Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1905, p. 5

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t^'- TflE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SeFI EMBER 21 1905 J< iai' OF CANADA Capital - - 6,000,000 Reserve - - 3,473,197 Markdale Branch Farmers busines* givpi> specinl attention either as SAVINGS BANK, DEPOSIT- ORS or BOBHOWERS. Deposits in Savings Bank Department from one dollar up draw three per cent, interest and may be withdratrr. at any tune without notice. Thid Bunk is one of the oldest in the country, beii^K eacableshed as far l>nck an 1864. It IS tbu third inr^est in Canada and has over tne hundred braiichea. A. RSacPherson, M'g'r. I I â- J r:^J,=Jrl=tr= J t=Jiz=J,=Jr. VICINITY . CHIPS I Characteristics ol Th* Past Week |jr Carefully Culteil tor the Cui I us. . . S ^^ Fresh lime always un band. J. H, Ehickett, Eugenia. Mr. Fu J. Swift, Toronto, spent Sun- day iriLh Mr,ai>d Mn P. Quigg. For sale â€" Good »orkiitg horse. Apply to W. J. Caswell, Durban) Corners. Mrs. R. Graham, of Guelph, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Moore. Stayner will not liave a fall fair this yiiar. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen spent Sunday iu Collir.gwfK>d. Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Murray, of Toronto, is visiting fiiends bore. For No. 1 Spruce Flooring go to R. P, Legate & Co. , Ceylonâ€" 15,000 ft. in stock Mrs. Geo. Mitchell leaves to day (Thurs'lay) for a visit to friends in Allison and Palgrave. Chopping done every day after Sept. 1 Bt 5c per 100 lbs. P. Loucks. Mi.ss Ethel Trimble has returned home aftrr spending a month with Owen Sound friends. Cream separator for sale at a barRiinâ€" nearly new. Would â-ºjiko $30. Apply to A. Bates, 931 Queen St., Toronto. Mr. Frank and Miss Rita Irwin, of Durham, spent Sunday with Flesherton friends. Lostâ€" Dark, brown shawl between Flesherton and Rockvale. Finder please leave at this office. For No. 1 Spruce Siding go to B. P. Legate & Co. Ccyloaâ€" 20,000 ft. iu stock. A couple from Wiarton were married at the manse here list week. The groom was over 60 and the bride 23. Chopping will sot be dm.e here any day e.\cept Mondays. T. W. Wilson. Mr. J. E. Crone occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sabbath morn- ing and preached an excellent sermon on 'Overcoming Evil." For Hardwood Floorines g'> to R. P. Legate & Co , Ceylon, $12 per M and up. 300,000 feet in stocit. Brc. Rutlodge of the Markdale Standard published a photo of himself in last week's issue. The picture is very fair, but we prefer to see him with his hat off. The perspective would be much improved. The anniversary services of Flesherton Methodist church will be held on Sunday Oct. 15, when Rev. N. Well wood of Duadalk will preach. A free social will be (jiveu in the church on the following Monday evening. Mrs. J.C. Henry of Markdale called on Mrs. W.H. Thurston last Friday. She was accompanied by Dr. Anna Henry, who is houie from China on fuilough. Dr. Honry is a representative of the Woman's Missionary Society and has â- pent five years iu Ss Chuen, China. When you are in Flesherton on Fair day don't fail to see A. M. Thurston's genuine phntogrnphical souvenir postal cards. They are 6c, each, or 6 for 25c. Remem- ber, they are not the ordinary printed ^rds, but genuine photo*. For No. 1 Lath and Shingles go to R. P. Legate A Co., Ceylon. Price* right and a good si'>c-k. Bare hunting season opens no Oct. 1. Partiidjje are to now but birds are very scarce. Millinery opening on September 27 and 28. Mias Swayze in charge. F. O. Kaistedt. Married â€" At the manse, Flesherton, on Thursday 13th inst., by R«v. L. W. Thoiu, Mr. Dawson Gordon to Mies Rach- el H illock , both of the township of Ospi ey. N'lW is the time to subscribe for the Weekly Mail, or Globe. Only one dollar till end of 1906. laj months for one dol- lar, think of it. Hand in your subscrip- tion or name f >r nny other paper you nihh to subset ilie for, to R. J. Sproulo, Fleshertim. and save cost of sendmg. Mr. Geo. Wardrobe met with a serious accident c.n Monday. While carrying a kej; of lager down cellar at the hotel his foot clipped when about half way down and he fill with the ke<T among some boxes at the bottom. The back of his head, nose and lip were budly cut. The waich advertised aa lost in last week's Advance liaa been r ecorered. Mr. A. McAulay was the tinder and hav- ing seen the advertisement handed it over to the luppy loser, a young lady. Score another f'>r the Advance advertising columns. Dr. Murray, dentist, hzs