Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1886, p. 1

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Blair. -In Flesherton, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. D. Blair, of a son. Flesher.-In Flesherton, on the -th inst., the wife of Mr. W. H. Flesher, of a daughter. Holman-Holroyd. -At the Methodist parsonage, Maxwell, the evening of the 3rd., by the Rev. S. A. Arkells, Mr. David Holman of Maxwell, to Miss Sarah Jane Holroyd, of Feversham. McCallum-Page. -At the residence of the bride's parents, Holland, by the Rev. W. Ayers, on the 10th inst., Mr. John McCallum, of Collingwood, to Miss Grace Anna Norton Page, of Holland. Large. -In Flesherton, on the 1st inst., Edgar, third son of Mr. J. W. Large, aged --years. [Deceased was one of the brightest little fellows in the Methodist Sabbath School here. The sudden death of the dear little scholar has cast a damper over the whole school and indeed the whole community deeply sympathize and mourn with the bereaved ones the early death of a child so generally beloved. What makes the event more trying, to the fact, that the much respected father of little Edgar has been seriously ill since the death of his child. He was unable to attend the funeral, which took place on Wednesday of last week. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Ayers on Sunday evening last. The class, to which the deceased belonged, attended in a body and occupied front seats. Mr. J. Armstrong, superintendent of the Sabbath School, delivered a most powerful and touching prayer, after which Rev. mr. Ayers gave a most affecting sermon, when the services were brought to a close by an earnest and beautifully worded prayer by Mr. Joseph Blackburne, superintendent of the Presbyterian Sabbath School. - ED.] *B. Laurance&apos;s Spectacles & Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Article* In the Canadian market. Koal Pebble* are kept n> stock. TonU are given to pur- hatin to prove k;uiiuiiimiui. They are Nooaunended by the President, Vice- Pre*., Bx-Prc*., and Ei-Vice-Prem. of the Medical AuocUtioii of Canada, Ac. J Aft. . Kl SSKM . Jevxlrr, <tc., Flaherto*, Out. The only place where they can be go*. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. &apos;.TIME ~ Taking Kfftft, Moiulay, July t7th, 18S6. HI VOL. Y., FO. J43, ___^^__^^__0.^_^__ THE ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. JVOT MEJV." FLESHERTON, OKTARIO. PBBKUARY 11, 1886. A. $. f AWC eotTo* a l * PROmiCTOA A. R- Fawcett. Jgditor Tit - of Loml *n* Otker InterttHng Item* tjtittirrrj ty Tkt Advcnux .oln K North. ~ wTATlOXa. j Mall foroulo .....i/tavt! f ttaiu Cardwell Junction OT " Caarlt>n 993 " .1 Anrivo VM> - . 1U06 " HJi>.Jiiiictic.i] in n " 10 4 " ill 10 " F.IJ. ao &apos; 016 &apos; ros &apos; 721 &apos; i:n &apos; HM &apos; 880 &apos; I jFriTioss OWMI Vound Ltavu 5 *>aiu ChaUworth ; 5 So " Wllllaniitord ! 09 - arkdala 697 " >i miaaron Bbtlbume OnatrtviU* Junction 1 8* -i Arrive .- Nil " 1*. ;i*ara " lt*ton ,.