.Tl TUOIA YHTM M &04 waH ' Sf \VikUhMry> Klj-iii, Springfield, and Watches in :5, l,fcnfl r ^(|/.. C'jin Cases to be found iu MoWiQfjit, o ox. coin case, $18 net cash, l /r f TSHprj^^ Briftfi'tt 8 at aa eloso quotations. Other ' |sii jn nil iaHi mm i.nidi i Seth ThoniuK and Now Haven SMO^P^-*^^' &&'' H "doino &PK Clocks, 30h. & 8 duy. to* l*#i*M'rJfairV*riU-> ins, cash or credit, than any other jeweller in l *? clo f!fW 1 t Bec!fBtf 5 fyf Grey. Why '? because of a first class wholesale iac] MMM*q0tMn, who keep nit- well stocked at closest jobbers prices. ' prices for proof. Warrants rim 2 years k cover brcakagc-p. ' >V. ,\. UltOWTV. Prices Watch Repairing Cleaulug Cylinder* and Vergea ................. OTS ' all Iliakl"* lit l.cVfl ........................ 1 00 Piloting top or bottom .......................... 100 Cyllndun, U PivoU ....................................... 10 llalanco Htafl ............................................ 66 Bwiu aurt Aiuoricau Maiuiprinfa ............... 100 Kuot aiuU'ap Jewulliug ............................. 090 Holo JuwsU .............................................. JOO Kl) tud Look H|iriugi ......................... ......... 75 Briu and Htoul IlaviuU, i>r pair... ..... 1,V to 10 Click* aud Click 8i>rim[.<)aoli, ........... JO OlaM*a. ............... . Ue.. flOc. and 85 bout uiaUrlal uMxl, work promptly June and fully warranted. Ovar II yearn at tbt> trade. Honoitt efttlmatea every time. W. A. BROWN, A I ill, i lit, H'u(<7i-7iV/xtrtT. Ladies' Gold Watches, 10 & 14 kurut. do 10k. and Roll Plate long Chains. 11. T. Simmon's Itoll I'Litc Chains, Ih-apor's Fire (iilt Chaius. Roll Plate, liar Pins, Kar-Hiiifjs nml Si is. Itoll Plate Cuff and Collar buttons, warranted. Hull I'l.i v and Silver Brace- lets, 9k. Lockets, roll plate Lwkt'N, fine roll plate NeckletH, ladies. l.ii/iirns' Pebble Specks, " The Best." 3 lines of Fine Silvmv:uv. Kngagenient Gems 18k. acid test Kings. Violins, Strings, Bows, etc. A tine stock to select from. W. A. BEOWN. IHtrffl T* AV1TO ma/h* r-wiwl onHr at nan. TaUo r Arttt > ft.,w:u; c..' K. w.ia* 7.au, ;OHl>ruiH'b whTr"JJll>.-rtj ba saad. U* U IX H JCW O FLESHERTON: THl'KSDAY. MAlt. 25, 1880. SCHOOL SITE. The meeting in tin- FUttJierton ohool- house, last Saturday afternoon, to take into cini-.il U i tii in the Trustees M In ti.m of a >>it for the erection of a uew school- hounc here WBH very largely attended by ratepayers. Mr. Geo. Dinwoody WM api>oiiitud chairruau. and Mr. It. J. Sproulc secretary. The rt'al object <>f tho nu-i'tin^ was for a time almost com- pletely lost H^ht of in a Mpiritod, not to say hot, discnsKion which arose concern- tlie fitalili.ihnuiit of branch HctiooU. Our friends at the- Station seemed di- vided Hi 'ii the (]i'e-.tion of a school out there. While Mr. HOJJJ aud other* favored itrunyly a branch school out there engaging a third class teacher and renting a room, Mr. Piinlv, the Station U r, vehemently and scornfully iitr.l the idea, and said that nothing .but a first clas.-, teacher would meet with fciM views). Mr. Hogg thought thin- was no necessity whatever for a new school at Fhsherton, Valentine Mugginn" or any body else to the contrary notwith- standing, lint it was ncres! ary to < iUkli- Juh a l.i aurii Kchool at tho Station. Mr. r*urdy's VK-WS were Htrougly put in fact lie thought the Flcshcrtou people wuold IK- devils if they did uot conform to his opinions. A considrrahle differ- mice of opinion exintcd upon thin point. Dr. C'hrwtoti'H explanation delivered in a niot calm and gentlemanly manner that no school could ! sustained with- out property ascsH.