Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1886, p. 2

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^ hllJ. Only a nswsboy, utnlur tbo light Of the lamp-pent flyinx bis Undo m vain; Men &ru too buy U> stop to uight, Hurrying huiui' thruiiRli tli ett auJ ruin. Merer iuco .iam a im)>r bold; \Vheru shall be alH-|>, or hjw be feJ? Be ilmikia* Lo sbtveri there In the cold. \Vhil haj>i>y ouilOr. u are tala abed- It ie strange If be turns (boat With nupry woriln. tben comes to blowi, \Vlieu his little neighbor, juit sold out. ToBBicg bit pennies, past htm goes" "Bloi)' some ouo look* at bun iwcot and mild And the voice that (.peaks is a tender oue ; u abuuld uut strike Bucb a little cbild, o<J YOU should Lot use ouob worvle, my eon I U It hit anger or his f oari That tm buihed bit voice and (topped his 1 Don" trcmbl*," thfe are the words be beari "Do you tljiuk thai 1 wnu'.d do you barm I "It iau'l that. ' and liie ban I dro|> dowa ; "I wouldn't care f^r kicki aud blows ; Bat uubody ever called me i"'U, because I'm uobody ' child. I ' 0. men ! as ye carelessly i>as along, IU-iiiemlr the love tLat ban cared lor ycu ; And blu h for Ihe awful sbauie aud wrong Of a worKl where Mich a thiug could be true Tbiuk wbai the i-hllJ at your kuee had L>ceQ If tbuB un lifi-'e Ion. ly billow tossed ; And wbo Hball bear tbe weight of tbe sin, Jf one of tbose" litfe cues" be lost? l'uu;ui CAKV 1 in H ih ol a (hlU. Oar Ona, our darling Oua ia dead 1 " Bo the crumpled and yellow telegram read Ivitt-ly writiea tht-ro by u curelMS pen- By a trembling haud, but au hour t-rf tbeu, A hand lhat bud aluioat refused to write Wbat the eyes could not aee for tear-dimniet " Darlicg Ooa is dead I " Ob, uiy Hod I no, no : WhT 'twas only a little short wuek ago That 1 knsed l:er warm obeekt so rosy and red And hiddiuo ht-rgood bju jokiu^ly said ' 1 aui Roicjj uow. a long. IODR way You will tbiuk of me, won't yoa now, ever) day ' Alas >be has gone a uiucli longer way I And must 1 think (-1 U-r i-vtry louelv day ? U ill .-be uever return to her sorrowing friends To give tbeui the joy that her company lend* ' Are tbe angels rejoicul witb btr aweet little WlHtiicio our mcoicry cbanu and prolongi'. Will kbe utvcr come back to ber blocka and dolls '.' 4ad never drees ap for r.er make-believe ealli '. Will ibe ui-vcr duclaUii from Ibuold footstool'' Or walk witb me never to Sunday School 'I Why I left ber till bubbling witb luemmen Bo playful aud happy aud well conti-ul! Hut I never U-lia\ e tbat tweet Ona died. But shu sileutly "tole by some aDgel'a side, Out if these paths ol ai.rrow and woe. Wt tbe tear-Uroi'B lhat burn when my eye ovBBflev Dr. .p heavily Into my heart and reveal The truth tbut my conaelousrusi wisbeJ i eouccal. llw * We . lion i.' When a woman her home would decorate Hue stop* not at obstacles small or great. But the funniest tight her trials afford Is wbeu madaiu essays to saw a board. With bt r knee on a plank, and the plank on chair, Bbe poises her saw with a knowing air, Hakes several wild rasps at the penciled line, And oil with a whizz the reverse of flue. With lips compressed she gels down to work, Andcroaiot the timber ]riety-Jrt ; She can't kte|> the line, her kuee slips askew, but ibe keeps to the wuik till the board spli In two. Bbe has damaged the chair, she baa ruined the saw, Her back ,l aching, her hands are raw, And abe nods, when she tries to fit btr prUe, It's an inch too short of the requisite size. MOISTIC i aCTHoa or ' ruTLLia," "MOLLY BAWX,' AND OT11EB 1-ul-l LAJi NOVELS. II ia spparint to oTory one tbat Timolby U nearly in tears. A bofl.r ? ' repoU Mis Priaeill*,. wilb dignity blended with dif>gnfet : she treats the word eautionily, aa one lumbt borne thing Doxioai. " What ia a buffer ? ' Nobody enlightens her : tbongb perbspi Tereuee might, were be cut boaily eutfiged trying to suppress bid Uugbter bebiuJ a box* Japanese {au. " Perhaps, Timoiby," eaye Midi Pris- oil)*, gravely, " ua we all seem ID ignorance about tbe real meaning of tbia exlrnurdi nary word, yoa are wrosg in condemning it M aa iaialt. Il may bo cr a term cf endear meu." At tbii Terecoe obokea, tben ooujba solemnly, and tiually, lowering tbe Un, sbowi himself preternaturally grave, as aet-ofl against all tutpicioua. II 1 wouldn't pio me faith to tbat, mils, tl I wan yon, 1 ' Bays Ryan respectfully, bul witb a touch of the flue irony wbiob it bre<! and born witb his olai* in Ireland. " Well, but M we oaooot eiplaio tbii word, Timothy, and you oauuot, porbape the best thiun for yon to do will be to go to tbe urigioator of it and aak him wbat h mnt by it," Bays Minn Penelope with qaite MtoDiibiasi perspicacity for ber. " Bbore, I did tba) name, taiw. Taru tbe firl tbiog 1 eaid to him, ma'am. ' Wba do ye maue. ye spalpeen, ye thief o' tbe world,' Bays I, ' by mieoalliog a daoenl man out of bis name like tbal ?' eayi I. I gave him all that, mite, an' a dale more, tbougb I've forgotten it be now, for tbe Kyans were always f amoae for tbe gift o' tbe gab I " If you (aid all tbat to Ibe poor marine I think yoa gave him oonoidorably more than joa got," says MIHS Penelope, " aad BO yoa may ory pcaoe. OD down, uow, Timo thy, and mako it np wilb him over your beer.' Timothy, though bfill gramblio^ ia HO ondi rtoae death and deBtruotioa upou tb hated BaBBenkob, retires dutiounly, olofiu the door bebicd him. " Now, Penelope," lays Mies Pritcilla with an air of relief, glancing at tbe peiiB und i-jk, at which Monioa'n heart faila her Hhe baa DO doabt whatever about tbe au awcr being a refOBal, bu: a aad feeling thai ibe dare make DO protest rendera ber doubly sorrowful. " Daar me," Bays Miea Penelope leaoin back m ber chair with pen well poUed between ber uagers and a general air ol pleased reoollcc'.nn full upon her. " It aounda qaite like old times, doesn't it, to be invited to tbe Barracks at Clonbree." " Qoitf," aaya Mias PriRollla with an amoaed smile. " Yoa remember when the Whiteboya were to troublesome, in oar dear f .v.ber's time, wbat lite the cfficera Btatiorjed here then Ibrew into tbe country round. Bach route, such dance-, such kettle-diamal Yoa can still recoiled Mr. Browne can yoa not, Prifioilla ? that