Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Nov 1905, p. 5

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T il E F I. E S Ii E R T N ADVANCE Nov EMI EH 10 19o5 ^ MONEY ORDERS Of all inethoilH of remiltiii!; hhiiII siu>:8 l>y ninil,lhe ni(i£tRonrtnient will W fouiiU to llO 11 Bank Money Order. Tlicst- nidors nre pij'iililo nt any offici) nf .my Hai:k in llio coui^trj*. Pliey ciiii be nb'iiiiioJ ami cashed williout niiyile- Ifiy or fiiniiiili'y iil. cither eiiJ, as a naiik alwrtjH lias suffioieiit fuiidn oi. Iiuiiil :iiifl is alrtnyH sitURtid in a ci-nlr.-il prirt if a town 4n' villncjo. Thi-se Mi>n.'y OrilLTs c*ti l« cndi sed in an ordinary letti*'', without rt'^ist ration. Payment to tlie righl party is giiaranto^d, and duplicafcs tif Ordors wl'ioli uiny bf lusi are inRiifd. The ci:st of tho.so orders is as fiiMows: â€" S.i. nnd UHdi<r "c. ?5. to SIO Cc sio. to mo inc. ?.m to §50 . 15c. Tlioy may liu oblaineil at iiiiii' 11 OF CANADA Markdale - Ont. Chnrnctcristics of The Past Week jj. Carefully Culled fur the Cu.i U8. . . ii &Jr^:=J fz ^Jr^Jn:^', s ::^.-=J.-=J/^-. ^ Fresh lime li'viays on hand. J. 11, Dnckett, Eujfuaia. Wo are glad to li^ar that Mrs. Sykes <if the !;;avtl, who has bei'ii very ill is im- proving. For No. 1 Sprucu Siding go to R. P. Legate vt Co. Ceylonâ€" 2'\0I)0 ft. in stock. All b'liik accounts due S. Co!<|Ui>tte, J'leshtTton. il' not paid by Ni'V. .30 will be put in couit. 30 no Farm 10 Rent â€" liJOacr, s, 1.'15 cleirVd and in gnod stito of cultiv.ition ; two orcharila in bearing ; goi.d outbuildins^ and two frame liousts on the property; np|»lTtoVV. U. McNiUy. P.irtluw P. 6. Mitts and gloves,/ for sale at Clayton's. Rev. 0. F. Hurlliurt is coijlei.ii^il.ititig a holid.ty in midw.nter by way of a triii to Cuba and the West Indies. For Hardwoi.d I'ldmiii^s go to IX. V. LHijiue & Co., C«!yl.i., 812 perMan.l up. 100,000 feet iu slock. Several L'o(jd ipetiiiigs for intcUig 'lit nu'D lo write Siek Ueneiit busines.^, wlmle or spare time For full information aJ- drtss iJ. Ferigoe, Feversham, Out. For 'So. 1 Spruce Flooritii; go to li. P, Letfiitu & Co., Ceyluuâ€" 15,000 ft. in stuck Mrs. Buinier who has been suUVrin^ from I'.n attack of pleui y, ii reei.veiing itiij Hill be aUe to utiend to her duties in the gallery isi a few days. For S.ile--Oiie g^.od g./neral purpose 8-yoar old colt, uash or good note; nUo 1 lioifer rising 2 yeara. John VVbutcn, Fletlieiton. The Baptist th ippl at Rockvnie is near- itii/ eouip et.oii, and nill be opened eaily in DecemUei . For the benulic of our Califoinian read VIS, uiid to CuUSB iheiii to nigh for the pleasures '.f our Cauauian winter, we will sale tiiat. our tir^t rtal fill of snow came on the ni^ht of Oct. ai. The folUnving diiy s!e glia «eie seoii on tlio stroits an i all lime ot wutiii^' (Uouday) a ref^mai old li.iie biiow stunii is on. .Just arrived!â€" Car W ii.dsor Salt, car Peiiiioliue Coal Od, the l)e8t Aiiu-iicaii Oii imported. Koyil, iligkliU^ & Oo., Fltslierlon. Ml. A U. Fawcelt, who founded the Advim;e iweniy-four ycits ago, and later was the propiittor of the Leader and Ue- cordei, Tor.juto Junction, has purchased the Uurk's Fal s Armw. V\e wish Rro, F'lWcett coiiliuued success in his new venture. Mr. H A. Will, tt, at the Medical Hal', h>s thoiough tqupmenl c,f iii.s;ruinents neccessary for instruclion iu Teloi/iaphy ~n full course at his selioid yuarantees »>:oie cxpeit knotthdgo (f the art, both f..r couiTnereiiil aud rail*ny work. The c.'ur.