Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1907, p. 5

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â-  • I < I 1 TilE FLEES 11 ERTON ADVANCE May 16 1907 \. >i • ft « > • • « -M •I' I « CSTABUSHCO t«7« THE3IANDAKD BANK OF CANADA Head Office" • - - â-  Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deoosita may be made or withdrawn by cither of the two memhers of a household. Tbij fbmciaccooat UspeciaUy suitable for thosa Uving in the counuy, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In cue of death, the money may be witlidmwn bf the survivoi without delay ot cost Write or caU for ftuther paruculars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection \vith all Branches. lU FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BR.ANCHES AI^SO AT DURHAM, MARRISTON ANZ> PRXCEVXCL-, Vicinity Chips Choral concert, Friday, May 31. For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, Flesherton. S. C. Brown Loshorn eggs for hatching 50o par 13 eggs. Sue ad. R. Allen. Mrs. Grier, Dundalk, spent Sunday with Mrs, J. Boyd. Rev, Mr. Kipp will preach next Sun- day on "A Stmnge Preaching Service" Dr. CaldwsU's sermons next Sunday : a.m., Your Girdle and Breastphitc. p.m.. The Wild Man. Miss Mary Heron of Max wf 11 has tiikeii a position with R. J. Sproule as stenog- rapher. Lostâ€" on the street Monday night, a pair of black kid gloves. Ploaso leave at the postoffice. Miss Blanche ard Mr. Harry Dillon of Meaford spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Georae Stewart. S. S. Weaver, supciititcndeiit of tho £()iiitable Life Lisuranca Co., viwii-d with Rev. L. F. Kipp ou Monday. Tho date for East Grey excursion to Gi^elph Agricultural Cnlleste thin year has been set for Wednesday, June 2C. Keep this date open. For Sale â€" Registered Jersey stock. One yearling heifer, 1 yearling bull, 2 syring heifor caIvus. Apply to H. E. W. Kemp, Maxwell Out. Mr. and Mrs. John Runstadiler atouded the funoral of Mr. Runstiidilei's facher at Linwjod on Saturday last. The deceased goutluuiun was 7<J years of ai;e. Mr. Large has hisclusa in Roed trim now for the choral concert on May 3l»t. The program will be publiabtd next week. It will be a nood one. Make your arrange neuts accordingly. The Dundalk Herald says "There is a movement under way to arrimgo for ihiiw- in^' out (.he Citizens' silver b.»nJ, which has been frozen up since abuut Nov- ember." A meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the town hnll on Tuesday May 21, at 2 p. ni .\11 members are re- quested to be prefscnt as it is the annual election of officers and business of im- portance is to be transacted. A grand excursion will bo run to To- ronto and Niagara Falls ou Friday.Juno 7th, 1907, under auspices Shelbume Council, Canadian Order Chosen Friends. Rate from Shelbume, $1.80. Further particulars next week. Tho Osprey Sunday School Association intend holding their convent ion in Fever- «ham Presbyterian church. As this is our first convention we extend a warm invitation to all Sunday school workers to come. There will be two sessions, afteraooii and evening,â€" Com. Rev. Dr. Caldwell will deliver a lecture on "Love, Courtship and marriage" in the (Kiraberley Methodist church on Fiiday, May twenty-fourth. Song service at 7.30 P. M. and the Lecture to com- mence at eight o'clock. An admission fee of 10 and 15o Jwill be charged, pro- ceeds to bo devoted to the church work. llr. J. W,Crozier and family, who left Eagenia for New Liakeard last luonlh, have now gut eettled.down there and tind steMly work at two dollars per dsy. He likes the place and says "it is a large town full of life and activity and plenty of work at good wages for any person nho Iwoks fur it and is willing to work. Rev. Lewi* F. Kipp, of the Baptist church ot the villitae, received vford last week that Leonard H. Wilkes had bean appointed to assist him for tlie sumnior. Mr. Wilkes i.s a student of Mc.Ma.ilier University, Toronto. Duriu^ the winter Mr. Kipp