Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1886, p. 3

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L * *> i THE ADVANCE. Of thu Itsadiug Local aud Family Newspapers iu Kurthuru Ontario. I'ubli&hod Every ThnrHilay, Fnou rut Omci, treet, - - J-'lrdicrtmt, Out. TKll.MS OF BUBBCUIl'TION: (1.00 per annum In advance ; 81.90 il not pakl ' tliu uinlol Ii yvarB. No paixir dicoiitiiiu< a Btil J1 arn-nrujji'iiiiri! paid up ; and no lubucrip iouH oaki'ii (ur !> thau ouu year, exopt when social arriiu!viiiriili< (or bhortvr imriodi are madu with thu publiiher. AD VEUTIBING ItATES, ic. Casual advortiiiunituts.tic'ciithptr litinaertlon SU4 .J cunts pur Hue uacUiubMMiuiMit insertion Traiikivnt adv*rtim>uivut to bu pttiil lor wlii-n ordered. Advnrtteuint without ap**isl dlrcc- IOQB will bu inserted till forbid aud charged acoordiDKly. ,lbr*i inducement* to regular dvortlser. ^Notices ainoni; rcadiiiK mutter, IU ceutu per Hue each insertiun. No adviirtiKvinuut discuntiuucd until all ar- rcBraKUi aru IIBK! up. Copy for advertisement" BUould rcacli ll offleu not Inter thau noon ou Tuvbduy tu ciiburu ussrtlou iu current issue. A- R. PAWCETT, Editvr and 1'roprietvr. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PBoraaxoi Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on handler Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton, RcpalrlnK. KavctroiiRhluf;. anil In fact - v, i \ thiufi In tbe tmeiiiv^ ill n-ceivc uiy prompt aii'l careful atteutiou at r*aaouablti prict-e. is ,:, ",',:;;, CLAYTON'S ii \ it M:SS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It the place to yet /<nir Harnna Collar*, rfr, made /> in gwl style. Shop in II". (7'iyf<m' Flethrrton. ct' fihoe Store, EUGENIA Grist Mill, .a';' :r,i .:,;, Mill. Having made extensive improvements in my Grisl Mill, I am contKleut I can give good satisfaction. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY Good Fluor always on baud. Ciislom Sawing, and Bills filled on tho shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, Of] Till' l.r-l llOI'k I'll Illl iRMSfir-f;. 1 ^ i"-': H nlllii'i-,,.1 ..i :.'i. . lli-i in-, r wild wnnl- l.i |>i-ii'l <'iir il-.ll-ir. flii' 1 ' in itOi' 1 In- forin::!i'Mi l-i- rr. linhiiil Wub Will liivr.-t 111:1- l:uniln--l lli"i: :ui'l ili>llmlll ml- VOrttiil ;ir:ilril Wllll'll Will in,', i i ... . it. '" <~" I" moat t<> .' " ,.('-- ,-ff: i - .'II UMUCll. Si-ni. ; iiy mliln /< Ijownt*. Writ.- 1. '. I' l.i'UI.I.L. A <(.. M.M-I'M'l.U . l-\ 1 .1. YIMMi nt'KI M. ll'i- |ii:i,-i I. IT: ' ii:; llu. 1,1- >.(.!, Nl'W York. TFTfttlEBRATED LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Livtr Complaint. I'VM*!-'-'. l'l.<^'*. "Jf 1 ?^ launili.'. Hcadi I. . Dii in. , !'"> '" > '"' k i rUl.xv -r ") iiMM ,,,-,,; Ir.m , >l"y liwr UK ( in i . I i'.i ' ' '-' will 1* foiiii'I a wr """'"""NiT'tiRE-S REMEDY Th inH|.lal,fic.l Ml * t I " < "'- '" ( "' '." Live, (JopU : .-.-'..;.. .. tom^milrll frnn,n.il ir.'.w.ll I,,,,.,, l,vr,rr,,,,l..or MANi.AKr HU I' -"I" . combjned ni' other n.v.i'ii., powrifulr-..' '- '-''' ""' III.. .1 800.000 SOLD 'Ow -*'/ . . ' " Dr. H lf -s K, if" Mt Wtrt iM it < .iJ..'. '". " '"' '" an.1 iMl.t "*.' it IrmtM ''it" teW I-""' .iol la try t\ii i.iitllttt ' SlMITHINC NtW ClVN AWAY FE Wrpl<l arou .|r> 1 >r I ,,Tr 11 jhw'-> II 'ii- h -'-I M-- Uenl Co! Book (l< pate-). . ..-it.iini'n; iv. PTOH..U .MI aii-l ilrnuRiM^ .i-iin>.iHi- able, mid w.irlh t'n limes ll>r ptiir nl lh mr.li. n.' THY CHM'S CATARRM Cum. * "f "' i- " ivt remedy. I'rit r, j-, . TRY CHASE'S KIDNEY AND LIVER Pius 'i i" '" SOLO BY ALL DEALERS a 00., >el* A ( eiils, ral*re < I.HI. >i ii in ticolland. Tbi loudiuxdetartuietil ot tbe Aveideau Free I/ brary wim formally opecad oo tbe 12 b iut. by tbe Lord ProTObt. Tin library ooutaiib 1J.GOO volamcB. Uf r Alsjeil; bas been pleased to appoint tbe Ktv. James Oamctoo Lees, D.D , ol Bl. O.I' M. EdmturKb, to bo Deau of ibe CbaiK.1 H'j> al uLd Ueao ot ibc Order cf tbe Tbisile. Hon. Ion Keith-Falconer, ion ut Lord K'nlcre, olBoolland.aLd a well known Gam- bridgi oritulal icbolar, lias none to Aden to brgiu miniioDary work there at bis own expense. Butuk' oittsgc, near A>r, on tba 8.h ot M*rch imrrowly etoaped debtruotiou by fire, the tid ootUne if the rcw in wbiob il ie lilaaled bavicg bien burned to tbe ground. Ailia Craig, wbieb ban been tbe cau- o ct oouutleub retks known and uuknown, baa nowboeo equipped witb a ligbtbcote and (og elgual, a; a o;a of npwarda of 130,000 The w. rtn were KUU tbree years ago, nod tbe li<btboQe was illumiuated for tue firet lime on tbe 1 J.li inst. 'lhiCjjicu.cn tbe recommendation ot the Hccre'.arjr for SojlUtd, baa appoiiit DC UjnuUtOii, Profcnior cl Litiu iu tbs Uaivenity o' Aberdeen, to be Principal < t tbti United Cbllevo ot Bl. Salvador and Bt. Liouard iu ibe L'aivcreity of B). Andrews, m pUoe of tbe lare PriaoipiU Bbairp. Xbe Jii' t:cnry Appeal Court at K lu bnr^bbm qossbed tbe eGDlenoe ct four dayd impruoncient passed by Sheriff M I- lif, at Kirkwall, on tbe K-;v. Uattbew Ariii.ur, Frea Cborob mioiater, Banday, Orkney, who waa convicted cl a breach if Ibe peioa at a political meeting held in lorrort ol tbe Conservative candidate. A ebcckiug accident befell Alexander Davidaoo, keeper cf tbe Bbambles, Arbrcatb, tbe other evening about duik. lie btd SMoeuded a ladder tor tbe purpote of lighting lamp in tbe Bbambles, when tbe ladder clipped from underneath bim, ttd D*vi(Uon, whj IB a heavy, elderly man, fell t distance cf tourer twefett on lo a book nted for dreeing purpoaer, where be waa tracsOxed by tbe neck, Lu fset beiug a few iucbes from tb: grcuad. Tbe book penetrated into tbe frcul olbii throat, eloro tu tbe wicdpips, atid pierced Bbe back (art ol bia toi.nuc. He was imme- diately ocnveyod borne, wbere be now lies iu a prccaiiona condition. norict Ihr .T|ouopul< QIII 'Ilinl 111-, U..