-il to the extent of sy I12.UOO. brought Mr. Kobt. Cook to his feet with the remark that they could how an assessment of over *.:!.( XX I. liy including one of tlie hack lines. Mr. I' inly sail lie knew a school - Inch was xtUl iu existence well sustained by an luiKiminn nt of 51O.IKH). A remark by Dr. Chrintoc that defi- nite action in the matter he |-i. tiM.i'i'il for a time in order to allow fuller dis- elusion, drew from Mr. Itoj-er \A-\IT the vtatemcnt that intelligent <'liritiari peo- ple ought to be prepared now to do t'.ieir duty. Mr. IMmry's cunntcnaiicc wa illuminated by a broavl sniilo at this remark, and his stentorian "hear. hear." tihowed how phuised he was with the -. ntiim-ni just < -\ ( iresx-il. Mr. John Teeter thought if fair play wen- u i. . the North would f.;et a branch school too. Mr Ho(a reiterated that he thought there was no necessity for a new school- house in Flesherton, but that branch Ki.-hools should be e,:>tnl.liwlied at the Station and in the North end of the ectum. Mr. Purdy. " Wo want a first-class teacher, daughter.) Mr. RichardHon jminted out in I.MUI < ful and forcible language the difference <>( opinion which existed between Mr. Hoqx and I'urdv - bth nentlemon living . at tho Station. Mr. Purdy, with fire flashing from his eyaa, jnuii*xl to his fret and wan inter- rupting Mr. lUcliuri'isoii. when i-glletl to order by Die Agricultural Kditor of the APTANCK, "By what rij'ht, sir. do yon call mi- to order '.'" thundered Mr. Purdy, Raeinx fiercely at tbe A. K. "By the ri^ht of a ratepayer, sir." retorted the A. K.. whereupon Mr. Pun'y dro)>iH-l into his neat and allowed tin ftpcakcr to proceed. lie then a)xilo)/izecl for tho interruption to .Air. Kiclianlson. whd. itli a amilo, calmly continued his remarks. Mr. Sinclair explained that some of the pupikt iu the North ha I threv miles to walk to school, vhile the Station ]ieo- pic only lia.l two mile* to walk at the farthest. Dr. Christoe said that tho proper mode of procedure was tlie lejjal way. viz., to petition the Towunhip Council. ;i new fcl-oolhouse. Our ch-ol was ov> rcrowdod, and iu the past our Teach- ers had buoii laboring under a ttorious disiidvantaxu, and our pupiU had con- M-i|Ueutly not made that progresn which \\niild have rtxmlu.-d hail there beea pro- ji< r acceiuiiKHlatiuu. Mr. Yaiiduxcu moved, seconded by Mr. J. Whitu-u, Uiat the Trustuon se- lection of site -on grounds on hill near- ly o|<|M).sitf Drill Shed bo unstained. Mr. Hom, hi anienduifut, moved, seconded hy Mr. Kobt. Cook, that a site be not oeloctod to-day, with a view to inducing the Trustees to reconsider the advixability of establishing branch schools. Mr. Lever, in amendment to thu ameudn.rnt, moved, seconded by Mr. Henry MiUhcwson, that a site be chosen mi the North side of Mr. N. Campbell's r.-sidence. Mr. Yaudusfii'H motion carried. A CRYING EVIL,. - Clijldreu re often frekfulanJ ill wlim woriiia uro the cauw. Dr. !