Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1886, p. 2

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Bha Itac Ji tl tfai g.rUeu (ait U>- uif ht ; owor44aea itiiuialit'i >pul. Bel her are toll ol au availous Uf ht, AM a a*aiOioti .laataalike a alamond brtcht OB Ih* nee ofhir % lmt cheek. The ran in hie glory Lu long itnoe let, Thar >bln bus ceawl hie long; With Ute falUo* dw U !! are wet, The boar U petal anil bi COUIM not yet, Oh, wby doe ha eta; ao loag ? IB Vain aba ae>ki to re. IT*. in be* teart i Aethepnotoaioaooienta Caet; And her beara li filled wttXi douLu and tears, A* ill* iiwnl ni aieuidi and itraini ber tare For tb IOQ u3 of btr low el's feel Oh, beantaoae rntiu at the garden gate, at get Uue la, lor ta> boar is late, Tor thy lover's aouaing no longvr wait, Be will BOB apaaeur to-nlgba. wu wonld tbe you ti to tar aide bave flown, Bat b* kwla'l > clianxe of clotuat, For bit wasUrwuma hex patianee gme, To hit tblrta and collars od oaf i buldi on Till be pay* up tbe bill ha owe*. I kr .mm ft Kttmra. Baek to Us oil;, tat* aoley city. All topy turvy witb jar and ham, Chanting a ligbiaJJda.ry dttty, By bruwuiun mamdiiv I aluwly eoma. I leave U'ii brutal, enchanting eoenary, Aud leara m luiit that 1* more than aweet. Fer I atrlki a> Una f or tbe ln cent beaoary. OoCbalQajmtreeL nl'il Bale* ay bed la tbi ooerr kayettok. Ill BilMiuy raw turnip along ibe way. Ak, tael taut fake wool* tbe nowen ol IU IKK Bltfht In in; tuioni, tad make It May. Mo maid unto iu> will tb oaat off food cbuck, Witbeut a plala, or > knife or lurk. An* ao I |o ailrniu itg 11 fait aa a woo Back to New York. i fait M a woodohack Me man will thi ball-dog caaae aa bloodshed, And nod m ior with bit mUbty Jaw, H mora tor a UM>! out bamd the wuodabed biiaJl I have to aMal luta of wood to u*. I'll HT to Naw Turk ID my iwlftcit manner, Auo, u 1 B.U lough oo tu; h&rUiuad loot 111 carry t teo-du t rtaurnt banner Prom itreot toatreel. 'KOU.I BAWI,' iXD OKHB rOPCUB WVBI* lier mind li M t boat npon a troubled tea, totted hire and tber* , bnt by aad by th* wind KCXB down, and the stanoh heat i* nested, and taint it* bow towards home. "Kit, do nolfetui go to the river to night," th*) tty*. tuning to Ito* kir aiiter in tbe narrow path. " Bat wby ': 1 1 ii to warm and ligh ani rab a little w*>y 1" " Ton hem beea ot ten there. Let u* torn down thi* eidi of the meadow, and ie Lereil willlemdio." Thai Ii lead* directly Away trom Cool there oao uot be th* letit doubt ; and tb little BikCtvr treading the ground ih would Dot, liela with an additional pang o disappointment that tbt fulfilment ol bo duly dtau not carry wilh it th* thrill o rtpturi tbal ought to toff ate ber soul. No ao t thi ItainlBBt toneh ot satisfaction al he own hiroiin oomss to linhten th* bitte ragrei the Ii eidariog ai th* turnt he back deliberately on th* river aod it ebauoei. Bht feili only eorrow, aod Ih lear tbat eonw OM will thick ber bard btari ed. and the could ory a little, but tor K and abame i Beak*. " Mooiot, who I* that ? " txelaimt Kl enddenly, itajring ovir tbe high back beside which they were walking, into th field beyond. Following her glance, Monio tee* a crouching ti<uere on tbe other nd ot thii blank, but lower dcw.i, *italing c ttoaalv, noiMlenly, toward* Ibem, a though benl on iorel murder. A icooni (lance betraya tbi taol tbtl it I* Tereoo* with yeei, moeil poaitirely with gum I " Where on earth did ht gel U 7" says Kit ; and, unable to contain her eurioeity any looker, ibe icramhlii np the bank and Cain ont, "Terry, btre we ar*]' Com* here .' Where did yon get il ? " al th* top ot ber freah round long*. A* ihe doei tx>,t little grey objtet, bilh erto nnteein fey hir, spring* trom among eome green ilafli, and, goudding toroei tb* field into the woods of Cooie beyond, il in a moment loit to view. " Oh, bother I" erie* Terry, literally dancing witbragi; " I wouldn't doubt yon to mail thtl raw joat when I wai going to Ore. I with to goodnit* yon girl* wonld tay al home, aad sol eome mtarftring with t fellow'* iport. Ton ar* always turning up tl tbe wrong moment, and jusl when you're not wanted I indeed you tier an t" Tbeee eltgsvnt and oomplimtntary r* mar kibe hurl* al their h*ad*, t* iboagh with th* with to B>nnthil*te them. Bn they bavin'* tb* ttintetl (fleet : thi Mia*ei Bernf ord are too well tecaitomei to hn elcqaenee to he dismayed by il They treat It, indeed, at a u-atter < oar**, e>adto oootinue their itqairitt an croaked. Tirry, when did you get this gnn T aaks Koniea, ai hr*tthl**i wilb inrprue a* Kit. " I* it "-tearfully " loaded Oh I don't I don't paint it Ibii way I I will anrwly go ofi aod kill somebody.' Bar* ebe mine* hir tooting and slipe ol the high btok, disappearing entirely trom view, only to reappear again presently flushed bat anicjared. " What t loniy gan !" itys Kit, ad mirisgly. "Itu'iii. f nye Terence, forgetting bi bad temper In hia tnzicty to exhibit hi ireasare . " I fi a breech loader, too ; non ol yoor old femhioned tbinge, mind yon, bu a regale* ood one. I'll toll yon wbo lent i to me if yoa' II promise not to peaab." " We won't," Ha yi Kit, wbo IB burn in wiibouricaily. " Goes*, then." "Bob Warren?" says Monioa. Bob Warren ii ihe rector's eon, aad maoh ti Hie. Mot likely I Fegi above him. Well I'll tell yon. Il'l thtl fellow that'* tpooni on yoa,' '-with all a brother'* ptnpioaoity " th* tillow who *aw as on tbe hay cart,' Monioa wriihe* inwardly " Desmond you know?" " The enemy i nephew ?" tits Kit in a thrilling tooe , that httpeak* delight and a malicious upeetation ot breakers ahead . "Yen. I WM talking to htm yteter day, early in thi dty, at Madam O'Con- nor* ; e.Bd ho aiked me wt* I yonr brother Monioa, to. whiob I pleaded guilty, though," With * grin, "I'd have got out ot it If I ooald ; tad lien b* began to talk abonl ehootibg, tod *tid I might knock over any rabbllel liked in Ooole. I told him I had DO guv, M he offered to lend me one. I thought it weMiwfuUy jolly ol bin:, oon aiderlBR