Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1886, p. 3

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Ulalra I. I., > |> Iu I .-ii.rt.. iirunmi cm UaTrrvax.nl KII..I- ,! .......] Ol 'Il THE ADVANCE ae of th* leading Local aod rmln N*wepp*r ia Morth*m Ontario. Publlibed Every TliTir Omcc, , Ont TBKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : ftUX> per annum in adva&oe ; tlM U not pal Mthcendof It yeare. No paper dlaeooUuuai 1 all all ajrreeragas ar paid uy , and uo a aUcrii Jin i taken (or laea tbau on* year, except wlier ifielel arrangauianu tor honor periuUi ai ad* with the publleher. ADVEHTlaWO KATKB, **. Casual adv*rtu*mente,8c*Dteper litineertlon Bad I oenle per line ach tuuaaquwit iuaertloo. Trauiieut advertiMUienti to ba paid (or wham oedared. Adveniauoiaati wilhost special dire* alone will be Inserted till (orbld and charged accordingly. Utoe.nl iuducouiente to regular advertUen. Notioee among r*adiu| matter, 10 cunti par Mo* uacb iu.ertiOD. . Ho advurtiieiueut diaoontlnued until all ar rewagea are paid up. Oopy (or advurtUeuieuu aliould ruaeh .ble eHoe not later tbau noon on Tno*day to euiur* aiertion In current Uiue. A. B FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Neat market. SEPT.OOOD. PBOFIIETOI Gash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, Earetrougbing.and In fact very- thing In the buaiui-Ke will receive my prompt and careful attention tt reasonable prlc*e. .In.* Ss Um\ in .toe.. CLAYTON'S II i K MISS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It the place to get your Harness Collar*, de, up in good ityle. Shop in W. dai/<oi' Boot d Shoe Store, Fleiherton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, 50 ... L&t. 11. Having made axtenaiv* improTemenli In nj ti rial Mill, I am confident I can give gon'l latisfactien. CHOPPING DONE ANT OAT. Good Float always on hand. Custom Sawing, and Bills filled on the ahorteit notice. Lum- ber and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, "NEWSPAPER ^.ri fiaTC ____' Iv.i-i NIT tu con- f\^> * **^ ....J-....I or .,1)1, rwl.HO. IteujiUtinsIiMnol ... . -icon re iinr) cellmate* M ii- rwhn Wnt*OI*cll'( l^< :n ilthrlll. font. .'->.' i-li-lr'liii l>lin wiTiw III |nv i i hi'iiMiin' I't.l.ai* in ail- \ fcrliimi:.', : .' l- -n:' 1 '- ni'lir <ti l wliii 11 will rnoi't hN PVOI n r, iirrment, or orm fci mad* tG d't <> bfi l - . . ' ' , cor- rrfj.oititr- ;]., have b'-"ii U.iuol. font. pii-t iuMrv..i I. ! 1 ictMiti. \Viiio In ; I- KOWIll.L A < <>, KKWSPAI'rl! ..l>\ nmslNii Hlllt :-i. I'rli UiiajUoaeoCq.), Ni-w 1 HAVC YOU Liver Complaint, Pyipemia, lndiilion. r.ilioune, Jaaadke. rt.rt at he, ifti.ineM, Vam m Ihe lUck toaiivenen, or ny die.. .ruing from a "* Uvar, D(. CHA' LIVR LURK will I aaa certain irm dy NATUBK'S RCMCDV Tk* unqu.lifi.d .urrr of t.r Chaaa't Liver Cure in Uwr Com,,U,nt re.,. .M.ly wi,h the fail lhat It U Jwrpounrleil from naiure'i well-known liver re|uUton, MAIIAAKI ASP DAXDI us, enBbkwd wiih many eTKar invaluable, ro". turka >nd hrb, n.vmg l powrfl efTecl on llic Kidney., Siorruuh. ftowel. and pleod. 600. OOO BOLD l p*r nu-lutlf mil/in i/ Dr. C*MM'I Kttifl Aw*r ttrrt trtd ii Cmud* mJnt. Wi / nr-t ***, |_ju_n tn/i ikiU * it ImMtd ttilk l.ittr l'tm- fJMint le try tkit txcilftnt rtmtdy. SOMCTNIMO NEW. CIVIN AwyFEf Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Cha^a't Liver Cur* Bi a valuable Household Medical C'luiue. and Recipe Book (4 pare*), containing over too ueful reoipei, AronomKed ny medical men and drugfifttt In vela* able, and worth ten lima* the price of the medicine. THY CHAN'S CATAMN OWL A < *nd poaltir* remedy. Price, aj ctnta. N JIYCHAtl'lKlWIYLiVlPllU. ijcw-perbes, OLD IY ALL OCALCR* >**, A W.M i gi b, D i; , r LKjrt ia> : i i, t tjday, through the Aoin.t, Bseretsry of State, trautaitted to tb* Hon. Lions! Baekvill* Weit, Britiah MlniiWr, hii answer to the British Oovernmsnt for the extradition cf K. u> held at Bl. Paol on a charge of marder. Th* Preeidenl d*ni*e the rtqaett and reftuee to sign th* sxtradition papers Thla Mtlon is tbs resolt of ao investigation by the authorities of the Department ol Jaslloe, wbiob Investigation convinced tb* President that there waa not snficieot evideno* that K'-lly ia Ib* goillv party to warrant bis eitradition The D. 8. ctnaul* aay that th* teatimooy against Kelly is of inch a nature aa to indi-ala tbat tb* witnesses for tb* Canadian G.vtmmei t had O3npirid to clear tbemialves of the murder and robbery even at the expel of the life of KUy. Tbe ease grooi oat of the robbery aud murdrr of a man ou tb* line of the Canadian Pacific Railway con:* months ago. A VatOZBN UOHPwB. T*i* lrriblr KM., ot a Blweler Ovcr- H.-rr J bi Ihe o.rf. A IMI (Thursday) night's Ottawa despatch lays : A most extraordinary report ef death by freciiog c mi* from Ubapleau, a elation on tba Canadian Paoi- fie Bill way north of Like Nicieeirg A parly on entering a deserted blsokiiEiith's sbop near Cuat It au a few day* sgu dia- covered the dead body of a man standing with hi* baek to the wall, bis !CKS >presd wide apart and *ye* opened. liipptan 'hat two man who bad been working to- gether on the Canadian Paeifle Railway daring tb* summer had saved some money and, after banting in the neighborhood tbrooifb tbe winter, intended to atari for British Colombia iu the spring. Oo a Satur- day about thres weeks ago they itarted ml oo a honlicg expedition, aod alter arousing a email lake oocoluded to go into esmp for tba night. After boilditg a fire aod mak iigothir preparations cue of them eom plained of not feeling well, aod said hs would go back to tbe alerting place, in ending to return when he fell better. His companion ooncloded to stay and eon- lino* bauticg. After banting for two day* th* latter started