Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1886, p. 3

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t TIB ADVANCE, Be of tho loading Locl and Family Newspapers iu Northern Ontario. rubluhcHi Every rrimrsclay, FBOH TBI Orricz, oflinau'ood Strtet, Fleiherton, Ont. TKKUH OF BUB8CBIPT10N : 1 00 per auunm In advance ; fl.50 If not paid at th* nd ol H >etr. No paper discontinued Ot\\ all sjTi'armfeuare paid up ; and no ubcni> Ion* taken (or loss than one year, except When jMplel arrangements for Bhortor period* arc rfhdo with ADVEKT1B1NO KATBB. Ac. Caiaal ad vrtiitenients,B cents per 1st insertion aad 3 cents per line each lubnequviit insertion. Tran. u'lit advertUuuienta to be paid for wliuu rderud. AdvertiMiueuU witbout pcial diroc- ion* will be Inserted till forbid aud charged accordingly. - iilborsl iuduceuientB to regular aJvurtUer*. .Notices auioiiK reading matter, IU CUII'.B per Mil* oacli inBortion. No advi-rtineinunt dlicoutiuued until all ar rasa-ages are paid up. Copy for advertiMJineuU ulioiiltl roach this offlco not later than noou on Tuesday to ensure niertiou in current itaue. A. R- FA.WCETT, Editor aid Proprietor. Flesherton Neat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PaormntToi Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, Eavetronghlug. and In fact every- thing Iu the business will receive my prompt and rareful attention at reasonable pricei. Stoves & Holomre ;:, Stock, CLAYTON'S II A It M SS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It ihe place to get your Uarnett CvUart, <Lr, made up in good itylt. Shop in W. Clayton'* Boot <t Shoe Store, Fltiherton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, !AT? ul lit. II. Having made exteniive improvements in my Grill Mill, I am confident I can give good satisfaction. CHOPPING DONE ANT DAT Good Flonr always on band. Custom Sawing, and Bifls filled on the shortest notice, {.am- ber and Lath always ou hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. HI. AKITT, 1 raror Iteiiiititlni h Al ..... fc ...... rnii of.lr i v u ,.r. w:!p'< "i fiiriiiiitloiiiio Invr.-: '. M-ltl- p.- i.i, it hi n t.ll t,, nn an \Vr)..-' M-IU'SPAI'I. (IOS|>nui-M an M|. -nn ;>, : i..|, .-)!,. ml v.-i i ("i-rwlio M ; one ' iMr. iiinlitln 111)10 In- iulrve, wli ;> rot hlrawfJo will :. I ili"iHiiinl <li>llnri< In nil- -nlril whli-ll Will it, i.r roil lit made .ii-riii-n.. -, . vr lii-i'ii i-*-ui-.|. lilr-ii'r in cents. - * CO., I! A |i\i:i.TMNU ni.'RKAU, I'll ..i iii;; llnuaoMqJi Now York. , i .i.iv iulilr-ii I'- IKIWKI. THlftllEBRATCD CHASES LIVER CURE Liver HAVE YOU NATURE'S REMEDY * Kfgf^ssf^SSS& conpoaniM from n.n.i. w '''- kno ""J,', V ""iS ^J Ktdf ** 111 I K I I -IIOI- . \ '.III I X. A H l.i H .l.u I av> jrr Ol.uppr. ,, I . u, lu,< M**r t-4*,HIO Defcl Hrhlntl ttlm. A |jt (Thuradaj) night's Ktogiton di- 1 .1 ui -ays : Kingston has anotuer san- sa'.ion. For tbe flrat time a Ktogntcn law- yer baa appropriated funds belonging to bin olienta. J. A. MoMaboa, an attorney, left Ibii city inddenly about a week ago, and fcii departure enatiog tuipieion an invest!- gallon wai held, when il win, found tbat be took about (14,000 of bii oliente' money with him. It seem* J. A. MoMollen, of Pittetorg, borrowed 16,700 from TIKB 1'olly, o! Amberet leltnd, in order to pay off otrtaio mortgages to Walkioi 4 Walkeu. Polly mortgaged hie f a 1 m, aud banded tbe money over to MoMabon to jay Walkem d> Walkm, but tbe money wan not pail. R U.To>e, a young merchant, gave Ma- Mkhon 12,300 to pay Air. J. M Brilton, (rom wboni be bad purchased properly, and Ibii money in aiie*ioK alro. J In. Bannden, butoter, pud MoM*bi>n t'2,000 porebaic mousy of tbe entitle of tbe Ute A JODIB, bnteber, to be p->id into oonrl (or tbe widow and children. This money u ROD* too. Lueai Lasher, ot Btb, borrowed 2.000 from the True I aud Loan Oampaoy at Toronto. Ths obcqaa was vent to Ma- Maboo, wbo lentbU o'erk to Batb t3 uei il eodoried bai Mr. Luber related Liter an endoried ohcqoe was preiented at tbe Federal Back by MoMaUou and tbe money rioeived. Mr. Oreet, maoegcr of the bank, olaimi tbat tbe signature ii tbat of Mr. Laither. but the Utter, wbo is in town, eays k i did not eodo ee tbe obcque. Tbii eaie will be tbe meani of having MoMabou <-z trained if caught in the Siatee. Hi* Jtf.lcatioDK are eipeeted to amount to 820,000, eauecd by bcokel (hop ipcoolt- tiou-. MoMaboo, who eauie from Dandaa about igbt years ago, waa well liked aid rts( coted, wbiob made it all tbe easier (or him to ecoure money. He bad a (air law practice. He took hie wife at d (amily and a maitiff dog away with him. Bucket- the p ipeeulatioce are laid to be at tbe bottom o( tbe trouble*. Kjoently be made a $6.000 deal and loet tbe margin, (or which be bad given bu obrque, notwitb- Undiiig be bad no (onde in to: bank. H. Badden, oaabier in tbe bcok*t ebop, wbo aco k ttd Ibe obique, eaw troablo ahead c( him, to he emp'.ud tbe till and cleared en tbe tame night tbat MeMabon went away. I. up -iBiil.il New*. Sheriff Mackintocb, Dean cf the Faculty of Advocates, Ediatnrgb, ha been made a Q.C. Tbe aiaigow Oily and U strict (Ooder- Sonnd) Btilway wae opened (or iraffia on arch 16lb. Lord Ruebery bae accepted the cfnoe of Firel Preideoto( the Sxilliah National Rifle Aaueiation. The BrilUh Wat Office baa lanetioned the ereotijnof a aix-gnu battery on a lit* adjoiuiog Fort Matilde,cn tbe Clyde. The eoetodien o( tbe National Wallace Monument, Burling, have accepted an offer of the Maiqoie of Bate to provide a bait of King Robert tbe Bruce 10 be [Uoed in tbe mooamcut. Two mtnnicript vnlamce of Barne* potm* have been sold la Edinbargb (or 310 and 270 guineas each, and a copy o( the K' I oiaruoek ediliou ol his poem* dutfd 1786 (or 80 gainear. Mr. Walter Riebard, (ormerly eecicr partner in tte firm of Miller & Richard, lype-founderi, Edinbar^ b, died al Bourne- month, E.