| . " I JuacUon . &apos;JOT _ ArriTD l*4i " ur-inn sio - S30 - W" 406 " 4 SI " 4S7 " SS8 " 81* " block, W.XTHVTK. OM 1. SU1-&apos;T. U. MfMCOl l.l.v I I DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &8..O.ST. N. si i:.i o\. \<-. FLE8HUTUN. fmHtnce, nftet to IHntti n Cwrt offict, J>r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCIIKR, PRICEVILLK, ONTARIO. Jmtbtnj. J.P. MARSHALL. L.V.K DBXTIST, RAI>i *TK of Toronto Hohool of DftliUv. wUl b at Mark l.U tl, i.i mn\ :inl Wdn day of moh month. MH! at Kl)ioi tn u th Ut and 3rd Tlmrxlay In uacb montb fur thu practice f kit |itofm>iiin -TheMedic** Hall, Chriatoe&apos;a i* thu pbice f..r Kcfiool Book*. A Family Singer Sewing Machine for |K) at C. Trstdgoid&apos;*, Fle*hertoa. Drawing Book*, Canadian aerie*, at the Mudical Hall, Fleshertou. Having added anothef hand to our printing ttaff, Job work- wnl be more promptly attended to by ua in f iture than ever. -<l>py Book* at the Medical Hall, Chnatoe&apos;i blook. Wm. Clayton i* selling off hi* itock of Boot* & Shoe* at greatly reduced price* in order to make Vootn for ipring and summer good*. Shite* at the Medical Hall, Cbriatoe&apos;* .block ! -Mr. Lawion, of the townihip of King called at our office laat Saturday evening in ounipaiiy with our <>ld and eateemed friend, Mr. Donald JncKeiurie. School Bag* at the Medical Hall, Christoo&apos;s block. - During the winter month* the Mark- dale office of Metart. Mauon & Maw u. Rarr4aten, Solicitor*, .to , will be kept op*u regularly and contlnuooaly. card advt in another column, -Any book yoo want ordered, try th* The wife of Mr. John Fawcett, of Brandnn, Manitoba, gave birth to a young daughter on the * ult. Mr. Fawcett who M a brother of ye Editor 1 * wa very uecewful in hi* 0. P. R contract* la*t Saooeea ill an.und ! CKVINO BV1I..- I&apos;liildr-ii ere oflan ill when worm* an the eaoM. liow&apos;* Worm Byrup M<*ly expel* all ! Fleahtrton, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. D. Blair, of a eon. VLF>HFR. 1 Fl*herk>D, on the th mt., the wife&apos;of Mr. W. H. Fleaher, of a daughter. .ik.ii In Flenlirrt.nl, on the l*t bait., Edgar, third *un of Mr. J. W. Large, *X*d year*. [Dcceawd waa one of the brighteat lit tie Mow renew your* sub*oriptiou* fi 1886, and pay op arrearage*. Juat look at the figure* after your name and you will know to a cent how you stand with the Editor of the Aovajrua. TO REMOVE DAITDKUrr. Claanatth aaale wifli frof. Low&apos;* Mafic Solphor 8<>af> medio*ted *tp for tie loil.t. W* are r-1-rtr 1 *" notice one of ><ur townimen, Mr. W. H. Heard, of M**uii&apos; office, paaaed hf* *ec owl interniudiaU) law examination with boon, taking the frat echolanhip, Mr R A. Macphoraon. formerly teacher in our High School, taking Moond. Oirm Sound Advertitcr. The way to *av* money juet now i* by attending the Rreat annual elearini; aale ol dry nmrr* 7 , clothing, Jtr., *ow girrat; en at M. Richerdton A C . 1 Fkakertoa. Immense bargain* in awry department. Public auction afternoon* of Friday and Katurday. The clearing aale will be oom tinned all through thi* mouth. BoutAii HoLaont. At th* Method!** parsonage, Maxwell, on th* evening of the 3rd, by the Rev. 8. A. ArkelU, Mr. David Holman of Maxwell, to MJH Sarah Jane Holroyd, of Xevereham. I Puom. -At the residence of the bride&apos;* parent*, Holland, by the Rev. W. Ayert, on the 10th in*t , Mr. John McCaUen, of Collinjrwood, to Ml** I&apos;uli&apos;it Once Anna Norton Page, of Holland. The Quarterly meetiag aervfc** of the Mvthodiit church, Flwahertoa, will be held next Sunday mri,iug, 14th init. Preaching at 10.90, love-fa*t and ment afterwards. Rev. Dr. Sutherland will preach In (lie Methodist church, Flaaherton, on Sunday fellow* iu th* Methudut Sabbath i "> 21t &apos;net- Th* Rev. Dr. U one ol here. The euddeu death of the of th * Nest ?"