieatlan only t mean ie f Ob, Terence, I am BO deeply grieved I know not what lo say to yon." Tbe aoene ia becoming positively tragical. Already a aenea of erim* ot Ibe Maekeat and deepen t dy*ia overpowering Tenno*. 1 Where did yon gel that gun from, Ter- ence ?" aik i Mint Priecilla steraly . No anawer. 'Now, Tdrnor, be olm." s*ye Mi.- Peoolope. " Bit dowr, now, Tereuot, aud collect yooredf, atd doa't be untruthful again." 11 1 have told co 11" aani," *-.ys Tjn-uoo indlgpantly. "Then t*ll your g'xjd Anut 1'riio 1U who gave yoa the gao." Doad tiloLoe. "Are we to understand that you won't tell us, Terence?" asks Miu PrisoilU f ainily. She i* now much tbe more ntrvon* of the two old maid*. Terence oaats a hasty glanee al Mouio's white f toe, and then saya t. toully : " I don'l wane to tell, and I won't." "Terence! ' cxilaims th* ninally mild Mil* Penelope wilb great indignation, and i* going to farther relieve her mind, uo doubt, when Misa PrUeilla, tbrowiugnpber hands, obeeka ber. "L?! him alone, Paoelopa," she ssdly. " Perhaps be bas some good reason ; let u* not jreta him too far. Obdoraey 1* better than falsehood. Lit nl go and pray that Heav*o may soften bii naarl aud gram him a right understanding." With this tbe two old ladies walk slo*ly aud iih dignity trom tbe room, leaving the criminal witfi bis bisters. Mouioa burke* into tear* and flings her arms round his neek. Yon did it for me. I know it I eaw il in yoor eyea,"*he*iays " Ob, Terence, I feel as it il waa all my fault." " Fiddlesticks ! ' nay* Mr. Bereiford, who i* in a boiling rane. " Did yon ever bear any tbiug like her ? And all about a paltry thing like that I She couldn't behave worse it I bad b**n convicted cf murder I'm oonvinoed," violently, " Hwaaall bifflsd curiosity that got up ber temper. Bbe wai dying to know about thai gnu, and to I determined I wouldn't gratify ber. A regular old cat, if ever tbere wa* one." " Ob, no I Don't speak like that. I am sure they love yon aud they were diaap loioted and " " They'll bave to gel through a good deal of Jietppoiuimenl, ' says Terence still turn- ing. " Wbat right have they to make m* out a Sir Gilabad in tbeir imagination ? Id perfectly bate to be a Sir Oalataad ; and so I tell them." This is not slriotly correct, aa tbe Miaiee Blakt are out ot hearing, " And aa tor their love, they may keep ii, U il only mean* blown g a fellow up for nothing." " Aant Penelope WM just as bad," aays Kit. " I really ' witb dignified " fell quite eehamtd of her I" ali- Pr'Boilla keeps a diary in which ibe moetfaiiblally reoords all that happen* in every one > f Ibe three hundred and *ixl; fire day* of every year. (To be ocLtinned) i >\ 1-1 m i i . vv Whrrr 'I.m I. Net !, rmliini le Bekeltl ike Veceel UI* iir . - .ti. A loo-iu law one* atiriaally remarked that one of the Kasota why A-Jaua ud Kit, wero u nuprt mely htppy io Ihtir lerrc* u.-.i p&radue a< ibai no m .! : i i Iu* txiatcd in ibeir u*y ; aod ttbuulogut > auc atit qauiann both soitain Ibe ar.umeui ,1ircc.l> i!i-j m .1 r in-law came into tii : i:uoe a tr*i>i if uiijiriei orlgiojtird, wbieb ho*cvof .iVirr, bave happily IK( yttijriviu tbentiritr tix Co a uoi vernal vow of cell bey. say "C*tsell's Magtaioe." To sop- (ori tli> :Ju* ihU laottaert i:>-!aw bve Oiver be.-p fav <-i>t> y r garJid, e buuiogi-.