iostu'Ied a gas plant in his officeâ€" not an illuminator but one of those affairs that makes tooth pulling and jaw probing a pleasant dream. It if designed to make these operations paiiileas and is one of the most complete outfits that money can buy. We learned through Mr. O'Donohue last weok that the Georgian Bay Power Company have been approached by the president of the electric railway cnmiiany for a price on 1000 horsepower to run their line. Mr. O'Donohue expresses himself as confident that the railway will be built. Large bills for the East Grey fall fair were issued this week giving full particu- lars of tliia big event. The directors are anticipating a bi^ show and a succeiisful one this year. Tli exhibition ought certainly to be good iu grains, roots and fruit, of which our farmers are enjoying a bumper crop. Here is a pointer for the new Standard Bank people: The Meaford town coun- cil are saving money this year by having rhe municipal taxes paid into one of the locol banks. Tb-} M..hon'« Dank offered to d J the work free of charge, and the council accepted tho offur and decided not to engage a collector. Mr. Sam Fisher, whose terrible accid- ent at Suiidrige was referred to in last week's issue, has since had his leg ampu- tated just above the knee, 'ilie accident was caused by a slab fvircing him on the saw. In attempting to save himself a large portion of flesh was ripped from his breast and the saw entered his knee diagonally, cutting the knee cap in t-vo. Mr. Fisher's many friends at Eugenia and elsewhere sympathize keenly with the unfortunate man, who is at present in the hospital at Huntsville- A homo- warming and chrL-stening com- bined was celebrated at the handsome residence of Mr. Wesley Buskin, west back line, on Thursday afternoon last, when several old pioneers of this line were present by special invitation â€" in fact all of the old inhabitants now left. These included Mr, and Mrs. George Buskin of Markdale, parents of Mr. Wes Bu.skia; Mr. ard Mrs. P. Quigg, Mrs. '.Vm. Neil and Mr. John Dunciin. Other guests w»re Mrs. Flanagan of Uuntsville, Mu»koka, and Mr«. Jaffray of Chatham. The chriblening was performed by Rev. L. W. Thom, after which the old people spent some time in relating incidents of the early days. A b<juntiful supper was enjoyed by all. During the (last summer Mr. Wes. Buskin, who resides on the old homestead, erected for htms :lf one of tht) most complete, comfortable and modern brick farm residences t.i be found in this county, combining all tho latest conven. iences, inoludins; hot and cold water, bath room, hot air furnace, etc. Mr. John Buskin, who cleared this farm many years ago, has, with his wife, been resid- ing iu Markdale f sr some years. He was a Somersetshire, England, man, and his paitner was a Miss Hannah Savage, a uative of Markham, Ont. They will celebrate their golden wedding on Oct. 30 of this year. May the old couple enjoy a long and '.appy evening of life< and their son on the homestead and his most eotiroable young partnor a long harvest of happinews on the old bpme- Thanksgiving day has been fixed for Oct. 26. Mrs. Will Thomi)son and babe of Stouffville are visiting with relatives here. \ football match will be p'ayed on the exhibition grounds, Flesherton on Friday, Sept. 22, Priceville vs. Flesherton. Ball kicked cff at 5 o'clock sharp. Admission 10c., ladies free. Mr. Ambrose O. Findley, of Kendal, Township of Clarke, is the guest of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs W. C. Hanley, of tho 8ih liae. Mr. Finlley purposes visiting Owen Sound and Collingwood before returning home. Mr. John Field, who has been such a sufferer with cancer of the jiW, passed from his pain on Tuesd-iy evening at 11.30 at the early age of 34 yojira. Deceased wua a printer, having te<4Un hia trade in this office. When stricken with the dis- ease he was foreman iu the printing estab- lishment of the T. Eaton Co., Toronto. Johnny was of an unusually bright, sunny nature, and a young man of strict integ rity, whom it was a plea.'<nre to know. He leaves a young wife and three children to mourn his untimely end. The eldest child is 8 years old, and the youngest 18 months. The funeral takes place to Flesherton cemetery at 2 o'clock to- day (Thursday ) H Reward (M$I0« Will be given to the person fumishiiij; information that will Irad to the convic- tion of the person, or persons, who took lumber (10 and 18 ft. Hemlock Joist*) from Rockvale Mill during the i>ight of Sunday the IT'h. This rewaid is also good for all future thefts. .