Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1905, p. 4

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a Jasvahy 26 1005 THE F L E S n E R T O IN A IJ V A K C E ^^^^^vvvwwy F, T. HILL & CO. 'ii^H^'iM^\ JANUARY - SALE - PRICES ^^l^TKR (JOOOS of every description are now being sold here at the snuillest j)ricc.s we've ever known, (juality and style considered. In two weeks we take stock and want (piantities in each department i educed to the KUiallest pos- sible points. That niean.s buying opportuniti(;s now that will not be repeated this .season. JJead on ei.75 LADIES' UNDEHSKIR'K for 783. We li:iTc exactly 27 L'ldies' Merccrixutl Siti-cii Uuii'IerHkirts ii> liuht bliio, divrk bluo, ceriu-, cic. Tlicse nre :\11 buuiitifiil, HJIky koixIi, hentily quiltrO ami will givo tlioroo.^li HiitisfiicMnii. Tlie piico nil se.isoii hus boen 81 70, but to t'Huct a .sjiuetly cleurKiice of tliu biibincu we liavu reducod them to less than liiilf. or eiith 78c. 45o. tr> 73o. VELVETEKNS for 20c. In all weUave about 15 piecrF plain and fancy VolveteenR, which ni.ike a very cr)ni|ili'te nsmirlnu'iit. Rome ol these are jwrticnlurly nice for Shirt Waists, others for children's ilresses ,ind othors for lancy work. In all there are probably 250 yards, regular 4yc., oOc mid 75o. go-ids. Every yard to be cleared out at thin very »ini;ill price â-  29c. a;. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS • v Worth Jo.ilO to 810.00, Clearing at ?2.38 to $5.00. Exnctiy 26 of these Mon'n and Boy's Dress and Storm Overcoal.s tlmt cnibmcc nearly every size up (o 44. We want to .sell every one of these during the next two weeks, and at the prices we've marked them hat should be easily acconipliahod. Nearlv every coat is marked at leas than half its actu-tl value. Overcoa's woijh ^.00 to $10.00 clearing now at $2.;J8 to 5.00 • 55o. AND 75o. TWEEDS FOU 43s. i! " " • ^„. This is [Kirt of a shi])mcnl of "mill ends" manufactured by (MiB of tlio largest and best Oaiiailiaii mills. Tlie leiisitha of these vary from 2 to 15 yard*, the cloths are k did g.o'lu, wijitcr wei'.ibt, and pitierns the nawe't and best. In sea.sono gone by we have had splendid values in " Tweed Mill Ends " but never anything ti> » surpass this last shipment. Your choice per yard 43c. 50o MEN'S TOP SHIRTS 3Sc ' . > I" In all wc have about 5 dnZon Men's Heavy Knitted Shir's, assorted sizes This i» one of the l«»t half dollar lines of .Sliiits we have ever seen, the colors and wearing i|ualitiuii being of tli» best. While they last we can give you the best 50 cent Shirt you have over purchased for only . >•• ' :t" -i' , 39 «2.00to«2 75 BOYS' COATS FOR 81 4ri Some weeks ago we bought several hundred boys' odd coats from the largest and best inanuf.icturors of Canadian CI thing. These we have in single and d<iuble breast in the best rjuulity of cloths we have ever had in Boys Clothing. A good asHortuient of sizes, your choice - -â- ,, ''; â-  1--18 wmfm MARKDALE fmm^ Fewer Exhibitions Desired The leading Agriculiund societies of the Province aie ivincing considerable inlere-it in the sugsri stiuii lliat has been iiiiide by Mr. II. 15. Cowan, Provincial Supoi intent, of Agricultural societies, that the number of exhibition:) held iiTiiiuidly ill Ontario slioiild be materially ri'duceil and tli.it Agricultural Sucieties bIiouUJ receive iheir i>r.tnts In proportion 111 tlie aiinnints tliey expend f'^r aurieul- tiiral purpos.M. Siich a cbanuo would uo away with all diatincii'in between the luvvnship and di.striet societiis. The Ontario Fruit Orowors' A^so'jiation has passed a result uioii apiirmini' •f tliisa Ruggi'r-tioiis and expressing the bilief lliiit such a change would result in larijer sums < f money being expended for Agricultur al purposes. The Exi5CUtivo I'f liie Don;- iiiioii Sb'Tiborn l!r<>ciIeiH .