has boon prcaohiusi at hvo (lid'eront places, fnui- each .Sunday Beginning next Sunday, there will be Service each Sunday at Rickvalejand Kimborly. Mr. Wilkes is expected in town Wednesday. Mr. A. C. Down ol Bermuda was tho guest of his cousin, Mr.s. F. G. Kiirstedl, for several days during the pa.st week. Mr. Diiwn is a native of Bermuda and this was his flrst visit to CaimJ-i. He ia favoiably impressed with the size of things here, compared to his littje coriil r^!ef islands, where, he say.s, the popu- litiou is crowding it.self out into the other coloniee. Tho Advance had an iiitenst- ing chat with Mr Down, who is u young mm, associated with the Sun Life, and purposes making his future home in Ko- ijina, Sask. Dundalk woollen mill* are agiin likely to begin openitians. Ho Foil TdUONTC) AND Nl.VGAIlA FaLLs! Gra:id excursions from Owen Sound (and all stations South as far as Shelbume) to Tornnto by C. P. R., then by steiraer to Lewlston injikini! clo^e connostion with tho electric railwsy to Niaiiara Falls. A special triin will leave (Jwen Sound at 7.30 a m ot. Fridsy. May 17lh, and Fleiherlon 8 .50. Returniug will leave Toronto (.^nion S ution on Monday, 20t , at 7.00 A. M. Niaijara tickets good to return by any regul.ir train or special till Monday evening. This is an excellent opportunity to witness tho "Kina'.t Plato" at Wuodblne on the I8th, or Eistem League ba.':c\ all nmtohos (Torouto and Jersry City) on 17ih, and ISih. Fare Flesherton for round trip $2.05. See p'.attra for furthur particulars. The Advance has received a Ciiminunic- ation from Mr. Geo. Uolman, whom we mentioned a c<mplo of weeks ago as being ill the hospital at grand rapids, Mich, with typhoid fuvi'r. We are ti'ad to learn that George is improving and hopus to be out of iliM hospital in a Cduple of week.". The invalid is not so ill but w'ual he can score tho new postal regul- ations in tho foUowini; si)icy terms: "Surely," ho says '' the happy relations heretofore existing between the Domin- ion goveiniuont and lh« United States are bectuning .sorely strained, at ll'a^t in tho p'istal dep.irtment. The .bdinny Bulls over there have boosted tin) lar.is on our papers half a dollar and now Uncle Sam's Yanl-ees ate retail. Ling with a similar measure for our Canadian subscribers, its a eas') of dog eat dog." The fnnrth quarterly bodrd meeting of the Meth"di.st church took place in Flesh- erton last Tliur.siloy. Messrs. \V. Clay- ton, Ri.'C. .Siewaril, F, \V. Nicholson, R. Wdller, W. U. limit, W. .\. Armstrong, W. G. Shannon, W.Uiichanan and R Uon;;- las. Stewards. Last cniference tinan- ci;il rep.irt was the largest .smcutliu date of the church bu.Kling and last February board returns was the largest in the h:s- tory of the church. The Hnamei ihis year will l,e full and compllte for C'lifer- ence. Last year the nii.ssionary giviii^.s of tlicKpwortli LeagU'.' stood shcoikI hif;h- cst per capita on the '.)wcuSound district, larmly through the ell'orts of Mrs. W. A. .Armstrong, missionary Vice Presidi-nt. Rev. Dr. Caldwell was given a cordial and un.inini )us invitation to return next Cimforenceyear. W.Buchanan was elect- ed delegate for district meelin'^ Shortly before midnight last Fiiday night a wholcsHlo seizure of whiskny was m.ado by License Inspector Beckett and P. O. Andrew Shute at Owen Sound. Earlier in the night a fanner's wagon came over the east hill load with a heavy hmd, and tho story is that two snitiU boys cliuih- ing up on tho back to take a ride were ordered off by the driver. A suspicious rattle of bottles was heard, and tho lads, suspecting tho contents to be contraband, are said to have given the police a tip.and iusppctor Beckett w,as informed. Tho wagon was tracked to the yards of the City hotel, and, just as the unloading began the seizure was made. The farmer said he took the load on at Holland Centre and waa to deliver it to a man named Riddle in the city hotel yards. He loaded the wet goods back into the waaon, when di- rected by