Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Oct 1905, p. 5

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1 il E !• L £ S h £ 11 T O N A D V A N (5 K October 19 19«j5 H -f I MO NEY ORD ERS Of all inethn<U of remitting «mHll sums by iiiiiil.ibe nu.stcoiiveDient will befuund (o be a Bank - Money - Order. These ordeiH are payable at any office of any Bank io the country. I'hey can be obtained and coijiitiil witliout any de- lay or forin;ili'y at either end, as a B-ink ttlwaya has sufficient funds oti liand and is always aituati-d in a cuntial pnrt of a tovru or village. Thi;se Money Orders CMi be enclosed in au nrdiuary letter, without registration. Payment to tlie rigliL party is guaranteed, and duplicates of Orders which may be lost are issued. The cost uf the.se orders is as fo'Ions: â€" So. and under 3c. $5. to SIO 6c. 810. to §30 10c. 930. to ?50 15c. They may be obtaine<l at It Rewardâ€" Five di.Iliirs reward will be paid for tlie recovery of a walking stick lost between Eugenia and Beecroft's hil| on Wednesday 27tli September. Thomp son Wilson, Flesheiton. Mr. Ed;.'ar Bellamy attended as del- egate to tlie Epwurth Leiguii conveu'ii n ill Oiangeville last week- Mis. W. H. Thurston was al&o present as a vUiior. OF CANADA Markdale - Ont. f W^c 7f=lr^ r =lr=lr=lr= ti^r, % i VICINITY - CHIPS I â- I 'j Ctiarictcristics of The Past Week 1} Carefully Culled for the Cuil us. Fresh lime always on haud. J. H, Duckett, Eugenia. Mrs. W. P. Crossley is visiting friends iu Toronto. Blacksmith apprentice wantedâ€" apply toJ.H. Heard. Mr. and Mrs, W. Moore visited the foriuer's parental hcnse on Saturday. For No. 1 Spruce Floorini; e;o Io R. P, Legate & Co., Ceyluuâ€" 15,000 ft. in stock Mr. M. K. Richardson, ex. M. P., sailed fur hoiue oii the 12th iust. Cream separator for sale at a bargain â€" nearly new. Would take ?30. Apply to A. Bates, 931 Queen St., Toronto. Mr. Will. Burnett removed Tuesday to K. .McGill'a farm, which he his leased. For Hardwood Flooriuca go to R. P. Legate & Co., Ceyloi,, §12 per Mand up. 100.000 feet in stock. Mr. Charley McMuUen, who has been iu the west, returned home last week. Mrs.D. Dow returned on Monday from an extended visit with relatives at Lion's Head. R. N. Kinuear, Ma.twoll, iHsues mar- liitge licenses. A flurry of snow fell in some parts of lite county cu Wednesday uigbt ia»t, 12th iast. A dressmaker of throe years e.tpeiieDce desires traplojment by the day in or about Flesheiton. Enquire at this oflioe. Miss Ada Richardson of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ucnry Richard son. For saleâ€" one 4 acre lot with barn on it, iu Flesherlon. Well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. W Barn- house, C3S Queen at. W., Toronto, Uoyal Teuiplar niciubers are all requested to be in their places ou Fiiday cveniut; us important business is on hand. Li'St- Two five dollar bills iu town. The owner would be very thankful to h-ive them hauded in at this office, or returned lo Lewis Fieher. ,. A fountain jien advertised recently as lost lias been recovered through an Ad Vance local*. It brings 'era. Any person wishing inscriptions cut on m inumeuts should drop a card to J. A Chislett, Swintou Park P. 0. Mr. iVlf. b^raith, Corbctton,Mr.8iid Mrs. Merrh Smith, of Erin, visited with Mr. Herb Smith on Sunday. Lostâ€" On Saturday, Sept. 30, between Kimberley and Flesherton on the mail fOUle, a 38 calibre nickel plated revolver- Finder please leave at any of the post offices on the route. Rev. L. VV. Thoni will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday next. For No. 1 Spruce Siding go to R. P. L