I •=^i AbQiJt the ....House >»»»»»>?•»»»»»»»»>»»» A, »^ A iicss lii'licT tlion fljikiiiess is doslruri. will III! iiM|iii>veil l),v i.lu-ii coiiiliinu- tion. Jn lonrlusion .<-lu' f{'^''s i> I'lli" '<>r liiikiiit; |M)\v(lci biscuit ill which sHKhi iinil liaki!!'^ jiovvilor coiilributcs to (c'IuImi iti'ss ayii (ill ii'ac.v. | â- Olio qiiiul Df flour silled well â€" it' silted two or llin-i' liinivs it is lict- 1 liM-. Into tlu' Hour incorporate two j hdiipiiig tc'usixioiii'ulh ol buking pow- der, a teuspooii of soda, not evisn full. Mix into Iho flour, etc., u very lurgo iubl<'.-.i>ooii of lard, and wot u|) with two lupfuls of sour milk or IjUttcruiillv. If till! iiieahiirinn has persons to .servo. t;iit a thin sli.t;""-'iMi correcl the milk will make the from the loj) of ivach for a cover ami j 'l""«li ^'<^''> i^oflâ€" so soft it will seem bcoop out just space eiicjii!;h to liolil , iuil'ossilile to lianrlle it. iiy lirudtjing U.U eK«- I'ui a little liutn/r in tlie j t'"'-'' bread lioard wvU with flour and LiolUim of the cm uy, drop in the ! «I""'"'^''"K -^ little on the toj. of the e(4K. lukiitg (â- ;,,•,, ,l„i ,„ |,|-,.,ji^ thejl''"'*^" "- ^an Ije rolled out into a .sheet ^olU; sea.soii witii .suit and iiej'i/er, i 1 LETTM FROI 'POLICEIEl^ FALL IK LflVEierar:ri.{;;;r': OfjiiR THE SEA INSTANCES WHERE Willi TOMAIOKS. '''fSKs «iid Toauitoe.s â€" Wash us maiij- I'uuii'l, siuootli tomatoes as tliere are not more than half an incii in thick- ness, out with small cutter, put in pans no iliey do not touch and hake in a ^e;"y hot oven. Five minutes will .hake them. It liked laiK'^r and thicker, more liiiio must lie allowed, but. the ovcM must he hot for good biscuit;*." IS KIT' I. llINTri Ulieii Ccirviiiir salmon and all short fjruined fish, cut it lenthwise, usiiip; u broad tisli slice to avoid breaking the flakes. Prevent milk from curdlingâ€" Add a. good idiich ol larboiuile oi soda to each quart of milk before putting it on to bo'il. The dangi'r of infection during an epidemic is verj much lessened if people will take a warm bath daily, at night if possible, ami lake plenty of really nourislimg food. To 'prevent lamp glasses cracking put them into a large pan of cold water, packed round with hay or straw, bring slowly to the boil, aitd then statid at the side of the fire to cool. Uemove the pan from the stove, but do not lake out the glass»- es till all is cold. Dry very thor- oughly before using. A few drous of wate:- on a lauiji chimney will broad-bladed ! L-rack it instantly. An invi.sihle cement which will suit .\our purpo.se is umde by boiling isin- glass in spirits of wine. This pro- duces quit.i a transparent cement which renders the join almost Im- perceptible WhiU tho cement is be- ing prejiared use a gallipot stood in a pan of fasi boiling water. For cocoaniit ice put one pound of the best loaf sugar, broken into luni|i», iiilo a Hauce-pan. and [lour over it half a pint oi water. Let it stand half an hour and then place it on the lire and allow it to cook for livi! minutes. Remove tli.' .scum and boil the sugar until it is thick and white, tlien stir into it a quarter of a pound of fresh rocoanut tinely grat- ed. Stir iiiicea.s-ingly until it rises toes tiiej ma.\ he panned. Wash ami ! 'iti a mass in Mn' pan. i hen spread it • â- lit ill halves gruid .wi/ed, solid toiiia-as i|iilcUlv as possible over ihe shi.-ets loos, and put them skin side down- 1 of jiain'r which have dried before the i'luce n (lot of biiller on to|) of Ih Ctfe. adjust the cover, and bake about iweiil\ minutes, or iinlil tlie lomulu IS tender. (iialeil cliee.'-e is. sometimes sprinkled iner the egg i before the ciner is put in lUace. ' Uroiled Tomatoes.