Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1904, p. 8

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•^^ • : < f July 21 1604 THE FLESHEHtOK ADVANCE The Markets. 4:arvnillv rorrcfted Eiu-li Week (M.. -".' t'. 2!l IVasi ti'l to <i2 lUlloy IS t" •I'-' Batiur ':â- ' t'^' '•'' Ei!;;.s fr««li )'I t" 1-' \Vo..l, cash i*> to 17 Hay ^. "> f'S I'uUitiies bat! "io to 7o Our Clubbing List *.\dv.inco, *l!oriild imd *TorAit<. \V<.iId, daily S.') 25 T'liiiiito D-iilv News 1 Ho U'wkly (ilobe 1 «'J JM.iil-K.npin- 1.80 Kaniily lIvniM & Star l.«0 Tuit'iiC'i Star 1-SO Kaniii. rs :>uii 1 -HO All iilmvo [irii-os incUiilo Tho x\ilviinco and Mniiln.'v! H.-riild, if paid in :uh;iiiao uiily Esiily subsciibiMs yet licst viilue or .thuir iiiuiioy. Durham Bull for Service Tlie llotlistcreJ Uiirliaui Bull, -KING EDWARD" luiii., will Kiniii! for service en lot 'S, K.D. H.. fo- I'JCl. Kiiij; K'Hviirrl inailiirk rud.iioodl.eavy • Lijuc ftiid inuyolt rind wnll .luveloiio.l. Ho ib in â-  ouly fait sKVvict'iiblo conilition ami Mill lift tno bi-BDi lit iwiiitv- two huudroU IbB. ami is yetm iior l7u->uar-oM class. PICDIGUEE Kiutf Echviird ri-l. calvuil Ain-il lOtli. 1001, bred by Jolni YouiiK ''â- i"J"'ir'''f. Mai vcultor, Scot- laud, iiiipoitui iu iluui iu I'.iOO iiy ClinileB liankin. Wyclirrluc Out., cot bv Scottish l'rinci>7J.V.i:i, iliiiii Hotlinicli Kubo. imp., ;W2.S7, liv Alan (iwviir.i! C.CCU'J. Itcd liusu by I'ortlaud of CluDV n'.'.'i. Jiosio '.ilul bv DocCorOIKllO, Homo byLiunti iicut oat-l.), .lilt ITlll 6y Ailmifc 5:iM32, Jlltl.Mli bi CnivLrtsUil 4M01, UousiiliiClarell by Veriiiiiiit 17W:'.( larct Isl Ui Uuki- Willi, Claret bv bciirlcl\( hitt IttllO, Uttrbarii liv Uni;ivalled ifiOa', I'^ubcll.L l.v 'llicraolui 701-i. Crocus by 2iid Diitio of NorMininbcilaiitl ^ilVUl, Nora by Mllery .01:11, 1'.iiuiv bv Hillcry Si:il, Kliza by Youuy iVestiiu Comet lf.7."), I.ariv Hetty bv IJiaiiMii'il VOMlottv by Favorite ii:.0,by Cliart'e's Hud Bull IbiU, TKnsis Thoroi;!;hbroil cows *j ; Krados iSL.'ifl, All pavablo Ist.iiiiumrv. l',IUa. Cows horvwl by tliis aiiiiiial aiirl not rcturimJ will bu collecttid for wTietliLT in culf or not. \V. .(. MEADS, Cejlon,Ont. FaHing; out Hair If tllir^ i! willprt ViMil i] lul reiJitiil,. tlii^ ea-ii', eiill and nou uk and wo Hij^hly Recommend iiuttiv I'l tins t'>-.vii (I'ld surroaii-li uikI hIi wli'i III '.< uii'lurfjijiiu truatiu iiitfud ii vcrv liiijiil V. No Cure No Pay diF) on i't'trii;t om- A. WIJ_SON Barber FLKSIIIUITOS Fleelifi'ton Harness Emporium. SPECIALtTes for the Season â€" Fly NeiG, Du.-.ters. Stable Sirup's, J^cof Oiritrrierit, Curry Corribs, Brusl^es arid Binder Whips. Gloves for liarvesters and Tiiresliers. Trunks and Valines clways 1 liand: BINDER TWING-M.cCorraack. Fxamire tl]is twine and you will buy. In rail it M liriiiielac^H. >Ar M. m: O O R E Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that I Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and liatr Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis- appear. Could you reason- I ably expect anything better? mo. My liiilr iviis tiillliiK out very iKi.lly. l>Mt li-o Hnir Vl'n'or atoi.i.i'il It ami iinw my liair la ht."