Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1905, p. 4

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Sepx'embkr 21 1005 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE K ^^/WVWVWWM F, T. HILL & CO. WUWWUWWUyWWVVk^ T^"^^^^^^^-^^" M.^w.i^.Ws^.^'t /#./#»/f\/f«^is/i\.fv/f^/^ T MANY SPECIAL September » Bargains Our Augiist Sale was a splendid success. Onr salesbook shows a large increase of business over any previous August. Our business continues to grow as a result of selling goods and selling them right. Fall goods are now being received and in order to niake room we have a number of odd lines which we are determined to clear regardless of cost. Below we simply mention a few of the many lines we have placed on sale for early September selling. 75c. TABLE LINES 48c. 100 yards beautiful bleached Table Linen, nice finish, extra wide, Regular 75c. September Sulo price 48 MEN'S BRACES, 2 for 25c. 20 dozen Mon's Braces, regular price 20c. and 25c. September Sale Pricc-'2 for 25 â- 2 SPECIALS IN MEN'S FANCY DRE.SS SHIRTS. 40 Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, sizes 14 to IGJ, c<>Ii)rs dark and light. Regular prioe 75c to 1 25. Your choice whilo they lost for 50 S8 Muu'a Fancy Drrss Shirts, eofl front, Ktripe and ohecU patterns. Regular price up to 75c. This line will noun be picked up,hs we have motile the price very l,wâ€" 25 12»c. WRAPPERETTE FOR 7Jc. 40 pieces Wrapperette suitable for ladies' Wrappers, children's dresses, shirt waists also quilt lininings, jjood ran^e of colors and patterns. Some pieces slightly soiled but all excellent value at the price. Uo^ular 10c and 12^0. September Sale price 7^ 90c. QUILTS FOR 680. A lot of VVhIte Quills, Honeycomb (iOxSO, would be ijoud value at 90c. Price pattern, September si7.e Sale 68 BOYS' ODD COATS FOR 1.48. 78 Boy's Odd Coats belonging to suits worth from 2.76 to 4.00. These were secured at a big reduction in iirice â€" the benelit is yours. The price whilo thoy last will be 1.48 Exceptional Values in Dress Goods. 40 pieces blick and colored Dross Giods. This lot contains many of the most popular weaves. Good assortmHiit colors. We must have rootu for new shipments, therefore wo have made the price very sinall. Value up to 85c. Special September clearance price 38 Cadies' Belts ttlortb up to 60c for 25c, 38 Ladies Silk and Kid Bolts in black, white and colors. Thesj are the balance of our 35c to COo. lines. Special clearance price 25 MARKPALE IWW mm} 1 â-  piililiitlied every TImrfiday at $1.00 i*.- nnnimi if paid in airvanue, ^1..'K) if not no puiil. All Hiibscriljer paying Sl.Ot) «trictly in advama get the Montreal ipTald ono year free ail n prrn\iiim. Grand Valley barbura within its borders an interCHlin); persoji in liuico Flinun, a Tliimian who osc.-ipcd from that country ) • • v.- iVs-x^o, ritlier tliun go to the front I., n;. Ill i.»->t. Ho hnd leoeivod notice of beliiK dniftod for service, to rcpmt in two weeks, but instead witit into hidiii){ ill a neii/hhoring vi hiije fi.r that lenj^ih of time until his wife and friends ])rovidod hiiii with sutTicient fuiidH with which to reach Canadi. H«» crossed over to Ham hurfl, (ierin«ny, Kailin;; from there to Lond'in, thence toQuehuc and on to Tor onto, whero llyniin Sollz, a compatriot, met him three weeks n\io. Flraan is a blacksmith by trade, having run a ainithy nmployin;; two or throu hands, but found it ditlicult to make even a living tlioro. on account of the excnssivH taxation. Ho p.tid Ills men either fnini $.35 to $C0 a year and board or about $l<JOa year with- out board. Here he is amazed at tlie prospect of wealth to he gathered in, a nioniirs e'lrniiigR for a good mechaniu n.,ualliiig a year in Russia Then the appcinrancio of the average farm isareve'a tioii of riches undroained of, the artia of