back for the I, and upon reaching the lak* t ere they bad created be waa horrified al lodlcg tbe body of hi* ebnm lying on tb* mow covered with ice, witb tbe l>gs wide part, and tbe limbs rigid in death. A ii' CO..ID and stocking were cfl one of tbe eat, and tbe remains of a small fire were near by. While crossing tbe lake, which waa iluiby, h* had evidently got Lie f**t w*t, and being chilled with ih* eo'd mad* Ar* to dry tbm aod warm himself. In lux this his hands ai.d arm* probably got noubed and powerlesa with the froel, aud fter pallitg > fl the mooaaam *od ktocimg 0* waa ooablv to pal th> m oo again. Tbe utenee frost then gradually overcame him be sank baek dead. Hi* comrade made hit. way back acd informed thott at be sloppicg placet f bis horrible dueovery, md with scotber man be retarned and oouveyed the body baek to tb* eettlemeol, placing il in Ib* deeerted biaek>mitb'ii ibop, where it cow remains Tba frieuds t be deeesaed reeidii g al Cot >.u van otiBed cf what tad oecnrnd, ai.d re- [ueeted that the body be o m ed and sect tome, hot owing io ina extended oondiiioo of tbs linibe, which rendered ii diflooll to ilaoe lha eorpae io a otfnn, and f -r want ot nuds nothing was dune. AT II t ititi-i <i> The I htrkT Hobb.r ol . .. . I.M. Car Bald M br t A Stratford dispatch says: Tba perpetra- tor of tbe bolded railway oar robbery ev. r attempted In Canada waa opiared at Harri.ton tha other day bv O T K Delea- ve J. A. McCarthy, of Stralfoid. Tbe rcbb-ry wan eommitttd at Palmtreton on he I'J'.li of January. Tbe thief drove to ha O T. R. station al tbat towo, and, picking op a lantern, walked Ibrouxb the srd ae though inr-pecting tbe eare. Win n IB found tbe on* Ibat lotted him h* drove bis team to Ibe o*r, opened the door and lommeoeed to I ad up. While doing to a aid-mat! cam* up, and wa* acooeled by h* thief with an inquiry after tbe freight checker, wham ba said be woald report tb* next day for not assisting to get oot tbe tiff. The yardsman weul about bl tnt- neea, and wben be earn* back be fcaud the blel had so overloaded bia n-aru that h* wae stuck. Tbnyaidiman got a crowbar acd iel|ed him (fl. Tbe theft was discovered itxi cac rring and McCarthy was eent for. Is triced ihe thief to Harnsloo, wbers be diieavered bim to be a well-to do farmer .ami Jarcci Brown. B at flt*t denied itae charge, bal tbe discovery of some ot the iood* on bis premiees eaastd him to own ip, and b* (bowed where movl of tbe joaM stuff ooap.. mil ul dry Roods, bide* and bifouii* we* auladen. Tb* v*ri m aokag** were scattered over a 200 sere (tub. NCBT.D TO DRATH. .nil-, ike Prtce V.wartf i.i-nH 'lur- elrrer, I* ke lino, marrk Ilik. A Halifax (N. B ) dtipatoh says : A Obarloitatown speeiaJ to the Halifax Itra d eays wben tba Chief Jailtoe of Edward Inland called upon Oilll*. h* murderer cf O Callagban, tbe old, mlierly cemetery kciper. why lentetoe t d*ath should not b* Btuad oa him, prisower replied : " I have a good deal to ay, bat don't oppo*e it would do me any ;ood now Q d know* I am inn oenl " The Chief Joatiee then Beotaoeed him to on Mareb llib, and waa vinbly ff'Cted while doing eo. Tbe doomed man ben ebnated in a luad voice: I b' pe thuaa a bo hav* been looking for tbe oun dollars' reward will eoj iy II " 9s wa* ooudemoed ou purely oireuinatan tial Tke Vnerllwwa Ho. ion Itii- brr. Oue night B 'b fell in witb n follow wbo w-s "Bngliib. you know " Ibe lallar was Mrating tbe Yankees for doing all manner 01 boslneM iu ibsir abopa and not followirg ib* belter Eoglisb plan of sticking to one nraneh. Tbe orxl day be swaggered Into Bib's sbop to be ibaved. Bob gave bis face an extra good soaping and left him, at tbe acme time seating himself to read. Tba Eugliebmao kept qui- 1 for a few mloaiea, wben, e*titg Bjb rcadinii, br blurted tot : Why don't yoa *hsva me, sir?' " Too will bav* to go op *tr*tt for your shave," quieily replied the barber " w* only lather here " Tbe anewer took tb* vim oat ot the cockney. Bottom Trait*- There le a elob of book 1 ivere, aathore. find bibliophile* in Landoa which o .11* itself " Thn Bailee of Odd V.-laase*." Tb* maahina gun i* to b* mad* a perms- cent inititation io tb* British Army. Detachments of infantry have been told r ff ) ba drilled lo tbe aee of tbe weapon by inMr u"' m of tba U .y al Artillery tor r vioi with advanced bodies and generally " irlDg oampaign. H. A Kya*r, who lectured before the Boaton Beisntifle 8 'Ciely a few rich** ago, stated that a diamond worth 1800,000 is being cut io Amstardam tb* chief city in the world for nuoh work and that tbe gem I* to b* givsn to Qiieen Victoria on tbe fiftieth anniversary of bar ascension to tb* throne. A father, mother and two ebildrer. wire y*sw>rd*y removed to Toronto bocptlal luffering from diphtharia. A tobborn witosaa from Kincardine DOW lies tn Walkeraon jail for rsluslng to K'v* svi4en9* In a Boot! Aotoae*. HOMB RULE. Late New*. HUERANCES OF GLADSTONE AND PARNELL racst MB, sLaMnom'i true*. Kia I am oud*r th* deep and aolimn conviction that nothing bol a gen tls aud conciliatory handling of this luattsr by all perions oono*roed, be they who they may. can by any paeaibilily oeoUUixi Ihe dan- ger* or givs a hope of attaining ths beotnte lhat may be In store for ua in tba proseca- lion of the questions cf tbeeoodition exdol the goveromeot ol Ireland. And, therefore, from Ihe first my highest ambition baa been, il oootinnia to ba, aod I rebuke myself by anticipation if I deviate by hair'* breadib from tbe price pie, LOI ttay one word ot auy man mingling iu tbi qastption that can bring tbs aliments of wrath acd pasaiou into a debate aad a eoGBideration wbieb nothing bal patienor, nothing bnltslf restraint, nothing bat Ibe casting sside of much prejad.ao and pre pieae slon, nothing but a determined die- position to look alone at what candor and ju-ncc demand, will afford us tbe tmalleat hupe of aolviBg. Bir, 1 wish to assure Ibe Hiinaa tbal, kino* ihi deolsration of Ibe 17m September, I bave nut said one woid or dons on* to: io extension of tbat declara- tion. Wbat 1 have aaid and wbal I hsve done, little as it i*, except as to private itndy aod I do nol dsny tost th* lakj-ct bae been my daily and my nightly ihoeght what I bav* don* ba* bee*, in tb Arat plane, to fbow where reaponiibiuiy lay. B:ipoosibility lie* where tb* means of noiiuu lie. In my opinion there eoold be no greater public calamity than to bling thii queatiou witbio th* liaei of psrty coo- fl 01. 