-glaod, on Ibe Tib nil., al tbe age of HJ yeari. He waa a man of much enter- priat and bonnete aagaoity, and made Seoeeb typc-tonndicg (arnoun ail over tbe world. Tbe remaiui o the late Rear-Admiral Fellowii were interred on Ibe lUib (net. In preaenoa of a large gathering of the gen- eral public in Diaa Cemetery, Edinbnrgb, Ibe fnnerai being ot aa almoat private obaraeter. Frederick Kaixbt Oregon, wbo wai (or- merly Aetiitanl Managir o( the Commer eial Bank c.f Scotland, and wbo il ebarged with embiulicg 750 which had b tu eeot to him by depoeltore, wai committed (or trial ia London on tbe Ittlb ult. Blood. SOO.OOO SOLD 'Over nt-lutif mitium ,/ l)r. Cluuii n. . ii tn-MrJ ilk Lmr Cm- flmint It try '*" ixcilltnt nmtdy IMIITNINO Niw. BnrtN AWA Fin Wrapptd wouixl rtryTltl of Dr. ChM*' tiver Cure k a v5uW HouhoM Medical liuide and Rtcipt hook (14 pg'>), conuintng orer wo nwful rip mSSaSoA taaawM mn ami drui.n <inlu at>U, and worth ten limti th price of the medicint. S|' CATAMH Cm. A f. and poitiT Fric, >j cnl. ^_-^rt<. * - lU. tscliperboi SOLD BY ALL DEALERS tr> A"'e. -<" IBS In Furls A Paris cable saya : Tb* gaunt, hungry- ookiug men to be aeeu on tbe etreet*, the romen and girls to b* mel everywhere in ooped and ragged attire, Ie'.; a ead tale ol 'overly etricken Paris. That the fearful .iatresa prevailing is constantly on tbe in- risaa ia spparsnt without ths aid of merciless statittics. But the lateit official Ignree soprlement tbe cry ot luf/iriog humanity. In 1061, juil a quarter ot a century ago, tke number of familial re- quiring riliit waa 86 713, comprising 287. Sixtfen years later, in 1*77, when he Ktpablio bad taken th* pUo* of the impire, the Dumber of pauper familiee bad ooreaaid to *9 (KO. In 1880 there were 6 811 faiiiiUi*, aompnaing 125.715 mem- bare, depending upon relief. At tbe begin- ning of tbe present year 180 000 persons wtre known to be in want ot asMatano*. n other word*, wiihia tb* last quarter of a eentnry the number of paupers has been lonbled, and during tbe laet three yean Paris be* been depopulated by about 60,003 tenoDs. The misery at present existing o ths city constitute* a fruitful aource ot langer lor tbe capital. sT*rty f*r*f*i Hrl,ir, Wm. L. Leach waa umried a few day! agial Erie, Pa., to Mis* L'uie Hernok, to rbom be bas been engaged lor 40 yean. Cbey wereloven in youth, but Miss Her- iok's par*ntJ, wbo were in good financial circamstanoei, objected to her marriage to poor young roan. Leaoh resolved to overcome tbii objection, and wsnt We*t to accumulate a fortune. Alter many years ot discouragement in mining h* " struck it rich " iu Idaho, and returned lor tbe girl be elt behind 40 years ago, and found a bride Ot 67 instead of 17. The [road parente who thought tbeir daughter too good tor a man witb no other wealth than hii muscle and brain, bave In tbe intervening years s poor, and are now dependent on bis bounty. A r u r I Him.. Lord McLtren recently pasted sentece* in tbe High Oonrt ot Justiciary at Edin- burgh, Scotland, on tb* woman Margaret Robertson or Brown, wbo wa* found guilty of culpable homicide in connection with tbe death ot her two young grandchildren by burning. His Lordship sentenced Ib* prisoner to ten yean' penal servitude, itigmatising her crime a* one of a moet cruel and detestable nature. he ,Tli.iiH.Tlo.l Him. " I am an initruotor, madam. I coach defioient oollegiani." " Eh wbafethalT" 1 A tutor, madam, I am a tutor." " Ob, one of them genie thai playi In the band, eb T All right ; I didn't know bat what you wai one of them poor mieerable felleri that gete their llvin' by teaobin'. Oome right in, tit.BurKnfton />. Prtn Ma I know of nothing that hai been taught tbe youth ot our time exoepl that tbeir fatbera were apee and tbeir mothers wioklei ; tbat tbe world began in accident and will end in darkneee : that honor ii a (oily, ambition a virtue, charity a v.iaa poverty crime and 1 raeeality tke meane o all wealth and the earn o( all wiedom. from Rtukin'i Autobiography. An Alabama cotton gin manufacturer bae net shipped ten of tbe most loaprovet maobinea to Rneaia. They are conelgued to Moscow, nJ it ii thought thai tu Ruistan Oovernment wante them ei periruent ID totton ooltore in tbe Blaek Be provinoef, I'll. TAII.H. IL, I .In,., ll.d K .nr .11.1 litioUrr. t i i,,, i , fi !.!!. .1 I b. Ir ,... u, . Mr. J, E. Vrtu uuu, in a letter to Mr. N Bhkke>pere, M.P., ipeakiog of tbe outtooi amOBg tbe Obineie of wearing qubae*, iayi tbal Ibe geniral impreaeion among wtuu people tbat il u in aecordanea with aomk ixiou* rite or ceremony pecnlUr to that people U a moil erroneous one. Il hae nothing whatever to do with religions con- nections or belief. Tbe Chinese wear jutuei as a token of inbmiiiioii to the pre- sent Emperor, who in a foreigner, beltg a descend* ul of tbe Tartar monarch wbo con- quered China tome two and a half o juturies . Before that period tbe Chinese wore 110 queoes. I'hia fao) it illustrated every day io Cbineie theatrer, wcieb are top- poeed to have nolbing but bis- icrical pUyi. Mr. Vroomnn b^lavbi Ih ii it would have a most tft'utary rct opan the orimiuaj clam of Obiiiere to lave them underetaad tb*t ai aore as they commit a crime they will be pnniohid for tbe uame, and be made to ootiform to tbe sanitary regulations preaeribcd by law and uUnded (or all crimiaali), amocg wbicb i lead-thaviog, as soon an they enter tbe loon of tbe prieon. In tbi eonueetion il not oat ot | laoe to auk why the Ooviru- ment oonotermanded tbe order given lev- iral months igo to tbe jiiler, to eat the lair (rom tbe beads ot Obintae prisoners be same as (rom white men? According Mr. Vrooman, who baa ipent many yean n China and is well informed about the leople, il kbould otaieaCbluiman no more -v:n or regret to loae bii queue than il do** t white man to don tbe piuon garb. And ret tbe role ii not enforced agaioet tbim on tbe plea tbat it is an offence against tome eort of religiooi belied Victoria (B. 1.) Timei. I In 'iorl> ol NDorltr lll. D R. Djwey writes (rom Jobtis Hopkins' Joiveniiy, Baltimore, Maryland, to tbe Chicago Daily Nttci : O.JB of the moet rtqaently repeated obJMtioni to an eight- lour day is that Ihe leiiuro thai obtained wonU be devoted to vice. Bach critics lay bat it ii better (or tbe bricklaytr to lay n bricks in tbe hot ion than to earry oboontri in a lager beer taloon. In other word*, a shorter day cf wotk involve! a ocg day of a aloe u tippling and dimoralU- Qg idlenen. According to mob argument touthern Australia or Victoria eboald be be moel immoral ipot on the globe's orfaee. 