I wad an a tier stranger, and that ; but h looki . rial good sort. Us den! over the gin thii morning by a boy, tnd I nays had 11 hidden io the itabl* until now. I thought I'l never gel oat of that beastly garden thii eming." " Oh, Terenoe, yon shouldn't bavt taken the gnn from him," sty* Monica, fluking, " Jnal think what Annt I'rinoillt wonld eay U ibe heard oi il. Ton know how de- termined ihe ii that w* tball bave no in- ttreourae with th* Desmonds." " Bkafl and Boneera** I" tayi Mr. Bir**- lerd. I never heard eueb a row a* they ar* forevir making about limply nothing. Why, Wt qiit* t common thing to jilt a girl, nowtdjay*. I'd do it myself in a minute." "Too won't htve time." eayi Kit, oon. teniptaouily . " Bhe-wboover the may be will be iure to jilt y<m first. " "Look hex*," aayt Terence, eying hii younger siller with mnohdiafavor ; "you're getting *o preciouB ibarp, you know that I ahonld think there'll be a eonfltration on tb* Ltffey before long , and I tbould think, too, ibl an oDtraad nation wonld be sura to fling the oaoMof 11 into tht flam**. Bo to tend t*k*e*tV "Terenee. yoa ought to .... _.. B . bejeket ewM " atye Mooiea. " fwB-hjfi I ought, but oerte-inly I ibt D 'I, that fu ,'a." ay* Terenee, ueaially . And it I war* roa," lulitely, " 1 wouldn't maka an ai* ot ay keif Thire u quite tnongk of tbat tort ot thing going on up there,' iadtotting, by t ware of hit hand, tbe drawing-room at Moyne, whir* the Mie*tt Blak* ar* at pr* l*ot dor-: g. Ton Bhooldn'l ip*ak ot tbem like tbat," tty* Moniot ; ' it ii very nngcatetal ol yon, wb*D you know bow kind they are, and how fond of yon." " Well, I'm toad ot tbem, too," iaye Terenoe, remortefully, bat gloomily ; " and I'd be evan fonder U tbiy would only leave me alona. Bnt they keep Man a look ont on a fellow tbat aometiuiei I feel like oat Ij ft a |ha whole thing and making a clean bolt of it." " If you tan away yon would toon b* withing yourtelf baok egaio," *aye Monioa oorotully. " Ton know yon will have no money until \ou are twenty -one. People pretend to be diioont*nt*d, at timei, with their livei ; bat in tbe long ran they generally acknowledge there la no pltoe like bom*.' " No, thaok goodncu, tbere ien'i,' *ty* Terence, with moody fervor. " I'll aoknow- ledge il at ODCJ, withonl the ran. To hav* freqtint repetition* of it would be more inan bomtn oator* ooald endur*. I htve known two homes already ; I should tbiuk t third woald b* my death." 83 laying, he ehouldsr* the totbiddan gnn and marekti c fl II jnioa and Kit, gelling down from tbeir elevated petition, also pnnoe tbeir path whiob l*ad< in t oontrary direction. " Mooioa," aay* Kit, prattntly, tlippioi her lender brown fiagcri throngh bei liiter'e aru. , " what did Terry m*an jao now, when he ip>ok* abont tome on* biog ' epoon* ' on yon T Dae* that mean in love with yon T " No an*w*r. It Mr. DMffiond, th*o, in love wilh yon?" No antwer. "It h*T" " Ob, Kit, bow oan I auiwer mob a que* tionae thtt? " In word*, I luppoae. It b* in leva witb yon?" I dou'l know," sa>B Monioi. in troubled tone. " It I iver bad t lover before, I ihoold know; but" "Tnett meant b*) 1*," aty* tb* Mlute Kit. " And I'm inre," with a littl* loving tqueiu ol bar arm, " I don't wonder at il.' " Too matt not My that," tar* Mont** eari:itly. " Indeed, b* taid a lew thing to me, bat that IB nothing ; and - " " Ton think be likeiyou 1 " " YM," MltMtantly. " I believe he adorei the vary ground yon walk on." "Oh, no.indMd." " It yon My that, b* MR f a r*al lover A teal on*, to my mind, ought to be read; aad willing to DM th* imprewioni you heeli may make in tb* arth." " That wonld b* tb,* aol ot a loci ; ani Mr. Dwmond ii not t tool." " Ergo, not t lover. And yet I think b i* yowri. Monioa," ooaiingly, " did h aay any pretty thingi to yon ?" " Wnti ihoold h* tay 7 I only met him twice." " Ton tre prevarieatiog," gaiing at b* severely. " Why don't joa tniirer me honettlv ? ' " I don't know what ycu otll ' pretty tbiom.' " " TM, yon do. Did b* tell yoa year eyei were deep, deep welli ot love, and that yoor fa** wa* full of eool T" " No, be did not," *ayi Moniot, tome wbtl indignantly ; " cerUinly not. Tb* idea I" ' Well that ii what Feroivtl taid to tbe girl he loved, in tb* book I wa* reading ye*trday," aay* Kit, rather oail down. " Then I'm very gltd Mr. Uecmond iin't lik) Peroivtl." I dare tay be i* nicer," tayi Kit art- tally. Then the tnok* her arm into bar eiiter'* and look* fondly io her face. " H* moil hav* aaid $omelhing to you," in* taye. Darling love, why won't yon tell your own Kilten all abonl it?' 1 A little tmile qoivir* round Moniea'e lips "Well, I will, then." tb* tajt. In her heart I believe tbe i* gltd to ooofld* in iomebody, and why not in Kit tb* eympt thetia ? " Fint, b mad* m* feel tbat h* 'a* delighted to meet me again. Then he aeked me to go lor a walk alone wilh him then be laid he wa* my lover I" Oh 1" tayi Kit, lorewmg op her tmal face with delight. And than b* aekad m* to meet him again to-day with you." Witb BM / I think that wae very deli otle of him." Bh* n evidently fl*tt*red b tbie nonoe of her exiiteraoe. Pi anly, it no tferoialn bUeetimttion ih* ii to h* treated wilb the r*epet doe to tb* rote'* iUt*r. I U all obarming 1 Bhe teelt wafted upward and incorporated, ta it wer*. in a real lov* affair. TM, the will b* the guardian ange of tb*ae thwarted lovem. "And what did yon nay? ' th* aik* witb a gravity that beflti th* oeeaiion. " I rahuad," in a low ton*. 