Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1886, p. 4

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Mrs John Jack Melancthon, died on Monday last, while on a visit to friends in Luther. She will buried today (Thursday) in Shelburne cemetery. We tender Mr. Jack our sympathy in the hour of his bereavement. -Dundalk Herald. Large Stock! Walt ham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver & Gold Cases, from. Grade and Warrant considered, my prices are eloM to " Starks, &apos; and you can prove this by calling to Bee. Anyone coming 1 $ miles to deal with me, I will allow them 3 cents a mile Lere on Watches & Clocks, be- ideu the discount. This offer will run to Jan. 1st, 1686. A call respectfully invited. >V. yV. BROWN. To My Patr.ns: I heartily thank the public for llieir generous patronage these past 2 years and ou the following busia of busiucsa trust to secure a continuance of the same :--" Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, aud honcHt kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A.i BROWN, &apos; A KeliabU JeweUfr. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Casters, 7 Butters, 4 Card,, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Set, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 Ice Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishes, and many small Fancy Articles, \., Napkin Bings, Spoons. Forks aud Knives. 10 per cent, off list &apos; prices for this mouth. See my Prices in all Lines ere You Purchase W. A. BROWN. TOM PAPER FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1880. T//JB SO-CA LLKD IXttKPEJfD- ZXT XE HSPA FEUS. A pretty large class of journals, styling themselves "Independent newspapers," have of late years made a vigorous bid for public support. They claim the support of adherents of both the great political parties, on the ground of their freedom from the "flattery" of "narty politics." At the awe time they are remarkably care- ful not to call any of their IU form or Conservative patrons "slaves." That would be bad policy ; it is absolutely necessary that they "stradlle-the- fence," between lUformer and Con- servative, evenly, cautiously and yet so gracefully as to wiu the applause of both parties. Some might !>< inclin- ed to call this toady ism, or hypocrisy, or both and the appellation would not be totally undeserved. It ban been observed, too, that your "independent" journalist is careful to ascertain which political party domin- ate* in the constituency in which he has cast his lot ; aud if the Conser- Tatives are in the majority, he is pretty sure to remark, that he "has always been a staunch Conservative, but it is not necessary to discuss poli- tics iu local papers ; the big city dai- lies and weeklies," Ac., Ac., If the Reformers dominate, the little hymn is sung to quite another air. While admitting that the sphere oi country newspapers should be confin- ed principally to the discussion of live horn* topics, we believe every journal little and big should give forth no uncertain sounds politically. Papers which come out squarely and honestly iu the support of one or the. other ot the great political parties, do not ne cessarily forfeit their claims to the pattonagc of an intelligent electorate of any political stripe. This is where oar "independent" journals make great mistake. The very fact that they condemn partyisiu as "slavery," should forfeit their claims to the pat- ronage of the intelligent supporters of both parties. "Hurrah for both ides" politics is at a big discount in this country, as ninny of these so cal- led "independent" journals will find out by the time they have "cut their rye-teeth" to use a homely and ex pressive phrase. FLESHERTO\ STATIOX P. O. Personally we hive no fault to fine with the Flesherton Station postnius- ter ; as far as we can learn, indeed, he ii an honorable and upright nmn, al- though, perhaps a little too "easy goiug" to use a homely phrase for the important position he fills. Time and again, during the past four years and a half, we have been reminded hy irate subscribers, that the business ol the Station P. O. was not as carefully attended to as it should ha/e