Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1904, p. 3

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EAILROAD MM I HAD HIS TRIAL â- '^CnrEEIl RAI'FERTY FOUND J BELIEF Iir DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS. •{Vas Run Down and Laid "dp, and ^the Great Kidney Eoiuedy jjiade ' Him Strong- and Vigorous ' Again. • Uimiipeg, Man., Mar. 28 â€" (Special) -^Ono ol the best known and most nopular locoiuoti\o ongiiieor.s running out of Winnipeg on tlio C.IVK. ia Mr. iDi^n HalTerty, who lives at 175 Maplc itrt'Ot. And Mv. KalTcity Rivc3 .«ome itd\ic(j to I'ailway men that in tl'.eso da.vs oiT blotkaclcs and strain and worry none can alVord to ovcrloolv. 'Vhnt advice i.s "iise L>odd a Kidney I'Jlis." Mr. lialTerly say.'i : ' \'o;i' 3 of loi'.fi; run.s on tho railway had broken down my constitution. My back gave out entirely. Terrible siiarp cuttini^ paiua would follow ono another, till I felt as if I were being sliced awnj- pioccn.cal. "1 would conio in from a. run tired to death. My .sole desire woidd be to get rest and .sleep, and they were tlio very things Icould not got. Finally i. got so bad I had to lay oft work. /'.After being laid up ten dnya I started to use Dodd'o Kidney Pills. The lirst night after n.sing them I ^lept soundly. In three days I threw |iuay the belt I had worn for years, l\nd now I have not the slightest pain in the back. I sleep soundly and wake up joyous and refreshed, iind Dodd'a Kidney I'ills did It." » ; HELPED ny AN ELEPHANT. " • Tho King of Siam. the fiftieth an- jilvprsary of whoso accossion to the |lhrono was recently celebrated at Bangkok, Is only sixty-live yeaj-s of 'ngo, for he n.scended the throne at fifteen. Miss Looiiowcn. an Ani^lLsh .governofis, whose pupil he was for si.\ years, described him as an apt scho- lar, Iiand.somc, afTcctionate. and gcu- 'prous, with lofty ideals. Ohulalong- •korn. which liaiipcns to be the mon- larch's name, has verified that charac- ter b.v progressive- rule. Ho has giv- en .Siam an enlightened government. '"and yet zealously guarded native cu.s- ^tonis and institutions. Hence, while 'buildin;.^ canals, railways, lighthouses •and hospitals, ho still serves aa a . priest in the Buddhist temple. TIo has organized his army on the Gorman model. but his bodyguard is still ^ conipo.sed of amazonsâ€" 400 daughters , of his nobles. He has also abolished tho .second king, who exercised one- third of the Royal power, and lias â-  cstaMished instead a legislative coun- •* cil of nobles. At tho.se cabinet coun- cils one of the sacred white elephants ' Is always present. ; PROFIT FHOar nACIN'G. , , The ~> per cent, of the gross re- ceipts at tho eight licensed racecours- crs accejited by New York State luis â-  yielded upwards of Jt-lO.nou. The I proceeds will he distributed as jjrizes I at various agricultural shows. i ~~ 'Then you have no sympathy for the deserving poor?" said tho char- ' Ity worker. "Ue?" retorted the solf- ^ aiado man; "why, sir, 1 have nothing but sympathy." DOCTOR DID IT. Put on 36 rbs. by Food. Feed a physician back to health and he gains an experieuco that ho can u.se to Ijeneiit others. For tnis reason ti rape-Nuts food is daiiy re- commended to Jiatients jiy liu!;dreJs of i)h:,s:eians who have csnvd them- Belves of stomacii trouble, line doc- tor says: "Although a physician and trying to aid and assist m.v fellow beings to jnjoy good healtli it must be admit- ted 1 I'oruierly did not enjoy the best of health myself. In January, 1SU9 X only weighed 119 pounds. At this lime I was living in the Ohio valley ind began to think 1 had about seen my best days. One day about 3 years ago I had an ojiportunitv to try O rape-Nuts food for my break- fast. I liked it so well that I ate three teasiioonfuls three times a. day and have regularly \ised it up to tho present time, und 1 now weigh lo.'j, I. gain of :i& pound.s and enjoy tho best of health. "Not only has CIrnpo-Kuts made Ihla wonderful cliange in me, but through it I have helped my friends, relatives and patients. 