Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1905, p. 5

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t '(A i â- .1i - f t \ i â- ) â- >< TiIK iLESIiEKTON A D V A iV C E Decembep 21 1905 THE . ^fanaard^ am (of Canada) Has opened » branch nffice in Flfsher- !• n, wlieiB a i»etieriil baukini; luisiiii'BS â-  »i 1 lie tninwicteil.. Mum y iiv:iil»blL' f<jr lefuimaiB liUHiin-ss entf piisos. DRAFTS BOCGHT AND SOLD on ail poiii tN it. CiHiaifii Hiiil tha Cniiec! States. llUer. St allow.il 1)11 rto[vsita of Sl.OO ai d upwan:H cuiPniouiiiKtl, liiilf yearly. Agent. ^ VICINITY ^ CHIPS Characteristics of The Past Week Carefully Culled for thuCuii us. . . ib !^3 7!r= ^r=ir^zJ1=SrSlr^ il A Merry Ctiri.srina.'i. Fresh liiiiu .-lUvays on hauil. J. H, Diickett, Euganiii. ^liss liensor n't Lini!s»y w;is tho sut'.«t of her fiitlier here ciuiiiisf tlu- pii.st week. Wood duliverud in town nt ?2.u0 and 83.00 ii.f loiiJâ€" two cotJ-!. II. 1\ Lit;:ite, •Ci-ylon, BiTiiâ€" To J!r. and Mrs. J. W. VMi.se, Old Durham Rua'd, Arltnitiaia, on Sun- liuy, Dec. 10, ii son. Cliop^jing every Tuosdiyand Satiiidiiy, ou. pur biig i>avvii)'.; during tliu winter. Ger-. Watson, Proton Siatiou, Mrs. Jus. Roiilston of Clover Valley, Bruce county, wa.s tiio (,'Uist of Rev. Mr. Huribuildjjuiig the piistweck. FiiV saleâ€" One niilch cow, duo to calvn .Jan. 1, liKlU, a's^i brood sew due end if prBioi.t mui.ih. Frai.k Chard FUsUe;- ton. ^ 1.28 12 Foul- cur loads of h "js wore sbipp.id frnr.i thiH station on VWdtiesday of la •♦ •vrck. This re[j;esi «ts i» value ot about li\ e tluiulana aoiW'S. Lo.st â€" on Nov. 10, (ine cwo lamb. A-Uan MeLeiin. Maxwell i21-12 An il terestins letter opposii.t! small- pox vaccination, frin the pen of Ur. E. K. Riclurd-on of Toronio, is held over until next week. F'arni to Rent â€" li50 acres, 135 cleurid alid in t;cod stato if cultivation ; two orchaMls in beurirg ; gta d ontl.ui dints and t wo fnme lu.usi » on the prii)ett\; iij'plv to \V. H. McNally, -I^ortlaw P. 6. Mrs. Bur'burt will visic with her pur euti at. 'IMwin' uig Uuriiiu hec husband's absence in C. bo. For saleâ€" SpaJ of cod heavy C(dt'. Wni Carson, Fleshertou P. O., ea.sl back lii.e, Arteuiesia. p28 12 Rev. G. F. Uurll'utfc and VV. Allan left Tuesday evening for Cuba. They sail ficnn New Yoik ju Thursday p.m. ty tho Ward line. An extensiveauction sale of farm stock, implements and fundi iire will be held on lot 3!), con. 8, Artemesia, at 10 o'clock â- .t. m. on Thursday.Dec. 28. Lunch served at noon. Ilickling Bros., proprietors. Mr. Edward Uichardsoii of Miohii/iin ia visi'itig his mother, Mrs. Henry Rich- ardson, and brolbors and sisters hero. iHe is accoiiipuuif d by hi.s little son. Mr. 'Richaidson lost his wife by dc.ith receiit- Remember tho Ch.diner's church Sab- bath school iimdvcrsaiy on the evening of Christmas day. A splendid program i.s about prepared. Soo tha larijo b lis for .particulars. Artpini-t,ia township financial sSatenient -is a bulky dociiiivetit tKi.s year, niakiiitr a ijiamplilet of 10 prinleil -jmil'cs. ''^Iie sum- maiy of assets and lialilitirs up to Dec. 15 show as.