Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1886, p. 4

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I KEEP Tbe largest assortmont of Waltham, ElRin, Springfield, and Bwi.s Watches in 3, 4, and 5 oz. Coin Cases to be found in Central Grey. Broadway Movement, 8 oz. coin case, f 18 net cash, 4 oz. t'2 extra. Ellery'e &, Bartlett's at as close quotations. Other makg same price in same grades. Beth Thomas and New Haven weight decks $1 to $7. Handsome Spring Clocks, 3Uh. 48 day. I oau give better terms, cash or credit, than any other jeweller in this section of (in y. Why ? because of a first class wholesale connection, who keep me well stocked at closest jobbers prices. 6t my prices for proof. Warrants run 2 years A cover breakages. A.. HR.OW1V. Prices Watch Repairing Cleaning Cylinder* mil \>rna to 75 " nil innk. > uf l.,-Mr 1 00 FivotinK top or bottom 1 00 ryiiiuiiirit.ttrivota a M Milan, r staff* * SO Hwisaaud American Main|>nu( 1 00 Xoot and Tap Jewelling SO Hole Jtmvli 1 00 Fly and Lock Spring! Tl Hrast, ami Strl Hands, |>er |>alr Ific.toO 50' Clicks anil Click Sprint;**, each, i> v Glaaww, 15c.,c. suitO 89 Host material ute<l, work promptly done and fully warranttHi. Over 15 ycara at the) trade. H<>net*tuuata every time. W. A. BROWN", A KtlUMe ll\itch- Repairer. C Ladies' Gold Watches, 10 & 14 karat, do 10k. and Roll Plato long Chains. R, T. Simmon's Roll Plate Chains, Draper's Fire (lilt Chains, Roll Plate, Bar Pins, Ear- Kings and Sets. Roll Plate Cuff and Collar Muttons, warranted. Roll Plate and Silver Brace- lets, !k. Lockets, roll plate Lockets, fine roll plate Necklets, Indies. Lazarus' Pebble Specks, " The Rest." 3 lines of Fine Silverware. Engagement Gems 18k. acid test Rings. Violins, Strings, Bows, etc. A linn stock to seleqt from. W. A. BROWN. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. HTTTTO THIS rvur t" f 'mnd on ftla at 0*0., t K Howll.,\>'.iNi-wtn|e* LSy^^.rsi. 8 iivrtas >I E TAP I..E. Talcing Kffot, 3fiulay~ July ZTth, 1SS5. C0lng Murth. ., 1 v I Mail K_-UJ. JMilMd. foroni" U-%; 7 ilaiii 4451U1) Cardwell Junction 9U7 G:W " Charleston 'J -> " ( '. " Orange Arrive .VJ " 7 iu " Tillo Ix-ave 10M Oranirt ill* Junction.. 10 17 " 7.14 " hrlt-urni- .1046" M 04. " Dundalk 1110" H30 " FL-Wr-HlTON U*" KM " llarkdalu Wiliiaiuaford .. CfeaMworth Owen Hound FL.ESHERTON : THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1880. \ ' **H ' Arrive I UO '.I 4'J " Id -Ji " doing South. K<|' Mail rtw.ii Sound Ix-avi- iaiiuii i.v.iiin Cbat.m.irlii S SO " VUliameford ai-kdal.- 627 " 3 52 Mll,l Dn Ulk Otanf*-- Arrive vlllf : !.% CbariMlon r*ll JiiiiMtinii 7 U6 " 7 31 " ' . . H() - H.V, " a IT " ,- 111 VI ' 4 31 ' 4 57 S.a 6*1 WHYTK. (iBN'L. SlT'T. D.McNICOLL, 1.1 VI I'i-t \r.r DR. CARTER M f.lV .V S..OST. PIYII.4%. M '.:.! ON. A.,-. H.KSIIKHTOX. Rriidrnrr, ntjt t<' liirnicii I r 1I4KSIIALL. L.ll.S U K N T I S T . '. Toronto 8<-hool of Dentintry. will bet Mnrk.lale th,' 1*1 nd :ir,l \Vfliipii ay of *cli nioiitli. atnl at Kl,'h'-rtMii on thrift and Jrd Th,ir*il*y tu each uioiitU for the praclici* f hii (,r,,fr^: ,n FROST & FROST. BAlKlsrr.Hs s'H.K ITI >i:s. i (i\\ I:YANC l;, tf Ollii-r r.i'il.'tt Mr.'