1 1 u far otherwise. Victoria 1 oltcn declared to be tbe bappy lome tor workicgmen ; aLd for nearly birly years tbe eight-hoar day hae there revailed in tbe tradee, factonei and nines. Tbe inaagurauou ot this day waa iroaght aboat io a peaceable aud legitimate rnacacr. In 186< a mason, Jamea itepbens, daring the inlervali of work on be Government bnildiogi al Melbourne, alked with hie fellow-workmen of the lardabipe of laboring cine and a half louri a day. Meetings were bald by the matoc i, and il wae reaolved that an eight- our day would " be greatly boueflsial to nr trade acd improve our aucial and ioral ojndition.'' Tne hot Auitralian mn ak o lent conviction to many a doubting eart Boon Ibe agitation wai taken up by be bricklayer*, carpeaten, paiutere, :umbri aiid oabinet-makeri. Mo links* er co ute in plated. Il wae even reeolvcd bat Ibe queation o( wagea be led to rule laelf by aopi'ly and demaud. Tbni oeoeas waa aehieved, sllhoah tbe igbt i. ur day, in spite of frcqieol at- ( If , hae never been legally reocguiaed. A icent Ojvernmenl oommiMion, however, ecpmmended tbe ncceailiy (or poeltiv* rgialalion to aecura the earlier closing ot tore*, and tbat the employed ia fMtorle* and sbopa be prohibited from taking work o tbeir homes. There is, ot ooofM. kom* ntemperanee in Victoria. Ui:r Conaol- General reroris tbat tbu oommtf&ny cf e*i than a uiiiKou iababii^nte axpende at ait 116,000000 annually upon iutcn- ,ting liquors. But Ibii ia tar (rcm an laimiog staterstat is compared with tbet countries. Tbnf) aud economy vjil tbere to a great exUnl. Oae in very eight ii a depositor in a saving! bank, with an average individual Jii u al of more aan 2100. IB brief, tbe Amirioan Qjnaul says that " tbe moral and pbyatml eoadi- Ion of tb* people is soucd and bealtby." Nor can the opponeoti ot a shorter day's work find much ojn;olation io tbe expert- tiec ot Cnglaud. Intempiranoe ie eer- ainly not iLcreaaing ; Lot, on the whole, hers ie a bighir moral ilaodard asoog the forking people lUan in Ih* pail generation I loLgir boon. Among oar own indni- rial obeerven then it aboodant aniborily wbiob alao makes agaioat tbe ariamsnt bal an eight -hour day will be followed by bcreaaed vice. Tbe very conservative hief of tbe Conneelieal bureau ol Labor Btaliatica, Mr. Hadley, has recently writ- en that be U not dupoeed Io believe bat loereaeed Itiiore simply msane icle- .sis, or sven eomsthicg worn." Il U etill an open n leilion whether in temperaoM ie not largely caused by overwork. Tbo K oglith oonomiit, Mr. Fawoelt, >aid tbai no mall part of the Intemperaaea which ia aid to tb* charge of onr laborers U directly to b* traced to ixoeetive toil." At ml* be trades unions re tbrowlng their (Ltla- inee pcsitively on the tide ot temperance. Cheir osnititailoni reoogoiBa intemperance as an evil. No liquor teller can beoome a member ot tbe Koigbta of Labor. In Ibe great Brieklayen' Hall in Philadelphia btre in ittiot provision Ibal no hquor ibull is told, not even in tbe rented premitee, although tbe pnvilrge could be disposed at profitable mm. From another ikandpolnl tlie legal mind might argue tbat tbe workman could lonnlly claim tbe eight-hour day as his heritage. Tborold Rogere, tbe great ex- plorer into the condition ot English labcr n tbe last six ceiurtee, ii authority tor tbe statemsnt tbat tbe hours ol labor lor Ibe med mval artiian were not more than eight. Extra hour* were also worked, but were paid at rates a little in exoeis. Tntu the artikan in summer bad time for tome agricultural employment. Siooa tben tbe workman has loit ground. There are many .<>.... .- r ..... .V.. . _>.,... 4. b. ... fidered. Tbe influence ot a ihorler day's work upon tb* development ot home life is an important consideration. A bometeeliog cannot b* developed iu one who upends moil of hii time outside of them precincts. Greater longevity of life would undoubt- edly follow, for initiation demonstrate tbat tbe life of the workman i* relatively a poor riot for tnioranoe companies. Finally, a shorter day of work would undoubtedly reeoll in tbe belter political eduoatioo of the massei. To say nothing of advantagei for pining iudnilrial educa- tional daises, tbe opportunity for newi- paper reading would be ot tbe greateol benefit in leeriring sounder political ideae and (( making good administration. DWB, l>.wn Brlw I Oae day laet week while one of tbi divert wae on tbe deck ot the Oregon, over one hundred feet below the surface ol tbe sea, a carious faot wan noticed. It has been a matter ol speculation (or years as to bow (ar beneath the surface Ihe roll of tbe ootao could be felt. Antonio Andemu, the diver on thii occasion, lays that in one of tb* alleywaye between tbe house on tbe deck of the Oregon he seised a trunk, and while trying to make fail to It and send il op to ths surtaoe, the roll ot the eea ooDtlnoally ewept him and the trunk athwart-sbips On Saturday It was ascertained by eound Inge tbat the Oregon lie* in nineteen fathoms or 114 feel of