Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1904, p. 4

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^ % June 30 1904 THE F L E S H E It T M ADVANCE i'^i^^WVWWWy I F, T. HILL & CO. REDUCED PRICES ON â-  i mmmc^m:im-m^'^m^^:^:^m':^-^^^:^Â¥^WÂ¥. BRIGHT NEW GOODS The following with many other lines of seasonal)lc summer goods ivo place on SPECIAL SALE this' week. MANUFACmJKEKS and WH0r,ESAT,ElJ8 invarial.ly lotus know when they have CLEAIMNC LINES at SMAl-L I'RICE.S which tlioy want to convert into cash. That's the whole story regarding these, cxjcptinf^ that to appreciate the vakies you'll require to see the goods. y2\c, ^ancy â- ^Liis/ins (2500 ijarc/s) for 6c. . S'llO yards Fancy Muslir.s, in all ilie iiKWcst ciilniintjs ;iih1 pnttiirn.s. We ooiisiilcr tliis tha bost !\Tiisliii value we Imvo seen cu' heanl of, anil cdiiiini; imw jtut «t ihe lioginiiiiig of llio si-asrui it is sure tu lie ]iicl;ed up ijuickly. Kvuiy jarii of it wa.s niude this se.tsuii for this ieasun s at'liins,',ihe width is 20 no .12 ijuch^s and tlie price is on'y (! W\ .. 75c. Sa teens 9c,.' V ^'^'^ ^ 7 jO yards of beautiful, line, .silli-liifishM nftlaen.s, i.n hlui'S", cimlitiiils, yariKtt, p.ile blui',l)laek,et.c. Tlio in- fiiuile USD 10 wliicih one cm put tliesi' very servicoalile ynods, miJ till! Iii.;h â- |tialiiy of this lin-i is sure to iiiiiku selliiiir bridl< while tho lut Msts. yuur citoico, niiy color, per yuid " . .'I',-" ^ /oc. ,Tancy *zA./A^o/is /â- tc. We have about 2.) pieces of these Fiiucy . Ribbons, in a very ^ond nssortuieul (^f \vj Uhs, c<i!iiiin'^a and pattoruR. F^vorv yard must be snld diiriuir the next few days and the price iit which we have marked iheiu will make tlieiii po in a hurry. Any quai}titJL.you want at exactly ludf price, or per yard â- 'â-  â- â€¢ / â-  7i^ 35c. to 50c. Fancy Blousingsfor 35 cents, Wo haVB Ktill on hand about 50 nl this season's New filuuse Le;ii;th.s tliat must be sold at once. The lot consist.s l;a;4ely (if liiir. pur--, a'l-wool Del/iiiies, Lustres and Bedford fords. Tlie prices untd thi^ week have been o7.V, 40, 54, and 50c., but wo reduce all to 0:10 prico. I'er yard for your choice â-  - ,,. 25 15, 20 and 23c, Veilings 71-20. ^ About liQ pieces of Coloured Silk Yeiliugi â€" the fuLul cleaning up of our Spriii':; and Siiuinier stock. You cm have your choice of aiiythinu iu this lot for 7i 25, 35c. Ladies Fancy Collars 19 We have probably Ij or 7 dozoi of Ladles F.mcy Sto.;k Collars in a particularly iiic j assortment of colourions. Most of these have washable silk tab and are decidedly pretty. Your choice only 10 S^ 5c. \flannelette Qiinlyroirlenies 2c, pie-'ca FUnno'ctte EiubroidaricB, asserted colm-ings, cleaiiiu at l-'i-'r yard #^WW^ MARKDALE WW^^ rromoliou Exaiiis. FLKSHERTON FfBLIC .SCHOOL Sr.lIT tr. ,Tr. lY-'Ci.ra Milll^'an, O. Davis, I'Ved Ilclljiiiiy, I'vondall Milcliell, Fred McTavish, liell L-.ucks Uol.ert Uel- hiniy, l'(!arl Hoi>ps, ,)oo fji'nard. .Jr. Ill to Hr.-,)inie Kadl.-y. ^:l•. llio .1r. Illâ€" Klurrie McMulIuii (honors), Kihia I'ntwm, Elva Lever, L. Uulledue, Jane Tei't<;r, 'J'eiia .Mi:r.,eod, Laura Armstron,', Adda Wright, Harold Mitchell, Herl.ie McLor.d. .Jr. 11 t.. Sr: ]I-Kai)ileen Milligan (honors), May Oillespie.U 'l);'cci Richird- hoii. ^bl^ld ^I.•D lUald, Charley Crussley,. Mary liuriittt. I. 0. P.KAiTiK, teaclu r. Ser.ior pt. If to Jr. ITâ€" A. Gillespie, Tcna LcKinl, Cordon McKiniioii, Ychiia Tiilbott, IClliel Hicliardsoii, I'tixy Hastie, Tva Miiclieil, Lloyd Talbntt. .)r. i)t. II to si-, pt. II -G. .Stewart, lidiih Teeter, (ILirinoii Ilalea, Howaid Me.Vuley, efjual), Muriel MeTnvish, I. Wilson, Hmx.oI Tlioinpson, Joliii Shep- (laid, l''rMiik I'.attoii, (iiiirKenia IIopps. Ciais IV to \'â€" (j'lady.s Coriitifl I, V. Lou .ks, Dell 'riiur.it 11, Lila Ale.xander, U .filou Slieppard, Ni-ttio Teetur, Freil .McMullen, Maud lioyd, Herbio Letiard Abce McLeoiI, lioy Me(,',ioley (<jn trial.) Class III to IV~-\\illio Davi.