-Vjimstrong Bros, Markdale. Boar tor Service Tborouglibrad Tamworth boar for swvica on lot 7«. let range B. T. & 8 B., Artemeata. Terms »l. THOS. T.iTLOB, Proprietor. Tamworths and Bericshires. I have for sale a few choice vonag pigs of botb breeds at right prieee. writs (or wtiat yoo want or oomeaad see tbam' Ma:[Well P. 0. Geo. W. Boss. I A Plain Tale From The Mills. We havo just received our second consignment of White Pine from the North Shore and our stock is now complete in every way. We are in a posi- tion 10 supply all your wants in the line of Sash, Doors, Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Scroll Work and Turning Planing $ matching done on sbortest notice Giro us the order for tint verandah; we can suit you to a T. Chopping - Mondays = Only Prices Reasonable. - Terms: Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. Chamberlain's Coush Remedy \ids Nature- Mwlieines that aid nature are alwavs most effe»;tual. Chamtwrlain's (?ou({h Renietly acts on this plan. It allayn the cou»;h, lelleved the luiiipi. aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and ails nature in restoriug the system to a healthy condition. Sold by \V. E. Richardson. Wright'sl etjâ€" "^ Is the right place to buy Fresh Groceries, Flour aiit^l Feed, etc, etc. Jioi/dl ^ouseAold ami Ford's Patent, also a low grade tlour, the very best feed obtainable for fattening animals fi>r mark- et, also bran, shorts, etc., are all here in abundance. tJce (^rea/n On hand every warm day Came Astray. Two ewoB with lamb^ came to mv preniisoF. There wvie tliiee ewua but doi;s killuil out). Owner kiii'lly prove )>ropeirty, pay expeuses and taku ibu 6ame away. J.J. THOMPSON. Fleshertoa.Sept. 12. 1006. Farm for Sale. Clayton's Is the place to buy your Fall Boots and Shoes. We S make them out of the best material to be hail and ^ workmanship good. ^ We have always a good stock of fiictor}' boots S" bought from reliable makers, Ladies, Men's and Child- ^ pen's. If you want satisfaction as to quality and price ^ call ind see us. Also Trunks, Telescopes. Shoe ^ polish, black and tan. «^ Custom work and repairing promptly attended to. I me are in Business FOR YOUR HEALTH.; ^^ MEDICAL HALL Fifty acrpa on tbo enet back lino, Art<^ntoi!i;i â€" lot 153â€" all undoi- cnitivation bnt BiRlit ocron ot cedar swamp. Well feoceil, woll watered, frame boiiKe au'l barn, KOod o> chard. A snap. Apply to W. A. Arinstront!, Klesberton, or K. McOriithor, Markdale. Farm For Sale. The South half of lot 4, i*on. 3, township of Fuphra8iA.coutaiuinf: 100 BoruH. log dwelliiif;, fratoe bftok baru. Terms ruaftonable. V-ir further partiotilars apply to W. 1-. S'ouuc, Paiikur Mar-kilulo, or to Jofteph McLeod, 30^ N. MadlsLU Aveuue, Bay City. Mich. Tse Notice Knticfl li herebv qiven tbafc a bvlaw wan pna-. 8«dby the Munioipal ConncM of the Township ot Artetuesia, ou the flfth day of August, A.\y. 1906, providinK for th« isfiue o' Pebontur^s to the MiucUQt ot dl.t^.OO for purpoou of School Section No. 5 of the eaid township, and that such Hylaw was rofzlsteied in (ho Kecistry oAtoe of the South Hiding of the Conntv of Orev ou the 9l!>t day of AuKUst, A.D. 1903. Any motion to quash or set aside the sauio or any part thereof •nu'<t bo made within three uioDths after tho Qrst puhlicatlou ot Uiis notice, and oannot be made thi^rerfter. Dated the S»rd day ot Aunust, A.D. loot. W. J BK^LAMY, Cleik. FARM FOR SALE. BY TENDER Tendota will be received up to the first day of Septeniborl next, for th« purchase of the followiuR lauds, vix.: lots 148, UU aud 150, in the third rsiiKo north-east of the Toronto and BydoiihHiu Koad in tho township of .irtniiiesia: 100 aoren, over 70 aorea cleared, a framo rough cast dwelling, lo« barn and an orchard upon the preniinoa. Terms,, iO]>er c«nf. of purchaan prioa at time of acceptance of tender, the bal- auoa ou oouipletiOD of title, except «M0. which may remain Oq mortgage. Th» hif;h'W( OC au; teodar not noceasarUy aooopted yi,J. BBLLAUY, FleabartOD FLBSHERTOISr g The Expert Pill Hixers | m For Your Stock Herba«eoin, International Stot-k Food, Columbian Regulator. ^ ^ W Tick Destroyer for the sheep I For Yourself m ^ Patent Medicinea â€" all the popular makes. Pipes and tobacco t For Your Wife "SIP Spices for cooking â€" .Mlspic*, Cinnamon, Miied fpice*, etc. ^ Perfumes, Corticella Silk. For Your Baby # Soothing Sv-up, Sucking Bottle.«i, and Teething Rings. >h >b >^ 2 Richardson Sc Son * I>RUOOISTS ^ Flesherton s • :-: m # Ontario # ij)M|^####r |is#M(############t^

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