â€" W, C. l!.oci«i>ox, Ijndaay, Cal. all riK (n j(l a Iiottl.>. All (Iriit.'ti'it'i. for J. C. ATHR CO.. Thin Hai SPECIAL AlWOll^CEJViENI A chuioe line of Baby C^arriageir and ec=eart$ Just to hand. The latest thing inthese uoods, aud low in pricu. Corne and see TJ-iern. ilSEClElHlllG BErilSITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H. B U N T Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. Business Cards "lI'UULliOUGH * YOUNG 'â- "• llaiik.-r Markdale Jo a Konoval baukinfi biiainess . Money loatieo a roa.4oiiablu rato <_Jil11 011 us. RJ SI'KOU l,h; I'odtiuaatnr, Floahortou i^oMimissioiior in II.C..T., Auiitlonoor Con veyancor, A)iin-ai«er and Money Londor Itual I'lstato and Insuranuo Auiint. Douds loortiinijoii, IcnKos and wills carufuUy drawn 111) and valuations nmdu on sbortHst' ii^iticc. incmiy to loan at lowest rattis of intoroRt. Col oetio'ia attondod to with iiromptni'iis cbaruss low. A;;ont for Ocean Dominion Stoaiualiii) Couiiiaiiy. A call bolicited. Societies U V nientfl 01. tlio Inst Monday ^ in oaon month, in tlioir buifio rooni. Cliristou'a blocll. I'Musnortoii. at 8 iMii. M.W., A. Harrison ; Uoconlcr, .Ian. Kelstead ; Kinau- oior, W.J. Uol.aniy. VisitiDK bictlirca ii.vlttU. pilINcn AIITHTU bontJE, No. ;t;:i, A. ^ A M, nicotn in tlio Masonic ball. Strain's blocl:, l''bmlicrton, evory Friday on or bofuro the full iiiofii, KU W lllcklinij WiM. Clias fclmiHlniw, Soi-rotary. COUUr KrjF.SIIIlUTON, I, O, p. mcelB in Cliristoo'B lllocli tho laPtKrldav ovoiiiiii; ecicll nionlll. Vi<itinu' KoroBldii" hnarlilv volc.MiiB. C. K.. V. \V. liollaniy ; li. C, W. Dnskiu ; riii. S«c.,r)r t! Miiriav. (I'av dims to Dr. Murray on or boforo last day of uaoh iiiontli.) Medical rvn o.\i!Tr.u " M C I' & H Ont. I'hyaiolan. SuiBcon. oto OOlco aud roaidoiiceâ€" I'otur at., FloHliBrton Markdale Repudiates Promises The foUowiriK items from the Owen Sound Times and i\tarlid«lo Stfunlard |)uts thti villiiou of Miirlidalo in nttlier a bad liyht with re!;aiil t.o it.s a^^iocmonla ru- spi'OtiiiK the house ot refu/o. We cannot tl.iiik, liowevcT, tliiir, tliu cirizciia of M.irkdiilu will lot any bucIi .slijjiiia test U|)oii tlieir fair villaoe i« would certainly lie the result in I ho event of ftdoptin^ a course of rc|iudi.iti'>ii of thniv sacred and accepted covenants. Markdiilo's iiifif^niinidiity and entei prise iu this matter wlu'ii the ofFer was uimlu wan a luatter of surprise and plcasurts on tin part (if very niiiny. To ivpudi.ite her saerod pronii.se.s now would l)C a petty piece of business indei'd. The Times c.\- plaiii.s the sitnatii.'ii a.s foHinvs: VVhci) the Markdale influences got ly work to secure the house of refuse for timt villau'c the inducements included free electric li;;ht and iiistall.