>,) Worm Syrup safi-ly i-xprli all Worm. which rate WH publicly auuouuced in our local news aud advertising columns. Many others subHcribed at the MUH-- tUUC. -m. Coming back from theftu petty aide " What is good for n cold 1 " in aquation issiios, of which Mr. Hanlev's letter is often asked, hut seldom satiBfaetorily an*. . a ... wurert. \\pciinantwrrto the satisfaction cliictU eoinpoiie.1, weftncl the following , ,, if th ev will fullow ,mr ajrio* ami try statement relative to the mil facts at HaK.Mird's I't-ctoral H.ilism, a nafe, pleasant issue : -"The j>rincii)al reason I settled , ni certain throat ami lung hfalfr. S*)ld by all dmflcUts. it (the catu!) was, the case did uot ap- pear to be half throuuh on that day and " A SOUBCK or GBIAT TaornLK. Probably I dul not want bringinR my witnesses ^ moit pr , l|jfio , ollroeu( curouio uu is in- back again." This U a very lame ex- 1 direction or dyspepsia. causinR uuliraltby (use when we consider that Mr. Hanley blot> ^-. Vt ;j u (" n " ',' ''J 1 ",' 1 ig P'*'ely ; curablo. I! unlock Blood Bittern lias curr<) allowed his lawyer to raise a most tnf- 8 on:o of the ort case, known, ami of 15 ling legal technicality on the tirxt day years' duration. If tnnil.lt il witL of the maj{ii*tratcs sitting, and the wit- " on try '* were obliged to come 'back HATF. Etery iKiuoehuM a K ai,,"- W hich, had Hanley over-ruled J^^^'C^ tlie technicality, would not of necessity diseases, sudden attacks of inflammation and Mr. Hogg moved, Hccondrd by Mr. Knlit. Cook, that the uew Hchoolliouw lie not proceeded w itli. Dr. Clurintoo explained that the mo- tion wait out of order, for that the Trim- ha4 full authority to erect a new Mr. HOKR then tnovol. seconded by Mr. Cook, that a nito be not chumm to- day. Mr. Darande explained thnt the prcx- cnt wh(K)lhciuse wax condemned, and that tbe 'i ri.stets had a light to choose jt itc, and had done BO. It simply re- mained for the ratepayer* to Hay whe- ther tlmy approrcd of tlio choice the TruHtwx bail made, or aeloct one for themttclvcs. Failing to agrer. the. mat- ter would have to yci to arbitration. Mr. HO^K wainled a plain +,*> or no about the branch Mchnoln. Mr. Damudo said he wan dodde<lly x>|>]N>Hc.l to any mich thing, on arrount 4f tlie ri t cost which would bfl entail i-il. It would also inrolve an endletu amount of trouble. Mr. Riuhardflon wan abu> oppoHod to branch nchoola on aomenliat aimilar groundn. Mr. Pii-!. ell c'n.lorwd the remark* of tbe other Trustees, and added that ro a* the moHt urgent ne<'e.nity for HA \LEY. Mr. Wm. ('. Haiih-y'it second letter re "Military Discipline," in quite as scur- rillous aud base as his first. A drown- ing man, they say. will catch at a straw in order to save himself : so Mr. Hanley introduces mutter totally foreign to the subject at issuo. in order - as is mo-t evident to deceive the public as to the rr.il I'irti in thu military cases in which he was such a sorry figurehead. Our editorial on "Military Discipline" was iu IK i feet accordance with the fact* ii,-\cln|'i'i| at the magistrates court, as an investigation will prove. It will not do to meiuly assert that we do not know \\hether be read the notice to volunteers to present themselves for annual drill, which waa prominently inserted in the ADVANTK. What we want and what the public has a right to e*|>ect, is a plain yes or no to our statement uot a jargon of scurrillou* |HTsonalitu>s He evadcH a direct answer, and it is not out of place for us to assume that iu this par- ticular he finds hiio-elf in a corner from \\hitlinn amount