Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1886, p. 1

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The Durham Chronicle announces the death of Miss Minnie Ellerby -late of the Gospel Army -in its last issue. The event was currently reported here a couple of weeks ago, but was afterward denied. If the present report is correct, we join with many others in this locality in expressing our profound regret at the early demise of this talented young lady. . Lo/iirajics&apos;s Spectacles & Eyeglasses Are the only genuine Knojinh Articles in the Canadian market. Real Pebbles an kept iu stock. Tests are given to pur- chaser* to prove genvinenesv. They are Mcommeuded by UM President, Vice- Pre. , Ki-Pr.. mm* Kx.VttavPrm ofth. Medical Association of Canada, Ac. J AS. 6. RC8HELL, Jeweler, <(<., Ptethertvn, Out. The only pUce where they can be got Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Taking Efft*, BTATION8. MaU Bl Torouto lae t&apos;ardwell Juuctiou C&apos;harleaton Orange- I Arrive Till*. [LSSM Oruiievillt- Junction Hhelbum* Daaeaik . WUIUmsfsrd llfc.taworth Ow*o Houad ^ Arrive oillK Son 111. ~"~~BTAT&apos;:ONS 0wu Sound 1 Chattwortb WUliamaford arkdalo ri.si.nr. u &apos; i Exp. . Mail. Bbalbnrn* Oraacavllle Junction... OckOf*- ^ Arrive vflle. i Loave CharlMtoa Crdwll Junction. 5 SO " i 605 &apos; d " 41 " T " 781 " 800 " 811 " H.15 " H .VI " 901 < sao &apos; i MW &apos; 408 &apos; 4 SI 457 Arrive 10 3 S89 " 5M " 01S " 8M " 890 " \i-.t-i W. WHYTE. Oss&apos;i. Sor&apos;T. D.MrNICOLL. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S..ONT. PHYSICIAN, S3 IM.KOV Ac. FLESH EUTON. -, Mtc( tu Dirtnon Coirrf offiet, >r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCllKR, PRICEV1LLE, - ONTARIO. ra.Offlc and UnBldenca Dear PrmbytcrlaD Chiichu < I&apos;l I. <-ill" Jfutistry. J.P. MARSHALL. L.U.H DENTIST, rUr>UATK of Toronto School of Duntlitrr, will IM. at Mark-lull&apos; tha IM and :ird \V.-,lm- day of each mnnth, ami At Kl."0iuttou on the lt and 3rd T)mr Uy in eh month for thu pi actice f hit prufeMlon. FROST & FROST. BtliHISTKllS. HOI.iriTOHS. CONVKVAXC&apos;118 tt. Offloe I&apos;ouletl Str.-.&apos;t. (&apos; KN Sot \i>. and irj Thunday at KLKSII KHTCN J. W. FllOST. I. UB. ALFRED KKOST, Crown County Attorney. . HA&apos;.nwiN navrtii. it r. RCBI.IN. raK.D.w. O&HVIN. HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, ifucerunn to Lnnilrr <f- //<:.r/, BARHISTI-&apos;.llS. KOLU-ITOB8. NOTAltlER. (nSVKYANCKUH, A,- Monsv tn l,..n t l,wM Hut.&apos; . of intercut. Office*. 1C K I UK Street R Ml. Torouto. MORPHY & MILLERS, litrriit-crt, Mieitnrit, ffubiriei J*Uc, OrriCK, Oror McFailane&apos;i DruR Ktore. DURHAM, - - - ONT. John W. Armstrong, FLF.8lir.BTOK, Co. OllRV. DIYI8ION COURT CI.F.KK, COMMISSIONER In It. R., Coiiv.-, uti.&apos;i&apos;i 1 . .V.&apos; .\Ki-iit for pilichaiio and ial of ImnN A|&apos;|>rnlmr for C. L C l &apos;oni- n 1 K. 1*. II. A H. Sn.-l.&apos;ty Mnnvy to I .<..oi nn tin- m t roanonable toriiu. USUKH or MAHU1AOK LICKMBBB. Jas. K. Sloan, INSURANCE AGEXT, EUGENIA. ItcpreiflntltiR that unli.l old Kirn Inmirance Co . tb NORWICH UNION, nf Norwich. KnKl>ud. loauraacfl effvctu.1 on Hoimes. outbnildiii|;i, Ac., at low ratal. Itistirea a^RiiiHt lightning. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.KBK AHTKUKKU. CONVE YA \< &apos;KH, INSURANCE AG&apos;T, DRRDB, MOUTi, M. I s I.KABRB, Ac., pnpar- d and properly eincuted. Innnranoe ffi>o- %<( In flrt-cl romjianlei. Money to lend at ! ir citrate*. Money to Loan. Ai i"&apos;\ Per Cent. Itert*t on Straight Jxxin. WITH Interest paid yearly, not in advanos. No eonunlsKlon charted. A. CRIER. - Apply to nioicMti itv. FRED. RYDEfi, Brick and Stone Jlason. FLESHERTON. Orders In Town and Country promptly and arafully esMuUd. