Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1907, p. 7

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m %[t.-'^'ij/ Vmb «old-water atarch i'..V^i.?^/ gets ironing -day over Rfjit'-y'quicker, with less wear on K^^jy the ironer's muscles and far 6A-.j;y less on the starched pieces. ^i/Cives a beautiful gloss. 'Needn't be boiled, .yet cannot Tstick. It's a starch you'll like. Try It 202 FLOIR A pure, hard Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing; strene^th, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED^ WITH rLOUR AND FEED. IWRITE US. VE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY.' A (LENOEO FU>UR TMAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. '"(AMPBELLMILUNGCO. TORONIO JIINITION ONT I CANADIAN Pacific Irrigated Farms IN • Sunny Alberta Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agents, :os CORISTINE BUILDINQ, MONTREAL. A TRIIVIPIIAL TOUn. Visit o( 80UII1 (.uncaKliirv's Band to <'.nluis and Lille. If IhP band of (he 2nd .South Lonca- .sliirc npKiinent had been a company of I vicloi'ioii.s soldiers it could not have liiuJ a more.- tiiiiniplinnl. welcome than :ii had on lis recent trip from Calais to Lille, France, where it was to play at a charily concert. ? In the black hours of niKht Calais I citizens slornieil the Rannwiy to the niail-hoat. and a I.ille committee. In evening' dress, welcnined Colonel .\dnin Jand his sixty-one khaki-clad linndsmen. To the acrompniiiment of song's they marched to siip)>or in Ihe Givmd Motel al 2 a.m.. and were astir acaiii in full ! dress at tS. The municipHl band e.scnrt- cd thcni to the Town Hall for the May- i<^rnl welcome before the slalion was i reached. I Al the rampart at I.ille Ihe artillery Tired a snliite of twenty-one puns; for a mile out the railways was lined wilh a |nng-wnving crowd, and as Ihe train en- . tered the .slalion five nias.sed military i hands slnick up "God .«;ave Ihe King." I The f.ancashires gave throe Ireniendons [cheers for Ihe French, .-ind llien hepan I I Iriuniphnl march Ihrouph cinivded I and hena{r}.'P<l sireel.s. Tlio\isan<Is of lio- , liday-allired peo;>le cheered apain and japain. Al the City Hall the ^^ayor of- i frred champapne, and reminded his hearers thai red conts and red tiviu- sors had not fralornized since the Cri- ;m€a. Then to the Prefecture, another 'welcome, and more champapne. Then i to Ihe ofTicinl residence of Itie Cenera! jComman<linp Ihe district, who drank to the "noble British army." I A bevy of ladies invaded Ihe den- j oral's saloons to chat with Ihe Rritish jomcors. .\ftpr .serenadinp them the I Ijnnd was taken off in flap-tiedeclied I tramway cars to lunch, and at 4 o'clock twelve Ihou'and people â€" every l)ody in I the district is more or less of a mtisi- crd critic â€" assembled in Ihe Ilippiidrome lo applaud enthusiastically, .so well did the I.nncasliiro play, nolwilhslandinp their falipue. The President of the •ommilleo went up on the platform nd kissed hlu.shing Randmasler Harris oil both cheeks, before handing him a great pold laurel leaf. The General Comtiiandinp and all Ihe olTicers of rank were present in uni- f,,rm at night at the banquet In Hotel dc lEurope. Any man can sign a cheque, but it liikos a live one to make it count al Ihi; bank. "Father, I am not sure whether I shall b« a .specialist for the cars or Ihe teeth." "Choose Ihe teeth, my boy, everyone ha.s thirty-lwo of them, but only two ears." II will do no harm lo remember that the man in front never ha.s any kick about the dustiness of the road. "Didn't you find it hard to choose a name for the baby ?" "Not al all. He has only one wealthy uncle, you see." Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to Ihe suf- ferer. U only costs 25 cents lo try it and be convinced. RIGHT. "Oiltin' a grouch," said Uncle Jo.sh this mcming, "is Ih' easiest thing in th' hull 'larnal world 1 Il'.s th' gitlin' red uv th' blamed thing Ihel pinches, b'jinks !" MEANINGLE.SS WORD. "I'll sue the scoundrel 1" exclaimed Algy in a terrible rage. "He calls me a blithering idiot !" "I wouldn't pay any attention lo it," counselled Percy.' "'Blithering' doesn't really mean anything, you know." The way some men live they evidently forget that they cannot hire an attorney I; represent them on the Judgment Day. DODDS ', KIDNEY^ .KIDNL'f^M.rt'.. BETTING BY "TOTALIZ.JlTOR." In New Zealan'I all liorse-racing bet- t'lip is done on the pari-muluol .system. With a poi)ulation of only 70,000 a pro- fit of .WXi.OiiO per annum is made by Ihe Governiiicnt, and this is applied lo tiie onconrapemenl of npricullnre and h'lrsc-hreeding. .Sir Waller Gilbey advo- cates tlie placing of a totalizator on every racecotirse in England. The sys- tfm would brinp in .several millions a year lo the Chan(x?llor of the Exche- quer. 4. FACETIOUS. Time trills to age a woman fair. But she destroys Ihe trace; For Time she doesn't seem to care- But al him makes a face. A Wide Spliere of Usefulness. â€" The consUMir)tion of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric G'. has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thirty- one years, its prosperity is as great i\.i ever, and the demand for it in that period ha.s very greatly increased. It Is beneficial in all countries, and wher- ever introduced fresh supplies are con- stantly asked for. In IftSO the fastest steamer afloat was t!ie Asia. She could do 11 knots, and held the record until the Pei'sia was launclied in 1856. FKEBOVIM, WHAT I.S IT? It la the name ol the btsl tonic. It biiilils up the system, givei new life, m.