water. Two miles off tb* depth is twenty-two fathoms. rait LAHOK. When lac Older > OriUrd - W to. are Among th* Krsa* batches nl mail wbiob reach tb* Journal cffioo every day taeieare Booren ot letteii ct inquiry f rum mtoha^iw, laborer*, working girlii, aud, ID some oei. (rom euiployeri, wbo want Io know aomi- tbiug abuni ihe Kuighlsol Ltburandhow to guia mcmberihip. Tbe orgaiiizttion wa* started on Tnacki giving Day, 1(*0'J, in PbiladolpLia by Urlth S. Stephen*, a garment out:r, wbo bad nix other garmect cutters associated with him. They formed what wan attcrwardakcown as L-joal Assembly Nu. 1 1 f ths KtyUta ol Labor Ibs Ofdrr was eatifloed to gar ment cotters, bat eventually other branobi* ( iudnttry wera organised under the ebield ol iba O;Jtr. The organ zi'ion grewilowi) until Jai ar> l*t, 187a It WM nil that lime without a ri.O' x ""-' uead. Xuroogb tbo ctl.ni I a (ew energetic cuemb*r% a gsueral 3OLVtitiuu wa- hld in Riadit.^, fa., on Ji.nary lit, 1878, whtu tbe Oaueral Ai.i-uibly waetutmid wilh Ur. Biepheun a Orand Master Workman aacl Coarlee H. Litcbm.D, o( Marblehead, Mai-., aaOra Uteretary. There were about 1 3CO bracchei ot Ibe Order torn.ed op to thai urn*. Tb*y worked aeoretly naul Jaoaary lit, 1882. wbnu tbe txiatoi.ce if the Order was iuol;oly pro- claimed. Bicoe tbal lime trn growth cf tbe Kuigbta ot L%bor has bcea woiderlu 1 and euormonr. So great has been the uoreaie tbat tbe efaiet tfflaen have decided not to allow any more branches to be iiarud until April ISib. Iu gain admissioa a panon mal be engaged M home honorable bcanoh of iudus try. Both aezu are admitted to mimber- thip. Ai a role it U oaeleas Io apply (or admieeion, bccaoaa il ii a rule of tb order to iclact menibcri. Toua a person may be prop.scJ aud rtjieied wuhooi ever knowing it. Mm ara oaually pro- puied by friendi wbo jodge them worthy ol fellowship BniiueM men oau j>in. la aa anenobly 100 strong, teveuty-nre uetabtrt ntnat be tmploye*!. Metlii-g', aa a role, are btld weekly, but aome aaaembliei do not meet so often. Ii Is a mistake to sap poae tiial tbe Order favore airikts, an one ot tbe Order's (nods mental rulea is tbat labor d.rtioulnei mail be eeltled by arbitration. 1: a trade orderi a link* without flnl lr>ug arbitration It will not gel any financial tarport from tb* Order. Tne Order ii not oatb boonJ. U*ob member takes a solemn pledge and if be violate* it be U txp*llid and blaokltited all over the country. Vioiatbu ol the role renders a member liable to a tuipeut IJD ranging Ircm one month to live jean. Tnere are twokiodiof ammeltea Irax-'e ana mixed assemblies. A trad* Assembly U oompoael ot men engaged at one ipcoial bracoh ot indoslry. A mixtd a-acojbiy ii ootupoaei ol mechanic.', Itborere, olirki, proleiiiocal men and io OB. II a printer is williag to jjio, and il tbi printtra bavs an aeietpbly eoav*bttot to bid house, ba mcl j ua the printers' seerobly. It nut b* is at liberty to j>m a mixed aekcubly. Tbe tamo roll applies to all b;az.cbti of iadoktry, L jeal aascaibl IB *tt govtrnid by a du iriei asacmbiy which may moiude fir* or 600 local asieoibiica. The dielrtat a>ambly u ia mm govsrLsd by tuo gtueral aaeambly. Tte Ordir is b*'jevui*ni, prokotivii . d edueatk-nal. Tbt. txpecaeii bi owmben sire very light. A man may admit toi ki i a member, but be ', uol iiowed io gUi the Isaacs of oihsr memberi wuboui tboir consent. .NV IVrli Uornitj Jtumol. i i itnn < iikiii Ifcr *.mi ih noal* earl, known to have a touch of madneea iu his brain, bad a tenant who t>ad fallen into difficulties. Tbei* bad brought him under the power ol a certain lawyer whom we iball call Mr. Bardi*. Mr. Liar die ojcd hn power oer Uaudy in a remoraeleei way, and preweiited bim will: a bill which wa* mott vOra*tnahle tod wbi"b tbv (>-or uiao wai unatle to p>. b.Ldy w*nt to \b| Mil mat told him all. ' L.-a him to me," laid toe eail. and ', will little witb him." He -?'j: !or Mr. Bardie, and badi tl_ bricg a (nil mate m*nt cf all that wai dus to him by Hi. dj . . Ou tb* appointed day lawyer ppaared and piwentfd U* bill Taklug lim to b:si private room, he asked, " Mow, ar* you aore ibat yoa have rut down terj . hing which be own yoa r" " Qaite are, my ^>d." The earl Ibeo caked tbe door, placed on tbe tabli a brae* ol loaded pintol*. opened a rawer, and bandad iotbi:a*;tr tbi full ale of guinea*. "Njw, Mr. llarjn," bi dded, " you'd bitMt bvi I liille relrsah- m*nl." " Tbaua ji/u, nay Jard, yoa an 'ry kind, and 1 do teal 8a:hur thirsty." 1 It's not drink I have for yoa," said bii ordah'p ; " bal yon ue tbia* two tallow oaudlee ; yoa shall eat sttry monel ol him before you Kir from UU room." Tb* awyer looked aghast, but imiltd aa if n were a jcke. " Too beat me. ' aaid the arl, in tremendoaa eiiphaii* , " eat these at.dl(e I ' It was a terlcui eiluatton, Io a icked room, before an eorstfl earl, known to b* half-mad, and wbo wajocwHCgiiining o handle Ibe putole. Thet* wai nolbmg or Qardi* but to (uooumb ; tbi only re- axatiou he could get wae liberty to us* bis n- knife to eat oat the wick*. The task rai al lail ocmpleled ; tbe earl grimly rawed him oat, and told UiiQ to remember iii repast the nc;t tius Iii saade out bia aooiuni agalort a poor dog liki gacdy. Rev. T. . Oalverl, M. A., of Uoderieb baa tendered his resignation ot asiiatan pastor to Dr. I re. The Sesaion hae engaged Rev. J. A. MoOillivray , B. A., a Haded of KQQX College, N assiKaut. rliUh KTI SdTlld. I regret to say tbat tb* Piiaenof Wales s iu a very aneatiafaetory slat* of health. She i* io liug from au extremely oupliM- ant affection cf the eyei, about wbiob (be consulted an eminent oculist tb* eight before ihe led town lor Torquay. Il ftp- Man tbat th* trouble ie uol iu tbi eye tell, bat il ie connected with tb* eevare liphtberio sore throat with which Ihe I'riuoeis wae attacked Ibis winter. Curi onsly enounh, the yonna ?'