of evasion will fret- him. He hail, therefore, notice to at- tend annual drill, and, failing to do no, was gniity of a serious breach of mili- tary discipline, \\liu h in itself in a -uf fit-lent continuation of all we have said in the matter. We staU-d facts, let Mr. Hanley vilify us and bluster as he choose. .Mr. Hauley characterizes our second editorial on this subject {'Military Hi^ ciphtie") a "one of the most absurd and l\i:ic; articles which has itppi iired in IKH useless and scandalizing sheet of trash for some time." All the same. Mr. Hanley. yon have not disproved one statement in that article : more, you . for we spoke tho truth. As to the assertion that the ADVANCK is a scandali/ing sheet of trash," wo can- not fnrhoar smiling it is HO like the language of a man who has been so hard bit that he cannot return the blow- in like manner, and therefore adopts the snivelling of tho whipt coward. He "intended to stop his subscription a< noon as out and would never have t.-i\eii it at all had Kawcett not come out to me here and induced me to take it." The first (-art of this quotation may bo alright, but Mr, Hanley makes it a|>|HMir that the Kditor of this paper went out to bis place some seven or eight miles, perhaps more, from Flesh- crtn-~t!XprRHidy to solicit his patron- aye. This is not true. We were |aH- sing by his farm on our way to Mr. l-'.dw. Hanley's, aud not knowing the way, want across a field by thcrnadsiilc to where Mr. Wm. C. Hauley was work- ing, aud made enquiry. After obtain- ing the desired iufm mittimi. \vecasimlly asked Mr. Ihuilc) to Ixx-oiue a subscri- ber to tho ADVANCE, liu mid he hail In i-ii thinking of taking it ever since we came to Fhherton, anrl told us' to pnt In - name down. These are facts which challcucje successful contradiction. In reference to himself or one of hi* household not "lifting" any copicn of the AnvANcr. siuoo Jan. we are quite in- different. H is sufficient for us to know that ho manage* to -e the ADVAS K occasionally evn since Jan. 1st and, fuither. we arc safe in assuming, that he peruses it with cnnsidi nihb' inUirst too. He can s|K>nge the reading, ahso, without having to pay for the privilege*. So if I hail been liftiug )iapors I would have wen it." How diil yon come to ' tr Hitorial "No 1" then, which was published long after your alleged "lifting" of papi i . was dutcontinned 1 Now Mr. Kditor. I would like to know how several cnpicH of ADVANCE, i'.Hiio1 weekly, could ujipear in a month," as'.is Mr. Hauluy. Very eauily, us there are several week* in a month. Mr. Han- by. Please ask a harder quention n< xt tiico. "It lookitl pretty nincli like fore in; wl.eu he i-nine out here to my farm and induced me to take it, by giving a hig reduction, and then it was too dear." Mr. Ilanli y does not give himself much credit for either bravery or ahrewdnesd in the above quotation, which conveys a den.|c<lly false imprcfsion. A* onr readers are well aware, we otu-n adver- tisein common with other | a|N>m s;>ecial reductions during tne last half of any year Mr. llai.h y got tlm l>cm fit of our SJK ( IH! rate at that time, and have followed. In the eud, of course, accidental injuries. Such A rrraedy is brat Mr Hanl,.v hiul to -nav ih i.ii^r " foun<1 iu Hajrj'aid'i Yellow Oil for internal Mr. Haule> hail to pay the piper. 