Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1886, p. 3

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THE ADVANCE. ae ol the leading U>eel endremtly Nswepapars la Northern Ontario. Publisbsd Every Tliiirgicla.y, FOM TEE Ornci, FUtkirton, Ont. i Mol ad K TKBM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION : per annum In advance ; 11.40 if net pat* tea en dot 1| year*. No pi>r dieconttnusa ejtUall anargearepaldup;andnoiuDeejii I latni taken (or ln than one year, exeept Wfcan lal jrai^mnt for (hortez periodt are s with the publisher. _ AD VEhTIbl.NU BATE8, *e. Casual advertiaeuients.lcenuper Istinsertleo au4 oenti per lin acb iubsiiunt luaertion. Transient adYsrtlantnents to b paid for when ortUred. Advortiisiaanti without special dlrec- feoi will be interted till forbid and charged liberal Inducements to regular advertisers. jNilloes among reading matter, 10 oente per Toe each insertion. So advertisement diicoutinued until all ar- **Co!l l T**f""ad ( rtiMment. abould reaeh thla Ofloe not later than noon on Tuetday to ensure aisrtlon in current laeue. A. R- FAWCETT, Editor and Pruprwfer. I Flesherton Heat Market. SXPT.OOOD, PBUFBHTOB ash paid for fat Cattle and TABTATIwN 1M I. Bt*lUll. plr KUUwej Taatr *-* mm* ' air *'. i ll crises nil. lpid. Tail t jllowiug letter in to a gentleman in il < :.! ui trom a friend iu tbe i.tw tamuh- ing hdtlemente In Labrador, and telli ik own tale of want and miaery : I have jail remived sad nawi from car poor Labrador people, by thi mail men (rom Esomimanx Point, which riporta aa f .llowB : Tbat below Eiquimaox Poiel to Blanc Bablou tbi peopld an etarving, they bavicg killed In January 00 doga, and eatini dog's meat every day to nave tkeir live*, and, more ao, tbey report tbat several are already starving. Lad tall, late InMovenaber.Newtoandlandsentashipwitb a load of provision* lor the aid ol the people and in a great itorm ihe wai loet and never beard of. Oh, deaf father, it it terrible.; Jaet imaginr, in January 600 doga killed! and eaten. Ob, what will it be in April I The Biehop from Etqaimaax Point ii writing to the Government to lend bim proviiiona by first navigation, became there i( going to be (tarvalion thii ipriog at Eiquimaax Point. Even at PenKouat there are aeveral lamiliea begging, and Mr. Gagoon cannot do anything lor tbem. They lay that if navigation doe* not open early that they arc lamiibed. There are no more proviiioni bar* at Point dee Monte, no more flour for aale and two (amiliee ol eight obildren bave only one oarrel of floor. Ia tbe iprlng it JH enre to be ettrvation here likewise. I im K., thank God. I have two barreli ot flaur, 175 ponnda of Uef, potatoee and all aorM of AUNT WANT AND DISTRESS. Deplorable Condition of the People en the Wet Coait of Ireland. TBANf.1 aflGlftU. - Fresh Meats constantly on band for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP we> nrai Kx'cwlcel While Cedrr -hr latacttee < a Narmtlc. A laet (Friday) nbibfi New Orlien* deepatou aaye : At 7 M o'clock Ibie morn- ing when the keepers made aa attempt to aroaee Ford and Marpby, who were sentenced to be hanged to-day, Ihoy could not wake ahem up. Alter examination the phyeioiace ooroluded that the men bad ken belladonna. The governor ordered the men to be executed notwithstanding tcdr condition, and they were hanged ft Ii 60 p. m. At 12.40 Sheriff Boiler, aeeom- pen led by everl kabordinate officials, pro- ceeded to tbe jail, where Ford and Murphy lay Biill under the physician*' tare. The bodies were oarefnlly lifted (rom their reeDmbeut poaitione and borne in the arme of tbe agitated depntie* to the scaffold aoeid profound eilenee. Tbe gbaitly bur- dene were carried up tbe itepe to tbe place of the horrible platform, and held in ereet position* while tbe fatal nooeee were drawn over and aroond their necki No lign of life wae observable in utfaer man. When the bit Md rile bad been performed the trap wae sprang by an nnaeen band, and the bodies were launched icto eternity. U KH II I ITI. > I 4 FLESHERTO^ James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, Eavetronghing, and in fact every- thine In tbe basine will recelTe ray prompt and crful attention at reasonable prices. .love. & I:!.w,e i& .lock, CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, Ji the place to get your Han\esi Coltart, Ae, made up tn good ityle. Shop in W. Clayfon'i Boot <t Shoe Start, Fletherton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, Si . til Lett 11. Having made extensive improvements la my Uriel Mill, I am confident I can give goe4 atiefactien. CHOPPING DONE ANY HAT Good Floor always on hand. Custom Sawing. and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. AKITT, VrUkeretee !< Id.- .1 mm i I Ike VeUa A I .u HBleMe'e Modi A Niagara fade, Oat., ieepatob wye : Au onkiiown man com a it led nuieide al the Falle about 11 o'clock yeeterday morniug by deliberately jumping into the river from a email platform at the north and of Cedar Island and coolly awimming right over the eataraot. The act wai wilneeaed by a gen- tltmtn and lady who happened to be Dear the Pagoda on Cedar Itland at the lime. He wae ratter a large man, and wore a dark overcoat and felt net. It wai only an boor after the man disappeared that hie coat wae eeen floaticgin the river below ID (ront of the Proepeel House, having beeu torn tff him by the ao'ion o( the water. While a large onrioai crowd were) ikand- icg near tbe epot on tbii aide where the calamity took place, another luge crowd were on tbe American aide watebiogOon- rov and MeCloy excavating from the ice the body ol T. O Dewitt, the unfortunate New York traveller wbo loet bil life at tbe foot ot Ibe American Falls a week ago lael Sunday. _ __ _ .Wine A < III. .