been. Sometimes a subscriber would not get his paper for two or three weeks at a stretch ; then he would get two or three papers, representing as many different weeks at one time. Of course the subscriber would vciy nat- urally grt mad at this, and give the mild and gentle Agricultural Editor a regular scorching for not mailing the ADVANCE more regularly when all t!io time the A. E. was not to blame, but tho Station postmaster, who does not keep his mail matter arranged in that "apple pie" order so requisite in post offices, and consequently misplaces letter* and pajiei-g frequently. Al we have said, this tiling has been going on for over four years, and is getting rather monotonous as far as we arc concerned. We therefore sug- gest, iu all kiuduesB, that Mr. Purdy provide his office with a secretary of owe sort, in which lie can arrange his mail matter alphabetically, as in all well conducted offices, and he will confer a boon upon all interested, and restore to bis office a considerable lit- tle income which at present finds iu way into other channels, for reasons already given. Rev. J. (i. Fallis, "niton, cei tifir* : "For some year* uiy wife lias been troubled with Dvupepnia, an. I has t i"d one thing after an other recommenced with hut little or no eff- ect till advised lo give McGregor&apos;* Speedy Cor* a trill. Since taking the first tott I havs noticed a ilwided improvement, did can with confidence recommend it to be one of, if not tlii- best inctli< iuc ( slant for I>TI- tHioaia. This invaluable medicine for Liver Complaint, Indigestion. Kidney Compl.nirit. it purely rentable. Hold at W. K chard- oo&apos;i Drnp 8tor. Trial battle* given fr<H. &apos;lStTH-E P6STMA STEKS. A subscriber to the ADVANCE was telling the Agricultural Editor not long since, that he had occasion to call at his post-office for a letter which he expected from a party living in a neighboring village. I&apos;pon enquiring if there was anything for him, the P. M. glanced carelessly through the heap of matter on the table, and re- plied there was not. Our subscriber told him there must be a letter, as ho fully expected one by the last mail. In the meantime the P. M. had picked up a letter, torn oft the envelope, and after reading the contents, suddenly handed it to our Cm-nil with the cool exclamation, "\Vliy, here&apos;s a letter for you, sure enough !" Until we were told this by our friend, referred to above. who is a strictly reliable gentleman we had not thought there was a postmaster in the Dominion who would be guilty of such astounding impertinence. We don&apos;t think, however, another of the same stamp could be found aud Heaven forbid there should exist such another, or we might well ask, "Whi- ther arc we drifting ?" VERY n-OXDKRFVL VfltEED ! The defeat of Dr. Christoe as Reeve of Arteinesiii is something wonderful in municipal circles iu the county. He was defeated by a Mr. Elliott. The contest was fought ou the Inspec- torate question re Mr. Ferguson. Dr. Christoe being against and Mr. Elliott for his retention. Tkornbury Stand- ard. It would be wonderful, indeed, if it wero true, brother Farewell ; but it isn&apos;t true. For goodness sake give us the name of your informant ; he must be a daisy and uo mistake about it. Dr. Chrisioe was re-elected by the really tremendous majority of 246 ; and two Inspectors worked for his de- feat, too ! "\Vliar has the luspactor&apos;s anflnocnco gone too ?" JDO\&apos;T /><> IT AVAtM. During the past few years a nnm- ber of those, who hive regularly at- tended at the r&apos;irshorton Skating Rink, "forgot" to pay their way. Do these persons imagine that the worthy manager of the Rink can pay expenses without being remunerated for his trouble by those who very convenient- ly dead-beat their way ? If we were manager Field, we would allow uo one inside the rink, whether they skated or not, if they did not "whack up" the needful every time. We hope we shall not have to refer to this matter a^aiu. DIKTRICT M.Ms. .. ., from our Exchange*, and inker IteHublv Source*. HEAVY Loss. Mr. Fred. Rawn, of Sheldon, Mono, lost a valuable mare, by inflammation, a few days ago. Shclburnc Free Press. A Lmso (jriHTiox. Qntktion I* tbii lifo woith livini!?