'i'he sustain- ing power of this food is simply won- acrful. "1 have ono patient who is a sec- tion hand on the C. it O. H. R. who (ata nothing in the morning but four tablespoonfuls of CIrupe-N'uts and yet lioes his vwy liard work up to lunch time and enjoys the l)est of health . tLXUi stiongth. J "I could name a groat ninny cn.ses like this njid 1 still prescribe llrnpo- Nuts in my practice every day." Namo given by Postum Co., Uattlo Creek, TMIch. * Ask any physician about tho scien- tific principles on which Grape-Xi.its food is made. He'll tell you tho â- principles nrc perfect. Then ji 10 dnya' trial proves that the principles arc carried oilt in tho food ("all the good of tha grains .so treated that anyone can digest it Jill")- Shown In renewed i)hysicnl ltrcn,ith and brain en.orgy. "There's a reason." Look In each package for tho fam- ous little book, "The Road to Well- ftU» " AUTOMATIC FIRS AEMS WILL SOON' REPLACE MAGAZINE GUNS. THE Great Improvements Will Soon be Made in Small Arras. All armies are now at work trying Constantly to peifoct tho infiUitry arm, and it is probable that sooner or later the automatic rifle will re- place the magai^ine arm. The adoption of protective armor shields by tho field artillery has led to e.xporimonta for the purpose of giving to tlie projectiles of tho in- fantry arm a greaier power of pone- tratiun. To accomplish tliis it has boon proposed to use in the infantry bullet a central steel core, or t(^ make the ogive (pointed end) of steel, or finally to make the entire ball of stool. iLlIorts ai'e also being made to obtain a more powerful powder, which will give a higher miizzlo velocity. None of these pro- jected improvements, howevoi', will interfere in any way with tho eaady adoption of an automatic gun. In view of these probable Improve- ments in the infantry lifio, the ques- tion arises, will Uie maxhiiie gun an,v longer be needed when every man is provided with an automatic gun capable of a very high rate of lire for at least some focands. A small nmnber of men armed with automatic rilles can produce in a given time as great a hail of pro- jectiles us a machine gun. Rut it ia not for this reason that the military world is Inclining to an automatic infantry gun. In choo.'^ing a new arm for the infantry it is a mist;Uie, according to the best authorities, to lay too much stress on RAPIDITY OE FIHK. Tho manufacturers of infantry rifles, like those of automobiles, have fal- len into the error of s'upposing that an increase cf rapidity alone is the basi.s of all progress and improve- ment. The adoption of an autom.atic gun is not engaging tho world's atten- tion because of the pos.sibility of thereby, attaining a prolonged rapid rate of lire, but because it will fur- nish the means of deuAeiing I'apldly a comparatively small number of .shots without taking tho sun from tho shoulder. This will increase the chances of hitting a coiupiu'ativcly .small or a fleeting target at Some distaT'.ce, because the soldier can lire n. Kt-ries of shots without lowering his [)ioce or changing his sight. It is evident, therefore, that along witix the automatic infantry arm, armies can still utilize machine guns for obtaining a continued rapid tiro of long dujation. 15ut there is another diftcrcnco be- tween the two arms, in that the au- tomatic (irearm of tho infantry will ahvavs be a I'gl't allalr, wliilo the machine .gun, because of its nicchan- l.'iin, aOeessoi'ics, tripod, etc., is ne- cess-aiily nujro or less l.eavy. Ia tl;o const,ruction of tho infantry gun tho lirst condition to lie fuKillcd is that of accuracy, and tho ranges to be cons^idercd are prim.arily those at wb.ich comparatixely small tar- gets (skiimishers kneeling or lying down, for example) may bo still so clearly visible as to bo tired on with effort. T!us arm is therefore intended, above Jill, for comaprati vcly short ranges. THE MACHINE GUNS, on the other linnd, aro so construct- ed as to give a prolonged rapid lire, and their cone of iirojectiles is sullicicntly den.se to admit of their eiVectivo uso at i omparatively long dl.stances. .Vccuj'ncy Is Ihercfoio not so iml5ortant, and lienco this arm is better for long range lire than tho infantry rille, and another advantage lies in tho fact that it may be tired oxer our own infantry advancing to tho attack, even on level ground. This (iocs not e.vclude tho uso of the nmchiiie gun at shoit di,-.tanccs, if tho circimistanc es require it, al- tliough in general tho well aimed lire of inftititry armed with an automatic gun is then more eP.'ective. This distinction between long range and short range liie ia not now. Indeed, history proves it to be very oltl. F.von in tho time of l''rederiik tho Great light guns for tiring at longer ranges were attached to tho infantry, niul in several armies since that day si)ecinlly trained marksmen have been utilised the longer ranges. .\t present it is hold that the machine gun will in future actions bo charged with the lire at long range, whi li locent campai.;;ns have s!;own to be so cffe live. Tlio circimi.stanccs in which it will come into piny are Ca.sy to determine. For e.