<> Al'DIKNCB DOHIMON PARLIAMENT. Kr stasai JeeMs < fcKf . trees n o i . eteesi M Ctecpcl srvthcr. A Ohiewgo deepaioh says : K Bern Jooee gave pabtie notice tbie after- noon tbat he bad quit playing tbe moonteback and was going to preaeb ktrambt gqtpel. He addreeeed an audience of 8.000 people, three-quarters of whom were women. At Ihe close ot hie abort talk be said : " Now we have bad enoutfb ot mountebank. You say, Jones, wby do yoa play the moootebank ? I ear, jost adapting myel( to Obieago audiences. (Laughter.) If I bad notetarted oat that ay you wouldn't have oime btck eigain. I give >oa what yea want flnl. acd give yoa what yon need second. Motbiug elee would have salted yoa up to this time, bat now, thank God, we are getting come religious interest. Le'n ran on the goepel pore and tiD pie from tbn time." l.Bir eeulses Newe. 1 1 i- stated that Mr. Grant Daff, when ' the the ilullKi-. llini" In II ![ In- ifc w oftlvi-iist.nl i. ,M i wniilB in |.i'ii.| one . ten nutlon lie rennlr*a,wli ile torhleiwifc will InvratiiKi- iii,ii'in>,| tknueand ilolKirn In nil- rorlUIn". it f< IHMIID in liullriited which will inoi-t bin %!'. n-iinln ni-nt,or fan brmtult lodoiolm eHel dtcnyttatiilii arrived at ly cur- rmmiinti-f. ' \v.< wlftlone havo liccn lnr<l. Knt. DUKt-n:i:<l. ' imy lilroe for 1<> cents. Write lo i.l. I'. ItOWKLL ft CO.. HcWflPAPKn AI>VK.IITISINU IIUKKAU. (lOBpruoo St. I'rinting House Sq.), New York. THrfttlEBHATED pl i^D? CHASES! ^ORAKe LIVER CURE ./ '" II try I*" tutlltnt rtmtdy. SOMITHIHC NEW CmN AWAY FMI WrmoMd around eyer bottle of Dr. Ch' Liv Com liewlttsW. HouhoW MHic.l Cnicle .ml Rop Book (l< PJ). containing owr loo eful rrip, icun'f'l *y medical men and drujcisu a inrall, , and worth ten timei th price of ln medicine. be lelorns (rom the Governorship of Madras Presidency, will b* railed lo peerage. Tbe Perth Inspector of Poor has dii- appeared, and a partial examination ot hie booki baa rcTealed a dtnoienoy to tbe ex- tent of nearly * 200. Tbe death of Mr. Charles (Jutland, Town Clerk of the ancient though imall Royal bar|b ot Falkland, Fiteobire, at ihe age o( 91 yaan, look place on the 1'Jib alt. Oa the 2lrd alt., Ihe Town Council et Ediabargh received to lecew tor fifteen yean a foorteen-aari field silosled In the wcetern diitriol ot Ihe oily, to be txted a* a pablle park. II ia etated that Dr. M lUlgao, the preeent eeoond olerk of the General Aeeembly, will apply for Ike vacancy in the first olirkahlp cawed by lbe deBlh o( l ' riuol l l l Tulloeb, and that Dr. Story, ot Boseneath, will be a eandidate tor leooud olcrkehlp, Nero, the negro, wa* on Ibe 3<ih alt. committed for trial in Kllmarnook on the Large charge against bim. Bs wai lubee- (loectly liberated on bail of 90. Nero aaeerte bit innooenei, and anuoanote bis intention ol starting en a lecturing lour to procure foods tor bla defence. II ii intended tbat daring the present year the lei Battalion ol RoycJ High- landers, which bae been (or eome time In Egypt, ehall be moved to Gibraltar, and thai the 2.1 d Battalion o( tbe King's Own BordereN, now at Gibraltar, (ball take the place of Ihe Bleok Watch in Kgypt. Tbe interne ot the Principal ol Bl. An - driw'e University Ii 344, and an cffiaial rceldeno*. The income ol tbe Principal of the United Oolle, including 100 tor a residence, wen i'niil The income ot the Obair ot Divinity, whleh wae paid lo the Principal ot the I! Diversity , ii 536 The Principal of Aberdeen reoeivee 603 ; ol Ols-gow, 987, and of Eiinbtirgb, 999. The 1 4r r aa>4 sac Biarr. 11 Bee) hen, Elder, yoa told me when yoa old me that bay marc that I couldn't make her baulk. Why, ibi doeen'i do anything else I" "Josl what I told ye, deeojn. Rne won't baulk If ye try to make her. She jost baulks became yi want her to go ahead. Never knew her to do anything ye wanted bar lo. Oan't make her do nothing."- TBB NAT1TBB NAKED AND HUNGRY A London oble aayi : The Ooviruminl bae placed a gunboat at the service ol Mr. Tube in hit work of relieving dietnei among Ike Inhabitant* ot tbe islanda along the weiteru Irish coast. Indescribable die- treee bae been developed among tbe people inhabiting lbe Arran lilee, off Galway , wbo, taekidei baring hardly anything but moee and eea graas to tat, are without t re and of ien without clothing aod shelter. Il b) not ran to find girle of IT and It yeari of 1 age kept in enforced biding during tbe day timi became they were berefl ot every thread ot elotbing long ago, having been bartered away lor lied potatoee or roots with which to teed tbe imailer ohillren. It 11 leered tbal acliaa prompt relief meamuea are inaugurate d, aoore* ot these people will die ol starvation. i LBR1B nOM aCniLL, The following letter from tbe Catholic ooraie at Aobill Bound, wbiob recently appeared in tbi Frrman'i /ouraal, dtpioli the pileoni condition of the UDfortuuate inhabitant! of Achill Iilaod : The many correspondent* wbo Lave in- tereeted themielvee in relieving Ihe starv- ing people ot this iiland, and to point oorcniaoioationi (be column! of the frei- man have been tbrown open tot the past few months, have all been careful to poiut out Ibat in thi abienee of timely relief there would aeilairjlv be iterv.liou and consequent ptwBeuoe and doalb. It beeonua my patofal duly to announce lust this terrible foreoacl being daily verified. Slnci Ohftitmai I have attended more iiok calls in Aebill than I bad to attend daring my previoai three yeer*' residence in the parish. Thia is true to the letter. Oa Sunday lait, in the village of Djcege, one el the wretebedeet spots thi* day oa esrtb, I visited sixteen boasee filled with tb* nek two, three and lour down in tome, and many wbo ought to be in bed wrn atriving to artebd to tbiwante cf thoee wfco were only jait a little