gate & Co. Ceylonâ€" 20,000 ft. in stock. Ben. Wilson, who has been working 'in Toronto, recently had hit eye injured, noctesitating a visit to the hospital, but ^ is agaiq at work. In our eurly mnils last week tl^e figures for Ojiursy fair were inccrrucr. The correct receipts were, gate $18().75, cmiceit, S141 35. Died â€" Li ^rteuie.sia on the 16th inst., Samuel Marquis, infant son of Mr. and Mr.s. Ctiailes Wice, aged 2 months, 5 days. Ihe funeral took place to Flesher- ton cemetery on Monday. Sir Arthur Johnston of Orchard Hill farm, Moaford Road, Artemesia, will hold a dispersion sale of Shorthorns ou Thursday Oct 26. See advurti-iemeut in another culuiiiii for full particulars. A.-:niverKiry sermons were preached iu the Methodibt church on Sucd.ty by Kev. Wellwood of Dundalk, to large conitrexa- tious. The free will olfering amounted to $82, with over $70 in cash. Lost â€" On Oct 4, on 5th aideroad, be tween 8th concession and Dr. Bund's office, a gray woollen shawl. Any ]wr- son finding same kindly write Mrs. A. E. Hanley, Feversham, Out. A gentleman's coat was left in the I\esbjterian church on July 12 last. The loser can discover its whereabouts by ap- plying ar thi/" offiice. Prof. John Stafford occupied the pul- pit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday laf t in the absence of the pastor, who was at Bi'ikoley. WalterviUe L. 0. L. will hold a box social in their hall at Ceylon on Thursday eveninij, Oct. 26. A program of unusual excellence is being arranged. See large bills for particulars. A number from here attended the Dun- dalk fair on Friday last, and pronounce it as haviiig been luofrt successful â€" a good show and a bumper crowd. Learn Telegraphy now.â€" Situations are very plentiful â€" Wanted! A limited num- ber of (students to fill a class bepnning Nov. 1st to receive instruction in Teleg- raphy. Voiy moJorute terms. Aiiply to H. A. Willctt, M.dical Hall, Local Agency G. N VV, Tel. Co. Mr. Geo. Holioan of Grand Rapids, Mioh , .Son of Mrs. P. Holman of this place, was recently the victim of a bi- cycle acuidint by which he was laid off work fi'r a month, but will soon be ready to resume hi» "case" Warden Mc Arthur and Mr. Harness of the Houje of Refuge were in town on Saturday adjustiug some Gnaucial matters Connected with the institurion. Some people are not even yet cnto the fact that we give two papers for the price of one, and have been doine; so for the past twj years. The Advance and Weekly Herald of Montreal, the latter a 24' page page paper filled with world wide news and miscellany, are both given one year for one dollar when paid strictly in adva:ice. After Nov. 1 we will also add the balance of this year free to the bar- gain. Tell your neighbors about this of. fer. It is the biggest thing going. Mr. Isaac Turner and bride,who recent- ly left here tor their home in WinnipoL', upon arrival were presented by Mr. Turner's employer and daughters with a valuable silver tea set, a brit-ss parlor and jewel case. Mr. Thoiupnon Wilson hits sold his planing mill, sash and door factory in town to the Boyd Bros and T. Ulakeley. The matter of sale ivas complelod on Tue.