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Carefully Corrected Koch Wttk. Flour Pll Wheat Spring Win -lit Barley Oats ......... Peat...,. Bntter EggB, fresh Potatoes Pork... HAT, per ton Hide. Wool 4 50 to 4 50 $0 HO to 80 72 76 0^40 60 , 29 52 Tiirkrys ............ . GliickenR per pair . per pair .... 10 15 20 5 00 8 00 6 2.1 II n no o 05 o 07 25 40 12 17 HO 63 !i5 5 25 1000 7 25 16 70 05 08 25 60 Flesherton Advaftee, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES. WOT *.-- . VOL. V., 10. 244. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 18, 1886, A. R. FAWCETT, r. ETO. THE ADVANCE. A. R Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. of I^nfal and Othrr Intrrettiiuj Itemt yathtrrd by Tht Advance Krjtvrters. A Family Singer Sewing Machine for $10 at C. Treadgold&apos;s, Flesherton. Look here! "I am prepairud to pay cash for any quantity of Maple, Birch, or Cherry. See bills. Wn BKVDLBY. The verdict of our customers is, that than is no place like istitoh&apos;a to get elothrs made sattefactoriry and to order. A splendid new stock of Clocks, jew- elry, and Fancy Goods just received at Russell&apos;s Noted jewelry Store, Flesheimn We understand that Mesura. W. & J. Anderson have just introduced into Arte- mesia four thorough-bred Lelcuistcr ewes, Bred by Mr. Win. Maclntonh, Co. Bruce. Do no be without a bottle of Silver Cream for brightening up your Silver- ware, only 25 cents; to be had at Ku.i-.i-ll .- FlcshcrUwj. -Just received at R. J. Rproalo&apos;s, Flesherton, a quantity of prime Salt, in good new bbls. , and will be sold at the lowest prices. " The FLKKRERTON ADVANCE looks happy. It is among the most welcome of oar exchanges. Long may it wave." TA&apos;rn/>im/.S&apos;t<iM{(/n(. Thanks, old friend, and the same to yourself. An adjourned meeting nf the I&apos;lot- bolders of the Fleaherton Cemetery, will be held in the Town Hall, Flushcrton, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 23rd, at 7.30 o&apos;- clock. Business, to receive Report of Committee re enlarging the ground. Mr. J. W. Frost having accured tht-i services of Mr. Chesley, a solicitor, will I in future be ablu to keep his office in Flesherton open continuoualy instead of one day in the week as hitherto, his own visiting day will, however, bo on Thurs- day as heretofore. Ac. , at Lot s.i&apos;.. Farm stock, implements, 32, Con. 10, Artemeaia, commencing at 1 o&apos;clock p. in. sharp, on Tuesday, March 2nd. 10 month* credit on all sums over $5. [We ini-jht remark that the stock advertised as thoni&apos; bred are rtall>t snch and are properly registered in the ll.nl ] Ho. &apos;k. rw* will IKI shown mi tiny of sale.]! Mrs. Ali-i. Smith, proprietor ; John Speers, auctioneer. See bills. NATIONAL TILLS are the favorite jmr. Rativc inn) aiiti-liliouii mediciue ; they are mild and thorough. l&apos;< i -oniil I&apos;oint. r-. Rev. Dr. Strongman, of Dundalk, will preach in the Mothodist church here on Sunday evening next. Rev. Dr. Sutherland preaches in Flesh- erton Methodist church next Sabbath morning. Those who wish to secure scats will need to come early. Dr. Armstrong and wife left on their Kiini|M-:iii tour this week. They will probably be absent about a year, and will visit the British Isles, France and other countries in the interim. "Ted Strain is buying cats." Such was the startling intelligence