worse than themst.ves. It waealoogatd veary duly to admtrusur the Bscramsut ol extrime onetien to all wko leqatred il. I cannot aloae bear teeti- mooy to the truth ot all your corree- pocdenle have eaid about the squalid poverty of Ibie village, bat I can emy tbat whatever difference now exist* between tbeir descriptions and the actual fad ii attributable to thie, that time bae intensi- fied Ibe misery. I bave never heard or read of anything Ibal brought home to my mind inch a keen eenee of human naton'i capacity for wretchedness as a eeene U wae my doty to take part In in Djoega. In a family named Malia then an three little deaf motes. Two lay In a dying condition in one bed. To the isiiolkmi which it had pleased Providence to visit them add tbe (tnpefae- tion arising frcm banger and disease, and thia will give some idea, bat * lalnl one indoed, ot the terrible and (tbaally inrroond- ing* ot thai aiek ted, and the diitreiaicg oircametanoee Ibal accompanied tbal administration of the lael saeraminti. Monday and Tuiaday have been equally bnay day*. Tbe prieil'i time is now upenl in this way. A call corns* to viiit a house in a particular village, and leoramenM mail te administered in ball a djatn hooiei before the priest geia clear off. Be ie cil 1 in all dirtoliooi and lo the moil omxproted peoplo, on hie way to thi original s'.u call and on hi* return. It i* a vtry common occurrence tor the lael week or tin Seya for a tenon to be (truck md-ieulv u ; . to and lor tbe prieei, snt anointed, acd b* d*ad io a lew bean. No wonder, lor ttjie wue nothing to kill ; baoger bau already io':e tbe work. People are to be rtel with in ever) d.:otion, alotg the roads and in tbe '-.a'--, and svery lineament ot tuc face er,aka etcejaenlly ol hunger. Ot tbii lilt ol tbirg Ibire it one ease tbe most eboeking 1 bave )*t *n, and tbe revolting eireometaioei tl Wuiob make ii deserving ol special mention. In a fsmily named MacAneela there are five id ote. Tbey arc icaroely ever at h m?. for the-ir father has no>hicg to givi !br D). Tbey an to be found either in lbe neighbor*.' homes or careering at (all ipeed alocR tb* road* in ecitam* thai, tbcgb tbe climate ie Aenilloniarj, cannot be trnthfnllv d<>ionbed aa tropical, tor it ie not itffloiinl for decency. I alwayi believed tbat tbe gen- tlemen wbo did the aitlntie busioea* for Ihe illustrated papers in limes of lodian famine overdid maliere a trifle. Bat Ihe condi- tion of the MeoAaeela idiom lor the lael lortnight baa (bed oo my mind il od of tight a* to what th* truth can be in a sea- ion of star valicn. Their eye* protrude ; tbeir taeei are like masks made to frighten children, and tbe poor, bare, spindle lege bavi become disgusting to look at, from tbe dirty red to which tbey an burned by crouching to gsl trom tbi big tori flrec tbe warmth tbal iboold come naturally from proper fo>d and clothing. Tbere an hood reds ot children jul aa badly off ai tbe MaoAueelas in the mailer of Icod and olotbee, and I mention their call only because ill own terrible eireum- itenofe throat it Into greater prominence. The poor poor 11 "bibii a heroic paticios ia tbeir trials, and In many instances fit ler lilint inffiring lo making their waote known oven to tba prieei. In on* or two initanoei when destitution did not ooonr to mi ae the canae of aieknee* I inquired had Ibe doctor been icni for. II wai only then tbal tb* (tale ot the ease became apparent, and banger wai admitted only very indirectly, tor I wae told that il wa* nothing the doctor could give that would lerve the patient. The (late ol Ihiuns here at preeenl ia truly appalling, and with a view of stimulating tbe ebarity ot the benevolent M whom the Almighty hae given bountifully ol thii world (ear, I requeit that yon wiU be pleased to give this the favor of aa early insertion in the fru- mea. Aohitl taott evir bold In gral*ful remembrance all tbi freeman ban done for tbe last fii month* in bringing it* mulor- tune* and privationi before tbi public, but ite powerful asaiitanee waa never more wanted than ia thii time ot peril that ie before tbe people, and Ibat wrl continue for the nixt ilx month", wben lor tbem it will not be a qneelion ol cheap land or dear laud, of likzidlord kindnesa or oppreesion, tbat will be al etake, but the question of preoioai human livee. JOBM FLATUT, 0.0 Discussion in Rtgartl lo the North- west BtbellioD. pron U**, JfiY 0"WI CaTAIM CUII. A taf and pwilivs jam ilj Price, as cants. CHMl'lKlOIIIYIIDUlPllU. ij cis. par be*. OLD BY ALL DEALERS Alex McDonald, bin wife aod child wire drowned in lira* D Or Lake on H.laiday lait. Blngolarly enoogh tb* horse got loose from the elelgh and eeoeped. A number of whales have been btaobed at the whaling elation at Ban Diego, del. , Mi it ii considered qalt> tb* thing to be phckogrephed while Utting on one ol tb* bn|* A WAalNINU Paton (HONTMBatL,. tiklUrru, L.TC asWI rilta Neailr Casiee I- uur rail. A Montreal despatch lay e: Thrtt chil- dren had very narrow eiea|>*s from poinoning lail night. A child ol Mr.. Fanteox, who residec In Iluehalsgs, wae playing on tbi fl Jor, and taking a boltli containing connentrated lye drank III oouteuti before hir mother could itop her. A physician wae called in, aod by an emetic ineoecded in relieving tbe child. The other oa ooourrtd in the hnu.e of Mm. P. Oallagban. Bl. Constant street. Wbile two boy i, aged 3 and o yean reep*oliv*ly, wen playipg about the bouee they foand a box of pille, and thinking they wan candy swallowed them. Ia a (ew moments their mother waa alarmed by aaeicg bolh chil- dren became lick end roll on the floor in ooovalnione. She summoned Dr. Qauthier, who, on arrival, found bolh lade (rotbinR al Ihe mouth. Tb* eldeet ot the two wan black In Ihe lace, which waa twullen about twice lie natural use. The younger wai afflicted with lockjaw, and almost dsad. Tb* doctor administered emetioe, and in a lew hour* th boyi bad Koovercd, though Mil Tory weak. -A ball telling one to jo to tianer ii ottnd advl. Lmdry (Hontmagn)) rose amid and moved lbe following rtsolauon, seconded by Mr. Labroeee : That thia Boos* feels il it* dnty to axprese it* deep rtftnl tbal thi sentence of death pasted upon L'luia Rial, convieted of high treaaon, wai allowed to be carried into execution." H* recounted in French th* fact* ol Kiel's execution. Bs eaid hi bad no arrangement wilb the Government in intro- ducing the re.