11 To meet him T" " T**." " Witb *M ' " *ayi Ibii dragon of propriety " k ee." "Bit why!" " B*eaoa* of Aont Pritotlla." And then tb* t*lli her all aboot Annt Friaoillt' tpeeon in the oarritg* and her reply to U. " I never beard inoh t mbbithy reqaee in my life 1" tay* tbe younger MU* Baree ford disdainfully. "It il really beneath ootioe. And when all w told it moan nothing. Ai 1 re*d it, it Memi yon hav only prom lied to !org,*t you *v*r ipok* to Mr. DeemODd ; you haven't promised neve to "peak to him again," Thai th* littl Jeenit. "That WM not what Aonl FritelUa meant." "If tb* meant anything, it WM felly And, after all, what wa* thi* dreadful qnar rel betwven ni and the Detmonde all abont ? IlliTNin Annt Friwillfi brain. I'll tell you whtl I think, Honiot. I think Aunt Friioillt wa* ooo* in love with old Mr. D**> mond, tnd mother out her out ; and now jail beeaa** ibe hi* been diitppointod in her own lo*e affair, abe want* to ihwan you IB yoare." " Bh* doeen't, indeed. Any on* bmt Mr Deemood migbt ehow me attention and tb* wonld be pleaied. Bh* wa* qaite glad when Mr. Hyde well when be mad* blmielf agreeabl* to m*." " From all yon told m* of blm, b* matt have mad* bimtelf iiii- agreeable. I'm per feolly certain I should btt* Mr. Ryde, aod I'm cqaally rar* I ihonld Ilk* Mr. De* mond. What did ho nay to you, darling when you related to meet him *v*n witb mi t ' Khe lay* grott lire** on thii allniion to benelf. H* naiil I might do M I ohote, bat tbal b* would meet me again whether I liked it or not, and toon I" Now, that's tb* lover for mt I" ityi Kit enthuiiaitioally. " No giving in, no "billy ihallying, but downright determination. Be'* an bon*it man, and we all know what an boneM man ii ' th* nobleet work of God.' I'm certain he will keep hit word, and I do hop* I shall b* witb yon when next yoa meel him, M I should like to mtk* friend* with blm." At thii moment il oooan to Monioa tbat h* never knew before how very, nry fond he i* ol Kit. Oh, wall, I don't rappoM I can M* him gain for ever *o long," th* eayi. Bat iven M tb* word* paa* her lipi *h* know* *b* doee not roetn them and r*m*mbtr*witb a iltl* throb of pleatnr* thtt h* bad aald b* would * h*r again nw*. Boon! Wby, bat might m*aa thu evening now any moment I Inittnetivwly ihe lift* her head and lookt around her, and tbire, joat a little way off, i* ft yoong man coming quickly toward* her, barebetded and in " I told yoa how It would b*," My* Kit, fa a nervon. wbl.per, taking alruoel a Ml out Ol poo. Monioa'e arm ID her excitement. Oh, wkAU 1 have a lover I LOB* be will b* ike ht." Her grammar haa gon* after hir n*rv*. Monica i ailenl. Bom* color ha* gone rum ber ohreeke and ber boarue betting !atter. It it tier wiry flrtl tftire, to w* miwllorKive her ; a liltlc !n,'ieueil ihadcw uaa lalleu into her eye* aud altogether aiie looki a ibad* younger than utual ; ibt it troubled in cptril and inclined to flud fault with tbe general management ol tbingi. After all, abe ma>y at well bav* gona to tba river thii evening for whtl good her abitineno* ba* done bir ; tbi poverty of our ttrengtb to conquer late tnd th* immntt bilily of itt deoreec fill ber witboantMrot tion and a fretful detir* tor freedom. Tel above and beyond all the** vain imaglnitigi i a gladnttt aod a pride tbat ber power ii troog *Doogb to drtw her lover to ber *ide io spile of all difficulties. Tb* bareheaded young man biB c;me up to btr by ibi* time and i* boUiog oat bit band ; ailently ihe layi her own in II, and colon treaoberonily ai his fiageri olote on hen in a close, tender aud posaetaite taibion. "I found tbe river too chilly," hi BBJI imilirg. " n ) I cuiue on her*. Having been HDtooot<tfal til tbe iftcrnooa tad moroini ban* I tbonU find yon BOW." Tbit might be hieroglyphic* tootheri, bat it oertatnly Eogliib to ber, bowtver the otty protend otherwise; ibe doein't pretend muob, to do ber justice. 'This U yonr ti.ter?" goe* on Ucimond looking ai Kit, who ii regarding him wilb an e? e that ii quite a " piircer." " Yes," lay* Monica. "Kit, thii ia Mr Desmond." " I know that," lay* tbi* enfant terrible, mill fixing him wilb a glano* ot oalm ai,ii earobiog scrutiny Ibtt ii wellotloolttedlo diioouoert even a bolder man. Then all tl onot ber mind teem* made op,tod,eomio( forward, the holie ont htr baod and aayi " How d'ye doT" to him wilh a ioddn ran, *w**t *mil*tbat oonvinoethimtt onoe ot her itettrbood to Monica. "W* are friends?' b* nays, being attracted to tbi child for her own g alone, a* well M tor tbe charm of bir rela tionibip to tbi pall enow-drop of a gir betid* her. " Y**. It yoa provt true to my Monica.' "Oh, Kit I" tayi Monioa deeply ibooked bnt Kit payi no h*td, her eyti beiox ft* tened gravely upon tb* nan before her. H* i* quite at gravt a* ib* i*. " It our frieadahip defends npon Ibat, It will bt a lasting one," h* lay* quietly. "My whole lift ii at your tiitor'i service." Something io hi* ton* touebe* Moniot slowly tuo littt her eyw until they r*tch hi*. " I wiib, I with yon wonld not peniat in thi*," Mh* Bayitadly. " Bat wby ? To think of yoa ia my obiif cit joy. Do yoa forbid m* to be hippy ?'' " No but " " Inthtmtrningand tb* atlernooD I went to tbe river to look tor yon in vain ; after dinner I wont, (00,1111! hoping igaicalbope aid now at la-it thtt I htve tonod yon, yon ar* naklnd to me 1" H* apeak* ligbtlr, hot hie eye* tre earneil. Uia* Kather ioe,"b*tayi tppealingly to Kit. "ot your grace, I pray >ou to betriicd me." " Monioa wonld not go to Ib* river Ihi* vcniog became ens remembered an absurd promiie she mad* to Aunt Friecilla, and brcMise tb* feared to meet yon there. It I* Ibe meet absurd promiie in th* world ; wail till yoa beev il." Whereupon Kit, wbo ii ia her element, proceeds to tell him all abonl M(li* Priioilla'i wordi to Monioa, and MonioVi anewir, and ber (Kit'i) inter- pretation thereof. " 8be oettainly didn't promiie never to spetk to you attain," coo jladti *be, with a nod Solomon might have envied. Need il be said tbat Mr. Datraoad agreed wilb her on all points ? ' There ii no ni* in continuing Ibe dii- ootstOD," iayi Monioa, turning aside little coldly. " I should not have goo* to tbe river, anyway." Ttail ehilitng remark produces t blank indescribable, and conversation latguUbei Mouioa bvrayi an laterrat to the hoiis^n never before developed ; Mr. D*tmond r* gard* with a moody glance tbe ripening harveet , and Kit, looking inward, inrviya bir menial resource* and wondert whtt i U htr duty to do nut. For anght thai ever I ooald read, Could