February 23 1905 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Markets. Carefully Correrted Each Week Oats 'â- •• **'* "'^ IVas '^ 'o •'•^ Burloy 45 to 45 Butur 20 to 20 K:i«ti frush '8 t'l 1" CliicUeiis 7 '" 7 Ducks "t" J' Gee*e y to "^ Hay '<> 6 P"' ^•otatoos biie r>0 to 00 Turkeys 1^ t" !•* Our Clubbing List •• Advance, *Henxlil lUiJ »Torunto \Vi)ild, diiily. . 'I'..n)nto D:iily News., Wrekly Gloho Aliiil-Kiiipiie Kiiuily Hi'iiild & Star T.'iKUt" Star l'"HiiucrK Sun All !il)'.vo i)ru,-es inchulo Tho Advance and Montre^.l H.-rald, if paid in advance t.nly Eiily subsciibers get best value for their uuiuoy. .$3 25 . 1 85 . 1 SO . 1.80 . 1.80 . 1.80 1.80 iK^'" New Livery. . • 1 have .staricd a uew Livery Biisiiie.'is in tnwn 'â- *• and h:i\e new rigs, good fie.-li li.ir.-iis and am [.re- |mrid li. };ive you tlio VKKY BEST ALCOMMODA- TI...N- cvi:r (livt-n in luy line in Flebhorlon. . . Hacking's Livery W,G. Hacking W.P.Crossley Proprirtf'T. Munai;(-*r. WANTED Salesmen to represent •Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Newi.st vnrielies and special! its in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Orna- tnifntals and Rosea. A p^riinnent situation, and territory res-^rved for right man. Pay weekly. HANUSO.ME OUTFIT FREE. W.iie tor particulars. Send 25c. for the POCKET -MICROSCOPE, useful t.. growers fruirs and sliruhs and to farmers in exHuiiiiing ;>rai:is and seeds. Mr Rijhard Allan Is local agent for " Flesherion. Stone & Wellington (OVKR 800 ACKES) Toronto - - Ontario A goo<l inventmeut that im^s divkltiudfi all Ibruu^b lifu iu a cuurso ol training; iu &uy of tho L)epartmt;ntH of the Oven Sonnd. Out. Four completo courses of Ituiv* Host oqiiippod Itui^inesH (Jolbfie prt-nn^i- OS in Gnna'Jft. The only fiolU*g« owniiic U*; nwi> COMi-Rii Ouil-liitf;. A lariju KtatTof coniputeii' ftnd pibiM taking toacbcrf. Our ^laduut'CU an- most ftiioi'osKf 111. -TiiHt auk tbuui. Tuli partic- ulars Bent to a>'y a'ldi'UBs fioo. C A Fleming:. I'rincipaf Winter Goods JnJ<c apneas Oupp/it Bells, Blankets, Robes, imitation Per^i^n Lamb Coats for drivinir, Wliip.H, Laslien, Combs, Brush- es, â€" a biigo stock of choice goods juit in* Trunks and Valifies for travellers. Out your harncsi supplies from â€" Wm. IVIOORE FLESHERTON Feed your hair; nourish it; give It something to live on. Then It will stop fallinB, and will grow lone and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vigor Is the only Stone Settlement hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " Mr l!«lr «»e4 <o 1)0 very iliort. But after nilni; A.jn'» lUlr Vl^•or ii .hurt time It bcpin to ttr*)^. "=^d BOW 11 Is fotirtfen Inche. long. TliU soeml a »|ilen<ll(i rc.nlt to mo uflor be.ug »lnio»t lr»ltli"ut OUT hair." . ,, ,„ Ulis. J. li. ri»«K, Coloriido Sprlnji, Colo. Jl 00 a bottle. J- o- at«r co. All . '''•'â- gg'i ' ''^â€",, fnr* iinM H iii"" 111 -*" Short Hair â- 1^2 iSii In Furniture The largest and best slock of furnituie ever shown in Flesher- tnn. Tliis without fear of contra- diction Come and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Ctiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorri Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT, L "•'Xi furniture £Dea/e FlestatoD - OBt. Or^' J Business