-olutioL. He denied that il waa e question ot r*c; or polities w biota he n jw raiatd, bat one of timple jaitio*. Be regretted that the qu'.stiun ibould com* np iLus oa a matter wbion would, m spite of all that could be done, be likely toaronae prejudice aud feeling. Be referred to the book givicg the ca-e ol Rial, pnbliahed by the Government, and read tbe proceeding* in connection with tbe reocmrcendalioo lo riK-ioy, and quoted letters to tbe Govern- ment to show that Ihia recommendation waa strongly preeaed for acceptance M the with ol tb* vast majority ol ibi peopU ol Qacbie, while eetitioos were received from Ontario, Manitoba, Ibe United States and oven Europe. What wae the reaponae T Oa tbe 12 .b ot November an Order-in- Oouiicil wae paseed directing that tb* law ibonld taki Hi coonr. Thai acl, be believed, waa one In be ragnlted, and he asked the Bcaie to so declare. The menial condition ot Blel such se to raia* at leaet a doubt aa to hi* riiuily a doubt quite infuaieatto jnitify tbe exereiie of the prerogative of merey. He dwell upon tbe importance and rarity ot tne c fleiioc with which Kiel waa charged treaaon against tbe Queen aud yet that crime wai tried before a 8'ipendiary Magil- Irate and a jury of six men. That jury, although believug tbal be wai guilty o! high treaioo, and that to acquit bim would be to give fclm an opportunity for another rebellion, yet lelt jneufiid in bringing in a verdict cf nuiity, with a rccommefidation t j mercy .waiob oonld have no object txeepl *o eave him from death. Be objected to tne choice of tbe Medieal Oommiesionirs on the ground tbal men ol tbi highest world- wide rcpatation ibonld bave been chosen. He then proceeded to dieooti the report of tbe Medieal Commieiicn M to H'el'i aaniiy. Tbe Oommiasion decided ucanimouily that he wae not responsible. since tbey declared that on political at,d religious qaseticui hi wae a monomaniac. He cited uumerone authorities, both in tha works of medical experta acd of jurteeoo suits, to (how that a nan may be insane on certaiu lufcjocle and perfectly aanc on others, the whole with the object of ibow- iog tbat Kiel was no. responsible in qoei- tione nlaiiog to the Ncrthwoel, but tbere wee another reaeoo than this wby Kid should bave been parduned. This be found iu (ion. htidJletcn'a meeage to Rieleam- mcmug him to larrtnder. In thia, he eon- tended, Bil foaud a reason for believiug tbat he wi uld not be treated aa a oriminal, Qaueral Middlelon bciug the chief repn- seulative of the Federal au'hority in tbe Norihwel at tbal time. Moreover, high ireaeon waa an cffenoe which amotg civil Md uatione, wee not ngardtd ae ou* tor which Ibe Motet.ee of death should be inflicted. For the joetinaatioo cf iu act, tbe Gbvernmanl had to go baek te tircee wben ths theory of pooisbmert wae dif- ftrenl from that wtiab. ruled to dav. II*d aneb a view b*en held in tbe Uniltd Slalea, Jcfleteon Davis would have been hanged, and many oiben with him. George W**b iuK*on was biicseit a rebel, difleiirg from Kiel 01. ly in tbat be wae successful, wbile Kiel was defeated , aud bad tbe torture of war been different, and tbe same theory held good, one ot tbe gnat toauden ot tie Ameiieao uatioo. woU'd bave met the deatb ut a criminal. Even 8ttag Bull, alter tbe slaugbter of Ouster's meu, bad beau treated tot M a otimiual but as a soldier Sir Hector Laugevin, who wae received with cheers, eaid it wae bard to reuain -ilenl wben one saw in tbe Pro- vince of Quebec, be might say entirety in the Province of Qiebro, his friende going wiib hie opponents, calling him a traitor to hie race, a traitor to hi* nationality and a traitor to hie country. Alter beibg twenty- eigbt or tweuly Line years in pubUo life, aod having tbe ounndenoe, daring thai lime, ol all eiaaee*, not only in hi* own Province bat In the olber Province*, he tboaght h* migbt be eperid Ib* title tl traitor. Bui that word bad not beeu oecd by the msj >riiy ol hie own Province, nor by tba country al large. Toey bed not been Iraiton to tbeir country nor to their nationality. They bad done their dnty to their exaatry. Kiel did nit tall aa the) ba>itu field M a to'diar, tat wai taken prisoner three daye alter tbe battle by General Midaleton. They wire told by the non gentleman wbo moved thia motion, aod he must congratulate bim tor the moderate tone of his speech tbat Ibe General waa ready to keep him safe until the Qjvernmenl cf Canada had dis- posed cf bim or decided what would be done with bim. The General never told him that he and hii Oonncil were never to be tried, and tha Ibelr crime and Ireatou were to be cordoned. He pieced Kiel in the priaou iu R'glos, w jere he wa* ae sat* ae in General Middletnu'e camp Be regretted Ibe lost of life that oeoorrtd, bo*, oocgratulated tbe militia on tbeir urav r., Be knew mat tho country would look after Ibe widows and ehilJrcn of tbote who b*d fallen on the field. Tbe trial of Riel took place al Regina. Il wae laid that the trial wai not a proper one and Ibal it wae aol constitutional. Olben had tJtn Iriid under tbi earn* law, and eome ol them sentenced to deatb and