1 b p 1 , and I feel sore, tbat tber* is no inteu ti<;u al all oo Ih* part of Bai Mtjeeiy ' vfrrnmeLt, or on the parl of any pcnoo in Ibi* Booia, whatever tbeir political opinions may be, tu interpo** aoy obetasl* in ihe way uf Pa-liamenlary jadgtnenl, ae a bar tu ths fnlleel expoeure by Iriib oismbtrs of wbat they may tbli.k II right so args oo bebalt ol their coanlry. Ii woald be a sad error in point of prudenM aa II woald be, io my opinioc, \ violation of Parliamentary and ol fublio deeecey were we net, al aoy rate, to admit this [act, that although we know nolbicg ot whit i* goiog u be aekad, aod certainly we know nothing tbal wuald jaslify ae la isy ing tbal it o.uld b* easily eateedid. yet whetevtr il 1* if il b* Ira* Ibal fl *u LB of Ihe Iruh repre.euiativei cl.im OK of oooree, the same liberty for the olber aiitb have come b*r* to make r*|,re*nta>tioo* and pleas iu Ihe name ot their ooon'rj irmnd with tbe aoil.orily thai tbiir eou- Btitacoci** bav* beeu legally rmpuwered to Rive them our duly ia io accord to iltsa reely a patient ai.d retpretfol and oaudid tearing. A Qji'en'a Bpecab ia a vary formal doon mcLt, and I do bold tlal tbe pbraa* fm.da btal is onknowu io tb* B-m h poualiln- lon. I ondnniiai d Ibal law is of th* realeit ioiporlaiou lam noldieparagitg balU.bui tba impoaiuoaj of the pbra-a fund.mai.tal'' f r toe Aral time ie a mal- ar npca wbicii there might be a legai or ano bar argument, aod il is alao opwu to emark thai it i* aisled tbat than can be L.O cliabg* iu that law ; wbareaa w<blre-ally -Utoteia ta.l Her alaJBly'e veri.- menl mean lo mak* ib*u.eelv*a a atroug eolaralion of Ibair dcti r i.iuati ,u to mala un lhat onity raiber than tbsi they with to be )adned by m i at* eriucum. Ii IB bvioun Ibat Ibi* fundamental law ia Dot aufriqueully altered m minor Boln*., and 1 be*n al'ertd in tbe year 18(9 wiib r>peoi to tbsMiablisbmenl of a Prui**taiil hu c'i in Ireland, which the am of suiou dcoiar"1 to be saavutial and foodaoeatal lib. Uuioo. Ilia nice. lent to uy lbl yoa will main- aio tb* unit) of tbe Kmpir* ; in U v '< am*, do caaiulaiu il WIIB all your ttiigh' (ul we have been maiolatuiLg il fur 86 ari- (Iruh obterr). aud not ouly lor 86 _ eari, out f r 600 y rare b- fora Bamttbiug aiors than thai is nqaisil* Wnatevtr yoa Qluk adequate to Ibe Oae* b< it tor aoetal rd r, tti II for Liaal Q^v roment lei know, sod 1st as know promptly, whs! 1 it. rBOH KB aiBjrBLL'l HIT11. For tbs [.resent I will only eay that I OID ave lilile doubi thai if the QOUM al large, r if Ibe maj wily of the Hooee, spproaobmi be qoeallon ot tba gcwromeul of Ireland nd kba alteratione io be made io thai gov- rnmsiil to tbe >ams spirit aod the sam. (euei-s of view a* ebaracterind toi [> ecb of tb* right houorabl* gbutlrman tie member lor Midlothian lo uigbl, I n >t ol the (light**! .1 ubi thai a (oloiiw will b* looud ao a* to ensbi* belaud io be entio*ted with tha right ot *elf *jov- rnment. And so a* lo teeor* Iboee aarsntae* regarding th* integrity of tbi <mpirr, Ib* upremaey of tb* Orowo, and he protection of th* minority what is called in* " L^yal miuority " in Irtlsod wbiob bave be. n required by both to* re ponelble leaden ot tbe great political nil* in tbis Buaae. I bav* alwayi jitvad tbat if w* could come to Us t onion i: ws could agrse upon the prlo- i[>ls lhat tbe Irish pa >pl* ar* au titled to torn* self government. Parliament has to s arge extout failed in lu i*lf imposed n. i- lou ot ligtclaltng fur Ireland daring tbi S year* which bav* alspaed dnce tbi uion that we woald not flod tbe detail* i> veiy formidable, or find saeb great dim- eoltie* io .be way of avowing tbe Empire againit tbe ebai aea of separation, a* urem to oppree* tbe public mind in E /gland at be preeeut moment. My own eaudid I luiui, is, tbal eo tar frum inoresioK tbe uanoea of separation, tb* oo* oes.iuu of .otouomy would UtdoubUdly verv anon dtmini'h them. Mr 8pak*r, the qaemion is really s [me i:iu ut lb< am nut ot rent tbal b audlnrd* of Ireland are to receive ; a <'. wben boBorable member* repreecDtiog tbi .dowotr* of in eoantry talk aboat tbi iitegitiy of tbf E PTO they talkab nt thr utegrity of tbeir or*, ebef pockets. Th. aod question is uod ub'fly a very diffl oul' q u'-t on, (Ul limy u.iud pre-euts tun real poiule .f diffljally io arnviig at a snluilon ('I tb* qncatioo of Irteb autoDumy, and th* Hooee wi.nlJ find, it tbal question wae 01 ca SBltlcd ou a basis sail factory to oe Irt"b laudowsers atd th* reuatt* til r*lai d, if euon a bal could be arrlvsd al, we would hear no:biug mire frum Ir mi rrprrieDtaFive* o . tbiSi (\li i teriiti) >. \.ohi M an. at tb* intogrtiy ol i .