<' imludes all matters ueccflsaiy for either IriB nf eHiphiyment ami the ch«rgi'» aro most, modciute. As the ac- eomodiitioii i, linrtted it js well to enroll ••ny. M(n'.i first cla.ss Le.iiher Leggings for ^j» and. M«n at Cluytou's. Teacher wantedâ€" f,.r S=.S. No. 11, Art- emesis, fur the year liWO, male «v female bidding a second class certifienfo, personal applicatKins prcferre I. Apply, stntiiig salary, up to Ni.v. 4th, to Geo. Prilchard See. T:vaH , Vandeleur. Cl'oppii.g done every Saturday. 0. Cidlii.s n, C.-y'on. 2.3 nf>. .At a recent mooting of i he Royal Tomp- 1 irs (Fountain Ci.uncil 140) it wa.s de- cided to oi>-inii:e a liieniiy s.-ciety in poiiiieetiiii with the Ii.i'ge. The Digist was to 1)0 the | nl tici! riiL'»n and to be devoted to the iiiterestjt of the society- The paper will be publithud every week, and a copy ri ad ut each xeiting of the lod-je, fur the eidiuhtmuienf of thofe ben'i.'h'e.i souls «ho call iheuiselTes U 3'al Tcmpt.ir.-'. â€" Ui.Mst,. KoT'.;.--Bro. D.ilani}' has the makinus of sn excellent edior and turns out a newsy liillo t) pe- vrr'.ttert papi-r. â€" [Ed.] One of the woist cases of a Ihma e\er k: own was Mr. Si n, it Leauiinuton. lid sii(rored from asthma and bronchitis for 23 years, but htis hcoti completely c irud by a new treatment ar.d will sei;d pirliculars .lud recipe to anyone trouokd with aMiinia or bronchitis. Write E. Sim, Dox 144, Leaming'on, Ontario. On halloweVn some buys who were bent on having "fun." lirtdoffa gun and the shot struck a wiiidow in Mr. Henry Howard'u !e^idence, near where ho and his mother sat Fortunately the load was pretty well spent, else it miuht have been serii.us for the nccupant-i, as the ball might have ei. tired ihe house. A.< it was clie gla.Sj was shattered and Mrs. Howard veiy much friyhtened. Henry ••vonld like to know who the miscreant ' aa lluii with ring with srainp "C. iSi E. Wood" sti;:yed to my prKnii;<es about Oct. 20. Owner ple:;.se prove property and take away. Hairy Coullhaid, Fev- eisliam. Regi-i!ered tamworth boar for s.-ile â€" At h.l SO O.D. R. Is perfectly ijuiet anc is * .•-ure stock getter; will be sold nason. ably-W. J. Mead^CVyhm. A meeting of iho Centre Grey Women's Insti'^ulo will be held on Tue., Nov. 21, at 2 p. m. al the homo of Mr.'. Jacol^ Thompson. A full attei^daneu is desired, as importnnt busioessisto be transacted. All ladies are cordially inviteil. Fur the Ladies' Clayton's have bnl ton Oversli.ies, Overstockings, Fidt Boots, Fell Slippers, also a lot of rubbers in the latest fancy style. Notice to Creditors Tn tlienuKor of the estafii of WILLIAM UILLES, litii oi t ho Township of Art'Miio^'Ui ill »lio County of Grey, Kanni'V, deceiiKcd. XOTIOH in hnrebv fiiveu purnunntto tlio Re- viso.lSliitutdrt ofOntaiio. 1M)7. ('Imp. 120 that hII uv4Mliturfl and oth«rR ImviiJt; claitnB n(;nii)Rt th« MShiTeof th« HRiM WII.iJAM (ilLLIKS. ch» nt'a^eil.who <lio<i on or about tlio Tenth day of .lnn« A. n. iy05, are reqnintd cu or before tin* 'J^i (lay of Novenibor A.U.iyOotn Ft'tirl l>y poht pre- paid or rteiivor to Unnatd (Jilliiw. Piuton Sta- tin», t,h(» miininist.rator, or to MoKwra. Ijiica«, WviKlit aii't McArttle. nf tbo Vil]ii«o nf Marli- dalri. Kflicitorii forthe naid ailiniitiiitrato>, tlmir tihri^tiiii) and Knrnionfts*. ar.dres'^ps aud doscrip- tioMft, thu fnil imrtivulaiH of tbeit- claims, tlm Rtsieiiipntof tbfii- accotintH and tliu iiatnro of thf securities (if ary) held bv tliuin. ASO KniTHEIl T.