1^ external IIM. It cure, rhmmmtitm, Ami, notw ithstauding all his bluster and tore throat, croup, nonralgia. lame back, abuaive language, he agreed to settle >praim, bruiies and burn*. In GOOD HRPOTI. Jarnet tho case and he paid all the costs iu the matter, and he cannot deuy it. locality. . . I writing (rum Kinaale, nays 111 regard to the egg bimmess, Mr. , rfmffty f()r Hi ., Me , of g, Hanley thinks it mean of us to "advim what he is afraid to attempt himself." Perhaiw, Mr. Hanley, you wight have occaxion to speak in a different strain if we were to "attempt" it ourself. You should never judge others by yourself I mi you do in this case. Tho whale is McMnrdoch, -"B.B.B., as a blood, liver anil i, has an excellent reputation in this I have used il, ain) sjteak fromrx- - well as observation. It is the only nif.lii- inn I want, and I atlvise others afflicted tn tr> it." HEAPACHE, BiuoriNrsa. " AVbpnever I feel nut of M>rU, lull, .in, my liver not work- ing right, nr nirkril with a headache, I takr hig, soft, aud full of blubber, but the ' Chae> Liver Cure Tliere in more roalhen ItMt sw m-il-hsh cau down his whalouhip ; n* from one doae of ynnr Liver Cure than .. . in many bottle* of some medicines. Jobu every time. McX,.<.r.Vl).>rfcl H,-an. This second attack upon Lieut. Field ..-. ---- is cowardly, seeing that that geutlema, has uot deigned a reply. Lieut. Field mildand thnmogb. is a gentleman who has been too long in 1 - - ' the wrrioe of his Queen and country, to TBFHK ,. SormKn I.IKR ,T.-Th.r i. nn one ri'iucdy offi-red to raftering numamty stoop to apply the w ell -desorvcil lash to wbosr nse'ii o uniTerally *nd IrrquiinMy a IH-TSOU who can glory if he will in ' reqniri-d a Harvard'* Yellow Oil. (or rlion- the fact that lie has bc-eu arrentexl as . n,.tin. n.aralpi.. cold.. oro throat. ,lf- in"", croup, luniliiipii, ana .-M". ]>ain*. .lesorter. For oiir own part, we have | ftme neii nnd *nn-iief of all kinds, wbon proved that Mr. Hauley has not ouly internally and externally nH. iuisrcpresento.1 us and Introduced basely wortM s ..rteti deatrny chiUr^. but Free- false side issues, totally outside the snb-' man'i Worm Powdr destroy Wornn, snd je.t under discusBiou, but that ho has' "'P*' thc ' n (r ""' the tyrtgm. t sought U. evad a ilirec.t yen or no to our A i REAT AWAIEWIXO. There I* a gr plain and direct charges against him. nwakeninR (>f lh uliipflnh nrgan* of the hn- \V.. ronlidcntly leave the whole iu the man ir"t-ni wlirBeverBnrdork Blo.,,1 IlilVr. are taken. It arom<i>i tlio torpi.l liver to hands of an intelligent and dlBcermug (!, rp^nlatM Ihe l,nw.-l and the kidnrv*. public, knowing that they will readily purities tho blood, and reitores a bfalthy discover the difference. U-twecn bald and, ton * " tbe.rstem generitlly. unfounded asiiuiptiou, and jwsitivc andl ro U KMOVR I)\Nf)RIIFF.-Cleons>the properly authenticated facts. In short. ' acalp *itb 1'rof. I.OW'N Nt agir Sulphur Koap. w have not ma<le a statement wliich A <l-l>gbtrul me.licatr<l noap for the ft>il-t. we cannot sustain in the honest and en- : i,i fr (Vmi.lamt rnvix-n I)rp< > p>'i. Tn.li- ReUion. I.ivrr Coiu))laint cnn* Sick Head- acli^. l>i//iii>-m>. Livi.r t'.UM plain" PatiooK a'l Kidney Tn>nhlcr. Uvrr ('oiuplaint cnn- li^htcned court of public opinion. und. tbt4Mrtbl '" '' all dispam-H. **' I.ivcr Owrn S From o,r owi. A joint stock company, with capital of . $10,000, is being formed hore, to 'be call- dirine have hoen disappoint? ', don't give up ed the "Great North- Wcatern Agricultur -''? relinblo article like Dr. Chano'n ft.