.'l. i IWK i Soi MI. and ever) Tbun.lay at r l.KSKrii ITS' J. \V K1MST, I. I. H ) KKOST, Crown County Attorney P McCDLLODOH, Barrister, Solid for, ovrr MrFnrland's si.,r. . Mnrkdrlr. n>nr> to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, B \HUISTKRS. SilI.U'lTdliS. Ac OrFl.'l" OWMI Sound, in Nirh^r'n blork. I'ouUtt Bt . Urallfh ,tnr^ in M irkilale, over Mc- Farlautl'l utoro, uli Kii.lay and Saturday i wry w*.k i. MASHON.Q.O. 8 MASHOX W. MASSON Nil 1'riMit, ,< i "ii,|,n> fniidn to inret at ruui riia to Kiuhl |-r out ai.DnriN IIINIIS r> p i;rni.is. pur.D w. UARTIK HANDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN, S'ifi-fMoil to Lnndrr <( // >/.<, BMIKIHTKUS. SOLICITOUS. XoTAUIKS. l'i)N\ |.v \M l:l'.s, Ac Money to l.oan at I.w,t Ilattis of inti<,>t. Offices. 16 KingStreet EaS, Toronto. Cauls. John W. Armstrong, I':.rs;it :iT,,\. Co. Oimv. DIVISION COURT CLEUK. COMM ISSli iVl H r.ili R. .c.nivi-, mi. .!. .*! Aoantforpunihae* an 1 t..*l- of mil 1 Apl'raiMiir for C I, c r<>m an I V P H A H Mii,-ii'l> MHIM-V to Lonn on tin' tn rM,nnil>le teriun. InflVKIi or MABBIAO K W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. I'l.KRK AUTKMFOIA. y.v>. /, i.vrf; .i.,"; 1 , d-C. DKEDS. MDKT(i\fKH. I.FASKH. *c.. prepar- id an4 frypajl) ,-n.,,-,it,.,i In^urjnr. ! in ArHt-clanH coupaulea Money !. lendnt lowntrate lar^,, (|iiaiuiiy <i money ai towet current rau?f nf Interest Thone waiituiK cheap inoncv will Had It to their advantaRe to Rive him call. Money to Loan. r r- nt. Jut r' it , n S At ty WITH co A.MKIKR. Loan. nr-- No TIIORMtl KV. t i'iti'1 ><nrly. not In nl\ ' H. M. CHARLESWORTH, owns snr.sr), ONT . r an, I In,],.,i I.T of llrsniie. Huff. < IK Inn aimmith l.iL'ht Krahiuas Inrge a turkoyH .llffh, #1 p,T '\<,i . HrHliiiia *! per dozen Have rtli" Hlm-k Spanish and Plymouth 11,.,-k ^ to wll Improve \',ur st-,'k and / THE MARKETS, PLEBHEBTON. Ctrrfnlly 1'orrecteil Ech H'rrk. flour *4 r,(!to4 5() fall WhpRt $0 75 to no Spring Wheat 75 "H iUarloy 040 GO WaU 30 31 ^*M '"4 55 3ntUr 13 15 V.K, frchli I" 10 J'otatoos 020 2f> Pork 6 75 r, oo Har.perton 1000 10 on Hides fi 2B 7 25 Wool 15 16 i 60 70 05 05 Tm-kcj-n "7 OS Chickens per pair 25 02 pncki per pair 4t) ft M SCHOOL The school rueetiug in this village, last Saturday aft-rucion. was as largely attondeil as the one iu rtfercuce to HC- lection of Hchool site. John AVlut- U-ii Tas ai>|K>inted chairman ami K. J. Sproule, secTetary, of the meeting. The .il .-! iii-i- of some of the more lioisterous rato[iaycrs, tcuilrd to lessen the friction which always exists so largely on such occasions. The matter was pretty fully discussed from nearly every staudj.>oint. By a vote tlu- iiroposcil debfiitiireH to be- ashed icoTerinj; $3,500 at the outside! was -hi i\ nl for the jiresent, arxl a mo- tion rarrird instead. aii]M.>iuting threo men each from the Station, North, and village, to try to remedy matters. It is thought the result will be. a uew section iu tin North, aud the selection of a new site which will meet the wirdics of tin people at the Station better than the one already chosen. AVIatlur a new school house will be erecteil in Fleshcr- tnii this season or not. therefore, is a matter very much shrouded iu doubt. The 1'n^sil.ili t \ is there will not, and the uii|ialatable fact stares us iu the face, that nur pupils will have to undergo all tho horrors of another of our bitter Nnrtht.ru winters in the old barracks railed or niixcalled the Flewhertou M-houlhouse. How any sane mini of Mr. H.'gX" intelligence could have the jire- 11111-1. mi to stand