Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1907, p. 1

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ykjsbrrt0n Jlftiiatia, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' -" PPJNCIPLEb NOT MEN." VCLXXVl, no 13^1 Fleslnerton, Ont. Tliursday Mi^y O 1907 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR UOPKiKTOB NEW Jewellery Store i Have you callttd in yet to see our new pretnisea t Bigger Stock Better Display i Of Jewellry, Watcheo, Clocks, PlHlcd Ware, iiitd choico tliiims I ill every Hue. ' Get your Wedding Pres- ents liere, ! Get yotir Wedding Rings hiers. Prices Right. Goods the Best. W.A.Armstrong. and Mr. F. G McDoimlJ paid a short I risit ro the city the piist wc«fe. ) "Wftiting al tiie Church"â€" Our Eu-jenin J boys don't loaf around comers on Sunday I ovenin((«. They just wait about the â-  church door or windows like little men, wiiitini; to seu their boat ifirls honce. ! Seeding will soon be tinUhed around this Iticality. I Mr. We.x. Latimer of Toronto is visiting Ilia parentx, Mr. and Mrs. G. Latimer, j »>â- Â»â- â-  « ' Sore Nipples, I Any mother who has hiwl t^xperience â- with this distressing ailmtnt *-ill be pleased to know that a cure may be ."iluctcil by appiyinir Cham- berlain's .Salve aa soon as the chdd is done ' niirsinfc. Wipe ie <>tf with a soft cloth befor<r allowing^ the bal>e to inir^e Many trained nurses une this salve with best resiUts For sale by W. E. Rich-rpson. I loth Line Osprey I The farmers have started seeding axain after a few days of rain and ico storms the fore part of last week. B>;rn â€" To Mr. and Mrs. .Tas. McKen- zie uu April 35. a No wonder Jaa. is feeliu,{ gay, & farmer boy has coma to stay. Mr. UuRh W ly ail day nieetirf ers church at Tl la&t. Diedâ€" On Saturil Win. Smith of the ended the mom fa- Holiness work- oij Wednesday pril 27th, Mrs. of Oaprey Kiraberley Seeding is the order of the day. Mr J. K. Hammond, Couiiuurcial Uns- ter of the Mejiford Hi^^h School, ai.d Evangelist Neal of that pbica wore the guests of the former s parents here cu Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart of Flesher- ton visited friouds here on SumLay bust! •' Mr -Emers«I- â-  Bro#u Was the guest of his parents near Feversliain ou Sunday. Bornâ€" At Redwing, on Satunhiy, Miy 4, t<j Mr. .ind Mrs. John Proctor, noe Minnie Wallace, a daughter. Misses Kmuia and Ethel MicCluug visit- ed friends on tha east mountain Lust week. We are jjorry to report Mrs. Jas. Lawrence on the sick list at present. We liopo she will soon be able to bo around lig.an. Evangelist Noal of Meaford occupied the pulpit of the Union church on Sun- day morning List. Muried â€" At Thorubury on WednestLiy May 1st at the Methodist jwr.'wm.ige by the Rev. Jos Yoiing,Jennie.oldost daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William McClung of this place to Mr. John Wyville of Van- dolour. W^e wish them a loiijj and pros- perous voyage through life. Mr. and .vlrs. Jaspar Stuart visited in Fleshertou last week. Ben Uislup took charge of the service iu the Union church here on Sunday even- ing last and preached an excellent sermon. Uri. Donald Wallace is the guest of her daughfcar, Mr.s John Prootor of Redwing. Mi.--s Amy Hill of Markdale vi.sited at her pjireutal home here on Sunday last. Miss Mageie Knott is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William Brciduer of Heatcote at present. Mr J. J. Tilley of Toronto, Inspector of Normal Schools and president of the Coo Coo Valley Fisliiug Club, who have « ftshing reserve some two or throe miles Aouth of our village, recently had some ten thou.sand speckled trout 5 inches long pot into the river on their reserve. Mrs. Richard Kellsof Toronto isspend- in^r a few weeks with friends here. ; The sympathy of the neighborhood goes I imt to Mr.Smith in his si^ro bereavonioi:t. Bornâ€" On Thursday M»y 2iid, tu Mr. ' and Mis. Wnj. Poole, a sou. We are very sorry to report that Mrs. Wm. Toolc is dangerou.sly ill at prerent and is being attended by Dr. B<;nd of Max*vll and Dr. Carter of Fleshertoi). I We hope to si'on hear ol hor recovery. We ii'.tice in a report of the exam", of i the Manitoba Aaricullural cidlege in the Winn' pou Times that R. D. CoKjueite, a [son of .Mr. R. J Colnnetlo of Feversham, passed the lirst yea»exnii)3. with tirst cla."