hanged. Accord- ingly Rial was not tried by eoorl martial, but by th* law ot tbe land, thi came as it be weri an Kngliahmai>, Scotchman or Irishmau, (Hear, bear.) It was not a question ot nationality. Riel waa tried for higb treaaon. Wilneeee* were paid by the Government to fivi evidence in bis behalf, aod after a fair and impartial trial, tbe j'iry found him guilty of high treason. Tbe Stipendiary Magistrate, Mr. Rioaard- aon, bad a meet painful duly to perform, bat il was the law, to pal* sentence on tbe prisoner. Thai centr-noe, according to tbe Act ot 1868, and paaaed botbsidee of Ibe tl-iuee. waa death. Il wai true that Ihe jery coupled a recommendation of merey to Ihe Court, but they knew tbal tbe recommendation could not be carried ,w. Let ') membtn b* patient, and be wotud ibow what ue meant. It ibe jury belisvtd him iniaue, il they thought thin wae even a donbt ot hi* eanity, they ehould bave brought in a verdict of not guilty. Tbe tact that they did not do ao wai a proof tbal they thought him lane. Tbe trial began at K>gina wae taken to the htgheet eouM in tbe realm, and Ihe decision was flral, tbal tbe sentence wai tbe sen- tence of th law. The matter then came b#fore tbe Queen's Privy Ooneilof Oanadu, where ivsry member read the evidence and decided earifnlly upon ivery cue. It waa not the doty of the Privy Ounueil lo try a man a teoond time. Tbe Government could not go back to a time anterior to tbe trial and examine at to th* ea&ily of Riel. Tbey could onlv examine tbe prieoner at the time and decide, aa well a* thay cool 1, wbsthar he wae an accountable being. Ibe Government tent Dwton Lavelle and Vslade to examine Riel aod repori, and called upon Dr. Jokee, tbe surgeon lo charge, to report upon bil condition and actions. Tbeee report! he read in tall. Proceeding, be eaid tbat alter considering the aM tally, their duty to the priaoner, to tbe public, to the Qaean and lo tbe qxmnitv, tht OouaoU oamo to the cien, though reluctantly, that their doty wai to allow tbe law to take it* oouree. Thi mull of Ibat wae an agitation sibo* 1 . i H .ve_sor, and Miuieten bad beeu iniulted and aaliguid ae tnueb ie meu had ever been. Riel, flftaia yeare before, committe! an act, one wbioh wai eoniidired a crime, and ibonld have bean punished in the aevercil way. Bui be waa not severely dealt with. lie wai allowed to remain lor a time in exile, and he waa not tried for the death of Boon. Il wae wid that Riel wae tbe bead of a d* facto O/overnmens, with power to execute Ibe eentcoce of death, and nothing should be (aid ahool it. Bat if Kiel bad euob a light in the caae of a man guilty of nothing bat ireaeon again*! that dt facto Oov*rn<B*ot, wby ibould this Government Oe called to account, not (or exaontiog Riel, but for silo wing tbe lenience pronounced by the course ol law to be carried oat 1 Either Riel wai wrong or thii Government wai right. Kiel had called tbe half-breeds to his aid and deceived them, a* tbey them- aelve. aaid. B* bad trampled upin their religion and established one ol hie own, and yet the French Canadians considered him a triend. The eoter eeoontf thought ot the country would deny that this waa eo. He hoped the majority of tbe House would not agree with tbe member tor MonlmegLy (Mr. Laodry). B* hoped lie mejorily would agree that the Government bad done it* duty limply. In order ibal there mub t be no aid* issues on this queeuoc, in order that then might be a fair, square vote, he moved the previous question. A.JI JwNKat OHTAUO LKG18UTDRL Tatim. Ike Olaa k. Ie laladrr a.eiier ( taw w/w (From a eermon In Chicago. Truth ie the natural order of things. A man who telli a lie hae flret to poab the truth out and ram tbe talaabood in ite ploe. 1 like a train! u'. man. They aay Qiurge WaahingtoD wae the father of hie jtu-i try, bat he did not bee;el many in hie owe liken eee, (or lying u general. 1 have often aaked in meettcg if there at any one preeenl who never told a lie to etand np. All thoee preeent were look- tog at each other to eee it anjbody wae guiog to itaad up. It any one bad I iboolJ have eat down and given him tbe fljcr. All the money yon apend (or iron-olad d: oomente and lawyer*' eervieec would be eavad if there wae no lying in the world. Stop lying for ten years and yea 11 iiarve all tbe lawyer*. I den' I aay thai tbie profeeeion livte by defending roaaory, tor 1 nave tbe higbeal reepeot for tha lawyer who defende a good man againil the onilaagb) of tbe wioked. Bat for the mieerable *5 lawyer I have nothing bat contempt for tbe teller who do*e mean and petty trieke and laye be didn I do them ae a man, bat ei a lawyer. Per- hape whin be gone to ball he'll eay he e there ae a lawyer. (Laogbter.) Bomebody eaye an boneet man 11 tbe oobleel work of 0*1. bat a man can be diiboneet wilboat > realm, anything in the oeual way. 'Way diwn in Oeorxia there i) a man whom Ihe people there aay u booeat dead noaeet and 1 often fell like going out and taking him by tbe band, aayinK : Well, old man, ain't you kinder loneeome to be all alone in tbe world and yoa dead honeet 7 " They aay every bonent man ua* a tuft of hair urowiun on tbe b.ok of hie hand. I have no hair on tbe baek of my hand. (Laoghtor ) Did yoa ever beer bow the term caked troth " came to be oeed ? Well, Troth and Error went in bathing one day. I never Knew wby Truth wae in eneb eompany, bat they were bathing together, anyway. All at one* Error ran out ot the water aud put on Trutb'e elotfaee aad ran away. Truth bad no elcthee to pat on bat Error r, end retber then to wear enob oluthee the soueladed to no tnroagb tbe world naked ; benae Ibe naked troth. Theu tbe hiceel man egaio. I wae OB a trm occe wbea a p-ciy of gentlemen were duoaaatng the ojudnetor. They eaid he wae " knoefciug down." I eaid : I won't eav tbe o -ndaoior te diebooeel, bat be atay eil.eet tlO, put 18 in bU pocket, and give 12 u tbe eoinpanjr. And if the man dnee tbat bow ie it he eao go through tbe ear withoat looking gailty or ehowioit in hit taee tbat be thinkibe lediaoorcrtd ? Wby, it'e beeaaee tbe oondaoior know* very well that thcee eame men wba are oriuciMLg bim the moet are the very onee who try tu deadhead their way over the line. Ltl toe paueBitere beoume boneel aud there will be little led ot the diiboneet oondao- tor." i rn> r. M n ii \c.i >. MTiTCIT AiOUT IT. la Ihr lalf*-Tta With !