fashionable you man !" " Yoa have tbe beat right tc remember him," eaya MifcaPriaoillain a meaninfitoue. "It would be too ungrateful cf yon it you did not, ooQtidcnug wbat a life yoa led him." And at tbia the two old ladies break into hearty laughter and shake their beads re proaobfully at each other. " Yoa know yoa broke his heart," aaya Miaa Priaoilla. " Tall UH abaol it, aautie," saya Kit eagerly, who ia alwaya sympathetic where romance ia cor. corned, but tbe old ladiea only laogh the more tu tbi-i and Aunt Pris cilia tells her bow her Aool Penelope WM a very naughty girl in ber time and created bavco in tbe affections of all theyoang men that oame within her reach. All this delights Aunt Penelope, who laogba eouanmedly and ouhes feeble pro- Mat with ber band* agaiusl Ibis testimony, "Poor fellow 1" she rays, sobering down presently and looking qaite; remtn lul " It IB unkind to laagh when bin am ii mentioned H* was Hi lul in the Indian Ma my loug afterwards, i>i a moail gallant charm." 1 Yea, indeed," aaya Miaa Priacilla. " Well, well, things will happen. O OD with Ibe answer now, Penelope, an the man is waiting and it ia wo'ully late." Monica trembles, bat Kit atartn into lifa. " Ob, don't refuse, Aaot PrUeilla!" sbe cries, darticf from btr Mai and throwing aic BT arms ruuui Alias Blaha'a ueok. ow I I do to want to no, wbeu I bave got my invitation, tu-d all." .-Bat " U ji.j Miss Prifcl'a, where- upon K<>, Ugb f uLii -f! h < bold i n ber ucok wilb a vi-.v to ataji'-ti furlLer objection, neaily strauglea her. -No ' >.ut ,' ' ne s) i liireutingly, "re- , ber ho* dinapfointed I was about Mtdm O OoLUor's. and fce good <o ma now." "Ble-H tbe o'.ill !" breukic,ut Misa fria- oilla, lii.viuur.-ouciJ i:er wiudpipti and so ved hur.-elf fiotn iiijtsnt atffjcation by .cOMaitg K-'t'" tttaj8 * E ^ lneu d"wiut{ * ne obtld dowu upon ber knee. " Wbat ia ebe talkmg aboui? Who ia ciag to refuse any- thiLg? I'cuelope, accept atones at one*, or 1 ehall be tquti z d tu death.' 1 Theu jcu will go?" exolaitua Monica i lit ti<g tli>- *rctp coar ibe davrtport, and turiiut; tr.l.UU eye* upon ber aunt*. " Oh, I UUl HO glttdl'' " Wby, we are dyio^ to tea the inaile of tbo lUrran again, >iur Aual Psceh-pe and I. etptcUlly your Auut Penelope," s>a Midi Blake, wiiu a )y gUcco at ber biattr. who i-< pli;.ly!-io;u i:. "btOUWI >ha h^Ji tender rtocllso'.i UB ub-ul ber la*t vi-H "o '3, now, P/iilU ! ' sy* Mis Pc-nolope modestly but wih l:.-oa cDpymenl cf ih> oho. Af'cr which n aectpta^ce of bis ki-d invitation ia mitten to C-i-iain Cjt- bell and buue to bint ty tbe dwtrovM of Ximotby'B peaw. CQAPIER X Fo^ t to t rxl few daya tbe on ia o;>i ipien ooe ty its absence, and Jupiter To-iais willi ail bis noiy train, is ubroad. there ii uotLiug but ram everywhere aud at all huurH. acd a oor'.ain oui 1 hooompai yiog it tbal makPB ote believe (wi'.b " Klia," ia il not ?) tbal " a bvl lammer ia bal winter painted green." But wben Friday dawns all nature it glorious. O'er sea aid Und there floats a brigluiie H iudcronbible, wi'.b no tl ok or II iw upv.i its beauty. No teara Vim tbe aveet Ioo\ tbat Nature wetra. bal ratber a binile ia on leaf aud flower aod wavicg bra?ken. And ou Monioi, too, aa wi'.b, n'ai eyea acd parted lipa aba etepj lightly into tba abadow of tbs old porcb at Mcyne No sweeter preei-Loe ever lunorcd it. b dre-cad to day in a pale t lie b ttia'.e tliui ri?ala iu boo tbj delicate azure of tba skies above ber. Her lar^e bUok ba ia a uja.-a ct 6(/iu:rb lace, ber losg glovea ire ot tbe ec.e tombre shade, and to are her aboes, tbongb relieved by bucklta. \Vitl tbat smile npcn ber lipa and tbe sabduei expectation iu her oyta, tbe looks tbe \et Bouitication ct all tbat ia tendrr, pure ant lovable. Tben tbe otrriage doea oouio round, and they all get into il and Matt for the:r seven uiilc diive, a vs/y alow acvin miles, at Ibe end o' wbiab they ncd ibemeelvoa iu tbe tioiaU town ol Oioobree, mouLtiug tbo ateep bill that leads to ibe Btrrake, wkioh a:e plaeed on a most unsavory emiueuee. Euterii'g tba email barrack >ard tin^iug a door bcapitatly open, the M.IUCI Blake go up a wood-, a staircase aud pre Mutly tiud themaelve^ on tbo Unduif-pUoo above, wberotbey are wtlwuied tflcu.velj by Mr Uydv, wbo ia lacki: g bigger and botu-r ui.a atoarer tbau O'inal. Captain Cobbstl ia tbe largest tcom tbcro arc bul two nv^UU. iu tbeae roatie barracks i ttytog vainly to find a com fortable cort.er for old Lad> Bos.mjyDe wbo ia botb deal aud atnpid, bni who, feel ILK i) ber duly to auppori on all ossavatoue (bulb feitivendG!heri) tbe r-iuisrie of ber (jjeer, has aeeepbd ibis invitation aud i< uow heartily terry for ber 1 >yalty. Ha glad you've come I We ware in despair about yon ; bul bettor late never, eb ? ' aays Mr. K)do tu afonioat, wilb a fat i>mile. There is rather n>nob of " too solid tlarli " about bia faae. < I dare bar,'' **1 B Mouio very vaKUcly. Siie in loikiagauzioualy around her, hoping, )et drcadicg, IJ fcee Deemond. tbe nexl rooui can be heard tbe sound ot B.U4.0. "My Queen " ia beii'g played very prettily npon a pikto by tomebody. Daooicg ia evidently fcoiog on, and Idoaiea, wbo alorea il, feala her toes trembling in ber sboea. May I have tbe pleasure of tbia? ' aays Mr. Hyde. " I ve kept il for yon all along, you know. If you tell ma you bave already given it away, 1 tball feel myself aggrieved, indeed." 