July 7 1904 The Markets. 'Carefully t'orrcrtcd Each Week Ohts 29 lo 2'J 1V»8 60 to 02 BuiU'y 45 to 45 nulier t.J to 13 Kl'Ks frtsh 13 t.» 13 WomI, cash 18 to 17 Hny to C 65 I'olatue* ban 75 to 75 THE P L E S II E R T O J5 ADVANCE Our Clubbing List •Advance, *HoriilU and ♦Toronto World, daily $3 25 ' Toronto Diiilv News 1 85 â- ' Wio'^ly Globe 1 80 .Mad-KiMime 1.80 Kniinly llenilJ & Star 1.80 Toronto Stiir 1-80 Fai inerK Suii 1 .80 All ali'ivo (iricos iiicludo The Advanco and MoMtrijHl Herald, if paid in .idvanco oidy Early subscribeis get best value â- or llieir money. •Durham Bull for Service i' The HcKistoied Durliain I^uU, KING EDWARD" hny.. Kill Ftiuid for fcivice Pii lot 29, S.D. It.. â- for 1004. I.ini; Kdwaril ii> ii dark rBd.Koodl.oavy bout) and nnfoto and Wfl'l dovoloiied. He is in uiib (ail â-º >r\ iccable condition and â- will lift tlio biani ut twenty- two l.imdrudibs. ttUd is yotiu iier two-jear-old t-las;*. I'EDIGltKE King Edward rod, cnlvcd Apiil lOtli, lOOl.bred by â- luhn Ynuliu 'lilboiirit'e, MHiycultur, Scot- Ian.!, inijioitoi in dam in lUUO by Cliarlun i;ttnUin. WyibndKO, Ou!., Kot by Soottiali J'linii-TXV.KJ, rinin Kotlinick Koae, iiuii., :i8iM7, by .Man GwvnncOOI^l'.l, Hud Uc80 byl'ortlaud ofCiuuy (iH72. llosielind by Doetor COtJlO, KohIb • b) Liuiltcuitnt OliHlu, Jill 17tli by Albort .'jantU, .lilt IClli b\ ( i rn vusoiul lOlul. Uousidu rlaret by Vaimont 4ri»:i,t'laret Isl b\ Dnku 2b:!42, Clarat by SiCi-Iet NVIvi-t IG'.'IO, Uarbara by Uurivallud IM-'d, Is-ub, Ra by IliC- ratliB 7W2, CrocuB by .-. 2i;d Dnko of Nortbuiabt-Tland :)IH0. Nora by ( ilkry .ll:il.lMnilv by bilb'ry r,m, Kliza by Vounu iVi'sturn Conut lf,7.'J, Lady Uotty by Diamond '.'(tu.iiotly by Favorite lac.by C'hartu's <Ued liull IHIO. TEHMS Tlinrcughl^ro'l cow» i*5 ; grades ?t 50. J)aya0lo lt*t January, JiXi.'i, All Cows Borvuii by tbis animal and not- rutnrnod will bo collected for wLetUur lu caif or not. W. J. MEADS, CejIon.Ont. falling out Hair irtlil« iKtbc oasi', cull aurl noo ns and wo wlllpr.ivif-.il it doinjjfio Ijy uppljins our wuuJur^ lul reiiiu'iy. Highly Recommend Wobavo.i>i.l it! w.>ndorfiill -.;onny i.i tin. lowu and Hiirroini.U di=i on iiud t'di who itav,) undorgono truatui rotrict tuvuil 't voi'v !ii';hly. om- No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON FLKSIIKHTCS Barber Flesh tr'.on Harness Emporium. SPECIALTIES for the Season â€" Fly Nets, Dusters, Stable Siieeis, Hoof Ointrrierit, Curry Conn'...", BrUulie.s ax\d Bir\der Wlilps. Glove:.; for Ji'^rvesters ax\A Tl]resl^?.''G. Trunk." arid valises always on )\Qi\&. BINDER TV/INC-McCorrqack. Fxarriirf" lliis twirie aqd you vwiill buy. .H AI^N I-:::i!S MA N-UiyAOXlJI^INO ill n\\ ilM IjroiiolieB. IN ivf . m: O O R E R. Kinnear & Sons - M A X W E L L- Arevoi' Uieiiany tliiiiKS ID Block. Ill our dry.;ood8 lims wo Imvc, epecial: Uiotw I'riiils, Wiaiiperette, Uinyhanis, ISlack aiid Whit,! Muslin, Tiible Linen and Nii]pl(iii», Table Oilcloths ii'id S|iiertdi<, l>!ou.se.i and Skirt-f, also Grey iit>d liluHelu'd Atoi, from 5o., up, Mun'a Suits hii.1 odd Viiuls, Under- wear for lli'.i warm woathur. We Will not be Uridersold by any /A.ercl^ant nortf^ of Toronto in our DRY GOODS. Oome and xoe for youi-Helres fur our prictm ate n wunder. In out Hardware line tru liiive : Axes, Motoi. Il^niniera, Trowcl.t, Linen rtnd Miirtar !!'