â€" This is especial-J ly oasj to lU) (Her a gas lire, liut' can be done over coals. Select I frosli, firm tonuitoes. wash dry, and I â- cut into thick slice.'-, leaving the skini tm to hold iheiii togellier. Meal and jfrea.se the broiler, lay on the sliced j tomatoes, salted and pepjK'ied, and; •♦)roil ipiickly. Season with a Utile i butler, and .-crve wliile liot. A var- iation is alTor;led by sprinkling with cheese while hroiling. Devilled Tiunatoes.â€" Itroil quickly; 1 arrange on a choii philter and jiour over them a .s'auce made by heating together two tablespoonfuls of olive oil, a teaspoonful of made mustard, a da.sh of cayenne, a half teaspoon- ful of sugar and three tablespoonfuls â- of vinegar. Fi-ii>>J Tomatoes. â€" Slice large, firm tomatoes, cut medium thick; .season with salt and pepper; sprinkle plenti- fully with fine corn-meal, as much as will cling to each slice, and fry until t)oth ."^ides are brown in smoking hoi lard or sail pork (lri|ipiiigs. Take up cai-ofuUy with kn'ife, or pancake tiirnei-. and arrjingo in a little piles of two or three on a 'hot platter, putting a piece of but- t<3r on each slice as it is dished. This •IK a particularly pleasing accompani- laent to lamb chops or veal cro- quettes. I'Vied Tomatoes with ('ream (^ravy â€"Having fried the lomaloes accord- ing tv the preceding recipe, add .111- otbui tablespoonful of |)ork dri|jpiiigs or butiei to the grea.se remaining in the frying-pan; add to it an equal â- umoiKit of flour; stir until froth.v; then pour in cream or iiHlk to make a good coiisislencv . .Season to lasle ivlth Bait ami |)ep|ier and .serve. Panned Tomatoes Wilh <'ream fJravy. â€" Instead of frying the toma- Tells of Good News Received From â- Calgary, Atla., Which Brought! Joy Into His Lite. j ..• More is a sincere and unsolicited letter fi'oni an I'^n^lishinan who was almost l.'d to take his own life on account of what he sulferod from, itching jiili's. He Jiad doctors' ad- vice and remedies Lo no end and af- ter si.'tteeii years i.>f sulTering was without holie of recovery. He tells in his letti-r how he accidentally heard of Ur. Chase's (•inlmeiit. Ill, .Milton lioud, ilargate. Hiigland. Edinanoion, Hates & Co Toronlo, Can., ' Dear .Sir.s,â€" 1 feel II my duty lo write to acknowledge the great good Dr. Chase's Dintnieiit has done for me. I had .sulTered from itching piles for over ..i.vli'eii yenrs, and siilii-red badly al lliat. There have been tiniis wluii 1 could and would have lait an â- ml lo if all if il had not been for the thought of meeting Cod. •Some peijplc may t'nink I am strclch- ing it a poinl. but lho.se who have sullered as \ have will know. At other timeB I have felt 1 could takr a knife ;ind cut away ihe pnrt.s until 1 c;. ne lo the bolloni of the evil, but I hank God it is all liast It was quite ijy .iccidenl thai I came to know of Dr. 'Jliase's Oint- ment, I have nad doctors' advice and remedies to im end and could not say how mm I I sj)ent in that sixteen years. I had a 'Jnigary pa- per sent lo me ynd t Mere 1 .«aw your Ointment advei-tis«i. It just met my lase. as it S'lid for itching piles and saviMf painful operations. As I could not get Ur. Chn.se's Ointment from my chemisi. t wrote to my hrollier. Air. U. Shelley of Calgary. .Altn., and he sent me one box. I\efore I had used one-third of the box T was perfect l,\ cured by this ointment. I am sure you will be surprisi-d lo get this letter from this corner of the world, hut I fidt it my duty to acknowledge the great ifood Dr. Cha.se's Ointment has done for me. You are at liberty to iiinke us-- of this letter as you .see lit. .Ml I should like to my to aiivone '.vlio MARRY PRISONERS. ward in a baking tin. Put a Utile lump of Inilter on lop of each toma- to, sprinkle with .suit and pepper. ^md bake in a moleiate oven until Ihe tomatoes aii; soft, but not brown Have in readiness as many slices of •rieoly browned t oasis as you have •<)f the halved tonuitoes. and lift the •oiMutoes on Ihe loasl Tlu'ii make t))t> usual eriiuui glav^v and iio:ir '«.