Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1907, p. 8

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May 1907 THEBflARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. ().»(« 30 lo 'Mi IVjvt , 76 to 75 tLiiley ^.'i t> « Wli.)iit liiJ 10 «0 H<iy 10 00 t<)12 00 I\iUiOL>«, per bag (iO t.) Wi Hii.tor 20 to 20 Ekj.'". f ri'Kl lo "> ^'> Ciiickeiis <1 *o S (i,.uso 10 to 10 Tiukoys 11 to 11 Outks 10 to lU THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE I Si -vp In Furniture The Imgost aiiJ best stock of fiirtiilmu uvcrnhowii in Kli'slicr- tiii. Ttiis without tonr of coiitru- (lictioii. Coino "uid Biio some of ilio iiioo tilings in Sideboards Dining Roonq Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorn Setts A f.pcciiil reduction just now on everything in ordi'r to ruduoo the stock. W. H. BUNT 3'unnitune Stealer \ U- 'a Flsstetoo - Out. (Xr^-^ . Get Ready . Ti t.ikj ii bjilor pisitiiiri. SucouBi de- pt-iuls upon ymir titnt-ss to Rcoupt pro- ijiotioii wh.L-n it prsiii'iits il,s<df. A fuw r..()iitlis spiiil i.i till" OWEN bOUND, ONT. will llioroiij/hlv prupiru you lo (v;c('pt a Wati 1- piisiiiim and pliicu y"Ur Hcivici^s in uiviitiT liirniiind. Tlirof C"msu« of Htudy, Bl'SINKSS, SHOUTHAM) A TYl'K WIUTINO, ami I'ltKI'AKATOKY. Stii- d'!nis lulinitleil aiuny tune. .Sjnini! '"f" IIP* on. Kull parucuhrH si,iiL tu (iiiy udJit'ss fron. 0,A FLKMINO, Owen Sound k now is a eoodCime 'looiiuir thi; \V( ll-kiKiwn '- XOEONTO. ONT. Ciiin 1 1'.s lli;li ;ji,nli' ('iimiiu'ioiiil niid aiiorlhiiiid schonl. ( >iii- yiiuUmtos aro alw.iyH i>ucoc»sfiil. Tliojj Njporidr trniiiina eniililoH ihoiii l.i (jiA niul hold i'\ii II. nt pusiiioiis. Tlio pupilH who U'laduiitf fr.iin our suhiioi iiPH in the liiv;hfHl und l)eHt nhuho tiuini'd for bus 1 iiUJtiUfo. C I niinui.i'o now. VV.J. ELLIOTT, I'rincipul Cor. Yonxe und Alexonder St». We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from Impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, cxiiaus- tiotif you should begin at once with Aycr's Sarsapaiilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. CnjMi then U dally action of th« bowels, poJioDous iiru«lunU aro abiorbcrt, causitiK heail- arhp, bllloUHriufln, naunfa, iWs|iopalii, niMt lliuii lirovf MtUiK tho Snrsoijarllla from UuitiK lu b««t work. Avar's I'lna aro llvur pUls. Act t:>^atlr, aU r«ti«taljlo. M Had* by J. O. Ajrer Co.. I.ow«n, UaM. Alao manu&oturev* of HAIR VMOB. Aoue ctnte. CHEKRV PECnWAL. Wo have BO •eertU I Wo pabUah tho formalaa of all our modlcinoa. yers SEEDS IN PACKAGES AND BULK We hare in stock a coniplole seloction of May's and Steele Briggs' assorted seeds â€" Tho kinds that erow good vegttablcB. 2 packages for 5c. Corn, Beaua, Turnips, MatiKoIdt, Sngar beets, Onions in bulk at the prices that suit. Also Flour and Feed on hand. The best of fresh groceries. Come to buy you will save money. W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON Business Cards MCULLOUGH * yOUNO Danker Markdals Do a Koaeral banking business. Mooey loaned a roaaouablo rate Call on us. TuniSbBTT, • I'oiilniaster, Ceylon. Oommlsslonor In H.c. •) .Conrovanoer, deeds, iuorti;aKus, loasoH, wills ete. carefully drawn up OdtleoCiouB luad?. cbargos reasonablo. AUo groceries, flour, feed etc, kept lu stock, Friaes ri«hl. - • Rj uTroulb ^ Posluiaator, Flesherton oonimisslouer in H.C J., Auctioneer Cou voynnuur, Appraiser sud Monoy Louder HonI Hstata and Insuranoe Agent. Deeds mortRSKes, leases and wills carefully draiiD up and valuatiouR madeoo sbortoHi nctloe. iiionuT to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col actions attended to witb promptness cliarKes low. Agent for Ocean DomiuioD Staauisbip Company. A call solicited. DUePHAICi, liicensed Auctionoor for the • County of Giov. Terms modera'e and satisfaction RUarauteod. Tlie arrauRfliiionts anil dates of sales can lie made at Tbb Aovasrit olllee. Kusldenco and r.O., Ceylon, Tckpliaue coiinoction. Doc. 9.U7. flKO. fl. LUDI-OW, T.loonsod Auctionoor for llio ^ County of Groy. Prompt aorvko ami reasonable terms. Proton Htaiion P. 0. I HARVET PEKIOOR. Feversham ^' lusuranco, Keal estate and mining stock brokur. Couveyancor. 