* honors, he being second in marit if .'eveu tirst class honor men. Success, R. D. Good Woi-Ua tor Chamber- lain's Cough Kcmody. Pooplo eferywhere take pleasure in testify ing to the ^iH>d nualities of Chaiiiberluin's Cough Kerawly, aUx. Kdward I'liilips of BarcLay, Md., \vril«9: "I wish to tell ynu that 1 rvcommend Chamlnirlaiirs (Jou(?li Uemedy. My little girl, Cathcrini-, who is two year') old, has been takintt this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two mouths old. About a month a^o I con- tracted a <lreadfuul cold myself, but I took Chaialierlaiu's Cough Kt-medy and was soon .as Well as ever." Thia remedy is for nalo by W. K. Ilichardson. I<«ll«f From I^IteumaUo Patas' "I 9ulfcr»d with rhoumatisui for over two years," says Mr. Uollaiid Curry, a i)atiolman, of Key West, KU. "Sonietinies it settled in stty knoes and lamed ms so I could hardly wiidk, at other tiuies it would be in inv feet And hands so I was iu severe paiu auj lame from it my wife went to the drug store here Midoauie back with a bottle uf Chamberlaiu,s Pain I3alm. I was rubbed with it and found the pain bad nearly gone during the night. I k«pt uii lining it for a little more thiui two weeki* and found that it drove the rbeuiuatism awav. 1 have not had any trouble from that iMsea«c for over three mouths." For salo by. W. K. Richardson. Eugenia Ahhough the weatlu'r has been rather untettlcd uf late, yet fields are beginiiin)< u> put on their dres-i uf green and al- though winter lingers on,' genial spring vill Kocn proclaim its msatery. Mr. John Caiupbeil of the valley and Mr. i'^red Martin have Kone to try their fortune at Cobalt, Ko great tish stories as yet as the weath- er has not been good and the streams are rather bi<(h. Mi.'<B Doris McDonald has been very ill with intltaimation of the lungs. Miss Jaunio Roy of Rockva'e it the KMMt of Mrs, DoukIo at preswnc. Nothing doinir yet at the tunuel or dam on account of the unamtlvd weather. Mr. Wnll Urahatn of Toronto visited his mother for a few days, {(t. If uiuliav of the Eiis§R>* bouse Staliona. y Engineers' Certificates- The Legislature of Ontario at its recent session pas-sed an ae trcspeeling stationary enKiiieers in which engineers and employ- ers are alike inter.'sted. Briefly stated, its provisions are that, after the last day of July, UK)8, noeiiuineer will be allowed to operate or havo charge of a stationary steam plant of 50 horse power or upwards who does not hold a government certiC- cate. There are three cUiases of engineers to whom certiticattts will be granted withoat the applicant haviuit to undergo as BxaminatitJii, first, thoso who on the 20th of April, 1907, (the date on which the Act was passed) held certificates from an assssooiation of stationary engineers in Ontirio, or a marine or locomotive engin- eer's certificate; second, engineers who ')ii the above date were in charge of a pliint of 25 horse power or over in Ontario; third, en'^inoers who had at any time previous to the pa.ssing of this Act, noi loss than two'years' experience in the op erntion of such a plant in the Province Those who cannot qualify as above will have to pass the e.xaiotiiations which will hereafter be prescribed by the Board of Examiners. Those interested may obtain a copy of the act and application forms for certifi- cates by addressing The Secretary, De- partment of .\griculture, Toronto. generous feed of home mado taffy. A number of Indies were present while their masculine friends were at home tilling the Nod. While Mr. and Mrs. S. Udell and two small children were driving recent!y,their horse, a spirited one, became frightened and turning aiound suddenly on the road threw the occupants of the buggy out. i'r. and Mrs. S. each received some severe br-jise.s, but are thankful to escipo whut might have been a serious accident. The case of Leech versus Corbett, in whicli the defendant, John Uorbett, who lives noar Victoria Corners, was charge<l by Mrs. Gc'i. Leech, of Iiiisuoje, with point ing a gun at her boys, was before magist.ates McGregor and Sinclair again last Saturday. The evidence, which was Hot available the previous Saturday, was heard. At the conclusion the magistralcs held opposite riovis, Mr. McOiegor being f..r committal. We understand the plaintiff and defendant fixed up the costs, and that the case will not go any further. A G, McKay for prosecution and I. B. Lucas for defence. â€" Herald. McFarland&Co. M.