communicated by our new hand on Monday evening last. N. B. No saiaaaj* wUA btt U*d ar- und these premises for the &apos;next 10 years. Kin;,&apos; Kennedy gave one of his &apos;enter- tainments here last Saturday evening to a slim audience. The weather was n"t favorable for a large gathering and the roads much less so. However, those who did attend, speak highly of Mr. Konndy&apos;s powers as a ventriloquist .and preatigita- teur. The Durham OiromWr announce* the death of Miss Minnie Ellerby late of the (jospel Army in its but issue. The event was currently repoited hero a cou- ple of weeks ago, but was afterwards du-n- ird. If the present report is correct. > join with many others in this Wality in expressing our profound rejrret at the early demise of thu talented young lady. Rev. Wesley CHMJM of Mark&apos;l.ilc preached one of the grandest sermons wu have ever listened to in the Methodist church, Fleahorton, on Sunday evening lut. His subject was John the Divine, his writings, life and character. Mr Caasiu&apos;s language was at m:ce elegant, graceful and forcible. May wo often hear this eloquent prvai-lu-r &apos; Ri-v. SamiK-1 (i. llorke delivered a very thoughtful and impressive sermon in Flesherton Methodist church last Suinl.iy morning, to a Urge congregation. The sacramental services were conducted by K.-v. Mr. Ayers in a most interesting manner. The services throughout par- tool of th;it solemnity and imprcasivcties* we would naturally expect under the eir- cumstances. ORDINATION SERVICES. Tltf I&apos;tiHtor of the fiaptM < &apos;nr*A but not M. (inr.iok&apos;s Srrti>\ Crur. It ia popular ly a.iu.iit, .1 i-vi-rjwL&apos;ie that M>-<r<-gor&apos;s .Mpenty <&apos;n<r is ilr faft>-l. tuimt relinMe and b far ti.e i-! i&apos;ln -t ii-ii . >:\ !"i (&apos;..n-&apos;i^atit n l.lvi-r &apos; &apos;.&apos;|M|I:,I nt. In.hf. -11. &apos;ii. Impart&apos; ! Loa of Appi t.ti-. mi I ..11 amiilsr trouble*. It is not urcennry tn tuk a great qunntit} ln-f. -re nny ie*ult u pr.-iluer.l. A (ew JOM-I. will ci>iiviin-t> jon nl Hi. merit*. Trial bot- tle ,-IM u fin.- at W. Uichardaou&apos;s I&apos;rug tore. Great Sale ! OP Last Tuesday was quite an important {day in the history of the Baptist church in this place, aa well as in that "f th FW. Thus. WaUon, the pa.it.-r The morning seaaion was devoted to a search- ing examination inio the character and fitness for the important work entrusted to hid care, of the candidate for ordina- tion. The result was satisfactory nd in the afternoon the solemn and impressive ceremony f ordination was proceeded with iu tin- usual ws)- The weather wan very !*$ withstanding this nit her jmtowi quite a number of people from the village and neighborhood gathered into ths Hall to witnees the ceremony. After opening the meeting by sinimig, Rev. Mr. Thorn, of Meaford, rad IITim 2c., after which caine prayer by Rv. Mr. Marker, of the same place. The RUT. Mr. Me Even, of Oen S,.und, then read a portion ..f Scripture, after which lie de- livered a most excellent and proctirr.l ad- dress 011 What constitutes a regular Baptist minister," which was listened to with profound attention. Toe ordination prayer wan perhaps the .nt solemn and impressive event in connection with the service*. lU-v. Mr. WaUuu knelt down ; then i-s-&apos;h of the minislen present gather ed ar.