* onion on Ike eonti- dear little *cbnlar he* *a*t a daoaper ov*r the whole tchool, and indeed th* whole community deeply *y in pat hue and luourn with the bereaved miei tttf early death of a ohild *o generally beloved. What make* MedicaJ Hall, Chriatoe&apos;. Uoek. th , event th . ,, trying( b th , ftctf - Van Juaen&apos;i Livery, Fleibcrton, t urni that the much rrapcctcd father of little out hne* and vehicle* which would do , Edgar lia* been aeriuoaly ill ince the credit to a city, but at much more reaaon- &apos; death of 1m child. II* wa* unable to at- FROST & B4HK1STKKS. SOLICITORS, COSVITAXC&apos;UH. Ac. Office Poulrtt fttri&apos;i t. ni.\ BoiMvand rj- Tlmrs.liiy at Kl.l&apos; -^ J. W. FBOflT, I. I..1I. AUKHFU Kilt 1ST, Crown Conutr Attunter. .au>wuu*xuB. a. r.BiuLiN. ranr> W.OKRVUI. HANDS, BUHLIN & OARVIN, tnnenttnn to Luuttrr <( llunfit, BaKHIKTntH. BOl.IffrOHS. NOTAIUKS. CilSVKYANCKKU, Ac Muiivy to Loan at L.won Italic of uiUittut. Ufflou*. 15 KuigStrevt aot. Torvrtn. MORPHY & MILLERS, Hirrittrri, N 4iritjr.<, Nofaritt J&apos;uUir, ablo price*. We ipuak from ueraonal es- perieure. We are a little late iaauing the An VAKCB thi* week, owing to the fact that th.it the Editor wa* abaent on Tueeday riiiting hid father, who it juit recovering fruru a very Mttn.ua attack of biliou* favor. Auction *alo of farm stock, imple- ment*, Ac., at Lot 26, Con. 21, E|(muout on Thursday, Feb. 18th, commencinK at 1 o&apos;clock p. m 11 mouth* credit on all tuint over &>. Donald McKochnie, pro- |>rietur ; D. MeCormick, auctioneer. So* SwKLi.rr. Nrr. -Mr*. Henry Dnlib*, of Mt<rri.lalr, I&apos;urry Sound, t*iliAe* to a prompt cure of cnlnrirnl (iland* of the neek and *or throat l>y Iho intonial and extornal DM of Haicrard&apos;i Yellow Oil. Yellow Oil i* a *ur* reliof for all panful eonditiooi. tend the funeral, which took place on \Vedneaday of laat week. Th* funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Ayen on Sunday evening last. The claaa, to which deceased belonged, attended in a body and occupied front agate. Mr. J. Armstrong, superintendent irf the Sab- bath School, delivered a moot powerful and touching prayer, after which R*v. Mr. Ayen gave a most alrWtini? sermon, when the MnrioM were brought to a clot* by an eerneat and beautifully worded prayer by Mr. Jtvph Blackburn*, super- int.-ndent of Uie I&apos;rvebyteriaii Sabbath School. En 1 nent. M aavccaMaa*. Th* aahappy anit dlitr*** :a( oaiUti>&apos;* (alltd narvoojc* a* aria** fr n. dVbihlj, irriution, poor einnlaliun and loud ollow vitabtj. Baurfanls* the iy*- tm by Bvriioek Blood Bittttr*. which po* ptrrmanent atrmgUi by invigorating the bkxd and toninc all thr organ* to porfeet 72 centa fur my wheat tx>rhod may expect a rare treat u, the &apos; Town LI all here on rri&apos;lay evening, ItJtli iimt., on which nocasion oar talented Gleo Club and Rraas Baud will give M* their long prtn1*ed coaeert. The vanoae s* lection* have been very carefully prepared for tke