>""* T " umm ----- a --- uu> > anl mother. Tbe Prinoen of Wales is eofToriog ftom a bad foot, and is so oat of health and ipiritn tbal aue rtqairei a thorough rest and change. It ia to be bop*d Ibat Ibe eomparativ* warm'k of Torquay will reetore Her Riyal Uxhi.oM to btr wonted health aLd good lotka before long, lor it would ba a dullscatou indeed tbal waa not graved witb onr prstly Priueana' charming preeenee. Lan<t<m Lijt. Prim Ie ihe Ionia. A tew days ago a r r 'J <-' Keatltmeo were dii cuasing high prioei tu the Soath during the latter part of the ejvil war. I paid 140 a yard for a toil of gray cotton jani," said tb* flral >p>akr, " aLd th* suit of elothei coal me I3fc) after beiog tat and made." Th* bigg**t trad* I madl faring tke war," said No. I, " was * 10 f<r a spool of cotton thread." And I," said No. 3, " palil $15 (or a shave." " How could a man carry *x?u^h charge in biipookst to boy acythn;,?' i ventured 10 aK " Tbfiy Muffed il in tlelr late, boots, pooksts or most anywhere it w told ttioh," replied No. 1. BameniUt \ '7a Mail. on., a) the Manwce f..d. Hrii.kr J k r Ih* >~iln. ! the corik. The old laying tbat what U in* man'i ueftt U another man's poiacn 1s realized in ib* cppokite taetee of peopl*. The Turka shudder at tb* t>icn|bt of eating oy stirs. The Digger Indians of the I' uoi us slop*, ft joined in Ih* great locoal swarms ol 1875 as ft diapeniation of th* Oreal Bpint, and laid in a star* of dried locust powder tuf&eieot to lael them for several yean Th* French will eat frogs, nails and ths dlMMed livers of geese, but draw the lice al alligators. Backlsj&d declare* the taste ol boa cot- ilriotor good, and rnocb I ike veal. Qoaai, Ihe fermented cabbage water ol Ibe Ruislanr, is tbeir popular tipple. Il is dkaorlbed as rceembliug a mixture ol Hale fi*b and aoapsads in ta*t*, yet, next to beer, U hfti more votariss tban any clher fer- mealed beverage. A tallow oacdle waabed dowo witb qaaje foru.ii a meal tbal it would be hard to be thankful for. In Cautoo and other Cbioeee citiai rats are fold at the rale ol IU a dcseo, and tb* bind. | carter* of dogs ar* hungup in tbe batchers' shop* alongside ot ranlton and lamb, bal command a bigbar price. The edibl j bird*' neete ot tbo Cbinete aro worth twioa their weight iu silver, tb* finest variety sellicg lor as much as >30 % pound. Tbs negroes ol tbe Weet Indie* eat baked snakee and palms fried in their own fat, bal they cannot bs induced to eat stewed rabbits. In Mexico parioM are eaten, but they are rather tocgb. TbeOaaehoso! tbe Badda O:in.tal are ia tbe habit ot bunting skunks tor th< take ot tbeir flub. Tb* ootcpua or devil- flib, when boiled and thin roasted, is ea'.ou ia Cariioa and eiteemed a delicacy. Iu tbe Pao na lilanda aad Weil Indies lizird*' rggi are eat*n witb gnito. Tbe native* of tbe Antillea eal alligator rgge, and Ibe eggiol tbi toe tie art- popular eviry- whtre, though op to tbe exmmeLOtiffieDl of tbi last century turtle wa only eaten by th* poor of Jamkcii. Aats are eaten by varioui Qatioia. In Brazil they are served with resinon* sauce, and iu Africa thay are itewed wr.h greac* or batter. Tbe East Indiana cai'h ibem in pit* and carefoliy wah them in band- full like rallies In Bum a eurry of act*' rgji is s eoelly luxury. Tb Oeylonese *ai tii bee* at ur robbing item of tbeir boney. Oaserptllars and ipiders ar* dainties to the African bosbnao. After they have woand Ihe silk from Ihe OMOOH the Chinese eat tbe obrytUhs of tb* silk worm. Spilen routed ar* a sort of diMsil wilb the New Cledouiann. < AN t ifcf ! ik. Ireauaaesu >- I h* Age l Ih* t kmiln t(tic-s Kepllior in IA* Atlantic MuoUiljr "Tbe ntOMsliy ot aell repression," aayi a reocot writer in " Blaekwood,' "makei room for Ibooghl, which ibose obndrsn mis* wbo have no formaline* to ob**rv*. oo ouston to rwpeel, wbo Mart oil evsry irrelevance, wbo interpose al will witu queition and opinion a* it enters tb* brain. Children don't learn to talk by chattering to on* another, and aayicg what com** uppermoet. Men l.itecing wilh intelli- g(.ce involve)* an exercise of ruenlal ipsast. and cbiervant alienee opens tb* porn of the mind a* impatiinl d-maoia (or explaoatioa never do." This u true, inasmuch ai it is not tbe o: iii wbo is eneouragid to saikooutiLually ho iu tbe sod learoi bow Io arrange acd cxprtsa bu ideas. Nor does tbe fretful del. re to be told al one* what everything; meane m.r 'y th* active mind wbiab parenu so focdi. oipxe, bui ralbera languid I "rcijieu. .unable todeejpber thi aiapltit CA3i* (or i:-ilf. Y*l where ibatl we loin to look lor the "observant ailenoe" w fcixbly recci:. mended? Tb* young people who obaerxiJ and ware ttliot bave pM*e4 away lutle John Rutkia beirg aainrtdly the laet t ( tbe specie* and tbeir pUau an filled by tbo** to whom observation mat uliuoe are alike unknown. This la the children's age, and ail things an lobeervienl to their wiabas. Maaats of jnvanile literature are published annuaUly (or tbeir amae emenl , oonvtrastion U re dnetd steadily to their l.