-.I F.sirie fites raged in tbe 13 )w Hiver country early Ut week. Mr. E. M. Wcod, Ute city soliciior of Wioniptg,Dd wbo left a year ago, returned !aa* Banctty. II? ponilively declined to be Interviewed. K:v D. M. G jrdou bat returned lo Win- Lipegfrom British C.lumbia. Lie (reached al bulb eervioes in K-.ox Cbnrob Banday. Tbe cditic.' waji crowded on bolb coaaaions At Ibe meeting held iu Tricily U.ll, Wiooipeg, on I UP qoeitioo of railway din- allowauoe, Mr. W. L. Boyle spoke a* a representative ot a large amount ol capital. H* **id be would >.ooner live nuder Ibe glorions flg of England, bat if we are to endure tbe monopoly for -'J years be would ooner ate tho com try annexed to the U ited BUtes. Tbe employees on tbo Government 1*1*- graph line iu tbe tcrritonea bave deter- mined to flicc in Bl. Ciio?f e' Cborcb, at Ujittlefoid, a tabltt lo tbe memory ol tb* la;e lierusr J TremoLt, wbo WM lunrdered by ItdiAni a year go. Mr. Tremont wee one ot tbe otigital oij>truo ion m*n on tbs line, sod ou it* c .uiplc-uon nile.l ;be pUej of ebiif licemanor repairer, lie (rrsoually looked after Iba teo'.ion exteuditg from tb* Boatb Bs-ktobewau to a toiol halfway .w t tu Italllcfoid and Kdmoutoa a distarjoe of nearly tbree bnudred miles. A ii - She I- S.M.I .-i II u.'jau.l . 'I > i-i< III " ' ' %' l, ilou U|.n|.|.rrui . . A Montreal dcsfatob layi : Mrs. B. Manly Qare, wbote baiband diiatpeared io my-te riausly tome four or live weeks ago, liex very dangerously ill al Ihe B) LawieLO3 Ull Tbe lady ii all alone, aud mtc'j >uiptby is rxpremied fur I. cr die- treated ooudition. Qer one thought, aud wbicbbM mainly ocntributed to her ill Deer, ii tbe late ot her hniband, and tbii ibo baa bravely eudeavoitd to clear up. Certainly any one knowing aaytbicg ot bis whereabout* would be doiuit a kiudly act by letting ber or ber triendi know al ouoe. Ha wan laat seen tbree wecka ago in Coboorg. Mr. Ojre i-t a young gentleman of about 21 years ot age, ueaily six feet in mature, witb brown hair *>ud eye*, aud sal- low in complexion. Be U tb* son ot General Oar*, ot tbe Brlliab arm , and was well kuowD in the bett oiroles ot Canadian aootety. His many triendi bere are doing everytbicg u their power to find bim, and lo alleviate tbi distress of biiwifr. whi, tbe dcotois fear, will not recover nnleis the tees or bears something about ber bus- bauds dueppcor : An I iliirliiiinlr It. mail- . A Liuilou oatl-i fays : A marriage took plae:U>t weckia Nantwicb, in Cueebire, wo i i use acuricUiiiKqael. A mau known ax Joun Bowl*, wbobae been livicg n tbe towu fur iome time back, wearing Iba garb if u faiu labtror, and doug old JJOM iu tbe DfcighborhcoiS. auddtLly eurpnsed icoioly oy mirryivg Mry O^ugb, tbe UKbter of a writ to do farmer. Oj the ddiuk- day tbu farm baud bee in.* very Uviah iu bn expenditure . bad Ibe obu si bel'i rio^iLg merry teals from eoekctow lo uoou, ai>d i-poul money tight aid Isfl in rcyalfsx-.biou. This metsmorpbotio exeited a nood deal ot ojoiment, and al last it oamo lo tbe ears ot a sbrcwd detective, wbo (bought be " ipotted " lomelhiDg in bia line. Investigation rbowed that tbe detective was right John Bowlei turned out to be Heury Innes, wbo has been wauled for seme time for making away with 13.000 trait money. Be is now in jail aud runs a ebanca ct reflecting on Ibe dutiei ot tbe married stats in tbe retirement cf IJirlmoor or kome (ijaally tci]ttoitcred ; !aor. Ilimilai Uaoar ol li mh Dr. Oaipir Griswold (ibe yonngeHl meoi- ber ot bia profession lo rise to inoh emin- ence M bs had done) wan taken iu bin uaefDloeM and bis young maubood by that oruel disease, peritonitia. Bis death was oauied by Hwallowicga pico* of oytter ibell ia a raw oy. ter. II u followed tbe wbole oouric ot hii dja:ase with a physician's knowledge, and wben bin attendacts begged to be allo*cd to perform an operation by wbiob be bad jatt laved a lite bltueolf, be said, " Mo, I bave not tbo ntraugth to Dear il." Bo took bis own temperature, aud remarked, " No I deatb in not far off." Never did his eouiponnra or courage taller for one motnoat. New York Corrnpo*dt*ct Boiton Traveler. Vrry tn-ommadmlnn. The late Hev. Walter Dunlop, ol tba U. P. Obureb, Dumfries, while makiag bia pastoral visitaliooi among ome ot tbe couutry Oieubora of bia fl ek, came to a farm-house where bo was expected, aud ibe m Hire- c, tbinkiug Ibat lie would be in need of retrcsbmentp, propoeed tbat l.e ubonld lake bis lea bcftre en k e<iLg m (xeroines, and -aid nbe would soon have it ready. Mr. Dnnlop replied, " I njro tak' my tea better when m wark'n dune. I'll jut be gtun on. Y "*' l.i'-n 'bo r*c <!). an' IrV rbe di I i >l . t < ...... i !i (ia)er I b>r tbe flziln'." 'William Bucrman, tbe el.lenl , n of the relirtd leurral ol tbo ariuy, i* ii i-Siug bin htndien far the Jet-ait iiricnih >od at Qeorge own CJlfgs, macb to tbs ditgaet ol bis fatbir. ONTARIO mum. Closing 1'roctiJiigs ol Ibe fosion. THE SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. Mr. Fruer premuUd ie-.itio-i trom certain property-owners DO the Esplanade. Ihe Bill to amend tbu Mumaipl Aat was referred buck to Catuiuiltee of tbo Whole. Mr. Ferrii imved that, ihs clause auded en the previous evening, referring to the procedure ncdei tbe local improvement jlu, be eretl, aud tbl icitoad thereof olau -j be added placing JoaseboMcn, holdi' |< Ira? 6 a (or twenty one years ur mcie, lu tbo same politico an property- owners, no lar an rotjardd poti'.iouiuK against loaal improveiuuita wnou initated by tbe CJULOII. He explained that thi clauei inserted oa tho previous eveuiug went k litllo farilior that linn, aod ha tbouK'ul ihiinld tie withdrawn. Tbo new elaui> embodied the reauil ot au