-ition, and this was made a lii._' factor in the succcs.s- fiil elTort to Secure the location iliere. A. Iiyliiw was fia.ssed liy the council andsui) iiiitted to the eouirty'.s solicitor and ac- c<'|ited by the county council a.s llieljona lii'.e oiler of the iiiur.icipali'y. Iinai^ine the surprise that will come to the mciii- cecs of the county council and to tlio.ie who interested tlitniselves iu the question of a location, when tlii'y Icaiii that, the village coiiiicil practically reiiudiate.s the bylaw. The re|iudiatiou is indicated iu a letter received by the county clerk last week in which it is stated that the village council arc iidvised that the bylaw autlior- iziiit; Ibe enterini.' iutiihc ai;reeineiit i« invalid and that the council is not justi- lied ill alteinptinu to c.irry out the airree- inent, ratepayers Iiavinu taken objection to the council levyiug any rates to meet tho iiecunsary expenditure. It is dilUcult to understand what code of honor or dis- honor tho Markdale council stand for. If ever the honor of a place wa.s held up to r|Uo.stion this is an instance. Whether the citizens of the villa;4e will back tliu council in siicli an action reniain.s to de- velop. If tile vilhmo WHS honest in its olfer and the council were honest in an eli'ort to do the light thini; it would strain every eli'ort to legalize the bylaw and live up to the stiictest letter of a bona lidii agreement entered into by the villaoe council and the enunty council. failiua that the county ccpuncil will not bo doing ils duty if it does not right the matter to the extreme. If the council desired to save the good name of Markdale it would make ihe ratepays wdio wish to bring dis- honor on the village take legal action to restrain the levying of rates and then not stop short of a special act of th« legiulat- iire to ratify the by-law. For the credit of the vilhigeand the county it i.s hoped that a reconsidetation will render un- pheasant action unneccsaary and that Markdale will not go on record as the lirst municipality to repudiate an agree- iiient accepted as an honest expressiou of the council's intention. The Staiuliird s;iy.'< : A regrelalile incnleiit ill connection with the agineiiieiit between the County Council and Markdale re the electric liohtiiig of the House of IJefuge has dj- velo|ied. Markdale council by reaolution oli'eie.i free elgctric liitht for Inn ye.irs as an inducement to locate tim buihtiiiijs at Maikdale. The county council having linally decided in fa%'or of the Markdale localioii the ipu'Slioii war* raised by ihe inenibm-s of the Cmiiity Council as to the binding of ?I;ukdale to carry out the proposal lo furnish ft'ce electric hglit. A iiy-law and ngiccuu-lit was prepared by the Couii'y Soiici'or, forwarded to iNIark- dale Council, ami the In law wa.s duly |,assed and signed. The present cc.iiiieil lias been luitilied that the oy-law is invah id and that the Uouiieil had no ntitbfirity to Kilter into the agreenicnt. Unfortun- ately too, onr people are not, and lievo- have been at all uiuiniuious as to the wis- dom of enterim; into such an agreeiiK-iil, and soHie feeling has