1/oaiis and Collootlons, Wiiio for rates oil Kire, Life or Sick Ijouiiftt iunnrai}cu or intorinaliuii regardiug Coiialt iiiiiili]f! stock. Kettnr contracts and luwur rates ou Uru insurance now. Societies AO U Vr meets ou the last Monday in eacu mouth, in their lodge room, Chrlstoes block. Kleoherton.at 8 p.ui. M.W., Frank (hard ; Si«!., T. Illakoly, Financloi, W.J. Ilol.aiuy. Visiting bvethrcD Icvltod, pitlNtJK AHTHUlt LODUE, No. »33,A.F.tt >- A M, meets iu the UsHonicball. Htralu's block, Flesherton, every Friday oo or before tbo full luocn. W A. Armstrong, W M.; llorb. amith, bucretary. Clearing Sale At Port Law Kvoivlhiiix ill dry uooiln, (.ooror- les, ItooisHiul Slioos, H.Anlw.ire Hiiii Tinware, lo be hoM forbrl.iw Vrt'.ui; all saltH Niit,,ily cash or pn.iliio.'. 15..ar in iiiiiiU lam not kivviiiK I'ort Lav, only selling tliu ktook Ro I csii (lu\oie iiioro liiuo lo eavu lr()ii!iliin;4 and job J, A. sib. JOHN Uciiura Morobaul and Tiiismit'.i Port Law - - Ontario noL'RT FLESHKHTON 005, I. 0. F. irooU In ^ Cbristoe's Ulqck the last Wodiiesdav evening of each month. Visiting Foieatera lioartllv welcome. 0. It., Dr. Murray: B. B., T. Heury: Kill. Men, C. N. Ulohardson. Ploai-n pay duos to Flu. Bee. before tba Orst day of Uie month. nnosEN FhlENDS-Flesherton tJouucil of ** Clinsnn Friends lueotN in Clayton's ball nr»t and third SVednosdav of each iiiout H p. ni Pay assssauients to the Kecordi-r on or lieforo too nrst ilayof each month. Chief Councillor. T. lllak«ley;Ui'Cordor, W. H. Bunt. Farmers, Take Notice. I have ceased workinn for Mcfurin'wik ljii;'.ii«oj, not tlwt I had luiy fiiiili witli Uiu hii /^eiiiuiitM, liiit.Iack.'.o:! i'^ llnniiidi, of Murii- il • J i.il J » M>:C irniack nix font luiidi^r to .Mr. Wilson Mc.Miilleii litKt liurvest for :#12.'i,llll on tiirw) p.ty.1, and his old r.itti-rxoii liiiiditr ami tlien Bold the old biiid«r for 1^1.^1, niid on next yc.rV terms they are thatftcd to tlnwH tlial |ioiii.i;is they g<'t tliuiii for \eM tliuii I do. Wliy •loll I tlii-y H.<ll tliHiis^o jMarkdal). farniuiH fur tiiusHuic? 'I'his I canprovc. Ui-wi-coiitrict- «l with IVinr llaudlC4in, of IVtuil.'oroiigh, to M.<il hJH iinidoineiits at M trkduin and Kli-nluir- loll. I will ni'II the binders, rtl\ fo.it oil one pay V.'il, '.'iwyx *ll\ thr<H pav»!?12.l; ilrilln, ,mw !•./ l.Jlow ilrillWl, 2 pays tM, tliri'<jpi«vM<i(i,\ i.tiil oilier «i».'«t<i oi>rru»|i'ind, sinallirorlaixir. 1 (till Im at Markdaki af'ur the fii-xt of .March MS'nv .Skturday. Any <iiii< wiintiti« m.iuhium i« r«i>;.r<« will find iii« on .Satiir l.v,'«. ( havi. fiaiHin «kiiic| hwid l>rilU oil Irto'l, Houie only •»ork.'d mil- Mid two y»»ni, Noxoii, Oahawa •nd I'etnr II tinilton. Alan aK<>nt for thi C'uvJishute rinw. Pari* I.la^..i« t<p,kSKli'rauii uii'ltiwaW. V. .MALULU Medical OAllTKH "." '".^ " °"'' •"hyuiolan. Surgeon, etc Omoo and residenooâ€" Peter St., Ploaliettou D llONOR ROLLS nil. A.T. IIOND r ,, flraduats Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario (lollego oj PhysioliauB and 8ur- gooiis. Maxwell. Ou'. tiuccussor to Ur. Scott. J P OTTkiWHI.Ii " Vstuilnary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, JoBl.leiics â€" ssoond door south west on Marv street. This street runs south Prosbjlerlau Church. n WILSON, lilaeksmlth a.".