igrtemenl bitwr. u ihe pur'iea wbo were eoLOariKd io tbe K-plauade qaeetioo. The anieuduic-ul wan otrritd, ano iho committee ro:e unl reported the Bill. Tbe Bill was reported. Uouuo iu couinjitue on tbe Bill reject- ing at8!gumeutb (or tbe beuefis o( ereditc-ri. II u. O. Mowat bald ib r . be bud oeu- Mdered the bUrfgeatiou cf tbe rucxuer (or London that aa advance i-f goocU thould confer tbe tame advauUge upon a creditor aa an advance o( money, to far aa tbe Bill was oucecrued, and Ibal oonferct-O) with business men bkd ledbiai to theoui o!u< ioi tbat tbe ameudmeDt would ool be desirable. Ho prepostd to amend tbe Bill by providing tbal where a new aaitiguee was appjinied conveyance thinld not be ueoeaaary to vil ihe odtat* in bim. Tne amendment wai made. Mr, G.bflou, ot Hamilton, moved amsc-d- metis providing tbat a notice ot atmign- menl hbonld ba pobli-hcJ oooe in tbe Oi.titrio Qaittte and twiee iu tbe Icoil pkptr, Utttd o( (uur lime* in eaob ai now pro- vided, audtbot tbe a-tii{Lee tb'.u'J make certain rlk'etntnts as to the petition ct tbe estate aud declare divide- Ji when be bai flijitmt fouds, or when rt quired by tbe iospeoiors. Tne Bill WM reported. Mr. Meredilb moved au arcendmeut placing au tdvaoce ot gaodi and oihtr prc- perly \> a debtor iu tbe same io=mou as money. Tne ameudixtut wai lotion division and tbu Bill read tbe tbird lime. II ju. A. il. KohH movtd tbe Uuiue in CoaimutM an tbe Bill to amend and con- eoiidata tbe Agriculture and ArU Aol. Mr. I>.-jry moved in amenJmeni aolaan providing that any one who knowingly igut a fa'ie ortpurious ptdigre* tot ihe purpote of ti Ki'tratiou in auy herd, itcek, or nud book, be liable to a penalty . f act more than (100 and cot led Ibaa 1/5. Tbe Bill WM reported and read tbe tbird time. Hon. O Miwat eaii before the neat order wai proceeded with be denrel to make a etaUmett in reaped to tbe Niagara I'ark projsol in reepeet to wbiob a Bill wai I ,3cd la*l sretiijn. It wai well known to me Ujuee tbat it wai tbe intention ot tbe Government to procure tbe park and pro vide 'o a otruin extent fur it* man tfe meet Ilwca'd probtbly b: ka .we to the Uouie tbal under tbe Acs ot latt aetaioo C.jQiDii-ioatr wett arp.r.ted ,'i.r Ihe piir|0i-a ut d nob argu i! lie (iu 10* fur wbiob tbe Aoi provUer. Tbe C-tnmu Lflri were aip^iated tot 1004 alter ibt Acs waa patsed, and tb< y bad been at work Irom ih: lioue until now. It MweJlktown, aid ibe i-poker, tbal we btve 4eee ail we could to privent a leeliug that tbere WM any p>'ineal e*[iial to be made cm ot I Liu pn>oedioge, and ot tbe three Dommiiaiooere, only one o( them btloi HI to our parly. They are all men ot ability, men of tante and judgment, and men to wuom ibepibliobave fall coLfldetoo. Tbey bave aetcd all along without eompeniation, and bave bken a great deal ol intereat in ibe wcrklDg oat ot the project. Tht Cbkir- nan, Col. Oowiki, ban ipeeially iotereittd bimiell in tbe matter, aud tbe laeeeee ol tbe lebeme lor I am anre it wilt ulti- mately be laeotaetol will be in no email Kteat due to ttae Btal and ability displayed gy bim. I bave prepared a Bill wbieb I Had tome hope tbat we might be able io paai dating tbe preae&t ttaaiou. but on account ol it beiug at> very late I bene abandoned tbe hops. Again, no awardi bave been made by tbe Oimmiiaioncii, and io a^reeniente made wnb the ownere ot Ibe propertiei, and we are yet to a great extent iu the dark at to wkal tbe eoat el tbe park will actually be, the amount needed for maiotenanea, and tbe mode ol railing ibs money. In view ot all theee ooniideralione and the lateneia ot tee lecnon, I bave eomewhat reluctantly determined not to proceed with tbe Bill wbiob I had prepared. Tbe OotLniiaaioDcri inggeat two melhode ot riiiing tbe fnuda ; one ol tbeee, acd tbe oue preferred by tbe Oomouaaiooau, U to iluij oondi. Their report ibowi what the revenue may be expected to be, and afMr making ccormcm allowaoese, they elate Ibal u;. U(jti will be reli'd to pay the ex- penKi of manigeniiut, n lereil and for Locded improvement*. Tbcir lo^geition tbat tbe Province eliould i cue bordi tor (500,000. ir that ibo I'.-ovicce abculd tuar autee bo:id> to ba tciued by tb- Commit- lioneri. It will be a matter for a'ler con- eidera'iju which f the two aball be adopKd, or woeihor a tbird plan unould b< Ukcu up. I will only ey In ooolusion tbat it i< tbo tettle'l p-ilioy of tbe Ooveru- uienl to tecure Ibo (<aik for tbe (ublio. Tbe 8p<tker read a mewage Irum liii Honor tranimitiiog Inriber Rnpplementary eatimatci. lloi A U. HIM movad ill. 1 iKcli .r..i' o( Ibe order (or tbo second reidtuK ot Ihe Bill reipcosibg tbe manioipal l)'i land debt ol t ho town of Cobonrg. lij eaid tbat tbo QoverncnoLt bad, for a namber ot year*, held debenture) of tbe town of Uoboorg ou wbioh QO interest had been paid for tleven yeara. Demanda were made from time to time upon tbe Iowa ol Cobourg, bul o Reltlemeul wai arrived at. LMI year tbe Qaverutnent took power to make au arrangement with tbo town ol Cjbourg lor a reduction ol debl ur an extetieion ot time. After bou.u uouoecdbtul negotia- tion witb tbe town, tho Government adver- tised Ibe debenturei for Bale. Tbo tjwu of CobooTK tbou ipp 'Okobtd tho Oaverumeut ai.d proponed tb*i they abonld i^euj new dirbeuturci for a redno.d amount, acd thereupon Ihe debeutur>e were withdrawn from lalu Tho ojuucil of Ibe tuwn paued ix revelation offering to imice now deben- tarei for tbe prinoifal, on condition tbat the iutcroBl up to tbo date r.f thn new ixcue ahunld bo truck cfl. Tbe Oovernment acaeptu d Ibis cffer oj oauditiou that it WM cariiuJ ont in time for nlitioati'ju at tbe prenent msion. A by-law fur tbe purpote wti readkMOOod time iu thoo uuoil, bat owing, he believed, to tbe obstruction ct certain, memberi of the