\KK NOTICK thnt after snch iastineutiunod date the naii) adinui in* ru tor win proc**t»d todiiicrit)!!!^ tlionssft^of tliH .Iticcas nd I inont" the iiaitiuft'iititlttdtlnTHto.lniviiit' rr- tfard onlv to tlie clrtiins of which tbuy Klml! thou huvo not c«, and that tlin sa d exccntorB will not bu liable for the said asiets or any part tliereof to nny person or person.^ of wlio.io claim noticH shall pot hav'eb(!<»n lecnivudby tlloui at tlio tiinn of Bnch distribution. Dated tl»o becnp.l dav of November A.D.,UXi."i. Lucus, Wri«ht *t McArdh*. Owua Souud^Out. Soocitorafor the Rx«cntnr«. Farms For Sale Pni 1 1. Lots r,r, mill '•!">. ooii. :i N. D. Tl. Opprov, coiiiiTOsed ot KlOaoit"!: 78 acres wuil ikiiuwI, 1);,1 ance eootl iiiaple l>il*-b. 11 miles from -.i railroad- clnao tfi schools, stores, post oHicc, churcli auo (lesiiablo iieiKht-nrs. Vur* II. east half lot 7 siid lot '8, con. 1 Osnrev I.VJ acres; 110 scros ciparod uu.i wt^U ciiltiviit*'*!. 2(1 acres uooii bush. t>ala[K'e tinihiu* eXot'iU wooii taken off, '2 wood wellw, frame Noiise aufl kitcliwn yooil.Rtoi].. cellar, new barn and stotio stnblinr . Close to nil cniiveni*»iict-s. S iniltis from railroa-i Paat III to*.s 17 and IS ci>ii. 7 ' 'sprev about P.l n.' rc9 witll tiinbcro.l hn'<h, balance Rood «ta e tiiltivatinn, sf.iichiv Inain. l'o^hI burn and st- . Idus. Ii0.\8'i ft. wiiidinil), ensi-lace cutter and Rvaiii crusher attached. Franie house new kit- chen never failing well anil wind mill att-iclied well adaptL-d ft r stock farm, i li.iles from vil- lages of Maxwell and Feversham. Timber can be bi.:n,'ht se^jeratelv b<»iiiR 1^ inilo.-i from 2 sawmills. Kiisy terms payment. Ill health c iiiscs owner to retire from business. for further iuonuai ion apply to JNO. .\. SCOTT T.ock Hox !H9. CtriiiKWoofi. If you want a first class trunk, telescope or suit case c.iU and see Clayton. A. M. Thurston has some Sue postal cards on hami at present. They consist of views of F!oshortoii, En!;enia, Kimber- I'jy, Fevernhain and Markdaie, and may he procured at The Advance oltice, Fl.-sh- erton. Price, 2r)c. per A do/. Call and "ce thorn or write for catalo.'. If yon. 70'jr friends or relatives suffer wllh Pits, Epilepsy, .St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to The Lkibh; Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All di uggi^its sell or can obtain fur you merchant Cailoring 1 LEIBIG'SFSTCUiiE NEW SUIIING5 OVERCOAT INQS T.70USERINQ5 Just to Hand. PRICES LOW FOR CASH. H. ALEXANDER. FLESHERTON - ONTARIO. Durinu Recent .Months the 1^ ELLIOTT y^/^ 1 • -"O, ONT."-^ Cnr. Yeiigcilt Alcxamier Streets. Has received ten, Hfteen, twenty and even fifty times as many calls for stenograp.4rs, bookkeepers, ot?., as il had students sjraduatiiis; dnriiiy the same months. Some of the ^Jiil .ri.s offijred Were from ^40 a monili to $1200 pur annum. W. ,1. Elliott, Princii):il. ' N â- < ] i PERSONALS,^ Boar ler Service Ilejrir.toi'od Yorkshire Uo«r, Creslhill .lack, N<\ KJj-il. on lot 17il. 3iiil K.T. it H.Iluad. Terms $1.UU. Foilitiree oil applicarion. MICH.VKD AX.LKN. t^ac'ccr lOanted R. S. No. 17. Artomosiii. Protestant prefer- red. Apply siatiuK salary aud o.xpuricnco tu It. \V, CUMtif, Mosh.