| t .il ui sL a siugular eiut'im, wbl:fa ttiaos bl a CIHU oball uev.-r l-xk up -o in? face ,; li- uj-i;btr i.. Uw afWr he i> CLC* mar r.ed, pnvfl* m^^-l numtrou* tavig l^o; Lo iji,,xriu!ly widely tuudcnc by neo B rii.-bi3al dioi-tbotiuu ucd dit, ferecc^ of race. Tbe oualom ub- taint auiutig iba Caff.-et ot Booth A(r c, :.inorg liveral uf ibe Aoalralun tribb?, M, d ttoiuug mt.) P /lyueeiaus, a fiOl wb'o'i us.-, jj.c.j c i. ,uj_e t-ipuiu a or;tnm'.u 'ri^ia uf .tie rsu , but wbio'j otbtrs look u^ou us ui-HmuLy uf tb. .1 isteuce ot a natu'al law, as a piece ot ic- J -in ;uJi<(au'OUi tJ caiii of thone ooanlriu, *'-d Ibe dircOgrowib ol indiv.dutl expen snee. Tbo custom b. lug foaud iu r<aoh widsiy atpjtraied ooulineLis as Africa and Auitralu in considered a< pr /viug that It BJUJ t b v. been KUggtkUia L> . ^ IUL oammon naeeuity of nature, ajd rtso:.s ace ual wanting Id show wby eav'ges dk*ebv<>red iwnb't:er for amau not io look upon bis CiotUc io-law. Primarily, >aya ih* iopp:rttri o! this theory, n-o.uie bis mottaer-io-Uw wa* a picture ij antieipalion ot what bis wlf* wai likely to be. Before marriage, a niau 1 * miud m<y uol b* opio to tba a-, id proeetsee of comparison, tut afterward be begins to oouilJcr what sort of a bargain he baa made, and if bii mother- in-law bja not improved wiih sge, the Hhastly possibility of li.a wife bceooiing like her ri<* before him. Hence tbete savage tribes ure<eribad the rule that novel altar marriage shoald B man ECO his molber-iB-law, and this in time bscami a sooial law cr custom. Wkr ke Were Her Dree* Lew. What radically different notiona of good condoo) are held bygirla living iu tcp -.rated olaaua of tbe asm* oily I Togo to a theatre with a lover and uo sbsperon*, even in bright light, would aoanaaliia a Filth avenoe belle; bnt tbe woald quite iooc. eeolly expose herself in a bodice FO ccsnt thai an Eighth avenue maiden's aelf -renpeei would die of chill if so bared. Bat I tm not going into dieea*sioa ot a eoeial tcrio already worn out. 1 simply dei>i*e to tell of a fair and fashionable oroatnre who > i next to ber male eoutin a) a dinnsr pa- y. Her corsage waa alylishly low. Tbe illa- tive had last aeen her al the epere), in a> bevy of decollate companions, with ho. elf covered lo tbe neek, and on that oeoaalon she bad declared to bio that she did not rrgtrd tfaeir garb aa modest, " Why, how's rbtR, Maria f" be exclaimed al the dint'or. I thought yon didn't ap- prove of thia *ort of costume, and bad resolved never to wear it," " BO I utd," was th* reply. " Tbi* i* Ib* first lima iu my life that 1 ever appeared in a low waist. I don'l like il now, bnt I had to put i I on in Mil -defence. A utory got going around that the reason for my in vari- ably high necked dressea was thai I bad a brown patch aa big aa a plate on my shoul- der. Of course, I bad to refute such a calumny." " And you have certainly made the evi- dence very broad and oomptebeolve ," re- marked tbe oruel eoosin. From a Neit \'ork Letter. Peker Mpcreedrd. 