oaucil it had cot been paired, acd it waa therefore injp. eii bio i<> prooot J with the Bill. Mr. Malbollatid contended that tbe Oov- erninoiit ibould hivo remitted tbe whole debl, on Ibe (round tbat tbe rronty h\d been iavcited io a railway enterprise wbiob proved uuprcfliable Tue ord r wa> dii- charged. Nprrch IroM Ibr ra-ror. Mr. B|<eakr anj Reullonien ul tbo LeflFlatire lu ri h. vn'n > u fr in >r>ur rrHi"ii-ih;lil> M . L iii -i iv <V -reiubiy for a "tber >rr. I d >-ir.i laecpriK.t m> pt>reo atiou ct tb a'lls mnurr in wbinh \ ou have dirobargei) your duties aud tbeearueilneee with which you Hddrm/ied ynorielvec fj the varioue meaaureiwbicb 1 promised to aubmitto yon t the opening ol the teeiioo. iimdii a luge aoioaul of Private Bill legislation, yoa have pu-i-4 uiefnl moa hurta ou Important lUbjiotH, to, 1 tuii.k, aurpaiacd ia variety iu any former tettioa of the LigUlaturii ol thn Pruvinoo. I have given my aiecnt witb gret', ti> faction to Ibe Jlill ran otiui; agricul- ture and Arw, in wbiob tbe Ityulatiou ol former yc-atit it umiili imprcvtd and ooinulidaud. Tbe ptoviiou for appointing an Advisory Boara ufexpuri. uuoed laraien to aaual in tbe manugeuueut ot Ibe Agricultural College aud Expenmen tat Farm will, I bavo no duubi, atroiigiben public oonndeooe in tbi muDOKeintLl ol this iuatitntioo, and aljprcmjte Hi itli :i eney anluhifal .ess. By tbe uieanure (or tbi eeltloment ol tbe Kiiiiy U ver uintrio" ai/olfeer ilep bai betu taken ta nud lozuea lor niaoy ol onr people *ho njixbl otiicrw me bo iotluotd to settle on the praint* of tae Wjnturn Bute*, am glad to learn tbat the fertility of tbe district tbui opened up eorcpve!) favorab'y with tbe landa iu tbe older porliociol the 1'rovince. 1 cordial y approve of your legiaiatiou for the prbvtunou ol oantkgiouu U IH..>C-. I attribute uur inimnoiiy from amallpox during tae past year iu a lar^e deg'ev to ilie wuoleaomo ineuuree ol a former - rion. Tut iLrroaacd powers uow giveu to u.ULioij.iUiu, %*itb rcnn.01 to vacoiunluu aud otbcrwiua v.iil null furtutr aid iu i ro- t i.-rvi:.g tba tualii huiliu and euforoing > uob MCeMttMbai} ictaaurf.-* anix^cu L.OJ baiahuu ig bo ueoeaaary m ileaiitg w.ih all (orma ot u; idemio Ji.ewu. The Act Ly wbioli woiknieu may rtc; i o ooiLptii-ia.i M. (ur ibjurin >u0<red tbtougb tbeur^ligeueeur delaaltot tbtir em[<lo)erii will, I m eoLfl Uut, provs a i nat boon to tnMe whoaoLOCJi'utiju.- are attended w:ta great perduual rick. Tbe kccnrity wnion tbe Bo.e miamre tff^rdilu tbeir ( will donbUc'i relieve inatty wbo would o:iierwlaebe (ipcied tog:* .: pr.vatun. By your axendmenti to tbe Act many pemom wboeie av jeatiou t( them to ba absent from tbeir bomea for H.veral moutb* at a time will be c..ti:Ud to vote at Parliamentary nec;u..o, wbihs the (aoilitiee affjrded woikingmen tojo'.l tbeir vjitu by lae ixtcniion ot the noun ricebd to iwo houii, will enable tbim to liieobarge au impaflAal datwM tue 8:*Ui wiuibut incoavduienoe to tboaictlvim or ibeir employ-era. I wan glad to ooLour in tbe Bill further it&prtvtug tiie L^oeuae LAW*. Tbe aaU of Lqa^ra by uuhci.i>el nooiee and the Kxitu.jj ut Mj.aii^u ol tue Uwe againel aellitg iL-. i.c ,in; Jrn.ki ou Bouday have led to ciiu.on ana exeMMi wbien all gocd citii.L-i Jc.-il> deplore. 1 eiaeeiely trail lUal tb. j u:uLgut provia:oa of tbe new Ao; will mitigate tueue evils atid array the moral fjroe ot society on Ibe >ile o( law and order. Toe eja-olil*'.ion tf Ihe xveral AoU paired during former yean re<p*ou0g neparate tahools aud Ibi iaprovemenu wbiob yon bave tnlrodaeed, will, I ein ar, bw (/I etrviee to tboee ]bMHe4 wiib abe adnimuiration (.1 ibis parTol oor oLud system. The value o' maebaaiea* loititotee in providing facilities l.r mental improve- ment to many wbote resource* would uot admit ol auy Mpenditara opoo book<t and magtiiutti bid been re- ejtjLixsd lu tjglaud and Canada aa * . luaporianl laeiur ia tbe education of tbs f*u\l. I am glad ifaat you bavs fatted lurtu.r le^iilauoufur vhti: im^r^vo- incui ai ^ b. lu L '.litre aiiii >cu bare klu uornbej iLo fioiliim. for Uit t - c'.tii-ea for ttuitutl; ol art -J iuuu>uueUJraW,uj. I bavu b.a plearOie IL. aawutiug Io tbe ili.i abu.iHniLK to a li|jc exifui :-> lU il noliju between rtal and peruL.*i MI*M, aad to liie bill t.r lortbtr Moiplily- ing the lairs resptotiog Use traoatar ol penperty. I WM gl*d, alao, to kstenl lu the Htaiau Lw Amendueut Aet, by wkteb yon kave made mauy imp .r- laul ImpixvemaiiU ia tbe aiaistex ol ins ProviLoe, in view of tbe u*j souaolidatiuu torn iu preparation of toe wbole body ol e>Aetary 'aw. _. I bave ae-euted with (Mature to tb* Bill oontatmog proviaioos (.etded lu the iiiU-reel ol private uwneri, wboa propsrty is r>qoired in order to carry out tbi patri it.o object ol permauently aeeunng to tae public tbi territory aruaL.d tbe Fall* ol Niagara, toal grandest ot naamral wooden eummitted. by Pr^viJeLOi ta oor ears. I thank yoa lor tbe iape)liM wbiah you have vuted tor tbo njbu secvioo. Tny will be expended with all the icouuuiy con- sistent witb the public nojturtuienls. New |"* ||M Arl.laag Uui cl ikr A Halifax despatch ejtt Tbe Amariaan j icboouer Uerlkajtliy, Oeplain lunis, trom Giouoe<itr. arrived here yesi*rday and pat in for tattler. BJO i* tb* nrai American flinerttaa lo arms ber* einee tba promulgalioa of <e official warn- lag that tbe treaty of 181% will be vigor- ously enfoictd. 