occasion. Give the boy* a rouciug houM. Fuller [>articular* in our n*it issue. Hill* iatued thi* week. Save your money for thi* grand musical event. Ordinatioi " T WD H &apos;"&apos; next &apos; 16th Feb and Te*, Liver Complaint Cam*. Djspepua, lodigiet ion. Livpr Comphunt Came* Siek Heaaaohe xinn, Liver Curoplalnt CauMi All Kidttrr Tron- jle*, Uver Coraplaml Cauw* Three- fcurtti of ill Pmmnnl r nnt, r * Meain. Emannel and Wm. Hewgfll, of OoHiiigwo.d townehip old *chcol fellow, of ye i,t,,r .emJUd at or offlee on Friday laat. Mr Robert Paweett -father of the Ed- itor of thi* paper- u, we are glad to tell nuinerou* en s uinng friend*, reooverint fMni hi* aevere illnea*. Dr. Oeo. Ann*trong and wife, of Port Arthur, are vuiUng at Squire Arm tr&apos;jng. Th- genial and popubv Dr. called at our office un Moo.laj. The wnial Din wood/ Brae. th* well- known aud ^uUr p*)lus voeaiiat* and Fortune. reciter* of Rtayner, wer* vieitsng their Dame rumor tell* a that the wife of -\ Parent* and friend* in Fleehervw end Mr. Tbt*. Co.,per, .if the Itth coe .of the I n-ghborhuud Uat weak. Uver Cooplaim i* etrred by I>r. ( Lai- UVCT Curt. NEW STOCK Jewel; ft Store, flesherton, ** *Wd and Silver end I lent*&apos; Watehee, Beuuckwe, fax nug*, Ring*. Ac., all of Che finest qua.- icy M*d at a* foritf ericw a* 07 awwwatly Mil ta#n, to* A Futmra Mal*f. The foftoetag i* a fair tacnpl erf late dial&apos;jtru** *Vr nOniud of late I &apos;/ Eugenia aoJ amain* when UMy m*tf : ConrrmntAX. - GortJ 4*_ how buna*)** 9V*T at JaJHIl t of &apos; >|.ry , U likely U. be the rt A niece ..f the worthy petti ,r of the Mtthodie* Church here, U viaitin,< at th* pemwage. The young lady iw. f or| r.| name) la a member of the Rev Dr. lur pient ehortly of a lamr* fortune from M wealthy fnt-ndi living near Loodoa, )iit. We have not board the amount, but believe it M .uthctei.t to enable the i Wild&apos;* B.*d *treet church choir, aad ia a recipient to Kre in affluence the remain- &apos; charming vocalitt. lur of her tife and leave heudaoine ao iuitie* to her deeseudaiita. action. NATIONAL PIU.8 are the favorite put- gative and anti-hiliout nwdieiu* ; luy are mil<t and thorough. Ornr.-Or SKI arluc Drue Store, DORHAM, ONT. Great Sale ! OP John W. Armstrong, 1&apos;i.j.Kiir.nroN. Co. OBIT. DIVUUN OOUHT i I.I Kh. COMMIH8IONEB 111 R U.. CoMvoymicor. Ac Arietlt forpurrliMo anil ] of land*. ApjiraliMir for C. f j. O Cnm- aad P I&apos; X A H. Ho-ixty. Monxy to Ixian on tlm i&apos;t n>*>u>bl tuiliiH. IMMVK.U of MAK1UAUE LICKN8RS. Jas. B. Sloan, INSURANCE AUXXT, EUllEMA. 9 aV*t>rn*titinK that solid *M Fir* Innaranee Co . tin- N &apos;iiwji n UNION, of Norwich. Ku^land. traraii&apos;-H eltoctnl on HOIIIMM. outl.uiMinfx. Ao . attowratna Insure* agaiunt llghtnlnff. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLKRK iRTKHBtlA. CONVB YA If C Kit, VOXMIXSWKEK, IXKUKAM&apos;E AO&apos;T, <t-C. T|KRnS. MOBTQUtES, I.KAHKH. Ac, primar U *d and proiwrly maout*d. Inauraiicv annr tad ia drat-clau oouipauiMi. lewawtrate* Inaurauoa Uouey to lend at Money to Loan. At rtj Per Cent. Intrrest on Mr.ii.iht Loan. WITH Interttt paid yoarl v, not In advance. No ernnniliilon charged Apply to A* t!BK* TIIOKNKI RY. FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Ovdtn lo Town and Country