Cards ^ Hankov Markdale Joa goiieral baukini; businoBH. Money loanod a roasoualjlo rate Cull on UH. O J SI'UOULli '^ f o-ituiaBtct, Fleuherton oommiEaioner in H.C..I., Auctioneer Con veyancor. Appraiser and Monov Lender Ileal Instate and lusuranoo Agent. Deeds irort({atj«B, lenses and willa carefully drawn up au'l vatuations made en Bhortest nntioe. money to Joan at lowest rates of interest. Col f'jtioiis attondod to with prouiptuess I'hargeH low. Aijent for Ocean Dominion Jitcaujbhip Company. A call solloited. SOCIETIF^ O yj Vi meets oi. the last Monday in oa^n month, in their lodRe room. hristoii's block. Klet-lierton. nt 8 p.m. M.W., \. Harrison ; Uecorder. .las. t'elstead ; Finau ior, W.J. Bel, amy. VlsItioR bretlirrti iLVited jKINCJli! ARTIITll LODdE, No. .S33. A. A i.l, nieets in the Nfasonic ball. Strain's tlook. l''iosh*.rton. every Friday on or before lie rmi mocn. I' H W Hfckllbg W M. Cbae liiushaw, SHL/otftry :"> u.'nT Ft.i',sni;nTON', o()->. r. o. v. iv cots it. " rhiistof's Uloci the last Kridnvovei iiiR of a<'h inontll. Visltiiia Koresters heartily wi'Icaino. r.. H., .I.Coninelil: li.C. W. lUisklii; I 'ill. Sin., H. A. Will. tt. t'loAHO nay dues to H. . WiJiett on or before 'be last day of the proceeding niontli. , Stock - Taking - Sale K. N. KLNNKVR K SONS Will sell lor the lialancB of tliii ' irioiith 111" followlii({ named irooijn fct till- LIST I'UiCE to dear: All niIA> r footwear, all oil.) pints knd loiis. jui |<,'ts anil r efi-rs, Ri. -k.s nnil nnilcnvenr, prints HntI fl .11111 !••;'•, wra|i(n-ri-ttvs and diufi Koofls, cardigan swe:;tcr8. Oftr nr»cery department it krt>t wi'll atiiiked with tho vi.ry I l.:.ic«'«thr»nd» i-f piod» |si»s;l)le. (ilon Huron flom- always on h«nd. il you iif wanliiiga iin-e <iii»rter of Iwi-f le-.ve yiinr oiil.-r with ii». W.'kf^ii frfsh |s)rk, shUKkIi, |Mirk ^h-iustv.th chile «»uc» within the ra* h -.f every Ixxiy. Your dollam will tell, chobaUnre o'thi.m-.nth j,t 'tl.<: Cheap (-.Kre in .«.»«.« 11. B. N. KINNEAR & SON tr 8TR •.'^"A i OLD 8TA\D Medical OR CAUTRR M C P <£ H Ont. Physician. SnrReon.^to ')[Ilce and rosidenceâ€" Peter at , Flesherton nil A. V. HOND " (iraduate Toronto University, Mom- bur of Ontario College o; Physiciisns and Siir- fiOMis. Maxwell. On'. .SnccesHor to Dr. 8cntt. T P OTTEWKia, ' Veterinary KnrKeon Graduate of Oiitnrio Veterinary rolIei,'o, rcMiduMCO â€" second door south west on .Vl.ir^- stroob, Tliia street runs sonth Piesbyturlaii ('linrab tl \Vll,K>i>N, llluck^mitb ^' Iradiiatn of tho Ve erinsry Relenco .\HHiudatio!i. Ittisiiii'iice, IJnrbani 'street, op- po-ito Hoyd, Ilu-klii.K's hardware. LEtiAL t Ul.AS WRIGHT 4 McABDl,!.; â- â- • liarristors Soliuitors Conveyancers, etc Otllnesâ€" Owaii Kouml.ont snd MarkilaleOnt. W II VVkIOHT, Hi:AnW.K I II liUlAS N It'-KIosherton onUp. Mitebell's Itank •vory Haturdav Mr. Editor, it ia ^oule tiino since any Items fiom I his section have appeared in these columns. The only exciiso wn can give f(ir this stale of affairs is tho scarcity j of iiitert'Btiiig news. The latest thing wu have out here is I.,4i (irippe, wliijii, while not a Ktrnn;>or to many r»f ns, has a'htraiige quaint way with it which is for- evttr new." It is no respector of p-rsocs having attacked the strongest man luound