8hs will teel in tbe mom- icg. A ulegraoi from Irfiasnbnrg a)s inal aa Aaieuoita fltbermasrfh'tta ha- Been prubibltnd from ibippiag Canadians as a portion of btr crew. Tbe Domioiau Gov- ernment take* tbe ground tbal tbi ouly po aiblu exoni* fur au ArnmcaL Bibermau puliiu< "ilo * Canadian) port ii for ihilter, wood aud water, aud luen it eau remain only l*euty-fonr boor*. Consul -General jVtuiau argued luallberiis noihiug in ihs treaty to prevsut A-iienem* baviog oauvbi n b m deep water aud oared them, from landiLg lbm in marketable condition at any Canadian perl and :rau-uippiD| tbem ia bond lo tbe Untied titate- by either rail oc via. el. It would upptar ii>t a refusal to permit irauauipnifut will be a violatiou ot the general bonding erriugement be (ween tbe two countries, au A luigbl lead -to retaliatory measurei lenliaxg lo demiral tbe Canadian floor atid grain tride via Niw Yoik. 1! t >u and Vorl-and. It n the oral imporianl -jatistion t Jl will ariue b*tweu Cauada au.i Ibe L'oited Hlatu growing oul ol tbe fishery embroglio Tbe extent ct tbe truuiM, ti.iut ol nib may be judged from Ibe laei tbat daring tbe art! ^ujir moatbi a'ttr tbo abjection ot ISM maty over 10.000 barrCWSI mackefal were thipptd to Booton in oouJ frora the Straits of Caueo alone. \ h .I'. In -More lor I kralt. With ooutetnr'.u.UH wrath tbe baekwooda preaclur, Wain Jouoi, o miee dowu upun the ui \uwhj laili with biip.okets lull and tb- u rciMutueucfii aa "agent" for bis wi'c: Wbvnevera man wuoowei money oau live in a noe hone acd board with bia wife, bo becomes ' agent fcr bit wife ! ' My, my ! Agent tor bit v.lc I Biotcr I Wny uot b.svo bis name obM.ged aud mako him lake your.'. Tbat mm yonder boardu g with his wife, living in a t50),OCO mausiui , ai.d driving dnwa tUtae nlrcc:a in a S1,*X) earnage, tbu nnent dreieed tuu iu town ! My, my I There's that man in tbat ear- rage and there's a pocr widow wnlkug a u >;-iJo o i tbo pavement, witb perhaps saarcely auy thcei to oovar ber teet ; aud tbal man owas that paor widow $1, WO. If tbere'a auy bell at all you'll git Ibere, t ir. 1 Ihr II. mlulon lMllril. HIM. I. year tbe KM txpeii4i!ure uj iiL,uil i(r*ti n waa aa tollows : Halarlo in Cana-la *! 3 LuuUuu ~ .7VOll .... lu.i*W Coulu . l'n,ili ^.. *'.-H5 ua Tr*Hhin< iu Kur - ' -*M IM A~it. .1 1.1 .1^1 .ii.. u *<. ifll 70 Muiure.l I'rut. ctlvt suciei) 1.IMI It) THE LADIES' COLUMN. Spring Hntt WnichW.li frov* Seivciab'e to Housiksepiri. A'lOUT T1IK UOMiiHTIC U'JCKINO CHAIll Ihr 4 n l,w tUlhi- ll.-.p I'rlnU Muiumir I II Ihr HIM lor (aura. K. ep a wounded or u.j .rci pn thu level if pcB'ible. lie very, very Tbo bau1tel cf all stretcher* iiaUr^e sbnittr ur dry r, witu a inatiramt or pillow uu ii ; or u ( Iii j blanket u-td a naui- mcok w.ll dj, or u LC: hammock n.-e.f, if oue bo baudy. Wuilu u 4 ar;y ii c>rrji .>; bom: or to a cu LU si'a khop tug i: jur-;d person, acme one icu<l b* *sut t j proiarc . ur^ical asut- aaee. Tut) toauer turgiaal aiJ is g;l Ibe ouro ciiiL.3 uf a tpeedy recovery will tbe patient bav>-. Ba careful not to r.ive brandy ia r jjtiet to tbe heal. You migol commit a ratal error. Tue bdat way t) distinguish a fra: u.e from a fliolocvi . . oul by mau i,u- Uuon whether Ibere is Luo'.i-iu iu tbe in- jured part. 1... . v ,u ibs boue u im- movably Cxd. Mai.y dia.'uc.u - oia bi treated eusoe i- fully 02 tbe *po; by 'u 1 .- n,f.rer"a friend*. Ju-t it w r'l .1 ui itre'.l aaetdeuU. Somehow t.r i ib- - . . a.ich ot-ii o :e ot tbe orod aiaally tarns au) 10 bo a Burgeon ; bat if not, lei ore be speedily fe-.cjcd. Meanwhile, aA ib% oro* J. witb all Iba -; das Jo crowds in .ho Utter eud ot the uiueteebtb ceutory, lo aiaud bok and give tbe patient air. Oa a cummer day he tntiy do belter to: a lima cut ot doori tutu ij arbor,. I got a mau on to a haad carl otce, aud tbere ba remained till tbo nrit shock of tbe accident WM dispelled. Bui 1 ke| : i:.i 0-, * ! tiy 1 i quiet as pos- sible. Notli g i* morel k-ly to cuke, btd wur thau a yelling crowi orjin* Uj tbu " or ' DJ tbil " round au njired mac. I he Koc-tilu-<!i m II. b. i. Ibe I'ui'.a'tl; h t Prtn it rc-ji LH'jio for tb* folltwiux lib;l onaboaieboldceee*. iiy. 1 believe thai tb* sl- i g increase) of fjie* in tkii eoaatry duritg tba ja-.i '} or ibreey*ar*> uduoiu u t ri.t uicarure to Ilia reeking ottair lioit Men iiiay well rise op ia aUria aud lo K u-,.j: ill u f jr uueaLa io el fl i sbc Ijrruii rocaicg-ebair b..-:. ba tattesied IM tauge upon tju ojuotry. A tow ysarn .- eoutenl wub on* pinu, rceking-ebtir, DM now, .! guut bnabaod lx:ks gbal upon Lit first anuoal txpendi ureiVr r> ck < ob^iia, ar:d tbeu goes out aud Bkta au ae-g jmetil. I ki.e* a lovely bnda '.< was vudowad wMb u.aey graces of rain* and psraon and all Ibe ctiacmaof ttuJer. conoding woman- hood ; rbe was tbs ido'. ; ( a fcni hasbeuid, tbe prile ol tender pr<.u> ani ttie eamiui >f a wids circle o* :no>l J :ru frieoda. Bai -ul her hiMbaul wru bol r ou, eavi tvil, tor tbo n--i.u u ly woaieu ot our .- tu- y were uuf reieutioui , :u mdal- -, bul Ility i>.J Wt-e .:i'i'.>. rihe t r.. ii..^ ch lr i nl.i m I'ciL.i t tbi cu*u> .vo e thna tar, a pretty bom* aid !au with ja I oae ,* :o .1 o ,j a) Do bai irr-ciottuy b*Iied tbe A California Ohiaamao recently ran away with another Cim man's wife, and 13 throw tbs pofjatra iff tbs Irajl, took her aboard a btcambosl rolltd op ia a lot of blanket*, carrying ber w bis ibouldir. O-ttl ' be IU. O tbeaee-jul rotki. ti ibi- u .. i i > :.j ilie third, tlw (out i i, \ui & ' tt an 1 u to thu iii. a. AjJ yil wbaa tbu wouiau J MI rookib<-eo*ir bar frienli ii .ut nem to rei s i b--r daucer. i may bave b*ec b.ii.d>d by afltoiuo. Wbeu tti. fair >oiiu,{ wife bai a diiio nck.:g ebairi, and atill craved for mire, htr buioand begin gently t-j rejio..trt. nh ber, bai hi was too late. The habit Had bto:rn i l firmly ftxtd. After one or Iwo letblu iQjrta |j reform be gave oplu derapair aad roebed on ^p tin mad eatesr ot bayug roesing ouaits. All day loo abe buug about tbe furoUere orax. Hae bouKUi little aud big rocking. chaira, us* fa-biuned and eld fa-bioced rcckiug chain, upholattrsd and hard bj|. touted roesiug otiaiia camp aud