^ssociittion, at its annual me.-tin« in Toronto, on .Tan Hill, ul.so passed a resolution approving of these HUg'.ioiittonH and staring its opirrioii that fewer exhibitions would result ill lager attendances, better jirizes and better exhibits, ns well as a imluciioii in the undisiiable features now Ml prevalent at m.iny exhibitions. • ^ • Stomach 1 rouble« and Constipa- tion. "Chanibethiin's Stomach and Liver Ta'ilets are the la-st thing for (â- toMacli troubles and constipstiiMi I hive ever H ilil." siiys .J II. Cullinnn, a ilriiuutst of I'oltcrville, .Mich. They are easy to take anil always give H.-.ti.sfaclioii. I t-ll my eiis'onierH ti try tlnni anil if not siiisfiu-- Inry III oiiie Imek anil get their money, but have never had a complaint." For s.'ili* by W. E, Richanlsoii. Eiiscniii Chalmers' Church Annual ^eMiig Th" niinnnl meeting of Cbalnit rs Prn'. hyrerisn church was heM on Tlnirsday la t The printed linancinl sta>euient fe he p'ist yft'ii showel exiellent ri>«ulls in II 1 ilepirmi iit<. Some of 'be atnoiin's ri'K' d were as fol owi : (ieiioral fnnil, |I.V"iJ ;W( . on manse purchase. 897 00 ; iiti|ientl,8.'l.'>0 ; church scheme", ♦."16.80 ; Vh iHtiao Endeavor 82t>.2n ; Sabbath Svho.l, fli;i.4I ; Ulies Aid, 8127 72. During the |mst ytar thx morti-sgia 011 llli" oliuich hn« been paid otf and Ihr cliiirch is now free from del t. The iHtard I'avv <!eo«d«(l i« paiiit lh« church i;xide duriiiu the Cuinini stimmer, nTer- haul the sheds, etc. It liua iicea dvcidid III hold an enteit^ i >ment in the ne^r future for the pur|Miso of burninK the t'wcument which has been such aMtntttb. â- H oil i, R church for years p*^'. Monday morning about (1 o'clock the lire bel! startled (he good people of Eu- genia. Messrs. Smith and Willlaiiis, with oil ei' members of the lire brisjade, promptly re.sponded and found the Meih- odist church sheil had cniiglit ore from .some unknown cause. Altera hard light tlie fire was got under control. There was not a great amount <>F damage done, thanks to our brave lire briuade for tl e etiort put foith to save the aired from destruction. Mr. (ieorgo Gorley of Winnipeg is home from the West on a visit to his inoiher, Mrs. Oi>ilny of the valley. The Hympatby of all this community ia extended to nil the relatives of Mr. (Jeo. Kisher, who met siieh a sail death on Saturday night. Mr. Kisher was well and f'lvorably known at Eugenia and his death has cast a very sail fei ling amongst all his old acipiaititanoes. lie vas nnlcil tor his kiiidneas of heart and friendly di.^ipi sitii'ii Mr. Heiiiy Fenwick had the misfor- tune to fall and injuic his kuee, which c iiitines him to the lions.'. Icecuitiug ia in full awing at present- The ([uality is liri<t class. Ooi'd roail.s and line mild weathei. Cures Colds in One Hour. Many co;il cures are dangerous bi'cau.se couip.-sid of diadeniiiL' opi.ites. Hut frn- giniit li aling Calarrliozone cures colds in one hour and is berth hannks.s and ile- ligliifnl lo u.ie. F;.en ilie wost col. is, sneeziiiL', niitb Irng co!iU wilh riinniirg • yes are stoppe I very ipii^kly when the balsamic vap.ir of Caiarrlio/.onc is inhaled Catirrrho'/.Diie acta like a ehiirin mi colds, kills theiii ontn.:lit, provei.ts 'heir letiini a lew hours later. For cods, catarrh and throat troiib.e u e oiiU Catan hozotie. Complete iiultit 81.00, trial size 25c. al ilruL'gista. Get Off the Sidewalk Mr KniToK, -- It si'cins ui line of your rrndiisat least that it is time to ca'l attention toa v.