>«:«, UakeN, Foriit, ijliovuli), S|Mdea Seytliu* Snaiha and Oradl.j tiiixerH, Nails I'utty, Uluu, liinKCfl, llnuka, Ktiiplua and Lo<-ki. Oar GROCERIES nee no Uern- iiing Wel^ave a FULL STOCK. Advertising draws trade but it talces ia r dealtng to hold it. Ayers You can depend on Aycr's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do tills work. It stops Kair Vigor fallingofthehair.also. Ttierc's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? â- â- Mr hair faded antil U wu ibont whlt«. It tnok Juit one bottle of Arer's Hair Vigor to riwtore it to Its rnrnier dark, rich color. Yonr Ilalr Vi|;or cortHlnty do4^0 what you claim for It." -A. M- UowiXB.ttufJrliigliam, «. 0. 91.00 a bottle. All druggUtn. for« i. O. AT»n CO., l.,nwetl, M&SA., Fading Hair SPECI.^L A choice line of Baby earriages ai.d eo^earts Jnst to hand. The latest thi na intlieso goods, and low in price. Corrie and see Tl^enq. BiSECLEMIllG BEHIISITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H. BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. I-LESHERTON ONT. Business Cards •jICULLOUGH * YOUNG "^ liankor Mnrkdelo Jo a RHooral banking buaino.ss. Monoy loanoo a ruusoiiablu rato Call on uh. p J SPUOULB "• Poatiuaator, Fleuborton oouiinisaionor lu H.C. J., Auctionoer Cou veyancBr, Apiiinisi.r ,wid Money l.ondor Heal I'.stato and Inaurftuco Afunt. DeodB loortuajjos. laaaoa and willu carLdnlly diawti np and valuatiouu luado on hhortuat notion, monay to loan at lowest raloa of intorcBt L'ol motions attoudod to with i.ioinptnf ne cliarfc'08 low. Afent for Oooan Dominion S««aniabip Compuny. A call Bolioitod. kSociETit:s A O O W moots 01. tho last Monday i^v,..! .'". *°i*'," ,'"?,';"'â- '" "'"'•â- '""B" room. OhrlRtooH block. Floalioi ton. lit Hp.ni M \V A. HaiTiKOii ; Jtucordnr, Ja«. KnUtoad ; Finali' '!l! __1 ^iol^amy. Vialtlm,- bibtbrcD ii.vitud pUINCK ARTIITK J-ODGK, No. OTA â- , . *,.H' .'"oeta in tlio »f asonic hall. Stiain'f block l.|eBlii.rtou, ovory Friday on or before tbo full mocn. K H W Uickliua VV 11. Clias â- MmiBhaw, hocrutary. noUItT FLEHHKllTON, I. o. P. meeta In " (-hriBtOB'a lilook tlio last Prlda\ evoninc each month. Vi^itinu Foreatoik bcartih T«lc.Mn«. (!.n.. (;. w, iiu|i„,ny. n ,j ^^ llOBkin ; Km. Roc, Dr K. Murray of La'S'ti,.!*''- """''^' "" â- "• """"â- '' ""'' ""i- M KDIOAL rjB CATlTr.Tl Uillca an MO !â- A S Out. Pliyaioian, R„r,.«on, etc ud roaideuco-Potor at , FIoBbonm. J)It. A.T. miND fti'adnato Toronto irnlrni'tin,. iir.„.» hor of Onla.io Cdlfpo oTl'hvaic Ha," »',,d Sn?' goour. Ma.woll. o|-.-. ^s„cc„Ts;;r to 1).. Scot,: T I' OTTKWKf.r, Vuloriuary Surgeon firaduato of Ontario Votorlnary rolloRft. Vfar't ".,7 J'°°\ii\ , ""'>'â- ""»"' »es O" I roHn\ tiirian t^hnrcii. g WIl.BON, Illaeksinitli • iradnato of il.o YoUirinarv Scionce Aaaociation. UoHidnnc.', llmliaui ,tr««t. on- poHitu lloyd, HiekHuB'. Iiardwan. """"•"' Legal â- I. W. PR08T, L Ij. M. BarrUtei', Holicitor OonTeyaucer, etc omcHâ€" NfXt to poFtoOIca, Hproulu'n block Flidiortoii, overy Tlinrada and court data N Hâ€" Ownn Honiid ofllca, Froat* block Poal0tt fltreut eaat. r UCA8 WUKIHT 4 McARnLK " llarrlatera Holloitors Conrayancera, etc omconâ€" ()w«n Sound. Onl and Markdale Ont W H WiiniHT, McAKI)!.!'. 1 11 Luo.\» N II -Flealierton olUce, UiteUell'i Bank •Tory Haturday. MACKAVASAMPSON .Il«rri«t(«rs. PoliMtors. OKKKIF.S ;-Owen Srunrt. Merchant* lUnk Hlocli, N. 5f Patt^raoD Ilouae, 1. nudalk alu fItrBet.avary Hatnrday. Mnnev to lotn at llporwiit. A. n.MrtCKAY,M A , HK SAMPSON, I, I..r) Alwava In attandauca at FUtbarton and Dundalk Diniaiou Oourtn. Dentistry r\R. R C. MURRAY, t>, D. R. dantai anrReon a* honor KiariaatanlToriinto I'nWarritv and Royal rollaga of DMital H.iraooni of Ontario. Offlrwâ€" Opptxlta ArnutToi!)!'