been developed by reason of wlial seemed min^asoiiable terms exaeteil by County Council in demanding all night .service. The by-law is not even in a shape in which ic cau bo submitted lo a vole. ^ . , R. Kinnear & Sons â€" M A X W K L L â€" Afe.vof then-.any tilings in slock. Ill our drynoods line we have, special: DresH I'rints, Wrap pern tic, Ciini;hain», lUack Rnd While Muslin, Tahlo Linen and NapkiiiH, Talihi Oilclotlm aud •>preadi', liloiiseR and SkirtH, hIho Orey nnd IMeached Coitoi, from 5c.. up. Men's Smti and odd Pants, Under- wear for tho WHrin woalhur. V/e Will not be Undersold by any M.ercl)ant nortl\ of Toronto in our DRY GOODS. Come kiid no* for ynumelvpR f< ir our pricnH nru a wonder. Iu oui Ilnrdwnro lino wd have : Axon, Manuii Hi»ininei'ii, Tniwuls.Linet iiiul Mor ar Hoes, IUk«H, Kurlci, Hhov*li), KiHuIen Scyllio* Snathii itnd Cr»dlu fnijierH, NitiU I'utly, QIiiu, IlinvPH, H(M>kit, Stxplon itiid I<Ocki. Our GROCERIES noe no. Itern- Izing- WeJiavea FULL STOCK. Adverliiing'drawi tradt but it takts liir dtaltng to hold it. D"' T. HOND Orndniiln 'I'oroil to ITntvorsitv. Morn- lier of (Intai io t'ollccc oj PlivFlidians niul Soi'- Itcv'iiw. Miixw.dl. On'. riiici'usKor to Dr. Knott. T 1> OTTKWin.Ii ' Votoriimry Snr(;oaii Orartnato of Ontario Votorliinry CoUeKO, rusiduiicn â€" »icoud door nontb wost on Marv strnct. Tliis Btroot ran» Boutli IMosbytorian ilhurch. brothers and siatern surviving him there are . Sanderson, of L'lkiiport, Mich.; Alexander, of Maxwell ; Margaret, wife of Dr. Kerr, Toronto ; and l.srtbella, To- ronto. The keenest syinpaihy of the whole cummuiiity is extended to Mrs Hudson and family, their loss beiu'.; alsoj <i distinct lo.^s to liiu whole clistri':t. i HAWTOXâ€" Hichard Hawton died at hi.s home on cou. 11, Osjirey, on .fuly 14, after a liugeriiig illnes-i of r.early n year It was thought III the spruis;, as he h"gaii to recover some little sirengtb, that tlif'ie iiiight be a chance of recovery, but on the evenfni! of .luly 'J he took a realise, from the eliecls he gradually ».uik and pas-ed aw,»y as atared. Mr. Hawion had been a resident of Csprey, living on the same farm for about ot! yeats., having moieii from the Uruco Mines ahuiL; »iih his liareii's. Ho was of a rpiiel (lispii.sition, always ready .and willing to do iiis pait towards all eiiteiiirises that were for the b.'iietit of the coininuniry. lie WM ft director of the O.-'luey l'',•lrlner^' Milling Company since l.Sil2, and was -A'O I'resi- ileiit of O.sprey Agncultuial ^•ocictv. lie was also tteward of liuckingbani Metho- dist church. All of tlu.se i.o.siiions llt^ was still holding at time of death. Mr. Ilawlon leaves behind a wiff, two funa and four daughicrs, of which one ron â€" (I eori.'eâ€" anil one dauiililcr â€" Victoria â€" are still at home. Oilier children are Mrs. James Buckinirhaiii, Mrs. James Hicks, and William and Annie in ih-e Northwest. A brother, Isaac, reside* i'li Osprey near Rol) Hoy, who is aho in feeble health. The deepest syiriparliy is extended to