-vel while they an present . meals are arranged to soil ibeir hour*, acd th* diabee thereof to toil tbeir palatea ; ttudita are made simpler axd toys more elaborata with eaob aucoeding year. The bardshipa they one* tnfiered or* now happily ended, tbe decorum ocee cc- aoted i* fudiog raci j|> away. Weaeoepl tbe eitualiou with pbilotopby, and only now aLd thec, under the pr**aur* of SOLUI new development, are elartled into asking our- telve* when il u likely to end. Tw*> t A prominent aalronomer writes : W* I lave been promutd by eom* ot tb* | aropeao astronomer* two briiiiaci | exiaaas, visible ia the beaveni at Ibi same i lim* mar each other, ear.y la May to : ol I'rofesatr Barnard, wbieb I esjnMdervd, < wbia in orbit wae nral e'o jlaicd. a modtl oomei, and tbat of Fabry, tb* Par:i ex. mot, | "rom which I did cot txfoet atiythicg. ilvitb comet* were tbu vtry dialaui (ruin us, both pumniog a very umllar orbit aud boib likely to pass qoite near us,. Tben elbeannoune*airT3:taltbe Arcrisun oomet bad (^atjMDeliti peribrhco paaaage 'oriwoolb, and that U* Freueju aouet bad hastened il* peribelica fa...,* ; me retail ot which, wa* that the pradiouona Wire tha.1 Ik* t'reneb *nm*t would be> bih in ibe biavens al tbe appointed urn* and ib* Amerioaa oomei marly loat in tb*> twiligbi ; but still u wa* hoped Ibal boib Wuald be visible. Still later eoruci another orbit for Ihe French ojinet. earryicg that, too, down into the twilight. Il ia true that in both ease* tbe oompatatiou is that Ibe brightness will bi oa ittof May Mviral bondr^ list** that al Ibe Mm* of di")very, tul Ibis loorease of brigbtneia deplnd* almoil eiclomvely upon tbeir n*arn*aa to tbe earth, for nsiiher v( them paesis) tear the auo. \u the dark tky it woall nut s;a* icaeb diflerene* wh*tber Ui* lauiibOiity was spread over a large urlae* io eonieaoDn^ ot pruximity |.i tUe car'.b -r ftn>:**utraled in oou- at^oenee ot 'roximily to the tun. In th* twilight 1% BLakea a great diQenta*, axd etptc ally i objeol io extended a* Ibe tail oomei, which even ic tbe darkuet nightie only visible where It is most iour.ee If >n object one-tenth tbe in: of the moco ia obliterated by Ihe twilight it would make it mon visible to bring it a thi.aiand limes nearer ni, so aa to msk* il by tb* fcrmol* a million line* brighter. Bo, Doltis mill farther revision ut the t.rbil* mm they approtab oa shall carry lao oomaU oal ot the twiligbi in tb* evuuing of th* 1*1 cf May at sunset, Barnard's ecinet will be iu tbe norlbweil ftnd Fbry's io the west, each but a lew degriei above the horizon ; " Too w.U not se* them, but tbtv wi'.l bo there ail tbs tame." I rd Prom a London Lctur i L)td Randolph Cuurcbill bad tbs lolly to trot oat bis aaceeiore at bia great flat*} in BalfaiL We know that the origin o! many c I England s aristooralic familie* i* if a> " ataady " obaraoter, aud will act oo tbe part of tbe preaeui inrruben bear reveruog to witb plea era a u d not on* o( them could bear the lo.-unny with lexe graliflcalion to the exitting ripreaentative* than that of the CbnrehiUa. Arabella Cbnrebill waj a great favorite wilb Jamea II , and through rus eaoie the fortune* o! tb* pennileet ensign, John Churchill, afterwards Luke of Marlborough and founder ot ibe family of which Lard Rao Julpa Is ons of ib* daseendaota- l>*j. bara farmer. Daob'.m of CUvtlacd. a woman of infamous memory, eonewivsd s rakaion for bandioais Jok, and ultimateiy presented him wilh 113000 a big sum a couple of MQtanes ago. Ultimately Jams* II. mad* him L caiecani-G-neral cl M* Ku^dom, but be doeerud to William III., aud a modern historian tells as that to* da> before h did so b* dnw bia aword and raid h* wouid shsd ki* last drop of bloo.l 15 delenoe of Jsm.es." All this b* eapUtned by the diatares ot oocsoience. ' ButKiqaenily he. wa* ehatrged with having pocketed moLey that b* bad oo fight to amounting to 116000.- 000. Ibe then Boat* of Cj<j.moni pa-.Mtd two resolution*. " (1) Tbat tbe taking of bribee trum oonlraaaors for for Qilbiug bread and bread wawoa another Jaebne was unlawful and i J) Ibal money* given for the icldien pay winch aw ba4 ptlfirad abonld be accounted for." Not a penny was rrcovered. bal he got Ib* per- petual rennoa ot 116 QUO a ysar, wbich wan commuted for ib* other day ty bu preeni worlby descendant for ov*r I.XK) OCO Miciulay lays bs wai ibritty iu bi* very vice*, aad levied contribution! on ladies onrcehed by tb* spoil* ot more liberal lovin Pope itbimaliaaa bis cams wilh lufamy in the eoalhiun couplet : Tbe (allant. loo, la whom ah* paid II down LlTxl iu ritaa* Ui m HUM* bait a frown. eta Nraohir Little M. T . ale*a>aa*> Just BOW I mined from ball and Malr A jorf m trabl* tbal had erowo A* dear to me u taal ara* ton* That Uills th world 1117 oldur Tbe Oity of H'rlin. with aboi I tbe -ami population as New York, bte 910 000 more square yardi nl streets than tbi Amirloan metropolis. Il ha* eomontionilfe' ednoa- lional and obitritabla lysteD*, and main aains 98 free circulating ItbrVM. lie annual municipal expendlttrea ara intler 110,000 000. Tbe annual xp*nditnrM ol New York an nearly H.000,000-o*w 110,000,000 being required tor saJar'M oft offloe-uoiaera aloui. But vtry (or o( ft VallDh**I Pr.pi r.lr. ol Hall. 'Ho yoa tbink I am growing itont ?'' aid a young man yesterday, m nply to a question by an acquaintance, write* a con- tributor ot tb* Albany Kaprtu. ' Well, I am, and have been for > eoople of man Ibe." What ia the oaa* r" queried hi* tri*od. too much beer ?" " No . ebloride of sodium ; or, in plain English, common table salt," was tbe reply. " By in aie I bave gained sometblun like forty pjuode in two year*, llow did I ever com* to tak* ll? I began to lake it for stomaeii troobles. A: that tlm* I wa* so tbio Ih* boy* u*e4 to ull me ipare-nb and ramrod. Bali promotes digestion. I found that by taking one-half tca*pooD(al Iwioj a day my appetite waa improved, my weight and Htrengib ico:eM.d, and I have i u more headache* or atlMki of indigestion. Bay. I don't look much like a spare rib now, do " fc.i I* ih 1-rvfM-r llmr i rake Vlr4a- in- r Th* qtMatioa whether a preieribed medi- cine should be taken before or affr a meal is often r ul to tbi physician, and oceaaion- ally riquiree acme i(ecial eoniideratioo. The mediemee which act aa lomU irritants, inch as tb* ealtsof aopc*r, iron, nao and ara*Lie, in large doeei, are to b* taken after a mial when tbi stomach ia full, while i ma. 1 1 daece of medicine* acting on tbe (amria termination* of Ib* vague oogbl so ba taken before a meal. In tun* iustani**, we bave to oonnitr abemioal