- Empir. eod the risk of separation. W* ha v b a puken to tonight ab ul tb* nceel'v I noteetiLg thft " Ii yai miuorin ." W- 1. ir. I waa m)*lf Oufu a Protestant, I bVi ivad s Protestant and I bop* to die a Pro eelaiit, and if In tbe future, altrr tba enn uion of tbe Iriib olaime, any dsogsrweire to arice to my Protestai i f. llu<v ouaairy- men, I shoald be th* flrnt to stand up tor hat liberty of epcscb, and Ibal llbefly ul oonioleLOe, and liberty to live and thrive of every sealioo of Ihe ootuiuui.i y, wbelber bey were Prot**tants or wbsther ihey wer* Utbolio-, aud, perbap*. I may be a mo'i effectual aid lo them iu ttoiee ot retal uger than some of those geotlemsc who talk so loadly and boaat so touch. Bat I lavs no aneb appreheoaion. I am eon- vioeed tba) the Oatbolics ot Ireland would iot attompl to oppreei their Protestanl 'sllow cdoulrymen, and tbat they would dealre, that it woald be their object, ID view of the history af ages, tbs hieiory of tbe past, tbat tb* Proieataote of Ireland should bav* mora thso fair play, tbat tb*y wonld endeavor to bring them m th* (rant and RIVB them tbe f ulleel share In ths Qov- erumiul of Ireland. Tbcr* died on the 11 t all., at L*stt H 'OX, P-'a, tbe Right Bunorabi* Ltuulra D -wager OooutfH- f K <t> en Ur W ii P >re, M P., has given a donation of ft 000 iu aid ! Ihe relief fond for tbe autmplu)4 ia Qjvao. if r. Pears* gav aa equal saw for the name corpse laet winter. Ths roysl borgh of Ktrkwall ii (taking arrangement*] for ths celebration ol lie tOOib anniversary, wbioh ocean on the 31 11 cf March, It* flr*l charter having been signed by Jamee III. in I486. Tbs Peers of Scotland wer* to assemble at Holy rood oo Ibe 4 )b last, to alcci one cl Ibeir unmbsy to represent them la Ib* Hc.a*o of Ljtda ia room o! Barou Borih- wick, deceased. At the Dande* Fin* Art Exhibition, which bai jail beeu closed, p'a u ret bave t*u i Id to Ihe vain* of (800, bang 100 more tha tbe mm riiu,d iu tbe prvi8ae year*. Tne cusicdur.of the National Wallao* M >uoment, al 8;uliog, hav* approved of Mr. B.i.vet.eon'i mxiel for the bronae iiatoe uf the hero, wbioh I* to ba |>Uecd i.. * niche iu the building on tb* Abbey Crtig Tb* death i* auoouLOed of Mr. Jobn Bouter, of Bjrntoot, Ayr. H* wa Ion, ixiuoeeted witb the DalmaUmgton Iron Wcrke, acd latterly was ths managing partner. Hs took a de*p interest in tbs Ayrshire Agrioultnral Auceialion. Dr. BKII, of Rutherglen, hsa banded over to the Foreigu &f IKIOU Ootumitlee of the Frse Obureh ot Baotlai d a capital sum ot ovir jeiSOQp^the aataal interest ol wbiob i* iu oe txpendeiC oa ths Caareb'( misBioDs in IL dia and Africa. It bsa beeu estimated by s competent auth rtty that tb*>* ara now col Itu uiaii 1500000 kO.es if lani davokd to deer dr. BU 10 Bojilafid. TO* *xsel rental i. u(.t kuown, bat U will proaably average one ahilhn< an acre. JTor sheep tbe rental vjold probatly be 35 or 30 per esot. leu. The death i* aonodboea ot D>vid G jrdoo, M D , one of th* oldtsi u.*dte*l pracutiou- ira iu E llnburgo. Dr O^rduo, wno waa a Lauvs ot Pic oo, N ,v Baotia, WBLt tu r):otiand uore tnau fifty year, ago, aud baa for forty five year* been a bu-y prac- titiooM (her*. Rev. Dr. Lta^htcu, who has been for over forty ) Barn pasur ot Bl. Thoaae' Free Cuurob, Greeooek, baa i**olved to retire in favor uf a colic tgoe and soooiaser Dr. Ltjgbrou, wbo la 7S years ot ags, wa* Moderator ot th* Free Awembly to 1841 and bai held more ahau one impoilai.1 ifBae lu the Cbureb. ibeaunual tneetiog of ib* Highlaad ai-d Agricultural B.ciciy ul Sojtlaua wai bale uu ttii W.n ull iuUiub.*u Tb* Duke of BuwleuOU Wa* t lac led PraldUI anO tigb.y nine new msoiber. were aaoiitted La i year Ihe loomo* auibOu.cd tu 5 691, . d Ib* txpudliurt* axoetided the >uu> i>) 931. Ii wa* lepur.ad ttat ih* .now tin. )r waa to lak. p.ao* at Uum 'Mia ou tbs 27.0 of July aud lute* Mljw log days. LEfllSLlTIM * Fttsrboro ha* decided to eresl a paMli dr lukli. f ouu tain la nonet of 0*pt. Brown, killed during UM tUtbwnt r.iwUJoo. Tsaatv *.,> +vmm >* hi.raelrrl.llc. ol Ih* ( r I Ik* L>. ,... 4 -l. ui The King, aeotcd at au upauiLg in tbo low platlurm of IL* bou-c, liaU uu paxiiau lr riouL.ee. in bu drws, writ*-* tbe ourierp juUabl ul Ilia ai d wa.-, aa far aa 1 riutmor, wub^ui Ja-ellery, tb* culy royal app* d ag* that I nutioed kaiiig a bo*j* gold (|>iituon, au heavy luai i. ia aaid K> ^*JL* iwu men to carry II. Iu pereunai appear auce h* Wa* ttuul, and louaad a Ullle u*a>vy and oninUlugtnl, bat It aayehlug I *nuuld to o* guud bauor^d. iher* s.riaiu qui*t uiguiiy about him, 1 tfeiLk, wbiao 1 >u t ^jao aevtn >*ata ul abau- lat* |x>w. rma.1 giva any ote. Tbe r n> Ogam to me, and I tni. t w all praiebt, Wa> ib* Q^aa^, wliu o(uUeh*u OcbiLid ab* K.4g lu the urtiludua oourl poalliej Of rei-paet. Ouly l. iean mea acre ki.cin to have ctu h.r, aud tLUaiLiirtkble nad bab tue aiona* we nad all Mara of ber. ttu* u.u been ortuuoa w.iu uaauuutea) ixou.iuu. maa> it tnam ut be; rsia.iuu* or her rirai- *ud Ibo two re bar* eyuouyuijue ouc of iba mowl burribi* Oelug the iaic, well ui i.l fotudad I eauun aay, thai abe bad oauaad a pour girl, wbo bad attracted 1'uebau'i alleutluu, to be .a.e.. - i daalti M.u> ol ih* aturie* ol what took piao* iu tb** iuo*r loume ar* luvrLiiuui, mun let ae bop* ih*l tbi* at i*a*l u au. Tuai en> bae pj-nbie nvala ia certain, aud only y. tttda> I wa* tpaakiiig lu eouie ol her ball ialra (tbe muel aaugorun* ol rival*), n i .1111 w^pl aud eauadsroa Ibe uiuMt abj.oi Wirjr al iuo mira men- tion c( b<.r name, tin* hae a rather flu* forehead, guud eyea, a uu*e no. as strait Ol ' profile aa I. mmbl be, a rattier email o iu, tu which ibe SKI* IILBB ot her lao* aiupe rather rap.dly fruin Ib* aligbily prumiueul oUe*k-Ouu** a. U a on ad Krabtatl. Ba* lo I. bum )naug aba e.*v*r, aud bat for one feature w> ma, 1 ILIUB, be guud-Kioking. luin feature, II i- Oaroel) ueOjary, 1 *opt>ue, tu aay , I* b*i Buutb. Ur lip* at* ibiu aoii |>rouiib*bt, and a klr^Lig oorvu givta ibaia a bard luuk, wbieu cpjiui tna real ut the face. Wuet* auiuiatjj, ae aba oiocily wa* wb*u I >a* ber, t* r sha wa* *agrly wui>pa.ug to the JLiug ueariT all tb* niue, ab gv> tii.