1 \Vai there ever HO silly a joins; man ?' tbiuka Monica, aud tban she says aloud " No, it i noli r.tniaed," and lets bim plaoe bia arm round ber and reluctantly mingle with tbe otbar dacoera. To do him jaatli be waltzes very wall, this tat young marine so il cannot be said tbal she baa altogotbe a bad lime, and sbe oertsinly fesla a littl glow of pleasure aa she pauses presently t r.ojvcr ber breatb. Aa she doea no, ber t-yes real ou Desmond lie, too, IB daueicg, and witb Oiga Bobun lie is whimpering to uia partner, wbo ia whhperii >; baok to him i j a aomowhal pro noai.c:d fabion, and altogether be ia look ing radiantly bappy, and anything but Ibe difco joeolato awain Monica has been piotur ing him 1C licraell. A pang eboots tbrouKb Monioa'H bear! He can be aa bappy, tben, witb one prelt; woman as wilb another 1 Bbe by no meaua you will seo, dcprtoiatea ber owu ebarnas All ha wants ii to bavo " t'other dear charmer away." At tbia moment fcha enoonutera bia oyec aod anawen hia glad Mart o: turjri-c wilb a little t>o .rulul lowering of ber lids. Well, I bad LO idea il was iu ber," aaya Mr.. Bohun, in a breathless aortof manner wben Monioa haa quite vanished. " AH tba was ni uui for you, you kuow : and bow well she did it I ' Bat why should il be moacl (or me 1 Wbat bave I doue tbal she sbould BO ill-aai me ? ' aaya Desmond, also breatblesB. " Ac( you speak of ber as if you admired ber and she ought to ba praiaed for htr oonduot wbeu yon hive jnot heard from my owi lipa bow devotedly I am attached to ber I' " I Oinnol belp admiring geniua wben 1 see it," saya Olg witb a gay laugh. " Bbe made np bar mind naughty little to make yoa miserable a minute ago, and she succeeded. Wbat can compare wilb suoce a I Bul in very truth, Brian," tap ping bia aim familiarly with htr fan (an aotuu Moutoa notes from tbe other side pi the room), ' I would tee yoa a victor and in this otnse. Bbe ia aa worthy of you at you ot her, and a fig (or one'a muaina and Bis- ters and aunts, wben Cupid loads tbe wa>y.' Bbe haa thrown up ber bead and ia look- ing full ot ppirit when young Bonayne, ap- proaching her, aays, cmilirg: Tbia ia onr dance, I tbinkiMri. Bohuu ? ' It it T 8a t*r, PC good I" She turns again to Brian, " Faint heart never won fair lady," she aaya warniugly. Yon were talking about tbat pretty Bereiford 1" saya Bonayne, tu Brian movoa awn. Yes. But, sir," archly, " how dare yon see beauty iu any woman wben I am by?" Oh, tht I could tee you really jealoni nd of met" returns be half sadly, looking at her with longing eyea. "If I thought I could make your bearl ache for even one eborl minute, I thould be tho happiest man alive." Boy, joa mean 1 Ob, traitor I Ai.d would yoa bave mo miserable for yonr own gratification ?" It would be for yours Uter on. For .ba; c:." moncant yon would gain ilava 'orever." " And u'il' (-. I am wretched for tbal ona m men*. I o- not i:.nn my tlavef" You know the answer to Ibst only too :, r. tu i. be nub i-o mooh forvor tbal abe r- fusiH r (l oiuiiiiuu Iba dieusi-ion. " Ta king of jaalouj ," abe Rky*) hulitly, with a aiia glauoe at bim, " il is ibe dream of my life to make Bisamoyne jaaloui lo rednca him to absolute snbri.i-mon. He la so cold, BO precise, > o English tbat il would > qnite a triompb to drag bim si ona'i chariot wheels. HI. I be able lo do it ?'' "laappoee so" ba : ay a in answer to ber, bat slowly aud repr> oohtolly But I nao: bi\e help." >}- OV* u.utt In -! in Y u ! i: lift?' 1 1? ' witb rlio. g I .| : i.. " W' >'. abould I bavo to do i h u? ' ruucb.yel 1 o-ual up.'U juu. Wby, who Jo you think I ttm goii'g to muko him jaalous about, eh?" llownbou'dl kaow ?" llowsb-uldu'c you? Wny, il ia of ycu >cn 1" with quite udelieiuu-i little laugb. M Bo TOQ will ban to dauoa around after rue all day for tba future until your mission ia lulu'led. H.L-I try to Icok as if you re .li> lov..d me." "You bave mistaken your inau,'' Fayti R>ny re quietly, " you must get aomu cue 1 1 i M telp you in tbii matter I it not fo. ma, i,vuu if I did LOI leva you. I thould B>ooru roli,w a tatk ' "L JVB ia an idle word," ehs aaya, ber U lu.y bo- tj Fomo. Bal I tell jou thai co tnuti'H heart i-i ot fo pa-jr valu-3 tl. itciu be flasg hither aod tbi her at a oco't- i Itatu e -ho, n >t even at the pleat ure f ILO oxiau he sdoies. Y m ili i-eik totna tcore couiplaiaut l.ver to b.- vour dupe on ibia ocoti<>n I dcolii.e the < tfi;.. You (jr^'-( h';w y u fp;k, i-ir ! ' the attni roui'j. brak'-b to j-c-bi.t dav >,ely, siia dowu on tbe ullcf tbe wicduw tu U gBi.'s blankly iato tbe birrtoH yid below. Roraityue'a beart ii full o! bittTucsa he triei io swear lo himtelt tbat for the fu.urc be will eieanae hi-j heart ot thia ccq jette, wbo cares no more for him nay !..-'! -n- ih n bhe doea for her little toy terrier. Ye:, even as tlu-e stern re<olv.*s Keck v.r.ly t ) root them=e:v a n in his bret hU eyes turu aga>in to the room btjondauc make pearch for tha Btrtu wbo U bin undo iijg. Bhe ia atill, of course, with U >Btu.oyr.e acd ii all em'lia and pretty blushea, acd i evidently both ooutenl and bappy. " I am fool a madnat !" to saya t biuibelf, B.I d even aa be aaya il bis eye light on On KMIy. wbo, by obacee, ia looking at bim, toj. CroiiiDg the room, tbo la'.tcr (va tbout(h drawn by tbi melancholy eyea tb&t bave mot hi-) POOU reaches tbe window where Booayna btauds dieOuneolate. ' \Vcy BO pile and wan, fond lovc-r?" be lavs gaily, but witb ao kindly an i at jaal on that even tbe mott pugnacious OuulJ no take utabra^K at il. N '-, Mr. K lly's knowledge on all mat id a is io clear and ireciee tbat Rjaayne docB uot dream ot dtotiving bim in tbu matter. " Ol oouiBe yon will laagh tt me,' be says, "bat somehow I don't mind yonrridi oule moob. Il means only tbi-t, tbat I bavi jiat fonnd onl thai she oarea co'.hiug at all for me." 8bo, b(iit-g Mra Bjbun? Wit 1 , uay dear lad, if au elderly geutlsman'a exptrie:.oe ia ot any me t > you, yoa may hav ii obeap. : bi.. vj fehii oarea a great deal for you L).ksra-ou MS) most ot tba gamu and would back yon againat H)ianioyce an] day." " Yon sue a very good fellow," aaya Ulie K jnayce, " tbe beat I kuow of, but I under stand jou. Ton are only aayiog that to oo&tole EDO," " Iam not, io faith. I say it because think il." " I wi b 1 could think it. Try! 