0*rd-pUyera who bave tired ot progres- sive euchre and long for a change are becoming much Interested in a game elled " bearls," whiob is prodaetive cf maoh amaaement. It is aometbiog like whist, exwpl that the important point to be attained is lo get rid of all tbe heart* yon m%y have in your band and bave none in the tricks you eaptnre. The full pack i* used and the dealing i* tbe same as in wbi. A player must follow sull, bal no tramp In declared, the sole object In view being to get rid of Ibe hearts dealt to yon and to avoid taking any from tbe other playera. Therein lies all tbe sport. When ibe game ia finished the player having the fewest hearts la entitled to take tbe pot, wbiob ii a chip for each haarl, or thirteen in all. Al *> fair kali in theOharent* Inf*rintt, Fran**, 9,000 oxen penned up in a, field wer* stampeded by a band of rough*. The frigbttntd animal* rushed into tb* crowds it Iba fair, killing three peraona aod wound - og 140. In tho oonfosioa Ibe rougba mold .40,000 trano!, besides rifling icjared perion* >f poekelbook*, walebta and other NIK'S T.%.1 H. Tke S'l,.io f r l, UnMl *> ..u A|ee <pol'*lUK Ibroinh tic lr Karlj I'li-iurr.. Mo doobi the piict-jjjrspli habil, when once formed, i<one ol the moul banefol and productive "f ;ho moei intcune tbffeiiog In after years <f auy with wh O'i we ixe fami- liar. Some ticue* it *?eoid to mu tin., my whole lifbbati beeu ui, Iocs', rj o. apoliK> [ r |.U^Ui|irk>phii thai I U vc sbed abroad I jrougboot a diilraoted country. Mtu paieea Ihroo 6 ta seven diitno. age* ot beiuipbotograpbeJ, aaob on* rxeeedlig all previoos tffjrta in that line. First b* ia photographed as a prattliog, bald-beadsd baty. absolately deeliiato of , but making up tit tbi* denoiinay by wealth of mootb liiat wuuld makea ntgro mlcitrel olive green with envy. We often wouicr wbt ba* giveu tbe average pbolo- grtpher that wild, bunted lock about ite cyan an j that joyleta tag ikbout tbe knted. The obemica>U*nd the indoor life have alone not dou o all tbia.lt is the great oerve teniiou aud mental strain ased iu trying lo pbo- togrtphakquirmiLgaDddiukrei! chili witb white eyes iu tnob a mitiiier aa lo plia*t> il* parents. Ao old-laahloned dollar more album wilb oarnbro ([iluai meuiuttitis, and fl, led wi.h pietures ol baif-icfif Bested olidren in heavily-Btarohad white drosses, Is Ibo first thing wa iek on entering s> home, and Ibe lal thing from whieh Wd reluctantly part. The stood slags on the downward toad is Ibe [/hatogrspb ?f th* boy with fretb- cropped hair, acd in wbiob the stiff and protuberant, ilmmb takes > leading pa>ri. Then follows tbe portrait of ih j lad, witb Rtrongly marked freckles and a 1'jok of hupeleai melaueboly. With the aid ol a> detective ageaey I bars anecisded ia roa- uiLij down laud destroying several ot (hate pietare*, wbioh war* attributed to me. Ncxl oome., the }euug man, 21 yean ot age, with his irocl hair flustered smoothly down uver bii lender, throbbing dome o( thought. He does not ere u much about Ihe expression on the mobile fetturei, so long a* bis left hand, witb tbe new ring on il, sbuwd diotinauy, aud tbe triog of jiogllng, jaaglicg charms on hi* watoh obtiu, uo'udiug tha eate lillle batkel cot out ot a paeb stone Btend out well in tbs foreground. II tbiyoacgmao would tiop for a mcmtnt to tblnk that 10 ice day be me>y be- coma eminent and a-hauicd < binu-clf ba would beiiiateBboutrtciag tun. 8i.-u after, he ba* a tinlyp* tkkun, in wbieb u youoK lady ail* in toe sllaittd graif, while be staudi bebicd ber, wi'b his band lightly touebiog her iboulder, at tboogb be might be fat bog of lUe Ihiiliiiiiioiieu'ij Vrn'C-: bou *aw. He oarriea hi* piatar* in bi (.