^BfKDALE, ON-rAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST ami CHEAPEST STORE A Money Saving Opportunity For this Week When wu say a "moDcy savii.g oi^ponunity" yoi' can rely on the statement for wo always do as ^vo advertise aud you can always depend nu es'ery word of what we say, for we never e.xaggerate in quantity, quality or price and we invite you to inspect the price indi^coruents we've placed on bargain tables for this week. Iftb'^sc prica indue jiuj:j;s woa'i; attraat you to this stjrs, what will? Portlaw Wedding bells are ringing. Seeding is now fairly under way and ! everybody busy. I Another til tie girl arrived at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. J.W, Lynns on Monday. i Messrs. R. and A. MuMastor of £u- ' genin are busy on the 4th line with theif well-drilling outfit. j Mr. Joseph Hauey of Collingwnod vis- ! ited with his ni.ither, brothers and sisters lately. i Mr. Thomas Fisher, 4th line, has taken a position with merchant St. John. Mr. T. Sherwood's lime kiln took fire the other day, the result is a big pile of mortar materia]. ' Arbor day was observed at our school last Friday. The forenoon was spent in a general clearing up and in planting a garden with vegetable and flour seeids. Ill the afternoon the teaoher and pupils reoderod a «piojr proKiam, pc«a«4«d by a Of Coarse Bu-Ju Will Cure Too. If you are suffering agonies with Rheumatism. Sciatica or Neuralgia â€" if the Kidneys are so affected that you have pains through the hips and in the small of the back â€" cion't hesitate a moment in spending sec for a large box of Bu-Ju, the GetiUe Kidney PilL You will get such relief from the first few doses that nothing could persuade you to discontinue until curetL Bu-Ju not only saves you eudless suffering â€" it completely removes every trace of Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. If your druggist will not s'apply you with Bu-Ju, send retail price to The Claflin Chemical Co^ Limited, Windsor, Ont, 60 Ju'^t eight inches of the beautiful snow fell last night while some shpt. Don't tliink it s:range. Thcio are some people n Huntsvill-3 t xlay who saw snow fiiU 15 inches on the Istof May 18ol. This was in Grey county, Ont. â€" Huntsville Forest- er. There was a very light fall of snow in Flesherton, Grey Co., on May 28th about 20 years ag'i. U was grno, how- ever, before many of the citizens had breakfasJed.â€" Burks Falls .-Irrnw. An explosion in a gas buoy la.<;t week at Owen Sound seriously injured John Fitz- patrick,.aud may cause the loss of his sight. The buoy â€" one of those brought from Seguin and Lone Rock shoals last fall â€" was ready to be towed to its location, and Mr. Fitzpatrick, who was ia charue of the work, was charging It with carbide. Iu some way, prob'ibly through friction, a spark was caused which expbdeo the gas. Windows were shaken for over a quarter of a miie.and carbide thrown far and wide. Fitzpatrick was leaning over the opening and received the full fi'roe of the explos- ion. His face and left arm were severely and his face also badly cur. by flying p'*''- li'jles of carbide. Ha<l it n >t been for the framework, he would hire been thrown into the water. .\i it was, iiis whole right â- side is badly brui.s«l from being pitched a'.;ain8t the iron work. Ue was taken to I he Ueneral Hospital, where ho is making fair pri'gre!»s toward recjvery. 75c DRESS GOODS FOR 4r>c .â- Vbout 300 yards of wool tweed suiting in neat stripe and check olTcuts, predomin- ating colors, brown, green, navy, light and medium grey, full 42 inches wide and in regu'ax way would soil at 75c per yard. These are new and fashionable goods bought f loni a certain wholesale n.s a clearing li»e and we have marked them at per yard 45o. 14.