up within the four nails of that wretched apology for a public building, and Kay that it was quite g<MKl enough aud afforded ample accommodation for the pupils of this section, is enough to "make the very angels weep." Mr. Lever also referred to it as a good enough struct I-.T.II tell both of these gentl thr ililfieultioK teachers and puainav<, to contend with are only known to themselves. A* cold aye and colder than many harux and stables in the neighborhood, where nntm<ils>atfe housed, in the winter, with every movement made in the junior department distinct- ly and disagreeably audible iu the sen- ior department, crumbling walls, great seams in the ceilings, children packed like a lot of red herring until the atmos- phere becomes poisoned, two teachers to do the work of three or/ur thit will give our readers a faint idea of the state of things at the present time in con- nection with tho Flesherton school - house. And yrt Mr. Hogg woidd hare us U-liuvu this is a very desirable and I'll asant state of things ! What atafiiiin- able nonsense some ]>coplc will talk in order to score a point. Mr. Hogg knows as well as auyhody. that there is the must urgent necessity for a new school- house, aud that our Trustees have been actually forced tn take the grounds they have. Indeed we hold, and always have held, that the Trustees should have brought uj> this matter two or three years ago. The old hulk should never in our opinion, (and we have so expressed ourselves time and again) have been repaired in tho first place; it was (/:, the agitation for something lictter than au outhouse or barn for this important school section should have commenced. What do sonic rate- payers care about our school accommo- dation, so long as the taxes are kept down? If the schoolhonsu falls down, they will lie prepared to surest prop- ping it up rather I han that a new one shall IK; built. The only thing we blamo onr Trustees for ia that they did not move early enough in tho matter. There should have been a new schoolhuuse here years a^o. Otherwise., their course lias liven prrfectly consistent and iu tin l>est interests of the section as a whole. Li i os Yum Orni>. I>on't allow a c<>l<l in thf hnrl to Mnwlj- nn<1 snrely dcreli p it- B, If nit,, ( iilarrli, win n you can lie cured f, r vi.'i ci nts. A few upplmiti, an will cure n,i-i],n MI Catarrh. Ilin- <ir l,i huxpa will onrr i,rdijiary Cntarrli. OIIP ti> five hoxen will cure dm nil- Cittnrrh, Try Dr. Chane'. I'atarrli Cure it nil! curt von. Sold IM \V li ti.-n.l-, i, Ml LOWS PI.KA8ANT \VOHM HYRI'l' An a)tr'.i'ul,|i.. cuf- n,l effectual ri nipvv ti> ri'iuovc all kinds , i worms. FOH Rcuiclj f, nnitii us cf tlie Skin. Sliam- poniDK tin- lii-i|, I'ilnples, ?>ii|itinn anil Skin I'iiuases, use 1'rof. Low's Sulphur Soap. FRKK.MAS'S \VoltM POWHKRS iles troy nd rfiuove wi.rmn without injury to adult nr infant. OHSTRVCTIOX8 of the Stomach, Liyir and Bowcln. are promptly removed ly National Pill*. Mrrir IN A I^ITTLF. Hamilton Dowd. writ intf [r.uii llurn. Ont., pyn hn nan afflirtnl n ilh chill, lam? which wprc vety sore and |, imrul nml which nothing relii-ve.l until h- trii-il MnfMarrl"* Yrlluw Oil ; leas than OD liottli' rnrnl hill). ^ VAU'Ani.r. Fmn. Jamcg Alex. Sproul. i.f Ornn(f'Tille. navs ho has found Hurrlock HI 1 ItiUiTx t" he I lie bent medicine he ercr tnok d,r kiilncy c<imtdaint. with which be van lnn fiifliirin^. He denUrei li.B.D. without a rifal. N>AH HTAHVATIO!' DOOK. - Mn. Nf-laon W. rVbftobM, of Nixon, wan a chronic infTrrer from dvupepfli* und liver cornplaint, and wax tnarrelv al !