Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1905, p. 8

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"ITi WWâ€"yp i ff i m l l.HH II B ^ March 16 1905 The Markets. t^arefuIlY €orrerted Each Week , Oath ''8 38 Peas «3 'â- o •^^ HarlMV 45 to 4o JJuticr 20 to 20 iWn'i fiosli 1H t" 1" Cliiokei-8 7 'o ' Ducks ^*^ ,y, (Jee«o 9 to „ J<j Hhv ^ ^ ^" »'»tat..e8 baa ^^ '" ?? Tuikeys 13 •-" *•* THE tLESHEHTON ADVANCE Our Clubbing List •Advance, •Herald Riid ♦Toronto World, daily ?3 25 Toronto Daily N.!»s 1 «â- > Weekly Globe \ «"{ Mail-E..ipiro. }-»^ Family Herald & Star 1-80 Toronto Star 1» Farmcr.H Smi ^•"'^ AH above nnces include The Advance ind Montreal Herald, if paid in advance only Early subscribers get best value .<or their money. New Livery. . . I have started » new Livury Business in town and have new rigs, good fresh liiirses and am pre- ])ared to (;ive you tho VEKY BEST ACCOMMODA- TION ever civen in my line in Klebherton. . . Hacking's Livery W.G. Hacking I'ROPRIETOR. ^^A/^ A N X E D Salesmen to represent '^Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Newest varieties and speoialtieu in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Orna- mentals and Roses. A perin:inent situation, and territory reserved for rii;ht man. Pay weekly. HANDSO.VIE OUTFIT FREE. Write lor particulars. Send 2."jc. for tho POCKET MICROSCOPE, useful to growers fruits and shrubs and to farmers in examining urains and seeds. Mr Ri:;I)ard Allan is local agent for Flesherton. Stone & Wellington (t»VER 800 acres) Toronto - • Ontario good inrofileneiit that uavH diviJonds all through lifo is a coiirKo of tniiniiiR in any of th« Uupartnientti of the Ocon Sound. Ont. Four coraplot© oonrBos of â- Midy, Htist.equipP'i'l Bufiiueaa CoIItgo prtrnis- BK iu Cahu'lu. i hu only oolUgo otvnini; ita own colluKo ixiillin^. A lari;o ^ta(f of cutiiputniit antlpa.iit-takingtcac.horH. Onr yradnates arc iiio'ft BUccuB.jful. JusC UHk thom. L"ull partic- alaru sent to any arldtesd fioe. C A. Fleming, Principal Winter Goods ,^ xJn ^Xunness Ouppfies. Bells, Rlaiikeis, Robes, imitation Peraian Lamb Ooata for drivinir. Whips, Laslien, Combs, Brush- es, â€" a !arKO stock of choice gouda jutit iu' Trunks end Valiso* for Iravelleri. Out your harness .supplies froaiâ€" Wm. MOORE flesherton Stock - Taking - Sale R. N, KI.NM'.AR & .SONS Will khU liir tlin balance of thij m'liith tho follnwiiiK named ((nocia »t tlic liHT I'RICK to clear: All rublKrfo'itwuar, all oili) |i%nlj and oiiaU, Jackets and rrefcrK, noi'kii and underwear, prints wid fliinncli'it*, wraiiiwri-ttiin and â- Irewi if'iudii, cardigan owutcrii. Our ip- lofry dapartnipnt U icria W.-II St •eked with the very cliuicest brands of goods pinniihlu. (lien IluDH flour abvay.'tun hull, if yon aro w.iniingn nii-e quartar of lieol li^avo yiiir on'or iHith nn. Wckeei>fr-'9h p irk, Kalt fii>h, |iork h. >v!«ii» with chill! iwu'"* u it bin the rtajh .if every l)o<Iy. YourdiiiUra will 1>-II, (he tuilaitre ofthi i minth at thn (jhaap .Store in .M&xwtll. JX. N. KINNEAU & SON iff .9TK.VCUAN 01<l) 3TANU Ay^rs One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime preveats nigtit coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lunES. Sold for over 60 years. "I h«r« Bied Ayer's Clisrrr Pootors) In my fsmllT for slirlit years. There Is pothinr »va.\ to It for eooKhs and colds, especialljr for chil- dren."