Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1905, p. 1

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' - % i # jrksbertun "TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOE." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXlv, NO 1210 Flesh.erton, Ont., Thursday, March. IG IQOo W. H THURSTON, PBOPKIETOK Going To U Married ? If TO you will want a nica wejiliiij; ring. We have them in a great variety aud at just the right priues. © ® Going To A Weddicg ? Ifso you will want to take a pieMeiit along. We have too many beautifij BLACK WOOD Cl.orKS which we will sell at cost for the next fifteen days. This means something to' you. Make a note of it. These are suitable for general use. See t>iem. m* Jfrmstrong, FLE6HKRT0N, ONT. T-=y- Industrial Home Notes {By ati Inmate) Harness. She was accoospanied by her sfji) i'nd dauahter. A few i.f the old fellows are- greatly eliifed at the ap^jroach of spriui; and their coiitemplattU departure from the iiiftitu- ti^n. We Wonder what some of them intend to do for u living. Robert Smith of Artemesia. aged 82 ywars, waa idiuitted on Feb. 1". The old gentleman still retains unmislskeabla truLVH of a once intellit;ent iotellect, but ta MOW rapidly driftiuii into a state of second childhood, tir appears to lose all r<:collectionn if everyday bapuenings, wliile events of inaiy years ago are viv- idly reineinbired. He is an aideiic atid lifelong Mel hod 1st and it i.« proiniiieiitly «?vi lent that he baa been a lover and a leader uf vocal aacied music. He ap- pears ti' be pel feoily contented here. He I was hrouiiht by Reeve Boyd, with whom ! your scribe »*nj<)ye(i a uood cigar and a ! half hour's pl.-asaiit chat. Miss Eva Sm^U, teacher, Stone's line, and Miss Collmson of Ceyliin, called on your correspondent Sunday ufterouoD. E'or tearing hultona iff shirts or other underclothes vre challenge anything in the province to excel thd house of refuge washer or wringer. Thi.-* Week's Items ' Dead March" frcm Saul, and the hymns sung were selected by the family, one of which, "Thriiuah the love of Go<l our Sav- iour, all will be well, "being a particular favourite of the departed. The members of the family hare the deepest sympathy of all their large connections in this their severe bereavement. On Friday night last a goodly number of youni; folks tn>-t at Mr. R. Ottewcll's, 10th line, wiiere a pleasant evening was spent ill danciug.etc. Mr. S Colquett, of Flesherton, spent ] a weak visiting friends in Osprey, return- ' ii!g home to-day, Tuesday. McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MARICDA.LK, 0>^XA1<I0 Kimberley Miss Nellie Wiekens is visiting friends in Hesherton at present. Mi.ss Edna Bradbury is visiting friends in Eui:enia and is the guest uf her cousin IMi.ss Annie Hyslop. .Mr. Stuart of Regina, N.W.T. is the guest of Miss Claire llurd, Poplar Grove Farm. Miss Rhoda Soul of Duncan and Miss Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STOEE New Spring Goods The New Goods are arriving daily in dray loads â€" and we are working day and night to get tlipm checkid oS and placed in stock. This sea.son we will be in a position to show you one of the best as.sorted stocks ever placed iu this bi^ store We have spared uo pains to secure only the newest and most fashionable goods »o you can depend on any- thing you see here as being JL'ST RKJHT. STYLE, QUALITY and VALUE are all harnessed together in this store. You are invited to call and seu the new gooJa and get prices. New Dress Goods New Clothing i\ -?â- â€¢ â€" <t~-^g^~-^^â€" 'g- â- i: ^±^--J~-<t--^. J CoDsidrable inconvenience was exper- ienced the greater part of last week occasioned by a hitch in rho waterwoiks cystera. In the forepart of the week it was observed that the supply of water to the house was rapidly becoiuiug itiade- ' ijuate for the demand and that the indi- cator on the tank failed to show a rise of water alihouiih the wiad mill was kept in constant operation. Ivestigation showed that some part of the pumping gear wax broken. The services of Mr. Coleman, of Maikdale, were at once secured and dam.