<*. Uck Ulrhih.ria TkeBe N > little oneaeinees prevail < in Troy, N. Y., owing to tbe existence of many catee u( bleok diphtheria at Wiuautskiil, a baoiiet about three milee sail of Troy. Tbe diaeiu appeared about ten daye ago, and spread wish (lulling rapidity. No cause fur she outbreak of tbe disease baa beeu discovered, and the country (oik teem impressed with Ibe belief that tbe germs of the eontagion were carried there daring tbe recent biiuard. There have been over a dcain deatbe within Ibe lael tew day a. A Canton, O , despatch eayt : A peculiar form of influenza ie raging here, and over 3,000 peoplo are effected. Over 1,000 eehcol children alone are confined to their bids and bomee. TheirBetiou rtetuiblee ep zxitio. None of the eaeee have recalled fa.uy yet, bat uiaeh InoonveniCEC* and interteret.09 with bueiteia it eaueed. Tbe malady U aooribed to the variable weather. Fully 10.000 people wttbin an area ot forty milee are tufferiug with the trootle. Mr. Wood moved tbe second reading of tbe Bill tu prevent minor* tnqoentioK oiliiare) rooms and other pliMae. Ue eaiel tbe prceeDceof minors in billiard roome and olber naming plaoee wae highly objectiona- ble. Though billiard* of llaalf might be barmleM, yel boys learned tbe betel ol gambling ae well ae she game. He pro- posed to prevent minors frequenting the roome withoat the oonerai of their guardian*). Again, theee room* were fre- quently ran in eoaneatioa with eelocce, which wae another evil. Tbe Bill propoeed to place a penally on keepers for allowing mioore to freqoent tbe place, aod on minore for fnqaenting after due warning. Boo. A. 8. Hardy objected to young men being prevented going to bowliot alleje or billiard roome Mil they were SI years of age. If it bad limited the age to 18 they a uld have understood the Bill better. 1 ,tn attain, what waa " being duly waned T ' The Bill propoetd also corporal punishment. Who wae going to inflict the puuisbment ? Tbe father could do ao without tbe magistrate'* consent. Mr. Kriuktuiger If the boy ie not too big. Uon. A. S. Hardy Tee. if he ie not too big. Be advocated taking a reasonable view ot the tbic*. If be would plae* the limit at If or 17 yeare and leave out the leet olaoee then be would support II. Mr. McLsnjhlin was entirely In favor of the spirit of the Act, though there were com* particular* io which it might be amended. Mr. O'Connor could col vote (or the Bill aa it etood. There) waa an age) when a boy ought uol to go IO a billiard room, but he wou.'J not plaoe Ibe age al 21. Though he thought tbe BUI would pace ae il wee, yel be would point out some of Ibe abearditiea. A keeper ot a billiard-room wai to be dued if he permuted a young man to be present. How wae) Ibe keeper to know when a yoone: man was of ege T A yooag man of over M wae to be nocged al tbe option of the father. He eccolnded by remarking that be erai or, rcied to thie Bill. Hon. A. M. ttTee wae in favor of the principle ol tbe Bill and thought it eboold go to a aeeool reeling, but eome modinea- uoo miiibi be made aa to the age. Mr. Young aleo favored the general principle of Ibe Bill. It wae not simply ibal you-R Uds spent a great deal ot time tbere but MM a great deal ol money, and eome even went so far en to steal to get it. He iniiKuteJ tbat tbe age limit should be 17 or 18 and the flogging elaaec omitted. Mr. Cvnegie laeeuaced the ezsediecey of tbe flogging eiaaee, bat agreed with tbe Bill in other particulars. Mr. Merriek eugneeted would be difficult to pat in o_ poee a father gave oooeent to one place, Ih* penalue* would be ineorred by the )oatb vi >:tiDg e second piece. He thoejgbt the law sboold be eo thai mmota would be pre- vented freqaeiiting billiard rooms by the ord r of a parent only. Mr. M oredilb took tbe same views to a great extant ae tbe Provincial Secretary . He iboogbl there wae something in the title of the Bill. II wae called tbe " Minors' Preventive Act," and he thought minor* would have to be prevented from exiaitng before it could be earned oat. If it was immoral for a minor to go to iaob a plaoe, bow wee) Ibe consent of a parent to make it leee unmoral r If Ibe BUI wae to be passed al all, it shoald be limited to 14 years of age, bat be thoagbl the general proviiioDi ot the law were enffleteat. Mr. Hobillerd said he was) a member of the Canadian Institute al Ottawa and they bed a billiard table there. He played billiard* and he eo-.il 1 not prevent hU eon following biin. It it were i at metal before III. b) could it be moral after T Mr. Otbeoa (Hamilton) eaid the princi- pal svil to be prevented try she Bill wae in tbe oiee of yoang lads frxjaeotlog billiard ruome. He wooid rather (or hie part eee) a provision in the Lidenee Ael preventing licensee beiug given foe billiards io saloon*. He wonJd leave oat Ibe fljggmg clau.e and strike . at b wliog alleye. Mi. Wood ezpreeeed himself aa ooniider- i. g Ihe age of 91 too high for Ibe reetne- tioo and loggeeled IK ae being the right age. Ue wanted the Bill to be cent to a ejoimilaee. He admitted thai tbe laet oiUM migbt be ofleneive, bat It wae ID fl.oi tn some cities of the I" .lied (state*. Be wae illing to strike uut the clause. Hon. O Mowat (aid tba only member who waeagainel ths BUI entirely waa tbe member lor Loul JQ. There) waa a coo- eurua of o^i-iion that tha Bill weal too far, and tbat tbe fourth clause most be mruck out. Even tbe promoter ct tbe Dul a limited tbie. Us snowed that tbs permieeiun provision in the Municipal Act ooLftned tbm to plaoee kept tor blre or gain." He thought that tbta Bill should be io hunted. Hoo. I. B. Vardee expreeeed bimaelt as in favor of a modified Bill, bat saggeetk thai the Bill musl be made ao tbat i would La acceptable to a eommonily. 