>v»'r, Stulled ronnitoes. â€" When it comes *o slulTed tomaloes their name is le- K'on, and all are good. The preliuj- inary prepara! ion is all the same lire. Remove the paper before ice is quite cold and let it dry. the WHK\ IIARV IS SICK. Don t dost- him with nauseous cas- tor oil or otIiiM harsh griping pur- gtilives. .Viiov,! all things don't give him poiso-noiis ".sool lung' slulT. Tlicsa things only make him worse, liaby s Own Tablets are what your little one needs. They are u gentle laxative, and make baby sleep lie- eause they make him well. They Holect round, lirni toinaloes of equal j cool his liot little mouth, ease his Ji'ize, ciil a slice oil the lop. and withjsoui stomach, and hel|i his nhstin.ite u .sJHjon handle or vivgelable scoop I little leelh 1 hrougli paiiih-«sly. They .«crape out the pulp Turn upsiile are what every mother needs for her baby â€" and the older children too. Mrs. Houthier, (ireinwood. B. C, sa.vs ; "1 consider Maby's Own Tul>- lets worih their weight in gold in every home where iliere are children. iMy only regret is that I did not learn I heir great worth sooner." Tliesn I'ableis will help every child from Ihe iiiiiinenl of birth onward, and aril giiarimleed to cimliiin no seas-' harmful drug. Sold by all medicine jii- 1 dealers 111 seiil by mail at 2,") cents Romances Which Prove That Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction. Some yiuirs ago a well-known au- by granting her sev- concessions, which she was not slow to alipreciate. When THEY I the girl received her "pardon" it was the warden who road it over to her. and as he shook hands he told lier that if iliere, was any way by which he could .sV'rve her she was to let him know. The ex-pri.soner took him al his word, and a few weeks later wrote asking permiss'ion to thor wr.'.ie an interes'ting "shilling ! ^'"i'- some of the unfortunate women shocker" in which the beautiful her- oine is accused of murder. I'he olli- cial who arrests her UiUn desperately in love with his prplly prisoiii-r, uiid aft(-r the young lad.v has been found guilty, .sentenced to death, reprieved al the last moment, and (inally. through Ihe timely remorse and con- fession of the real ciilprii. i.s s<:>l free "without a stain on her character," the courteous detoclive (really a man of high family who has joined the- force" as a cure for ennui) pops whose acquaintance .she had made ! during her imjirisonment. Of course j her reijuest was granted, and tha I warden himself conducted her to the I cells. I This was the first of many visits, I and when. .*>mp six months later, tha ] warden delicately hinted that she inighl he of even greater comfort to I I ht! prisoners if she would take up I her jiormaneiit residence at the war- 1 den's house she con.sented to do so, I and to-da.v she is the comfort and the (iiiestion, is accepted, ami the t ''"1'^' "' hundreds of women and made one in the last para- young girl« who are doing various 'I'his delightful ruiiiance hasj'ermsof iinpi-isonmeiit in the convict establishment over which her husband rules.