-' r\ >i o-/u,,. v. i j Liver Cure, oii.l with it you get a reciiw a | ExhibHion Co. f5000 h,u already i Wk . lon ,' wortl)tllemo|1 ^; ben auhacribcd. The Director* are Wru. --- aom( v AtI , B .-.\IanT .nffrrere buyin me- UDYERTISKMKNTS. Farm and Vlllax Loin for Hair. Tin niulerdKnod liana farm fur sale, xlttiatori 1 J wile* frimi Proton Uatiun, I I'll., hll mil. from chun-h, arlimtltioui.o ami |xwt-<iflicti I.'MI HiTrH. HlH.ut tO I'li-Hlli-.t . KIWM| W0HlllK hoilMi. kM.iil iirrlnnl. fnii. of (KMt. Pall informal i..n <m appllcatiiiii. Al<i two villaK^ luta in FlwHh- ertop for Halo, locatod nonr tin- tanni-ry. !Ua Honablu teriim. Fnr full iiarticulara in rotianl tn farm nn<t Int- iii>i>lyU> KBKI). ARMHTRONO. Klenhortoii P.O. H. M. CHARLES WORTH7 OWKX SOUND, ONT, Kmiu'li, Pn-siilrtit, Juhn Hamaon, President, T. Gordon, Secretary. Tho Co'y is securing grounds on lake ihorc, iii-iir Kin. rh village. I'.iiildintjfi will he erected at once and firt exhibition will be held in Sept. It is rumored tbe C. P. R. 8.8. line have purchased engines and toilers of wrecked " Al^'oma" fnmi insurance coin- p my, and they will build a large wooden vuanc-l here this aeason. The Oovernnient 8.8. " Hay field," it hoing fitted out with new cabins and u] p -r decks The rive mile race for (lie champinnahip of Circle Roller Rink and gold medal, came off on T irsday before a largo au- dience, and was wnn by Fred. Peaice. It WHJI to ).e wnn three times before it hecume* pn>[ierty of owner. Noit race on 30th i list - Tlie barge, " Scotia, " is in-ins; repaired. Cnpt. Lawrence, of 8.8. " Africa," ia to be capUin on 8.8. "City of Owen Sound" this aeaaon. Mr. Raven, insurance apcnt here, haa accepted a poaitic.n with the Citizen* In urauce Co. Several carloads of emigrants' effect* have been slnppfcd to tho Nrrtli-West. The C.P.R. i -_;iviiiu big induceineuts to Bcttler*. Sec postern. K="The best, clieapcnt, inoHt dur- able Pianos, Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, for gale by C. Treadgold, next door to Clayton's, Flesberton. Also, "Id SewiiiR Machine* repaired and ta- ken aa part pay on new ones. Shuttles, | rocHve imaii> prompt attention. VT ji j 11 i j t cj Hhop over Milliiirn Hcarrlaffo worka Needles, &c., and all kmaB of Sewing Machine supplies. nn.l Importer of Orange, llufl, Cochlu an 'I Mrtiijini'' h l.i^'li*. HrallltiA^ larj,-.- us turkoyd. Raar*. HnfTvM p*r ilos.. Hruhmav ft per dnaen Hare find Hlai-k H|>aiiinll ami IMyuiouth Hook o *!!. liuprovu your Ktock. K. J. M'KOI I I . Klmlierton. in Ani-nt atxl ApiiraUer for that old reliahlo anil hooorahleuit.nuylriKlin^ r<>ni|any, iinni.t v of mono) at lowart <if interCKt TI nn I it to thair adrantagn to give h hn wintiiii; cheap liinny will im call. ISotlre t* tbe Public. Thone i> 'luiriiiu ilry Ptn and Hanwooil I, urn bar, Lstli.iir HhliiRlM. will find II to thrlr ad- vantage to call aud I-M Moore ill WhltUn, who hve a KI.'