> In take tho mit iim- pU nonri*hniti(. Kvrn a allnw of water ra>uai.,l fitfti rinlri-H*. Two liotllri of Ilnr d'.ck Hi, ,. i l.tti, ! cured her, wbfii nil tine fa I., ' -ill- lu-artily rvcuiuiLeuda tl.m rvniedv to all infferori. Carolina Ileill.H. * WIHB B*HOK.- A wide range nr painfu) From our O,CH Cormiwtent. *&* i""* \f^ """' "*W l \ *\ l low Oil. James M. I.HWBIHI, / U oudville, WILL VOUH DOU BITK? Ont., sneaks ol it iu hili tcTini for rlieum- Tliis question is generally akwl at tin. lame back, HpraiiiH, and many painful the gaU- l>v iiieu, woim-u, ai'iil cliiMrcn c<""P'>uU tmi uniuen.iw to roeution. It before anii'mai-hiu^ the IIOUHU. thm-by ll l ""'"nally or cxt,-rnallj |ir'Vfiitinn nimiy a Inti 1 . tri^ht or toru -^ dr8 by un\\ or ill traiuud dogs, you will WORTH HKMKMBERINO. In a long Irtter hear a luinltTaU' "licllo,' if 110 occupants from ,l>lin H. Hall, uf BnJJick, Ciipe Breton, of the houso an' iu sight, and wlifii olie N.S., be nay* : "I beliee were it not for tlic ivlK.vi' i-u.iuiry is rvs|K-ct Uurilock Bloo<l Hitt.-ri- 1 should be in my fullvmade. Canadians would tlo well gr""-- t cure me o kne to adopt this anuovauce, or harm by compl-unt and Keueral delility, brutes of dogs." ' newly proved f.ul. It cured me of kidney and lir.r which had 4rt'meia Council Vill nu'Vt iti the Town Hall, Klcfthtirton, on Monday, \pril 'JCtli. It6, for dvapatch of bu>l- MM W. J. BELLAMY. 1 i CUrk. IP THK CUSTOM OK UEl.LO-INlt ^a^ from the road or gate when wishing to -WHOOP IT UP. "Probably one of tb dflivrr u inessaije, make an i-n.|iiin Ar.. most difficult cumpUiuta t,, doctor in wlioop- m olno common here, much more so ing cough. When '.rested l>y ordinary than in Canada, and savt-it time ami <"eans (li poor victim is l*ft tn whoop it trouble of coiuiiiK in whether walking U P 8 . 1 "'" h f. l I an .- H"tyr'' 1'ectoral Bal- or riiliiiu, ami often saves tho ^.x),! '"" K iv,. relief i* this M wel 8 m all women ol the house" a.lmittiu a ison. """ ^'rielMal.i.nd lung trouble., proviiliiig a wat ike. "Ih-eciouK mo- - meutH of time" iH?rha|>H an hour or no, when by simjily api^aring at the door the business! coulil IH> attemled to iu a few minute* to the tulvantaKC of Uith parties as to time, or convenience. I may here remark that the "hello" i- made in a low tour of voice, and one peculiarality i-. no increase of B&mr, on "hither note is struck" if NOWkttd a An/-'f'l/^'n Qolo dozen times ! not so with you Cana- ^1U.U11U11 O d 1 C diaus. if no rvsiioime at rirst, or second tall, your strom; limn* would "aiako the uelki'u riui>" until heard and attended to. " CAI.I.IXO 'ROUND " for tho IjidifH. This is generally don* _ _ iu the , "eveninK" as the ytfm is A?tEM ESI A & GLENELG, called here, lain! what you call rwtttiu/ in Canada is called .i-//.'r in the SouUiJ K THK coi'NTY OF OBEY. These friendly 'calls" arc invariably' There will b sold on made "between meals," without fare . T hurida>. Ihe 'Jnd Dnj of April, warum^, and the called upon, know tuat no worry, or anxiety about "gutting tea" i cuff i 'e here i need uutcr her mind, con- si'iiirntly sits ricjht down, if engtt^rd in VIM A houRewurk, and unjoys a social chat for a short time, and then, "good by, call B> vlrtueofrowr.o( 8al contained in cartaln J. E. MOORE, Builder and Contractor, Durham *tr, ,-t, -r'n old Ktand KttilHatn for (rcturu? Ilejxiin. .Money to Lrna. On Fariii or Town Property, at lowcit current ratOB of interest. Ai>|ily to K. J. SPItOri.K.i'ontmaUer.FlMhprtc.M NEW VARIETIES OF POTATOES ! -FOll SALE AT- JOHN H. HEARD'S, KAllI.y srXRlSK, \mt for early uo and very productive. 