-iit.H of S7801 77 and liabilitie.i $.543i.7l!, leavini; a balain:o on band of t2407 01. The p.iinphlot is now in tRu •hands I'f the clerk, and can be secured by 'anyone deairii.g a copy. Tax Notice- I hareby give notice that H 1 tuxes in Divisiitn .3, Aitemesia, not paid on or bef.ire Saturday, Dec. 23 will be collected with costs W. L. Writdit, CMlleci..r. . c2U2 Have ynu ceen A. M. Thurston's fine scleclion of Souvenir I'os'al Carrl.";? If youbaven'tyijushould. 5c. each, for 25c A''Co:diiii{ to an advertisement appear- ing elsewlit^ro in these column.^ a now HvrrtMcrement in mail cairyini/ between here and Piicevillo is abniit lo bo inaug- urat d. 13y this new Scheme Prieeville •will have threo mails each day from th a nation, oreii«hteeii irai'sper weel^ The Durhnni Prieeville contiact will be a gepante alhiir nbogclher, .ind will rcma n -one d.iily service each way as before. Ram enin â-  to my premises abf^ut Nov. 15. Owner please p'ove property, pay expenses and take away. Win. Hud.son, Feverahain. p21 12 Pair first claps heavy y iini horses rising 3 and 4, for sale. Apply to W. Oir Flesberlon. p21-12 All pwi'ties indehted to tho underaiuned either by note <'r book account, are r' - t)ue»ted to settle before the 2nd day of •Jamlary. ISVJfl, as after that date onr . â- ^ooks will be placed in other hands (or i osiUactiou, R..P. Legate & Co, Heifer sltayed â€" yearling heifer came ••o my premises ttbout the middlu of Oct. Owner please pr .ve property, pay e\- pensesanil takeaway. Jolin Willi ,m: on, l.>f 21. Old Durham Road. A Great Schoo'â€" The Elliott Busine s Colle;.e of Toioiro is liuiiisj a splendid "ork in tiainii'g Mime men and wome i forpisilioin iis.s' ncgrapl crs, liookkeei.- er.", idjici! clerks.bu II)' sscol o^e 'e.-ichei-, »i3f* V\\>s I'euiii.d for i's ki''"1"'1'i s is always in excess of the supply. The c lb L'e enjoys a lar^o arrendaiice, and its repiira: ii'ii fot Krai -class work is well known. Thj W n'l r Term opni a â-  n Tu..sdiy. .Jan. 2. Write lo ihe pi iicipul, Mr. W. J. Elliott, f. ra .a-ahiguo ..f l,is 8c !â-  ol, if you arc b.turtsted in ii buaii.css e I'lcntion. The Orange Valley L. O. L. No. 509 at tbeir leguliir December nneriui; installed the following otiiceis : W. JI., If'red .Mat- Ik.w»oii; D iVl., Frede/ick York; Chap., R.lie.t Urighl; Rue. Sec, Geo. Litrle- jolms, Fio. .Sjc , J.-imes Deaty; Tn-ns., John Oil son; Dir. Ccr , Cart.r Iriv n; Lecturer, Ddvid ilalhewson; FiistCom, VV.S. Sp>'a>-.'-; 4 Com , .lanns Irviiij^, Sam SpeaiK.Kol.iit Berrel, Geo. Boyce; Inside Tyler, .Jolui Bill not'. The l-idgo ia in a 1 rospeious condition. Visiung brethern are cordii.lly welcomed. FOR SALE-Shii.gle. saw, lath and planing mill wilh g< ud will Business established fourteen years and lirst-cbiss business being done. Everything cm I lete and in g"od lunniiig order. Capac- ity tt n thousnnd feet of hard maple per d.iy. .Small pa)riunl di \vn, babmce (an be arrai yod to suit Ihe purchaser. Pos ses.'.i. n ;iiven 1st Janu.iiy, ne.xr. For lairticul rs a|iply personaly to R. P. Legate, Cey Km, Prince Arthur Lodge A . F. & .\. M., Bavu iheir annual '"Al Home" on Friday eveii'ng la.