here single handed Mr. and Mrs VV. J. Beatty, of Oran«e Valley, spent Sunday with friends on this line. If the sun spota are rasponsible for the prisent state of tho weather wo hope ii will bo some time before they appear airain. Mr. Alfred Stone has returne.] to the hospital, in Toronto, where he underwent a successful ripera'ion, wliieh it in liopnci will leave him much iiiiprMi-ed in health SVe uiidfrNlai.d tli.il our I rustic liond are cont-niplaiini; the erection i.f a hoard- ing house in coiinection with our scho'd fur the aecoioodaioi of students fr. ni a distance. Already theie is sonie timber on the tround While sliding on the ice the other day. Master T6m Butler fell, strikmi; his head with such force tli.u he was rendered unconscious. We are pleased to state that he liaa lully r' covered. Dentistry D». R C. MU«PAV,l,,r> K, deiitai snrpeon honor madnatv id Tiiiohto L'niverslty and Roval Collnue of Dentsl s iriipons of Ontario. OlAceâ€" Opposite Armstrong's .TewolUry Htoi'e. Will >llt vl.nwcll HirtUst Wtiliimlav of iiarh mmiii. an' Duidslk 1st and ard Thursday o( «'â- ' â- "nt.b 0tove0! ^tovei^l ; The cold weather is faat approaching,you | wani to provide yourself with one of our Hioves. We h'lve on hand a full line of ', Cooking ra' ges, base burners and all i kiml» of heators. I H'd's,^ blankets, robes leather and tope . hali<r.<, axes and ciosncut saws, a large , variety to se^'ct from, iyashiog machiiiaa and wri niters. Large stock of till warn and graniteware, nail-*, locks and hinges. 8tock Foodrt internati(»nal stock food Fattens stock In .'iO days less time. In- crensus the <)ua'ily of milk In to 2.") per cent. Saves corn or oitts. y..ur money refumletl in any case of f.iilure. You are 11 b.- tho usir aii I al.so Mie judge' p. imlii.o â- •il â€" every gallon •.'uaranteed. Hiwh-.si cii«li prieo for ill kn ds of raw fur» â€" mink, fox, d-on, etc. 'I'IIECENTK \ b H ARD ,VAKK- C. E. Noble, £DUNDALK Uouor it<iilti Report of S. S. Wo. 17, Arteniesia for the month of Januarj'. Class V. â€" Violet ilcLuan. Class IV Sr. â€" (jeon;e English, Vera Phillips and iVlauei Cliard. Class IV Jr. â€" Fred Kussel, E. Chard, Arthur Cliaid and Mai^^in Fislier. Class 111 br. â€" Walt r Akitt, Sam Simp- son, Dora Pedlar, Leila Clark and Eliua Aiiustroni;. Class 111 Jr.â€" Nellie Pedlar, C. Hoy and Edgar tietts. Class II Sr. â€" Ellie Armstrong, Lewie PedUr, Ernest Uus.el, Keta J^'iolier un. Carl Atkinson. Class 11 Jr. â€" Annie Betts, Pearl Clark Nellie Fisher, Reta Beits anu lVI. V\ hue. Class II Pt. â€" iMiiinie Arnistrmig, Ber- tha Morrow, Mynie Parliament, L. li'isi.- er, Mattel Hadley. Class 1 Sr. â€" b lureiice Parliament, f i es- tou Clark, Anuio Pedlar, Robbie Blakey and Ellie Blakey. Class 1 .11. â€" Jo>cb Clark, Edgar White Not Ranked â€" Joey biiupsoo, I'lnely Hoy. Everett McLean and Earl Pailiu- meut. Average attendance 49. M. Braniff, Teacher. An Asthmatic's Story Told Sleepless nights, suBocatinsr sensation.H, diilicult to even breathe. "I can scarce- ly describe all 1 suff. red from abtlima," writes Mrs. E. P. CavaimU: h. of Cid borne. "S;;aBins of coughirgw >uld corn- on that made me weak, .Nii.liini> did me any i;..od until 1 used fngiaot, healing Catariliozo. 