wieksr roflking chain tbui she went on uoiil the tarLiture in that onee htppy little home to the tortured hiuoatd one vaal u ul roekurg obkir* uf every an-, stjlc, nbapj aud condition. When the o:- row-.itrioku cut patiant man would eomi Louie Irom toe lode at the still hour U midnight a large able-bodied roekiuit ebair would ti-ecl bi-u a m :M ai bis dour and knok him to tbe ll .or and tall over op n him. Then, a| hs wjul 1 rue to bia (set a.olhtr roeiing-ebair would lay bim low ul bring dowu open bn beJ a rbower ol b if -a-brao Aad thai be wou dgo from r, ckiDg-obair to roeking chair ui.nl be would reach bie own cbamb.T, where thir- teen rookiiig ebairi weald meet him in rapid laooswatoo and have a vsry large omit of fan with bim. Each one as be wuuld meet U would knock a f:eth pieoe ot bark Irom one or the other ct b:i bins or break a too that bad eiear,eJ tar- li-rintbe battle, and would ibeu i-, him violently ti t'-.a d . r AuJ bin wife, waobe reason wa> IcMcriLg o.i iu larone fr.ai ibo tfl.ctii of her terriole L bu, would gel op and itrike a light and try to pusnadt him tbat there wai only oue r.oKiug chair ir. the room jjit one ' ordinary chamber r ichi ,; an.ir wbioh bs in his wtuderu g sruuui in the dark bad fallen over tbirKei: timei. Poor, deluded woman! Wi'h bin :! i .- btrkeJ IL tbirienu places and some twt^ty other wouudi uud oootnaione nn vanuun part* ol Lin peraon, the hubat j wculd bo t .u much vexed to humor Ihe UC.UIODB < I bia wile's di-or- dered brain, aud, holding bim*elf ertci by arm around tbe bedp.<s) aid tbe ui'jjj imphatio lanttuagt.-, be would poiLt to tbe thirti.a r>.osiLii cbaira silting about bim io a circle. True, they were all ut the tamo paltero, bai lht WM Doibiug. Tbe time was when be bad eeu tweuty rocking chairs of tae same general stylo all iu oao room. 8 job men- B Could lead to but one ending. L ;ve coold not commas to abide amid auib Lcuurroioei. At first there were mere ulteriuK*. tbec earns more emphatic Ian- lige, acd nually s parati u and divorce. bere ii notbicg tbal will dmrupt a home ai-iuioklyaa a tall, able-bodied rccki.g cbair, nlanding fair in a man's wsy when bold buntitg for l.n bd ur aometbttig iu tbe dark ; and the till, abU bodied rockag- obair never slaoda eltewbere than in a uiaa'sway when be n hULlingfor auytaiog in the dark. Il mteH bim with extreme ucdleiiUKSB. It tbrows out no waruiug tfcat i) is there and scout I) strike, aud tbo defenoeleiu victim goeii down in aheap, a confused aud dituural /. J wreck if bnoian- ity, while tbu rockicig-cbair, in its own peculiar d< in ruiaeal way, jum; a^d daic-i npou bia owu prostrate lorm. S veil wouiau, beware ot tbo reck;.., obair habit, had, mau, oil ! w.>:>, betrktu ye uuto the words thai I attr : Give tbe , able-bodied rocking obir elb.w room holy boar ! Pla -I ..ii. r- i, > ,. thu :.cw and ucxpenr ire ditboe sjr.able lor too "jrn^ 11 o: e of ips .cii sl1. A tmall mrainre of new greeos Will bo fuffi:iei..| (or a family ot tix ; wh uJ i \oH c .rrfully, boil fur .! hour or o until tender; :lraiu iff Ibs water, i ni:e aud itiix wub a nu o made of t.iJ with a faltcpuoi fnl it t-J. .. lu |-..!bu-:.r i.ii I two kaU)k<. o - ( > .... .- N i.ii i-l ooi tf btril bulled egg Qouiioy atd rio are auinng tbe health- lot articles ol food lor t-pnug. Flaked hominy is v t ry innpeuMvu, onoki in two or three minntea ana makes luto pancakes and pudding wub a low egg* aud milk. Caipsl oleaniug U ha undertaking that noet housekeepers dread, ll is wiocgaot 10 sweep tbe carpel thoroughly before re-., viug from Ibe il J'.r. A little ioa(j bark or bdtxine will remove itaiLi, but oul: of ink or limilar obeiu.n ,l<, bo) *o^p>udn and a tKiiuel ciolb are beat, aad may be ued wub ioji unity on tbe flcetl and ceweel cirpel. Very nersioeable eurtaio ereo i-t oo biug sold f.r i, ai.d > eeouayard. It laee is too expensive fur trimming Iba edg* may ba bordered with v*r/ narrow In.eu edtiLK thai may be porohiMd for 1-J .-d 11 cents a piece. " Hnow caiard"U k obeap and daluly dibb fir Suuday sveniuK Ma. To uiaka uffioienl to: six pio|ile bt the wu. : six egijiwubarupol sugar until i.:.i'tevn,Dg'j lu out with a k^'.tu. Ujil OLC >j^;| uf milk n-n-.-d wr.b a ttatpoocfal of e.rn- slarcu or blaue mauK* |.o*dr, iLe-i add the cgg> aud sugar , tjv.r witb vabiU* br almond and aerve eold. All earthen dishes will .'a i laueb . r if flrit temfcrgl Place ia a pot cf cold water over a flee ard Id th water come -I ..j t. .b>il. V ir laaojpa-. < and oiuer cook: MI ireatmiLt 14 oec to bave them audu's tor auyloLg'.faof t m . l-cr u, .11 farkr I B**h>. Ii n wwa ( .r . uj^c wb? bivi only two or -,ownsa>Lar to [urooase r.m--LjLi< tb.t M utt Ib* i.-.;iiir EaMy *'* tb! s aaon, or they will soon lire of Ii. Piaic ebib* are the most serviceable, ani in ibe lug run Iba ui . t fa-ti .. .:i.f (.lu.uersa, ol.tni, Freneh bji.tta^i aud similar gocda are always faabiuoablr, acd msyf b .- aa.1e cvr teveral time* ani apptar MW tic'i ::u:*. Tba eoaiti-.a,i no of Iwo maienale caa tits m\uy ladies lo bav>< te* dreaes wub but little extra outlay. Frequently tu. Jreeicii may be udu into one, or a few yards ol DSW material will make avn old drrs* ictna, new. Tno r>*:ty Oriestal sod Eoptian lawa which are io tnitabie fcr triii.iui: loft foulirdi, surab tnkii, calh and uiuiliaa arc uo eeliing very cheaply, four or Qe lartlwill reLuw >u eld dreuaLd oiakeii lo.k v\ry graceful. A 1 ptoj i of black ilk, vtl/st a.d laee i-b->uld b: oirttnll; pre-ervedf ;r .'alure u-*. Toty come la adairably for trimm:^ bate at,d at ... i may be foacd uscfni iu a : erways. Ci-i-bao-, giugbam a-.d muilina for eumuicr dre-sia are very low pioeJ at present, audit oca hat :tu *pare uuaey it uadvuible t> purchase what in needed al ttn season ana makd tbeu up Kradnaliy. Tbe warm wealber OC>ILCH ao tudaeuly thai M people are e-irirely aapreparei for n. 8-uall pa:t*rta are ia Iba e_i ibe mos; taiiefol for waab drta-sf. Ersry yoaug lady . b -a 1 J pjiii at liaal on* whn Jre-ii. If cf lUo pnpar material il will do for a *treel cireas in lammer acd an evcui^x dre*a m wiuUr. ISuu d veilug, c-n.bo.ere an! all tluiiiar wane ol materials are i,uitabl, ai:d ibey I: j!J be made lUitl/. wub fail lotg dra^ary. W ju laa hair i-t Jon .