-t lo tha members and their friends. Among iIioko present from a distance were: Dr. Herb. Little and Hariy Wiiiihr,. Ow -n S.nn'l; Ivir and Mrs. l.B. Lucas. Mr and Mrs. W L. McFarlar.d, Markda e; (J. o. Lug and Dr. Bond, Maxwell; H. H' itman, Feveisham; Geo. WalMiii atj.l .lo'iii Wright. Proton Sraiioii. ^ c'nice luncheon wa.s served by Caterer Thomp.Min, a'tor which Mr. M. K. Ricl - a :-iM took t'lo chair and a neat program was reiiUi ri d consislaig '>! a couple vio.iu aidos by Sir. Allan P,-%i k a:co.iip<nied ly Mi's Leg.-i'c; readings by iViiis Wass nr.d .Vliss Maihi'son; a .«(do ly Miss Zilla T' inilili', and a sp' e,b fro -i the chair.. Ihe I.hUi CO if the i veiling ivas | nl in wilh social games, etc. T le oicasioii fully maintained I he record in l.hc pa.-t by this lodge for iiiviig an evening t^f th r lugh enjoyment to the luembeis, their wives and »«ee Jieartd. k school entertainment and Christmas tree will he givtn at Rockvile Public Scluad on Friday, Dec. 22nd, 1905. Pio- Uramnu! to consist ot songs, recitations, dialogues and good inu.-ic. All are ccd ially inviiwl, ailmisBion, adulis, 15 cents, ohildren, 10 cents. Those must be hard to o'ease who are not more than .saiistied with the Mimtnal Herald as a newspaper and uiMgazine for the borne. ]t has well edited deparl- merils that appeal to almost every Cla^-s and every taste. It has the be.st and most interesting ttories procurable and is woll illu.strated. ( )t Ci urse those who dii not care for^siories may object to them and the su H ho do not like pictuies may think si'aco is wasted by them, but there is plenty of other mailer for eueh. This til. e newspaper, which has n oenily been Old o'ged, is given free to every o'-o of our sub cribers who pays one dollar for a yeir's subscription lu advance. The Ladies .\idof the Mot hodi.st church are certainly lo be congratulated on sup- plying such an excellent concert as that given in the town hall hy ihe American U.>ncert C'jippany on Tlwir.sday evening of last week. Mr. Bickle has a wonder- fully strong tenor voice which reipiired a inucii larger hall to di play it to its full c ipaeity. In respect lo this both siiiKeis weie very much handicapped and couM not give us their be,^t, but what they did g ve was cert.iiidy enjoyed. Some oi Mr. Bi kle's numbers were, "Hold Thou my Hand," I Need Thie," "Peace," and in lijhtor vein, "My Lmvo Nell." .Vliss Martha Powell has a powerful So;:r»iio voice of Rreat compiis->, but labored under the same d Hicu!ty as Mr. Bickle. Mi.ss tjliarlotie PoiVe 1, who took the place of Miss Loot aril on tho progiam, scored a tuccess which has in Ver bi foro been ei|ualltd heic, and we have had some of the best elo uncliii-ts befoio Ihe public She simply charmed hc'r I'l'a'ora with her rendering of some veiy iliHiotilt nu nhers, and wasexoeedii jily !;raci(ius with encores The posiies.sor of an unusually cliiiining stage presence and a n.ittraliiessaiifctieieU by a single touch of stauiness, she carried the syinp.-ithy nf lur audience along w-iih her Irom the s^a^t. The humor of Inr selection fiom "C.po Cod Folks," in whi;h is portrayed the proposnl of Noel H.