Mrs. Ilawton aud family. HEAOACHE ! Neuralgi;i and Ncrvoujijcsa cured 'luiclily by A lA X HARMLESS HEADACHE AND »*_»'\'\ l«ICURALGrA CURE. No hrart ilc[»reision. ttruatest cure ever liiv overed. Take no oilier, loc and 35c. All dealers or direct from &U£TiH & Co. Siuikue, Out. .Money back if not utiified Bull for Service Norman Concioorov No. 512j:). Heqisterad in Oonilnion hlioi t H-.rnH.n<i liook, witii twoiiu p.jrted crocsts. Will b-j for Atirvico diii'in^ tli4 season 01 lUiM 0:1 lot 1711. CO •.'J. H.T. .1' a.road. AUo artitii ttui'-y'i 'l'am\v.jrtU itoa-. T«ruis for survie-i one dolt«r. payable Jau., Itiy5. teaigrcfiis ou applicstion. It. ALi.u.N. l-'lesharton. P. O. I2if) annual 1. 0, F. Talk to Yourself. Why are there so mauy "dont feel well' moments? What is the cause of tlieao aches and pains? Can I banish thorn! When you don't fed well your stomach is not Well. That is when thy ills of the body commence, and tliey will novei' end uiii ii the stomach is inndo right. »Vlieu | the stomach is wrong the whole body is [ liable logo wrung â€"Poi^ollous formations are thrown into tho circrlatiou in loo great a i(iiaiitity for the other ogans to resist â€" Nerve tissue poisoned â€" Sle..^pless, eX(;itable, nervous, heart irreirular. head- ache, kidneys overtaxed, backache, kid- ney pains, liver clogjed, constipation .ind bowel trouble. You can end these attticiioiia by belpin:i the stomach with .AXTI-PILL' It is just what a deranged stomach needs. Yoj can prove for your- self by aldres.siiig Wilsoii-Fyle Co., Xi- a!^ara KalU, Ouf.., for a free trial botilu. Uo:.'ular size 50 cents (a niontln treat- ment). Toronto Niagara Fails Couib r^oitherrj Lii^ht No. 127. ItidopeTTlenC J Order of Forut»to'-s, of (Jweu Suiiml, will run ; tliuir Vlth Anuunl Kxciirsioa to Torviito anil Niiiguru Fftllg i>er Canadian Pacific Kailway Str-s. Cbifora, Chipiit^wn, aiul Corona, and Ni- Rfiara Fallal I'ark and Kivi^r Uailwuv, by special train leavinyu well Souuil on Trifiav It2os*niiig, 3uly 22 A'r SEVEN O CLOCK. To Toronto, To Ningara F. Good to ra turn fuly ^ . Clood torti- Faro From turn July Owen .Soimd . $2 .JO Kockford Chatsworth .... Hollan.l Centre Borklny ... â€" Jlarkdalo Flesbcrton . . .. Proton Dnndalk Coroettou... 10 â- 2 M ii 10 i m •> 05 3 j 2 0.) 2 ir. UIJ Melauctliou..»» 1 S't Shtilburue .. . 1 Si) *2 m 3 40 a sj- •2 20 3 20 2 111 2 05 2 0.) 2 0.1 2 iVl' 1 8). 1 IJOi Notice ta Creditors in theMa^turof th- Kst;itH of WRJilAM SKYMOl R CHUISTOE. iHto-ttht- Villftiicof Kit'sluTtini id the County of Grey, Plij'sician, decuase<l. XOTICR is herol/V civcii juir'JiU'.iit to TI113 I!ovi'*0(i StiUntus of Oiiiftrio 18U7, t'lmp. IJ-.l tliat 111! creditovB niul otbors liiiviii^i L-lainis ti^^wiiist thu fKtuto of tho satfl Wiiliiiiu Sc'vmoin* flii-irt- lop, i\ectiH<vf\.who dioil on or about tho Twi'lfch \ (lav of Kubruarv, A. D.' l'.):U, art rLM^-tiirttti mi or bofuro tho Fii'sC day of Aut-iiMt. A. ti„ 1004. to ^t'lul bv \y(M prepnitl or deliver to W. J. Utl- laiiiy, I'-si].. Klcsli.'rton P. 0..oiie of tho •'.'crrii- tovs of tho last will aiul tostHiiiont nf thes'iul iluceiisf '1. their christian aiui fliiniauioH..a.l'trcs- Hcs aiid ildscnpiion, tbo full particu.arsuf tliuir til;\.im.