. Jewollorv fitorn Will vi»it Mnn«.l th.i lavt NTi'dr.padav -«• -«rh ir-.i.ti-.. ata t;uKCalk I and 3 TUurjday ell act: I. pBtb. Western Pair, London. Active pmpnration* aro under way for this year's Kxhibitioii, to bu held Supteiu- herOtli to 17th. The prize list lias just t«'eii isRU»',d mid is now in course of circii- tiition. Tliti Secretory informs us that lie will be ploused to mail tiiie to uii^ono who haa been overl<>ok,ed, bvi rec*i\ic:; thoir ndJ'e.'-tf. Irtberal preiniuniH aro ofterod, opi-n to all, and fairly distributed anionic II any depHitineniH, coinprislnij about every conceiviilile industry, a largo por- tion K dug to the live 8t<»;k ola.sse». The conditions, rules and reuulation.s nra con- veniently arranged so timt anyoao can ea.sily understand thenrt. The improved entry form which wan wii^inated by the WcHtern Fair will bo used aKain this year. It is niuoh ippreciated by tlio ex- hibitors, as it suvea lime and avoids mis- take. Contr.tcts htve been lot for a now dairy Ilall, which will bo coniiilelnd in tiiiiofor the opening; of the Fair. Tho building will co.*t $10,000, and will be of fir.st-clasi construction ihrou'^liout, yiviii;^ a floor Kp ice of 8,500 fout. Tim Deiiio.stration Hall will have a aeaiin^ capacity of 800 to l,0Ci0, equippid with up lo-dalo appli- ances for domdii.straling the manufacture of butter and clipcso. Bulter-niakinc; c nipetitions, for boih piofes.sioiial iiiid noi.-prnTeRsional buiter makor.s, will be held daily during the Fair. The porlion of the buildiny sen apart for exliii)itswill be suitably htlod n[) with refrisierator cises for butler and clie.'fie, and platforms and stands for dairy niacliiiiery, iiicludiiio cream separators, cliiiriis, etc. Iti fact, everything in conn<.ct;oii with this depart- incnl will bo in Uc*»|)iii<j with the iinporb- aiice of London as centre of ooe ^ the best dairying sections in Canada. The removal of the Dairy Department from the old Dairy, Ai/ricultural and fionicultural Hall provi<les very much moro room for agiicultnral and hoiticul- tural products, and will tend to better the excellent displiys of pa^t ycaif. It is confidently t^xp. cted that the Man- ufactures and Arts linildiui; will be I.irtro- ly (iUed with exhibits of pn'ce.saes of man- ufacture of goods made in London. Lead- ing ariists will be repiesi U'ed in tho Ait (j.allery â€" a beUer display than ever is an- ticijiated. Tho list of â- '.ttractioiis is abmic complete and we are a.ssured it is the best yet.. Tho speeding in the ring, alw.iysa fe.iture of tho Western Fair, will this year, with enlarged purses, bo moro attractive than ever. The pcoido of Ontirio have always shown the highcsl appreciation f.r the Wef-terii Kair, and we feel that, in wishim; them a prnsper<.us future wo but cxpie.ss the sentiments of cveryi,iie in this section of the province SniffeHng and Sneezing Colds. Can be stopped in a few minutes and perirnneiitly cured in one hour by inhal- ing fragrant h alii.L' Catarrl.ozono. No remedy compares with Catarrhoxoiio for cold ill the head ami na.sal catarrh. It soothes and heals the iiillamed mucous menibiaiies, pre.en's siieizing and cough- ing, clears away tho "slutled up" feeling in the forehead. If you havent used Catarrhozone get it and try it on your next cold. You'll be surpri.