promptly and aarwtollr euontad. MARKETS! FLESHERTON. Carefully Cwrwterf Each Week. Flour f4 60 to 4 60 Fall Wheat $0 80 to 80 Spring Wheat 072 076 Barley 40 60 Oats 28 29 Peas 52 53 Bailor 10 12 KK, fri&apos;Hli 17 17 Potatoes M 086 Pork 4 90 5 25 Hiiy.pcr ton % 00 1000 Hides 6 26 7 25 Wool 16 16 Bheepflkina GO 70 Gwwe OS 05 Turkeys 007 t)8 Chickens per pair 25 &apos;26 Pook. per pair 40 60 Dry Goods CLOTHING, &c,, AT FLESHERTON ! M. Richardson & Co. WM continue their annual Clearing Sale all thro&apos; The Bull f\nmr<l. A red headad buy had on a new *ult of clothe*. He fooled ar<iud UM dote to the bull. The bull gt mad. The boy did not ictue. He caught tht-b.yr.jr the bneooi of hi* pent* aud rolled him around v*ioly trying to get at him. The boy laughed. The bull, ia*perated aj.H e>- hauaud, jitpad : " I&apos;ll bet th<* el&apos;tho* were mat* at Lemi&apos;it &apos; " lie fainted ! diaoMt* of i&apos;. I la-i of Miira. nevpt when "anted bf crulx or . Eryiplat. Halt Rh.-um. Tttter. Pimolet and aJl Humor uf the al.~ ! ar* xnrar.l b> rnriflt* t)i- bl.MxI. Tally Onf/or A peraon aigning bioMelf, " Kulapore," a* the following iiitorectlng fact* to eoui- unicate in latt week&apos;* uiuu <>f the Thnin- ury HtatuiirJ: "On Monday uf Utt week I brought a load of oat* to rtueher- n and got 34 cent* per biuhel, and 80 a buahel fur my wheat. For the quality of grain I wa* offered ia Thorabury ouly 32 cent* for my oata and Tl> oe are facta. " The farmer* of Grey will pl*a*e patte tkie in tfiwr granariae. -< Our r Story. ThU week a very iiitereating rtory, " Monica," commence* th THI A i>\ i\. E. by the author of " Phylli*," and other popular atoriea. Thope who have nut yet becribed for th* ADVAICCI ali^uld do *o now and tecure the whole of ttie new itoi-y, a* we cannot guarautee to funiiah Sack Dumber* to thoeo taking th* papur a few week* after any new *tury ha* been commenced in our coluuia*. w. Th* pmerirlor* *f Hafvard&apos;i Yellow Oil hive no-u no* eortifloate* of >. in.&apos; moet rfraarkable enr** f UvaJn***, by that maternal remHy (or pain. Yellow Oil aln cure* Rheuruatiim. HpraJni. liroiiei, 9ore Throat, and all inflamnalurr truublet. February* PUBLIC AUCTION! ON AfteraoMs of Friday ft Satirdny* . , . A large assortment of General Social. ^ - Th* aocial at the panonagn hou*e here, on Monday evening Ut, -will Ion*; be re- membered aa one of the nuwt plcaaant ever **kl in thu place. Ther* waa a Rood Eficnp*. A corrwipoiiderit says " Mr. Neviii*. of Prioeville, had a narrow recently, while in the employ of Mr. D. McCormick, Reev* of Egremont. lit- wae driving a *paa of *pint*d horaoa one day when the line got under the toagee of the aleigh. Mr. Kevin* walked cut on the tongue to remove it, when the honee tonk fright and ran away. He jumped tln-ir backs, a*curing th* lint* at th* same tun.