&apos; AII--HT &apos;It all depenili iipnti til* I. vi-r-&apos; If torpirl or mas ive ii causrs a dull, tougb, languid fieling. Dr. < h,i. - Liver Cure gie h. ultli i,,( buoy- M&apos;-T S- lil lj \V. Richardson. Several fights occurcd on Monday evening. Whiskey did most of the talking and the biggest part of the fighting, too. This is a model Scott Act town, indeed ! Dnffenn Post. A LIVEB I&apos;T nr. - < >ue single trial of Dr. 3ba Liver Cur will c.uimo the inoit ikeptir.al anJ confirm h. tUr then thousand* f testimonials that it in a tare cure. Me- dicine and Recipe IJook tl. TIIK name of the post-office iu this village has been &apos;changed fiorn Dun- dalk Station to Diuulalk. This is a necessary change. The new seals for the office have arrived aud are iu use. Dun.lalk Herald. A Kn i GIFT. Around each bottle of Dr. Cbate&apos;s Liver Cure it a Medical Guide and Kecipe Book fnta>iuing useful iiifii.niitin n, over 300 ie:ipei, ami prouonnced by Doc- tors and Liruggists ai worth ten time* the csl of I&apos;M- medieine. Medicine and Book $1. 8o.d hy W. Kicbardion. Last Monday morning while Messrs. Hugh and William McKay were walk in;,&apos; aloug the back line, in Sullivan, they camo across a Barter snake in the full vigor of life, aud despatched him. On their return, about the san:e place they killed another snake. It is something extraordinary to see snakes runuiriK around the country here iu the mouth of January, but as both gentlemen are steady and iJiablo their can be no mistake about the inatUT; Chatswoith News. Mas. John Jack of Mclmicthou, died on Monday last, while on a visit to friends in Luther. She will be buried to-day (Thursday) in Shelburne ceme- tery. We tender Mr. Jack our sym- pathy in the hour of his bereave- ment. Dundalk Herald. A CRYING EVIL. -Children are often fretful mill ill when <TIU are the cause. Dr. Low&apos;s Worm Syrnp lately expels all \Vormi. A LARGE MOOSK. A large moose was shot near Chalk River, 40 miles from Pembroke, on the 22nd ult., by two men in the employ of Messrs. Pattie & Perley, lumber merchants. It weighed, when dressed, 750 Ibs.- Shelburue Free Press. TAKE IT BACK. The party who stole a bag of wheat from Mr. Qeo. Thompson&apos;s barn ou lot 18, con. 3, W. H. S., Huhnur, is requested to re- turn the bag, otherwise legal proceed- ing will be taken at once, as the cul- prit is known. Shelburnc Free Press. TO BEMOVE DANDRUFF. Cleanse the scalp with Prof. Low&apos;* Magic Sulphur Soap. A delightful mcdiottml luap /or tbe toilet. The hunting accident which caused the Earl of Ouilfoitl&apos;s death a few day&apos;s ago, was a singular one. While hunting in the Vale of Bucklaud he was taking a flying leap, when his horse turned a complete somersault, aud then rolled over heavily on its rider. CACTION. Any liniment or other medi- cuif that eaunut be taken internally it an- tale for ordinary ue. Hagyanl&apos;i Yellow Oil, tbe prompt pain reluivt-r, i* *fe and re- liable for all ackei and paint, and can be wallowed ai well aa applied. ACCIDENT. Mr. Wm. Lakiug of WliithVld, iiirt with an accident on Friday last, while assisting to hitch up a horse. The horse kicked him in the bowels, aud for some time his life wan in danger, but we are glad to state that he is now recovering. We liopc to see Mr. Laking around soou. Shflbiirne Free Press. THB CAJCMW Wean or THK BIX>OD is Scrof - o&apos;a, that gnaw* upon tbe ritali and COB uucg tbe body. Cooiumption it but Lang B-ri.fiiln. Burdock BlKxl bitters i oni o* fie bit known combination! to cure Scrofu- la. MILL BUBNBD. The sawmill be- longing to Mr. Montgomery of Ilock- ley was destroyed by fire a few days ago. The act was no doubt that of an incendiary. Mr. Montgomery will be a heavy loser as there was an insur- ance of only $800 on the property. Shelbui ne Free PYess. THK SBCHKT or SUCCBM. The roaiioii why Hazard&apos;s Yellow Oil is ao popular witli tin- p -onle as a houM-hoUt remedy for paiu. ii in the "fart that while many liniment* nnlv re liev. Yellow Oil both relieves aud cure* Itlicuiuatinu and all arlieg, paiui, aoreneaa ail lauirn&apos;m. WHO CAN BEAT IT ? Mr. John Large, of Amaranth, arrived home