<<day. Mr Blakely will wo understand be manager of the new concern. Township Clerk BuUainy and Principal Mansell of the public school, also the two lady teachers, attended the teachers' con vention iu Durham on Thursday last. The Indies took in the excursion to Guelph on Friday. Robert Richardson, while planting potatoes list spring, lust a valuable watch> and, notwithstanding his efforts, failed to recover it. Recently, while digging his murphies the (Catch was turned out not a bit the woiso for its interment â€" not even rusted a little bit. Bob thought probably he would have dug up a pail of watches, Itut it didn't multiply. He was very Ihanktul, however, to get the principal without ifiiiy interest. i Teteiinary Surgeon J. P. Ottewell aav- eil the life of a valuable cow belonging to I Mr. Job. Blakeley i.f the suburbs, la*' I week. The animal was attacked by milk fever, which alniosi iovarialdy ends m death. Ri'cenily a cure forthisdisea.se has been diiC'vered in tne compressrd oiyycii treatment. Or. Ottewell used thi.s treatment in the case referred to with eminently aatisfactoiy results. For one week our citizens had tore- vert 10 the old coal oil Itnips, ihe dynamo having given out. An attempt at repair- ing was made but abandoned and an cnrirely new dynamo ordered by express. This arrived on the the noon train on Friday last, was taken our toE jgeiiiaand the .same evening our liahLs were on ag-iin. Mr. Rt-esor, the manager, is evidently a hustler in an emergency. Anniversary services will be held in Presbyterian church at Proion Station '-n Suiiduy nexi, 22iid insc, when Rev. G. F. Hurlburt of Fieshertou will preach at II a. m., 2 30 and 7 p. ni. On Moi.d .y evening following a teanieeting will be given with 25 and 15 cents admission, for which a choice pnigrain has tieen prepar- ed. See large bills for full particulars. A very small audience Gathered in the lecture mom of the Methodist church on Friday evening last, to listen to Rev. Mr. Horan, Presbyterian minister of Fergus, who represented We Lord's Day Alliance. The rev. gentleman spoke cm the work < f the Alliance and the neetl for it, after which a branch was organized here, with J. A. Felstoad as President and W. H Bunt as Sec.Treas. Two members are to be chosen from each congregation as a committee, which wQl also include the resident clergy. The Epworth League of the M irkdale Methodist church are preparing for an- other high class concert to be held in the church on Thanksijiving evening, Oct. 26. H Ruthven McDonald, the celebrated baiitone singer and entertainer of To- ronto , Charles L. Maclrvine, reader and impersonator of St. Catharines ; Mr. Newton Large of Owen Sound, and Mr. Win Large of Maikdale, will contribute a program of rare excellsnce and will furnish an evrning's entertiiinment of genuine deliizht. Admission 25 and 35c. Timber for Sale. A qnaiitilijr of timb«r ou lot lai, Ist ood. N E ofT48 Road. One and a half miles south o( Fleshorton. For pariiculai-s apply to John wiifcht. TonciBrs will bo received up to Oct JO, 1905. The highest or any tender not nooes- san.y accepted. Tamworths and Berkshires. IhaTe for sale a few choice young pij^ of both breeds at right prloep. Write for what yon want or come and see thorn' Maxwell P. O. Geo. W. Eoes. "a Plain Tale From The Mills. ^i • We have just received our second eonsienment of White Pine from the North Shore and our stock is now complete in every way. We are in a p.isi- tion It supply all your wants in the line of Sash. Doors, Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Scroll Work and Turning, Planing Sf matching done on shortest not!cc Give us the order for that verandah; wo can suit you to a T. Chopping: - Mondays - Only | Prices Reasonable. - Terms: Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. â- ^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^^^!p^^^^7:pj^ ^ }$ ^ ^ ^ s? Clayton's DISPERSION Sale of Shorthorns at Orchard Hill Farm. Artoniesia, Vandeluur, P 0, at 12 o'cloclt ou Thursday, October 26th, 1905 coueistiug of 2U head choico bred auini&l?. The herd is headed by Lord Mack. Blred by Itoyal Sovereign limp.) The families oompri' e Sprays. Duchot*. aud Lavenilcrs. One bull 7 months old bv Lord Mauk, The balaaoj ae oithei-iu cfalforhovu calf at foot, and yuiing heifer!', many of the herd boiug pri.