* tb* tae* ut muou couuing. poWtr. Taetj.tMur uioibur,oueot toe wivceul ItieOau lalber, Ibeoolyoue, I loppoa*, wbo ta.s ewoap.a death or ia(/r.aunui*ut, *ai near h*r, auo was an umuierestiog loukag old womaii, bo u laid, buwevcr, to ba>v b>*n tt> Kiu^'t Qua! prudent o u e!ui, and wbcae ovior, if fuliowed, wouid bave averted Ibi |>re.eut CaSaatropbt . t- . und Hla *w*r4 Ailcr Meiav in Daring tue war in. o > p .iu o' a o^mpa of Main* v liintcer* WM lk*u |irmu*r 1 aoi Cotijpelli d tu lake your w..td, ' s >iu tbe ouurkuu- B^uabsiner, bat 1 will v. it at Black. " ('iauiiug a eeruuu farm- buoie iu tbe oeigbbortiuud), " and if you ever o 'm* book tola way can lh*r* and >uu will Aud II. ' The priroutr iL.t aeO bi opior, though batiug uiJ* faiib iu me ir uji-e. A yiMtr allrroard, ill* divt.i L Happening l . be iu that (coaou, ou i - i led mm to o.ll al the bou.e H* i qutrvn for hi* sword aud found il bad b*eu ttien a year. " I ve had a heap o' troubl> ke*|'iu' il for v u UI.H." raid Ibe Wumau, bat beeb it am." Tkt Arg na*t. tV>rw< eirlah.lar Pvwle, Mow Ibat the weather ban Bellied rgbi down t) builuerB, give yoor fowl* m oater or wroi on K o rtri i. Oild Walei Is not oow quite to etirable fur drink a- il wa* la*t July. Tokmp ,i,n drink froni frsntug, ii i> a no >d pun to atcaor a ntiroroou woouen water onoke: firmly t> ' door *> !*! iieaotot be> opeel. pal a >ra .ii lamp, ou* of Ibo k|ud iba) wjrka wuuuui K i-hiiuuey, iu tbe bucket, aid n t a | au ui milk or watar iu tbe top of pail Bul dou'l bave the pan fii ib Wu elu* ; Ih* llni.i want* a onatee to born. A very *mal| fl ! e will fun.mh heal euuu*b to kstp Uie water warm. Tbe Fillsbury fl oriug mill* at Minna- ap im divided 135 OOO.orplasproflhj among 1JOO employee, last year. Twenty poppiee were deelroysd at Bad- bury Keooelo, iu Derbysbire, lo ooi.tr q isuoe of a sa*peci*d ootbreak . f hydro- libobia. Oae cf Ihe poppies divelopid eyruplom of raaJi.e^s. aod all lb nlherr whioti had beeu in contaal with U*rere bol. Iu Mew York women mke 11 cent* a r1a> 01 . o'i ii. K ebawla. Tbie it a abame f al aoodiiioo of tbiog* , aod yet In ihe earns etty there ar* y ung w. msa wh Mint plsqae* and bammcr bra**, and OOB'I DBtke II MDH B week. The fjllowing pslitions wer* Mr. Karriii Of Juhu Burue and oib for an Act to ineurporal* the Toronto Fir* Ini uranee Co, Mr. Oonmse 01 R. E. Mitchell aod o hers, for an Act granting a charter to oon strati a railway from Port Arthur to Rainy Rivet. Mr. Oibeoo (HamiUoo)-Of Alfred Will more aod 660 outers for an amendment to ib* law relating lo to* iooom* lax raiiinf Ih* exemption to 11,000. Mr. Oibeon (HsmiltOD)-Ot F. Moore snd 600 other* for an amendment le chapter IU, H.8 O., relating tooiaitere and servanla. Tha followisK Bill* wer* inlrodooed aod reid th* flratnm*): Hon. F. Fraeer To secure eimpina* lion for workmen in o-rlai j caia*. Mr. OIO-OD (Uamilton) To am*od tb* Reviaed Blatatee respecting master and ervant. Hon. C. F. Fraaar To amend cap. 138 ol tb Revised Bialates of Ontario. M-. Oib*oo (riamiltoc) -To amend Ihe Aa-easmtnt Ael. Hoo A 8 Hardy pramnted th* follow- g: An Order io Council with referaco* to the eomuuaiaticn of Ib* larrogat* f*ae of loeal matter e ; tbs report of tb* loepeetor of Insurance) for 1886 ; a return of the Toronto Oeoeral Truat Company ; report 'the loiptotor of Prianoa reipeoiing tbe educational iastitolea for ths blind aod deaf and dumb ; ths report of the Elgin Hcuee nf lodoitry. Mr M redi'b aaked wben tb* report of 'be OummiMlon of Uqairy into tbe Central Prisoo woald b* preieuttd. Hao. A B H.rdy Tcereporl is iu Ijpi and will bo rsady In a faw days. Mr. Water* arkad it tb* Qjvernrasnt oMuded to introdaee aay aMesimeol meuur* dealing with tbe q >e*ti?n ol eiemplioce. Hon O Miwat sugg-t^t-d tbat LOtice sboold b* given of iheqaMtioo. Hon. A S Hardy preaeuUd tb* re-port t tb* oommiite* to strike tbe Dlandug } imomtate for ib* year. Mr. French moved tbe nr<l reading of a Bul to amend the Coauly Ceut* Act. Uarried. U m. A. B. Hardy Uid on Ibs tabli th* rep irt of tbe Ftatt Qrower*' Association a-.d tba report of ths Inspector ol Prisona on Ihe Houee of Ullage and tbe Orphan Asylum, and s return with rctiriLC* to plaus of Hbool-boon*. Mr. White aaksd I* one Oasr.ard t'.oiud ao ecnp'ovee of this Hauae, or of -bo Q-jveromeni ? It ao, in whet opacity, aod wbat IB bi< r* moderation T H>n A. 8 Berdy-OueOaeperdPaaaad, f Wiud-or, to tbe auaniy ut Eawx a FretiBb CLiai:.n u apnu ihs rrs-ioaal taff oouLcOMd with tbi* H -a-* H> pay u tb* ordiuarypay of Ui*a*a*ional writsra. Quo. A 1C Bois. iu reply lo Mr. C tn e rfie. .-aid id.t toe report uf ibe A<rieal ar.l College, WLU d * ready as eooo aa puastble Mr. Criuhi^u m veJ for a reiuru of all oorreixju4et.O' sabetqaeut tn thai a'leady Or u^bi doaru *>tw**u .be O Vrr. m. ut c f Ontario, or auy metuorr or ifflier tb*-r*of, d ib* autbonsisa of th* D an-.i' a uf Canada, or ot tb* Proviuee ot Qmoea. r.e e*:iL|i tb* e*tll*m*ol if account brtw-eu Ib* Province* and tbe D miuioo ; , for aa->eoeoi up to lha ! day o Jacaary, 1886 of the amoouw wL.oa Ibe rtapeotiv mu .loipaiitus iLlareile.1 .bcold r*o*iv* a* int*real for tu* Laud Iiuprov*- rnent Faod In oouLcolloo with Bohuol Liu.it. Carried. A young lady, plamp aod pretty, with well arched eyebrows, made her appear- xie* at ib* T*i*bi yeaterdar morutog, imiiug encouragingly al a moon fngblri rd young man wbo accompanied her. W* m u.i wait, Cb.rliei .be earl, n I ib* me ie ibn o*b vtiib bis wot k. Why do >ou iremole ? There i no oeaasiou to b* >fraii. L i 01 BII down." lit > rimaiosd ailllog until Sergeant Jahlil eaileJ oat i " All (icreone wbo hav* uo 'antier buia*i h*i* will now p'ra*e tire ;" wb*u tb* yiaug girl eaid : N >w, 3barlie, ta tba tian* " Tba y u> g nan aro-e and icuidly approaobed the bar. " Wall, ' aaked Joatlee