â€" London Tit-l!its. t wo a r ,gra|>h. recently had its prototype in real ! life, proving the correctness of the old auage that truth, minus the eiu- | broidi'ry, is everv hii as strange as | ticlion. The lady in the present insiaiice is. ov rather was. Miss Ijilian Thomasch 1 of New 'N'ork, who last .luly had a , terrible experience in the Bronx, an . outly iiig district of the city. She ! Was walking one evening neai' ItiiHrd Street with a Mr. t'liarli'S Koxbury, ^ whom she had known fi>r lifteen i years, when a negro slole up behind '. ilieni and. wilh a heavy dub, felled i Mr. Roxbury to the ground. Miss j Thomasch Hed screaming and Sought | refuge in a hou.se three streets away, i IJoxbury staggered home and died aj few hours later withoir speaking. i ;\s soon as Ihe murder became known 1 Luke K. Oordoii. a policeman attach- j ed lo the Trenioni Siation. was sent i BAD TEMPER DIET. Which is Intended to Effect a Cer' tain Cure. In a little I'amphlet issued by a vv'geturiaii society iliss Alice Bruith- waite wti'.?s: â€" "Thiougli the investigations ol Dr. llaig we now know that the ef- fect of certain foods is to lender the blood acid. These foods are. witli the exception of mill:, cheese and butter, ;,!i the products .)I the ani* mal kingdom, including (ish and eggs; j)eas, beans, lentils, asparagus, mushrooms. lia, coffee, cocoii. an,i| to some extent oatmeal and browU bread We Then get slow or imptxled to arrest Miss Thoma.scii. and during icapillary drculation, and this im- the week following he kepi the young 1 pisic^d caterpillnrv circulation is th< lady under surv eillaiide. taking her | foundation of innumerable evils, foi many times lo court to give evidence [the uric acid in which t h,i waste pro- BKFORF, THK t'ORON'l-;R. iducts 01 'he body are thrown otl ii and District Attornev .lerome. Gor- "ever â- ompletely got rid of. but is don aPliears to have been immediate- .''el'i'""! i" the body, . :lnd this, to- ly struck by Miss Thmnasvh's un- iKether with I'ae high blood pressur.) cioubted goot looks anil relinement, I arising from the inipedi-d circulation, and though it was stated l)y the pre- brings about a condition of greater seculion that she was withholding or less disease. of which lieadach« valuable evidence, tiordon always 1 and neuralgia, rheiimatism and dya- (ledared thai she was hiding notbini;. pep.sia. ilepres.sion and bad tempeit When uilimatelv .lackson. the ne- suffers from this drenifful complaint | gro who had assnulti^d Mr. Koxbury, Is 1 know it cures. With many thanks, I remain. Yours resiieclfiilly. t! ShelKv. If you encUis'e a stamp for reidy, Mr. Shelley would no douhl gla-lly answer nn.v question about liis case. But there arc similar ca.ses among your own friends and neighbors with wlumi you can have a iN-r.wnal in- terview. If you arc not acquainted with the merits of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment .vou will he siirpri.sed ,it the was caught, (lordon was again chos- ;eu as the one to con:liict iMiss Thoiii- i asch to and from the cotiri-house for I the purpo.se of giving furl her evi- dence, dackson was found guiltv, sentenced to death, and linall.v elec- : Irocuted at Sing Sing. .Vl the time j of the murder Oordon's wife was liv- , ing. hut she died soon after the trial, and subseipiently th,> policeman pro- |iosed to Miss Thoiiuiseh and was ac- cepted. : ]\Irs. (lordon was "interviewed'' curo.'< which are being brought about isoon after the wedding, when she 111- in votir own neighliorhood. No pre- j formed a reporler iluit until she met are common. The bivaklust menu lo eure such bad temper is as follows: â€" "A iiip oi milk, or milk and ho» watei-. where milk does not suit," say.s Mi.s.^ llraithwaite. 'bread or loast and huiter, with a few al* monds, which tor those '.v ho liku then, so, may be toasted a palo gold color, will make a .good breaks fa.'