ever bwr by tale or history , Tbe coar.e of true love never did run itnooli. Thii muoh ibe knows : and to^ny on* blessed with t vision sharp aihertlavki ver apparent now tbat tbir* it a roogbnea somewhere. Bbe knowi, too, Ibroogh mtn; work* of nation, thtl those in attendance 01 loving couplet ebonld at certain ntioni tee oaaie to abaent tbemeelve* trom their dat; and **arob for a inppoeitionihaLdkeiobier or iprain ao nnoffeodiBg ankl*, or hut. diligently in bcdge-rowi lor andiscoverabl floweri. Three paths, therefore, 111 open t ber ; wbleb Io adopt ii thi quiilion. TI return to tb* boose lor * bandkerohie woald be a decidedly rUky affair, calculated to lead op to stiff aod damning oron examination trom tbe aunt*, whioh minh prov* painful; to ipratn an ankl* migb prove even ptinfollw ; bnt to dive into tb innocent hedgerow for tbi extraction o summer flowsre, wbat can be more effeotua and reasonable ? She Will do it tl ount. "Ob, wbat lovely dog-rotee!" the ity effniively, in tone that wouldn't hav deceived a baby, " I really moat git aome. " Let mo get them for you," ityi Dee mond gloomily, which the tt one* decide I* ixoteaivtly ilnpid of blm, and she 1 doing all ibe oan lor him, tool Bhe trie to wither him witb a glanoe, bnt he ii to miserable to be lightly omihid. " No, thank you," "he *ayi, ' I prefer get ting them myaelf. Flowen ar* like fiuit moon more icjoyable when yon pick th*m witb yonr own habda." 80 itying, thii toeompliihed geoaeberr] skipi round Ibe corner, leaving Monio* auc DMr. eimond ttti a-Utt. Tbat they enjoy thiir sudden isolation jatt at firit it questionable ; Monioa dlteoT rt blot* on th* perfect horiEM, and Mr Deemond, alter a loll minuw'a ptosie, says reproachfully : " Tea didn't really ntean that, did yoa ?' "Mean what?" uncompromisingly tnc withoal ohangiog poaiticn. " Tbat evtn il matter* bid been quite qait* oomfortabl* with n*, you would not bav* gone to meet me tt the river? ' " I don't know," in a low lone. " .s'ay yon didn't mean it." " I rappot* I didn't," evin lower. "Look at me, tb*n,"*ay* Mr. Daamond. Kit, in ker bigb, *w*t volte ii warb tbal lilll* pretty thing aboul a " lover and hit IBM," in tbe nut tie id. Tb* wordi ol ber long, and i ai silly refrain of A bey tnd a bo, and a bay nonlno, com* to them aero** th* Born at.d Ih* loented meadow, Monioa, witb her hand In hia, smile, faintly. " Ton hear what she ting* 1 Ibtt lilt is but a fb wer 'is it wii*, thin, to let your beart upon " ' You ?" 1 1 meant, an impoeiibility." I Which you art not. Yoa ihill not be. I dou'l believe in Impoisibililien, to begin Wilh ; and, even it It were BO, 1 iboold Itill prefer to be nn wise." " Yon ar* defiant," ib* *tyi lightly, bnt bar smile li still very tad. I 1 hav* hop*. Affection '* ground i* beyond time, pltee and all mortality,' an we read. I aball oooqoar yet ; yea, even your irejodleee. In tbe meantime, girl nan fsUr ilay. X> not harden yoor heart agiinat e." " I witb mint was th* only bird heart yon had to contend against," roturni ihs ritb a faint *igh. But tbil remark ttarni to drop M oareleiely from her lipe, that, thouKh eltted by it, he I* afraid to take toy open notice of it. " I bop* yonr anntu were not orots to you Mt sveuiug on my acooant ?" b* tayi anxlontly. " No. Nothing was laid more than Kit told you, exoept that Aunt FriMtllatoMhau tb* point ot introdaowtoa. Ob, what flight I got then I II ih* bad peniited m t*r iBquirie*.-, what wou'd bave become ot mt" c; >ul4n'l >ou bave " begin* Mr. Per- mood etui tbeuatopeabriptly. Anlauoett tbe ' -oe oplilted to bU obeoka hi* h 11 itf rod apecota t ff eolually and readtra Luu , Mtilte, thoroughly tahtmed ol himtelf. II I bad bad to oonfeti there hal been 10 iut.'odaetion," gon on Mocict laugh- ,ogly, " I don't know wbtl wonld btve been tieroeuX" Th* dologe, I anppoae," return* h*> companion Ihoughtfally. Wbtl > pity yoa have an ucoli at till" eayi Mooiea pr***ntly. " II wonld b* all right ouly for him." Bh* omits to tay tat would b* tali right, bnt tb* trantlation la simple. Ob, don't lay that," intrett* Dtimood, who fan a wholeaome tffeotion tor tbe old tbove tt Ooole. " H* i* Ibe kicdenl old fellow in the world. I think, it yon knew him, yoa woald be very fond ot him ; tod I know be woald adore you In ftet, b* IB io kind-betited tbat I oannot think how all that unfortunate *tory abont your uMtber ey*r etna* tboot. Be looki to me a* it be ooalda't ity Bo to a goote ' where twomtn wai concerned, and yet hi* mtnn*r to-night coiinmed v*rytbing I heard." " lls confessed?' In t deeply Intereeted tone. " Well, just tbe ttme thing. Bi teemed diilreaeid about hi* own oondnel in Ihe tflear, too. Bat hi* ntannir wt* odd, I thought; aud h***em*tt much tt dagger* drtwa witb your tnnti aa they wilb him." " Ttatt it because b* ii Bj*btm*d of him tall. One il aJwtya htrdeit en those one ha* injured." " But tbtl U jut it," ia>y* Mr. Deimond in a poszled ton*. I don't believe, bon eilly, be ia t bit tib'amteVol bUni*ll. H* in J a goo} deal abtut bii regret, bat I could lit baqait*glor1d in hit crime. And, in fact, I epofdn't discover tb* *mtlleet trace of remor**abuul blm." " He moil really be t very bad old mtn," ttye Uonioa tevwely. " I'm perlMtly ear ttin if he were my uccte I thoald not love him at til." " U ju 1 1 tty thai Wben he U yoor nnol* yon will set that I am right, and that b* ii t very lovable old mtn in tpite of all bit ftnlto." Atlhie MoniotbloibM a little, tnd twirls her riogi round ber flng*r* in an notes of ahyniM, and finally, in tpite of a itern preaaar* laid npon biraelt, give* wty to mirth. " Wbat are yon langbing tt now 7" teki be, Itogbing too. 11 At yon," eaiting a iwilt bat ebarmirog Klaooe at him from under her long lathee " Ton to aty such fanny thing*. " Did yon bear there i* to b* BO afternoon dtnee tt'tbe Barracks next w*ek?" cayi hi preeeolly . " I w** at Olonbree OB Thar* dty, and Cobbett told mt about it." " Who ii Oobbelt ? ' " The oaplain there, you koow. H* wai tl Agbyobillbeg yesterday. D:dn't you tee him t little, balf-iitrved looking man wilb t skin Ih* color of 1 it hair, and both ('* " Oil, of ooorse: now I rimMnber him,' itya Moniot, tbil fetching description bav lug cleared her memory. " I tbougbl to myaelf bow odd bl and thi other man, Mr Kyd*, looked tcgifcnir, one a* bin as the other WBB liltle." I think then ii more matter tbao hraim aboul Hyde," say* D**mond coa temptoootly. "Do yon think yonr aun will let you go to Ibii dao.es at Olonbr** ? "Oi, no: I am sure not. My mot would be certain to look upon t elauce ii tb* Barracks a* lomdhieg too awfully dii lipaMd." For one reason I ibon!d be (ltd yon didn't go." Olad ?" opening b eyci. Yes. That fallow Ryde nevtr took bi eye* cff yoa yeeterday." 