-, and irot them *top|^d without any injury to himattlf or team. Had it not been for Mr. Kevin&apos;* iiu>>r\iu,rj prt-iwnee uf mind, it i* difficult to lay whit might have happened. Coouiaa PBCVKHTAITVI. la order to wUu- I&apos;boUra aad tueh H*t *piJ*mirt a perfeet porily of bloat, and the proper ae- tioa uf the ilomaeh art required. To iarar* that end, in ih* ebtapect rooat avuat>U and nupU-tt mannn, aa* MeOragot&apos;i Buwdy Our* for l^spcptia and Import Blood. TUert it no purer, *af*r or mm rhl,l reui4>jy in exitteuet for In<ll*tioa. Dyipep. ia. Co*tlvn<a, to A.k your nnghi\>r or anr perum who hat oerd it. Sold ej \V. Hicbardtun. Ttial bottU ciTeo frte. Mr. J. O.jrd**! took train for fiuelph laU Monday eveolng to attend the Grand Council of the Royal Tempi*** of Tern I* 1 * 1 **, which w in eaniun there Uu* eek. H* repreeenU Foantak Ceaneil, Fleehertun. Mr. W. a ftiephea, one of Uwa Soeudi leading kuiineei men. WM in Kteaherton laet Thnredv. *ad waa eur- priaed to *e* th* bmtlmir activity which prevailed, and the nuaiber of Urge and hndeu*ae buain*ea plaoea. In conpaay with Mr. Maa, W the popuW bra of Maaeon ft Maan, barratcr*, Ac, Mr. Stephen* called at thia oftce, and here again he waa urpnaed to find inch a complete printing ritabluhroeot in what, f few yean ago, wa* kuwwa M Arteaeaia eorner*. Oh, we&apos;re booed to lead IB fact w* cau &apos;t help oonelr** Cmiui The day&apos;* iiiaplimiati *a returii and buain**a i* about *a aamTI^- it ov*r bnak. Oovtmnuv. By the way, yotXavwC lively time* at Eagaaia. Bay, h M Davy Madill of Oapny paid yoa rint *r,me few d*y* ego aad , P at the hotel iwhiU, and while took a has of wheat ot of ScuU &apos;tmttirm&apos;t Icigh and got away with it. Cirrus. -Ye*, I beliex* tkat true. * CoisTaTatA*. Aad re^..n *j* Jataitv oa, after amiaata*} h wheat, *i*tii< a hone in a cvtter and got a wefl-koow* citiaeo te go with him, and OTwrtuofc Davy aosn* two milee .-ut uf towa, Mopped aua and requeetod Davy to nv* wp Ike CmtM -Tea, ao I sntotrwl good authority CoorranLaX. -And tltey told ** Bar* atftmdenwd it, bat U waa tattea ot from uder the *eat boeri. Then my kurd trMd to inak* it appear that he foend it bat that (bury wit not main, antt h* finally acknowledivd he took it tol h*> did not kaow it waa Jamiaoo&apos;a. Cmtaw. I b*uev*y*j*i have fact* m they are. Ci.tirTaTiaAjf.-5ow, what da yea MB that crime I IB it pork >I*VMT, tjtwtJamg, e perrhancr kleptomania T CmiaW. Well. 1 think it ratujv** tv alt down to a eaee of eomaua larntaj. modified by the plea of " Well-l-toc* ie. but-d-.ii t aay auythui, aboiit-it-- I-dtaVt know ;t waa v urt CoctmTitAjt.-WJl, wtn, what tithe place euoiuig to why, oa*&apos; wea&apos;t be akee to dnvt in ther* with anythiac takabl*. Crrixui. -uh yee &apos;. cum* aloaw, k*ee> your Wincheater brteeh loader and your eye* open ! In Oven *,,*, *i it,t, trrn tw * "-.I }/. n. C4W- The Kleaherton S.nt of Teirrpcnnoe held a reception in their hall latt Thura- day evening, in honor of the newly mar- ried Worthy Patriarch, Mr. Wni. fetch and hi* bride. The happy yung couple were eeeortod front the C. P. R depot to the ball, where tliry found a Large and reapecUble gathering ready to welcome From (Mir otm Cvmtpandeni . A fatal drunken row oeturred laat night tetwiwii two colurvd nicn named Roy and anaoou, which naulle* u> ataunta bwuaw killed. It appear* Roy and Suioot* w*at Into another oolorwd man&apos;* houae named John- iton, both under the influence of liquor. Johrutou had net returned from work. Wh*n h rvturned, Roy wa* *aiin at a table and 8*aooU nad* a joke at the quantity of fo..d he wa* eonaoming. Thia led to a <]iiarrel, wh.n Roy attacked Snviota, who knocked him down. Roy got up again, aud