1 they made a law too stringent it would be a dead letter. Mr. Cook pointed out that it a monisi- palny desired to forbid billiard rooma entirely they oould do eo. Mr. Crtigbton said he wae cow (aliened thai ihe mnniejpalitiee could tolly deal with the qoeatioo. Mr. Feme thought Ibalalmoat every one ia the BOOM would agree that where a parent forbade the keeper ol one of thoee plaoee termitliag hie b jy playing tbere tbe parent'e will should be recreated aud tbe keeper abocld be fined if be dieregardid ew Mrs. Beat The) BoohcisM deepaleh pobliehid a low dayi ago relative to tbe death of Mrs. E. E. O. Braenoa, of that city, contained good maoy inaccuracies. Her age wae moeb beyond 71, M Havled tn DM despatch. She had reached her WJih ysar, an eeeiv. aad well preserved old lady, vitas tb* peouUanty thai (be pref srred to five alone. She o. pted bar cw dwejlbaf, we*** we well aomfortably fnrntahad a oharwoi coming to thi houee and doing her work. Laet .ummer a young rslattve ipenl part ol her holiday! with ner. Mn. Kmaraoo t hooie aod lUrroundlnge, wbile making no priieneione to wealthy duday, gave ao indication! of lack of oars or oocofurl. The my.tery to the Rocbeetsr p<ep to eeeme to bo ia their ignoravoee wf who aad where) ner ralenvee wore aod in th* veJu* at the eetate aba leave*, the amount (I ISO 000) being con- aiderablv oventa-ted. Bai in her will, made in 1879, and a codicil of IMS. me eeeme to have bed a olear idea and pur poee in bar mud to pat U la good oca. The executor* an Meter*. Alex. Holland, Traaeonr, and Cbarlaa O. Clerk. Aseieeant Traaenrer of ihe Atneriean Expreee Ocm- paoy, New York, and Cbarlei F. Pond, of Roeheetar. IB thi will she davieee 110.000 to the land* ot the Gtnersl Aeeeeubly ot the Pree- byterian Conreb of the United Statee for the srecuon of eh untie* ia the new B eases and lermonee, and fJO 000 tor the support cf miaeiooanee ia then dieeriete. The residue of her setaM go** to the) Prcebyte*- iao Foreign Miasaone, attar providing lib- eral Ugiaee to bar aephatw* and new***, descendant* cf Bev. D. W. Eaetman. ot Bmiihv.U*. Lincoln eunnly, Ont. To the Preebytenaa Choreh la Bmiahville ah* leavee 11,000. Unnthir feeqocM of 11.000 i made to Knox C railage. Toronto, * a memorial fund in recollection d her father, Bev. Daniel Ward Eaatmaa, who waa one of Ibe pioneer Presbyterian mtntn of th* Niagara diitricl. Bi arrived in 1801, and, travelling oo horseback, preacned through this section whan il waa aa uncleared and eparaaly Milled country. Mn. Emereon aod eomo otaer ot hie daughters often travelling with They knew Hamilton wbea m eiatfi of a Mane, a anofc and a lew dwelling*. One wbo ie borwd in Barm, wee the) will ol a Pneby unan nunwatac. Another euter aiso matriadaPnahytatian minlatar Tbi* ladv iu>l dcceaaed married Bev. Mr. Oubert, a Prasbytenan divtv* intheBoltad wifi ol Jndge '"T* m. aad outlived him by many years. Bee bad no children by enher farmhand. Cats! crter hew felner i death ins vutted thie sewewn often, and was in tfata scettun a tew yean ago. Bet custom, whin aay ol her nlaiivee viaited her, was to repay their waweltian ticineec. aad aai weald be tlmilainul ttU tbey accepted this, tias wee reeognined aa a wsll posted, shrewd onrineat woman, and oonvvnant with backing saoeke, bond*, aad their market valo*s.Hsaliaiii(By *xr>*ri*ne* of early daye ths thffljulsiss surruuuding missionary work, her purfoee of aiding oibere wbo an laboring aider the leant tnaia ie ooo.iderrd by those ol her early aod later Iritnde who knew her eniilabli to bar aod eatiaf aetory to I wtr rts oei.l.l Miara ! the cwr. a u Tlie morning paper reaebee nineteen twentieth* ot ite reader* and Ibe public geterally al a time when they cannot read il. Tbe work of the day ie upon them. They month over the paper baeuly and throw II aeid*. Nothing ie read, only galped down. Tbi* ie Jiaeipatlon. It ii as an- beallblnl to etufl the mind with unuieatl- oaled KoJ a* it u Ibe body. Tbe evening paptr ie prepared al a time when meu ought to work, the time eeJ aside by nature tor wjrk. AU tbe tacts are ecru- liniaed in Ibe clear ligbt ol day. It oomee to it* readeri wben sue work ot the day ie done. It i* carried to the home aod read io Ibe family circle. lie eontente are conned carefully and leiaurely in Ibe nioel favorable oiroomatancee poeeible to be ailainsd under the lotteaiiig aud elevat- lug lufluenoee ot home. It bucouies a patt ot ths household eoonomy lo take part in tbe reading of tbe paper. Each msiuber of the home circle taaee an iolervel to it. Toe borne w the centre of the pjwer that rules tbe world Ii is to tbe home Ibe evening paper goee. - One go Mtii. A Buffalo ieepatcb aaye : The following imporeenl crop oewe wee) rices Ted at 1 o'eluak to-day. The fdiowing ebowusg the ocnjiuoe of tbe been iasoed by she Department d I _ tare : Tbe sleek of wbea! in the) hai.de of farmers is 30 per cent, of the ereff . wae M leel year and M far two jeaie ego. II amounis to 107 000 000 bn>h<l*. *e>in>t MMO,000 last M.r.tt. aod 119000000 acreage. Il 11 on It 'J 000 000 boa**!