1 It Meet a crime T" Io my *y**, ye*." "j Aod yon wonld wish rue to be kepkt ^^^^^ ^ """TSfoRrh I don't want any one to look at yon bo me I " Then he oomei a liltle elo**r to he and eonopil* her, by the very itrength hi* regard, to 1*1 her aye* meet hi*. "D yon Ilka K)dt?" be tika tomewhat impcr oualy. "Uonict, aniwer me." Il li the second time he baa called ber b ber Christian name, and a startled eiprei lion paeeti over her faoo. " Well, he wai very nic* to m*," ihe Bay witb a studied bciitation tbtt beloogB I tbe first bii of ecqnelry abe ha* ever prac ti*ed in her lit*. Hbe ba* ttMd toe iweet nan of power, and, (rub ai ber knowledg U, ibe estimates tbi advantage of it to nicely. ( To b* continued ) I hi <>inrul Mln|. " YM, I koow Sobunaaeber, tbe oatmea king, who ha* juat loit bit bi mill* by fire, taid tbe Ohio pauenger, end an odde little man yoa ntw*r taw. He's aOermtu of courme, about 60 years old, about an bi a* igra\aihnpper and jail an lively, talk Datehy tnd write* tb* moet vlgoroai Eng hab, bB>t*i whiikey tnd beer ai he doei liar tnd worki rixleen hoar* a day. H oame to Ihi* country M poor M a obaroh mom*, itartod a little groouy and be* taloon, run tbtt awbil* tnd then begt making oatmeal by tband-mi'l In bin wood tbed. Finally he told bit naloon, reddlei oatmtail tnd farina from a baud oart, which he wheeled about town bimtelf, and In thirty yearn built op tho largeit factory o thai kind In tb* world. He won't hir* man in any eaptoity who drink* wblekt] or et en beer, and ba about him ***< hundred imploytea, who are ntoetly Oar mani, *uid, Btraoge to *e>y, zialoui probibi tloolitej like bimtelf. H* onoe brought ov* Iron Owmany a workman wbo wai matttr ol a new proettm. Tbii man oam under a two yeari' oonlraol at t large Ury, nil *xp*na*i being guaranteed. Tbe Beoond dty atter h* btgin work Bebn machar learned that he WM a beer-drinker In two honri tb* workman left th* mills never to return , and witb t cheque for nearly 18,000 in hit poeket, Thi* wai tbi price 3ohDroBh*r bad paid lor upholding hit prineiplM and enforcing hie rolei to th* very letter." CMoajo Hert'.d. Wkal ri>orr<l Him. Therigoti t man," b* taid u be pointed to a pedeetrian aorot* the street, " who oat bi*) til by not poeiing open the trtiti of oommuu itie." " Wbat do yoo moan 7" " He want to Muikoka tnd put nil entire 'urtuoe mto I ooogb-drop factory, bat never Fold a poond of tbi drop*." Why? Don't Maekoka people bav* oooihe 7" Certainly, the itm* a* tb* rut of ni, bat when they caa'lMir* 'em witb utppery elm they let ber cough." Tee It U very well ," remarked a red-noeed man in t bad bat and a dilapidated ol*t*r of the wiotageol'70, H it'iall viry well to My, let btuioee* revive ; bat what we want, ir, li oonfldcne* eoofidinoe. tir. and lol* f it. Each ol oa mut be willing to bring >nt our hoarded dolltre from tbt otptoioni toekiDgin tht ohlmney corner, and pot hta into general eironlttion. Then ib* kin of commerce will brighten ; thin ok, >y Ike wty I changed my veal thii morn- ng ; lend m* (0 oenw, wiH yo* 7" A N r.w Covri!T The Cmttdm Oairttt aOBltini notle* of application for letteri latent ineorporttin( t Ue Wenlbourne Oat- Ie Oomptny, lor raiting and telling eatlle, hetdqaartera Hamilton , capital, 1300.000. ntorpofaton Beaator Turnir, M*e>i. E. Kilvert, B. Barker, O. H. OUieapie . B. Banford, of Hamilton. A t AKPK1KU Otlla.gfeB. An Bailrely New mm* frmy I hi> ( la IUK it.r DecweitoBf. Th* modern t*nd*n*y to turn thiuite lopey-tuivy u *troi>gly illuitrattd iu ii.e etrpeted oeillcR wLiah adorua the rc.i llon-roonu ol it fa>hionat>l* daueiug eobool in thin eity, *aye tbe M*w York Carpet TradtRevitu. To otrry oot the ld*a ooui- pletely the flx>ribould have beau lr**oo*d, bat tbe piofuniontl deejrttor to wbotn tb* oeilicg i* indsbtid fcr it> novtl omameot* tion weakly yi*ld*d to th* popular taale of tb* ptriod by pltoing auother oar pet on th* lMr. It mail, however, b* added Ibat Ib* proud AabuMW OB tb* oeiiing 1*, by it* brilliant oaletlDg a* well M il* loliy potitiun, a far nor* oontpiaaon* otjeel than it* miek And lowly brother on th* floor. 1 1 mty be neoeiiary to ixplain thai tbe purpoce in plaelog tbi* otrpet oa Ihe ceiling ie purely a>. tbe tic. Imported by a geullouian wbolntooded ii for tb* breakfait room in hi* villa on th* Hndcon, a *uddeu obaoge in Ibe itoek market tor* thin ibowy product ol the loom from il* laxorluai quarter*, and a bappy obanee only laved il from tbe profane band* of tome heartlaia auctioneer. Iti preserver oame in the perioo ol it* pr*t*nt owner, a gentleman wbo nat waltsid Ibroogb life with inoh raooen that tbe potobate of a soore ot Aubuiton* woald b* for him oomparAtively triaiog ixp*nditar*. Beiog about to refurnlib tb* *legaot boote uied lor tail *obool, he needed a earpet for tb* reception room. Th* Aubntton wt* reeom mended, and be bought it. Bui th* profenlonal decorator whjhtd been *ngag*d to *aperintend the rihttlng and omaujButaiiiQ of the building wa* net ooLBulttii when tbe parobaee wai mado, and, wUajtbt*arpat wat nnrolled before h ra, I'rowptly declared it to be utterly uuBuitable for tbe room. The bright floral pattern wa*, b* itU, not in harmony with th* predominant oolot in tbe furniture covering*, and tb* bin* ground