-oiis, Was a masteriiiece in colloiiuial dialect, and her "Modern Lear" was a timchiiiK piece of dramatic readini; which her heartis will long remenilier. Miss Powell also gave a number of ether selections in her charniin<< way, all com- bining lo con tiluta her a prime favmiiu -With a Fleshertoa audience. Wo would all l.ke to hear her again. Tho receipts, soma J.iO, dd not bcnin to noike a requisite amount for the excellent pro- gram rendered by bo h singeri' and n adcr They were deserving of a much larger houae. CLVUtsSOALB STOCK FOOD FOR SALB BY ' OYD, HICKLINO A CO.. W..W. COi.t.tNOHUav 1 H S. MATHFCWH A : ON /â-  .r. HUTOHINSON O.K. MoARTBUB. XAYLORACo. FbKSHBliTOM DUNDALK MAIlKtiA-KE! Kl VKhSBIAM H0PBVi1.l6 JQiUUttUUI. $bortbo:n$f02*$ak. H(;ifarsai)d,Uiilln of extraquality aiiii breed- ing. Al8o CotBwold und LuicoFtor sheep. Lumbs iu their soaHon. A|)plv to CHAH. STAFFOJU). Khihhortoti. Boar for Service UosiBterfd Vorksliiro Boar. CroBlliill Jack, ^c. lOjiii, on lot 170, 2iiil K.T. & S.Boad. foriufl S1.0O. I'cdigreoou applieaiion. UICH.\RD ALLEM, Boars for Service TIio ouKhbrBd 0. I. ('. liog;, Arteuiesia Pride nn. alJ.i, tornm Sl.dO; iiLso Ylirksliii-e lies, toriUB 7Je. T. LHVKU. lot 1-10, T. &SJ. Hoad. Farm (Uanfed To Rent For puBscsBion March lat a 60 or 100 acre farm near Bchool ami P. a.cmnfortablu liouso and Hiioil baru aud KH.l)lin(;, utn. liv a coiuiiet- eut, iiidus^triiiuB farniar Willi stodi and iinpl.)- Dimita Squuru ci.).ili„(; auj i\ ohauco to iivd. Apply air Ibis otticu. Election Cards. To tin; Elociors of Arlenwrna : La ;iea and (Jeutluinuii; ImviiiK boon solicited by a larftu iiniulier of rale payers . ( .Arteaiesia to beeouio u caiiditiutu ler cnuncillor, I thoi-B- fore solicit yuur vuto and iiilluencu. H. D. McLOUGHHY. TOWNSHIP OP OSPBEY. Ladien and Genllemcv: 1 have (looided a^jnin to mitor the Held tor i-oev.! fur tliu township of Us|)i-oy for tl.u yoar I'JtO and ruspoctfuily solicit jour votes aud iutluuucu. J'. N. ICLN'-VKAIi. Maxwell. rarm for 5a I e. For sale chean and on i asy tarms of iiaymtiut and if reijuirod, possehBion at once, lots num' bers U7. 118 St Hi), eoi'iesHoli 'Jiid , K. W., T.AS load, ArUiun.>iu. llS aciirt about half a luilo f.oiii the villttiiB of Flusliortun. On said farm is about 7U acres clea td.fmiotid and uinlBrciilt- ivaciuii. Ill acres of wbicli is in uinailuw land, and about iM acres pli)iii>liiMl for nu.tt t-prinys crop. A com ortablo loj- ilwollins with frsuio addition, and log barii aiiil stables. Frame Imiilemeiit-bouse, aud a i-cvor failing Bi)riiig close to tbs liwolliiif. Till) farm is a splendid Riain and gnuiiiK farm, undone that invariably (jlvcs HOod cli'liB whuu proiiurlv put in. Apply lo K.J. bpioule. I'lesUeitoii, or ills. Uobt. But ledtje, Klosbur.ou Farm Tor SaSe* .W acres, c^ay loam in tinviisbip of .St. Vincent .3) miles from Mealurd. Uoud baru and Blied, Rood fruliiB Uouse, f,.ll plou«lii-)H done, well watered, yuoU In r v oo i bnsu and mail orol:- »â-  d. i'or lurtber paitiuulnix apply to \Vm. » e s, Prtj). lUualoru, Out, Mail Contract SEALISU TENDKUS ttddroBsed to the Post- niusiui- (j^neial, vviii be rtiuoivoa at Otttiwa uiitii Noou uii I'iiiitty ii8 th Jann-iry, lOtHi, lor tlio cuuvcyaiicu ol His Jiujosty'd MaIIh, mitt cuutruct luituuryuurs btx tiiiit.'H per weuk t-iuh WHv, Ijutw on Duihttm undPiicuvilltiau ^ .i.iiiouii Liuioa I'or wctk b^'LWbeu I'nuexiHuaiid t lr>^heitua (.'