â€" MBS. W. H. Bamcs. Shelby, Ala. Sc.,60e.,f1.00. All drngylils^ for J. O. ATBK CO., Ixiwell, Mass. Night Coughs Keep the bowels open with one Of Ayar's Pills at bedtime, just on*. L The largest and be»t slock of furiiituie ever shown in Flesher- ton. Tliis withont fear of contra- diction Come and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Rooirt Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roonq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. FlesktoQ - O&t. wa a/««, J BusiNE.ss Cards W'CULLOUGH * YOUN'Q '** Haukur Markdalo Joa general banking businefia. Money loaned a rtiasouablo rate Cull on us. p J Sl'IiOULR " Postmastor, Fleaherton v^oinmlasionor iu U.C. J., Auctioneer Con veyancor, Apjiraisor ami Money Lender Keal IS.stata and lusuiauoe Agent. Deeds luortgniios, leaauB and wills carefully drawn uiJ and valuatioua made on sbortoHt nctice. luouey to loan at lowest ratoB of IntereBt. Col otitiona attoudod to with proinptneSB oliairea lovf. Agent for Ocean Dominion StiiaiuBbip Company. A call eolicitcd. Societies A U W meets oi. tho last Monday " in oaon month, in the'r loitge room, ChiiBtoe'3 block. FluBljfiton at 8 p.m. M.W., A. lliuriBon ; Kecoidcr, .tas. Fulstead ; I'inan- cinr, W.J. Hel.amy. ViBitiuK brutbreu iLVitod. pKINCK ABTHTB LODGE, No. ;i:l3, A. t A ;J, meets in tho Maaoniohall. Strain's block. Kloshtttou. ovory Friday on or before the full niocn. F U W Hiokllug W M. Chae Munsbaw, Secretary, noURT FLESHDUTOV, 99.'!, I, C. F. n-eots in " Christoii'B Uiocli the lust Kridavovuidng of each month. VIsitluK KoieHtei-a hoartllv welooiiio. C. It., .I.f'iiruftold; U.C. \V. liubkin; Fin. Sic, I!. A. Will.tt. PleaM- imy dnoB to H. A. WiPett on or before the laat (lay of tho preccedlug mouth. Medical rjn c.vnTF.n 'â- ' M C P & .S Ont, Physleian, finrteon, cto Olllco an.l renidunceâ€" Peter at., Flesherton nUA.T. }inND ~' " Graduate Toronto Univereltv, Mem- ber of Ontario Collnpe oj PhyBicilana and Kur- geona. Maxwell, On'. iSncceasor to Dr. Scott. T P OTTEWELL * Veturinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" eacoiifl door south west on Warv street. This street riiiia south Presbyterian Cbnroli. U WILHON. RIaclisniitb *â- *• 'iraUuuto of the Veterinary Rclenoe ASSOci>..tl.i». li.iBlii. li.-F, furhnni ^tiei't, Op pO«it>' !!tiv,i, ll'iUlmaliaidware. Legal LUCA9 WRIGHT ft MoARDLE Barristers Soliidtovs fonvoyaneors, etc Oflfloesâ€" Ownn Sound. Ont and MerkdaleOnt. W FI Wbmht, AlrA»ni.it I U LrcAs N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Mltchell't Bank •vary Haturday. Dentistry rVR. B C. MURRAY, L.P. S. dor.tal Rnrgoon " honor grailnate of Toronto llnlTorrity and lloval Colloge of OentsI Hiiraeons of Ontario. Oinewâ€" Opposite Armstint.K'B Jewellery Store. milviHil MsTwnll the last Wedli6"d»v of each month and Dundalk 1st and 3rd Thursday of oftoh n.onth. HEADACHE I Heuralgis and NMv<MiSfKSs cured ciutckly \\f A I A y HARMLISa HtADACHC AND ^Jl\'\ NCURALatA CUNI. Ne heart depression. Orcalcft cur« cvtr diK-o\frcd. Tsl« no othsr, loc t,*A ijc. All dealers or dii»c« from iiutui ItCo. &i«Ku«. Oat- Uoory Vsck it ikk taiistied Address and Presentation An ereiiinK of unusual interest to Van- deleur people was that of Monday, March 21, when about 80 uueafa assembled at 1 he home ef Mr. W. Buchanan, superin- tendent of tlie Meaford road Babbath ncliool, and presented that (jeiulemKn with an address, ncoompanied hy « chair and cup and saner. 'J he sddre«s «iik read by Mr. H.-iiry M.I.)oui<hm, the chair presenied hy MissUj.sa Gilbert and the cup and saucer by Miss Bella UuchaiMn. Kev. Ivison Wilwn, who was present, i gave nil address. Luuch was served and ail intmestiiig progiam rendered, consi.s- tmu' of music by the string band and speeches by Mes.sers. J.I. Graham and J. M- Davis. Mr. Buchaimn, in replying lo llip address, thanked the people for their kindness. The gathering broke op about 2 a m. after a most enjoyable evening, b'ollowing is a copy of the address.