-ceket for moothi, tu>dlo< k< at il wbeceve Lo may be ouobeerved. Then, all at oaee, ba di -covert that th yoong ld> 'd uair is nol don* ap thl w any mora, aad thst ber bal d'jeaa't item to fit her. He then, in * fiikle momeui, bsk* another tintype made, in wo; oh *>ooihe }OBUK womaD, with a mire recent bal an later eoUTan, u dieooverod hildiog nil ha> io ber lap. luia tuiug coalition till onu dt ; L N iota tbe tludio witb Lin wife, u_. ioiec biw many ebildren on bopb jraipbed on uoe u---;>iv<i by bolo'iigut o.li kue and uniog tbi ol Jr i/ue a- Tec Itet stage in hi* eventful career, tu old j,->ukleaiaa a>lon tumuil to be pbo:o grapbid. Bsdly the Ibonghl cornea bo la)- Din aller year*, when bligrtvei gttij in tbe quiet v*il-y, aad tbe wor wtary bt.d ibal bav* to If J f'jr yuu f.'.-i-vcr at ml ; b-w patiently be u* ttl *hilo bin fjvtglior plooetl the el: tt ft", *gau:a-iiig whl:o oollar about bu mo* aad biu<hed iba little fl k*s ot " deader from tbs velvet euilu of on be*touat bow be tji'vd ap lb io-ij, , 'lark, louia-.-m ilaira, bot wim tbe egotiim of aballom lory ago, tu with the light of autiaipatc reilatlael ia bii ey, oMdie/.lly s* n woald go to the diugy Uw cffiod lo bare u will drawn, i.e mtekly leaven tr* outline tl hi* kiud o)d faoe for thon he IjVod an (or whtita b be) ko bug It bore I. It is i>ie:oro at wfciih th* tbonghilee may nuile, bat il ia fall of patbo*, and elo qaeutfor Ihote who know him beat. Hi aniiudc in oiiff aud bit c- u* banahea op 1 tba baek, but bia kir.j, old heart atsarts i:relf tbroa^b tbs ^ent) eyes, aod wbe he has gone sway al lut wa do uol o<llio:e Ibo picture any more, bat beyond the ol oot tha- bUDoh's ap la tb* baok, and iba Itnted him to lotg, wa te -d thi> hiatorv ot Loblallfa / UiUntly tba ell fl3gar mtrkarl albam lyiugiounoi'.c^teliouilyou tae^fouty oeulr table, point* onl the mile $>6uei from iu Isoey lo ag, and baek of th niitakts of atrufCgllDf; phottigrapbcr ii portrayed th Itugbur aod tb* lean, ihe jjy, aad tb urief, ibe dixplestnlibe gray bslracf on msrj'alKetiae. fiiU Kyt,\n Botton Qleb< le 'r<-, U. Verceuil bat lately pnbliibed alette lothotJisor of Ihe Qatetu Ucbd.midiirt M. Litreboollet, In wbiob ba propoaaa la ae oaf ool an experimental ioqniry iolo th poeaibility ot finding some method o "attenuating" Ihe presumed virus o tabeic'*, BO as to mska iaoonlation there wilb praotiotlly ntefnl gaiaal eoniump- lion, etibor as a prophylactic msaiori, liki vacoinsiion tgaiuit omtll|>ai, or as a moan ol ours, like Paateor'a iaoenlstioni in bydropbobit. Three tboa>aod frtnoa bav* alrra4y been auDorib*d, and th* reipeoi able Lim3B ot Ooroil, Bouobrd, Uiraat eblnoand Potaln are mentioned tmong Ihoae who approve ot tbe investigation II mul, boweW, be r*maibcred (1) th . with the exception o( h>drouboms, an exception still on trial, no human dittaa bat atUjxx ia known wbioh osn bi pre. vented by inoealalion ; () ihat of epiiootie dieaaser, anthrax ia only in oertaiu easeR goardcd agtinal Vy Paetenr'* attenuated viruH ; (3) that the dependence ot OOD- nmpuou on Koch'* Htuilltii tubcreul<ai> is Isr from eatoblished; (4) ih&t its ftlality ia very far below that of mallpox or hydropbobis, and its treatment far