after wiping the blood off hit face^ttaned U. go oat with an uath on hi* lip*. Snaoolt hearing thk. Marted in ponuit, when Roy turned on him and with *ni* *harp u.ttruiuent, gave him a terrible cut behind the ear. Bnooto wa* taken in the huue* and a doctor wot for, them, together with our Bnwe Band. Re- freihment* were *erve4. (rreetiug* ei- attendance and the charming manner ii. l c " H "*d. "hort but good j.mgraninie of which tho company were eutertaiiied by I muiic K"" e through with, after which the the esteemed peator and hi* amiable lady contributed very largely to th* njoyiuent of those prevent. The proceeds wore, w* company >1 inserted. believe, aatiafactory. UaUDacm. Ifyoa rafler frnrn Headaeh* yoo may b rare that your Btnmaeh. \*\ or Blood I* at faolt, an&apos;.l perbap* all three are eombied in bad action If to, to* b*t nnnedy ia Bortioek Blood Itittora, wbith <rare* H**,daeb by regvleiinc the oreanie action generally. The celebrated ventriloquiet and an, Mr. King Kennedy, will give one of iu refined aad eioeUaat entertainment* n the Town Hall, lleahertoa, on Satur- day evening next, 13th iiut. If you want peud a moat enjoyable evening, don&apos;t ail to go. Admiaaion 25 centt, chHdren 10 cent*. Doon opt at 7 o&apos;clock p.m., commence* at 9. Artf mmla Cratrr 4.rnncr. At K meeting of the Artenieaia Centre OOOD Tuua. Mao v mrdieia* hav* b.-m ei*aa*eki up, Imr a raliable arUal* lil Jver Core, and wiih it yo book alooe worth the atoaey. b*ying d. 4on-t give Dr. Che**&apos;* ft a reelp* rinmgt-,1 Hand*. Th* OnngeviUe I&apos;ott *o ably aad bril- liaatly eonduoted doniiK the paat year by Maairt. Ketchun A Grange held on Jan. 88th, Uie fi>Uowing were elected officer* for the year 1886 : Thtie. Uaiiuoii, WorJiy Ma*tr. Mile* Thutlfwaite, Oveneer. W. C. Wilc.*k, Secretary. D. McKanuo, Treaaurer. Arch. Cairnt, Lectarer. Wui. Stone, ar., Chaplain. Mark Stewart, Mi-ward. Oer b -e Stewart, A**t. Steward. Alex. Stewart, jr., Gatekeeper. Mr*. W. C. Wiloock, Cere*. Mr*. Alex. Stewart, Pomona. Mra. Ueo. Stewart, Flora. Mr*. John Ifenthain, Lady Atst. St&apos;wd. Auditor*, Mark Stewart and Thome* but before he arrived Smooto expired Roy returned to hi* ho**e wh arretted and lodged ia g*| k> await the n-tult of the iii<|ue*t. Roy i* th* nor dered man&apos;* father in-Uw. That&apos;* all very wB, btct why don t the peafWj uposi <*1 jokM why it&apos;* dowarifk Cmm. <>f eourea that coarse would be only juetice to the |tablic , bet ander- taud, the law-abtdins; people ef Kegeuta don&apos;t cherish the aot^uaiutaoea of the rag- tail aad bob-tail of O*p*wy u* tt,y wher* CUM for that matter, tnd if the k>w mat inoorporatad and had a staff uf police. a pair of bracelet* aad he mad* aeqvaint- d with the interior of the rtetrainin*, reforming ttnmgboida of ma*uaery at>d ir<>n aumewhero. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. In The High Court of Justice. CHANCERY DI7I8IOF. ! tb* BiatMr n< taw lato at Ut* Tuw A very plea*aut and ptontabU evwiag &apos;a* | wiii. Dtar Editor, Al the tinJ -in..nali. n of pupil* in 8. 