«, Ainiio Klynii, Alcnon I'etcli, («eon>e Patlon, K. Wil.ion, Leone 'riiompsoii, Uussel Lever. Cla.'^sllto Ill-.Jiiii .Stewart, .Mbeit Toeter, Flo Lever, Hoy Lever, Marcus tlcaril. Class I to II -II ,r .1 1 Lever,C.Me?^ot, L.ita r.lak.dy, Millie Wri-ht, Aleda Mitchell, lVs»rl I'.lakoly. S. R. NO, 9-12th LINK, OSPllEY Jr 4 to .''r 4 --Lili Sayerc. ,'t to 4â€" (ju-tic) Oinl, An ii« McKeiv/.'c. •J toyâ€" Albeit Myer.s, Pearl Jiarber, Myrtle ilolr.-yil, P.ay Holroyd. JrJioSr 2 -Nellie JJarbur, Maudie Fioldis, Maugie Itolieit''. Sr pirt 2 to 2 â€" Itita .Sayers, Launcelot UdfCltS. Jrjtart 2 to Sr part 2â€" Melville Boua- la*. Kveliiiu McMtillen. Jr 1st to .Sr l-Wif.ie M.icMureti. Jliiry Tlioriibury, Queeiiie Thorubury. Hurried And Worried All Day. And the worn! of il i^ you are a little luu down ar.d have initility little chaiu;..« to catuh U!>. Kver)thiiii{ seeiiH like a uriiidsti lie wt-nrma down your nerves. Vou are iiritablu and ({et losn »leip than is al pohitely neceHsary. Uettor ktop be- fore thinija wet wmse. Your beu plan is to usrf Keirozone for a while and i>ivo y ur iiervoi .lud brain a clianm to piiU 111. Feri'iiione ia the liiioht tonin a buisy in'xn cm t.-«ko It nitkes new blood", niuriihes tho lKiay,Hicnij;(hutHt the lit, v ,•», improves tbrt appetite and rohabitalcs the whido system. Try Ferrozonr. I'lic-e e5c. chiirclioa being filled at each session of the latter. 1 Mrs. Johnson, who spo'it tho past winter visitini; friends on the Maniloulin island, recently returned to lor h^nie liere, where lii-r nunu-rous friends were | glad to welcome her. i lioiii â€" June 15, to Mr and Mrs David' JIcMullon, of Osprey, a son. j Tho gaiden party advertised to be 1 j^iven oil Uoininion day has been post- 1 po.ned for a few. weeks. j Antlrew Graham of the valley raised a ; lii.e new barn recently. i Mrs. Thr.inas Akitt of Cullint;wood ' and Mis. Sykes of Flesheiton were the guesi.s of Miss Heecroft of '' EdeuTale"] tile past wi ek. 1 Mi.s J ,1 TluMiipson and Mrs Gille.'.jiie ' of Klesherton were -guests al .Mr Woud- biiin's of " (ilelilield." I Mr and Mrs Duckett visited frieiidn at Maxwell 1 he past, week. i Mrs .larred of Meaford is the guest of! Mrs Latimer, sr., of Eugenia. < M'S Parr and children of Toronto j are guests of the former's aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Adiin S.iiith. KemptviUu dngs destroyed §150 worth of .>.iiooi) recently. The owners had to' "put up." Dr. Barr of .?helbiirne is again chfisen as candidate for the I.ouislature, and Ur. Lewis i^f Oraiigevile for the l.)ominion house for Dutlerin. Mr. E Ma)iletoft,of Egremont , pos.so.s cd lor a while th .s spriiii.', a curiosity in the .shape I'f a four legged eliiekon,wliich, wlieii it lirst made its iippearaiice coin nieiiced wa.king backwards instead of the UHudway. Unforliinnti ly the niotliei lieu stepped on it the oilier day ftt;d kdled It. X An interesting school case was disposed of ill Port Hope recen'ly, when two trus- tees of .sohorl .section No. it, of ihe Town- ship of ILipe, were lined twenty dollars and cosU for neglecting to have tlie school house c!o iiii'd and kept in proper repair and for failing to furnish the premises with a suitable HUpply df water. Slightly nearsighted to-day. More so to-morrow. Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness. The smallest amount of near sight should not be neglected. Examination free. Wo A. A rim St f 03^5?. 4a. ' id iEWELEa ANO OPTJOAW TLESHERTON. Eugenia Eu.(enia hjt,^ limii indu'glns in a rnau- Ur gojj time of i>tp. Ti.c < >i»inemen'« |>icnic«iid uoiicuit khi quite a miiccusm, alsj l!i>i Sabhaih acliool convention on Ma:ida/ afternoon and evoiii!ig, loth Notice to Creditors lulhrtMa'terof the Estateof WILLl.JVM HEYMorU CHKISTOK, late of the Yillaao of Flesherton in the County of lir«y, Phyiiljinn, doceatud. NOTICB Is lieiBhy Riven iMiiiinaiit In TIi« ItBViiiiil Sla'iitm 111 Oiilaiio IKW, flmp. lAl tliat All crnrlitnrsaiicl ollieis liavlni: tlniiiiH aiisinHl till) (Utatii of tlici »ni'l Wllliniu fieymnur f'hrls- tO('.