^rton, I'. O. Mr. Edgar I5ol!,iii,y 1. ft lo day (Thurs- day) to take a position in Toroiitn. Mrs. W. Crossley snd iUaster Charlie returned list week from an extended visi' lo friends in Toronto. Mrs. Spenco with her family hasro.iiov- ed to T-ronto and will reside at .â- -^2 Wilton Ave. Mr. Dick and iMi.-^s Annie VVilcock at- tended I heir brother's wedding In Toro:ito on Tuesday. Mrs R.rt MuiUey of Silver Creek, N. Y., spent Sunday with iirs. Join. Whit- leu. She IS also visiting with Mrs. John Har. ison. Mrs. (Jeo. Suiart visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J,.hn8ton, inThoinbury du ii'g the aliicnce of Air. Stuart, wl.c WIS chasing the tieetfooied beauty. iVJr.s. .J W. r,!.,kel.y, of Corbettou, returi od homo last week after visitiog Mrs. Geo. Best fur a few days. The Utter has recovucd nicely from In r recent illiies.s Mr. I eor^c Stewart returned hist week from lis Ueei-hui. ting trip iu Collin«Wi od township. He 8.-.ys uame is very scarce there, which is the nijiort n'her local s.iortMuen have .scut from Parry Sound aud Muskoka. Wanted i'nniedia'ely L'ood local agent fir iig- cultural implements lo sell tur fill line in ihe vicinity of Flesherlo"! and sarroui.diii-' dihtricr. A|iply to thoSyl- ve.ster Mfg. Co, Ltd., Lindsay, Out. Mr-. Riidlcy. Mrs. Rev. L. W. Thoir. and Mr. .la . Fiistead attended the con* venlion ol ih- Young People's iMiii.n if the O.ang v.ll I'reshyfeiy at Oaledoii this we«k. I'lie convention was very ttt^oessful fr.'in every pi int of view and the eutertiiiimeiit provided by the Cal- (dim p;op!e was excellrit Rev. Dr. McKoiizie of .Slielbume, vave "ho opening address, his theme beinij "Christ Exalt- ed," and was followed ly Kev. Dr. Mo Laren, who spoke on "The Supreme aim of the Sabbath School." Rev Dr. Mo- Kay couductid a coiiferenee in Mission cluui studios ill thoevei 'ix.'isvi Rev. Dr. Huchanan spoke on niissiuii work iu India Taken altogether it was ^ipononnccd by tbote who att;nded,as being the aio.st Hucceosful convention of the OrangeTilIe youn^ poo^ilu's soQietiesyet hold,. Mai! Contract Sr..Vl.KO Ti:NP;:itS a.ldi('Ff.ed to t!iuro«t- iiia-tiT CJ^noral, will be iitcuivoi at Ottawa until Noon t:n Kriduy ti2ud T)L'ct;ujbor, liiO."i. for tliu cotivo^anee of His Miiju^L,\'rt Mails, on a Contract iiu* fonr vtutit* hI.x titiics per wwk ••ach wav, hi;tw on Muudalk and Aiclutyre float tbu Ih'bt of .Vpi il MfXi. Prin',*d notit'L's ooiitai. sin ; further inform:',- tinn aK 10 euiiditions i.f proponed < untvict may bo huun and blanl: fornix of TiMider nia\ bu obtained at tlm Post *)iiie<B of Unndal':, Mclhtyrt , Dadjerotf a;id Sbri;;lev aih) at llu- OUico'of Uie Puht L'Utuu Inr.pectur at Toronto. O. C. ANDKK^O.^'. Supt-rir.tendont. PjRt OlHce Dcpaiticeut, BlailConti-act ^rauch. Uttuwa. r I? ^l(iw that Avinter i.s on you are nccilinj^j warm 1^ and comfiTtiihlc footwear the proper rhing â- ^ is to call at CLAYTON'S. We have a large stock suitable for the season. . . .. • Men's aud Boy's Heavy aud Light Rubbers Ovcrslioes â€" All kinds Ladies' aud Ciiildrcn's Oveiatockiugs Leatlier Leggings, Canvas Leggings â-  Felt Boots and Slippers Mcu's, Ladies', Cliilds Boots <& Shoes 'i'niuks. Telescopes, Shoe Polish. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES SHOEMAKER, ,/ â€" ^ FIL.ESUERT'OM, ' '• " ' 03MT. BOVRIL i ma nind ALL pailiiS are tieiuby wiroed against piir- chusint{ or it.uuLialinu a iiutu i.iawii b.\' tue i. f.ivur of Wulur la-.lor f ir toe s.-ni of ijiil, dn.' .J'lu. 1, luxtasl nave lu-t rcce vuii vaiiiu Iu. the same. T. J. an: son FIosIiurloii.0et.2S lOOS. '.i: nov Gtod Farm For Sale. 11.^ acrlJ^, btiij;i 0.' Hci-eit ofii-ith naitoflot Jl ill thell-.n ion. ol .\rtemesiii. andjOiicics jn^it oppoMit >. beintjlho sonlu haif uf luoiiortli naJl ul IU r.iil SI m the lli h con. ol Biii.t town - 8hli\ Auoo:lniicli honKi. >2xJI. wi'.h » one cellar: III St class will anil piiiii;i. uIm) a never railiniiciniiit; afiA'.iia ba. iiiAJX -A, also hay ami i*trii.v hutl.ti'Jx -10, \\\t\\ Hio. B Ht.ib.i"f;: .ti-acre^ pear ami iiip e oiuriard; 4 mil" fvoui school aim poiit ulUce, IJ eules lioni .via. k.iaie, .5 frein Flor-berloii. 'I'hia lai in ha" 8iu;i .â-  - iil harilwi oil bufh anil IS wi I luUipted foi Rlock and eai. purnoheii. Koi icrniH ol sa^e iv\>\ ly to UOHiaiT lifCH.VNAN On pi'emii-6:i 01 Vaiiduluiir l*«;'t OUicu. tV highly coiiceutratcd food for iiivahds aiij Oiivalcsocnts â€" most delicious aud iiivii'oi'at' 25c. BOTTLE. Sold at 0.11 Dear Fop Service. Olio thcroii/.d'brcd lii'iUshireUoar for sorvico. Tenuu unu liuilar^ lortlaw P. 0. Contracts to Let. For ciittitic and ikiiUliiiR rocli etn saw 1o«r on t'M! lollo\viiii{ lots: No. 1, coll. K, and No, t. con. li '"oIliiiKwood, No. 1,0011. i, lOnphrasiii, and No. 1, cuii, -I, Ouprov. AKMSTUONO BROS.. Markdale. Notice to the Public Our stock is complete in all its § branches. g Your wants can be promptly S supplied. S i«.^'Uj.'« .sjj. 1/ ii& v,^!^.v.».4!•^.«J^,.s»,^«,.a!J^<a^4I/...^I/y.<l.•.<.^^JlV.v^''.,^^.4S^.^l^:V«:^'!.•.^l!. 'i For Your Stock ^ â- Vfe H-ii.i 1. Tiitm •ntiooal Stock Food, ColunitiiiUi Ue;;ulator. Tick Destroyer for the sheep. For Yourself Piitcnt .Medicines â€" all the popular nmkes. Pipes and tobacco. f For Your Wife ^ Spices for cookinjf â€" Allspice, Cinnamon, W Perfumes, CorticellaSilk. Mined spices, etc. 51^ To My Patrosh:â€" HavitiK ilisiumud of my olt'ufcric plant fttid oluippii'K "'ill •**< KtW>iiift to tho (Toorfjinn lUy Powor Co., I hfj,' trf> thnttk my cuBtoniorH for thn patroQo^n tihuy fitf'i»-dLMl mu in tbu paKt, and wonUl r()sp4!ctr<il1v Rolioit tho saiiio liberal trcatiuuub to u>y succuasurB. KRED DEAGU3. In r«f«re:*c&to abovo, wo bo(? loavo to say tliAb i wo bavo pin'chnsud tho eloctvic lij-bt aud chopping ih*nr«flts of Mr. Frod Duatjlo at Kn- Conia and Klusherton nnd iutcuft to carry on tbti businoHKoi I loclric li^btin^ and idiopjdnf^ AH unnal. and wo are ploanud to say wo hu\o ro- curotl thf soivloo of Mr. Don^lo, who will have oliarfiM of ilm plants \V« aro making' conttid*- y*, orabln iuiprovomentH to onablu n<i to nivo evun ' ^« btater HirvicutUan in the i>at<t, and truftt wo { o« n)av havo >onr Rooil will »8 well aa vnnr bn»l- \ Wii iieaK GBORUIAN BAY POWKU CO. I S/ EuiioDiA, Oct. 23, IWTv I ^^ For Your Baby ^ Soothing Sv-up, Sucking Btiltles, and Tccthhig Kings. >b >b >b Richardson Sc Son DRUGGISTS Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario mt##r#-Mst2ji^a #t^#S#€<^^#tt i^

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