wa* pra noanoed a itill wort* defcoi, for it would give people th* impretiion tbat th* floor WM lying op at Ibem. Finding tbe owner of tb* otrpet not quit* convinced by the** argument* th* artut fell btok on itronger ground by pointing out th* moral and ithetio ftulti of tbe floor covering, It* oblrativenee*, Itok ot repoae, reflaement, eympatby, tentimenl, IT oanicientionenet* Tbu arrainmint wa* rendered *nll more effMtiv* by th* horror-ttraok air ol th* ortlor and hia closing declaration tbat to I lioa tbe o&rpet in tbal particular room wonld b* to rain hi* profeetiooal reputa- tion and drive him to hid* bii bllgnted bopet io an untimely grave. > Bnt wbat thtll be don* with tbe ear- pet f aiked it* perplextd proprietor. Tba artiit ran bi* bandi through bi* hair and tarned hi* tyei upward, M if to read th* an*w*r in the itar*. The dreamy orb* eneoontertd th* oeiUog and loddenly lighted up witb tbe glow of a ctw Intpira tion. Pool beem op sar* I ' b* or ltd, whit* in bi* joy al the bappy though I b* executed a pirouette whioh mtde tbe dauoing matter turn pall with envy. Tb* *ogge*tion wa* approved, and M th oarret was in one pieo* tner* wa* not mac difficulty expcriiteed in oarryiog out th idea. Wh*o thi.< bad been dun* ther remained 'in tbe eailin^, on each iide ol th oarpet, tu uuoovend tpaee ot about twent ioobe", wbiob WM filled in by tb* In too painter* with a very clever imitalion ot tb textare tQ<l coloring of a oarpel. Tbe plan ol ear[>eticg a eeiltcg may i timo be followed ia m*oy boaiiB. Tb trade would doobtlete approve o earpet*rl otilicge, profiled tbe floor* wer oarpted M well, ai.d tbe designr* wool flod io tbe new patterns eikidial lur eel ing oovtrir g- a fi e field lor ibe exrreit* c the spiritual eide of tbeir imtfciaatioBt, to there wonld probably be a great run o Axminiter seraphim, Wilton ohernbtm B(0k*eli angels and Mcqocl'.e taiuto. <n <H.I 1-u.Lluar.l l.lillr llo. >a, what U Leul 7 ' eiid (-yean irlte, wbo beard bit mother ut; " Leot would toon be btre. 1 "Well, my dear, it in tb* time when w go to eburoh a gnat deal, aud do not hav great dinner* tnd ptrtiec, beeaute Cbrie our Lord, fatted fcr lorly day*." ' And did He go to the iab, and to par tie*, all iba dayt before Liut, ai you an lp do?" " Wby, no, Charlie Wbat a tlraog Well, mamma, yen never told me, bu Mary Aun told m* Ibat II* wit rial gooi to little boy*, and wheu tn*y wer* tired on dty Ho took them rigbi np in Hit arm* an kiwed th, uu. I with He woald oome her tome day whtn you and papa an gon*, to I g*t tired, ai d Mary Ann won't take m op beotaia tbi hai to bold Ihe baby, an ihe iayi I am loo big. And the showed m tbe piotarte in the big bible where He gav th* hungry people lot* to eat, litting o th* gri*i. And H* opened a blind man eye*. Oook wouldn't let a poor blind man some into th* kitchen to get warm OE day, and when I ran and gav* him *om biiouit ibe Molded m*, and laid it wi tin to feed beggari, and tbat I wai an ok fashioned obild. Wtl Joint old-fajione mamma 7 for lie wai alwayi kind to th poor beggari. Anyway, when I am a mi I will itk* op tired littl* bayi and bol thtm *cmetlm*e Md I will giv* bongr people enough to *at, if il ii Lent, or if i itn'i, for that blind man laid, ' Ood ble yoa, little boy, I bop* yoa wilt never know bow awful it f**l* to be hungry.' To didn't tell Bridget not to give tb* hlin man food, did yoa, mamma 7 Bhe lal yoa did, bat I know bettor." 11 Well. Ubarlle, you are rather an ol little boy for your year*, bat don't hind* m* new with tikiog qawtion*, lor I ma* get ready to go to Mn. Atlleton'i reception Oood night, darling. Now play nicely with baby ilater, and doa't worry yonr littl head abont what yon can't nndentand. Tb* old fathioned littl* boy turned awa; from hi* mother wilh tears in hi* grea brown eyes. Uartford Timti. Mil.. I.. k'or tb* flrtt two or three days after th* wedding in Rama thing! go on vry well that ii, while th* familie* are exohangioi their viiiti, writes Mm*. Qrvvill* in tbi Buiton Aih-rttiier. After that tb* liuabicc heat* bit wift, and il be doe* not Leal btr ihe think* it il because he does not lov* her. Beating i* tht mark ot a proper jitloney. Among Ibe wealthier Raiiiaci the mother* on Trinity Dty dr*** their mtrritg*abl* daughter* very htDdeomely tnd take tbem to a city garden, tomelbiof like Boston Common. The tilk dreei** ol Ib* girli ar* unlike anything yon ever MW Tbey are pink, yellow or iky-blo*, with bog* flower* ol contracting colon. Tbe girl* are M itlfl M ugar-loavM In ihe in. The mothen and daughters IM< Ihimielvei on benebe* in the garden and tl) the young men wbo want wive* parade Mlor* then). Th* girl* never look at tb* men. They ill until 5 o'clock without My og a word. Tben they go bom* and wait. In two or tbrt* day*, or pnhape a w*ek, an old woman appear*. Bh* aik* tor tb* mother, and begini to talk abont everything n tb*. world except Ik* marriageable daugh r. Bh* Ie tb* match maksr. By tbe combined tid of an orange peel ad eont* io* an old g*ntl*mtn *ii* down lattily aad loudly on tb* nidewalk. A trangir lilt* bi* hat and *ayi : " Oan I be ol any atiittanee, iir ? " 11 Who th* deuce are yoa, tlr7 " Mkt thi old genttomM, angrily. " An undertaker, iir. llero'i my ad. m."LowtU Citiun. In Devi Oonnty, Florida, itrawberriee an tip*, and peach** ar* M big a* hickory at*. CUBBBNT TOPICS. Tn marriage laws ot th* Uotted 8 take art rather fanny. Yoang Mr. Mieke)*, of New York, married M.