&apos;Uiitl a&apos;.nl placed their ri^ht haiidn on Mr. Watson&apos;s head ; after which RUT. A. (rant, of Ixitidoii, delivered t powerful and affecting prayer creating a moat pro- found impression upou tho audienc*. Rev. Mr. Dunlap. of Durham, iieit ad- dressed a few eminently practical remarks to Rev. Mr. Watson, in reference to hia duties to himself, his feilow-men, hia flock, and hia Ciud. Rev. Mr. Grant fol- lowed in an eloquent address to the peo- ple in reference to their dutit-s to their duties to their pastor Jt was easier to give advice than to* take it ; and unlew there was mutual Uive between |-astor and people, any adyjce*4hat might be given would be useless* A spirit of Christian generosity and brotherly* love should 1*- cultivated, but (!. n! alone should 1 tl.c arbitral- of a man&apos;s actions. Hu| aipeech like Mr. Grant&apos;s should U- publjilied in rW entirety iu unlwr (> k ftuptttlj *t ;ited. It was a ninaterly oration. Tho ordination services were then brought to a close and thu au.liuticc din- miss-d with the benediction by Ke. Mr. Watou. THE TBA-MIKTINU in fie evninx was well attended and a |.le:isant and proHtablo time was apuiit. Addreasva were delivered by Hers, (irant, Thoni, Darker, McKwon, Vanaickle, Ayem, and Watson. Mr. M. Richardson occupied the cli.iir with grace ami dicmi) V. he always does. The Glee Club and Methodist rlnm-h choir, and Mm J. E. Moore and Rev. Mr. Vunsickle furnished the vocal and instrumental music. A social will be held iu the Town Hall on Tuesday evening next. A collection will be taken up. A GRIST FROM EUGENIA ! ; " """*>. . Friday las&apos;, and was buried iuSaUcm bury ing ground on Sabbath. It is aaid that An /MfrrvMfiHtf Imtrlt t>f \r\i-* frvm _..,-.. _,.. ._ ., rory man in r.nt;eiiia waa at th funeral jeicei.t Mr (iilliland. He tnok possession of every nice pl.,t of land which (i I owned and had jxumasxd for several As intimated lait week, D. Spry, K*<|., ] years. Sm say Gilliland has no title tu P. O. Inspector, came hero laat Thursday &apos; it except poeaeaaion. to investigate the supposed irregularities i ci&apos;GK.iu JOTTI jfiw. in connection with our Post-OiKce. The I Tfu- Methodist church pople here held enquiry commenced about _&apos; ,.&apos;,I. .-k. tlu-ir U-a meeting, u per anii.-uiiceno ;.e. Quito a number felt interested in the on thu llth mst. It waa a fair auoceas. charges made, and in a few minutes the weather < rmii.-rmJ After the largest room in Mr. McAloor&apos;a hotel waa things provided by the ladiua had IM.-II crowded. partaken of, th* people repaire.l to tho Mr. Spry first read over the charges, . Lurch, and after a j-)llf tin* of n.n-ial .iii-l thun called upon Mr T. H. Uuhland c!it the complainant to come forward and state his grievances. &apos; the duties of which, it ii rteedleas U> add, Tho oath being administered, Mr. <>. &apos; he cuuducUd witli a ouster hand. Ad- inentioiied several instances of which he dresses were delivered by K T Carr, Dr. thought he had just cause to complain, i Christns, Rev. Thos. (Jrandy, Rev. Dr. These complaints extended over about a | Strongman, inters|ieraed by remarka f r..iu dozen yuan, and in nearly every caae the chairman and delicious tniuic by the there was no evidence as to the facts, ex- Flesherton Choir, who kitnlly lent their Mr. (}&apos; own testimony. Mrs. (iilli- services for the occasion. Vutes of thanks land and Clara (iilliland, daughter to Mr "ere tendered to the ladies, speakers, il Mrs. O., were called to i-i.rrul.rat chairman and chi.ir, when the nst.