â€" Dear Friend and Brotherâ€" We take this opportunity of;tendering an expression of our unbounded confidence in yon as auperintfnd- Kntof the Meaford Kfiad ftniuliiy school. Yim have always aimed a.i an hiinihle servant of tlie Lord, no matter how busily engaged in dcmiestic or private atfair.f, to faithfully per-" fonn iu a cheerful manner al.fo the duties con- u.iited with your office. You never desired worldly fame nor loud applaus" neither was it your ambition to accumulate Wealth, but rather to lay up tiea.suri's and ev^rlxsting (glories for the world to come. Kar ^vjeri-.Lstin •ly si'eki iig the Lord and knowing all things wouH (« a<lded, you tried to live for something â€" to do good and leave trhind aniommient of virtue the storms of tune could never destroy ; to write your naiue in kindness, love and mercy on the memory of your acquaintances; iiv living an honcjrable, upright and honest life. By so doing you have Htainned your name and deeds on the hearts of all your friend" so indelibly that they mil continue to shine as the stars of heaven. Life is like a vapor that appeareth for a httle time then vanislieth away. During this short si.ell the seeds of influence are planted. .All have an iniluenceeither for good or evil, Yours has been such that the world williirofitby forgenerationa. In the Sunday school you have endeavored in an humble way to lead the young whom the parents of this vicinity have entrusted to your care. Some of them arc now walkmg in the path of the righteous, when the spiini; of their life niight have been neglected, their summer use- lese, their harvest chaff .and the winter of their old ago unresiwcted and desolate. In the home, where your influence is more marked, you have directed four young lives in the way they should go. What a pleasiu-e it must be to you as a father to note that each of their lives promises to lie a career of usefulness, to see them daily scattering seeds, not to bloom and die unobserved as the flowerx on the des- ert, hut grow to m.ike the atniosjihere by their \ireseocc purer and healthier tliim before. How gratifying when one attains your years in look- ing back over life not to recall ten, twenty or thirty years of a wasted career nor a blank you would give all your possessions to recall andgather up vour influence and bury it. Now in your declining years, when interest in worldly aiiairs begms tc abate and tho days drawing nigli when thou shaltsav " 1 have no pleasure iu them," you begin to long for the BUmmoiiH to meet your Master face to face and join the Io\ ed one who has pone before. We as Sunday school scholars, ex-scholars and all interested in your worldly comforts and spirit- ual welfare, ask yon or a proof of mir resi«ct and esteem for the good service rendered in the Sunday school as its su|ierin«ondent for nearly twenty years, to accent this rocking chair and cujj and saucer. Jlay it plea.se the great Omnipotent to lone spare "von as a worker in the vineyard of the Li>rd. When through with all that is mortal may you hear the word.s, "Well done thou good and faitliful ser- vant, I have something better iireiinred for thee in heaven above. ' Such is the sincere and earnest wish of tlie undersigned and all present. Henry M. Douglas Eosia Gilbert May tJilbert Bella Buchanan Eugenia The concert announced for Tuesday was a pronounced succcsa and was attend- ad by numbers from variima distant points The chair wig occupied