-;. tho staifiuutit of tboir accomita atid MioMaturoot tho suciuitioti (if auy) hulU' by ihoni. AND further tako notice th'-it atter siK-h test iiifntioimd (Uto tho snia oxuciitir will intu'ri'il t.i «U?* tribute tho aRsots of tho ti-cotisiHl auxTitq tho pnrtiu-iouti'lfd ♦â- hort'tp. haj^iiifi r»!t,'ani only to tho chiiins of which ho shall thou have notici' an<l that tho said oxocutor will not bo liitblii for tho said n-^iiota or any part tlioreof to anv jiorHou or persons of whpse eliiiia notioo ^llHll not havo beau roet'ivod by hiiu at tho titiio ut Huoh diBtriliution, Dttto'^ tho y.Ht,h drt V of June, A. P. IWH. L.L'CAS \Vi;UiHT A McAUDl^i:. Owuii Sounit. fioMcitors for Exoentors. Chiiareti Half Fare. Niat;ara Falls tickets arc Kood to return bv a iiy regular train or by special train Itjaviiijj" T oionto at 'Jo'elvnck Monday evBuiut,'. Julv 'Jjth* T oronto tickets are Kood to rettiru by auy ri»t;u- la rcrain on Saturday, -iird July. only. Steamers leave Toronto at 7 a. m ,1) a, in.. 11 a. 111., li p.ru. aud 4.lCip.ui., diakint; close conneo- ti ou with the Electric Cavs of Ki;vt^ara FalU' ' P ark and R. U. 'I'hia popular excursion is without doubt the cheapest n,ud b^-st ontii'i; of tlie sea-^on. cover- iay a Kioater vafiecv of scenery and uvu'e point-* of icti-'ro^t than any other excursion leavini; Owen Sonud. Keinenibur tho date, July 22ud. aud the far^ ouly iS^.Oo. GOD SAVE THG KINO. CouMn'TKKâ€" ^ S. Ireland, C. F... Joan MoEwnn H. fi.. Whi. Wilsja F. S.. K. Mcilurcby Chairniaii. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to net the best Photos is nt Bf-LMKUS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION / " We jiay Spoci.il .Attention to Copvins; and lUbies' pictures. I'icturo fruui- ing a specijilty. â- "; and Try us for any kind of pictures we will priuuispi atisfaotion. MI'S. SUILiE^ER Svtfeuham strcst, Fleahcrtou H. WILSON, llliickHiiiltli 'ira<lnatii of tho Votorhiary Heionoo Ati«n(datioii. Ui'sidi.ncn, niiilmm itroet, op- poaltii lloyil, Ilicklii.B'ii liarilwaru. Legal .J. W. KlIOBT, li li. M. IlarriHter, Solicitor Ooiiveyftncer. etc ofTlooâ€" Next to iiOHtoHlce, HpronUi'ii lilock F;:-.liiii'tDn, ovurv TliiirmU am), ooiirt dftyii N It-Uwiin Hound oUloe, Fruat â-  block Poulott Htroot eaRt. LUCAS WKKIHT & McAUI>T.R HarrUtors Holioltom CoiiToyanoerB, etc Onicn«â€" Owiin fionnrbOnt anil Markdalo Ont. W H Wbioht, McAnni.R 1 H LrcAn N II -Fl«iilw.rton •very Haturilny. oinoe, MltcliuU'i Bank ACKAVA5AIMPS0N .narrliittrii. fnllrltnm. M-ohnlit'il Lnndalk M OFFKIKH i-Owcn Krnnrt. Mcrohalit'il HKnh Ulnck, N. r>f PnttorHnii IlouBe. ahi Htr««t.evory Hktnrilay. Mnnnv tn Inain *t i^ pur cont. A. O. MACK AY, MA, H.R. HAMPHON, Ul.n AlWAvii In Mttendanoft at Fletiherton anil Dandalk UWIalon Conrtt. I^ENTISTRY DR. R C. MIIRKAV.T.. D. H. der.lal anrRnnn honor crailuatii of Tni-nntn ItnlvKriiUy and Rovtl I'.nlloeo of Diintal H.iraennli of Ontario. Ollleeâ€" Onpo'iilt* Armstrniin'* .lowellnry Htorn. Will vl.U Ma»w.il th* l»«t W~liir«<lay •f aarh nion''- . aud Dandalk 1 and t Tbura.lax cl| a>ti u oi tb. Deaths in Osprey llUD.'