10 cU. pr lb., 15 Ibs for *1 00 J.I.I., grows kr(Ji- Hi and good quality, 10 otn. per lh.. 10 lb. for *1 CO ,!,,', SWa 'eeeiiiinsiiclcd umlonedtli., uu.t for orop, 5 cti. per lb.. M Its. for 1 00 PK1DI. OF AMKUK A.lllfU por lt> . -Jlllm. for H 00 WALL'S ORANQE, 5 ct. imr !l> . .10 Ibx. for -I , WHITK KLKl'HANT. \\ IHTK KOSK. ami WHITK KTAlt.M Ibl. for 41.00. AUo Park Lot X. Huachel s survey, and lu Village lx>tn in Block J Apply to JOHN II HEARD Flenherton. --OF- :r: ;: OF <AT IHHtt, at I ,,!, k in the Afternoon, 'LHLft< HOTEL, Iff THK LA(!K"lgrtARKI)A LE, .. Morta;.i which will be produced at the hale, 'round and Me me "you must call the foil., win* properties : auain" Ac. or, "come and si>ond the day PAKCKLI. i'n,i inort(rar from WmRmith ,, . . , At.* l.ol No. Ifll. In tlip lt I'onct-H^inn nr ranflfi Wi^t with me HOOD," or "eveninf-, if tin , thl) . r ,, A s>J ,, llialll u ,, a ,i , tb.Town wliula day, dinner, and tea are both ahipuf Artvisi^aukfluunty o((tri<y, routainiiiK aorred except the callj^f. (thevj<n't UHC *^ L '^ r lJJli|j,|'5Pm tM prei'iVui** i'lSoVas the Word "visit, or ,'rt<tto^Bjfir to yo. >( . rp . cl^areJ^avinj^JBiiil tlu-reou a Kram,, or cannot remain until after tea coffee, H.>UH.;. lx; Ham an>lia>iaw,. .. I'UU KI. II. I tuler innssBsuu; from John \\f A "cup of tea m a rarity in this conn- ,,,, i..,,,^ A . A ia , he anTWinc^ajion n..uth try, cnjffee, honiliroasted, and ^toillid of the Durham Hua<l, nl tlir Tow just in timi t,, '^p Httflloicutly. lilack j2j; c< Tt"*V//iioi"XicTiui t *roiMii and Ktrong, chcjiflaUly iv-!i. IK the rule, I M , ,, n tlio pr. inlea:-A>Hiut On scm cleared, with ee Iran. <&f'T l| f *" '' " J tl ' t '' ou Frame Houie aud "Siieuding" the day, or "evening made liy ap]>oiiitmut if (Hissible t BO. The hospitality of SoutheMsi' all that can In asked for. hut TIIK WIIATIIKB ^r of the pant wmti-r. for i-nldm MS. monavto balance. l>as bon more than as asked for, the tlxer- mometer regixteriug at timeti thirty <k helow zero ! This ix a hetckward DIP purchase of ale. for known at th.- nale t ,-r )>artiua|arafc| J <-,(> Broth & ^^^ Solid tatY Son ;, A- 0<Xfaxla IVrHrlheTut Hulld JbaTfiRV 1 . Tori>ir%4ai*t. Ttirontcr. tir to M J^rllill'LK, Flethartou . cold and dry. am jdcaM-d Uj learn nf general proHpenty in t 'nd . ',, ! Dominion." j PlUDV. John McNaif r. Bondbeal, writ, n \\ I,, urvcr I (<(! uut uf iurl,. ( l'iliu. or tuy liter not working right, or ragfeed witli a licndaohe. I take Oliam '- M.-utilraku l' lion Liver Core. Tb*r' i- umrf n rl l (r. .in on il if of your I.ivir Cure than bottlei of u>me incdioin^i. J^ttaL- "*'*' BE-GEIETS! ra Sriuv.i ( Nf. Sru-uii. Prepare I lit bod; f, r health anil TJRorTiy taking Dr. Chaau'l I . v, r Cure. No Spring Medicine rqnsl* it. It stimulates the Liver, aid* digestion. tmd ii'iritii-K the I'lix, il. Larm boJtlfandBecipe Bok, 1 1. s,-i,n,)-w uicbJnVn - Tills in to certify that I hare lined McOrrenr'i SptM-ly cure for Dyspepsia and l.iver Complaint, HIM! ,l,i liomMl y *R) tbat if it cofct me one linn draddollani4J100.nl a bottle I wnultl not he without it.au it han done me nior,- Kmxl tlin.ii all ti.