the lioenoe inspector, and haul- ed it down to the lockup, where the stuff is held. There is no man of the name of Riddle in town, and as the farmer's dir- ections were vague, t'le onus ot proof as to ownership rests on the (jarties respon- siblfl for tho shipment. The value of the consignment is over throe hundreddirllars, and lher» were nearly nine hundred bottles in the lot. WHEN RUN-DOWN, "DRAOaY," USED-UP. You Lack The Vigor, Courage and Staying Power that "Ferro- zone" Can Supply. Night comes and it i^ hard to sleep. Morning dawns and tho anxious tired feeling i^ .still there. Don't noirloct this gradnal deelino; it cm't euro ii.'>eil. But by foimin? r'ch, puru blood, Ferroz mo wi'l (Illicitly supply the nutriment and building inaler-at your system craves. Iiisantly ym are aware some powerful force is building up ynur doplotnd energ- ies. At (iii^^c you fflel braced, toned, siroiigihcned. S.'arch the world over and you wcm't find anything to tone up a weak syslom like Kerrozone, Pliysic- iaiis c'aim it is the most (.trengthing, up- lifting medicine ever discovered. I No more spe'ls of tiredness, but bounding, joyful health when you take ' Ferrozmc, ot which Mrs. H. S. Gold, of Bowsman, Man., speaks in the following words of praise: "I slate my case becase I think it may assist other women to health, A year ago I was almost a wreck. I was pale and emacialBd, sutl'eiing from nervous- ness and hysteria. Little things aoiiig wrong in tho htiuse bothered mo. The doctor advised dilfi-rent treatments but they didn't help. Ho said my low con- dition was due to weakness that might never be cured. Fenozone had a peculiar grateful effect and built me up quickly. Till! ills I aufl'ered fioin are cured. I am now sitrong and vigorous and was made so by Fen ozone," Why not oast aside the chains of sick- ness and enter the bright, happy life of robust health. Let Ferrozono help you let it cure you once and forever. Price 50c per box or six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co., Haitford, Conn., V. S. A., and Kingston, Ont. Dutch Sets and Potato Onions. A full stock at Bentham Bros., Flesherton. For Banamui, Bentham Bros. Oranges and Lemons go HONOR ROLLS Report of S. S. No. 11 Osprey for the < month of April. IV srâ€" Mary Amott, Millie Winters, Ethel Grummet, Florence Jamieson, Albert (xrummet. IV jr â€" Viola Seeley, Mary Wintei-H, Nellie J.-imieson, Emily Seeley. Class U- Winnie Seeley, Hartley and Nelson Arnott, eipial, Percy Loughced, Alfred down, Louie Winter.s, Clifford Smith. 11 pfc â€" Harold Lougheed and Alice Winters eipial, Lillie Arnott, Johnny Winter.s Clara Smith. Pt I sr â€" Alvin Grummett. Jr pt I No 2â€" Ernie Hardy, Willie Winters, Wilma Down. Jr pt 1 No. 1 â€" Lillie Hardy, Hannah Seeley. Average Att^inibmce, 27 Mahlb Winteks teacher. None need suffer with Rhernnatism. It makes one tliiuk that perhaps some people WANTED to have Rlieuinati.siu. Because they wont take Bu-Ju. Now, isn't it a ftict tliat there .ire a lot of people in your neigh borliood whos.iy "Bu-Ju cotnf>Uiely cured me of Rheumat- ism." V.'lien you read their letters; the agony Oiey suffered with Muscular and Infliinimatory Rheumatism, Sciatica ami L,uml>ago ; bow they trie<l remciiy after remedy without relief, and Uien found health in Bu-Ju, you will wonder how people will go on having Rlieumatism when they can cure themselves at home. ^ntleKicineyPill St. Catharines, Ont. "No l:\iii^' person can realize what 1 siifTercd with RlicuiualiMn for five years. ITie il:sca*H: completely incapacitated luc, and left nic in a uomoul condition. Afler all else failerl, and I fell that I was jjctting worse. 1 began the il.se of Uu-Ju, when I soon found relief, .^fter using a few boxes, I found I had recovered my strength nicely, and after less than i8 boxes had been taken, it left tiie without a vestige of the old complaint. I Ijtlicve IJii-Ju to be the best mcdi- cinifon record for Rheumatism " Mus. Urvsdalb. So confident are we of the lowers of Bu-Ju, of its unfailing success iu coping with cases that have bafllcd even the best physicians, that we guarantee Bu-Ju mtU cure you or your money will Ije refunded. Buy it with that guarantee. 