. J'. Kailwav blutiou £i om Lho i'UbVUiUbtUl' tjUtlt^l-ikt K lilOHHUlO. I'nii'.L-d uotiocs uoiitainiiiK further infonim- tiuu as lu uutidiliuuH ^l pruiJUbiMl cuuti'ict urny bo tutiii ana biaiiU luuu^ ut ictudui* may bo ubiiaiuoU at lho l'o»t vjlUct-a ol l*iiOt:Viilo DuiiiHiii, cL>lou aiiU b^Jlu^hau and at ihti OUiUto ui. tbe Pubt uUice Iiitiiifutur ui 1 urouto. G.C. A.NDlillbON, Suptfi iuteiidoiit, Post Olhco Dcpartiucut, Mail Cuutiact Uraucb Ottawa, lU iJucuuibur, i'JUu. By Law No. 462 ot th€ Township of Osprey. To prohibit tlie retail sale of -spintu- Dim anil fciiueiited liqiioL'S iu the Township of O.sprey, Bo it enacted bv tiio Miiincipal Council ni the Coi pos-Ktirii of tho towiiKhip of Osproy in the County uf (li-cy. That tlu* sale by retail of !*pii itiions fertnent^ od .ir otiier inaiiufactnred liipiors is and siiall be proliiliited iu bvi^vy tavent, ti,n or other place of public entertainnioiit in tlm said town- ship of (.isprey. and the sale thoreof, i;xcui t bv whulosale. isBiid sliall bo prolu'iiterl in every -shop and place in the paitl tuwiisliip otiior than a house <*f publin entortaininent. Tlistthe vote t*f the latopayoi-B of the said township of Ospi-ey will bo taken on this bilnw by tii.i deputy retuniiiiR otlicers Iniroiimftei niimed on Moinlay the (list day of Janiiarv.One Thousand nine hundred and Ri.x, eoninnHieiiie at nine o'cloek in tlie foreneou and . oirtlnuiiii; till five o'elook lu tliu afternoon at tlio fnllowina mimed plaeos, vi-/. In pi,i:iiiil div. .\o. l.ttobiiiBon's llall.lot LUleon' -.!, N. I). II.; Ill pollli.K div. No. -J Orange Hall' Maxwel';- tii pollinu div. no. :i School Hoirhe' Kevorshair; Tn polliiiR div. No. i. Omnpo Hall SinKluiniptoe; In polliiiK div. no..'i. Mcho j'lline-e' Melntyri; In polliiiH div. no. 0, Oranuo Hall' Hob Hoy. 'Ilmt the foiluwlns nnined pernons be, and they aie bert by appointeil deputy re:ni-nini! olllcers to take llle said vote in the>:bveral poll, ini; sub iliviBions of this Inwnsliip, viz.. In Oiv. no. I, 111 bcrt Hr w.-; In div. no. 3, los w Oainov ; in dl-. no. .1, Ira H, I'urijji.: In div no. i John LiiKhay; Iu (liv. no. 5, Thos. Scot,; lu div 110. 0, T'bor. S. I'ruethy. That nil tlie fifteonth day of Dnoonibor. A.D 191)3 at thoOiani;e Hall at Mfxwell hi the town- ship of eisnrey al the hour of ono o cloeU in the aftornoon, the Ueeve f hall appoint in writiiiR siinieil by himself, two persoim to attend at -ho llnal snmiiilnR np of tho votes ami one per son to attend at eKcli polling place on behalf of the persons Interested iu aim desirous of pro- nioliiiM Ibo pusshiK of this bylaw, and a like number oi- buljalf of the poisons intorosted In and desirous of opposins Uie passing of tuia U-,law. 1 hat tho clerk of tho paid municipal council of the townsllip of Osprey shi.ll attend at Iob olUce in tho siod township of Ospiov at tho hour of two o'clock tli the nfternooii on tho second day of lanuary. A. I). lllOCi. to sum nn tbe number of votes Kiveii dor and againbt this Hvlaw. That thiR Bylaw shall conio into opoialiou and hoof full toroa ami elT'iotoii an I after the tlist (lay of May, uoxt, after tho pasfing theroof. Beevr. Thomas Siott, Clerk. NOTICE. Take notice that the ahovo is a truo copy of apro|>or,ad Uylnw which has boou taken into c-ouslderation bv tho Miinicijial Council of tho Townlhipof Osproy, and which will be flually pMSol by the said Cornell in the event of Ibe assent of lho eltctors beiug