-'.ges repaired. Still the pump failed to perform its service, the water merely rri:k!ed iuto the tank. The investigatint: powers of the tnauager could find neiiher peace nor rest until he discovered the defect which proved to be a leakage in some portion uf the pipas. Dotliug his coat be set to work and soon remedied the defect, therety saving another plum- bers bill. We should like to know what Mr. U. cannot do. We believe he could mak'e a watch were he to set about it. The fine weather of Thursday last brousjht a larger number of visitors to the Home than is usually expected at this season of the year, among whom may be mentioned: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone, Stone's Line; Mr. and Mrs. E. Sargeant, of Ceylon, accompanied by the former's sister, Mrs. , of Toronto; Mr, Donald McLeod, Jr., and Mr. .\. Stuart (Cousin Sandy) of Flehhertoii. We wera espec- ially pleased to meet the latter gentle- man, being uu estimable aud old time ncquaintancc. On Saturday last wo noticed the first batch of cwws this reasoa ctos'^iug the Industrial farm, and we hope that weath- er-prophet tJicks' predictions will be Knocked endwajs. <.)n Saturd:iy afternoon last, Mr. Uarry Harness took an amateur snap shot ot the male inmates, en m.isse. We have not seen the proof and can, therefore, make no comments on its merits or de- merits, but think nevertheless, that it would have been a good idea had there been a screen stretched across the room midway between the sitter aud the camera. Tout scribe took up a conspicu- ous p.'Sitloii out of range, but had the thing gone off backwards, he would have received the whole charge. There is no impiovement in the con- dition of Mrs. Ruttan,the old lady roiior- ted as insane a sbofttiine ago, Mrs. Kinnear.of Hulland, is filling the vacancy on the staff, made by severance from it a few weeks ago, by Miss Maggie Stone, Mr. Annslrong, of Owen Sound, was here last week auditing the 5Ianager'b book accounts pertaining to the Homo. Mr. Trelford, of Markdale,is supp'yinif tell tons of coal for the kitchen range. Harry Harness is hauling it with tb« cor[>oralion team. A uaw milch cow and calf were recently added to the livestock. Mr. W. H. Cook, County o»>uncill.ir. of Haltoii, visited the home last week to view the arctiitectural plan of the hou.so and barn, waierw^^rks system, etc., also eu ({uiritifit into the method of general iitan- agement with a view uf buildiuit a county hou.-ie, Halton being one of the eixhtcouii- ties in the province still withou': a house of refagc, Mr t>ulia<ii Beattv of the Bruce Co. Council, accompanied by Mrs. Beatly ^aad other friends, visited the home laat week and expressed the ((eiieral verdict of Tisilor*. Mr« J. Baumbtr of Jackson, paid a lvinf( Tisil liMt Week tu her eoiuiu, Mr. The snow is win gettiiii; less, the tops of fences so long hidden from view are i Pearl Shaw of Kolapore, spent Sunday at now observable, the cr.ws are becoming Mr. R. D. Carruthers. more numerous, but we have not yet seen , ^r. Robert Ruthvan of Clarksburg pas- or heard the ever welcome robin although This is always an attractive department for the Ladies. This season we intend our Dress Goods Section to be doubly attractive. All the newest fabrics and .„ ..iw..,vv.,i,.. I ... weaves are on display here. If you want there has been a "Robin-son" in the , "'^'^ ">'•""«'> °" ^'i'''^" °n M'^'day last ^j^^ i^test-we've got it. If you want house all winter. on his way to Buaenia, to visit friends. good quality-we've got it. Ihe electric liabts were auaiu turned) A number fen- here attended the I O. , u\ i . ^ •. on 1'^.day -«ht.la,st'.fter a cessation of If. Concert atKuaenia on Friday evening ^"« ^e-' -'--«- ^ot it. nearly four weeks owing to the removal i , t.. «, ri '° decreed that the lijiht gauzy of the plant to Hayward's falls. Al- i '''»f- The MwesG. Caesar, Cluixe and ; ^^j^,.;^,^ ,.;„ ^^ ,^^^g^^ ,^^^^ ^^^^ though the lights were unsatisfactory on i Helen Hurd, Kimberley talent, took part season. They are here in abundanceâ€" the tirst nights opeiatioa from the new in the prograin-ne. | New Voiles, New Efctanines, New Canvas A goodly number of the many friends i ^^'=°'^^» '^'*'°'' Cloths, Lustres, Mohairs, If you want Dame Fash- of Mr. and Mrs. T Bradbury assembled i ^7;, ^' *''"''' '"' iâ„¢P;'Ss.hle to describe all the new weaves,materials aud shading. at their home on Tuesday evening, Jlarch â-  Come aud see for yourself, 7th and presented Mr. and Mrs. Brad- bury with u purse, also au address, prior te their departure for Thornbury. Mr. and