50c. a large box. At all dniggists, or from 70 The aanin Chemical Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ont. Bees and Poultry Our boos hftva wintorad woU and wo Imvo a number of colonies for ?alu and yotiiiQ swurniB kftor tbo flrst of .hino. You alioiild flee our jien of B. ClSrown Lisliorne befcie getting your eijijB for hatciiinu; 50 oeiits for 1:1 eggs. Lot 170,2nd E.TA8.H. B. ALLEN, Flesherton Pasture Tarm for Sale Pasture farm, 100 acres; 75 acres p^r.-v.^s, 15 acres hardwood, 10 acres swamp, never f.ailin); creek, well fenced. Lots 21 & 22, 1st con. S.U.R., Artemesia. jnl5 â€" K.W.\TTEKS, Pricovillo, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of GEOBGE ALEXANDER, late of the Town.sliip of Osi^rey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICR is horobv £:ivon pnrsuanfc to tlio Kevisod St.itntfls of Oiitorio, INSi;. Chap. liSl tliati ail oreriitors and othova having ciatnis against the ostate of tlio said Ooorgo Alexander. d'.)Cea.sod, who died on or about; tho tw,'ntv- fluvonth day of .septonihor, A. (). I0';)tj,'ira r'spdr- od,on or l)of< r.) tho 10th daj ot .luiic, A. D. I'1i7. to fend by post prepaid or delivery to W. G. Mister, hovL-rshani, Ontaiio. uxooiitor of ilio livtwidand testament of the bftid doeeftsed. tti!;ir chrls'.ian aiid euruaiiios, aldressos aed dr-'criptionH. tho full partiioUiara of Iho r cl.iiuis tho st'vtninaut of thoir aco'unt.i ant tho naturo ot tho seouritiea (if any} hold by .\Nb FLMfTHHTl TAKR SOTKH that, after fiin;li lastni'-Uion'^d date tho said exaentor will procood to dii.trlliuto thoai.'^utsof tho doo.mae<i anions tlie parties eiiiitio.l th.->rnto havinti Te> gai.l only to t'.io olaiiiis of wiiieh thov sholl thi'ii havonotioeand that tho said exaontor will iiolbn !i»blo for th.i sail assuti or anv part thereof to any person or porsoii.t of whoso clijina uotico snail not; hnvo boon recolvoil by hlroat tho liino of suoh list; il)iiti jn. Dated April, 20th, A. 15. I'.nr?. LncftS Wriulit Si MoArdle, Owen Sound, Cot. Solicitors for tb^ Executor, SPECIALSALE Commenoing Ma; 15th and coutinaing nntilonly the end of tlie month, sale, which is for cash or produce only, exceeds anything ever held in County. Look here at the offers. This Grey READY MADE CLOTHING AT $4.98 hQ Ready made suits both S.B. and D. B. m both checks and strips. Regular price from $G 00 to $10.00 going at . . . .$4.98 CHILDREN'S SUITS 81.50 11 Children's two-pieced suits, blnase and knickers. Excellent value at. . 91.50 MEN'S SHIRTS FOR 4'Jc 10 doz. men's shirts all sizes from 14 to 17, both stiff and soft bosom. Regular 60 and 75c for 49o 5 di'Z. men's shirts all sizes and new style Regular $1.00 for 79c BOYS' CAPS AT 130 35 Boys' caps, regular 25c going for. .18c MEN'S FEDt)RAS AND CHRISTIE HATS AT 1.19 4 doz. men's Fedora and Christie hate, all latest colors and shapes, regular 1.50 to 2 00 linos for Jl.19 F. G. Karstedt - TIES AT 19o C.unciUor Bremner has invented an adjustable cross b«r for cutters by which a person may remain iu the .seat of the cutter and move tho bar to which tho shafts are attached which will allow the horse to remain on the track when pas- sing another cutler or sleigh. This will be a great convenience to people out driv- ing when tho roads aie high with drifts. With the adjustable cross bar there will be no such thing as a hor.se getting down in the snow, or broken ?liafts. One large carriage manufacturing concern has al- ready offered Mr. Bremner 25c. a cutler on 5000 every year for .'