8. No. 4. Collingwood. the Trarher, Mia* K Oibume, wa* made the recipient uf a beautiful Photo Album tn.l ther i>mriiu. a* a mark of eeteem by the pupil* of hrrtrhi-l The pmeata- ti..n wae accvoipaaied hy the folio wing addree*, and wa* replied tu by the taach- er in feeling tormt, thanking them for their kindnees on the pretwut occa*hm, end |>romi*ing t carry pleaaant recollect- ion* of them through time a* her first pupil* : 8.8. Jfo. 4, roUlmrwood Twp. rroerW, We, your *choUn, are very *urry that you are to leave ua. We are grateful to yoa for the hard work you hav* done for ua. fi>r the kindnea* with which you hav* trvated u*, and the good example you have tet ua. W* -^ t y) ,,. uieuiber you for a l.*i time and trust yoo will not forget ua, although at times we ouroe of trouble to you. A* a token of our afbction aud **tv*ai accept N aikaeMi W*^ la* Cvuai; W WOOD va. AUIOCm. Ihtnaaat to a J *!!> etOrdarrf )<* Q*erl f JumUtm mM* u tet* ** ea4 MM* Ib. enditon of NaUiaaMl WM4 tee* *f Ikw aa wau dwd on or at<n tt EUvMia ,) *i i.n.-lMr. P I War* ti nr Mm Ik. Ta*i mi V aid *1U . X . b* in Duoda* rl la iJv. L|IT W I otteHor. fnr Ui* <W*ralaa<* th* g ih* trrr .r in only urlu J i W-&apos;nxnl or c&apos;r-Ur Cr*ry at, wcunlr la to prvduc. Ih. as say Ckeaub*n la tb*> ro-. t UMIe*m la t*M rtiT w i-MaaotiM tke rtrttM.0. 4ay ee" a^tti " - adjialMMta tb* . uax areel*M4 far D**d tkU tod ear * r*brwarr. Ma Hd > K. J. ni*>nu. * A*l aad r*lt*M* and hoaoraM* v, a taateM Th* OauaUa raiaiii*j| Tonato n* T*. tlroaj bof lo I c r JAM , rrtovrti). Builder and Contractor, be pl*aa*d to I Xiaa* Carda. tliean Albusa* . . ..-^ . u i t ,i r u saay eva* MeOaanoa&apos;* Hnsn Cra*. It i* popular- &apos; _ ; ,i, v;_ ^ _, . |y admitted ovwrwh-r. that MciJrWu, . wlUl hui<l W ~ <i &apos; * btad k> en^y Hpeedy Car* is tb* safotl. mo*t r ul.l and toe bright *ide of life, i* our *ara*et with. b^Iar the eheapett itmedy for <&apos;oaaii|<*ti.ai. *.hi behalf of your pui.ila Uver Cowiplaiat, ImligrXioo. lu^ur* UUiti. | 71 . Lo*s of AppHile. and all *iaiilat tovvM*a. u "*.. * AU> - It it aol pftmary tu tak* gw**t *jeiatitf uahed by Th* P.*\ .frintiag and p u h- liahing Co.," with Mr. MMfovam, aa able joornaliat, a* neiMger. Mr. McOoire k Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Millinery, Mantles, Furs, Boots & Shoes, (Sec. This will be a rare opportunity to secure bargain* retained a* fc*nan in the printing de- partment. A* for broth** Ketcham well, now that he ia * millionaire, w* ex- pect h* will *<>ek aerlinion from th* ear** and womei of buainew. HflaBaBimM an> loa* o *]>k*r* n I dnff*r* are ofim with lu*r>> no*, and ninoli rlaoftv it lurk- ing in tin- brnoehial pipe*. Hcyt**d&apos; Pa*. t"rl Ralnam it a prompt r*<c*4y fnr tb* irritatmn. and rare* all threat aad lutu MM Ck-The beet, cbeapMt, moat dnr- able Piano*. Origan., Bewiof Uaeii- inos. for i&le by C. Twadgold, next door to Olayton&apos;a, Fleauertoa. Also, J Sowing Machines npairrxi and ta as parl pay on new ones. RhutUes, iles. *c.. aud all kind, of Sowing Machine " ADVERTISE IH TH{ ADVANCE. la. ura WUJ Colie. aofUaM A GIFT tr*t a tvral. aaO roe valeetl*. a* ef wejki thai wUI r<u J M m ta* way ol Bukiiw mun 1000*7 at otw*. tbaa aay thinii <IM in Anivrio*. *\oa teatt *rf all atr* crj MT* at boat* and orft m I the tlua* i&apos;apiiaJ nesi yew. On Farm nr Town !>* *f latent*, v J. l-H. O > The Advance is bound to lead the way.

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