„„i..i„;'""";;'''?."'""' Veterinary RcioDoe ^«uJ } J ..',",";'"'"""• l^urhaw itroet. op. poalte llojd, Hlokllugs hardware. Lecial r U0A9 WRIOHT A McARDI.IC «J Ilarrliters Solieitors Convoyancom, etc ...".I'*".".!"'"'"" Ho»'"'Ont andMarkdaleOnt W H WsmuT, UoArdli I Ii Lncas N n -Flesherton offloa, Ultchalf* Bank avary Baturdav. Dkntikthv Dr. B C. MURRAY K p. R , Cental sar(«on tmnernraaaate of Tuianto liiilvaralty and Urval Callsi* of Oantal fluriouiis nroutaria, Uas a4iai>lil«r*d for tMtb sitraatlon. Baa »i rssilaOM, T»r •â- )» *lt*«l, rU«b*it«B. April report for S. S. No. 3, .\rtemeMiA. 5- IJorttrico Tliistlowuitho, Gertie Bel- lamy, Geo. Harrison. 4 81'â€" Irene Orr, Rob. Johnston, Harold Duncan. 4 jrâ€" Earl Bust, Geo. Chard, Jolm Sharp. 3 sr â€" Jenuio Johnston, Katie Wilcock, Stolbt Orr. 3 jrâ€" Janios Harrison, Irene Sharp, Hob. Chnrd. 2 HT â€" E<lua Stewart, Wellington Quigg, Wdlter Quigg. 2 jr â€" Mabel Irwiu, Zella Benthain.Rob Sharp. I't 2â€" Elsie Caswell, Hugh Moore,Roy Be.st. 1 sr â€" Willie Irwin, Rhoila Best. 1 jr â€" Clarence <Jrr, Ruby Caswell, Sii.iio Chard. Herb. CampbbU/, teacher. April report of S. S. No. 7 ArtomeLi. IV â€" Jennie Muir, Emma Meade and A. Muir oiiual. Ill â€" Clarence Muir, Clara Gilchrist, John Whyte. ll-I Whyte, S. Whyte, L. McPhail. pt IIâ€" Clark McMillan, A Whyte, R. Williamson. Pt 1 srâ€" Duncan McMillan, W. Pars- low. Pt I jr B.â€" Robbie Dingwell, Mary E. Whyte. Pt I jr A. â€" Bobs Meade, Jininiie Whyte. Average attendance thiity. Elizabeth SctXTT, teacher. April report of S. S. No. 9 Artemesia. IV sr â€" IManiniie Magee, Jennie Car- son, Zadie Lawler. III sr â€" Myrtle Parsons, M. Carson, S. I'cdler, M. I'arsons. lUjrâ€" Myrtle Parliament. II srâ€" Wilfred Magee, L. Lawler, Florence Parliament. Pt 11â€" Edgar Linton, Sadie Pedler. Pt I srâ€" Belle Mageo, Wesley Wilstm, Ray Uenoo. Pt I jrâ€" Sam Pedler. B. M. Wilson, teacher. Ropoit of Port Law Public Scliool for April. Vâ€" Alice Holm.iD. IV «r.â€" Flossie Simmons, Delia Ped- lar. IV jr. â€" Gertie Thompson, Harry Mel- drum, Elbert Cornfield. III sr.â€" May CurnBcld, Frank Taylor, Edji'ir Jackson, Ptarl WatHon. Ill jr. â€" Lawrence Lyons, Ilia Lyons, Viola Cornfield, Martha Walker, Milton Walker. II sr, â€" Harry Fisher, Arthur Watson. Lillian McKenzic, Bort Shiers, Sarah Croft, Liz»io Croft, Lizzie Osborne, Vina Watson, Marshall Sherwood. II jr. â€" Gladys White, Annie Fishor. II pt. sr. â€" Millie Whvii-, Frank Shier, Barbara Napier, Iva McNally. II pt. jr.â€" Aleta Lyons, Rena Shier, George Udell. I .sr. â€" Leslie Jackson, Harold Thomp- son, Fred Osborne, WiUie Whyte, Harry Thompson. I jr.â€"- Elsie Croft, Murray Ccrnfield, Nelsc.n Osborne, Aiiuio Udell, Florence Badi:ctow. Average attendance for tho month, 35. H. Stafpokd, Teacher. Are You Losing Looks Or Strength? Once y u were robust bright and happ". Today you aro dull, woriied, failing in vitality and appearance. Ju^t when you should lie at your bi>sl you're played out and need a clcansini;, brhCtng tonic. Your blood will soon redden, your viv- acious Fpirit will 60'Jd return, you'll bo yourself again if yoy regulate the system with Dr. ilaniiltipii's Pills. A truly wodeiful medicine. It searches out tho disease, positively drives away heal ache, weaiiiiess. and lack of vital force. Give yourself a chance. Use Dr. Uamil- '.on's Pills and walch tho result. Sold everywhere in 25o boxes. DROWNED AT THORNBURY, A man named Jninos Smith lost, his life