} years for his patent â€" Chesley Enterprise. My Hair is Scraggly Do you like it? Then wiiy be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-buib«; makes weak hair strong. Tho best kind of a testitnonlolâ€" "Sold lor over sixty yoara." ECade by J. C. Ayer Co.. IfOW«ll, Aleo mauafkotur«r« or _> SARSAPABUAiU I 1^ ITC P"-l.S. ^y^B %J CHBSBY PECTORAL. Cock-a-Doodle-Do Just a word to people who raiso poultry. If you want good, healthy cb.ckeiis, buy yc iir incubator fnnn A. Wilson. I set all machines in running order that I .sell, so tbo purchaser will li.Tve no trouble and cm depend un having t'ood resnits the first hatch. T altn'ays have a machine go- in;.'. Call and see and be convinced that you are behind the times without an incubator. A. WILSON, Flesherton Box 240 About 60 ties both in four-in-hauJ, boas^ Ready made ties, regular 25o fur 19c LADIES' READY MADE SKIRTS Ready made skirts all new styles and patterns, regular 1.75 to 7.50 are going from L25 to 5,00 PRINTS AND GINGHAMS Just arrived a large consignmeat of Eng- lish Prints and Ginghams newest cheeks and stripes for 12i to 15c. WALL PAPER We have one of I lie laruest stock o't wall paper in town. We must clear soniu c.f it out. We are selling them for less than cost Call and sue them. Flue Salt per barrel $1.29 Just arrived a car load of Flour and Feed • - â-  Flesherton Farn\ Laborers Hnd Domestics I have been appuin ted by the Dominion Governnient t] place immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm labourers or domestic servants iu this vicinity. Any persona requiring such help should no- tify mo personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arriving may not be sufficient to supply all recpiests but every effort will bo mado Ut provide each applicant with the help required. W. W. TRIMBLE Canadian aovernment Employment Agent FLESHERTON, ONT. Tcndera UiV Dt-edtjing. TT3NDBUS atldressetl to tlio iinderRiRiied and * eiulorstjd "Toudor (or On-dj'iug.' will bo roceived up to and inciirJiiifi Monday, May fith, 11*07, for tlio dredfeinti reiiuiied at Uio foltowlt^g l)lact'8 in tho Provinco of Ontario ilurint; the )>reseiit voar Bollo Kivor, Chuiial Kcarto,(iod» cricli. Kincardine, Port Klj^in, Port llurwull, l^)iut liUward, Port Stankv. UondL-au. Kivtr ThaiHGs, Wiartou. Hlimi Uivov. Sytlouliaiu Itivor. Itcavorbon, Urontu. Hracebritlfjo.Moafonl,, Oweu Honud, Thorubury. Toronto, U'aubau- shouo. Witi^flold IJafiin, 'Mr.;;«r and ToifHraph Iplauds, Trenton Hatbor and Dark Chaunid. I'unotuuf^uisbene. Midlau.1 , IlauiUtoii. Cobuii't Con'binod Hpooifloatiou and form of tender can be obtained at tlio Departniunt of l^iblio Workf. Ottawa. ToutJurs must incluil.>tbo tow- ing of the plant toatid from tho works. Only <ired^68 can bo ouipluvod nliicb aro ro(;i?t«red in Canada at tho time of flliuf^ of tuiiiicrs- C'ontractora must bo ready tobu^iu work within, thirtydayt* after the dato tlioy have hujunoti* tied of tlio acco]>tanco of their toudor. Tfiiidors will not bo coiisiiiored unly.'i' m^d*^ on tbo form Huppliod, and signed with tbo actual signatures of tonilorcrs. An accepted choqne on acliartered bank, pay- Bble to the ordor of llio Honorable tbo MiiiiAter of Public Works, for one thousand tlollart* ($I,O0ii). must accompany each tuiuleraRsecurity. dupopit in ecunc'CtU'U witij the (Irul^ln^* to bu performed. The cbotpie will be returned in e^soof uou acceptance of tender. Tho Department does nwt bind itself to ac* copt thelowest orauvteuJur. By Older, FRED. GELINAS, HocViBtary^ Departmont of Publlo Work9, Ottawa, AprillV. 1907. Nowspapera Insei'tinfi this advortiBonient without autiiority from the Department will not be paid (or it. Springs Summer shoes NOW tbut spring weathar is approaohiug you will re- quiro fiuer Footwear. We liavo made a very gpeoial effort in selecting our goods. 0«r stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. Thty are neat and nobby In Ladies Bals wo have Kid, Dongola, fine f^ual- ity. Li Oxfords wc bavo a (iuo range of tbe latest stylos. In Gents' wear we liave a lull range of all hinds, Wc also have a large a!?sortuientof Childion's Shoos. Trunks and Telosoopes a largo Slock at lowest Prices, Call and see iia. Wm. CLAYTON W&KI^ <mm a«MM

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