-t . bill which after a course of eggs, ! aeon and coftee. will probably require a little preliminary dielingj before it will bo enjovid as it de- serves !\ little potato may occas- ionall.v be eixeii at breakfa.st. with parntion has ever been more heartily j her husband she always disliked advantage It is ni.'omiiiemded that the o.x- luiihvi of ihe P.utldhist monks, who i "and, in fact, was more or less pn-- were not allowed to eat food after aljiidiced against them. Mr, tJordoii noon be followed in a direct form â€" • eirlorsed hy |ieople who liave used it i policemen. "I never had a high op- and none has ever been so successful j inion of iiolice-otlicers. ' she said in curing piles. Dr. Cha.se's (Jinlmeiil, liii cents box, Bate al all dealers, &. Co., Toronio, BOY IN THE PULPIT Ten-year-old Prodigy Who Aston- ished the Londoners, u' Kitmansoii, i was the most polite policeman 1 ever met. and he treated nie with such unusual courtesy- that I naturally fell in love with him. and now we are very happy." There is at the pres-ent line- in I hi' British ludici' force in Ihe North an ollUer who lirst met his wife undei down a few momenls to drain off 1 be superduoiis juice, then .season tho dM.iidu with salt and pepper. Meaii- wliile prepare your slulling, whidV iiia.V luify according to individual t»Hte atd whal happens to be In the 'neder. The mo,s'l simjile slulling is â- UHUally made of stale bread crumbs, ijiarsley . butler, salt, and pepper, or the loiiiato pulp iiii.xed with •i,h<i bread crumbs un<l '(jiiiii^: hut this is varied with 111 il large lent, which has ben-n i circumslaiues which one wniil.t hard- ly ex|>ect to lead to the altar. Thi.'- oflielal vvas mie day on duty outside a big de|>artment store, when a sales- man dashed out and iiifornied him i Ihal his presence was required in A CASK OF SHt)l'-l,IFTIN'C!. The young olVicer enteivd the shop, ' whore he vvas commanded to aiTest a modest l.v -at t ired young woman, who Was accusol of stealing a small piece of luce. She hud Ihimi search- How of language ine.x- ed and the property found on her, so | Dressed in a while .sur- there was nothing lo be done but ^ eiectwl near lloUowuy Sialioii, Loiinie L. iVniiis, the American hoy jueacher, aged ten, heWI llie close at- teliUon of an audienco of ;i,0Ot) per- sons in London recent ly . It was a strange sight, Tlie lud. who is tall for his years and well knit, faced his hearers with all the assinaiue of « grown man. All Phe usual pulpit nuumerisms are in his conimand, his Wiu-ds are aptly chos en. and hi haiislible. ilhut is to .-^a.v. that to induce a goo! dige.'-tion and as un aid to sound and eestfiP slee!>. the last ofl the three meals of the 'lay should b« as light as possible, and must not be later than 7.K0 p.m. \'egetarians who are not yet aware of the fact, may be interested to know that of green vegetabli~4 Briis.sels sprouts are by far the most vail. able as food, as thev are about half the value of bread, one ounce containing 17 grains of albumen, while other vegetables average from six to eiglit grains. "Many fruits are useful, for the to- tal effect of fruit as .ilkaline. though the immedinte efled mav be acid." with I a box by wiiling The Dr. Williams papri-| Medicino Co., Brockville, Ont. AN i:.\crriN<i chask. "Well," said the red-facod man, 'the must Oxciling chase I over had Mlcioiis blending of line herbs â- <'i«»ked rice seasoned with Salt 'ka. liiiKi-r, and u little ciirry . with j â- •><|uiil piirtiuiDi of line iniiicod ham, | iiiid Mcasoi.ed breao crumbs and the! ,volk of an egg, wilh a fiueemenl of| nuiiced ham, rariiiesnn chee.se and j 4»rea(( crumbs, with cretiined onions I happened a few years ago in Russia, with bread crumbs 'iid iiiiishrooms. I One night, wh'en sleighing about ten 81111 another KtiilHng liked bv many j miles from my destination, 1 disciiv- «H made III raw chopped beef, season- j ered. to m\ intense horror, thai I «•(• with salt, pe)>per and onion juice. : was iM'ing followed by a |iack <>f M'liile a lorieinoul composed largely i wolves. 