by drowning at Thoriibury on Tuesday morning. Just how he met his fate is not known, as he sppears to have been ahme when tho accident occurred. Ho and his brother wkio goltinu ready to alart for the Bustard IsUnds to fish for tho season. Their t.ki(T was loaded with nets and a (|U^ntity of provisions Tho deceased ro Wed acro3.s tho ri vol lo pump out the water in the skiiT. In returiiinst to his home on the opposite side of the river ho picked up some lumber to Comp- 1 te a hun house he was building. It is thought that in rounding the bend the lumber suddenly sliilted lo one side of boat, breaking Ins oar lock, with the r su^t that the craft drifted down stream, tinally U)>selting and throwing liiiu out, and that ho was drawn to the bottom by the curieiit. The body was recovered by Mayor Snetsiiiger, Captain Henuinn and Uui ham Smith, a brother of the deceas- ed. Tho face and head were bmlly bruis- ed in several place.*, which would appear to iiidioatF. that tho unfortunato man in falling into the water must have struck his head against a atone oi some other Hu> stance with such force as to tender him tnsensibile, iu which event ho would of coitiHH be unable to make any «ffoit to save himself. Let The Ston-.ach Alone You can't care catarrh by dosing tho stoniHch. The disease is in the throat, nose and bionehial tubes. Inhale Catarrh- oxone to the sp<it where the diaeaao really is, â€" it clear* away foul scctetions, stops discharges at oiioe, puriKes and heals the paaaa^es, liicrvlly aiiiiiliilaies evoiy trao(< of c«i«rrh. Nothing else is a<> direct and certain «s "Oiitnrrhnsone." Results Kurnnieed. Two sis *, 26o tLOO at all dtiUcrs, Search parties Sunday afternoon last found iha body of Mis. John McKay, over 80 years old, iu a swamp, two miles north of Southampton Saturday morning previous She wandered from the home of. her son, D. N. McKay, and search (Mttties were unable to find her. Deceased evid- ently lost her way and perished with tho cold The license commissioners for North Grey met in Owen Sound Inst week and granted licenses to three Mcjford hoteU, this being the only municipality in the riding under the liquor licuuso system. Applications Were also received for hctuso for all the Owen Round hotels and liquor stores in view of tho possibility of the Supreme Cour\ quashing the local optioo by-law, the hearing of which ap- peal will take place at Ottawa on or about May 7th. Hereford Bull for Service Herefoiil Riill for sonlce, Spnrtan No27M Winner of .Swei'iisuikcs .Silver lufd:!! at E.isC GrrT Agricultural Fiiir,'1t«iXifnr ficst 2 yc»r old IiuU .iny lirKnl. Will stiuid fjrnerviceat I.<t ItiC, 3r(l west T-S.It. T.rma «1,(J0 aaJ 85.00. W. BU.SKIN Sbortborn Bull The thorough! ired Hhonh'.rn Itull, "I-'avo it«," 02230, is for service (in lot 27-3!S,2nd rang X. D. K , Artemesia, Pcdip'eeim ar.plicati iS Tcrui»«1.2.i \LVX. McKAE. C«yl« VALUABLE MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION Recommended by a Wcll-knowo Toronto Doctor, Whose Love for Humanity is Greater than His Prejudice Against Pro- prietary Medicines. Pure Bred Camwdribs and Berkshires I have for sale young stock of both hieeds ft:r brwKlinu purposes. Coiiie and ace tUeai or write tor pricL-s. .\M7 07 - C; . W. Kof 8. M axwi 11. Yorlisliire Boar for .Service. Til e n cderflfncd lies fcrsfivicc cr let lia, 2iid W. T. 4 8. II., Artemesia. a tti.irouj;hbred Vorketiire boar. 'Xakoview Vift-jr," No. 13129 Tvniis^ICU. Tboroufbtirtds extra. A splcti did Etcckg^.ter. S mos IFob. THOS QUIOO Pro p 60 YEARft" iENCe The following rory rslnablo pre- scription, by an eminent and success- ful physician, will be appreciated by many who are gi!