-i.a. [art of Mr. <T> evidence, and when the anthem waa sung and tho poople diamias&apos;d. father, mother and daughter had siiitie.l &apos;* ! tin h.U, apr B*syi u 4mwn ay ai. J M, &apos; > - ei to th to their depositions, Mr. (Jo. Latiuicr refill t&apos;d to be sworn ar.il ex.iinine<l. Aster taking the oath, Mr aaid repeatedly that the UilhlanJ&apos;s had awurn to a lio. Hia evidence was corrob- orated by Mr. R Plantt. Mr. W. K>d burn aaid that a letter from He Status, informing; him of his sister&apos;s On Monday e\ening asocial was held in the same place, wl.ena [>leaaan (veiling wasspent Coiiti-iits ofthf till, |6. Kojul Black knltchl* f Ireland. The County Draii.l Chapter of iJr.-y. Royal (Hack. Kni^lita .-f Ireland, in the trarg Hall, Flwhrtrt had been detained some days in { on Jan. LTth, 1**0 There waa the office. Mr. Samuel Pedlar, sr. aaid that a let- ter to him from Toronto, last July, had laid aouio dayn in the office, although he was Station, I attendance of Sir Knights frooi tory No. 2*1, Markilale, and Z43, Dun Jslk. The chair waa taken by Sir Kt. J C. IrUh, uii-uiberof Coiuinittoe, Pruvin- had called or suit to thu office, asking for <=ial 0. B. Chapter, Ontario Wrtt, "X <ai<! letter; also that he had dropped s card into the office for Mr John Wil-&apos;*Jrand Master, hit\rin hams, which, if it had been delivered, ! Chair takou by Sir Kt James would have saved Williams some miles uf member of Grand Committee, walk ; but it just so happened that Mr. Williams did not call for his c*r.l and ->( course did not got it. * Robert and William Wilson gave evi- " Jamea Brodic, " Dp. dence aa to having gut a package of papers " &apos; Ellmtt &apos; Chaplain. upcn when r> .-i-i\.-.| from 1*. O. and one CLOTHING, &c., AT FLESHERTON ! M. Richardson & Co. Will continue their annual Clearing Sale all thro&apos; Kt. Joseph Me Anita, Dp{iuty Deputy Hr.nl it, (hitario West. The lection ..f officers being tli* first busmen*, resiilu-d aa fidlowa : Sir J. C. Inah, Co. Grand Master. February, THE SALE! CONTINUED. * A large assortment of General &apos; f The following addressed to the pub lishers of the Winnipeg Frtt frtu ex- plains itself : " Dear Sirs, Your card of 3rd mutant duly received, atntuiK award to mo of A ?-."&apos; Hliot-t&apos;uu " fretr," it bc-ing me of the pMinucuoua valuntdo nift scattere-U iiinong the subscriber* taking and paying in advance for your noble, gu, interesting, valuable Manitoba F&apos;ree IVeM newapinfer. Yes, nirn, - a tneiitj- five dollar, " Knclisli&apos; 1 tfMaJiiny, "double barrelled," " breei-h loading " ahot gun Which will alway h.>ot forwsnl. Anil II..V.T -li""t lck, Thouiih tho l-ai ifl t* normu.ro, Till both of thoni i u.u . Please allow my brother, Dr. Alox.Purdy P.M. of East Selkirk P.O. to take fhr., f of it for me : accept *&apos; nniii&apos;b of thanki in advance from your subscribing subscri- ber, R. McLean Purdy^- the first and now 24 yoar P.M. of Eugenia." Their evidence eauaed some ineiTitiieiit but that waa about all. Mr I! &apos;U-rt Hawkina Ustitied that a tn 1 T^nto ntt*t w titvvn *** n i ni ofl :ird July hut, that idle would vi-.it him on an early day, and asking linn t meet her at the stall. .n Ho did not get the letter until after the lady had come, although he hnd sent his 10 year old hoy t.> tlic, &apos;iMce, enquiring for letter in the mean- time, in coiiaei|uencu of which the lady- had hired a rig at a cost of (!."