- op m rod uiu-ilin, iosUadof paper, il oi.kei a soflsr aad rounder curl, and djee oot brooJt the slraadi. ftnaualar tkli-lkai. Emnik Abbott lately (iiro^atad a pair of Florida alligator*. But de*ir to maki a slg* asndy at tbou fraok aad opiu mile. Ftvu million n**dle* recejlly >aak i h -:. 01. -aa tii- u .r io vhi bjlloa ol Ib i >sa - m -:n,:li will i*s* u ii i i m ak* ahemaelvse , ou* el it i oat tba Priooesnot Wait* U v fl i < jcobti \i all ber bo^zcia . :<r if ihe> oialii, l b i dcaal lo a ,m uvr te-s ani give a n i- u "-< touab Vi a few of th) bal* ooijocnit* with wbiab our ladies) bide Ib i.- uttae Uieatrr. A L.uJ.n lady aaktd a visit r fr u. Canadi i' all Arnwiean k. r.iJiJ not have flue vjio**. Tn: J. i ui. J< Wbeu IL- > , r, A-k iap. n is r*n,arked Ibal itsy bave a vote* inor* ^mbanlinx than ib* sirios at Ibe *% jcaa tile*, bai watu thiy answer, "I bop wo ibaJl aUayi be friscdi," it u rercarked that tbur vjiees lave a harsh and repelling to^s. ID th* western part ot tbscily, lays an loiirapap*r, i* a yoang woruau from near io k holm. Sweden, who weara oioloiogall ot ber own making, i-.alaaUax iiin ipianiog ot tbe thread o >lormg It, aol weaving it lute ebln. H*r IILBQ bAulksreaitf* ar* alie cl her owu spiLuiug and weaving, aud are as nas as are uaaally parooased al Ibe lores In h mire. Bbe i *mpl<iyed ae scoond girl, and H learning tbg arl ot American rookery Tbonnh in America bui a year. uo baa acquire! <]uite a mtntry over tbeia-lioiaulary Kuniub.and wben tbre* ycam, ib* lion ibe fixml to remain ia America, are op. abe w back, ijuitii aco ji^jli-bed in American way*. HbcuayoacK lady of nioaical taitae. Aa I run |-i... -. ,,..,. i Tb'j A -niny J/ui.' ooctaioi Ibe fullowicg di- patch (rocu Oalway : " Tbe remaiu* of KiiiUy, the murdered prtc-- n weru ialerred on Saturday. Great cul'.y waa cxpcrieuod in prooiuuiK the ictermcui. Tbe remtuat were net allowed icto auy o! tb* Kouau Catbolo tunal r,u:.J-, acd .. wai tcusd LICC )-*TJ a ;r jvo ia Ibe bid Rraveyard attaobed lo BalliLitar U.U.C. It waa almoal inup.ui- bie to i ricore a > pad* for Ibe pur j ex of iu.i.,; tue gravu. Tb.u waa o^euly rij'ic:li. IL. aiurlerol ibe QofortuLat* ruau 0)udna:il Ibeniaslvei Jifgraevfally. U .* man ab mod tbrougb lha) mrewli of W .' :' r'lulay < sjnl ism bell io- aMUXl, ecu it's wber* il deserves to be : Tba ectna bad tu be ear no J by a back way fr.uu iu buns*, "is ib police feared a no^ue diuiOLitrati&n al tbe funeral. The) oien grave was guarded ou 1'riday uigbl by the polioi. A man oarrsd Coaro>. wbo bad paid In rent to Sir IIsLry Bourke. Dae been obliged to lake rifux in tut \Vjod- ford I*. i-c Barr^-K- , rr. k e i . . . I r tn* protection by tbu ecnalabu- lary al bin owu buoae. Tbs eviction* on Sir llinry lijurke's estal* bavi not yet bien carried out, witb one iioeption, and in thai iuBtai.ce ib* local Nalioualut , deolaru tbal tb* tenant could bave (aid Iba real Jne rwauty limei over, ouly be resolvsd to lupporl ab* a^iiauou ' A H01.V tlTY. mill.. ii.t ike llital. el al Htn>rci. i. b. Hum* JMI SSr|hi i* Two little o. nitaoi rlace b> ka ut.ce tbe property cf H.berl liurux, and ooutaioing ui:.v prune sinayi and ut.|'UbMabt>d poems by bim, will nbortly be aold m Kiiubur^'b. Tbe verse, which te tuoetly expritaive of rel'gious feeling, u ralbec poor , Ibe prose is iu the conventional ityUof butime. A ro in 13 bla.ik vane oa " Tne Icoompre- b-u-ibilny if Ci J ' oouolulea M follows : the firi-le which cunts Ibeee taUll ' i . That i . U U>' iiiimortal ipuit clogK t I b>> . i 1 k> iL < Mrth ; Then (ball U-. trailer |tt, Ikia Lavn boto uul, Sprioi; (r->iu in i>ruuu aaJ |uit Ui laivumtf clay . Kly OD triM* wiag axultSBSl op Ibe aky. Ai; I iti c iiiuuiaut rvach u.-- Thin (ball 1 kuuw.iu I loft ao.l WITO II i iu more. Tie S.cthcrn I'tn-itlj Railroad Company lAWorHugan iruojeuro aalt depoait in the faott m ot Ibe C ! rado desert, .'01 tset low tbe level ot Ibe tea. I'u, a Im.e erbo!io Mid In your g!ne or ieate-rot. It will keep the ouutsota iweel r K long time. I'laiunfl -ayr," rccilrd tka 'tbat \ou otte . J<rr:l her; Ibal \oo rd In r iu -hauiJul Ue-ionu ; Ib >l eveu >i u <>(ten itruok her brutally. You o.U >ourtl( a mau acd etnks a womkn ol 'it." Tbe wile, wbo 11 in the court room, weeping, with ber face in kir bands, raise* it auddeuly at this and exclaim* : beg pardon, inociieur le president i only 44 years. Tbe meet rematkkbJe part c( tbsrpcela- ole (.renentcd by tbe rivtr fate of BccaiM u ita p ipala>ioo, residsni and immigrant. Ibroigboni tb* It-nth of this norubern b-.re, where tbe fl uht* of ilepe acd tb* lope* of ihe Mmple* coma down to tb* Gangei, in seen all day lotuyui immene* crowd ef devotees, of all a^ti, ratki, and raimsuis, ai.d of both sexei, baibiag in ta* acr. d river or prayinn by lie edfes), el wuLi;^ their robie of pilgrimage, or bring' mg their dead lo be burotd. ImairiDS wnal au aru-i.o effect retuita from ID on africgs ot lit* and color between tbeitcep mnJii- colored back^f nt.d ot ibe step* aud ten- , -- ... . aj-crs i f t.'it- iiream. Ibrongscf brown tk cned men and women, of bo>i aud ris, atat-d waiat deep aloLg Iba batbag tatious, wbii.|srio|| tbeir aop- " a-.d pouri. g tb* holy liquid orvtr :.t-k.aLJ b".