Wbiie, a* Ib* lOnng mao itood atamm*rit.g btfor* btm, ' wbal du yuu want ? Bpv*k up." " I I 1." b* began, bat hi got no uriber. N Hieing bU *mberrassm*nl the yoocg ady harrisd forward. loa ean't irnaniue what troobla bu baabluloMi eaois* cue," abe laid, biu-hn g. U j wun to gel married to me *o bad. Li<*l Light be toid me Hi o* reaiy tore tbi* inoriiiug, aud we eaoje h*r. Tuoogn bree liuesou Ike way, be wauled lo loru Ha bad enoogn eoarags Ib propose ? " tniliugly qierled H.i-Jja.ioe. No, be didu'i. Hm mother did tbe pro poaing. Ban 0*01* tu my boa** *ad anted f 1 * u.u acoapi bim. I waa willing, and Jd.iiea Wtiit* rwmarknd Ibat h* wa* urry iu di-appolot Ibsoi, ae ha had made up bte miud whin ha W*L,| on Ibe Bauob -vrr to marry any on*. "O.ner j JCIICM u so, howsvtr," b* eouliouad, and if you oa i .round to-morrow Jiutiea V.tt, will i bably do the set." "On pshaw," said tbe yoong lady, a lock f di-go-l at i earn g ou ber countenance. ' It's Oad loot, they say, to be dinap minted Coouu ahead, Cnarlie ; w* ouig*t married to day. I'll fi-ton yoa to a piaec," ai.d they left N Y Sun I air. I lr**a lrrl..4 Tb* tananta bl Li ird Antrim's eetate io Autrira reta-ed, uu ih 18. u nil , io pay uy rautunleaea reduction ol 60 ier caul Tbe Duke of D <voosbirs's Irish tet ao- try hav. aeoepiad tbi M ,er c*' t. at>tr. mrnt offered to bm, ana are LOW frt*l> pa>ibg toeir r*ni*. Eduiood A i*n, farmer, Park O.I .-ay G-uuty Limerick, wan -but >:ead >>. 8*lor- Jay Liiji, Ja ,ury 16 b w. n* rclutiiug uum*. FuOl t l) ID BpeO id. At the Di mdowmenc of Ib* Irih C .urob, n> 1H71 the Irmh Pr*.brleriau> r* paid Jt76j 010 a* ena> peoeanoa for Ib* "Ppa* ui ot> K.ium Douain. Sir J epb M K -one. the Paroelltte M P. I r Mjuagbaji, tia>- refueed bi< tenant- u Y u^. i Jiit/ioj 90|i-rO'iit. reduoiiou, i... baa iaeaed writ* tjt tbe reojvery of h.reul. In It ~.. l I M. L T**, sir," b* lairl, empbalioally, " the Hyde t elate ID Buglaud ! a dead sore ing ' r 'hi- Atnr'0ii heirs AI' n wrm 1300000000 Tuiok uf tbat 1800 0000(4)1 K. ..i.- a lijy aaro. eh to i.ue *iuo"g a comparatiVt ly few pti pit T " " Y.'U tuu-i be one of tbe rvue," laid a liileoer, " y .u speak o oo. n l--i i|y " " I wiab 1 wa*,' be replied, wi h a nigh ; but there'e oo such lu k fur me. I m inly Ibe attorney tor th* heirs." Ntw York ~ At th* Armagh Q laiier Beaaion* J.xeph "i ugan, wbo wai tudioied for aaaaoliiug I >t>u Or**nl*e* wiib a knit*, wa* reo.m- mended to mercy by tbejary. Oa the Judge aeking tbe reaaon th* furamao replied amid mueh laughter, " Wotakay." yaoen Victoria's birthday present to Ibe Omwo Prlseaite of Oermaoy was a ' full d'ea* " carriage. Tb* interior i* lined with blue stlk damewk, wiita gold fringe and ta-eela The oateida In of elarst color, with linsa of erimsno, and all iba moont- i are of b aa* Oo the door* aod pao*l* be K glieh aod l'io*euu ami arsambUi oueJ lu reluf. a Inveaila* lai ' fcrwauai it- p. Th -ee-i; ' t -i of ibe Kl.ilhorpe sir oj-Utaii lu tbu TISM el: vwr ueoarred BI 12 SO ycit- rdsy. AB on the preoeding day, 01 immente crowd arseoublsd to witnea* tbe dr ,[i Th* stairway wsa a maas of bumatiiiy ii* entire length, acd great num here liued each slsvator landing. A fsw minatae before thsappcloted boor the ear wai ran op to ins fifth story and a glee* of water and a hex of eggs placed on tb* fljor. 0)1. R N. Honi, Mr. F. T Eiliiborpe, a sou of ths invsotor, Mr. E. D. K nrs and th* elevator conductor saterad th* aleva- tor, aod Bob, the Timei dog. strayed in to take a rid*. Everything being in readme** tha whiatle waa blow* M a - to cat the rope. Tbe passenger* eai down Ob th* eleva'or euehiou, and they anl Ihe tpeelasors drew a loog breath The dog r v an to eo.peet aometbicg, and wban tbi uuile wa* btown h* buuuded into the t r vary much a* do** a rabbit after ree*iti.-| a load of shot. Atlh**am* i;.etaal the rope wa* cut, aod tba ear to Ibo bol:oo> of the elevator way, bef.cc the iptctalur. were aware thai ii bad started. Bib, surprised in IB* act of jamping, remained in that relative [oeuioLi during th* entire dee*nt, giving >b* app*araLM of beu g soapaudad iu mid- air. Be lixbisd ia ibe *gg basket wneu UM ear cams gently to a *taiid*till al th* bol tom of th* well, and set op soak a bowling that the spectators nuked to th* ear iu tear tbal all inaidc Ihe sit valor war* hurt. Th* gentlemen, however, iastud from th* eU- vavr entirely unharmed, and with h fewer mi-giving* tbau wben tb-. entered il. Cjl Haul eepwally wae well plea-ed with lha trip. I fall aa I bave often done wbeo I have dreamed of faUii g down a precipice, ' be aaid. 11 it tbat it floiialy batter than to hav* o-s's lags Bi.apj.exl iff " To* K liibotpe air casbioo i* the itivc ion cf Oal. A C El'iihorpe, of Caieefo fb* lavanlioo I* a* emp!* an it u effl mint. l eonaiel* of an almoat mr-ugbt * 1 at be boitnin of ih* elevator ha-cbwty into -ihiek tb* ear Ola. In order so retard io* _iotioc .lowly, wbieh woald not be thsoa** w*r* ih* wall the exact *> of tba ear, tb* op of th* chamber ia mad* abcait *tx ncbe* larger than Ib* bottom of the ear. o thi* way ibe ear, instead of violently cooed Kg oo reaahifg ibe air chamber, ettlee * -tly iLto tb* wall onlil wilbio bout foor feel of Ibe bottom, when th* ubber flanges oo the Boor of the ear, ailing ncrs cloMly to th* stJee of tb* ebember, orm an air -tight compartment. Thereat t ib* deaesnt u almoal tmcreeptiM. Tba raebsr flaocea p.rf. rm acotter strvio*. i-iug i early th* sin ot tba top of tbe wll, tbay prcv.ul too much air aeeapiog. .nd, betug fl nble, aiio a icffineul ,m'.nit -o *oape to pr*veot a rabuu^d. A ir in City 1,mti iuui ir H mnr. raciaaiia* I' there 1< no*htue, new under tb* ion, Jiere U al laa.1 aumttbicg new aroaid u! f it th* IMI twj yara eio*e ob-*iv<r*of tbe eky bave noticed that