< iiitxii- IN," 1 ,-Tcr tiMxl, and 1 fe<0 like a new man. Yours truly, Ai.n HTIIII.. Carli-ton I'lace, Out. Thin medicine is for sale at jo,- in, I ai.oo per bottle at the Drug Store. Havn yon ever trii-,1 Mcdrcuor 4 Fark'i Car- N. In ( ,-rat,, for sores of any kin, I' 1 Ills be- yond iloubt the very best preparation in the market for healing and curinu Knrrs, Kuriii, n e'.lioil of i,pplvini! Carbolic Acid. Hold at the UriiK Sloru for -J.K; |n-r box. Colda, Croup. of Artetytsia* Fortlaf YcsWlMHS. i To bal . Collectoi llatot collect. " Mi-rt-llaaiaKiiii " Halauice tfom iurpoeei. mno 90 Mil "7 SI r*05 in !.'> HyTwp Rchofll EQiMralont t 900 00 ' County Kates Wards, " School Trustee* Hate* - H,-l>.-litiirM,'tsfySuiK>ns (schools) '..'. 3R) HI Halivries 444 ID Council Session* 14700 " Miscellaneous ' llala.nct... ... ..- Tlie latent reinrdy fr CniiKhu. \\ h,K,|,iii^ i > iiii^h. iiroiiihitis, ctv . is MrdreKor'si^J l.nnj; Cnrni oiiu-l TluTe is no rmmiiiy inexift. 1 "* 1 ,-i., , r"[*, uri. n:; any onf of the active inure- dleotsooinposlui|Mc(*regor'i l.uriK <V,ui|iound, so do not >a\ you liavt, taken everytlii tie until you havi- tried tliiKfor \oiircrild or roliKli. nnd your o|tini,iii will lie the smile. RH all who havn ii-w-,1 it, vis .tlml it i tin; hint. Sold In UK. avud I ., I ,,t t !. hy the UriiRgist Hnvi, you Toothachn ? Use Fluid Lightning. Mavo you KlixiiiiiatiKtii '.' I * I lui'l UfbtOinf. Han yon a Miff Joint T !'< I-'luld U<hUila| Hav,, you Ncumluia ' Uw Fluid l.ii;litiiiiin HKV, V'lii Luniliiui" .' r,' Klui.l LlKDtlllDjB. Are you troubled with Hoadauli,'? Uo Fluid Ltabtntnf. Hnr,, vou any Pain ? Cue Flnl.l I. icli tiling. It will cnr, .,,11 the instnnt it is |j|.| icil. Try it. IK;, per IxittU- Ht tli.- I>ni{i Store. Anvn F, TO M'iTHp;.-Aro you dlxturhod at niKlitaii'l lirokfti nf your n,t l>y a nick criilil "ufTcriiiK and c ryinK with i>alu of Cuttlnf Tej*.l] ? If Hfin-ml Htonce and gi't a butt I., , f '.Mrs Win low' Si*, tliinu Syrup" for Children Tatthta|. IU vain..' i- incali'ulaltliv It will relieve th, ia Lath and I'm. Lumber for Salr. und(*rsit;n*'rl has & quantity of Pine IjUtn- (1 IMlie I, nth for null 1 at HC-I.IM t"iirUiit it'll VIL.I.AC.B LOT FOR HALK. I II*T* lo a qood lot for Hale in Klenherton, wlUth Will h OlRpOCVd Of on roaftouable turiQii. Apply at \i. VAN* K Otti'-. or tu AN(il^H McLKOD, Fleshorton Station. Not ire to thr Public. j.,,, ,r hi t lc MifT*rer i It, JDOttMTti tlnire i trlN Df-iK-nfl upon , itaki> ulituit it. It urrs Dyiiriitury and Uiarrlurn. remlltM tho -Itoiilacli and Hnwi'U. cur< WinO Colic, sciftem i hi- Ouirifl. rducfnlnrtaniiiiation. and civ,- t,n,, ami etierKV to the wholu aysti-iri. "Mm. \Vilin- low'tHootninft Hyrop" ("r ehil<lren t<-<,tliiiiK i plraeant toth taut* and 1> the pnagrlptloa uf nifof thn olili'Kt ami hert fimialii pliyniclHIn nnil nur.- < in the I nited Stiitox, and IM lor alo by all dnna-'l^tK throuehoiit t)n, world. Price twi-nU five, I'lit-n lintllf Mr uri,ud afk (nr Mn- \Visni. irw'H Sui'iiUMi Hviitp," and taki no othi r kind. Tlio^o rnjuinn^ <lry Pine and l(fifsw*Mnl I,nni IMT. lAth.or Stiihgles, will find it to ttu-ir ad- vantu*;*' to rail and eo Mort <t \Vhittwu, who havu a IJ-H( daM of th abovH on liaml. Wn are tltMi prpftrtK) tii do ftUklndnnf FramtnK. H-.u,, < HrjM'iitcnaB ( '- n l tloinrn wrrk at reattonable prices. 