by tho Uer.G.M. Franklin, tho Incumbent of the pariah, and the programme gave considerable satisfaction to the audience. Mrs. Frank- lin gavo two readings, " A modern ser- mon " and " John McKarlane's rabbit dinner," also singing " Don't forget to write to me," and •' Sing me to sleep." Mrs. Large fa\or>il tho audience with an organ solo, llis.s Ida Ooborne sang "The Pilot " very acceptably. A i[uartot, cimt- posed of .Mesdames Deaiilc and Willmnis and Messrs. McDonald and Williams, presented three numbers which were well received. Rev. G. M. Franklin sang " The Englishman " and instrumental selection I were furni.slied by Mrs. Large, Mesjrs. P, Munshaw and J. Williams. A committee of ladies sfrvod rofresli- inents during nn intcriniasion between the parts, and the program was broui'ht to a close with thanks to all those who look part, and singiiia the National .\a- them. It was declared til b- one of the best social gatherings onr village has had, and the ciTinmitfee ate much indebted lo Mrs, Franklin for her valuable ami inter- esting assistance. The reading of " The rabbit dinner will not soon be forgotten by those who hiard it. All those who took part in the program or ]iiovidi'd re freshmrnlR have the satisfaction of know- ing that their rffoita were ouriaiuly crowned with succeps. Tho I. O. F. concert held here on Fri- day nii(ht last was a coniplete success. Mr. MeariiR, the Chief It'inger of Oniario Foresters, who was to olHjiale as chair- man, was unable to he present, bni Mr. W. Biiskiu ably tilled the positii>n. Mr. Clark of Toronto gave a humon us exhi- bition of ventrih>(|ni<im, which hept tho audience in an uproar of laughter. Ihe Eugenia lU'ohestrn, composed of Mr. iStaiilry, Mr. tnd Miss Osborne, gava Bonis choice aeleotioiis of niusic which were w« 1 received. Soioa hy Misses IlurJ. U-borno and Caasar, with a duet by MiaaCatsar and Mist Ella Hurd, were also much appreciated. The hall was well fil'ed and e\ cry body enjoyed a pleas- tot evening Rev. And &(rs. Franklin were entei- tallied last week hjr Mr. and Mrs. P. Munahaw, -as The Small-pox Question. Any intelligent physician will admit that you don't catch smallpox because Bonicune else has it, but because youf condii inn favors it. Low vitality always encourages sickness and at this season especially, everyone should take Ferroz- one which d.striiys disease germs and makes the system so strong and heabhy that sickness can't exist. FerroZone i» a vitalizing tonic ihut makes rich red bloocJ, builda up the nerves, cures nervousness and drives away tiied Iani;uid feelings To uet sirotii; and keep strong use Ferro- zone; it assures health mid coatH but 50c. at all druggists. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at bulmp:r's puotograph GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay .Special Attention to Copying and Biibies' [lictures. Picture fram- ing a 8pecialt», Try us for any kind of pictures and we w:ll proiui.se talisfaction. IVIrs. BUr^lVIKR The cold w.-ather is fast appriaclii g.yoii want to pr.ivide yourself with one .d' our stoves. We b tvo on hand a full line of Cooking ra ges, base burners and all kinds of heaters. Hnrao blankets, robes leather and rope halierd, a.Ti8 and ciosscui saws, a largd variety to select from, washing machines and wringers. Large Block rif tinware and granitewarc, nails, locks and hinges. Stock Food.* IN'TERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Fattens stock In .