land, cittle and horscK, erx;., making the nwnors all appear ai millionaires to him. Wonderfully plea-unj! as nil Ibis may he to him, tliu froodom and liberty exeicised by all strikes him moat foruilily, and pleases him bnst. He siiya Russia is in no worse Ktate than the direst reports indicate. The rich men have betn blud of their money, and cannot give onipLiy- niont to the laboring class, who arc suf- fering, while the iinmeiiso drafts of men to the front has paralysed all cIiuishs of trade. He thinks Japan was far too easy in makin<( p<-aco terms, and that Husaia was not humiliiitud siifllcienlly. Mr. Fliiian expects his wife to come out h ira when he nan acquired the language a li'tld better. No mors tlussia fur hiin, â€" Urand Valley Sur. Wearing away Your Lun£;9? Yes, and your strength loo. Stop roughing and got rid of that catarrh 1 he one remedy i.i Cularrhozone whuh noes to the ditioased lisanes along with the nir you breathe; it can't fail to reach the •uuroe of the trouble, it's bound tn kill <ho gurnis, and bh for healing up the sore pKces, nothing can surpass Catarrhnzone. if you don't got instant relief and ulliui- â- le cure you will at least got back your inoiiey, fur Oatarrhoznno is s'larrantved to cure cstitrh in any ptrt of the hyhtem. You run no risk â€" therefore uaeOatarrhoz- uneâ€" atour pxponso if not MtUfiud. Right Aincrieans from Ohio and Penn- •ylvanit were citught in the Pirry Sound dmtrict hanting and fiahiiij without licoii- •c*. They were (akon hifoia a magialrato at Parry Sound, whn fined each of them ^10 and cosia and onnGscatod their boats ^jid giinii. Winnipeg Mowbray Doloraino Souris Jtrauilou Lylotou Ijunurw Miniuta llinaoartb MoosriQilu Areola Mtttevan Yorkton Kamsack «:m.00 .tl.50 315.'5 00 )» 32.25 aaso 83.C0 The Eugenia Developement For A long time there have been .skeptics who pooh-poohed the idea that iho Eugenia waterpowor would bo devel. "I'ed. Of course the public has been rather kept in tho dark as to the pro^r-jss of ntfairs, but tho company did not think it necessary or expedient to take tho public into its confidence while tho si'h.'ino w.is more or lass in in Pinhryn. Tlie afl'.iir lias now arrived ataHla<;o » here sojiething more delinate is ullow- ablo. Tho company is a private ono and consists of J. P. Telford, M. P., Owen .Sound, as president; Thos. RIcLaughlan. secretary; a Walkertoncapitalist is Ist vice pro.sideiit; John O'Donohuo, Stratford, 2iid vice president; and B. F. Reosor, Lindsay, managing director. Those gentleman have the affnir in their own hands and purpose duvelopi:it< the power themsolves. Thorn will bo no stock for sale. During threo days of last week Mr. Viin Schoii, who was chief engineer of the great Sou power works, was at Eugenia taking some data for tho information of tho owners, and as soon as hir report is received the work will go ahuad. The amount of power to bo produced baa not yet bjen fully proven but it will be over 2000 horsepower. It will require a year or more to gel the power on the market. Negotiations are now under way for taking ovor Mr. Deaglo's lease and plant, but these have not yet been concluded. A warning has been sent out to local c instabbis throughout the province by Mr. H. U. Cowan, Provincial Superin- tendent of .Agricultural societies, stating tlmt any local c nstablo who aooepts a brilie from people whn operate gamMing out tits and games of uhaiicc at fiUl exhibi- tions, and in return permits them to opor- atn on Iho fair grounds, ia liable, on con- viction of such action, to be sent to jail for fourteen years. D^tectivea who have been sent out by the Doparlment of: SdcnCC poitltS Agriculture, have found that many of OUt the Way tO the loo:tl cnnstahles work in with these sha'pers. It has a iinelimea happened that when the detectives have