|<i<"cea»r.il.wlirt iliu'i on or ahoiii, tho TwoKcl' cUv ul Kebruary, A. V. I'.HH. are ro<inireil 011 ci l.'i)(oru tliu Kiibt ciav of AukU!.*, A. Ii. IWH, In n'liil liy poit iircpal'l or ilrlivni to W. J. Hil- lauiy, rsM . I'lealuriuii I'. O., one of tlin esocu tor« of tloi last will anil tititaiiniiit of Ilio »»lrt . eA.sHci, iluilr ulirlstiaii ami siirimiiii'H,,ai1(lros' ft m.rt disirip.ioii, tlio fell )>articular»or their 1 1111 ^ tlin sUuiineiit of tlicir Kcuiiunta and t O'latureot tho sucui itioa (if auv) beld b\ tUim A.Mifiirtliertako notice that after such last iiieiitloned ilato tho â- ain cicpciit >r will procooil to (lis triliiitu the mxietii of tlio derera lil ainnnc tho p«rtie^ontl'lei|t|ioi«to, lia>inf,' reitaril ouly to the tlHinis of which lie alialUhoii havoinotini aii.l that tli.> uRl) oxcdatur will not be liAble for tl.axBicI assets or any part thoraof to any porioM or periuu.sof whode claim iiotioo shall uot h«»p I>tf5ti recflvad bj- hlui at the tijia 01 such tliMtribntion. la ixi tl.elfltth Jiy of Ju 10, A. t>. 1004. LL'tAS WBUiHT AMoAHDI.K. _ ,. . tiweii Boand. Soli. iteii for Eiecukori. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills AFTEIJ. inuchlahor a u d X - peu.se wc liiive reop- ened our aeloi-y and have ju.st erect eii a dry kiln, m hich puts u.s in a position to fill all orders for Sa.sh, .Door.s, Frames, Moidd- in«.,'.s, 15a,se, .stair materials and machine work .siicli as plan- inji; and mateliing, seroll and band sawing and turning oi' every description. Our stock of north .shore white pine is coinnletc. We also carry a good stock ofiwncl doors and .sa.sh and can fill all oidcrs promptly and will guarantee .sati.sfaction to our cust«nier.s in all lines of our business and our prices will be fountl as rea.sonable as any. Our (!hopping Depirtment shall have our best attention. Hrs. A. Wilson 1 W. Wll5on, Manager r: \ BOYD, HICKLING & CO.. -FLESHERTON, ONT. educei To wind up a most successful and bu.sy IMillinery S ;ason we oft'er Reduced Prices on all Trimmed aiul Untrimmcd Millinery to July j^urcbnsers. Novelties in White Waists - • $1.00 to $2.25 - â- â-  Wehave just placed in .stock six lines of very pretty White I'ancy Lawn Waiots, inclnding soinc i)f the latest styles protluced this .sea.son, beautifully made and finished. Sizes 32 to 40. • Prices â€" ' ;.,â- .,......•<-,,. ?i.00, $1.2:^, $1.50, $2.00, $225 WARM WEATHER MUSLINS Oui range of Fancy Mu.slin.s is the finest this season we have ever shown and embraces a wide variety in lovely designs and coloring.s. .,.••-,-: Spot ^Fuslins -:,.;, -. ^- 'a ~ Prices ]*'ancy .Stripe I\[uslins --i 'â- >.'. '•'•:;., 'From Fancy Orgiuulies -^ ,,.,,. ^^^ AVhitc and colored Dimities l to ;';' J'ancy coloretl IMuslins [ ,';.5c a White and black Organdies -^ Yard Fine white Lawns -: â-  }' . ." ,: .; An elegant choice of suitable Laces and Insertions ill Valenciennes, Torchon, Cluny and Guipure, also wliite, cream a .d black all-over Laces- -dcsi"-ns and prices correct. Next Week of We expect to show an enta'clv new assortment t Ready-to wear Shirts â€" AND- ^ UValn= I roof Goats 2| Just ordered and now in course of manufacture, thus ^ ensuring the latest and. most correct designs-all ^ perfectly new and stylish. The prices will be interesting, too. lARDWARE - DEPARTMENI J U LY GOODS Scythes 5naths Machine Oil Scythe Stones Grind Stones Oilers Hay Rakes Forks Hayfork Pulleys Manilla Kope â€" all sizes. ^ If it's anything in Hardware, we sell it I t â- .' * ' * • 1 « • I * • ^ * •1* •V •1«

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