'Kat nrt yon dpu't enoeed, you know, follow onl the inestimable Wall' advice and 'try aguin.' There's no'.Li i lib it; it get* to be qaito a game in b loogroa. I lbok my stars," lingbing, " bave never been a >lve to tha ' patbetii tallicy' cillid IJVB ; yet il baa ita good poinli, I -tj pj-. ' II baan'l, ' saya Ilau yue gloomJy. You terrify ma," aays Mr. Kelly, "be oauae I feel positive my day is yet to aome, and wilb all Ihia miury be'ore me I feel eaieidal. DJU'I, my dear fellow, don'l look like tlal .' Oive ber np I QJ and fsll in love wilb some lillle girl cf your own age or aveu yonogsr." ^Tbe-evan" ia offaniiva, bsl Ullo ta toi far gone in melancholy to perstive it. " II ia too late for that kind of advice," be styr, " 1 waat btr, and her only. I don'l know bow lo describe it, bat " ' There are obcrda,' " quotas bi. friend gravely. " Jut ao," saya tha miaerable Bonayna, qait* aa gravely, which so opaeta Ihe gravity ot bis companion tbal It is vilb difficulty be oonoualu hta ill-timed mirtb. B] Buying, Kelly turns aside, and, having gone a atep or two, finds himself face to (aoi witb siias Uaresford. "Tois) danee ia ours," ba Mays mendaci oaaly.kuowiagwcll ibis la Ibe brat lima they have met lbi evening. Moniea laobi. To be angry witb so sad a viaaged mam aa Owen Kelly would be cruelly. " I am glad ot il," aba a\ya, " because do not vraut to danoo at all, and I thick yon will not mind tilling witb me and talk ing witb me for a lillle while." "You remember ma, tben?" be sa; abiding bit glaaa from one eye to tbs other and telling tunnel! she U as pretty aa aheta wise. "I tbi.-k so," shyly, yet with a merry glauee, "yoa are tba) Master K'lly. of Kelly's Grove, County Antrim, wbo is tba bright and shining light ot tbe Junior Bar.' "You do, indeed, know me," ratu-na he mildly. " ' Thy iKideaty'a a oindle to thy merit,' " qaotca ahe wiakedly, is a low tone Mr. Ktilytetta bimadt besido her. "I t.ncpcse it is my mission lo amnie you," be nays calmly, " Ai 1 dare to) make love to you " Wby not ?" aaya Monica<|aite snoilmly For one tbiig, you would uoi listen tc me; aad for another, I don't want my head broken." I know few knighlH would till a lanoo for me, 'ahe ayr, and K&lly, glancing at ber, feeU a quick desire rise within him to rcatore snnehlne to her perfect fao:. "One knight ebonld be enon(h for auy ono, even Ihe fairet ladye ia the land," bo eaya. " Truo : but wbat ia to be for her w bo has none?'' auks she, patboa in ber eyea, bat a smile upon ber lipa. "Bbe rcmt be a very pcrveno miiden wbo baa that vtory to tell," retnrna be, and then, teeing aba baa turned ber feoj away trcm bim, ho goe.i on quietly: You know every one bare, ot ocarto." Indeed, no, Tbe very names ot moat aro unknown tome. Tell me about them, if you will." About tbal girl over there, for instance .' ' pointing to a dingy looking girl in the dta tatcc, whose face ia aa like a button at it well oau be. Tbat ia Alias Laker," siyB Kelly " Fil- thy Luoro is, I believe, the name aha u-.u ally go^a by, on account of ber oOtioua oupalatablenea) (my own word, yon will nolioi ) aud ber overwhelming affection for o ,i'j smill and great." Bbe lo^ka very untidy," atys Mouioi. Bbe doss, indeed. She ia, too, an in veterato obatter-boi. Bhe might give any Fellow olds and beat bim. I don't believe myaalf there is ao much as one comma in tier CQUJ[I iMtiou." Poor girl I Wbat an exertion it mutt be l btrl" Mustn't II? Especially, nowadays, when oue cever goes for much, rr.al hard ork of any kind being enob a bore. Tnat'x nr rautbcr bcnde her. She is always iseHe ber. Fit little woman, d'ye tee? ' Yen. A nice, motherly locking woman, Bhe (" > eniH to bo." " Bbe ia fickle." 11 H lie iuy well ba dabbed <>. i id ied, i' be dt sea- bim al his >-oreil m'od. But a< rslaheii failhful, aa sbe ouxtil t> b, to ha Kindest, Ibe Mnsersa! fellow npon arlb" " Bineareat ?" Ai thia repetition, aud the flua sneer thai a:ojmputas it, esoapea bar, ibe be ocmes aware Ibat Desmond himself baa o ni:o to Ibo toot of Ibe uSairs and iagaiing .1 I.IT reproacbfullv. " II re in fickle Fortune'* favorite liter Ulv B; our faet," mys Utreu Kllv ; and, jet >ro Mcuioio-' - 1/ >. \t'jiii)>, Brian haa mounted tUi) two lief j Hint lio between htm uut ber, aud iial ber aide. " K I may not ilauo wnb you, may I ul lea* I talk t-j you for moment or twj ? ' be says, Lurrif Jly. " Corlaiul)'," with ooll surprise. " I don't thick Iliree (if us could eil togothor ooutortably OD tbia ona ttep," aaya Mr. K"ll>, witu n thoughtful nUuoe al it f'lunuaione " cift even if we (Zdd up to eaob Q'.htr ever ao much aud I u a kfraul," mournfully, " Miaa B<ircbford uiitib.1 cot l.kj thai, either. Would y -u, Min Brrcstord ? ' " N )t ui'joh,'' Hyt Miaiea "Bal why need yoa Hiir? Mr. UjernoudbajasKed a Ibe uioet f or two uiouirut-i ; tuay will go quickly by : in fai'," unkindly, " I bhould tbick they are already gone." " A'd > os b bi not begun hia talk.' Mk<- liistc, D^mou'l Time, tide, end Ui-iB Bjratford wail for no man. Hurry I we are all ou the tiploo of ixptotatiou Aa Mr. Kllyaaya!tll tliu iu a breatb, be encoursfcer D Btnoii'l generously to "oome on 'by a wavo (f li-li'til; whareufou Brian, who it u t i i liu aveetest mojd, dirto's a gUt o: at Lira that ou^ht to auinli.U'e any r.rj.uurym 10, butia thrown wy upon Kelly, who i- lire proof. " Home other tiui ., tht-b, as I disturb you uow," saya Oiiiu, hiugUtily, idlrcaeitg binatl( poiulelly lo Muuioi. " By no meace," aayi hia whilom friend, rising. " Take my |Uc : tor your two mcmsuta uot ateoandlouiier, remember I I feel witb gtiet that Miss Barestord will probably hailjhs exohiiuge ' of partners with r*p'u'e. "1'ra'k 1 > )" Bacon, ' ia but a UnkliDg ^Ibil, where there ia nc love ;' aol a*> sba would not lei me ci* 4 OJUTI-B on n v topics len-lercr than Ihe tolar ayetetn aid tbe Channel Tunnel, 1 have no doabi abe hai lju j i it vary alow Now, yon will be tbe er other thing qaite! ' Witb tun speech, BO (all ot ecnbarraaHcg possib lines, h bowa to M;nto, amilaa al the gloomy Daimcud, anl finally witb draws himielt grioofully from their viaw Not witbonl uclmviog bia end, however they bo:h heartily wi:b bim baok again even while be ia going. " Wuat have I done ?" aika Daamoad abruptly, turning to Monica, wbo is gaz'ng in a rapt fL bual her large black fan. " D u'i a; hwer me liko that, Monica, have off <sndtd yea. loin eeethat. But bow Every mimrntof tbia wretched afternoon antil you ojkrua, I aptut wonderiug when ycu would srrin. And yet wben al lut did eae yoa, yoa woald voaebaafe me neither amile eor glance. In fact, yon looked a>a it you hated me I" ' Every moment 7 ' iardonioally. " Every one." - BTBB *k ja*ajr,",>. with Mra Bohon J To lave ber life abe oonU not call be " Olga " now. 11 Witb her ?" alariog in aoma aarpriae a bia icqaieitor. " Wall, it oertaiuly wasn' quite BO bd the wtitiog, I mean then Tbongh ttill, with my mind fall of yoa, * "Yoa were Indeed 