-^e winner , Pediproes and other iuforraation will be furit- ishod at time of sale. All younj; stock not y t reiiistcred will bo rogistreJ" to the purchaser frcH if charge. Will also sell : 1 mare, aced, in fo U. 1 sprine colt, carriage, 1 colt rising 3 years, 1 mare ris- ing 4 veaj-H. OS ewe lambs, 1 trosMpower with griiidor and cutting b.^x. 1.1 tonvf bay. 500 bushel of soed oats. 2C0 bushel of Beed bailey, ftjanrliuriau. 100 biia. of peas. TKIIMS â€" Six oiouthB credit on anproved joint poles or 6 per cent, per annum off fcr cash iu lieu of notes. For those fvoui a distance lunch will be served. Tbis is a genuine sale. ARTHUR JOHNSON, GEO. NOBLE. Auttioueer. Proprietor Farm For Sale Lot. 7'2 and 7.'*. seooDd oon. of Avteaiesin. 100 acres, 65 or 70 acres c!«are(i, baUuce. coort pa?)tiiiu land. Sauctiuu tlvor crftssefi the lot. FiaiuR bArn with 8tOne wall Aud frame houRe with stone collar, gootl whII. suitable for houno orbarn;Kood orchant. half a mile from school quarter jf a mile from storo aiul poat-orftcB, one mile from cliuioh. -JJ miloe from i*ailway station, Api>l> to J. W. IjyouH, I'ortLaw. Farm For Sale ^ r "& Is the place to buy your Fall Boots and Shoes, We make them out of the best material to be had and workmanship good. We have always a good stock of factory boots bought from reliable makers, Ladies, Men's and Child- ren's, If you want satisfaction as to quality and price call .xnd see us. Also Trunks, Telescopes. Shoe polish, black and tan. Custom work and repaii-ing promptly attended to. I cue are in Business FOR YOUR HEALTH. MEDICAL - HALL FLBSHERTONf The Expert Pill Hixers Farm io Rentâ€" 130 acr^, l55 cleared and iu good stato of cviltivaliim ; two orchards to bMring ; gpcd outbuilding* ftiid two frtme houses on the prnpertv; •p^ly to W. t^, McNuUy, PcrtJaw P. 0. Lot 19, oon. S, Osprov, contaiiiino 100 seres, inure or lees, sitiiatod 'iiuilesfroin Maxwell, and 2A from Kevtorhlmuj. Terms, one- third i>rioo down, balance to suit purchaser, at G per cent. Cor f lu'lber particulars appl v to II, N. Kiuuoar, Maxwi II, imm^ !^&i^^^:5!&^^^&;*!S I0##l§f^^l^#0#### Earin For Sale Lot I3S~134, T. and S. K., Artemesia, 100 oorcs- mostly under cultivatiou. First class barn, o.cliard etc. o T, PALLI8TK U. Flesherton I'.O- 50 YEAR* EXPERIENCCI Trade Marks DesiGt^s COPVRICHT9 Ac. Anyone s^mdlnc a sketch and descripiion ma/ quloKly ancerlaln our opinion free wtictlier t*M Invention is pn^hnbly psteiittible. rtiiiinninlco- tlonjistrlctly CdiUltlonLlftl. llMulh<»okon Pnteiit« sent, free. Oldrnt lurotioy fur socurhiK pnteius. pntents taken tnrouk'b Miauu 3t Co. recelTS aiMcint naUce, without obanca. In the Scicitttf ic Jinicricatt A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. iJiDieet ci» Terms, >3 a gatatloii of any sclentiuo JourDal. yean fonr niontlu,!!. 80I1I by all news(«e»ieni, Bnacb Ofltav^ (Mm,, WMMe«(«a. D. 0. For Your Stock Herbai,'ouin, Iiiteriiiitirnml Stock Food, Columbian Regulator. Tiuk Dustroyer for the shesp. For Yourself Patent MeJicinea â€" all the popular makes. Pipes niid tobacco. Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc For Your Wife Spices for cooking â€" Allspice, Perfumes, CorticellaSilk, For Your Baby Soothing Svup, Sucking Bottles, and Teething Kings, ^ ^ ^ Richardson & Son DRUOOISTS Flesherton ;-; ?•! Ontarro ^

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