^ONâ€" John Hud.son died in the general hospital, Toronto, on .Inly '.>, at the age of 01 years, after an illness of live weeks aud two daya--tlirce weeks at his home, where cveryihing was ibmo that could po.ssibly be, when he was re- moved to Ihe hot'pital where it was hoped aomcthiiK' nii(<hi be done for liim, but in vain, Mr. Hudson was a great suil'orcr dining the whole time of his illneas, until death relieved liiin, John Hudson was boin ill the township of Allnon, from which place his|iarent» removed to Mui- ford when he was ten years of age, Ke- inaming at Meafoid three years, they re- moved to the towMshipof Osprey, thou a wilihTiies.s, and settled on a fatiu on iho loth coneehHion, near Kevorsliam, whete decensod resided continuously until hid death, 11 periial of nbnut 48 years. Ho leaves to mourn his hwM a wife and four children, hn eldest sonâ€" Thoiniis- having been killed in Ihe buah iu tho spiing of Inst year. One dauglilor is tho w fo ef Mr. (Jeoige Hawion, livniK near the old homo, Bi.d one daughter and two sons ft'O ttill at homo. Mr. Hud.s.m h«» been en- g<god in fitrtninK ever since he wkh in tl • township. He was prouiinont in nil iiui- iiicipal nffairH ; was » luoinhor of the townahip council for »»voral years. Hs wa« «l«ct«d reeve at the byo-iiltK;tion nf lOaS, Hiid ro-eloctwd by soolsmaliou st the eitiction last Deccmbi r. He was appointed trcMHUtvi ;>fOK|ir«y F«rnieni' Millin« tVun- pany.which pinilion hr hss held eoitinu- ouhlyeveriince. Hew»4»lioal»rays'i«»«>ci- at«d ill some capacity with the Osprey Au- ricultuntl Societj-Jaiid in all moTunienls fof \\k^ Uiie^t v( th« coiniuuniiy. \>f tin are easier to clean than any oth>'r. Tho thickly omnnel d surface of the bowl c. sing in si.0H 1 to .5 is apecially provn led a.s he. o^- the oa.s.est of ad surfaces to clean. It should be noted alst. that the M idiot e has neither a unbend small tube, nor anv l-ng tube.., nor coniplu-.Ued device os anv be cleaned. The bowl ilsolf i.-. sclf-einpty.ng, and every part of ble to hand and eleaninii doth. In short the Mellotto i^be .-a.siest separator tocb^in, and for okiso skimming la uiicx-joi- nnii kind to he c if ;s oisily aceessi is by fi WRITK FOUlfOOKl.KrNO. 1 3obii B. Rcard, Flcsbertdn D. McTA-VISli m\[[ I For First Class Buggit «, Carts, I'leasure and Lumber N\ agonn, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a slock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and gusntntee fii'«t cli»«s work. Wo keep on hsndPUiuRhs and Phnigh rci>aira, »nd also Maasey- Harris and Nnxon rejiairs for binder*, Mowwfs, nil kinds of inftchiiiory, slso Binder Twine on hand. OPbcn In town give us a call I â-  -^ '*• •^•^*^^Jm<mammimtm0Mii»i

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