* mure than in Mareta, ItMJ ibe anorteel invwible supply ot recent yean. Tbe visible end i vin"le eopply, Mtroh lt. wac therefore 159000,000, egainei JU.OOOUOO lael year. Toe e-jwumplioa ol wtteat for bread and other n*o. the seed (own and approxi- mately iS 000.000 export elaeo tbe let of March. 1385, make a distribution tqaal te the supply from M *reb lael. Tbe March repnrt of the Department of Agnealtare on the eooeampUoo and dieinbatson of the grain orope makee the proportauo of corn still in the baode of farmer* 10 per cent, ot tbe laet crop. Oae year ago the proporteM ot the crop on band waa 57 S per cent. Two yearn ago 311 per cent of tne abort crop of ItMl. Il amount* to 773 000 000 bu'hel*. 94000.COO more than last Mreh and WL.OOOOOO more than March. 1*84. Tbe proportion i the lowest in the Wees, where bwavy winter feeding ie rtqoired, areragiag SH per cent, in twelve Btasec. It i* 45 per cent, in tbe rkutb and 44 in the Middle Slatee. The proportion ot mer cban table u ** * perwnt-.waieh hi shghtly abxve the average. keeper snob n< (tan Mr. and Mv*. Fred. Maceaeld, of Can- ton, Meae., ware badly trigbleued one night recently, after reliriag, by uuuee which they believed were made by barglam. 1'buy aroused the family living iu tbe other part ot tbe bouse, and Ibe quart**, after arming tbemaelvee, mad* an luvse- tigatioo. ft wae found that rate had guawtd a bole in a hag ot ouione eo*- peuded at Ihe lop ot a flight of (lain, and tbeir rolling dowu wben aaddenly reetwMd oauied all the trouble. Mr. Oonmee we* not in favor of the prin- ciple ot tbe Hi 1. People ia the manioi- palitiee were tbe beet jadgea of tbe need for the restrictions, aod if they deeired tbem they could ezrcue their power under tbe present Ael. The Bill wae read the eeoond time. Mr. Buhop moved tbe eeoond reeding of the Bill to regulate the width of elelb*. Be proposed to place the minimum wdtb at three feet nice inebee. He eagreeled In bi Bill that il sboolj eome into opera- tion NuTember let, 1840. Tbe Bill wae reed tbe second time. Mr. Badgerow moved tbe eeoond reading of tbe Bill to amend tbe law (or tbe pro tootioi: of game and fur-bearing animate. Tbe Bill propose* to extend the ckee Reason , and new clanaes (or t he appointment of Inepectore, making among others all Pro- vincial toreel rangere Inspector* it tffleit ; a game permit costing 1*5 to be required ot all persons not donioiled in tbe Province cf Ontario or Quebec before they can about game. The Bill wae read tbe icoond time aad referred to a epeeial committee. Mr. Oaldwelle Bill on the lame inbjsot wae referred to tbe eame committee. 1 II IIH. > -.! I.I f It <. I ICI IS*)* MU. .1. A Jameetown deepaleh eay* : Mr*. Nel- son -S. Woodford ia a very happy woman. Fifty iii. yean ago.wbsn she wae e child In Cherry T alley, N. T , she stepped upon a nail protruding from a fsoee piakel that lay on the ground. Il wae not known at the lime wbnther a portion of tbe nail wae Isfl in the tool, bat ever since that urn* Mn. Woodford bee been much troubled by Ibe member, which baa al umeeeoi-nned her Ie bar bed. and on Mvaral oceeeione bee been treated by eargione, A day or two ego a forajgn sufaetaooe wae noticed in tbe running sore on ibe fool, aad tbe piece ot Ihe nail, five-eighths of an inch long, wee drawn forth. Though tbe foot wae de- formed by the misfortune, Mn. Woodford hope* to regain the foil new of it. after remaiuioK a partial invalid tor over ball a century. A Welland deepaleh ssye . The cafe against Kiln, ths man arrested on enapMon o( being implicated tn the) Altanborg tragedy, eame up for bearing la tbe Police 0-urt bare oo Friday I < priaoner be wae allowed to go oo hie own leejognlaanea, to appear wkeo called open to anewcr the (barge ol murder. Toia cjureewae tahen, Instead ol dieeharging bim altogether, at the) n iu**l ot tbe prisoner, wbo ooorte Ihe (uilect inv uou into bis cooneotion with the) I Who Instead of Ibe phrase " telegraphic a'drwi " a olaaaioal Kngllshman bee coined the word " Tewnym." A man hae been heavily fined In Parle for araelty lo animale.be having purobaeed a number of oale and amused himeell by watching tbem being torn to piece* in hie leat Jftta by two HtTtg* boll dugs. Htasaaitc <ri t* Waasaa'e ar"i . < la ihr K.k.. A Washington daepatch says : Tbe Qooe*> Oommiltee on Military Affaire bee ebown ire gallantry on a bill which bae been before il and whiob brought eat a atrange epteode ol the war. Il appears that at tbe breaking out ot Ibe nbellion a youi'g woman donned trooeere, coat and veel, and eoli*ted ae a private in Cunpaoy P , Second Michigan VoJuateere, Her die guise was anooeeefnl for more than two yean, and ibe participated in a number of baitlee. Her eex wae anally discovered while eb* wae sick in a hospital. She never returned to her regiment, and ae lie ofneein did not know tbe reaeoo, the name of Franklm Thompson, her aaeumed one, had marked opposite tt on the mailer roll, "Ueeeited," The bill removes the charge ot daaertion, and has been favorably reported by the committee. Bet real name wee Mtee deelye. I ..k . l.iar rssriaasiar. Indignant Co-tooier Look hen I do von call Ibie ? I'roprietor of Cheap Restaurant (examin- ing objMi (-Locke like a shoe airing. Customer- Well, air, I found that in the soup. Proprietor (in eJarmfr-Not to load, plsae*. Ooetomer Yoa oagbt to be iihamcd el Proprictcr (In a whisper) - Prey ho qniot. That uld Kntlc nan al abs aide table might bcac yoa. Ue bee beeu coming ber rtgalarly for six months and never got a tingle thing thrown In' with tbe regular inner. lliuitht make hii ' CeU. A thoroughly generoai action ie al one* rarej and w U doao. -There are 1.600 aebcol leseaen IB Sjrne petrified earn ot eon have been dog up at Fonyth, Us. When a man wants (eaeoned foci be MMfM to ah* dealer who bae deaU Igade ^TwW*a

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