8ho|i in Hooper** old Hand, Flenhertoii. J.K MOOKK, JOHN WHITTKN. liios. I. Itlaki !y, Plaiti mid Omamfntal House and Carriage Painter, Flosherton. N prepared to ftttnd to all work in hin lini of I'MMh. - -, m the mo*t ftatinfactorv and workman 1 ikt- lUHimor. K^tlniattti clieerfultv ftirninhed, And aoiitractH carried out to the lutter. Ordor* in town or rountrv. by mail rr utberwise, will receive equally prompt attention. Shop over Milbtirn'ioarriaKc works. THOS. A. BUKELY. . J.Bellamy FLESEERTON. Loan and o Insurance Agent. Money to Lend on pood F*rin Property at current rates of interest and VOni OWN TKKMS to repay llic Principal. Expenses at the very lowest possible figures. INS URA.NCB Effected in the leading Companies and at Current Rate*. CONVEYANCING In v! >N brwiohfti mu n.).l to, Office on Torooto i,. ofifWfli** Town HJI WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, , DROPSY, IHDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. <) \ OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, * THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRY NESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every special of dlseasa arising from disordered LIVER. KIDNEV8, STOMACH. BOWELS OH BLOOD, Proprietors, TORONTO. T. H1LBURN & CO., Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill & Planing Factory, In the Village of Prlceville, Being fitted up with New Machinery. of the latest and most improved pat terns, is SF.COND TO NONK in the County of Grey. We are prepared to supply the public with any amount of Lumber and Bill ntnff at Lowest dish 1'ricos. We h;ive mi han.l iiliout /iO.OOO feet of Maple and Kirch Flooring, dressed and matehnl ready for use. -- Sawing HIM! Pliinin-j done espeditiously and satisfactorily. Special bargains given to Builders. Contractors, and Caili purchasers. Having lately r>nt in an Emery Wheel, we can gum Crosscut Saws in flrit class stylo and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will convince you thai this is the spot to buy your Lumber. Priccvillp, Feb. 28nd, '86. -ion :v PHOTOGRAPHY.^ MRS. BULMER. Z+ Photograjiher, Ff&herton, - Ont. Having ftppnt KOMI** time In tho atudin nf tli fain. MI- ToronnkTliotoKraiihcr. Mr. 8 J. Dlum, hnrel acxiuireVbaliiaM), kswwledfitlo lift, .11 IniiL'. I feel assured I can aivt> goixl funeral satisfaction. A call respectfully solicited, MRS. WLMER. Flesherton. Sept. 17th, ISHJ. m New Butcher Sliomiu Flesh- ei toil ! '" >( . 1 1: av c on Hand a Pull Assor tmcn t -OF- RING & SUMMER GOODS. Ia Gents, Ladies, Misses and Childrcns ROOTS A FIIOES. I endeavor \o satisfy our cuatouH-rs both in Goods and Prices. WM. CLA.YTON. Peich <& MHchcll, 1'ltol'HIKTnHS. i-'l n.>i>ectftil!y tul., . tiimty to aiinoiiuci' to tlin ertott and mirroiraditifi country, that they of Klh- , they ha\ in tin; utand nnxtiloot aHutchor M.rbl.- Workt, KLKSHKItTOS, wlu;r Vhey Ulhe pleased to marl with all win, f.,r hem with their patronafio. Krwli Moate # an klnta, and Finh.ic In their leuoni. Beipoctfully youri, PETCH .