-e Hani M lUr a few year a tft Qe walked eft auJ Uft uU bride a* aoou t^ be found b* bad BO particular u . for a wif- The wife w*;.i on tbe itage and to k care ot herself Eveninally abe diiotvercd tbat ber l.u band bed not been regularly bapl'tid, and ihe proceeded to marry a Mr MoOormiok, of th* dramitii profeition. Mr. Maoka)i tppliid for a divorce, and on Saturday tb* decree we* gran ted by Jodg* Danobo*. To Ih* ordinary obe*rrer there teem* to have been a case of bigamy, but the oonrt took the view thatil watn'i worth wbil* to make a serious matter oat of t pieo* of noLBtnte. Lui> TBSNTBOH ha* again recorded a public r rotes i ak. ami tbi eriatolary p*r*c cation, Irem wbiok hi hat ttnVtd evtn more tbao moet eminent men. The peril naetly ot tbei* unwtlcoii* corres(.Oi.deute i* the li MS exooeablo, as tba laorsate bat ntver mad* t aecret of bi* tburl aid auui mary way ol trsttiug tl,. ui. AU lelttn Irom tbe legion oILord Tennyion'l nuto tborited eorreipoudenti beoomi dead lettari. They col only die, hot are buried cot of light aud out of tuii d forever. The poet btmBill doei not open a tingle on* ol the tbontandi of enoh letter* which tb* poet annutlly dischargee at bi* door, nor doe* he ever read a lino of Ibeir oontenii. The documents ar* at ocoa destroyed. Two cf tbe tbn* Biiti*h peer* over 90 hav* paued awty within tb* lasi fortnight th* Earl of Slrtdbroke, tbe oldest in tb* peerage, at 91, and Lord Brooghtm at 91 Lard Stradbroki had been a luooemiul breeder and runner of boric*. Bi* wii* tcquirtd recently nupleaianl notoriety a> the author of the libeloui paragraph loggeoted by Olflye, Lady Lomdale, ler which Edmond Yatti nfftred imprison m*nt, and for whioh she received 110 though her bniband ba* an income o many thooiandi a year. Lord Brougham wa* tbe younger brother ot tb* gr*a Broogbam, orator, pbiloeophw tut Obaccellor a lesser Bacon, with much o bis learning and all bia msanucsn who died aUo over 90. Viteonol Evsraley, lor many yean Speaker of tb* Home ol Oom moot, i* now the father ol th* House o P*en aged 91. H* I* vigorona, and attended tbi opening ot Parliament. EKMBOI WILLIAM ilill prtiidei over th littl* loireei at the Plac* from 9 to 9 BO ia the evening en bit return from the theatre The gnen* number from eight to twelve and ar* competed of general*, minister and cffloialt having eloM reltiioni witb the Oonrt. Tune rteepnoa* It*) about ai hour, and tb* Emperor i* alway* in gooi humor, very ohtlty, aod, like all old people fond ol relating epieode* ol hi* early life Tea ii served and Hit Majaity taken a bia cult; the cake* and *andwiobe* ar* let on touched, for at th* Emperor do** DO parltke of Ibem it woald not be i refit to any one ell* to do so. There are no cigar? a* Qi* Majnty does not imcke. Bat a grand Jiiliur y dinner* h* giv** tbe ilxoa by ligoting a oiptrett* and Ktviog oncortwc r/tff. Uostr Fritc, howver, u an Lv*l erate tmoker. ViniT Ii m**nt by a "Cblccokt " Tb term i* often oi*d on both aid** of it AtlaMio, but il in doubtful whether it* t xao: Higuifteauce i* at a!l geiierally an derntood Dr. 0. M DAWND, in a latter t a [Oieotiflo eontemporary, bai cjrrtctc oocor two prevtletit iDi-coLcepltoo* "A trpcnnncea," writ** Dr. Dawioo, " Ih Obiaock ii a ttroog weeterly wind, b.-oom ing at times tlmcil a gal*, whiob blow from th* direction of tbe mooctain* on aoroet thi ad jiotnt pUio*. It i utremel; dry, and as compared wilb tba genera winter temperature warm. Boob wind oe;nr al irregular Interval* daring tbi winter, and art alao not infrequent lu tbi humtntr, ba*, b*iog ciol t* compared will tbe average tommtr temperature, art in oonuqnecec then not reccgnited by tb* ame name. When Ih* ground i* eivir wilh mow, tbe effect ot (h* wind In it* removal it mtrvellon*, as, owing to tb extremely detiooattd cjcdition ol tb* air tbt mow may he *aid to vanith rather tbao n-tli, the moisture belcg licked up a* fa* a* il i* produced ' relate tr Wlvr*. Tb* Obioago Herald offers th* lollowini contribulioDH to theium total ol ooijuga bapptneii : Don't diitorb yoor huibaod while be i* reading Ihe morning or eveoiog paper by ankmg foolieh queali u. H* may be read- ing tue lateit teandal or divorce init, bus h* is jail aa muob ioteriitcd at though it were foreign ntwa or market riport*. B* patient, and when he come* aerom any- thing b* Ibinki you can oomrrebend, pirhap* b* will read il to yon. Don't put thi morning paper at Ibt bot- tom ot tbe pile, and dorVi hav* mor* than a dozen different placet for the button hook. Don't monopoliz] every book in the oloeet. Oraoiouly lender him one nail lor bii very own ani then in mi ray hang your M jtber Habbtrd, your ptleriae, yoa hopping beg tnd year bonnet *om* othe pltot. iJju'l aik him where he ba* beau tb moment be enters tbe home, or where li i* going if he itarti ont tat a walk befor bnakfait. Il nelllei him. Md mn hat* to bav* such pointed qaeinooa upru upon Ithem. Beiidei thtl, we live coder free flag. Don't indulge in night* of timper when yonr husband rag***** bow his moth* did. If he object* to having egg* boiled in th* teakettle, and prefer* them watbei previous Io oookioe, endetvor to pleat* blm by indulging him in hi* fancies. In th* meantime bring your *oni op as oarefnll; a* yon can, and wbin tb*y are married yoi yoorMlf will doublleM bo held up a* an rxtmpl* of virtue and revenge ii tweet i. II. u ike TeB| OB*. Ai an incident ot Ihe recent riot in D* trolt th* t'rfeFreii ItyB on thii bit ot local oolor : Clo.- c by tht eentre of attraction In th* Polith troubles of Bttnrday was a cottage occupied by peopl* iteaking Eoglieb. Tbe father wai acroM Ihi *tret loaning on tbe fetoe, tb* mother wt* at tb* gate with a ebawl ovir her btd, and a boy aboul 1C years of M* ilood in the door holding a baby 9 or 10 monlbi old in hit armi. By and by th* baby begun to kick and iquall, and tb* boy called oat : Bay, mam I Jim't a-howlin' I" 11 Te*. I know," she replied, " bnt I want to M* then policemen knock somebody. " He'* Red tin' red in th* faee and holdin hit breath t ' ihouiod tbe boy M ht toned th* kid np and down. Blow In bia mouth," adviied the mother, without turning her head. It don't do any good and he'e kict.in' m* all to death I" howled th* nnrne alter a minute. Wail t mini t they're goin' to move. Take eaie o' kirn five mlnln Md I'll aive rou a onl." A eenl I" exclaimed tb* lad in deep dii- guit. " A Mnl for holding thii young 'nn when tix thousand fellem art a-goin' Io amp on *aab other witb olabs I Never I Not for a niakell" And b* laid tbc bowling baby on