<ed at the cli- iciency of this delightful inhaler treatment which ph».ses everybody because it cures 80 (piiokly. Complete outfit 1^1.00 ; small .size 2Dc. ,).. Promotion Kxauis. EIGK.MA SCHOOL Sr. Ill to lYâ€" EIIwoikI Purvis, Edna Williams, liertlm Williams, Caibon SValker, Stanley Campbell, J r 111 to Sr III â€" Selena Hawkins, C Lilinier, Jennie Roy, Albert Sloan. Sr 11 to Jrlllâ€" Herbert Fi.sher,Har(dJ Wallnce,Kitie Jamieson, Mary Jiimiesoii, Ettie Latimer, Wilford Plantt. Promotions of S. S. No 6, Arienitsia. Pr III to Jr lYâ€" John McArthtir. Jrllfto Sr HI â€" tluhy Stone, Aggie Harrow, I'ert Whitlaker. Sr II to .Ir 111 â€" Pearl Ciiriis, Ciivor dale Patterson, Wilio McArlhur, Stella Butler. Jr II to SrII Eaima Whiltakcr.Touiiny Spicer. NO DIPPBKENCG No di.itinclion is made as to tho kind of jnleb that Hem rioir runs. Tho names internal. Kxternal.IUeeding lUind. Itching, Supimrating, etc.. are iiiiii|ily jnnies of the diirerent tliies throu>,li which every case will pass if it coniiiiuea loii^' emnigh. Piles are caiisi d by coi'g.'stion • r r'bl'- nation of blood in the lower bowel, and takes an internal remedy to remove tho cause. Dr. Lconliaidl'a Ileui-roid is a tablet taken internally. Ii is a permanent cure and no case of pilea has eTur been found it failed to cure- Money Iwck if itdoes. A Kuarantuu with every packago. Dr. McFadzean of Arthur repula n peculiar freak of nature which oocurietl on tho pieiniaet of Mr Robert Wntt.-», 0. S. U. A calf waa born ii. ihtj reverse manner, its internal or^aiia bviii(! i-nliiely external and in full view ot all. The an- imal waa well formed in every Tca^a ct, the head and feel being {wifect. Dr. McKadseaii conaidera it one of the most peculiar freaka that has ever otiuie under his uliMirTation. â€" Grand Yalley Star. A buyer for one of the largest li(iuur houses in I'hiladtlpbia, who is cuinpelUd to sample enough wine and spirits ovcry^'agHinst the young men imp icated, chart- day to put an ordinary man out of busi- ness, says that buileniiilk i.s his »aUa. tion. "I n>'t only buy Uve or six glasses a day at the tluiry restaraunts or fctrcat staoda," he saysj bnt I drink it all the tiino at homo instead of tea or cofT.o. ] ?ever touch beer or anythjpg like that, \\Htfp ii (tone crock of l.uttermilk i.n the -jenar and >et_it (jet just a little stale. A man who has a cravin'j for li<)uor wiH firrJ very little tioul.le if he takes plenty of buttermilk. If ho wants to swear off, buttermilk will help him. above result. He/reford tafll far Sefvice ini; them with doing bodily harm, and iba outcome of the young girl'a itiju y niean-i much to all concornod. Wilson claims o have been in bed at the tiiuu stated. â€" (Irand Vlley Star. Miss Agnsta- TJo.ssie Moot of Orpngeii villtf waa iimriied in Toronto la'ilj'. \i-x (Juong Sing, a Cbiiiesu tea merchant of iTi Q'ueeii street west. He had paid her .iiteiilion tor o\ er a year, but during hi r illno.ss in St. Michasls hospital lately, hia ardor subsided, the bride called on Staff It is a speiidid stomachic. Two ijuartsj Inspector Archibald, who detailed iw.j of good buttermilk a day will cure any { polii.oii)en to intervieiv llie celestial, with' ca.se of nerv.iiis thoeKi'off, ^ »«».« ^ . A sm.1:rt man, an employee of WnIJemari grist mill, one day recently soiiiiljt a little I vaiiatioii in tho buwy 5ay's routine, and picViin!? up a gun siarteJ for game. Spy- 1 ing a large sow, and perhaps mistaking i her for aliippopotamu',he aimed and liied â- Her pigship waddled off from the mill, and reaching the Presbyteiiau church sliud, decided it was tar enongli and died, j Her onnur. Geoigo Law.son, thought thoj miller had gone too far, tho pig costing! hiin ^25 some months previous anil wasi about to inciease his li\o stock wealili, sol he issued a warrant for the miller's arrest, i 