-vkei people weU and strong. Ue sure yon get the genuine " Ferioviui. " The first organs built in Ihe eleventh century had keys five inches in width, which had lo be struck with the flsl. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery C/ordial is a speedy cure for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness 4ind complaints incidental lo children teething. II gives immiHliate relief lo those suffering from the effects of in- discretion in eating unripe fruit, cucum- bers, ele. It acts with wonderful ra- pidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if tiicy have a bottle of this medicine oon- venienl. USSUE NO. 20-«. AN ENGLISH GIRL'S PLl'CK. Saved Herscll From a Would-be Rob- ber in Paris. Miss Nellie McCarthy, an English girl of nineteen, who had gone to Paris lo lake a silualion as a governess, had an exciting adventure wilh a would-be robber in the Rue nainbutcau. She lost her way among Ihe Paris sIriHjIs, and asked a w<iinan named Bhs- 6011 lo diiecL her lo her hotel in Itic Hue St. Moiiore, The woman offered to show her the way, and led her In- tcad lo her own npnrtmenls. The woman induced her lo enter, and then locked the door and demand- e^ \\\p \icC.^n\i^ jeweK and nwjie^;. tIio Engiisli gu'i answered hfJmiQuc'mjg a revolver and shooting Ihe WOiriSh in the .shoulder. The pofici were called by the neigh- bors and explanations al Ihe police sta- tion led to Ihe relea.so of Miss McCarthy. The woman Bassell Is In the ho.spital i>nd will be charged with attempted robbery. KIDNEY TROUBLE Sultered Two Yearsâ€" Relieved in Three Mu:!tlls. MR. C. B. FIZER, Mt. Sterling, Ky-i writes: i have sufteit>d wilh kidney and blud- der (rouble lor ten years past. "I,usl March I commenced using Pe- nmii and conlinued for three months, i have not used it since, nor have I lell u puin. "I believe thai I am well imd I there- fore give my highest commendation to the curative qualities of Peruna." Pe-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. H. Simser, Grant, Ontario, Can., writes: "1 bad not been well for about four years. I had kidney trouble, and, in fad, felt badly nearly all the time. "This summer I got so very bad 1 thought I would try Peruna, so I wrote lo you and began at once to take Peruna and .Manalin. "1 took only two bottles of Peruna and one of Manalin, and now I feel better than I have for some time. "I feel that Peruna and Manalin c\ired me and made a different woman of me altogether. I bless Ihe day I picked -p the little book and read of your Peruna." It is Ihe business of the kidneys to remove from the blood all poisonous malerials. They must be active all the lime, else the system suffers. There are limes when they need a little assist- ance. Peruna is exactly thus sort of a rem- edv. It has saved many people from di-saster by rendering Ihe kidneys ser- vice at a time when Ihey were not able tc bear their own burdens. VERY INJURIOUS. "What is there about belling al horse races that is so bad for the health?" said vomig Mrs. Torkins. " "I never heard of anything," answered the visitor. "Didn't you? Every lime CharU( makes a bet he conies home and says there is something wrong with his sys- tem." A .Small Pill, but Powerful.â€" They that judge of the jwwcrs of a pill ;jy i,s size, w-ould consider Parinelee's Ve- getable Pills to be lacking. It is a lil- \\: wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it makes up in potency. The remedies which it carries are put up in lliese small doses, because they are so p<.wcrful thai only small doses are ic- qiiired. The full strength of the ex- tracts is secured in this form and do their work thoroughly. A company of settlers, in naming their new town, called it Dictionary, because. a.s they said, "that's the only place where peace, prosperity, and happiness arc always found." rrcn, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every lorm of contagious Ilcli on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls. Sold by all druggists. An arlisl is a man who puis his dreams into such shape that the rest of the world can realize how beautiful they are A lady writes: "1 was enabled lo re- move the corns, r<x)t and branch, ty Ihe u.se of Holloway's Corn Cure." 01 hers who have tried it tiave Ihe same experience. "lias young Dudleigh any occupation?" asked tlie dear girl's mother. "Indeed he has,' replied the dear girl. "He's raising a moustache." They arc Carchilly Prepared.