asked for for assistance from tho local constables in arresting the offenders, the constable* have warned them and enabled them to escape. An effort will be made this year lo detect constables at this work, and where convictiuna can bo teoured tho offenders will be prosecuted with the utmost vigor. CauMOf ln«omniii. Iiiiligestinn nearly always (liatiirbs the sleep more or leas and is often the CAUse of insomnia, klany caiuoi have l>een |>ermaiiently cured by (Jliamliorlain'i !St<<maoh and Liver Tablets For sale by W. K. Kiobardson, CANADIAN WILL.SKLL HARVEST EXCURSION TICKETS . TO THE . NORTH WEST Bbttlia K»Kina J'iptoa Moosgjaw IIuinboMt Saskatoon I'riiice Albert Molfort llattleford MacLeod Calgarj R-(f Deor BtratbuoDa ».'i:i.'>0 } 33.7S 31.00 MM I Sd.O(l 3.'-(l( .•W.CK 38.iy .SO..')! to.:* ttolnsSept. lath.rotnrnlni! until Nov. l.'ltb. floing ,Su|)t, ajib , returuinK until Nov. Wtb Full particulars from Canadian I'acitluagent BO YtrtrJl-' EXPERI£,NC> Trade Mann; Designs COPVRIGHTS &c Anvnno srnfltiig a slEetoh snd rtescrlpelon mi qul.'kly nsi-ortatn our o|>tiiit>ii (ruu wl.i.tlicr ii invuittli.M H probaMjr pritentable. ruinmuiilc tlitnantnctlrriuifliletitlAl. HfUidbookon l"«l"iu sent froo. <»l(loBt Riit.iu-y for ncPUrU)); pntcuM. I'utonts iakeu tlirouub Miinn .li Cu. recel« special Hotlctf, without c hhrtf e. lu tbo Scientific Jhtierican. A hnndsomply llInntrKted weekly. Lnrueftt cIt cirlntioti f any Hulonilfio lourrial. 'VcrtuH, f.l yum-; four niontUs, $L Bold byall tiowttdoaler MUNN&Co.'«»«"'**«'NewYor Ursiich omoe, (06 V St., Wii»b»uat..ii Ii • Sight Restored the restoration of sight. If your vision is defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the oecessary glasses to restore it. W. A. Armttroni^, IRWELC ^N0 OPTICIAN FLCSH^RTON. BOYD, HICKLING & CO, FLESHERTON, ONT. Fall Millinery Opening Wednesday and Thursday September 27th and 28th. We are pleased to announce the Openinjjc of our W ]*'all Display of Trimnieti Millinery, lieatly-to- X wear Hats anti novelties and cordially request your 5 attendance and inspection. Ladies Fall . . . Jackets . . .kit*. We have just o pened out an elegant selection of Ladies Cloth Jackets, as well as sorne stylish coats for Misses and Children. Every gar- ment is perfect in fit and appeat-fince, correct iu style and properly ta ilored and finished. Ladies' Cloth Jackets from $5. to $15. Misses' Cloth Jackets from $2.75 to$ 4.50 Children's Coats from $2.00 to $ 2.75 Sample Waists Underpriced 60 .'^hi'-t Waistsâ€" a range of Travellers New Fall Samples bought and offered at a Special Discount â€" no two alikeâ€" all popular fabiicB, iuuhiding silk, velvet, sateen, lustre, mohair and flannelette. Colors include black, navy, reseda, brown and all the new fall colors now in demand. Xvery waist in perfect condition. One Third Less Than Regular Prices. New Dress Goods New Waistinga New Underwear New Footwear New Suitings New Neckwear New Heudwear New KsiDCoats New Clothing New Overcoats New Wrappcrettes New Skirts Special Exhibition of New Styles in Furs on Fair Days. KARSTEDTS KORNER, Plain Talk to the Public. This is tho lime of year lo choose your winter furs, when stock is complete md you can get a much larger choice than you will possibly 'have later on. have just put in an itcmeuse stock of those goods al rare prices. Look at liese figures, for instance : Men's Aati-rtchan coats for $10; fur lined coats, tl5; Coon from $10 to $50' Jalf coats, tin to $30; Do^jskins $22, Ladies' .^strachans, $18 to $;}5; Alaska seal, sable trimmed, $30; Alaska cal, plain, $10. Mantles from $1 50 to $10.50. millinery Oldening Wednesday and Thursday, September ay and a8. When at the fall fair give us a call. Miss Swayze is in charge. F. Q. Karstedt,Flesherton.

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