-I| rlaa* of tbu almvM nn hand. Wuarc aluo prBparml to do allkfndanf r'rkmini;, Houne ( rti|.i-!.t.'uni; an.l .ininiTK work at reannnal>le prlcvn. bhop in Hoopor'a old Ktand, FluAhertnn. J. .. MOORK. JOHN WH1TTBN. Thos. A. laki Sy, I 'i iiit ami Ornammial House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. In prepared to attend to nil work In hli UMAI of Imtiiifftrt in tin- ni'tst HAtlK/Actory and workman* Ilkn inannnr. KM mmtrs chwrfully funii^hed. and contracts carried out to tho loiter. Ordnn Tumi or othurw.He, will THOS. A. BIAKELI. J. E. MOORE, lini/der and Contractor, Durham atrvot, Hooper ' old staud Estimates for General litpairi. Money to Lrnd. On Farm or Town I'roperty.at lowest current rates ol inturust. Apply to K. J. KPKOULK.l'.M.tmaitor.Fleiherton Burdock K l'*0'0 D WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. ., h OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, t THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every apcclac cf dlacan arltlns; from dlaord.red LIVER. KIDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. M1LBURN & GO., PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBB. Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Haunt; *|''iit sonic* time in tin- Htudio of ttie famouH Toronto PhotOffraiibur, Mr. H. J. Diann, whit I Acquii nl \;iltmMr kii( wlct'pi' *" It< tii chlng. I foci aMured I can irlve ^-ni gunoral atiHfactiou. A call HMpccUiilly solicited. MRS. IH'LMKK. KlMlierton, Srkt. 17th. lew. Now Butcher Shop in Flesh- ei'ton Pcich & mHchcIl. I'liDl'lilKToHS. r\K ilTlilor-trin-l rr j tnllit\ t ^> HIMKilllil-d Ir take tbu n tn tl:r ]ii>n|iK> ..f rton an<(iarrouudtii|| rf.uuti , , thut tln-v have Plartril a llul f: i SIinJi ill tl.t- Muliil lluxt iltmr tn tin' \rirlil .1 \V<>i-k.. 1 I CSIII innN. whera they will tu |i r.iiM-i with nil wlio fnvnr thfiii \M!)I tioni initniiiiiuM l-';i li Meat! uf all klail,ati<IKili.A:o. in tlicir si-asom. j yonrt. ri-ri in MITCHKI,!,. A GIFT Scml 10 rnits ftixl wo will nmil \nu frn- A r<i>n1. vultiable, cnlil|i|ii li"T of KIMK| that will put you in the w.iyof ruakin* more tin m>) at OBoa, t)M anr- Hunt; vls in Anuirlca. 11 Hi <.... of nil ru,v an li%,. at li^inr ..ml wc.rk In "I..-ITI tinif, in all thotinio Cnpltnl DnlnttnlrM \Vi- ill utart y<ni [MDMMvnmfOrtboM wlm itart it once. HTINHO* A c\>, Portland. Maiuu W.J.BeUamy FLESHERTON. Loan o and o Insurance ^ Agent. Monny to Ijiid on good Farm Property at current rates of interest and YOI'U OWN TKUMS to repay the Principal. Kipcnws at tlie very lowest possible figures. INSURANCE Effected in the leading (Companies and at Current Rates. CONVEYANCING In all 1)1 br*nehe attended to. Office on Toronto st,, opponil* Town Hal). Important ITotice! TheBiilxcrilx'r bo;ii tn intoiui the people of Fl>>irtii anil urrouucliiiuuuiilry. tliat h baa ifi. BMW8 MILL > miles from KI^Khrton, and In now prepared to furnlxh bills of any l.-ngth ornlzoof T.uinbnr LUMBER LATH. & SHINGLES. Alwi ) H on hmrl on hand. Cniitoni Hawlog douo by tho thousand. REASONS Why you ohould K<'t your I.mnbrr anOHhlnglos cut by 8pvncor: (l>-Erry Haw in tbe Mill I* New and tho mill in in (wrloct order. lii IlrraiKithi- In a practical iiawyur and kepa himatviaiiUinacliinrry iu perfect order. t. l'..-<ii ii-,. In- cuts all Scantling Jolceoxact- ly to thcl>il)fiiriii,lii'il. (4) Ho has put in a Lun.her F.rter anil all boaM are Mine widthn from ono end to the other. () llooaiino yon can tako a load of Ing* to the mill and a load of Inrnhrr home tame day. H'.I liiTiin,. hn guarantooi to cut allcuatoro work ln> workmanlike mannerandHatliifactloii guaranteed. (71 llerauwall tawing is done at rock bottom prices. Lumber JHixrn-d if Rrqniml. G. H. SPENCER Bopt.lftth.lRK5. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Am pleaaaat to Uke. r,, n taln their own Potfative. le a safe, suro, anil fftrrttml r t w.r. in Children or Adtattfk Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Hill t Planing Factory, In the Village of Priceville, Beiug fitted up with Now Machinery, of tiro latest and most improved uat' torus, is SECOND TO NONE in the County of Grey. We are prepared to supply the public with any amount of" Lnmber and Bill Bluff at Lowest Cash Prices. We have on haud about 5l),0()i> feet of Maple and Birch Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use. Sawing and Planing done expeditions!? and satisfactorily. Special bargains given to Builders. Contractors, and Cab purchasers. Having lately put in an Emery Wheel, we can gum Crosscut Saw in first class style and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will conviuc* you that trns is ihe spot to buy your Lumber. Priceville, Feb. 28nd, '80. JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer & General Blacksmith, Jtlannlactiircr ot Cullers, Sleighs, Buggies. Democrats. Wagons, Iron Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also agont for Clutsworth Plowi. Noxon KroH. Iiigeisoll Light Low Down Binders, Combined Reapers 1 Mower* *wo kinds of Singlo Reapers, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drill* and two kinds if Horse Hakes. Please conic and FCC llxm. Jan. 1st, 188(1. I Hav 3 on Hand a Full Assortment OF- RING & SUM1YIHR GOODS. Iu Gents, Ladka, Misses aud Cliildivi.s BOOTS ,t SHOES. I ciidefiror to satis fv our cuatoiiUTK Imiii in (ioods uu.l Prices. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, C f 12 Ft'iX>IV. FL.ESHBBTON. - MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, MI. KINDS or d Mo&Eeai&l llf:rlis, * Such as Monuments, Tomb TahleB, Hadstona ('unTiici- and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and mad* on short notice. Also Mantles iu MarbU aud Marblrixcd Slnte, *c., Ac. Klohert.pn, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOUOWAYS PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS lnrifv tho Illocxl, correct all Dlaordarn of tbo I^iver, Stonnxcli, liicln'^w, and I3o-wel. Thav Invlfforata and rentoin to hnalth Uehllltaitwl CnnntltutloiiH. an.l ar InralnaMB In all Cosa- pialntu Incidental to Pumalra of all afiea. For Chililrrn and the aKort they air prlceluM. THE OINTMENT i Hml MreaiU. OM Wonniln. Hore and ITlrora. It li famoui (er ilein of tb Client It has no equal. For SO K K Til /,' (). 1 7, /1IIOJV CH J TIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlandnlarnwelHna,aiidallHklnDlM-<e U ban no rlml ; and for contracted and itl* jnliiU It aou like a charm. r.n.niifacttiri>d only at Prof<inor IIou,owAY'a Etal>lllimenl, 7H. w Oxford Street dale 533, Oxford Htrrrl ), London, aa.ar.sold at la.,*,*.*, 4^^^^ nrrhatfnt aAmiW foot i< '/.. LiM mi tht l'f.< n,l Hrr*. If thr rtMrtu it not .'i.t.T, Or/rmJ -St rrrt. l.",nl n. MCI/ nrr 'H$"Zyi ' . ', 't^V/J -. . - HP I J. W. BATES, Furniture Desilrr and lliulcrhtker, r-i.R8HF.H1 ON, NOTICE: A thoronj?h bred Durham Bull calf, n(| month old, for snlfi. Also a ono year old Durham Bull. with KOodiH'di^n. Also a Rood SU-am Flour Mill at FWIinton Station for Bale. Apply to ROGER LEVF.R, Fltslierton P. O.