&apos;>, which he hitmolf had refunded to her by paying 1175. Mr. John Hojipa testified that hia aou had brought home to him a letter address- ed to J. R. llogg. Mr. Moi(g explained this in his eviileiice, thus : his store la just opposiu the Post -Office, and being busy in Ins store on the day in question, he asked young Hopps to gu over to the ofHcv and see if there was any letters for him. Mi. I&apos;urdy gave him a letter, but the yr.unc; scoundrel aeems to have so much of thu family instinct, that he took the letter home instead of carrying it over to Mr. Hogg, the rightful owner. When Mr. H<>ug pit disengaged in the store, he went over to the office himself, and find- ing that young Hopps had got a letter for him, immediately set out for H<-; i> home. lie met young Hopps a few rods from his father&apos;s house, returning with the letter. (If this youth does not take ,i-nre, he may one day find himself inside high walls, with hard labor, scanty fare, and a narrow cell Ir sleep in.) James Br-idie, Jaa. Elliott James ErskJne Th.. Elli-.tt Thus. Abbi.tt, J..S. MeAnllu JoLu \\litttcr Jos. Uilison, K. A. Parks Til.*. Haiibury Jas. Itrysn Win. Hradey Geo. Hale* Win. Kutledge J. H (&apos;arm.m Ji. Allison T. Mi-Artliur " Jas. Trickey " J. U. t&apos;ann-n " John McKaden " Wm. Tdd " Thoa. (iilray R^yistrv. Twuuw. Lecturar. Di-] Si. He DCJJ. Onaor. rer Don&apos;t lori..t It. T i in. 11 eroning (Friday) our Rand PunuiTant. Dep. 1st Com. Sud " 3rd " 4th " &th &apos; 6th " 7th " The next County meeting will be lu-!c in Markdale. THOS. Etiaorr, Co. U. rUtjiatrar M hooi ac i In KUllon. Tu tht E&apos;litvr of Tht .4.fwi. Sir, I trust you will grant me a amal I-ortH&apos;ii of your valuable B|CI> to mum. the Sch, ,ol TrusU-ea of the 1V iti-n [ r- ented to them somu two nionthiago l.y the residents at the Station, rvepectfully asking them to ap|->.mt a teacher to that district. I hope that tho laid | has not been li-st sight of. a> the eatab- liahnieiit of a school tliere, ea(i-uUIy at this season of thu year. i a very frrrnt desideratum. There an- .{tut., a niiinlwr It was remarkable that nearly all tlmsei "f children liring at the Station lui an- who had complaints, stated that tliey had lo*ing much valuable tnno thr.uijh their mentioned these things to Mr. Gilliland, but never wuhud to make any complaint about the post-master; the only com- plaint made was that the post-maater was &apos;too slow." It wan as remarkable, tlmt the Post Master never asked a iiui-ation at any time, and in In* replies set-Hied to confess to some short delays, more out nf adesiie not to throw any doubt on the of some who had profesnud gr inability to walk to and from the village school a few certainly find their way there, but the great majority t.- quite unable to face bores* bitter I liata Tbtre is a sufh&apos;civnt number of children at the StatjoM to occupy the attention uf a Teacher. I earnestly hojH- that the Trustee* will .-.- their way to take ii|i the matter with- ut fuither delay, as it ua malt?rfraiiht , evmeiico ot some who had profwsd gral "" iurtnr Uelay, as it a malt?rfranlit andGle. ri,i- concert c..me* off m the fnet,d s lnp, than from any <-.. of wnn,,, "!, thu uioat ii,,,,.rtaiit e. ., w .,u f ,,cv. I,. Town Hall here, and we expect to nee Dry Goods, Clothing, Eats & Caps, Millinery, Mantles, Furs, Boots & Shoes, &c. This will be a rare opportunity to secure bargains. tin- place |iacked to its utiuont capacity. The pronriiiunie prepared for the occaaion is a gooil one, but it is not merely a good programme which should draw the people together to-morrow evening : the It raw Hand is an excellent institution in our thriving place, and one desenring the most hearty support of tin- public for ita great liberality in famishing us from time to time with an abundance of ex- ctdlent iini-ii- free of cost, besides lending a helping hand to every commendable project for tho promotion of the public &apos; weal. Tltt Glee Club has. done good aer- I vice for our vnriousihurcheaand orietiea during the t**t few months, and in al- ways ready a&apos;ld willing to offer ita services in any (jmi fimv The people now hve the opportunity for repaying the Hand 1 and (ilecCl.il&apos;, i" measure at least, by, a bumper hoiiM- tomorrow evening. If you don&apos;t u-o \on&apos;ll l>e sorry, for the pro- gramme ia simply immense. I.ATF.K NN &apos; are informed that the Markdale Hnvw Hand will be present and naaiat at the Com-ei t. This is an e\..