1 ' interrupting bim hastily, with aouutemptuous amile. " Certainly I wai," the inrpriee growic deeper. "I wondrr jou are not Mhaiaed lo al there atd conkaa it,'' ta>ya Mies Bercaford tiuddeuly, witba wralbf ol flaah in ber eye* " I shall kuow bow lo bd.evo you again To tay one taiig lo ma one day, aoi acolber ttlrgto another person another day, aod -" Hera sbe fi ode a diffionlly ia wiodiogap tfaia citraordioary epeecb, so aha aay t, Lurnedly, "It ia horrible !" What i* barrible ?" bewildered. i To be contlmied ) SB Jr. ata (PnaBsflaarruoi) la Chicago ) Daath dorm briber ma ball u oMeb aa life do**, ksl V>ju aa taka an *mt,ft ocffli and rbakc it aid frighten nine-teotu. of tbe Chriatitcs out of tba oily. They're mere afraid ol death tban I woald like to aay of tbe devil, but they aia't afraid ot tbe devil. (Lugbler ) I don'l believe in death bed repjntanoe. I know a minialer tbat all ba'e gaod (or ia tc marry tba living and bury thi dead. I'm not much on whiniu' around nick bed* ; I want tbs live, kicking lellowa to work ee. (Langta tsr and applause) It's an inaull to Ood lo taru over your aid, worthless oaroaee lo Him when yon've ajat no further uat for it (Lkagbtar.) Yon abaka a fal towovtr a oKfflu a lime or two and ba runs bat no) f row sin ; he's running from the eaffio. FaopUtalk aboot death-bed repent acea, aod toco, they bring in tbe thief on iba erosa. Tst only befa nine-tenths oi yon Uhrutiani hava IB tbat somebody will saddle up tbat tbiet and let you get on hia back and go loping into glory. (Qrea laughter and applause, followed by at ecoore) Ii'ai dugraoa. I'd be aahamed to go loping In on tba back of a thief (Renewed laughter/ I admire the grit of tbo man on.bi* dumb-bed who.ia given straight to tbe devil and ia too brive to inanll Ood with bia old, worth leia body, liks a cowardly puppy. (More laughter.) I won't limit the mercy cf God bnl yon tbtl bay* bad ten thousand obauoea dou'l bring up that thief I Heavan i- tbe borne ot men wbo bave bail! ebarac ter on eartb. Aa loag as Cornelina Tan- derbili o-uidoonoool a railroad schema be oared Dotting for Qod, and at last, after bii last dollar was raade, the old sinner turned to bit wife to ting to bim, ' Dome, YeBiunera,' and I believe a good divine prcachol him into tbe kingdom. (Lingbter ] The only oUim Vanlerbilt had for heaven waa tbal bo aaked bis wife to sing bim a guod aoLg to watt bim irlo glory. I dou'l believe in any anob nonsense. I believe yoa bave got to be prepared to go iheie." Why !,.. Hare KM* ! I.M.I r K HI r in observed among all Christian people OB tho auuiveriary of Ibo great tvent ol the rehurreotion of Obriet. Be was dead, bul returned to lite. The egg is Ukeu at emblematio of k return to life. It is In atl |/\>fra,Loedoad, if plao:d a ider i r i er conditions, life vtili o..rm fcrtb fiom it. Tbe use ot eggB at Kipter was adopted Irom an usage oidar than cur cr-.. In waa the custom m vary early times to celebrate Iho return ot [irm / by m.ikiog preaento ol ogga. " Why doea not ater alwaya tall npon a fixed day ; Christmas is always on December r.tb, why should not Eistcr be fixed with equal o.'rtainty ?' Eutcr must alwaya be ou Sunday. It is not a partion lar dale tbal in observed, but a particular Bunday. IIow to deoids opon the Bnnday, gavo the very early cbnrobea much trouble, on 1 there were differences on tbal aooouul, bul Ibe matter waa nettled at a council held at Nice, iu tbo year 325. Tho rule adopted Ibat: " Eieter day is always tl u first Sunday alter the full moor, which huppans npon or next after March aiat, and it tbe full moon bappcnton a Sunday, Ettr day is tbe next Bandty after. This liver Eaater day a wide range of datea, aa Itmayoceoron any Sunday from March 2'23d to April 25tb. Policeman Gail, of 8). Panl, tramps hia teat insboes tbatare eighteen inches long and aii inches oroai uoroa:< Ihe aola. They are not too lrj;8. Witboha-toterlitlo bildniaa Lord Rtn- d)!ph Oburobiil made it a claim on tbe attention of bis bearers ID one of hia TTister peeehex that ba wan a deaotudaut of }tlr. ngb, ' lot great Mioinler win oandal tna onion belwepn Great Britain md Irelaud,' and of lhat Daksbt Marl- uroogb wbo. " aa one ot the generate tf William of Oraoga.oompleted the oonqaeat f Ireland Irom Ibe adherents of King James." ttui ^ TOPICS. Mu T M. Hm v is the enfant ttrriblt ot the British House ot Ojtamour, and baa ttdded maio wurdn than acy cthtr meui- bar lo the I*a;ii*aieutary luilex Kxpurg*- t :iu' liialutt o.irtribuiiun iu thiH retpiol la tuo word " wisetore," wbiob Mr. Speaker has forbidden bim to apply any more to tha Ohairmau of Way* &nd Meana. Khioxu who bavo a tuperatitiona die.d of Friday will uot be plaaeed to learn tbat tbu id thoroughly F:iday year. It ouio in ou a Friday, will go out on a Friday, aud will have fifty-three Fridays. There arc lour inoulha in the year that have five Fridays each ; ehungea cf tbe uioou occur live timaa OD a Friday, aud tha lougeat aod ahorteag day ot tbe year asob fallsi on a Friday. A UAUIILK tablet, with portrait in baa- relisf, sculptured by Ilavard Thomas, baa been ortoled in Bristol Oatbedral by public eubaoriptiuu ia memory of Mr. Frederick J l-'i f .ii -. (Uugb Ojnwa> ). The tabln beam a suitable inscription, aud tbe following liuea by Mr. Comyne Oarr : Hi udlcbj of fame that wae or was to be, No \\.i.l of ours may roach bim \vhere be lioa beneath the gliiumug vault of Houtbern lklc, In tlruauileaa tleej> bceutu s u luleaa sea. THE L>ne do not propjto to have any deoeptiona iu tbair batter napply. A law euaotel in Denmark lt year oanapelB all maketa and sellers ol adulterated, imitation and b.'KU-i batter to pi.ok i) iu elliptical tuba, conspicuously marked " margarine," and i u i .Li; infractions ol the law by a flue ol from 200 io 2,000 krouera (about S.' 1 to t&40) The ci.uotu.tut waa forced by the ttgrciltural tlemenl o? the country, despite tbe oppoaition by tbe bogoi bulter people. AM English clergyman, Bsv. Freeman Wills, vicar ot 8 1. Agatha*, Finabury avenue, ban set going three batcher shops in London, to eupply the poor with good and wholesome meal at reasonable prices, aud haa demonstrated tbat be can make a pronl upon Belling