<, MITCHKI.I,. A GIFT! oce. HTI.VHOM A Co., Por end 10 cents ,nd we will mail you 'ree a royal, yaluable, laiuplf i" ' of i,-,,,.,l that ill Ant you In tho way of making nioro money at Jtiire. than any- thine elae ID Amnrira H,,tl> *, of all HH can liv>, at li, , in,' mill work in kpare tiimv or all tho time Capital not reipiire,! Wn will ntiut you. IniiiiuuMi|iay Bur,, for ItioHc ho utart at rtland, Maine m Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, -' i . .-: w 1 1 < > >r. FLESHSRTON. Important Uotice! Tin- RiihsKrllwr IIPRS to inform the )ionple of KU^licrtouaiidiurroumlirif; country. that he has It'SHcd R. mCWS MILL 9 miles from Klonlii>rtun, and in now in rpiu , I to furuisli hilln of any Irnutli "r M/r of Kuinbur LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always on hand. Blaliwmtlcnt to iitove lengths on hand. Custom Saving done by tho thousand. - REASONS Why you should not your Lumber and Shingles cut l>y S|MMicur: ID Every Saw In the Mill Is New and thsmlll is in perfect ordur. (8) HocaUHii ho is aprxctlcalnawycrandkoepfi hlseawnand marhincry in ]>i>rfect order. (3) llecanm, Imeutnall Kcautllng Jnicoozaet- ly tn tin, 1,111 furnished. <4r Hu has put In a Lurr.hor Edger and all hoards arc xame widths from one end to the othor. (l>r Ilooanno yon ran tko a load of logs to the mill and a load of lumber liouie aamo day. (( Ilecatiap he Kiiarantnrs to dbt all custom work in a workmanlike mannorandaatlBfaction guaranteed. (71 Hecausc all rawing Is done at rook bottom prices. Lumber Delivered if tiequired. G. H. SPENCER Hept lOtli. It*', FREEMANS WORM POWDERS. An pi oaian t to take. Contain thxlr own Pmr.liT ! a safe, sore, aixl f/tt>etmml ChUdran or E. VANZANT, AM- K1XI>8 OF i:i Mfiial Iffiri:, null as Monuments, Tomb Tables, I!rxlston>B C!(iinitiT n ud Table Tops in American anri I it!: in M Lilili,, and (iriuiitc, and made on short ii'iticc. Also Mantles iu Marblo and Miirhlci/.i'd Slaw, &c., &c. rt mi, An:;. 30, HEALTH FOK ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILIS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS I'lirif y the HI' n itl. correct all IJiftordom of tl>e 1 , nn<i Ho\velw. They Invinoratc mill rpHtoru to health I>l>il.tetf(l< 'oiistitntlnriR, itnd HIT invahiAhlo in all CO plalntHincidutital to FemaloH of all afjeH. For Children ami tho u^od they are price. as*. HE OINTMENT Ixan iiifallil'lr remedy for Ha<l lu r. lu.l ItrfAMtn Old \Vonmlo. Sorofl and l.'lceni. It iifamooi for (tout and UhuuinneiHin 1 '01 di^u>nli'i-K uf the Client it tiaa uo equal. ForSORK THHO.I7, li/MA'C/IJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS Olanilular Hwollingn.iLixI all Skin IliKciww It has nn rival; and for contracted anil atlll jnint- ilaclH like a charm. Kaiiitfacttiredonly at I'rofosnor HOLF.OWAT'S EftabliHhiwat, 78, \ . u o \ i i.r.r M ri-i-i < lutr :.:!.:. Oxford Ktrert ), London, and are sold at Is. 1 J<l.,i!H. d., In (VI , Hi , 22 , and :. each Knx or Pot, and may be had of all Uedl cine VenilonthrouKhontthn World. &t~ Furrhaten *h<:itttl Innk i(. Ihr IsiM on Ihf f'l.i <iml (turn. If thr. atMrett i not ,W?, Orfnril Ntrfi't, l,ti>i<\nii, tliry (irv spiiritni*. J. W. BATES, Furniture f)r filer ami llndei'lu ker, KLBSHftBTON, ONT. NOTICE: A tborongli brod Dnrlmin Bull calf, u < month old, for HH!O. Also a one year old Durham Dull. itli fjood jX'diKrros. Alno a good Ktoam Flour Mill at Fleshorton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER. FltBhertou 1', 0.

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