- PRINTS FOR 9o (543 yards of Eug'ish and .American prints fast colors, in new patterns, and would "M in regular way at 12i and 14c per yd. This week you can have your choice at per yard 9o 15c L.\i)IES 'FANCY COLLARS FOR 5 120 fine quality ladies sheer lawn turn- over collars iu white and a.isorted designs and worth in reguiuc way 10 and 15c each Our price while they last oo I 6c GARTER ELASHC FOR 2ic. 1 Good quality fancy garter elastic, | inclMA ! wide. On s«io at per y.ard 2k: i 75c TEA PLATES FOR 48c DOZ. Fancy decorated semi-porcelain ware Tea ; plates. Regular value 75o per doz. There's not many i:f thc'se, so we would i advise you to come <«rly for *heni. Whilo I they last the price per doz. is 48c â-  31 25 MEN S HEAVY BOOTS FOR 90c i 30 pair men's heavy plow boots, bal cut. ! bellows tohgue. rivetud seams a.id heavy • soles, sizes 0, 7, 8, 0, 10. .'.legular price j 1.25. Sale price per pair 00c. I j 35c U AND SAWS FOR 22Ac I Medium weight hand.saws, 20 inches long warranted standard cast steel, worth in the regular way 35o. Our price. . . .22ic 65c TABLE LINEN FOR 48o Extra line, d<mble Damask Table Linen («U linen) full t;4 inches wide. Regular 56c yard, salo price 48c 16 FKGS. SEEDS FOR 25o Don't-forgat us when ynu are in need of Garden Seeds, for we are .sellins: 16 pk).8. (May's 6 cent size) Garden Seeds for. .2oe All Departments abloom with new goods McFARLAND 81 COMPANY ^4 ALL THIN PALE WOMEN Can Learn the Cause of Their Ner vous. Used-up Condition. With women ill-health is u.sually trace- able to nerve exhausiion. Keeliiig run- ilown and tired most of ihf time is niture's warning that niorenerve-forcc is required. Yim must build up, nourish the body, vitalize the nerves, get more fiesh and blood. Its the abundant nutriment and builil- ing material ii> Ferrozone that enable)! it to cure ?o many sick women. It increases the appetite, adds weight .and strength, i-OKtores lost color and develops a surpluR of energy and ni'rvp-fi,roo that ilefies sickness of any kind. There ia living proi'f in Mrs. Daniel Ferguson, Jr., of Prescott, Out. Rend hor stafomcnt: "A year ago my health failed. I grew thin and exceedingly pnle. .\t times F was prostrated with nervous and sick headache. .\ll day I was tired. Al night it was ditlicult to obtain restful sleep. My apiMjtitc was variable and indigestion bothered me considerably, became morose and suffered from palpit- ation. You could â- can>>Iy hi^lievo the benefit I derived in one week from Ferroz- one. C'dor came hack to my cheeks. My vitalityand appetite increased, rene,v- od nerve force and better spirits came nho. Ferrozone did a world of good and made me Wfll. Remember thi.i: No alcoholio- stimulant can nourish and build up like Ferroaone. Fifty cents per pox or six boxes for $2.50. At all dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont , and Battford, Conn., U. S. A. â- A iry ,1 I I ^ BENTHAi BROS. PAINTST PAINTS ! Wo have just put in a stock of MARTIN SEN*.)L'R Pair.ts, every can (^f which is guaranteed to give sa'isfa'Jtion. Martin senour p.iint is guarnn- tofd'lOO i pure. Pure white lead. Pure linseed oil. Pure zinc and color. Sold subject to chemical analysis. Try a can and be cbuviuoed. We also have a full liny of Paint brushes, '.Vhile wa.h brushes. Stove brushes and Shoe brushes. Wa.ll I>a5>ers Our stock is complete wiHi all the latest designs and Colorings. We are ag nts for the Standard Wire Fence, the buac on the market. Highest Prices Paid for Farm produce P .re br«d H'Wte Eegborn Cggs Ur Sale y':^^??'?. ?VL:- * ;^ i' :^^!gsg^ = ^^jy^-i^F r'i^^ I desire to inform the public that 1 Have opened a new Finshoi' m ho ChrTstoe Block, Fl*h.Mt.M.. 1 have purch».sed Mr. F O. Karst^t s coiBplo.o iin...mit".ing outfit and am fully pi^mio.! to do all kinds of cus- tom work, including eavo tr-ughing. fun.aoe work Mid rel^iring of all kiiid- \M\ Slock of hoineiiiMie tin goods viHlI be keui cusiantly on iMUid ' I puriM.se giving wiljyfacwon to my p.ttrons a..d all my wor< will be diJue with that end in view. Give me • call- and a chance to dtuuon- sirato my fitiune ti> serve you. i P.norris, - - FlcsNrton. ^ ^

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