not only American beat and New Zialaud uiuitoj, but even Kng liah beet and mottoo, at figares averaging 20 par cenl. Icaa than tboae demanded by the regular butcbera (or tbe sime quality ot meat. Local butchers in oom|utition wilhbMebopa have bad to make large reductions in their prices. Tbe reverend gentleman IB a brother ot Mr. W. 0. Wills, tbe dramatiet, IT ia annoucoo J tbat Meaera. Appert, cf Olioby, Franca, hava diacovered a proeen thst will make glasa blowing by the month unneoeaaary. fifany altempla have been made to get rid ot thie painful process in tbe operations of glaaa making, bul to Ibia day, ia every bottle bouse, may b j aeen pale-faced men with their cheeks hanging limp in tol:la, Ihe result ol yeara ot glass blowing by tbe mouth. Caeea bave been knowu in which men's checks have been worn ao thin tbal they bave actually cracked, and it la a common aigbt ia boltle-hoaae to aee blowers at work witb their thin cheeks puffed oat like the fingers cf k glove. " THIBI ba honeel kiaiea, oiculum ehuri tatii, friendly kiaaat, modeet ktaaes, vestal virgin kieee, cffloial aod oeremonial- kissea," says Ibe author of "The Anatomy ot Melanebolj.' Loudouera have, accord- icg to letters j ublisbcci in the metropolitan papers, been trying to fi-.il oat to which category be'ong tba kii.esi given in Ibe garret wbiob.it is alleged, are a feature ol Knrflitb Bacdty Sobcol loirtei Tbe most interesting resale of tbe disojstion ia Ihe Daily Ttlifrafk i editorial, which defecda kuwing ae a peculiarly English tradition, a&d wkieh wa< heldio binb esteem in Ibe daya of Elirjteth. Grraimar, in one ol bis lettera to Fauilna, telu bim " Ibat it ha could raaliBe tome ol tba pleaiaol cuulome ol Brilaia be woald baslcn Ibilhar with the speed of Mercury to etjoy ibe obliging kiodneaa of onr Ebglieb lasaaB with heavenly faoea. Wherever yoa go there is nothing tut kUitr, and if you, Faostui.bad bnl taated them, ou mybocor, you would wish to reside ben not for ten years only, but for year lite." "II ie," remarks the Daily Tttf graph, " thia practice ot onr Elizabethan BDeeetore not to be imitated, al leant not witb impunity, amongst tha boat of modern revivals which neoegaitated tba use ol 'kiaaing com flic,' sugared and tertumed to add fragranoa to tba breath, and, aa a matter ol course, referred to by Bbakspaare, tbe all-rcflteling minor ot bia time." EHOHOB ia already known of tbe results ot tbe German oeoaaa taken on December Isl laal to enable Otrman atatiatioiana aid publicists to inilitute oompariaona and draw lofcreuoea at to tbe relative growth of popo'ation in the various countries ot Europe. During tba last fiv* years the population ot Praeaja has increased by 3.7V per oeot. This ia uot aa high a rate aa daring tbe preceding qaic qaennial periods. Oaring tbe 18 years from 1867 tolBdSthe population of Proaaia bad increased by 17.67 per cent., which gives an aniual average increase cfOUlS per oeol. Tbe annual rate of increase in Anstria-Hungary during Ibe 11 years from 186'J lo 18SO (no later flgnraa are available) waa only 0.49. In Italy tbe annual iuoreaae tor the decade 1*71 was 060 per oenl. In France (omillini Algiera and Ihe colonies) Ibe annual rail olmcreaee tor tbe 15 yeara from 1HC6 to 1881 waa 0.15 percent. ID Uroal Britain and Ireland, for Ibe deoade from 1871 to 1881, tbe annual iaereaae was 1 01 per cent. In European Raeaia, including Finland and tbe Jjjn Cosaaok*, in the 1: jearatrom 1867 to 1880, the average annua increase waa 1 38 per eent. MiXNiAPoua ia anxioaaly waiting Ibe result of eiperiments with a " coda motor," which the inventor claims wil rivolotioniie Btroet-oar traffic, and wbo thus explaina ita workings : " A Bailable quantity of properly diluted aoda raiaed to i:i. boiling point (12'J)iB placed In a closed tank in intimate contact witb tbe ateam boiler tilled witb steam and water in Ihe ntnal proportion and at the working prea sure. On tha opening of the throttle steam parti o- t'.to the cyliudem, doea ita work, and passes into Ihe soda aolut ion through Ibe cihaudt spipa, which coda in a perforated tube extending through the ecd, the remaiLioK heat boing absorbed into Ibe latter. 'When tbeeodai* 10 dilute thU it cm no longer maintain tbe difference of tempsr&turo neceeaary to make steam, the soda lye ia discharged aud a no* charge of hot oondemed coda taken in. Tbia opera tion requires about five miuuten, and ia Oillcd roobarging. II bae .o be done on an avenge onoe in aix bocm. Tbe operation ot tbo engine is preeiiely tbat ot any Eleam engine, except that there is no cxbauHt i: to the air and uo fire nor amoke con- nected witb tbe boiler. H team is produced without fire by the heal generated ID the aoda lye which surrounds tbe boiler, and Ibe txhausl steam la led Irani tbe cylinder directly into the nods lya iuatead ot into tbe air. Tbu* a working prenure is maintained without auy ot tbe objection- ab'e vapors appearing, aa in tbe ovo of ibe ordinary motor, for tbe simple reason tbat there ie no vipore to appear." t Iliinioi ll hn> H >r tln'ix I hn,i k ln Mark Twain baa oo: lerred auotlur bon mot OD hid generation. At a recent dinner arty Ibeaubjeoiof eternal lite and f.iture lui.i'iLmenl oame up tor a lengthy dioua- ion, in which Twain took no part. A lady Dear him turned nuddeuly toward bim and xolaimrd, Wby do yoa not nay anything ? I want 'onr opinion." Twain replied, gravely : " Madam, yon nusl rxoma ma. I am silent of necessity, have frienda in both places." Krit MfMAa FARM AND GARDEN. Itnpor ant Fuote About Cunatllun 1 Grown HINTS AS TO LIVE STOCK. (Compiled by a Practical Agriculturist.) <!..!. 