-l lent and unexpected addition. < J&apos;Nid for the Markdale boys I he h.-til done. il... . Jiildren wh.i are I vat-.l al th.- Sta- Mr. Spiy a-ted throughout with great """ deliartr-l, IM they rv, by the candour, fully maintaining hia reputation &apos;-"&apos;"I *&apos;"&apos; severe winter from attending as a clear-headed, honest, i;. .H! he.nte.1 &apos;! villae cho..l. Tin- Trunt.t-s by gentleman a gentleman in every sense &apos;granting tie request of th petitioner* of the term. Ho seemed to see right will not only confer boon upon, the chil- thron,&apos;h his witm-iw and knew the eitent dren, but merit the U-at thanks of thr of a queation the tnoineiit it was aaked. parents. I am yours, Ac.. t&apos; pon tho whole, then- was very little Nanism. to complain ..f, Mid several aaid if the had 10th inst, the r.,,t Master IKM! or ,, M . pxlullM10 .,. Lrt a smart man to of the w itnesaes! U " t W "<&apos;">.V, th him, SOIIIK of them would have, f n &apos; "&apos; <>&apos; Tyrone neiglitM.rho.id.tt shuddered at their own evidence. What thl< nu " ll * r " f twenty -two porst.m, turn the result will be we cannot tell. P, r &apos; l "&apos;t *&apos;*> ">eir teana to giv Mr haps the Post Master General will line s " d >r assutance drawing limber Mr. Punly $1.7<*> and hand the amount to Mr Hawkina to repay what he pai.l the lady, but we hardly thii.k hn will, Beeinx there wan no corroborative evidence t . thia unlena, possibly, they may gel thw lady&apos;n aildresa and wrisn her to suUtan tiate Mr. H&apos;s evidence. Mr. (Jiln Innd has witb niiieb trouble triiin^-.l up every little thinn against Mr I&apos;ur.ly, foi the last 10 or 12 years, with no cre.l&apos;it to Inn, aelf and very little damage to mn Fust-Master. Hia motives are apparent. r-CATB or AN OLI> KKMI > M Oeorje R<eb>rough, an old rvaidcntei to Prottiii Station. Ks-h msai wrought with a hearty good- will and all thv tiniN-i Mr. S. had .ut of the bmh Many other tonina avulil hvaf boon pr- cun-d had thny Known of the " l*e," but |ii"j i*e. ^IMIIH a hand ansoi>naa rmjiiirrd. Tlun ts c MUIIIO I&apos;lirwf i-iity. and pvastess- i-i> tho run; .-f the true metal. In the e rtiin^ the youiii{ penplvof th* ill tri|<|>iiiv; the fanta-itic !<," on* and all .li-v&apos;ar- it to U- on* of the moat enjoyable tliii Kn-slitr. Cow. NEW STOCK -AT - ,\fii"tf ,1 fieri \i Sture. Mm/it rton, Consisting uf Gold and Silver Ladi and OenU&apos; Wfche, Bro>ch, Ear ring*, Chaini, Rings, Ac. , all of the tinest qual- ity and at at U>ir yrieti a* any dealer can atHKMftly Mil UM .1 .AS . (i . ^"Repairing specialty. Every job warranted U. II MUlli.t. frurn our nnt Conmer&apos;i inquest &apos;.ii br.dy of Hinoou, who was murdored by Hoy, wu concluded last night WilliaM J.ihiutoa Using principal witness, at whoaehous* murder occurred. The jury, att.-r an abstiMrs of at.,ut l.lf an hour, returned the following Trrdict "That Sm.x.U came to hi* death by being stab- bed in the neck hy K..y. who wilfully and maJiciuly stabbed him. &apos; R.