-ry coinnioii practice which is ii'itoniy a puiilic niiis.iiice but exceed- iiigiy.dangi rouii. 1 lefer to the common custom ot many of nur citizens, olil and >irung, of coat-tiiig on the siitiwalks of oui villsije It h.iH coiire to such a pass t i-tt potesiiisns ^re under the necessiti.v ol ciro<NUiig bit Ween a lolaigns 1 slide and • C'lUimon highway for teams, to walk upon. It is lime to decide wlmther we tiavo sidewalks or only tolM>g..-an slide* which are tiseil as siilewalks at times when U'lt nc-ded for their original pur- |M>s<t We have laws on I he aiatuie bisiks coiideiuiiii.g all such abuse. We hafe iitlleials Wliose business it is to see that suuli laws are enforce<l and order caused to prevail instead of Inrlmiisin. It it liu'c for then. I wake up. â€" C.U.M. The cold wetither is fast approachit.g.you want to iii'iiviile yourself with one of our .stoves. We have on lianil a full line of cooking ta ges, base burners and all kinds of heater.-*. Hiirsvi blankets, robes h-allier and rope hslier.i, axes and crnsscul saws, a large \ariety to .select from, wnshing inachinea and wrinyeis. Large stock of tiiMvaro ami granit.eware, trails, locks and hinges. Stock FimkIs INTEItXATIOXAL STOCK FOOD Fattms stuck In .'10 days hss time. In- creases tin- <|ua'ily of milk 15 to 2."! per cent. S ives corn or oats. Ymir money refunded in arry case <if failure. You are to be the u.ser and also the judge' Peiioline oil â€" every gallon guaranteed. Highest cash price for all kinds of raw fursâ€" mink, f.r.t, coon, etc. THE CENTRA L H ARD'.VA RE - C. E. Noble, SDUNDALK Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills i) TLAJ] VVc have received â- Â» lai'Rf ciir of bnst North Slinrc White Pino Parties ex- pecting 1.1 biiilu a iiniise next fiiiiiiinrr would do well to call and see us and arranj;e to hav<' tlieir Sash Door and Fmmes made dining the winter and tjet them home on the sleigii. We fnrnisli everythiiiR i.eeffetl for biiildnij; a liotise. *Ve will nmkc piicen and terms interesting. We want yonr trade niid will givaraiilee first cla.ss workinaiiRJiip and tna- tcrial. Planing and matching done promptly T. W. WII.SON Manager Chopping every day i [ BOYD, HICKLING & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. ome Money Savers m I January Ladies' $1.50 and ?1.75 Boots f FOR ONE DOLLAR 35 pjiirs Ltulies' Fine Boot.s â€" sonic lace â€" sonic liutton â€" in tlongcla and box calf â€" new l;i.st.s â€" nie(l= inm and wide â€" patent and self toes â€" broken sizes, but 2i, 3, oh, 4, y and 7 arc included, liegular ,$l.oOand $1.75 lines. One Dollar A Special in Dress Goods at 25c A. selection of 25 patterns* of Fancy Dress Goods â€" double width â€" 40 to 45 inches wide â€" in wool, silk and wool, and fimcy mixturesâ€" good color.s,including red.s, greens, greys, fawns and bines in two tone effectsâ€" suitable for any purpose, but particularly for children's dres.sesâ€" any desired length cut. These goods sold in the regular way from 45c to 75c yartl. .-/t// at one (Blearing ^rice, 25c Special Prices in Furs liiwgains in â€" Men's Fur Coats Ladies' Fur Mantles, Caperines Kutts Stoles Cape:! To be Sure Of Good Bread use Good Eiour The celebrated "Five Jtoscs" Flour is made from No. 1 Hard iManitoba Wheat by the Lake of the Woods Milliin-- Co. at Keowatin, Man. ^ It always gives satisfactionâ€" once used, always used. TRY SOME! Put up in 1 2, 1-4, Md 1-8 Bbl. .sacks. Also in stock Manitoba Bmn ami Shorts in 100 lb. TJag.s. Boyd, liicklind ^ 00.

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