1 am delighted to reeoni mend this rtmedy which cured mo oi chronic asthma after scores of gooi physicians had given me up. Caturrlio Z'die la belter for ashma, -iives quicker relief that any remedy 1 know of. M) cure is a perfect one." Try CatarrhoZ'ne It never tails to cure Asdima. Complete outtii ?1.00: trial .size 25c. HEADACHE ! Neuralgia and Nervou.sness cured quickly by A I A Y HARMLtSS HEADACHE AND '\J'\'\ NEURALQIA CtiRE. Ke li.~;ol d.pretnon. Crpnle^l cnre .ver di«-(>%ered. XAt no olber, IOC and 15c. Alt d»lcr« or tlirecl from lUuTIH&Co. S:nico«, Onl. Muney backif nolMlisAed A Duntroon man recently wrote a let- ter to Mr. John Ma'one. of New Lowell, in tho following words : "Dear Friend, â€" I feel in1ple^Ked to wiit^ a few lines to you as 1 have been tr.iubled with a thought which seems very small, but still I feel I sh-'uld make riiiht. One day I, with a companion, look a few apples out of your orchard to eat and I felt I diil wrong and I ask you hereby to pardon me. It is not very much but I felt it was wioiig, 80 1 hereby make confession. Now if all tho fellows who have stolon apples were to make an open confession and ask forgiveiues what a unat experience uieet- injj there would be. In fact wo think ibo number of penitents would he ."o largo that thi re wou'd ten^ one left to reprjve them. The total snowfall of tho poseiit sea- son up 'o Feb. 9, as recorded by the me- torologicul oflieer at Owen Sound, was UO^ indies, or 7 f et «A inchea. Smce thai time Kiiflicient has fallen to ii.cicaso the lolnl to f. el There was still 2.^ fuel la-king lo make the lall of the pros ent season equal to that of hist year, but that has probobly b(]u|i accounted tor since tho above date. A dliiated Stomach Distention and pains from indi>:e.sli di aie cured (juiekly by Nirv ilino. When you L'et an attack of slimiacb troulile take a aiiff dose of Nervilii.e, whieh is (ifrfect- ly haimb'SH but marvellously .quick ni ofTectinga lasiini; cure. "I was once 'aken ill wnh Ktomarh trou'do," write.. Edward Uiwell, of Roe.ln ster. "1 was in great pain and distress liut half a tea. spoonlul of tiervdine (ixetl me up in a low minutes. I ran rrcominaiied Nervi- liee fir sick headache and cramua and I and consider it an invaluahle hoiineh ild remedy." Try it yourself. Price 20c. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho place to get the best Photon is* at liULMKR'S PHOHXIIUPII UALLKIIY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay .Special Attention to Copying and liibies' pictures. I'i.turo fram- ing a specifllty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we w.ll pronii.Sfj.iilisriictioii. Sydenham street. Fb'shortoii FARM FOR SALE A flr-t (lass 30 oejH (arm for Kale, IJ niilm fft'tn l-l*;Hberton ; solid brJoK house, bai.k baru, giio.i phiiit iind upulti oci;ha.r.l, cood l9iu!e<, it a ores fall wheat, '2) acres nowlv so.-deJ, M aci ai ploaatittd, a'l lit f'jr macbiuery ; :t i^oves hard* wood. Voascosion it o:\c3, lU'plv irj CL.^UDii AKi:;.-:, i'loshortou nUSlNESS MEN KNOW that the Work of tlie faaious Flesherton Sash, Door and Pianing frills • (UtlO TORONTO. ONT. Is I.f the llniiiEST (Jii\Di; and that is thi^ reason our i;r.ntuate.s aie stepping into tiood positions as tasi as we ca.i t^et tlieiii li'.i'y. Our college i.s open tlio entire yar. MagniHcent catalogue free. Enter now. \V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Comer "V'ont^o and Alexander street."