% days leas time. In- creases the quality of milk 1.5 to 2.5 per cent. S^ves corn or oats. Y'.ur money refundeil in any case of failure. Vou ar-j to be the user and also t;he judge- PoiKiIine oil â€" every gallon sraarantecd. ] Highest cash price for all kinds of raw I fursâ€" mink, f..!t, c^'Oii, etc. THE CENTU.^ L H.VRD'iV.ARE- C. E. Noble. £DUNDALK Sydenham street. Flesherton Spring Term from April 3rd. j/;rj ELLIOTT^ Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills TOSOITTO. ONT- Coiner longe and .Vloiander streets. This sclijol IS making a reu'srkable record this year for placing its students ing lud positi los. CoIIbjo op^n the cniireyear. Entoniuw. (Jaralogue free W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. t£kD M D =J *' Looking back.I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. j i We have fitted successfully stubborn I cases that others have failed in. I Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. . A= Armst?ort5^j \ MJ] iEWKLE'" >N0 OPT5C9AN FLESHERTON. (?k, We have received i largft cur of best Norlli Shore White Piue. Parties ex- pecting to build a lious& next suinraer would do well to call and see us and arraci^e to hav«i their Sash Door and Frames made during tho wtater and get them home oa the sleigh. We famish everything iieeded for building a house. We will make prices and terms interesting. Wo want your trade and will guarantee first class workmanship and ma- terial. Planing and matching done promptly.' T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every day HEALTHY HORSES The horse has but one stomach, and ha.s but one chai.ce at his food, so it is absolutely necessary to extract the largest amount of good from the food in its rapid passage through tlie stomach. As a mlc, horses are either overwcrked or underworked, and it suffers much from impaired digestion. This is followed by stagnation of the blood aud a whole I'.ost of diseases. No trouble should be too great, to get and keep huu in good shape for his every day work. Clydesdale Stock Food, with bis ordinary feed, regulates his whole system by aiding the digestiou, regulaliiig llie bowels, stiraulatiug and correcting the action of the liver, loosening Uie hide, giving sleekness to the coat, aud your horse will do more work and on less feed. It can be slopped at any time without bad results. Mr. I). B. McEacheni, Harriston, Ont., says ; " I have used your Clydesdale Stock Food for the last six months in my stable, aiid I find it IS the best tonic I have ever used, and it is the only tonic Uiat when using, I can stop at any time witliout bad results, and my horses v.ill not lose in flesh like they will with other Stock Foods. No better remedies on the inarUct than Clyde.sdale Heave Cure, Colic Cure, Worm I'owder, Gall Cure, Embrocation Liniment and Tar Foot Remedy ; they should be kept handy. Vou never can tell when they may be needed. If the above preparations are not found satisfactorv your money will be re- funded cheerfully by our dealers in your district, namely : fioyd, Ilickline A Co., Kleshottou Knott Itro.s., Mark'ialo 'lavlorACo., Droiooro Thos, Mathews S: Son, Markdsle D K. MoArthur, HopeviUe. W. W. CoUingbr.wn, Dundaik Birclav «t Bell, Durham D. McXAVISH ii[ mwm imm\ wm For Fir.st Class Buggies, Carts, Pleaanre ai><l Lmnber Wagons, cutters, Sleiyha. We keep a slock on hand to choose from. ALSO nOkSE SHOEING ANO GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and eusraniee first olass work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and sbo Masspy- Hams and Noxon reiisirs fur binders. Mowers, til kinds of ma'-hinory, al.-o Binder Twine on hand. • mben in town give us a call •

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