mor* tucoMnlal. Oontncnptian ii tbe mott im portanl diieaee of temparata climates both by its prevalence, ita mortality, and It* ineideneoon yoaogadalto ; totfait the storluoo of a few rabbit* or oatu for oven a remote obsnoe of controlling its ravages ii well jnatiuod. Bat tbe chance It, wo fear, rimote. fll II I SlaiK TUKH ew releeied Hatva|ca I ., a i. K . clii.li Ir -hr !.,. ., OM. ' Wby did tbe habil of counting by UDB ully gei the better io all e.viliute aoci. tie of tne uill earlier habit of ooontiax ty iwentiei 7" asks Grant Allen in SMI iuatruc- tiv>- srtioli \n the onri t t.atribtr of ' L p- piucotl'ii Mi8!ne." Simply, I belkve. b oauit* oiviiiEcd pec j Is irod mor* or leea |j wear ahu, and thorn obvionsly iut>r- fsre with freedom of aoiion iu (ettlnf al ibe human toea for porpoae* ot cMleolaiK- L . Barefooted iav**s natural 1> enough rcesoa by twenties, bnt booted oiviltzuion ton I'* dasoroo* eoonticK by teoa alone. Writing iLd tho ate of the slate ai d penoil btreogtbau tba dealmal imjiul c-. OCOB tet ou fool, for jou write witb >>ur fijgeri, 10: with ymr tou; and mi abilJieu u'.w<i)u, wb>e they aooai i u tbeir flogera wtb prest Dnanloally, vtoa i probably betLooted atd B 'ai, allied al ite barbsrio notion ot ar utiing BO ru ' a* oonuung on tin i- f< < i. ' 1 ke Braid on fjalot wea not more fearful tban are the cnarkk of akin direaua, and yet Dr. PitroeV'G Idea Mediol D.koover}' is a eer lain ear* f.rall cf thm. Blotches, (.iruples, etuptioue, paatcler, tealy ioero-latiuut, lomp-, iu- flamai palebar, aall-rlienm, tetter, b.ila, O-raonolea, uletrs, old torts, are) by ita aee healed qaiokly and permaceutly, Misa Geneva Armsiroug, one cf the teaobere of musio in Elmira Oollege, N T., ha* invented and patented a* devise tor feeding and watering of. le while they ar* joarneying in eatUe carr . Yoaog and middlo-igei) men, ttfftri d from Dervjna debiliiy and kindred :f3 o lioua, ae loss of memory and bypoebt udr i, abould ecolo^e 10 cents in eltm[B f ; r lars>e illmlrated treatise sucgesting sure means of cure. Addieea, World's Di*i eutary UeJieal Atsoolation, Buffa'o, M. T. Miia Jennie Hieholl.of Nashville. '!,, i> , baa oaniibi a heretofore anbatrd-ot bird a big as a Hteubarit gooes with a gra /&t-dy, partly webbed feel, a jat-blaok b> .^ nd loog ivory-oclcred bill with a bliek lip. A Izii9eraiii| ia probably priparicglbe bird for Hit* Mioholr* Kasler bonnet. It you are kilico*, take. Dr. 1. / " ifwMassI Pargativ* Pellell^lbk u n.l >al .. ., p i|U ,, rji, -^ Ill A rvii .-. Agrecakle Welc*eir. A. Uorman aehaol-teaebsrwailnatraaUng bit pupils how to MI when tbe Grand Dake ihould p.iis through an ths railroad SD even I which wi* lo occur nszl day, " Bomember, oblldrsn," said tbe peds- gngue, " that M soon M tbs train arrives you are to yell as load eta you can : ' Loog live tho Urttd Doke 1 ' until he IcavM." Neil day when ths Qrand Unke arrived at the utation, acd graoiouily bowed from tbe platform of tbe special oar, the tebool- ohildnu made the wdkin wary by yelling > Long live the Quad Pake aatil Itaves I Oat ol ike trrilng Pan Into the Vlrr. " B*llo,"*ald a wMtb end yoangeter to ill ohaai. "Tour folks going to move? oars ." Bo's oars. Dad iay* h* won't live in ih' old shell any longer." " Mute niith*r, Woere are you going to movs?" 11 loto your boose. Where are yon? " " Into your house.' 