ehaag**. Uxid* and citrate ol aiivtr.il tnlendtd to 01 locally on ib* gaalric maooui mim- brae*, Dttat likcwis* bs aduat-iitcr.d when the *tacai>eb is smpty. Il i< no* gtcerally known, or al least observed, thai todio* and its salt* are tu be administered oo an imply stomach, ae Ib* prwenew ol starch and acids, modifying or decomposing las preparations ol iodine, would ndoee cr prevent tbair effect. Tbeaotde intended to affscl tbe gastric juices an to be taken before a meal, in order to pnv*nt an ample accretion ot Ibe gastric gUand*. II alkalies are to modify Ibe gastric juice*, Ibcy moat be giric daring tb* meal ; bal, if their absorption into ibe blood i* dexind, taey on#bt to be injected oo an empty sioc.aad. in ordsr not to hinder Ib* proe**e of obytui- Qoatioo by weakiniM Ib* and*. Mnallie aalls, sepeoially eorroslv* sublimate, like- wise tannin aeid. alcohol, and other drug*, modify or destroy tbe digeelive power of pepaioe, and ar* hence to be administered solely before meals. Small quantities ol alcohol, a* contained in the ordinary and medicinal wine*, do not injuriously afloat p*f*itjo like tb* Ii juore rich ia alcohol. Iron, pho'|i'iats, col-liver oil, and nioiilar melieiooe, may be taken duriug meal-time. It Aa I Ubll up I* I klkk.nr intereeling lurkiiaal operation wa* wl ! It* Mov Xork t*d*ie Oradaate Medical School, iu which eleotri oily [lnyed a v.'ry important part. U.s*a** wa< suspected iu tb* bip of a yoncg mau of 'i't, and tb* doctor* iotrodnocd a umall drill, or el*eirie osteotome, Int i Ibi boo*. gradosUly with its aid calling away the d iisued portions, ia order to ae* which a tiny ileelrio lamp, no larger th*n a pea and with a fllamenl a* fin* as a hair, wa* plactd in tb* bola io the bone and " Uashed up" at intervals of a (ew second*, th* flla- menl being so Iragil* tbat it could bear tb* current only lor au instant at a tlm*. II said tbal tbe li]bl made tbe interior of tbe bone a* elear to tbe eye ae it WIN la J open on Ib* diaacoiiug table. Ai. 1 Ilitl* foouup* on th* floor w.r. .ur-a. 1 1 aid aaul* mv pen, Fotwot my them*, ac 1 lUMtoed-tbesi tttol. softly to ia* library door. No alybl I no aovnd I a moacnt'e freak Of faay tbrilloi my polls* Lhroigii ; - II on " and v**, IBM taaey >ir*w A father s blood from hurt aud chetk. The** b* lay. wmhl i It* act, Ajki UJ*B I foand bun t Bar(.ris*>l hy sleep, el The ro*y vandal wbo BU little town aad thought II play. Tb* (batund vae* ; the broken Jar : A match anil nuoalderlaf oa las ftoor ; Th* Inknaad's purple pool ot sot* ; Th* nhseama *oatk*i*d near aad far. .STWU leave* of albama TbU wiekaU - bafcv of aa* Wo-"<to. - In fact, of calf ih bstuwkold (ood* This son and o*lr Tt all In raio. for Tb* band tbat re AodfaJUn in that Th* Ticlur wa* himaeu! o'uwroucbt the feel taat*tny*d vD.at tboocb Ion l**T*e and t*tt*r*d book utiSftl nw Jp liajnn* ; I u.pl aad kleesil tb* marv fae*. With tu 4man aad oalm jaMook. Tho bMk I stoto. aad bav* benll*d M j guilt, 10 tna* tbat wbsa oar si* Bbuaiaooai* UMnmKhtb**e* who'd keep An eqoal merer for klsebUd, -OntBarU. "OBJ .1 I Than s a murmur aad as) Hag aaitorsroaad, Aaa ao a*pei aooMvoat ibraarnlng al K eanb wonid l*a|> and booad , oowl*u*)s u Jusolvine: a black fetid PAiM i**un at break of niornini a dark baa* oat marabi abor*. Tu Ui load or human Itamaee* darker tbaa Plutuuian soad*. That for *4*s dimmed tee asimaai, made *'* fall below hi* crmo*. Tben'* aooibcx eb*oew laeootlDf. t han'* reasv UOD like a wind. What LU kinciy rx>w*r eaa blader. tit oaaa's iT'rr false, ignoble oa *axtb, tro maabooj ! pao* aad plenty I naalii that will no* lMaaaforb. Than > a caun ul alar* *nhnil*alon saaa Bass a*v*r Ilk* *, ikrMd. As hi* u.U aad uobi. spirt want* to toil. ao . . Ab, y* vata noyteldlns kirdlia*> robeU la sum wiib u.i Tmr ml Tak* .Iu* waxQiaiataaiMbyosjtbaajtsu, rifbl I* ri^Bt at any OUM I Tusn i . a rain cloud iMartn*; downwarU aaj its toro*) wul o.*aaa* alt lif*\ LoJ tb*> ihuoil rtu aad fjj* forklac, eeassi Ibat it* pour i* rir*. Some ta* sooad will ttrtk* w.Ui terror bat ic tjtt* ooara*>oaa show That ihr luod. will eat new abaaa*!*. straJaiblar wiib a bru*jd*c now. 1. A,. Bamtltcn. Ont An Orange lodge at Angher, in Ireland* r*wnlly tried ou* James Mulligaa on ft obsrge ot disloyalty to the yacen and tb* oonstitotloD, because he did not vote for one of Iba Irish Tory candidates. Tbe lodgi, however, has b*su caught napping aud it* number* are being proweuied oudir th* Corrupt Praetlete' Aetforioliuiidation. Undir Ib* n*w Bntiib law, Ibii offi-no* *>f t*r an election, is ae puniihable a* il II ooonrred belor*. WhT II- -- 1i rlc .1 Bilat in a eoantry abaraeter, wbo mean well. Be lr*e to eara a liv.nii. am " tinkers a-onnd " ai odd jabs and chore* and whatever be can gst to do. but bs work* a good deal ae he teJki, with a raiufnl drawl Ibal is very laggaettv* c ibat slate of natural rcatfuloom wbiob hi* ilk call " born tirel." Bilaaaaniato mend a fence tbeolher d-\y for one of bia patron* in tb* suburban villane wbers he belong*, wiib a peculiar air of feativily about him Ue bad en a bright new naek-li* of bia* Japanece eilk, and hi* bonsai face) wa* covered by an expansive grin all tbe time ibat be wae reoeiving hi* order*. " Ton ieem bappy, Silas, ' laid Mr Blank." wilb loms rariotily, when be bad t: nnhf J about ib* fence. " Ya a*. ' drawled 81 la*. - Ya ae, IT* been a gitlm' marri*xl tbi moroin'. " Married I Yoa ? Why. Silas, man ! alive, what on earth have yoa gone anc don* that tot ? Yoa can't inpporl your till a* It ie I" Wall." laid Silaa. < I ken pooty near support myeelt, 'n' I think It* ft durn pit] it ia* can I help aome '. Bottom Kiogtville aeveral months ago vot*d a bonus to Green ,v Barter aa aa tada*eminl t j the) firm to erect a manufactory ia ib* village. Tb* village fathen now nfoa* to pay the