â€" Pills which dissipate Ihein.solvos in Ihe sto- mach cannot be exi>ectcd to have much cdecl upon the intestines, and lo over- came costivencss the medicine admin- istered must influence the action of these canals. Parinelee's Vegetable Pills are .so made, under the supervis- ion of experts, that the substance in tliem intended lo operate on Ihe infes- lines is retarded ui action until they puss through the stomach to the bowels. A fool can rattle a wise man quickci' than another wise man can. Alice : "I'll let you ki.ss mo if you won't lell anybody." Willie : "I pro- mise not to tell it, but I won't promise not lo repeat it." AK UGLY PAmi.T of «»ln dlii«u«( ti tiM on* lenerklly described hy the wnnl Kccema. In all its (orms It rtfSiU ordinary treatment, but U completely cured by Weaver's Cerate used In oon- nectUin with Weaver's Syrup. Women, as a rule, have poor heads fo,- figures. Thai may be why it is al- most impossible lor one lo flguro her age correctly. A DOME.STIC EUCLID. Deflnitlons. 1. All boarding houses are the same Ix'ai'ding house. 2. Boarders in the same Iwarding hi. use on ihe same floor are equal to one another. 3. A single room is one which has ro rmrts and no magnitude. 4. The liindludy of a boarding house is a parallelogram, that is an oblong angular (Iguro Itiat cannot be described,, but which is equal to anything. Postulates and Proiwsitions. 1. A pie may be produced any number of limes. 2. The landlady may be reduced to her lowest terms by a series of proposi- litiis. 3. A bee line may bo made from any Ix.ardlng house to any ether boarding house. â- 4. The clothes of a boarding house bed though produced ever so far will never meet. 5. .^ny two meals at a boarding house are together less than one .square meal. G If a line be drawn Ihrouph the op- pf site ends of a boarding house passing through all the rooms in turn, the stove pipe which warms the boarders will be within that line. 7. On the same bill and on Ihe same side of it there shall not be two charges for tlje same Ihinp. 8. If there be two boarders on Ihe same floor, and Ihe amount of side of Ihe one be equal lo the amount of side 'f Ihe other, each to each, and the wrangle between the landlu<ly and \be one Ixiarder be equal to Ihe wrangle be- tween the landlady and Ihe other board- e.', then shall Ihe weekly bills of the two boarders be equal, each to each. For if not, one will be the greater, then the other bill is less than it might have been, which Is absurd. When a man is a genius he feels that hi! has the privilege of taking a drink whenever he wants one. Before you get F'en- Angle gannenta all the shrink is takeni out. fM Pen- Angle'' Jnderwear^_ ^keeps you com- fiy as well as 'warm, because the ' rahort fibres that ^ make some under- ^wear itch are taken ^ out of Pen- Angle wool.' H Tj^fttX Tea^t /font In a varidy oi fabrics, styles and priceiL in ail sizes for women, men ana childien, and guaianteed by your own detlei; For drainage and irrigation Holland has Ihe astonishing total of 1,900 miles fo canals and ditches. FIFTHKN HUNDRED BUYS GOOD WILt and stuck in trade o< old establUhed lu ^riug ran business ; hurse.i, vans in Urst'Clas* cundition; spot cash ; owuer wishes to retire; I nregtlKSte.-Juho J. Bi;tg«, l.o ud»n, Ont. OHENVLLE CURTArNS~ Mi4 &11 kind! of bouu H&nstBct, aljo LAOI CURTAINS â- '^"Sk* ^RC.""* Writs to uj about youja Hinaii umiMM avuNo ca. â- *« im. HMtntf yOUNG MEN WA.\TED-FOR HRE-' -*• men and brakomen; experience uii» necessary; over 500 pusilioas open at Ihe' present lime; high wages; rapid promo- lion to engineers and conductors; $75 lo $200 per monUi; iaslruclion« by mall al> your homo without interruption wlthi present- occupation; we assist each stu- dent ia^ securing a posilloa; don't delay; write To-day for free catalogue, inclruc- lions and application blank. National Railway 'I'raining School, Inc., 1-132 K., Boston Block, Minneapolis, .Minn., U..S.A. Mrs. Pcckem ; "Here's an invitation to my cousin's wedding. Will you go?" Pcckem "No, I hate weddings. I some- times wish I hadn't attended my own." THE JOY OF LIVING K you want to realize all the joy there is in living in this Canada of oiini nl Springlime you should ride a wheel; It brings you In touch wilh naturei. It givas you Exercise, Fresh Air, Suns hine. So RIDE A GOOD WHEEL AND FEEL THAT YOU ARE ALIVE Tho Ma.-isey "Silver Ribbon, " Cle veland. Pert. cl. Rranltord, Imperial, Rambler, and Blue Klyerâ€" with Iho latest improvements, guaranteed always smooth, cosy and pleasant going. Mu niifacliircd and guaranteed by CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LIMITED. MAKERH OK 'I'HE WO RLD'S BEST BICYCLIuS. Toronto Junction, - Canada, Branches : -Winnipefl, 'Van couver, Melbourne, Ausl. I 47. On Your Savings Compounded Quarterly Send for booklet ii BANKING BY MAIL' It explain* how our Savings Department l« no lutihit from you than your aeareat mall bo* Oapltel and R»s«rv« $2,900,000 THE UNION TRUST CSa L imited Temple Buiidins, - Toronto

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