tb* looratep and ran to neoure a position on tb* cot of a cow ihad. J.4 ,otr ,uou t tiBtt f tr , !.. n .. !! Ihe lr HBJ I .l > ,, rt a,., Tb* qtiaulily of uatartl get >< bluwiog f " or K' iu^ to waete u *i mvtbiug *ur|. K. ->> P.iuburg oo. iKi-poudcLt 1 1 b* PhiUdelpUia frai Wbll* large kinouutt of it are used, Hi* n*v*rtbelts* rue that tearly iqaal amount* ar* watted. Tbe amount wbioat i* tot utilized wtn'd utore thtn fnroith a oily like Pittebuig, tetmtrg with manufacturing ettablikb' ibtsi, with fuel in abundant)). TbePi iu d*l|>bia Oompauy utilise tbcoi lorty-stvin welli etch day. Tbey largely control tba entire Mnrrayaville tnd Tareutnm dislr>eln, DUI ilill thiir watte it loaetlnog enoi m - n. At tbe welli th* flow ot ga* average* .m 10.000,000 to WOuO.OOO cubio feel per day. A large per cent, of ibii in waited iu biiDg broagat to tbi* city, tbrongb frictija end oihw atast*. Offl :itla of tbe ooui; n y estimate tbat th lo'.al loea io the euure Tarru'um and Murray*, villl gal field* will -ioh 100,000 080 cub o feel per day. In uii ie estimated tL ^ ih from tbe w\! ut tt* Chtrtiere Oa* >m- pany, wLieh at i-nseol tre not being mil- tsid, bul may be tnrntd tt> prcfll any tim*. Io theebtiregai field about 264000.000 cubic feet of gas I* watted. On* thousand cubic test of ga* U ettlmated to cqaal <,-. bakhelof ool in healing property. Thii wonld make an equivalent ol 264,000 bub tl ot coal barned in tbe air *aob day. A miner can, on tbe average, dig teventy bnkbelt ot coal a day. The watte, then would bo, in round mmbtr., equal to aha daily work of 8,800 miutri, or abooi the number employed in digging coal iu the 1'itttburgh dietriel. A U*ed Place tor Pr.p.r Wlik F. , t .r. The *auLd ol tb* car* it plainly beard on tb* line ol tb* Atlantic & Pacific Railway at th* Needle* for a dim a oe o l evenly eight mile* to a place rallid Col- tonwood Island. The ditebtrge ot the inn- rie gnn at Fart Mojeve CM be | laialy beard al Colorado Canon, a dittaEoe cf 100 milet. 83nnd oan b* understood in th* narrow* ct the Grand Otnoa ol th Ooloiado lor a dictate* of eighteen uiiUi, or, in otber word*, it a man at one end boon " Bob I ' tb* man al th* otber end o,n plainly bear tbe eeho. Tb* hiklle of a Colorado steamer can b* beard frcm El Dorado Oaoon to W*averville, tit head of navigation, a distance of Mvrtty-tigbl milea, aod by tnmblitg a rock ovir th* preoipio* at Le'i Firry yon e- 1 plainly bear ibe ecbo down tbenverat Weavtrville, a dittanee of ibirly-ux mil**. Tacom* W. T i Am I IUI.1IOTT Mr. Faatherlj," Inqaired Bobby, "wbi i* ruetot bra -bee line f ' "A bee line,' Bobby. ' explained Foathtrly, with an tir of ercditiun, " mean* the man- ner in which a bee fliee to it* hive after il hM loaded ilatll with honey. H Lby* f aoe assumed an expreuion ol ptri.lt xed muz-menl. "Thau what did I mean," be aiked. "by itying tbal be i.v.r mtl yoa on tbe street tbal you weret-'i making a, bt e Hue fcr lume taloou f ' Tht bog*, draati*. griping, tickeuljg are f-,i beiog eaperaede! by Dr Pierce'e " Purgative PeUele." 8 ,M by A 1 arllii cum, Weeaea. M'e, Clara "Ob, Eibel, I 114401 to have ID luvtlint eptiog hat, ai.d .il u will eoat wiU be the price I shall bao* to pay for the nbbon. I ah all irlm it myt<-lf." Mus B hl " Hav* you tbe frame T Miss Glara- Ob, ye*. I WM rummaging io the ttore room tbi* morning, aud what do yoa tbink I found?" Mice E'bel " I iiav no idea." Mite Clara "O.e of leut tear't peach ba*keti."-i(Uiiery Ktvi. Tb* Bell Telepbooe Oo. are laying down loin for t new Hue from Hamilton, through ineatter, Jamyvilli, Lynden, and oon- **t witb ibe mate line al Troy with a line rom ,/eney Mlllemsnt to connect With OaloiTltt* and Brantforfl. * Tonng or middle agad men f.o u nervoni debility or ulber delicate disea<ee, however iuduoed, speedily and permanently cured. Addreai, World t Di-peniary Medical Alternation. Buffalo, N. T. While Mr. Jottiee Obitty wat trjlag a oa.se a few day* igo a large piece of platter fell from the o-iimg of tbe eoort-room in London, upon Ibe canopy under whiob be WM lilting. Lit joitioe b* donr, though Ibe heavens fall I " WM hi* ready i em ark, amid ,'oad laugbter. " The light tbal lie* In woman'* eye ; i* a ray of heaven's own brigblnecH but It if, alat I often dimmed or quei ebd by eome wear log diseaie, perbap* ulent'y borne, bnt lakicg all comfort and enjoy- mnt oat of life. Tbat light of tbe boot*- hold can be rekindled and made to glow with it* natural brightn***. Dr. R V. Pieroe'i "Favorite PreioriptioB" I* a potent tpeeifie for moit c( tbe obroti* weakoetee* and di*e*i*t pteclitr M women. Tb* Dak* ol Buckingham I* mtkibga griat fuel cvor tbe; ineriai* In tbe aeseii men! upon one of bie etlttei. This inertaie, whioh involve* Ihi ptyment of 1350 more a year, ii Bhown to bav* been folly iottifled by tb* value ot the property. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND OH. 13 H MEDICAL 1RK4T.UOT PEEK, b B /.r.^ New Tork Pbyilelaoa, Writ* r.i T t. v any advfce rMalred. Oomepondenee itrietly private, id- ? r "J-_ I ^* M >. "* Blehm^d tweet, London, imt. ICURE FITS ! . Wh.o I (.7 tor. Mo not Uu b.T. Uw, . III. to en MM worn CM . lor ..< .ow apt will Mranm, BnuclOice m.r.1, to Uaf Ih.m hr .,.!' [ ...io ,">llrj i , KPiLtrnr ot r ALL- / w. rr.nl m , r,m.. .ib.r. b... r.ii.,i i. .' . cor .. ,. ., ,. , . ""' '"! a\n oo i>oi&i> f or > uui. a. ROOT. ^ . i, Toronto, Urnp g1 "" r. ><nd 01Dti iar eample aod H. HALL, Patentee, Box 7, llnelpb' .'an an allowmi/Aa*i at lit. lijv't Celebrated V. OBSDI* Applianr**, for lanont nun ot Hirvovt *.*.*', and aUUylisi* tnwfeleiTAJeo '&'. etkwr discuss, "mrlni tteli In IT ilili.tTp ^^^>w*5v1for** isKrTir. rfii r*lrrf and Mi KM of r/o(ai lor nan HVNTIMO III HOI Til AFBICA. Advettnrei amoni tbe Ow.ri. and O-rU- of MM Bark OveMlertn. Prlee lea, I eoplee Me. W. i . PLATMk Naaiaaw.ya, Oat. HOME loroofhlj BtBlO. H Y frei islOI R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard'a Climax

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