11c Utterly shook the dust oil' his clithes at once, taking a ticket for O.'d- I lia and High Con would like to locate Star. Three young men of RIaisville district, Archie WiUon, Ai'chii! Doimghy and Thomas Redmaiid, have got themselves into a rather nasty box, all resulting from [ailing lo observe the ommaiidmeiit to remember the SaUlwth day and keep i' holy. It is said thcee young, men have a grudge against A. Coilin-s, who works for Mr. Handle;' at Ortoii, and gathered around the housch dd on Sunday night be- tween ten and eleven o'clock to square matters. Some stones were thrown, when Miss Libbie Haudley went out oa the vor aoda to see tho cause. She was struck near the templo with a stona, which ran dored her unconscious, an I had rem line i in th:it c:jiiditii>n up tdl tinn of writing. alih «ugli a doctor had been in atten Jauci '^ontiiially. Warrants have itsu i ThunndeifiRnert ha.HathorouRhhrod Hareforil bull for Kervicc on lot 16'i, .lidwettT. & 8. 1.^ ArtoroaBia. Teruis oiia dollar. Mne Wesley Duskin Transacting Business . . . It is iinpo.ssible to go through lifa without s-iine Bu ine.s.s Transaction.'*, To simplfy such ni.ittors and make them protitable you should bare a Dnsincss EJucalion such as is givett at tho stable Billy ^ffr^^^^^^QjM him. â€" Uranc V luloy v_>^ V___y -<- I'rincipa C A. Fleming, OVVENSOD.NI), ONT. Spring Term begins April 4th, 1004 hTgh~class PICTURES, a The place to get the best Photos is at HULMEK'S PHOTUGRAPU (JALLEUY. SPECIAL ATTENTIOiN We pay Special Attention to Copvin^ and Bahies' pictures, i'i.tuxe fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of p,ictures and we w;ll prumisor.atisf action. ivix>s. :eux^M:£::E^ Sydenham straot, Fleshortoii Important orseoien. Parties interested in Ijorses should aeo the celebrated jtmng French C'tnich Stallion Gauthier, .3383, and the superiop young Clydesdale, Cuod Luck, 393(3, at Munsliaw's hotel every Friday night: GAUTHIEK'S ROUTE Monday noonâ€" A. PaUersnn's, Blantyro Monday night â€" Royal hotel, Meaford. Tuesday noon â€" Wm. Dean's, Griersville. riiesday night â€"Rocklyii hotel. WediiONilHy noon â€" J. Longhead's, Wode- hiuse. Wednesday night â€" At his '•own stable until Friday night. Friday night â€" Floshertcm for 2 lumrs a urd ly â€" .\ItrkJalj hmiij, Murkda'o, GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wednesday mgh'. â€" Kimberley ;- • Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thursday nightâ€" Maxwell Friday noonâ€" Pjrtlaw Friilay nightâ€" i'leahurton Saturday â€" RiiVero hotel, Markdalo Wm. Manary is Manager for both horses with tho exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when ho will', be under theeaie of H. M. Douglas, proprietor, Vandeleur increase tho quantity i>f croain 20 pir cen., improve ilu^ tpndity of buitcr, .save ic«, save lime in washing a inulliiud' / 1 f pans and proviiUi sweet and still waiin separated milk.' wiiicli, with a little corn meal added makes a ar inoie vali liable, though le«s exiieiisive, footl for youug stock i bail stale skimmed milk. Tin se are facts which any user oi any daily expert will c^ Hmi. No charge for trial. i WIUTE FtiR BOOKLET NO 10 S. J 13, McXiVVIStl For First Class Bug"ids, Carts, Pleasure and Lnniber Wagons, cutters, Sleighs. W a keep a stock on hand to ehoo.ie from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uuarantoe tirst claas work. We koep ou hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders. Mowers, <ill kinds of inauhincry, also Binder Twine on hand. » Ulbeti in town dive us a call «