1 lired hliiirily into the <)t green peppers (inds loyiil siiuport- 1 pack, killing one of he hrulos, and, â- ^rrrt Fill wilh Ihe forconieut ofilo my delight saw the others stop >«biilHiiever kind, crown with a lillloito devour it. I kept ill repoating %iil of biiller, and hake 111 n modernle! the dose wilh the rtime result, and ovon about twenty minutes. .SiiilTedl each occasion gave me an opportune plus, he piui-d up and down the lit- i I"'"' t""'" <•' "'<' statiim She looked tie platform and eiiiphasi/i-d his .^^o \vvy yoyniKanA ixpv^-uvM so tri^Yy- points with dignilied ami appropriate ; gesture. The father of Henis was an Amofi i toned that the ollicer kindly Customer (se\ erely)â€" "Do you sell diseased meat here'?" Butcher (bland- ly) â€" "Worse than that." Customel (excitedly)^"Morcy on us! How tan that be possible?" Butcher (coiili- dentially)â€" "The meat 1 sell is dead â€"absolutely dead, sir." "t>hl" LEARNING THINGS. toiniitoeh •liali ar«" often used us a gur- HAKl.NfJ POWDF.H AND SODA. Hose Soelyi!-Miller Hnys that though â- iHiHl (iiliiiiiry arllHts advi*i ur that iMTMltt and baking powder Hhoiild 11. it „t Imighler, ktn uhdd in coinbiiial ion, in ait'inl "WVv ity lo Whip up my horses. Finally, there vvas only one wolf left, yet on it cuiiie, with its (ierce eyes glaruig ill anlirijiiition of 11 good hot sut>- per." Mere the man who had boon silling in Ihe corner burst forth into a lit dis- I patched a nies.seiiger for a cub, and' into IhiVi he quietly bundled the' â- ,. rr .1 .1 ' .young woman and conveved her to 1 I can Iml.an His mother, vvho ac- -(^^ poUc.-court. where she was dulv ! coiiipnmes h.m. IS a iiegress The .,^,„„^^^.^ .. ^ ^^^^^ cimclusivelv i ^]^:^ut:ira.rZs ri^Z'ZZlrr'' ^"", "'"'â- !""J ;""'""V">'!'^ We Are All in the Apprentice Class, fiarK. iiisiious i.vis, a oioaii '"<>"•' stolen the lace; indeed, fihe pleaded I and his black curls hang over his 1 "C.uilty. ' but as it was a lirst of- i VVhen a simple change of diet shoulders. i fence she was given Ihe "oiition ' of brings back hinilth and happiness tha After his seimon, the boy with;,, ti,„. of $111 or a week's imprison- story is brii^lly told, A lady of folded arms, told how he cnmi> lolnieiil. As the money was not torth- .Springlield. 111., .says: 'After being preach, I coming she was taken below. but ailMictcd for years with nervousne.sit "When r was between two and <hnlf an hour later it was paid and and bean tiouble, I receivinl a three I fell a Hivine rail to spunk to i the girl liberated with a caution. shock four years ago that left nie in iiien about their souls. At lirsl 1 I ' 11 afterwards transpired Ihal Ihe such a condition that my life was practiced on dolls, Anil hnvinR j Policeman who had arrested her had despaired of. I could get l)o relief Inlked lo them and sang lo Uiein, t l»«i'l the money, and us soon as the f,u„, doctors nor from the number- bapti/ed iheni." nddod Dennis, with ' K'''' discovered this she made inquir- igy^ heart and nerve medicines t a gleeful laugh ;[(•«â- '-'""d out where he lived wrote ii,.ie<i because 1 didn't know that tho ''"", ".„.';'.':".' .".'.^";'"""". "':'.""'*'â- "'"^ cofTec was daily putting me back more lliaii the Drs, could put mo ahead. 1 'â- I''inally at the request of a friend man. ' .