*. I 1 nyiJi a^^ W'u have received â- * large car of bust Noitli Shore White Pine Parlies ex- pecting to build a liouso next suiiimer would do well lo call and see ns and arrange to l.avp their Sash Door and Frames made daring tho â- winter and get tlietn hr.tne on thesleigli. We fiirmsli feverylhiuf» uecdfcJ for brtilding a hoiipe. We will raalce prices and tenns interesting. We want your trade and will guarantee first class voi'kmauship and ma- terial. Planing and matching done promptly, T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every da/ Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means something. We are not here to-day and away to-morrow; you know just where to find us. Comfortable vision or your money back. No guess work. Accurate, scientific measurements and tests. DifTicult cases a specialty. Wo Ao Affirtstf'onw, .£Wb:LE N'^ )P'i; icii«iK» i^LSSHERTO?!. There Is probably no greater loss in tlie management of hogs than at farro\ving time. Many a breeder complains of sows eating tlieir litter and don't know that this is due to bad feeding. Lots of pig-eating sows would never have developed this bad habit if they had been rightly feed before farrowing. Ity the time the sow farrows she is in a much fevered and constipated condition, which -rcatcii a litter eating appetite. This can, in nlmast every iiistanc?, be gotten over if Uie digestive organs are kept free and open by feeding Clydesdale Stock l''ood according to directions. The flo.v of milk of the sow Ls i.;cre;ised by the help it gives digestion. I.Iilk is the tlirect product of the digest- ed food. The greater the flow of Milk the greater the growth and profit of the litter. If you want to farrow the most and best pigs ; pi^s that have a chance to live, and become money makers, uie Cly<i,csdale Stock Food before and after farrov.ing. 'Mr. A. Newell Kilbride, Ont., savs : " rigs have never done better with me than those I fed Clyciesdale Stock Pood to." "RuiiUi" can be made money makers by using it. Mr. Donald McDougal, Harristoii, Ont., s.-iv3 : " I had iix 'runt' pigs to which I fed your food, and now they are a.'? good as any pigs I have." Carboliiie Antiseptic will keep your pigs aud pens clean of vermin, inakiuj; them do better. If you find Clydesd;ile Stock Pood, and other prep.iratioiis, do not give satisfaction, your money will be cheerfully refunded by our dealer. Sold in yoiu- district by the following ; Moyd, 111 klb g ft. Co., Flo.shoiton Knott lima, Mukdale T-iyl"r it l!o , Drum 00 O K. Vlc\>tlHir. H ...v 1 .. W. W. C.l!ingbr<vn, Da .d i P.arelay ,t Hell. Du.him 13. McTAVlSH m\\ Etsieioi \m\\\ For Fust ("las.-» Buggies, Carts, PlcaHiiie and l.timtei \\ .1 â- p cm tors, Sleijjhs. We koep a stock 011 bniiil to ehoo.-e from AL50 HOkSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITm^ (I and KUsrantee first class woik. We keep on hund Pl<«<^s liiid Plough repairs, and i>l»o Ma-^srj reimira Harris and Noxon refmira for binders, uiachinoiy, also Binder Twine on hand aib«n in town give us a call « M«Mr*-i8, nil Vhiii-i â- l?^-:^-;â- >aA^sx^.,;-_â- :. v^^