tbe tioooday -uu aaa been ca-roauded by a oruna cf du>ky ^ FP"T. or reddiab light, ae It bai b.n varioo-ly draertbwd, tbe e reli cf mot du- - .01 euiur h.viuK a radio* f aboat tt'teeu gr***. aud iue|jii.g a briiliaiit, ei.vary ur blni-b g'ow cl* aruuod to* olr dink A etoiilar BcpeariLO* at n>ua . *e intcbsity ti> bseu oeaaaiunally uoiioed aruuiid ib* fall moon ou vary altar winter uigbM Toe anal experirnaed ooeervcn at .ky oolore ere agreed tnal Ibis earoca wae nol visible btf. r* tfae ier moolha of 1WJ V m B f kfaniob, wbo wa. euoaiJertd the u >omp*i*nl m*Ucrolu H iet to prepare a eajbedoJ* for ob-ervatiu. e oo th* aolor* of b* .ky for th* reeeui O-ruian A>eua x- p-dilioo. says lhat. j . pile of tu* eioee at ei.uon he bad previ u-ly givan lu Ibe ppi-araode of ibe u u.l *bitiah glow round tbe-ou.bo bad nevar till rvoeutly e.u the daiky nog T bol loo, ol N.ee, whu - d uiad> a ^ ccial .:udy of m* eky around ae .01. f ir a .eriei of year>, jio:n-< c>n- 4en> y tbal a ab*>i>ge i.eearre j m N iv*m B MthiMi-s. uf Saudc.laid wb. i*a a cartful rec-T'l of pwa*la f it leu^v five year<, ooincms ibis opinioo. W* ay. tbsrcfori, safely aeov k t to* .Lclosiou that th ohang* of color root ib* blaeuf the open *ky t. tb* in *u>* lare of women light oioac a-ouud Ib* eon wa> until lately iff eled *>i bout toe appear- i.oe o' aoy rwldiao ln.ge in u* trau i muaj r> a Toe i.aw eunina, to wbieb Ihe uacue " Biab> p'e rir.g " ha- bveo given after I.. rtobaetv. r, bae nev. r be-o a very on . i.-u ui iflir, aad therefore be* 001 ttraoted IL pjpalar ait*n>ioo Ibal u >*rvt*; but H o- uM eaeily bu *e*o every tear day la t win-er. aud ba* repeatedly Hr-n m tie-d ln*a th n In ib* latter uuntb* 'rll I differ wilr-U from tbH argamsnle aud iouelu*luoe ot Profeesir Oaili. at leaal a* ppited to ib* N ribern add Weeicro High- "iJ. ' * As rea>rd* tvem. I .m all led i bal oar U gul.^a moabwalti* am Hue mare r**ali ui gullerlug -that tbeir run bavc been dctcrmiuad largely by Mb muvnoiente, by euurmoo* 'aul-e, by utMiJi-i.ee.*, by uudulaiuu wbion have t-ajit. d iu immeoee fraciur*a, by autt i. la wbieb have beeu (imilaily bruk*o i u rhjrt, by all Ibe kind* aud Aegreea al arth movtratnt wbicQ hav* b*n om- erti.d. ataawher* to tb* r .ineuou ol Idtugs, puckcrtua* and wrn.kle* of tbe rmt ot tb* globe. Ii moat, ot eoara*. clearly understood tbat the wh ! tbie qie.iwu n one ot drgrev. L'uere ie not a muuntaiu in tbe world wtiieb baa nol bal tie form Utrimiued by both k nd. ot force tbe I >rce* wbieh alevaie I um below, anl ibe f .reea bicb gatt*r a. i 1 iwer Irnm ab v Tb* H gbui.d kill* bave ly bteo l<ig aod powsrfullj guxeted. Bw tbi- I* 001 tKe q i..i,.i a>i-ed 9f Vr f ax. r Onkle. H > will bave ii 'hat t-Mto oi'.vrOMu b.ve aad eo e uu I a>raliVi-i> nttie to do witk ibe afe.pttig aoJ furrniog uf tbeve rnoaol*in* Ibal we oa i >iea>ei uoibtng ajoca as du to them than ibe get cral .llrti.>B of ao.n* 1 -I >i l pii-u .oui* bog'* baek of la' d rai*>d tram above eoe waves. A I Ibe re-t all ur I UK ride. ail uur great prvoipieea, all uor deep gleoa, all our mil de(ier aea loeo- aod freab watur Uk** ar* BO many o>r* ait*r mark* un a large awl*, do* to rtvara f water and if ier. L vi g a* I do iu Ih* iigblaud*. aod aooo-l mad tolonk upon IM ill. l i tin'i- r*i*U-<u to gaologieal eiruo ur. , I r*gard tbi< loe rv -irvg t m b* bigaeal dagreee. Tka- Dttae o/ Argyll. ll'rrf fef*a In tbeee da>e ut eiudy aal eedeutery rk rnj'iiriuK maab oaa of ik* ay*a, they tiau b oo', e ro tired tbal in- v rcfuae to oooJwrk TbU i | ar icuUrlv iroa) wnea ibe w,ik la d >u iu to.r light, or when it t* v*ry fl .e w, rk Few > will K ar auoh tr*alru*ot for auy great letig b >f time without r*iug e ['ie iou I* ofteo sekd n- : " What oaa be lous in such ea**e f ' Toer* i* ou* remedy or tired eyes that Oaegrea^ v*loe. It eon- lie l* to mawagr with Ibe band wet to cold or cool water. Fill a beam with i , aad, landing over II, w*l tb* hand wnb a- mocb water aa it will bold aod BI p y it to be tyaa, at the cam* urn* wiib tbe tha rub and forta'iger mviug ibe eye* a geatl manipulation C>utiuue the prnssss for narorfive toiualee **v*rej liar* a day. Th* r.-ul" r olteo almoel marvelloo*. ifrraW tf " ' Mr. W D Bow*ir* daughter U aboni to ry ber baud a* fletiou ; William Bioek'e oa wnlee ebiidrea'* etortM, and a boy ot naiia M Oartby i* g >ID to pobUeha novel wbiob i* addooad M evideooa ol bwedny from I.Hrary Saea*br-1f 1 Uaeing o'er a paliag. Wbar. tral ia.j ruaa* iwimaaTbwJ aad.elwv . Houiab .Iv with terv r uoavainac. I* p'aaillug fi* ao aoewer - Tee < r oe f boni*t> J v balf pouting au<t half aoiUlttA Ho. il< freably g>u>arad roe*, la I er '"--'* ; Soiuabody (au daintily beguiling D Pieke a roc* to piece* aa ab> itaa-U. " Beryl, will yoa Ul ma bav* an anewe* V Yea. or no, ewee* l-wbiaa l* U r tsksks; Nut a word replied al* (air *otrai>*>, Bat ban* and SB* tiers raae> lMV*a-bo*y . : Ob. LM .'! me m or ardar at* away I eay* : ~ later U vor pU 1 Wbenjroaan lord** ro to May I" ucbody, ootaid* Iteeerrtan. faolBg, U wajiio* ap aJ dowa tbe muldy laftw ; Bomeoody, amooa* Use l Api>*an So Bad a BaaaaWM In hi* pain , Somebody, la abadcw in a doorway, waer* irelli*ed r**** tale* aad UBSsrewlaa, Lao*e eoftly, " So, ray (*aua rooLb. tbafit wav I Hal ha! Wbaa Jwaa yooaej, II wesat wwia* r nmaeody to eotaabody le pfcMal-t ' Hwyl. Mali I etay dear ** or a* r eorcabudT at I-t a petal If TUU with to law** ns>- Seruabody wbo 4 rea a rap' , L>>. baa it ibe g*l*- eita I eoe* taa BomabudT by aoaubody le etaadlag. esB'bodT aaa*-a le i.a ib* waseh t Som.bo.lj U kia*ed-(bow co*ra* rts_ Wb*n !o, prevallel)-" My owa !-** lev* i Som.b .t| two aomatedlee iniiiile** Beryl, rou 1) b* a Jewel of a wite - A-flotiM. a-floatlna: aVCrO**l thf| >!