(ferin..T from la grippo, cold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat, lung or stomach trouble, or ruB-<Io<K« iysteni, as it is a certain cure, and will save many a doctor's bill. It is almovt a certain preventive as n-ell : â€" "When you feel that you are taking cold or hare chilly feeling or aching in any part of the body or head, or feel weak, tired, dizsy, unfit for work, pain in tho head or back of t'io neck, do not neglect theao dangerous symp- toms, but send iramediatoly to you: druggist and get a bottle of PsycUiiio (pronouucc-d 8i-kocn), and prepare as follows : "Psychine, 2 toispoonfuls. "Sherry, whisky or water, 2 tea- spoonfuls. "Choice of the latter can be made according to tho judgment and pre^ feronce of tho patient. "Mix thoroughly and tak© roRuIsrly before each meal and at bedtime." This prescription ha.s been use<l in thousands of crs'>s and h;i3 been so univfi'stUy siicccisfal that a numlwr of leading physicians re^nlarly pro- scribe Ps.vcliir.e in their practice for any of the above troubles, or any run- down, wasting or constitutional diffi- culty. It is the most reliable and valuable homo rem<-d.v. It tones np tlio entire system, giving a feeling cf youthfulnoss and vicjor, adding many years to the life of tbcso who use it. " Yenni ago t wns almost a phydcnl wreck and waa suilerinx wilh lung troublc.1. Frleiids and rs?tghboia thoimht I would never get Imttcr. I Miitin !u dospair mysell. Ixmlng tilth In ray piivsli tf.a. ! f .rorured nitofhcr one m(io rvooiu- niendtd iho trf-T ol rsVCIIlNE. It Ha?surprt>lng bcvond di'scrlptlon tho elTect it had. I seefanl lo gain with every diwe. liist-lc of two week* I was able to atteml to lay housework again. There arc no symptoms of ronsiimption about mo now." MKS. CSXUZUSCN. St. John. N.B. •'1 ha<1 been sulTorIng from La Grippe. My lungs were weak aud 1 had a coU£h, but Ptydilne cured uio." MRS. H. BEAN. Cheapside, Out. Psychine can be procured from any dniggist at 60o. and 91.00. It is a vary Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and il.j^CTlr'-!>p. may IQlefcly ascertain onr opinion friv ^nt.ir.er aa Invention Is probably piUenlabla. Cuniniunlca* lions filrlctlyr.niUdeiitiu!. TIanaiMtnlcot: I'lttunta sent freo. tlldtst iL;onrT for ^.'5C^rir!? patents. Patents taken throuiih Munn * Co. recslr* iptdal nctiM, vlthoat cbarge, Ui tbe Scientific American. A himdsomely illustrated w««kly. I jinrest rlr» ctrtatlon of Jiny seicntKlc Journal. Tfrnis. $3 « - -- 'aor munUid, «L Bold byall tiew^.loaler?!, Unia<y OlBco. lUfr Y 8t- WssbJomon D. 'i School Children's E;es Supply Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department sr.\f.' k.L N'^ 3PrEClAW S'l.SSr^ERTn'rJ. ^««P»5R1P»»«^«^ a;5fe736;',^^ap^58P«:v^. « In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, « « Harrows, Ploughs. Cream Sep- it « anitors and Who Foucing. « HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heaird's Carriage Works ^'i^J^i»K9^3i3^e3iK5l^«^l^!^^^iK«^ Flesherton Carriage Works ^•^-^/^^^ %.'%^^^%% %/%^%%^, If you nre thinking of buying a buggy be sure and give mo a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose frona. / Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinils of i.loughs and plough reiwtirs on hand; also repairs for Massey Harris, No.\ou and Md'oniiiek frtnii iiiipleuiouts. A^er&t Fox*' ME LOTil CREAM SEPARATQRI Y>, MoTAVISHC I keep a' stock ou hand al- ways and anyone wanting a cream separator please drop mo a caixl and tneir wants I will b« attended to. • « FlealiertcjA

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