on Wednesday of last week from Musko- ki. He spent a few weeks hunting in that district, and succeeded in kill- ing 19 deer and 6 moose. He dis- posed of the deer at 5c. per Ib. to the shantymen. Mr. Large is a man ab- out 60 years of age, and a thorough hunter. Shelburne Free Pi-ess. Kr.irnnm U the main iprinn of life, and regularity of tbe bowel* it one of the most eauential lawi of health. Burdock Blc<l Bitten regnlatee the bowel* in a natural manner, earing Conilipation u>4 prvtotu (riant dl Several daring attempts at house breaking have been made lately in town. Mrs. Love&apos;s residence was en- tcrp.d on New Year&apos;s evening while the family were at the Methodist tea- meeting. They also tried to get into the house of Jan. Thompson, but did not succeed. The authorities doubt- less are takmg steps quietly to cap- ture the offenders. Monitor. TMK KT rouon TURK. The bent remedy for Conch ami all Throat nnd Lung tronblen i one that lnnin* and dMngeB the tough muooui, clear* the bronahial tube*, unit al- lay* irritation. Tlii* i* what Hagyard&apos;s Pectoral ItaUam doe* in every rate. 1 BI On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Adam Howard , an employee in the cabinet factory, Hanover, had a very narrow escape from death. He WPH engaged attending a> circular saw win n the piece of board he was sawing flew back and hit him on the stomach , when be dropped forward on the table, his note coining in contact with tin- saw severely cutting that moinber. Had his head dropped two inches fur- ther it would have been cut in twtin. The Confederate. OBITUAY ; We regret to report the death of Mr. McKinley, a highly es- teemed and respectable citizen of this Town, who died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. W. Thompson, in the Eait ward, on Monday night at the advanced a^-e of 77 years. His remains were removed to Erin for in- terment ou \\Vilni sdiiy morning. Dufferiii Advertiser. Roller Flmirfor Sale. Those requiring fint-chu* Roller Flour from the famous mill* of Mr. Ford, Mark- dale, will do well to call at the Flesher- ton Bakery where it is always kept in : stock, at reasonable prices. WORMS often de-troy children, but Free , man&apos;* Worm Powil>n destroy Worms, and fxpel t In nifri IN the -\v[, in DASTABDLY DEPKEDATION. Last Fri- day, or Saturday morning, some scoundrels broke iu the back door of Mr. Hoffman&apos;s barber shop and smash- ed two valuable mirrors, besides steal- ing a number of small articles and cutting up the uuholstcry of the chairs. The culprits have not been found out yet, but that is in accordance with the traditions of this town iu respect to briugiug criminals to justice. A few of our citizens kindly sympathized with Mr. Hoffman in a very commend- able way by presenting him with a purse of $15 which will make good the loss. Dufferiii Advertiser. On Friday morning between two and three o&apos;clock the stable of Mr. H. Jelley oil the south side of the river, uear Cringle&apos;s mill, was destroyed by tire. Tin ic were in the stable one horse, "Young Monarch," two cows, buggy, iMittiT, harness, eight and a- half tons of hay, straw, etc., which was all insured. Loss about $700 ; insured for about 8350. The origin of the fire is a mystery. Mr. Jelley was iu the stable a little before six o&apos;- clock in the evening, and locked it up for the night. Vagut rumors are a- float, aud for the credit of oar town, the Council should offer a good reward and cause a searching investigation to be made. The Confederate. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, . DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, f \ OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, I THE STOMACH, HEAKTBURH, DRYNESS HEADACHE, f OF THE SKIM, And tvery specie* of dlsea** rl> ,r from disordered LIVER KIDMEV8, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOO, T. IILBURN i CO., PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMBB. Photo$r<t]>her, Flesherton, - Ont Hiring >|>ut om time In the itndio rtf th* (amoiu Toronto rhntpgiM&apos;her. Mr. 8. J. Dixon, CnoLiitA PRBTEXTATITK. In order to with- Cholera Mini such like epidemic* a per feet purity f hlootl, and the proper action of the t.ti. i.in-li an- r. |iun-,l. To insure that end, iu the cheapen, most available an. I complete mnnuer, use McOrrgor&apos;s Speeilv Cure for Dyspepsia and Impure lll.i" >il. There is uo purer, nafer nr more re liable remedy in existence for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, CostiveneiM, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used It. Sold by \V. liichardsou. Trial bottle given free. satisfaction. A call respectfully solicited. MRS. DULMER. ,8ept mh.MW. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertoii | Peicli Mitchell. I&apos;Kol&apos;lUETOKS. Till: li&apos;i.li-rriiiii&apos;-&apos;l respectfully take this oppor I * tunity to announce to tlui people ol Klmh- ortmi and iiirr.Miinlfi.R ronnf r> . tliat they bars tart<Ml a Hiitrhor shop in th" i-trt ml ne*t door to the Marhh. W.irkr Kl.F.WHKHTON. where I they will bo plrannd to nici&apos;t with all who favor them with their i>atronncrv Frr-h Meats of all kinds, and Fish. Ac in their suasoua. ItoHpectfully yours, PKTCTIAMITCHKLL. \ LITTLE BOY DHOWWBD. On Sat- urday last an accident occurred at Owen Sound which resulted in the drowning of a boy about six rears of age, sou of Mr. John Hill, carpenter. Two children, a hoy and girl, were out pla^&apos;iug with a nandsleigh on Harris- DU&apos;S mill dam, when the ice gave away, precipi latins H&apos;em both into the water. The little girl was recovered in a very exhausted condition. The body of the little hoy was recovered, but life was extinct. Wiarton Echo. HAS SuccrxsED. Mr. Gco. Den- nett who, as will be remembered, had one of his legs broken hy a falling tree at Hirti&apos;s shanty, three miles above Lion&apos;s Head, and had the limb ampu- tated, has since died. It is believed | that, owing to the exposure which lie was enforced to undergo, while being conveyed to a suitable place for treat- ment, erysipelas set iu which caused his death. His remains passed through NViai ton on Monday morning, of last week on the way to the friends of the deceased at Haniston where his mother aud some of his brothers live. Wiartou Echo. Framing and House-Joining. Tha undertlgned In pmpared to execute al ordm oiitroxtcd to him for tho erection of /ti<- //<.;. rtiirf Frame Builiiingt, lurinntli.. s. 4,.u otiH-,.-, Allnmtcrlnlftirnliihed I U HO doilroit None bat compotnut workmen , a ni&apos;loyoil Tun latinfactinu my work baa ijivan I n thw past in H B tiarantKo for tlie fiituro. Apply to A .M.I.I mi. Kkunhtrton Station Important Hotice! ; Tho snW) it.iM lie^i to infoiui tka peopla of &apos; Kleklierton ii<UurrouadinKCountry.thiit hnba* I * - leased IKPCRK BLOOD. Boili, blotahea, pimplrg ml (eiterini lorei are indication* o( impure blood that ahould iw*er be neglected, or 111 heaNA and perhapi inera>ble dia^aae maj raenlt. Burdock Bloud Hitters purifies the blood by Acting on the lonr cardinal point* of health tin. Htomach, Boweln, LiTer and Blood. Now renew your subcription* for 18S6, and pay up arrearage!. Just look at the figures after your name and you will know to a cent how you stand with the Editor of the A in AM F. NATIONAL PILLS are the favorite pur- gative and anil-billon, medioine , they are mild and thorough. McGraoniT* 8rri>T CUBE. It i popular- ly mlinitt.-il everywhere that MeOrngor&apos;a Spee.iy Care It the safest, most reliable anil hy fur the clii&apos;pest rrnirily for Conoiipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Impure Blood. Lou ol Appetite, *ud all ssnilar troubles. It !* nut noesuary to lake a (Treat quantity bfi>r* any rsinlt ii produced. A few do will ooovin*vou of it* morit*. Trial bet tie (riven free at W. Biohardton&apos;i Dra, Store. ODVA B (.O*1TBD. PUMTLT iHi Highly rwomroonded for BIHonsnms, < ni.ir) . tloi, Dli/lnr H. Heart liarn. Rnd Bmth. I n of A p- ,, Jminillr. . Una *f aianarh. Liver t nm. ni.ir) . Hour aianar. ver nm. |laln.