bonne, for various reasons, and tb* firm has begun a 16.000 toil tor damage*. Tb* ei| lorcd coal bed* of Ireland, accord- ing to tbe laleit blue book, contain about 2Oli 000 000 tons ot working ooa), ebltfiy ftolbraoite. . '* water in th* Uadson Rivet is lower Iwkau II has beto toe twewty years. Huring a mow iqoall at (Jortlacd, NY., few days ago, there waea shower ol insects In some place* th* ground was literal I j covered with myriade of amall, black anwaing inaeote aboat ft thirty second o an Insb long and ae large round a* cambric needl*. They ware provided witb iaoumerable legi and a* bard to catch flsaa. It is understood tbal Ur. Robert Gamp bell has rfoeived Ik* appointment of light boos* keeper al Oodencb, in place ol Mr ft. MsOonftld, re*Jn*d. A Windsor bcok agent named Jans** 11 vr re II wae fined t*i al Amuenlburg tb* other day for p*Uing Bible* I kr Ur.dl. M. Tb* aapnmaey of IB* toy [i**oi and tb*) rabid dog a* agents ol desirneuan u baiag aanoualy threatened by ft powerful nvaJ, Th* rival is Ib*) modem hanging lamp. A few months ago tbs oa* ol ib**s Ulomi- naton became again sof*n*ral as to son- stitute what might b* called a kaogtog- Uunp rnaiasanee, and altbotuh Ibi taabion ia not y*t worn oal tb*) i9*el ol wear earns to bs dueernible upon ib* banging* of tome ot Ihue which were) earliest in us*. Ai any rate tb* lamps an boginoioc to fall. Aa accident of tbu kind whieas occurred in thii village a few daya ago is) noltb* only on* tbat ba* reoeoily reported i a ib* newspaper*, and in c*tt they bave caused aerioai r* Probably no on* who ba* bad oo* of amps bung ba* not looked lot-ward with non or less certainly of belief to a time when the lamp woold come down "ty as* If ; and tbs I nitons** In wbiob neb accident* bave occurred show tb*) ap- ir*b*n*ion to bav* been not entirely rvooa on*. The luooeeeion of imcrov*- nenu which bave been made in I1 1 lamps bave added H their appeared**, b hav* also added to their weight, and Ibey often em provided with insjflc.eul means) for askfa eoipenuon. Wbeo *aah an am cool of metel, ear iben ware aad glte* a* some of be tu ar* eompoeed of com**) djwi, witb a rash u i* a g d deal of a loss and a sho*k n llstlf, *v*o if no on* or nothing *la* 1* njurtd. Bat of aaare* tb* pnoupeJ ( t* that ol fin being caused, and tf Ibi* i of thing eontioae* u may not be imp o find tb* ever vigilaot inauraua* oom- pfttnee claaatng boos** wh*re tbea* artiole* i in as* in th* " aura hftiardout risk." Cbo** who bave advie* M give upon domestic affair* msy torn their attention to ibis fresh eubjeet, Sfmrit falli (N.Y.) Thr ri ih* C r. Daring ib* reoenl straggl* of the L'nioo with ih* SLOW btnotad* a n*wly ippoioted official io tbe mtebanieal dopartmanl of tb* road fooad oweaaion to mak* of himself a fint elao* bolt lar ndi- eale. Tbe ttory, as toad by ons of bia obordicales, U tbu, in brtel : llilherto it laj been tbe coslom to asod oal b*avy rsuns which had to break tb* snow, with 'oar or flv* inginee coupled together in tb*) ordinary faabion. The nn< <{ial morion ol tb* locomotives when " bucking " * heavy drill served to tesssn tbs) power of the) attack, beoaos* tb* fore* scold not b* brocgbt into a atcgl* impeeas, tbu eirwam- elaaee being da* to ib* laet tbal tb* enarme* wen loosely eoopied toother. Tb* offieial in ineslioo. after sic l.iag tbe) problem, decided Ibal it would be ft Us* ebeme to of beg ttmoen pUewd oa either side. ftftA iiv*t*d strongly to *acb loeoakotm. la tbis way all in* *agine* would mow* a* one* agaioal tb* drift and eeatter n to Ib* four wind* ol bav*o. Th* tthtmv was) tried. Everything went ewunouct; until a barn carve was met. Tb*) eogues being eoorled together In a manner wbieb left no play of aottoo il wa* impoeaible to round ibe eurv*. Before tbe daoat*r wae ootioed. however, it wa* too late, and every one of ibe five engine* waa dtteked, OwnJaa HeralJ I oi< ll* I rlkit l*> Hi. W Ur. Ia th* portfolio of Mr. LaaxfiUow wen after bia diatb wr* fooad tb* foUowtng lio*s, which were written by him in July. 1 - : and which wire not mad* pubti* until recently ; In Ib* loan, aJe|>l*e watch** of tb* nlcbt. A g*ot) fac-Ui* fan* of one loeg deed Ixjoas mtm* from in* wail, wber* roood Its bead To* nmbi lAiup - *MI* a n*.ta of Ml* ikjni. M*r in tbi* ruom *<li*.l. aad ul toort while Never tbruocb saanyrduu ol An we* led To in rtx** , n..r oan u bouke IM read Tbe leswnd of a life more beaeUUbt. Tber* is a moankaln 10 tbe duemni west Tbat, iau .Irtyuuc. in las deep re>T(De* I> >i'iay* aoru* ul snow upua It* ill*. sjcn i< tti* on.es I wear upoo uiy orwejsl Tbes* *iaat**u years. tbrutib all ibe "''"lar'nr se*ae* id M**ea*, obangel*** Has* aba day ib* died. Al ih* >. - Verb. Viewer Mew. An extraordinary tropical plant, entitled Acamtkofk*mi Crtaila sMands alone in a magoinMut toontain. It bas bucob of white MMeel like plumes attached to a tbiak *lm, while over tb* fljwer bangs) a prickly hood deaigatd by nature to protoel il from Ib* ravag** ol tuouksya' -al l*a*l so *ay a card attaabed to Ika item. Tb* siory M probable, lor tb* nporter saw a strftog*) dad* glace* at il Ijugiojly and withdraw hie band alma*! a quickly a* be bal pr*> traded it. Wn Fore Swa. Dr. Talmag*. io a sermon to girl* Ik* otuer night, told them II we* very naughty to teas* ib*ir brothers. Bo it i*. bal il u a gr*al deal more provoeetiv* ot trouble ha tbia world to bave them go about teaaiag other Kirl a brolbwn. That .1 Ib* aabjeM thai nftlly needs Dr. Taint***'* alteouou. Tber* will always bs found ptopie in tbi* world wbo s**m annoo* to do anoaoal ibioga ; and ibal waa a novwj performam** lft*l w**k in O*a*va, N. Y., when a funeral proeeeaion *l?pp*d long raoagb to illow llM Mrpe* of * little girl to be *ak*o into a swJtory and pawtograpaMd.

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