Mis. Bradbury have made many During the fall and winter months w; have worked the Men's and Boys' Cloth- lug stocks lower than we have ever had them before. There was a double object in this. We wanted txi start the spring season of 1905 with the largest range of New Patterns ever shown in Markdale. Secondly, we have put in an assortment of High Class Clothingâ€" the Soverign and Progress Brands of Tailor Made Ciothiiiaâ€" the canvas, paddini:, shoulder aud collar, all finished by experts. Tliis makes these brands equal to any tailor made suit at much less iu price. Takes look thnnii^hour assortment of .Men's and Bijys' Suits before you purchase. It will pay you. site, yet it is generally believed that when it uets into proper swing n better service will result. The snap shot at the male inmates re- ferred to in last week's items turned out to be a richocbet. At a second trial on the following Monday, Harry took better aim and scored a bulls eye, resulting in a very fair representation of the old pen- sioners. On the second occasion your I f^j^nds during their sojourn among us scribe was directly in front ot the auu but) , • , , ... came out of the aar,;yscath less. t\.Dtin- j *"'' "« ""'^ "'"'" '"'•â- '^''«' '° ""-â- "• "«"' ae the practice Harry, me bhoy, and ye'l h""'*- Following is the addre-^ : ; ^^-^.^^ ,,yj ^f .^^ reputation this store has won for w,uh materials of all kinds, and soon become an adept m quick bring aud To Mr. and Mrs, T. Bradbury :-\Ve, this sca.son have made bigger preparations than ever for this trade. Not only the at long raiiae your friend.-i, have met together this ev- , Canadian but the Foreign markeiis have been se^trclied for t;he lacesc novelties, and wa M. h.. Kichardson, tKi., and daughter ening to say farewell before your depart- ; i.ave indeed a arand display of new materials to show vou. See the new Prints, visited the home on Monday of last week. | ure from our village. We could not con- i Dimities Org-indies, Pii[ue3, V New Wash flaterials. Your cor. was higlily pleased to see thr-m. On visiting day live sleigh loads con- sisting of the pupils of Vandelour public school under tie superintendence of their respected and amiable teacher, Miss Hunt, paid a visit to, and were shown through sent to let you go without leavina with you something as a token of the esteem in which you have been held during your sojourn iu our community. We ask you to kindly accept this purse as a token of our regard for you. We wish you happi the iustitutinn. 'Ibe luddy cheeks of the 1 uess and prosperity in your new houie, pupils was sufficient evidence that the drive out was good for them, while their happy and smiling countenances bespoke their pleasure at their iii.vel visit. Their amiable teacher and one or two other young ladies had a cordiiil handshake for each of the poor old fellows. That was very nice i>f them. They were accom paniedjjy Messrs. John Bolaiid, W. and â€" . Buchanan and others. Which will bo the) next school to p.iy us a visit before the snow voes! Our es;:ooined young ft ienJ Mr. Alex McRao of Ceylon paid us a visit on Thuisdiy last. I. B. Lucas. Esf]., M. P. P. accompan- ied by a gentleman and dauiihter from a di.^laiice, whoso name and place of resid- ence we failed to catch, visited us on Fridry. We were pleased ta receive the right hand of fellowship from, and a pleasant conversation with our popular M. P. P. who retains the same youthful appearance as when your scribe first met him seven years ago. naxwcH On Sunday morninii last the mortal remains of Mrs. Ann Schenniuan of this plac« were laid to rest in St. Marys churchyard. She died on Friday niglit after a brief illness, the result of an old standing trouble. The family gathered from distant points. Charles and Wm.' A , sons, came from Pittaburjj, Pa.; Mrs. j 'P*' OrnisVy from Buffalo, N.Y. ; Mr. and '<""â-  1 »'"' Mioses and if we should not meet on earth again we hope wa shall meet in tlio eternal home above. Signed on behalt of your friends, Maude t'awcett. Vera Gaudin. Mr. A. Mills of Thornbury look charge of the service in the union church hers on Sunday evening last. Rev. J. .S. I. Wilson of Flesherton will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church hereon Sund.iy luorniug nest. Mr. and Mrs. J. Plewes of Kiikville spent a few days of the