&apos;>rny Illnon art>ln fnnn tbrHliim arh, Howrls or kl.l -,.. They are safe. mild and thomoghln tbelractlon. Fromltot MR.IIO&U&apos;SMILL Smiles from Fleaherton, mcl in DOW iu*p*\red to furnish bill* of aay length or Mrs of Lurnbor LUMBER LATH, i SHINGLES. Alwayion hand. BUbwoodouttontove-longUn on hand. Cu>toni Sun m k dou by tbothouwnd. REASONS Why you ihonld get your Lumber and Shingle* cut by Spencer: (1> Every 8*w in the Mill ii New and the mill in In perfect order. () Becaune be Is a practical lawyer and Icoep* hliaawiand uiachlnory in perfect order. (8) Became lie euta all Bcantllng Jolceezact- ly to the bill furninhd. (> He bae put In a Lumber Edger and all boarda are name widths from one end to tbe other. (5> Because you can take a load of logn to the mill and a load of lumber home same day. (8) Because he guarantees to alt all custom work in a workmanlike manner and aatlsfactlon guaranteed. (7,-Becaufie all Rawing Is done at rock bottom price*. Lutnber IMivercd i JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer & General Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Cutters, Sleighs. Buggies. Democrats, Wagons, Iron Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also agent for Chatsworth Plowi Noxou Bros. Ingersoll Light Low Down Binders, Combined Keapers & Mowers two kinds of Single. Reapers, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drilli and two kinds of Horse Hakes. Please come aud see them. Jan. 1st, 188G. G. H. SPENCEH Bept.IOtb.lHU. FRXEMAJTS WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their ow Purgative. Ii a laf*. *ure, and flttetaml wrmi In Children or A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of G-lenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons retiring LUMBER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get them at BEOWN&apos;S Steam Saw Mill ! PBICBVILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber:_Logs delivered befor. February st, 880, taken in exchange, for which Cash Paces will be allowed. -Morc Lumber can be got aut of a log at Brown&apos;a Saw Mill than at th. najonty of nulls, HS ilrown has the latest improved sudstitute for the "dog," formerly, and n, many pWes yet, used for holding logs iu place while saw L 13ring ou your Logs and get your Lumber home with you. ^^^"^^"^^^S^S^^^^^P^MggMiMMIi^^aigggBMiaM^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Wm. Clayton Has ou hand a large stock el "WOMEFS A1TD CHILDREN&apos;S BOOTS & SHOES! Also just received a large asaortrnout of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots! First-class and cheap. A fresh supply of UUBIJER8 and OVFJISHOfcb just received. - - --- Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IBT THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY,. AT STRAIN&apos;S, KttTOIV. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS 07 Mo&aont&l Verb. Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstone*. Counter and Table Topn rn Anwrrca* and 1 Italian Marble and Granite, and mad* on short notice. Also Mantles in MarbU and Marhleized Slate, Ac., Ac. Fleaherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify tho Hlood, correct all Disorder* of tbe Liver, Stomach, Kicln&apos;y*, and 13owelw. They Invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are Invaluable In all ( plaints Incidental to Females of all acus. For Children and tho aged they are price!*** THE OINTMENT taan infallible remedy for Bad I,(ft, Ba<l Dreasts. Old Woundi, Sores and Ulcers. It I* famout fr Clout and RbeuniaMsm. For disorders of the Chet It has no equal. For SORE THROAT, 1SROACHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Bwelllngs, and all Hkln Dleeasea it ha* no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints It act! like a char* Manufactured only at Professor HOLLOWAT&apos;I) Bstabllnhment, 78, New Oxford Mtrcet ( iaf 533, Oxford si rr. f K London, and are sold at le. 1J<1 ,2. 9d., 4n.ed.,lls. 99s, and KM. esch not or Pot, and may be had of all M4l i In r Vendors throuKhont the World. PttrcA<Mri ihnvld look U (A< Label on M Pott nnd Box. If Me odfre** u n flW, Oyfoni titrtri, London, ihey art ipwriotu. PWfl J. W. BATES, Furniture. Dealer- ctJid Undertaker, " The Well Bred Durham Bull, GRAY CHAMPION," Will he for service the season of IMS at Lot 1 U. 1st Itange \Ve*t, T. A H. Road, Artemesla. near Fleilierto*. 01.00, Payable 1st January, 1MB. ROGER LEVER, rroprtetar. I

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