>y was brought before magistrate, who sent him u|> fur trial st coming anauu*. Mckm-iicr Lidy MitdimaU, laying in hirt-ir, hju changed hands a party fruni Pictuc. having liiif lit her. Royatra arc > guaug ult at upper Lighthouse, on foundation which is being aina*i(tli>tj.-J. C. P. R. cipct to ba quite a Lum- ber oftraimof timber morin-j out of here ah.irtly. (juita a ahipoMflt uf lumber is being made from Li-re to Detroit and ButfjJ.- Ri-rc*. A. >. r. r. A. R. Faweett. M \V Vi. C>. !Vkli. !&apos; M W. J. W. Hate, Foreman. \\&apos; Wn_-&apos;,t. ".,i>.-, r D. S>. Muiir. ., Kwciirder. W. 0. IVkell, Financier. 8. Good, rUceivvr. J. McMuilun. (junl*. W&apos;m. Strain, lnai<le Watchman. M. RioLardjaou, Outside Wat. hm.ui. Financial Commute*-- J. (.<:&apos;. i, and 8. Oo.l. rUprsae-ntatirfs to the Grand L.*lg Mcaara. H. (i. hcki-11 and S. Daraud*. Board nf ITralth. Th* first race ling.. ft!iH.>anl of Health ..f tht- Tnwmhip nf Artunmi*. f. r 1888, wu lii-ld .11 Monday last. Prwwnt : ..rut.*. K.,t,t. Triuib:*, W. J. ftel- lamy. Dr I&apos;hriitoe appointed raaima*. After sum* dincuwiiiK, the P.-.anl al,.-ur- nc.l t.i uir-vt at Hralicrt-jii i> Ju-l Men- day III May IK- xt. Tin numlirn c.f the Board are Dr ClirUtoe, C. C. James, R. Trimble, J. B. Sloaji, and W. J. Bellamy. I*. The anHappy an<i *-.... -- lag c..B&apos;liti> n rIlnl nervoiuorM arise* fr. iu "-^-&apos;-ty. irnlati.ia. i^r iri-ulattun nJ ollow ritjalily H-organlz- the sya- tm by HnH.4-k H: -1 M tt.-rs. whi-h itivoa &apos;I-- &apos;I >nl toning all the o>rg\ni to perfect .-. ..i XKW ADVEHTISKMKMS. MASSON A B1AS80N, TVKHI>ri &apos;I:.- x, i [i ni&apos;HH.te D orri. <.iwi W.iuD.1. in Viikar&apos;i blork. P&apos;MilvttNt. TSSMS oMas > Markdal FrIu.U ton. t>n Friday ao<l >ktir.. ..TTT wwk J UASSON.gC 8 1UH80M W UAHIWJX N 1< l&apos;i i .u * Coaip*sy fuDdi to frooi Ml to Klnt |wr c.nt H..II. > U I . utl. On KMIH r r. wu I-T. |.^it at &apos;. . -t rurrval R J MI&apos;H.>n.K. !.: In The High Court of Justice. CHANCERY DIVISION. In ih.&apos;inur .(tb fcuaoNthnil Wood Urwy. <lcil Tuniunt t a Jwls* * ; u >t ire nud t v:h luau vli.i -livl uii < i al . - - , . . i their triliif" a wuit UK- iilur of tlw. * thuui, .w in li&apos;faiill th< - to md IT Ol th* I * I lSo nf tb Yw- >.nth day ot -. r , t r. *.( ..r ( M. .1 I ..I by iMta0B PI th* M.r.h ..r.-n<H>a b4t> I F.hioajy. BWS. ; -*HASI.T. I h. .&apos;. K. I - !;,,! I I. n~r>rto. M \cvtitui.l |.| rassai for thai oM iLDOylmdim; e.,,.i,v i .o wxl Baring. a* a OMT Will > -.IDC e rtii-l it ii- Ihvir IMIIUMP- to K&apos; I V |-|.r. in ! . M .nil.-.;. u ciiv*. ilroan boy to lar* Han \K*>y fc I&apos; &apos;&apos; JAMKS. J. E. 1ooKl . Huiiiter and Contractor, IHirhmm (trMt. Hoofvr&apos;i oW < OMsmU AiV;.r. anil L*l for vsl< . Tbc ma*a algni-4 ha* a HOUM ai>4 i lj*M for MS* la Ik* Villsw n( n*hr SSJHSB^ i ^<tt fot *! in tl.e Vilia^* ! ton. mtualv.1 .&apos;)t~ U- lh i-i, ii t &apos;tli, M fiTll ,.rtlonlir. mi-ftf Si MM n4c lo J AMI* HH>>*>i*,oJJ~ (>.;; m ll_ For MI f in &apos;tin &apos;ni fie* of FlwthfrtuB. **npo*ad of a PvsVISK Hoy>9 an-l shoa>. i*-w .*orupl<l b* Jotus Bate-* . I t>wUli^( H * asesyssd bf P tttmtr n&apos;l&apos;.*l"n Hih-h thT9 it ft *t*b]. Aiiply t*&apos;u*nsad tot Mrma W K CHRUTUB. j.u , nw* A IT I |* t fr. ro)i. "VaJua " AI *urwt5 r :?46 -MI .fraaainc mow ">"&apos; t on. . than |MUI (morlta Btri . ..( .;] t<U. th ay- ran liv^ai riou* KIIU wvrkta >MTI> t Ihn t<n, . |.l) nut ii-quirv.1 \V will r \ u IIHIU..I;** l&apos;l\ Kur* fi-r tltlH.*&apos; ho or* RTRISOI k Co. Tortlaud. Main* alt or* s*

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