11.11 Illll 11 >. It ia true in many waya tbat "what* man aoweth the same be shall leap." But in none ia il to literally true ai in regard tu seed planted to unr fields ; ne UIUBI aavo good seed il wo are to have good grain. Now tor many year* paat Ontario haa had good barley ihe bant on tbe North Anerican eontineut, an would appear from tbe fact thai ii IIH beou able to beut in United BlaUB markets that grown by onr dear couaina acroaa the line with a heavy duty levied on it. Having trained a firal- olaeo btaodiug for it Oauu'iau farmers should be careful to ciAiniaih IH reputation Thia they will uo' do abould they fail to aow good aped iu their nlda." And that they may fail to BOW moli nfd in 188U we nuderstand them is eocio J>nger. New varieties known ua " MonBury" and " Kua- aian" bulay are, we understand, btirg taken up iu aoma quarter*. The only reason we oiu bear alleged in that il yields more freely. Whether tbix theory IH cor reel or incorrect we oannot, hay puitively Bat there aeems to b3 no rioubt tbat even should there ba u K*iu iu quantity it wil ba more than losti iu quality ; and that tbe loan in quality will eulail tbe lota of oar msrket. We mait tlet.sc oar ouatomera it we would floilbuyir.'. That " Menanry " bar ley will not please Amerioau buyers seema cerlaia from oumtuunioationa now belon na. Mesura. Sohaefer A Bra., of Boffalo aay : " It la now need only by malatera who make a cheap malt for ale brewers and then only taken wben the bailey ia toll cheap. YOU (Oanadiant) bave tb beat and moat deeirable and profitable rowed barley seed on the Amenoaa oonti neot for both farmer and brewer. It yon change il for tbia worthless atoff, the Men Bory kind), yoa will coon destroy tbe gco rvputatiou and maltisg value of tbe Caua dian barley." Mr. Tbaoker, ol Albany ayi: "The brewera who have naed whom I have beard from and talked witb with the exception ot a aiogle one aiy they want no mure ol it. I laoka angar, and beer made Irom it laoka keeping qualities." Meaara Bpann <k Cbandier, o! Buffalo, say : "Ou opinion ot tbo HHeuaury barley is thai i doea very well fcr a cheap barley ; it sell here 10 to 16c per bushel lower than on 6 rowed Slate, and only a very limilei demand. Oar best trade will not touch i al any price." And besides these leati moniala to tbe inferior quality ot tb "Mensnry" barley, there remains an a!mot eqoally aeriona objection behind iu the fao staled by Mr. Smith, ot Cleveland, Iba " In mailing il doe* not answer to u-.e i mued with Canada, as they are difleren varietiea and will not mall alike. In fae I find il ii not suitable for my trade, and do not waul to use il at any price." Tbe mixture of tbe two aorta will tbni kil both, and tbit fael alone abonll bo tnffi oient to act aa a bar to ita introduction into Can ads. In conclusion, j will cffer a few wcr Is from a couple of our own people. Mr. Mil oar, ol Bramptoa, in a letter to tbe Peel llinntr, aaya : A word aa to tbe relative price ol M.'ur-ury witb Canada will be InterejtinK. I'.ioo current issued by Meatrs. Brookt, of Pniiadelpbia, qiuKa Ctuada, H5o to 91.16 per bushel ; Meuaury i-t qaokd in the same circular at67o lo 73 j. Thna tbe lowest grada ol Canada com- mauda more money than tbe highest grade of Uentury. And oar great barley firm in Toronto, Meeara. W. D. Matthews A Co., write lo Mr. Milner as follows : Tne Menaory and Raaiian buley haa been extensively grown ia some parts of the United Slates, aud in their own mar- kets aa against tbtir ordinary variety ia aold al a discount of 10 to 30 eenta per buahtl. In fael, many ot the biith olaaa brewera and maltatera will not boy U, and if any section begina to abip theae varieties with other qualities it would result in a general loaa, and the prejudice would ezial tbat would taka a oouaiderabla time to overcome, even if ila growth were stopped. The leading brewera ia New York inform aiithebeer manufactured from Meunury and Kuanian birley ia of undesirable quality and much interior to wbl our bast barley, we have uautlly shipped, will produce and further tbat the quality of b:er obtained from it ia tolly 10 per cant, leaa in yield. From actual expcricLoa in onr malt- haueea wo know it doea not mall favorably, and therefore would not buy il even at a reduction of 18 oenta per bnbel uodrr tba value of tbe preaeol gradea. Uudcr lhee oiroumalaDoea we unhesitatingly give oar orinlon that il woald be a oaUmity to tbe country if our farnjera began to grow il. Tne American buyers are well nti 11 d witb wbat they are now getting, and it la aiwaya a good rule to let well JUOUB alone. II o in He rp H < Lit m I Imn. Oouplaiuta are frequent of Ibe impnr water of oiateroa. This ia inevitable nude tbe oarelcia managerxeDt of Ibesa uefu additions to Ibe waler r-upply, and is truillol source ol what ureoa.'ltd" malaria diaeaiea." A roof gatbera a large quantit of impore matter, dead inseoti, dropping ot birds, dact, deal leavo?, poll Irom trees, etc., etc , all ot whio re waabcd into tie cittern, anlea apme means are provided to prevent i Even tben tbe water abould be fliterc before it ii urol for culinary purpose* One way ot preventing foul matter Irom entering Ibe oiatern, ia lo hava theleade moveable, and swing from a waate pipe I Ihe oiatern pipe. ID dry weather the pip ia turned over tbe waate, and attar rain haa fallen for a anmoieul time to waah cf the roola and gutters, il is turned iolo tbe oiatern pipe. Tbe cistern ia provided witb aaottbriek wall laid ia cement, through which the water filter", coming onl by the pump peifeotly pure, and free from unpleasant odors. Lire MO. ii ! April. B>the the boraea' abouldera wilb cold water or brine aa qoiokaa tbe collar* coma off, before the sweat begins to dry, and rul off Iho collars and saddle-pieces with moist olotb. This will prevent sore vbonldera. All ohaugea of fool should be erailual, bat in proportion to the work, Ueavily taxed mueclea make demands on the stomach ; htuce, increase Ihe feed after work begioH never in anticipation. A home fed np before be fa galled lo work getn -oft ai.d fat. Be careful to protect horsea Irom draf ta when warm ; rub down, blanket, or let them stand iu close stablaa. OOWR at calvmg need little care, tbe leaa tbe better if in a looae bnx or the open field. "Faa>- IDR " over them ia ;>Iwaya provocative of injury Qive uo graiu, bat a loosening diel ot bran aud roots for aome dayp, and (re dually increase feed as feverish symp- nriiB pass away. K'.ep calves growing thriftily ; skim milk with a little linseed meal scalded and added to il as asabstl- Inte lor the cream, ii jaat as good for them as whole milk fed from the pail. Sheep mn<.