** pli^tf M*V All nigbl 1 beard a .lugioi Upos ta* t ' Ow.ea* ma trr m SB* lalae of Oreaee, Ur rroo, tb* bank* . f Heioc, Or o 4ua tne n, f. reau f.a* Tnal trmgc the Weetecn main *" " I aom* aat off tb* oU world, N.JV ) fr ui . ff tb* a. w Bit I am cue a; UM binl* of Ood WBICO aiag to* waul* 014*11 akroagk. ' * Ob, iog aail wake tba Jawslag I Oh, wbi.ua for tb* wiad I The u.ut u in . *be eaiiaal *areea M y buat U le<B beaiod. ' Th* eomoi tweepe tb* old world, Tn* catr>Dt iwack the aa>w . Tb* w u i wul bl .w. tb* Jew* will i Kr* Uma heat tauea them l Into a riak witk foar bleat walla. That blaieil wiu a gleiw Ilk* I Wnere noir a hadow o( eom eaab .1, . uoe atruiMd m JEM awb.1 ; onweody e dodeee fooas and eo wbisa WearlB* apoo bl. SoewiTfaS, Ser.r a aia of niBBhuod'. u.iav H*l hi* eaei f pin ihreeil B caaaietaei al Carefully embed an hu ravea orl Tbat iktly i* ua hie Jeiioaaw brain Aad la hi* Harare he laanklly rwtrla Ib awa**i**B uMMwe) a al 1 o-dl oao* , buiaibuoy aanfaliy eumhed bia lair . Wa. it nil m tlr. wboee >iiii aow fades ' Waa it a bleatou* rneirleei fair Or a bmrbar e*Wc* aa the a**) of ep*4** ' There t navn a taabt be 1* eom*b*dy'e pet ; noraaoadi e (Mart aa< *aabna*kl blot tar* Ma<U UM Jod. Q M 4 faur ye*. ur a mouer, woo wait*- at tbe bead of Ib* lair , Ma? U a uiaiOan. with ebeak of nwe, laeadli awaitine; Una uiuaioe: liak. AaU Uiar. ba atawteta a bcautifai paee, In UMftUaaoar aaa glare ot ta akaun(-rlak. "^ * taJI at bo-*wed a tb* araal aftaM. *> hi* ta*4 a. > * a* Tb.n eiaa K a.ki tin a eiuioa- uulte. AnJ vaiu tor bi* Btail bi* u*i< to meet. KI-* bl u o <ae fir bie faadmofh.ar'e aaae Iti-J ubiful * --- r ihe ile*ea him mm* Ta- Mau> iruta in. fMt w Mw4 IT IM. tt>al> ut lea J*ru and eloaw ua .lour if Tb* moan despiaed glub sparrow will tiabO* himasif on in* tip uf a depending willow twig more ea*uy tbao a man elaad* '~ Mppery da> .and ae for aao a sal aea aJm MI Koyahiog la th* way of re uli o-ia 10 pcrf.>rmsu***. Tk* Ulcr " ,f the U s.lurd Pot uol.oed an uusanee of tbie I ounar ahi.iiy o( a aal in one at the bk( grooery aiunu of th* oily tbe other day. A " >i*Me " aal had IwiMed banelt ty 'Ois mean* into a quart paper "1. ~tH Uf siiuag, half reoiiuiug, Tei sltenrliaajto her aMauoa* la the a.aal oat like way. Ab.ai ooe-suib ol her Dxly w* la tee no* aud th* net ai aa acgle of M degree* wa* overbaugiog, bat ab* did LOI lea* her oaUuo* in in* aligtaSaal. alMoogh the cbauoae ware tea to aae in favor ol the Uw of gravitation aad again*! oer aeuiiMe > ao fjQi ibnt. Ai laaieoa ba*]an to ro*k beMkwarda aad to. ward* a* if BO* waa tk* very grandma of e* a. and **eoi*d r*alt to . O| i> it If aea Dad ooly *oai* kuitMug work mnr p*w* b* w.uidb.ve preeeoMd >* exnpleae a picture of miuiie nuinauiiy aa eoeud fee. May eaeyeauune ara gjvwe to fa abuui aoot.uia*; tb* aoy* uu eke fa.-na, bat iiotiB .earn to li We oa batter ikaa tee dtraetiou to giv* bim scaa) ekaf* m tbe pr t a. 8umthing toal be Can call hi* uwu, and wbiob b* can improve ky ladajs- ir Simeitmee taa M eaal '' may b* vary prji.LU ed, but ordinarily it M wbat yoo make u. Ii a eaey to luteraat wh* hewe buy la email f>oit auliare, or to tb* tare cf u..g **uek, whua* growik he waieoee with k-*u iut*r*.i beeo c tha proceed* are la on hi* very own. As yen vain* yaw good 'law* with yoor boy, deal aa uprightly with mm ae you wuuld witb >oar oeleihoor'seoe. Doo'l 1*4 ii ke buy * ealf, eat tatter'* aow " Wot a h* bae gaited M>me oaooey ty bard work aad the m*ai.a you have giwai him to oe* tor btmaalf. doa'l eay to bin aa another lather aid: "Oaa, yoo aaay laod m* Ibat ajjoey aad I will give >*o my not* fur it." The money wae bauded uv*t mual relnctaoliy, aaj that waa tb* laai the boy aver aaw ot it. That boy aoc- o u ia i lo uotl (arm lit* al Ibe eaxliaal dsy baeoold. Tu eoya I knew bad by the hard**t earued mou*y. a*iliug appfcae arotlbd Ike v.l.age frum a Oag earned oa aa aad knca*'* bNaok. b >ohi a ealf. Ii grew well aad wsa w >i*o*d aod tended wttk pride, aad tbere were variuoe oaioula toue ove ibe way the iuoaey .b'.a.d b> luvuted. Bai aae day a e*isie dealer oaoie alouaj aad aeey aaw tbeir p. eold wuu m* r-i of toe yoooe] eaiaie . ai d <>o* of to***) tye rern-moeswd waao b* wa* gray bwardad tbat ahy n*v*r aaw *"Vibiu|| of lha u.* ,ej. T.rv did. real did another farmer DMO- ag*. H* g>T* hia boy aay aere oa tk* far* b* was a miud to 1,1 k oat, witk leavw to at* all .be Urlil aera he plaaawd. aad vari- ooe other faoiliue* for iukma; hie eeseJI taroi a aateeea. Tb* boy *ao** to ae* it m email trail*, for wtaiee, soar* waa a good inatket, aud every year eaw him aioie of au vuitaur*! <rl m tali culture, aad very i Ibey bruugui him in a mo I ha letaro 0>ly Ufa bai oo *brm* for taal youib aa b* gr*w op. Toere i* a Jeligni to watehtog tb* growth ot ir.i-e aad plaui* uf one's owa esitiog thai IB of a BDIMI tlevaiuig, r&uius] *bar- .c er III* a full to many of tbe anpte> IIOLB i f It's, wbieb are to ee foaod ia aw* auautry a. well a* Ibe Miy. A g o J pape* QJ tke eubjeoi. aod a pereooaJ latarsa* if b cu turr wul ea-* an laasiitgea* lad w take hoed of U witk vigjr, and will tnveot eoaairy Uf* wilk a new eoarm N i woai- der Oliver Weudell HoloMa aaud thai tb* beat poems ke bad ever mad* were tb* traeek* bad planted alone; tee wisdia* river. Woald skat every -wast* plaea" ab >ul our farmers' homes m^bl tbie year ba planted with a VIM, a boh er a ttwe. Woat a ebaoej* ii wouM make in tk* faae of the laodae- p,, and ta tke lives of tba dwell- ers in Ikaa* BXiasee Orraa's , At Biieaareat ia>* Unee _ . eortoo* m <e* of (bowing their appr*aaat*oa of M uie P. Hi'* siugiug. Buddaoiy darn | the performance they stood ap aad threw while plgeoos. wttk ribbons aruaod Ibair neck*, _ao > the) sieaj*. It was MtefOry

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