obtained thereto, after one moutb from the pnblioaiion thereof in the Kleshertoii Advance, the dale ol which Sublioatiou W"S tho seyentli day of Daoeuiler, .D. 1005, and at the hour, day and plaouB theroii; fixed for taking thevotoa of tile olectoia the I'olls will be bald. THQS. SCQTT, CJtirK.. \^ff^s^ri^;SisS:ii!?i^^ Very Merry Christmas to all | Old and Young - - Rich and Poo. How can you and I make the coming season Happier for the young, the old, the young men and women, and everybotly around us ? o o o s o o Well, I am doing my best, anil if you all ti'y ^""l *^o your best success will surely crown otir efl'orts. I have as usual been down to Toronto to pick np bargains suitable for presents and have sticceedetl iu getting some of the best goods, best values ever offered in Fleslitrtou, a great deal cheaper than they are sold for in any of the lurger shops in town. We have toys for girls aud boys, train track, guns .5c lo SLOO; dolls from I inch to 30 inches; dalls, dressed and to be dressed; games of all kiuds â€" c':e3S, check- ers. Dominoes, donkey party, parchesa, Japan games, halma, crokinole; tl.e new card games â€" Flinch, Block, Bunco, Toot, blieriock Holmes, Pitt, Lost Ueir, etc. Gold and silver watches, dressing cases, shaving oases, collar and cuff boxes, tnanicnre cases, auto albuiBP, photo albuins, photo frames, toy brooms, sleighs, snow shovels, carts, wagons. Tiiick gammon boards, and tiiu new tumble game A beautiftil selection of reading bookc, auitablo for presents for Sunday school classes.also toy books, hymn books, etc. Hockey slicks, hockey pucks, pen.s, paper, envelopes, ataiiouei-y of all kinds, also a grand selection of perfumes from the Inatlinq; makers in bulk and bottled. Brushes â€" clothes brushes, hair hriisheg, tooth brushes, nail brushes and paint brushes. Ccmbs â€" back combs, side combs, top cotnbs, dressing conabs, and small combs. Lanterns, candles, casli boxes, banks, rattles, soothers, nursing bottles, machine needles, cups and saucers, shaving mugs and ugly mugs! Souvenir postal cards, natchels, purses, pocket books, bill books, pipes, cigars, pouches. Cases, Fills, plasters, potions, lotions, powders and salves. Drugs of all kind.s, dye- stuffs, sweets, nuts, oranges aud lots more, meutiouable and unmentionable. .......... The only thing is for you to como and see us, Bringthis paper with you and â- what you do not see ask for. Store open all the time. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON DRUGGISTS Flesherten ^>: :-: Ontario. ; ^ * Jk ? .^ ? A^^ ' J^ r! A,^^ r^ ^ g^ Now that ^^'inter is on yoa are needing warm and conifoi'talilc footwear the pr(.>per thinjj^ is to call at C L A YTON'S. We have a birge stock suitable for the season. . . Men's and Boy's Heavy and Light Rubbers Overshoesâ€" All kinds Ladies' and Children's Overstockings Leather Loggings, Canvas Leggings Felt Boots and Slippers Men's, Ladies', ChilJs Boots & Shoes 'i'ruuks, Tulcscopes, Shoo Polish, ALL AT LOWEST PRICES SHOEMAKER, ^ X T w m ^ 2^ c&:^<^p^^!>^:!^<i<^<m>'!:^ Complete Assortment -jf Coys, 44 Dolls ^ Games ^ Picture Books Christmas cards 'andtes 10c lb. W. J. Douglass^ Medical Hall, Flesherton MHitiiM -i.

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