\.i i.nl IxMeced U a ok b air. f tri.nt-elal wcm.r . lid by tbeir i-U'0, arnvj j jyoael; dowu th* .'roin fr iff town* and jacglM. ta lay tbeir (Carter 9r..n. gre*o avcd rosjt- >ior n'.rn as:d with the b.k*ipri, and wa>u iteur i:.i. .:enl n. away ID B-g umbrella* are tverywber* enctcd u. ib* ca .! or mud, icieribcd with "Kara. Him, ar,d under tcim. ibaded >m to* mo, family parutititand c taller, or (.ray m M.CLI accord, arrived, -eJur ira :-a.-cne-, to te laved in and saved -. '- -i rite* reoilev wiatful acd < -. brought to br beotoM that tt> may hoar tee ripple of tb* " U.-eat Kotoer," a: d feel tb* hiaiiaf wiaW Blow f.- .ui ber wave* ; bile.al tbi fool of tits borcing Gaat, wbers ib* peotle wbo eeil ihe "death wood are rakicg for wbil* bcnea iu .Lc betpa ct bet aab**, and ptltag .1 and e-.w docg for abe am batch ot fuaeral [yre*. Li*) leure* till Qurts covered with (bit* and rid cu-h, from which prolrod* cnly Ib* fli d, a,:d feel, waabcd by tb* cater edge o( tne u j*. Thee* ar* tb* dead of to- day, happy tbHee hac| y -w Have [aesej to the gale of b%ri(a. claaa lo QooKai ^ve. Tbur friend* ail near, well ufled *vcn amid their -aiaral r*gre*ji ; and. very soon, tbrc* c'us oarli of imoiu wafted amuug th* tecc^le roofe from ware* ,ck .: _ tires upon th* platform ot tb* -..1 tell wbir* lb-;a votariee hav* ..grimsai* for OCM and aU. Wun:trfni .alt* firv^r of txluf amoog Ibeee xentle, mitaoby i.al llindoo people. A . r;ii .j i Bri i-u cburouw>ojau will fuel *.b>l ahe baa docs n*r duly if, wbeo he vinu a famous city, she not twie* to iu aceieut naioedral oa Sundty. What wuuld cbe :h-:. ut these I,din wives and motbsri batntug with scou |tntn( ooa. niai.ee ot aalvauoa m a crowd undsr tni Uaaaiwamcdba Ubal .' rjume o' tbem an I urjah womsn," wbo LUH navir lay ai.Je tbnr v*i!s aid aiep oataids ID* enrtjin exstpl under praueaica of tbe acred loipl oily cf i:l4i\M*nt. Boms an old and feeble, weary with tbi long , .or- ueys ef lit*, emaciated by naaladu*, aad- dt-e J from loeie* aud troubJn . and to* ii !- blow* sbarp, the riv*r wavi rons chilly. Yet Ibere tbey (land, bcsasl deep m Ib* eold river, wiio jr i|( ing cotton itarm*uls olingiog to tbur lain or a*{<4 b , viaibly ibuddenng uadci tb* ibcck ot tb* wau-r. and insir a. nblueacd |-aiver- iui<. while ttiey e^-riy mutter ibeir invo- NIC ot them beeitate*; into * on srnv 1, u. r well, r.tu >ud ladle ibe holy i j-iid moil ri bai.dt, J .lt.y .-/ uljixp.ali and : pl-ai (or 1 hop* .-Bap tror, a* 1 watcb these Jivoal scd fb:v ncg * m a. tbat "all tk* irayrri wLufj are uttered eomi scmebow . - f K-j-bar. </. j. 5aia is Lorn- dan Tt'ujraph. >.. i MI- . iiAkti.auoM i.suure. 4 t.rriti I rmtrtrmmrr "r*l~r -Hrl *eni uu. i .1 ? i >. Tbe late J.bu B. O u.n told a story a* r.l m privats life as in pgfelic. Tb* - K 11 remembered among iomi ut in* ei| ensneea be u-ed to relate " On one occui u, he aaiJ. "I bad mad* aa >. , I in a amll town in Masaa- cbu-o; a Kud rode seven milea to nil it. Oa arriva. ; tbe ctiareh as ibe pu(liwer* MHsatl.cg I fouLd co ons to reocivi ms. I kikcd a mtddh-ated mitio it be ojald tell me wbire I e-.uld fiud tte Pretident o tba Tetrp-rauoe S wit-n . ' I rickjn I m bim,' be replied, " ' Ab '. Well, aiy nam* u (j ngb,' 1 1 ' Wail, I oakilaui 111 acoul lime to ikiu iu. we went, a^d 1 aal ink pew until bi*ao.e la tue atJ -a. j 1 <w**> H'l Umi tobnio. 'Is tbers any oc* to i*T*r prayir r I awkai. the parson'* kway. " ' Ii inert no diaoon .'' I 'ipei I'm a deacon.' Wall, can't yon pray ?' ' N J , I rtckou I cevar tpeak in meet- " Ai I t,aaaed intu tie rnlpil be itcod beoeatb u aad oalltd cut M tbi aoducoe Ur. U^uxb is in tbs deak aa' bi'e gwme to Wur. " I proceeded lo Uatar ' ai well ae I V.U wuen I bad daubed aL J lakso my asal at lha back of la* plif oral my a.ricaitral tr.end mllsd oul from bslow . ' W* wfll nuw [ urovsd M lakej op a nUe ' r Ib* kwLtui ol Iks leKijorcr. lie tbau ' puroceded to paes hi* bat around among Ins people, wbo bay] bagun to rapidly l?av* tb* cburtb as eoon a* tbiy ucard Ib* omincu* wurd ajlUction. Wn*a bi had completed ibis task he dumped upon Ib* table in frool of Ibe p-jlril th* eontauta if bi tile. and. thikiu< tbe lining, aiJ iu iu* ' I bar : laal '<ri i* all tor ).u. 1 au | agwiu* to tax* motbiu oat tor Ibe light*.' amount did u t cia*dll.M. ' 1 lo uol waul it, 1 I said. Wall, I swow '. Yi don t want all tbat mousy .'' " Wall, tbeu, 1 rtok u 111 take it.' and lailiLg tne action lo tbi word b* iwepl la* money iato hi* bar. [<iaotJ u on bis bca) and walked off without aootbir ward, liaviag m* to scjjy a hearty (attain a* tb* ouly noompaa tor my uibi* work." lr Tki prtoi of s*jre has not b**o so low hr many )ear*. and were U nol tbai tkeit *n*apu*ee baa cauesd a heavy ooaiumpeten Ib* uia/kel would b* awamped. Tbe tprtaj onesjid with a large lurplns, and Ibi daily arrivals bav*av*raxad nearly four Ihcueaod barrel". C'juutry boyeri tor tbi* market bav* kxt Btavily, a* tbey reMewded IS onto ier J iin as Ib* loweal point likely to be roacbrd. bul thu has bten lowered oa* cent aad a bait. Houtbern swill tb* apply more largely iban previoaely. Itauy oasee bav* 0001* Iroru Texas, wbils North Caroiiua and Kintoeky are ahwaeudicg - N. T. Warli \ utver know wkal to do witb my f**i when I'm in a parlor." said Ib* imbar- ra*l man. " Did u evir s*fl|**l lUelf to you that you might stewTlbem to ard Iks Tbs flrt letter wriiteo by to* poet Ling- 'ell w ie copied iu tbo new bio^rwpby. To* !< et U dated 1'irllabJ, Jtuuary IHO, tfU. ih* writir hauug almaelreesfwd his U.nbirlbday. Ilia ae foUov* : " Dear l'pa : Aon wants a lilll* bMe like Bet. i*y'a. Will yon p'taaw boy bir oni if yoe ean nud auy in Boston ,' I hav* been to tebool all we*k an J only (ol aiven marks. 1 shall bave a billet on Moadty. I wiia yoa to bay mi team. ' .

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