â- .liid he girai't'icR Ihe combination is iiiohI sat- MarUtry. Hhu wvvs baking powder bi>ciillH ^^ tartt mudi improved liy welling Ihem -'Ah," Haid thi with biiiliuniilk sweetened wilh sola' "now I romend)er, 410 rnii lie iiinigined, (Il is highly |,||!" ^robiibli- that it is the buttermilk that iiiakos the im|>rovemeni, rathqr 4.hltll I be sodli,) 'by .voiir way of riickoning Iho last wolf iiiUKt have hud Ihe rest of Ihe pack iiisido red-faced man. it did wobble u 'When 1 vvas four X preached lo a legiiliii dmpi'l. and f havi- t.gularly preached 1 ver since, hH\iiig aii(lriv».st»d over l.rOO audiences in various parts of Piio t'nited ."Stales and Can- ada I don't r«re for creeds and o|)inioi.s--l hey onl.v lead lo nrgti- nient, I lust tell people about the (lospel. anil that is good enmigh," The boy n«lded that ho h.\d never hern to school. I Thern may ho people mnarter than ,,„ , , ' vol! are. hut of course thi'V dodge Ilie great mlslake made in in using ^„u ««o much soda .X Meant even ten- a|inoiirftil (»f soda will Hweeten a l>inl -of very Hour milk or biiltnrmilk. Mrs. •filler adv i.HeH : "lie dure you hnve wiot enough soda and yrtii wilt have U judt right â- â- DoiighniilH. sliB iiiweriR, are ra^lch ^Iter made v»ith Bour milk or cro.im «jMl soda wilh baking pnw ler. Sour •cream eal«e, in fart anything in which thiiiga are UMd where tender- DR. A. W. CHASE'S OR^ CATARRH CURE,.. ^UC. Il !,Fnl iliirrl to thn dhMMid pan. by iba Improvetj Blower. >(»li lh« uleeis^ clean the .It puuKM, nop* ilrnpplnn In Ih* Ihro.l and petin.na.My cnret Cal.iiih and llay Fever. Blower e«. All dralert. or Dr. A. W. CbiM Mcdldna Ca,, Toroato uid Bulhle. N'alivo â€" "So you've been vi-iiinjl our schools, eh? Splendid, aren't ' they? Magnificent discipline! .'<u|<erh I buildings! I'eaiitiliil furnishingt My the way. I want to ask whnt vvas tho first thing thnt struck vou on enleriiig tho primary deparlment'.'" Visitor (truthlully)â€" "A f'Ca from a |i<»n-»hoiiter ' returned Ihe money. In this way the iicipiaintance begun under such adverse cirrumstnnces. ripened into friendship. and in less than three months the two were married â€" the alliance proving an unu.sually happy one, .\l one of the State prisons the chief warden is married to a young Woman who for three years was an inmate of Ihe convict station. She hail been charged with insurance frauiN. and being found guilty was sentpticed to imprisonmeni for live years in the "second degree," Though TOhen 1 (piil colV Ihe I'V idence appeared to |»e flawless use of Tostum I left ofi' cofli-e atid tvegan the u.so of rosluin and against my convictions I gradually improved in health until tor the past t> or S months I hav^ been entirely fre^ from tiervouwiesM and those terrible linking, weaken' ing si>ells of heart trouble. '"My troubles all en me from tho uao of cofl'ee which 1 had drunk from childhood and yet they disappeared and look up the Name given by there were many who believed her to rostum Co.. P. it tic (reek, Mich lie innocent, and these people were Mnn.v people marvel at the eflect.i not surprised when, three years' Inter, of leaving o(T coffee and drinking the mystery was rlenrpd up hy the r„stiini. hut th«^re is nothing mar- ronfession of her hnvfher. on whose vplous about itâ€" only common sense. behalf site had. knowinHv ] ('ofleo is n destroyerâ€" I'ostuin is (4 (Jabberâ€" "You ought to meel Dyer. | SFFFFRFD DISfJKACK. jiebullder That's the reason Awfully clevei iinllntoi He can i Meanwhile. the warden. having lx>ok in each package for the fam-- take o(T nnjbodj." Mitia Hunran • taken an interest in the case. had 'oiih little book, "The Road to Wall< fwearily) â€" "I wish he was here now." managed to make her life a litUo 'vlUo " tf