1 A pbysieiaa in Wing's Station, writs* to he ilfiical Retard Inat a woman ol that illao, hardly pwi midd le lite, and now ID ood health, ban given birth to twenty-five bildren. The lama writer tells of three tuteri in northern Vermont who ba>v* vely bora* twinty-flve, twenty two eighteen ohildiwa. At 9 40 ib other evening* fj|Bu m v ^ u . ver began beatiLg hi* wtfejBioie tuito a milefrou) Ibfc rolioe italitn. At IM tb* sergeaol ia tbe st*tioo heard of ii ; at 9 60 Ibe nieu and bis wife WIN tu dlid ioto the poliee waggon ; and at 10 06 be waa behind tba bars of a cell. Danvtr ihii ks tbiispks well for ber tew patrol >ya.*m In -*a Tke Now f.lo Klua. 1'uleou'i NISVILISS cor** fl chillis, patms, *nd cr*m(*. Nfrviliuo onre* promptly Ibe wr.r < c>-*| ot neuralgia, toothache, Inmbaer, .. . ,,i aliot. Mervilic* i* dcMh to ill paio, L. M.I < S'lrnul, internal, n bial. Nervihna may be tested at IU- o-al eottot lOeetK. Boy at ocee a 10 C*LI bonlr r f N:iT>lice tbe great pain ,-, . <ij. Boll by droggist* anJo .uutry dcalcri D.-. Palpsoo, in a Ouoaan tri.tfii j .u-u*j, advjeate* thj gen rial ate o: eur KB .0 arcele of diet, :.ot sixply a- ). i < .-JJitioa lo food. ll sffi iu bit J i-n..* (.rty ytaribohaa e:on a> l<> t a q outer of a poocd ot u<tr d.il-. rot counting ingar-formiog SQ-J. tanees i-k u at the n>mt time, aid ba* b.ia ten. fl id by Boy J Smith, an Ameriosn esp il ->. le tiwork the pborhate nine*) on tin K A P Road, ccarPrlb, with e> lor-r : aoo mca. DUNN'S BAKINQ THE COOK'S BEST FRIEfJD WEBSTER. Mlih or Hlilmni r.,1, ui ludem. IT IS THK ST ATfDARD Aulhorlly v.-ltl, U - Ii, I. luprema Court R.,.1 In l(.'Cov t Printing OIHfC. ai.,| Ii rxx-on, Sltte Sup'!] : School! In 36 llltes Tu It* rt:acy oil,, r V-.li:aM.. feature* w tvi h JUST ADDED C.C. OF r i'li.C WORLD. VmialnlnK r.vir ^.%,OOO Tllle, 1 .|, ny dearnl'Hig ,> 6 t ,r i, . <, ToMbn, and Kntnral I-*<atur' -, OF EVERY PArtT OF THE OLC5E. n InTalutbl* | n crcry firhn, | aadBtCTl : , )':'..,.!. IMt.Vf.,H| 1 rlnrn*l,l,MaB. 19 M. Send for eatalrgue Fro 11, Drain and Trnek Parmi In tbe contrail tbe famoni Peaeh Be) of Oeltwarc, to DaVlf * SJO , IIILFORII, DL A 8MPLE FREE . r * ,, Bometblng for yonng man only. Send 18 eenM 7" 4 r V Pot*** and paekloR dally imple. Donaldton * Co., London, Ont OF NBWPOBT For ! Packet, of ebole, nower TJ " O ' wo . llk i l>"> oolleotlon for coneaaal I nm * ri * <ldr " A - w POTTB I CURE FITS! ^ *5 tLsraa^ss i a-irtea J I will nr. r,, B.,,1. | m , ,,,,,, ,., I OHIn. It m,u Jon in.lti<n c f ul . * 4.1,... Dm. B. mK)T . . Brancli Office, 37 longest, .Toronto. VOTJ are allowed a AM^^V*Wsrt|/da*,y of thni of 1>T. l>yf'i ivieirrauxl Voli*UcMl wltTTle, .rlo A K'nunrr Appllnnfv*, for th* nynfdy r*>li. r unil p AI&) /Of JTleV loBralth. Vl rranry ApplUnr-n, lancnt euro of Mfrt<ow an kln<l Comple _ MUfV lone of VVniilt/i JViinh/Kx, and an kln-IrM troiililoii. Al - for rni iamb OompMereetofaikmloBrakh, vim id Mun.'i'xxl ^TinrnnCMl No rlik la Im ut./< !. Him - ivcl prmjihlvtln u edng VI) I.TAIC inedng . all, '.f nVNTItwO IN NOt Til AFRICA. Adventnre* among th* Dwavti and Jrii- e of tb* Dark OeertterM. Prloe 18- eoples JBa. W. J. PLAT1H. Htseaawera, On*.' R. U. AWARE THAT Loriiard's Olinutt.

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