p:ist week with friends here. On Saturday morning at 1 o'clock there passed away one of Eui.hrasia's oldust, as well as mott rcspecteil, pioueeis, in the person of Mr, John Slaflbrd, Deceased was born near Euniskillen, Co. Ferman- agh, Ireland, in 1822, and was conse- quently 83 years of age. When quite a young man he came to this country, and finally settled on the farm on which he died.soine 46 years ago. Dece.isod leaves a widow and eight children to mourn his demise, four sons and four daughters, namely John of New Liskeard, Irwin at Thessalon, Rutledge at Kimberley and Win. at home. The daughters are Mrs. W. E. Fawcett, Kimberley ; .Mis. Phil deceased ; Mis. Ed. Baker, Vaude- Li^zie and .Mnrv at imities, Vestings, Mattinas, etc., materials to ofler your. etc. â- iles. Flake and Knot Muslins, Ginghairs, Zephyrs. Nothing but new and up-to-date styles, in wash New Carpets we want every house keeper to see the magnificent range of New Carpets we have put in stock this year. New Brussels, Tapestries, VVool.s, Unions. Hemps, Linoleums. Floor OiloloUis. etc. An immense variety of handsome designs at popular prices, among the new Carpets, wo have imported direct from an Eugli.<h nianutacturer, ouc case Tapestry Stiuares. iu assorted patterns. These come iu did'erent sizes suitable for small medium or larije rooms. Tliey are a lovely lino (|ualiry English Tapestry and inucli lower in price than anything we have ever seen before. Take .1 look through the new Carpets if intend purchasing. We can save you mouey. McFAKl^AND, STx^FFOr^D & CO PI^OXON STATION STOI^E W.Hockley 1905 W.Hockley Just B few of our many bargains wo have to offer our patrons for the coming; month. 50 pairs men's heavy all-wool socks .19 50 suits ot men's all-wool guernseys regular 81. "25 for 12 Men's line Dross t)verco»ts 100 yd.s all wool sheeting 2 yds.wido gre,"\t bargain 49 A large a.'isortraent of men's win- ter caps 50 and 60c lines for, . . . Just a few ladies' short coats left to clear at .89 459 39 2.99 25 Men's and Boys' sweaters, bar- gain price A large assortment of chi!ds hoods sn.ip at 15 pail's men's heavy winter pants regular j;5.00 line for. , 2.1? .49 29 BOOTS and RUBBERS The funeral took place Sunday ' afteriioen to Markdale Cemetery and was largely attended.^ I Mr. and Mrs, N, C. IIew<ion and daughter Oertrude, of Hcathco'e, at- tended the funeral of the late Juhu Staf- ford on Sunday last. A Meeting of the Kimberley football club was held recently and elected offi- cers aa follows: President, Huuh Smith; Vice President, Charles Stuart ; Captain, 25 pair^ 3 eviet snaj proof rubbers regular $2.75 line for 2.39 50 pairs boys plain overs, best rubber, Ruap a) 48 Mrs. Maxwell, from Parry Sound; Miss *'"â„¢* Melinda from Buffalo ; and Mr, and Mrs. Cousi'ia from Singhampton. Mrs. E, Pedlar ot Fevershmi was unable to at- tend, but Mr, Pedler was present. A Urge number of intimate friends were iu attendance, and after a private acrvice at the house, attended only hy immediate relatives, the body was taken to St. Mar y's church, by the two sons .-tnd four tons- in law. The usual burial servioe was j,.h„ Lawrence ; Sec,-Tre«» . Willard held in the chuich, and the ooaimital fol- Gilbert ; coiamittee, Milton Neil, Jasper ' y lbs fresh 6g,ii for lowed. The officiating clergyman waa the Stuart, Itobert Lawrence. John Braniff, 4 lbs fresh cnnents Rev, O. M. Franklin, the Rector of the J»»per Gilbert. The secretary is now NHarge bottles U-mato cateup special. . , . A. ,1,. w„j. . J , open to receive challenges from any of 5 lbs good Japan Ti " parwh. As the body waa removed from ^Q n,ighl»orinf dob*. ^' ' •' . 8 . _ r" . t))« ehurch, the organiat played "llie StUMnrocks. 2u pairs women's felt lined boots 1.40 and 1.50 lines for Also a large tabic ot working b«ot!i reduced to 9.S We want to impress upon your mind the great bargains wo are viviog this month in glassware, such as; Fancy Parlor Lamps, regular 2.75 line for !< 00 6 ffold stipple water sett* 1,75 U> 2.00 iiueg for 1 4.'< 5 only tea setts, 44 pieces, irroat bargain at 2 69 4 97 piece dinner eetts, $10.00 liuea reduced to 8 OU GROCEI^IKS "y: »%.♦! t • NaaiQ of team, 5 |be good Ceylon Te« for.. .. 2ft .. 2f. .. 11 .,1 00- 4w |yi)aii*«MI>* wy.% * f* j (Bi y -?fc » * _^,„-,._,^ ^

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