| be kept in dry yaria or there will bo danger to their feet. Ewea with should hava grain daily, at least lutil they coins to pasture. Swine. fbofie who bay yonng pigs for feeding inoald bay none bal ball-bloods by a Berk- ibire, Yorkshire, Poland or other pure sire. Phf y grow faster and fatten with laaa feed. ."Ultry Reduce the atook of fowls M oon aa tbia year's batch is well provided or, bat bold on to old turkey and old thay gal used to the waya of tbi arm aud are worth maob mores* breedere baa yoang ones. Daoka also are good till i years old. A turkey ia iu ber prime al 6 .nd a goose at 20 Orrhard mail Frill (inr.li- i lor Jprll Al toon M Ireis, slirub), etc., ar< eoelved from the uunery, heel lo, t (., .emporarily bury iLt ir rooti with eartb at nuc9. Wbeu thin is done, planting may te lone at leisure. Prepare tbe aoil well by deep working witb pade or plough. In ,eu yeara aix properly planted trees will be worth more than a dozen Ibat ware N t as it they were posts. In digging ourcery trees many roota are out off. Off net this I y shot ituiug tbe top, cutting back each brat cu -re-third or one-bait. I ufruilful tresa Died mauore al tbe room, and opeuiLg or tbint-ii K oat of Ibe bead). II there ia co atrawbinv patch on tbe larm, make one. Never ni d the kind ; (lant tin; which can be n. '. readily bad. Any ia better than coir. Sj witb currants, raspberries andblackttr- riea ; make a beginning. Erery farm>r'a> family should have all tbe grapea it . eat. Plant a dczan vines ol the Oo&rxrJ now, aud alterwardH consider what betu r Tarietiosmay be planted. The COLC..K) will prodooe tolerable grapea in abuuda n , and oreato a taitto for aouuthing bei:ir Vint B may be net arouod th barns i.<t other cntbuildiugii, aud alocg the feneca. I iiw < ui:,)Mir'- I Village Life iu Kew York Post) " Djn't ever be diio^uraged witb UD unlikely boy or girl, bat BIU 'y oat what it i.t . d .->, and try, and kerp trying, and by aud by ycu will bit on tbe right thing to bring tbat weakly one along where be can begin to grow. It yen love him enough, I e may aom/j diy atacd al the beadot tbe hf<: claea. I alwaya say folks are like pitcher* ; there it a handle to every deposition it we cnly knew lie. w io take bold d it. Pleuty ol folka fail to influence their children beciue they get tired searching for that handle." I have (gathered up a few ot Miss CIQ- dace K uiitoollancoua sayioga whieb are aoikttered nmong tbe ueigbbora, aud theee cot tbe best : " There are seme folks like a bill of p:>tta toes : all tba green parl and the blows must die away or get killed by frost bite before yon nod there ia anything worth digging for underneath." " Toere are (oiks like tbe seraboak : they never know when to shed their leaves. I bate to see driod up youthful folliei k .d vanities hanging on to old paople." "There's aome tngar in a corn ilalk, and I expect there's about aa much sweet- oesa iu the dryent stick of a human being. It's cor loaa it w,- don'l know how to extract i." "I hear a good deal aald about living with the saiuta and angel?, bnl whan I go to tha other world I want to go to my own folks. I can leel wilb humanity, but 1 don'l know nothing al all about angel- inanity. "It yon believe in your work, year work will believe in you. If you are a abam, yonr work will kick like an old runty gun." A IMHIul KlHhl. Wbat sadder aight ecu oa imagined than Ibal ol a noble m.Uu, whom tbe world oao ill- afford to Bpsre, stricken down in tba priua of a oaefol life by c.Ltumpticu Tbouaandi are yearly filling oontumptiv> gravea who might be navad by Ihe timely cse of U;. Pierce'a " Ooldau Medical Un oovcry," wbiob ia a pcoitive cats for OOD hu i p. 10.1 in its early aiagea. Ilia tba tMtl alterative and pectoral in the world. AH drnggiat*. TJO wits of JjBsjjb O. Prioe.ot Chioaxo having been warned by a physician, that ahe might die at any moment Irom bearl disease, killed herself with a razor. ' Cocfiieatial advice, to either eex, on delioata diseaaes. Book 10 cent* m alaiupa. Addieas, Worlds Dispecsiary Medioal Association, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Abbe Ll-zt 75 yeara old, saya : " My fingers aro and Bolow, Baml Baeci, Kubinatein and Walter Bach play my oom poailiona much better than my dilapidated self. Mau'e inhumanity to woman makes oountleas tbcusanda mourn, would be an applioable rendering of Barns' line, in vi.w t tba indignities ahe has Buffered aud pame undergone al Ibe handa ot nmkilful physic aoa and qaacka.. Natarally modext ehe Buffered on until forced to eonsull a pbyi-icianCn g.rdicg come leccale difficulty which ahe well knowa ia aapping her atrength. All thia emburaaameDlean bo avoided and a cure effected by purehamog Lr. Pteroe's " Favorite Presoriplton " of your druggiai, aod takiug aa directed, Prioe redooed to ona dollar. Tbe Tt a ' 8 * t TUOJOD, Ariwa. Tirruory abut down and she- rrioeof thai pound. brought from Califorma DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND t t .1. 1 .1 ! T H K a- HI UK OF >KWSMMta -K<r l a collection or 3O packets of choice Flower Becili no two alike; Lent collection for run slant l>lomln K all Bumraor. A.Mrena A W POTTBB Newport, It. I. YOUNG MEN only. Something _.._._ yon all want. A JJaisy 40 ceiitw. Sample by Mail for IS cents (silver). Agents awnled. Uonaldaon <Jt Oo., Richmond 8>., Laodon, Oat. I CURE FITS! W(,,I,I SI, i lir ,. I.I,.,.., ^ i> I Mr r. 1 ,1,, n.., , , I" r ur9 th wont r l.i.u 1 wrr*nt rn)rr . IGENT8 PllII " Il ' t Ump ermi. ||MI 'an.r. ' or aample and K. H. HALL, Patentee llox 7, liuelpb DEBILITATED Vmirllf>wrcla/rwr<aJnrrA<rf !,*,.., or t^nn rn!'i ^A" *>ir rn ''' <IVo " Bk *"'" S^^S* jam-nt run! <>r A'on'vn.. /vMllly inmi'f IIM/lfuL'n' ,'i T,"' 1 "" 1 ?!' klnclred tniuhlni. Ali f!>r mn- trn-r ,llfl -offt. C.impli.tfl roiinrai ton to Ilrah.li. Vijni nd V ,n-.., H| i-liar:,nl-.-,l. N,, risk In In.-urn .1. IIIui ivoi'.TAic r nKLTCoV.'Mar'JhaTl.'n3df IIIIMTIWO IN SOUTH AFRICA. AilTenlnres among the Dwarfs and 4rti. u of tba a>rk (allarni I'rlos IBo I aople* 9oo. W. J. IM,4YBK, Nas^aaweya, Ont HTl'UT, Hook-keplD(i Fonus, Wrlllnf. BborsTiaBd. boroaibr] taasbl b| mall. Otrralsn fn. A.I.UBM llHVANT'H UUWNKHH COI.I R.i" nffaln N V R. U. AWARE rir \i Lorillard's Climax Ph (

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