\anii>le, a body of troopa on the defensive shoi.ld force the adver.snry to give up hi.s clo.sc order formjitlons (which facilitate his advance) as early as po.^sibIc, n.Tid should break down the morale of tlio enemy. In both cases tho macliine gim will prove crfeclivo. Moreover, if the defender forces the enemy to open lire prematurely he again guhis an hMrOHTANT ADV.VNTAG E. Here again machine guns would be of uso. In the attack, on tho other han-d, firing at long range may at- tiact tho fli"c from our own troopa advancing In front, which will be on advantage for thsj attnckor, since tho advancing troopa cnn thus mpro readily reach thoir po.sltlon for de- risive action without too great loiw. The cooperation of .several firing lines made po.ssibly by tho uso of uukcbiiie guns for liro at long range, Ir.sue No. 13â€"04. There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap (annot be used to advant- age. It makes the home bright and clean. xb will also contribute to success in the (inal assiault. The machine gun detachments rre to be attached to tho. infantry in future. The Cro of machine guns Is intciu:cd to contribute only indiiflct- ly to tho result, the lire at short ran.gi! l)y infantry being still the only direct <lori^ive element in battle. Tho main use of the machine gunn will be to ponnit tho infantry of tho at- tack to advance more rapidly to the l>rincipal firing position, and from there to attempt to gain tho super- iority of firo. This appears to be I the late.st conclusion of tlie authori- ties on the subject. THE SNUTER. Grant. â€" "Do you know anything that's good for a cold?" Grimes.â€" "Do I know anything? Why, I know thousands of things that are good for a cold, but I haven't found anything that is good for the fellow who has the cold." DISTANT WITH PLATO. "Are you at all familiar with Pla- to?" asked Mrs. Oldcastlc. "No, that's one thing .Josiah al- wa.^s blames me for. lie says I nev- er make real close friends with any- body." YOUTHFUL COOK. There is at present living in Chica- go a girl, five years of age, who is said to bo ono of the best cooks in that city. .Slio can make bread, pics and cakes, and cook a stoali as well as any paid expert. Tier mother and grandmother haxo won prizes for theii- culinary skill. TRADE OP NATAL. The exports from Natal for 1903 show a decrease of 27.5 per cent. The imports amounted to Jiilo, 065,401, an increase of l.'J.l per cent. 'Die in- crease in IJritish imports, however, was only 3.7 per cent., while Cerman imports increased 11.8 and American 42.7 per cent. CAN BE HAD IN Fails, Wash Basins, M\\i Pans, &g Any FIrst-Class Grooor Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTINQ EDDY'S. of to be de- GALLO'^VS TREE SOLD. Tho historic "dule," which has stood on Leslie Green, Fifeshire, .Scotland, for hundreds of years, and which wa? used in the time of James Kidnesa is born of our acu.so kinship to all. Tho trifling man never attends tho great trifles. The hyper.sensitivc aro apt to wholly sellish. There ia no merit in sacrilico void of sendee. Your criticism of another is yom- verdict on yourself. Tho heart's protest against death is the promise of life. The great lives have all loved some- thing greater than life. .Sin is always a greater wrong to tho sinner than to any other. Righteousness is the only recom- mend'atiou that goes in heaven. Pisappoiiittnent is not a sutTicient reason for discouragement. There is more in being worth.v of great place than there is winning it. IIoliucHs is the reaching after ra- thei- than the arriving at perfection. The man who is afraid of burning up his wick need lait hope to bright- en tho worlil. When a man sets popularity befoi-e his e.YCS he is likely to lot principle out of his heart. Df. Agrscw'3 Caiarrt'ia! Pow- der.â€"Kev. \V. II. M.-iin, pastor of the Daptist Emanuel Church, l!iif!.i!o, gives strong testimony for and is a ftrm believer in l.'r. .'Vgnaw's Catarrh.d I'owder. He In :; tried many kinds of reniedi!'.s without avai! " .\ltcr using Dr. .'\Rnevv'sCalarrli:d Powdf I W.13 benefit--'d at oace," a-e ins words. I i:s a wondei ;ul r.-:.'::.ivl v. 50 ls:us.â€" 6j WASHINGTON EXCURSION. MARCH 18. Lackawanna $10.00, ten days, esj tra stop-over at Baltimore. Cheag side trials. Philadelphia sleeper. Full poi'ticulars 'J89 Main Street, BulTalo, N. Y. ,.;,-. .â- â- .. . 'mo Point of View.â€" Ginghamâ€" Da you consider Dr. Seton .a skilled phy- sician? Butcher â€" None belter in town. P.ays his bills regular. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) IJisinfect" ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. Citizenâ€" What have you done in that murder case? Detectiveâ€" \Vell, wo'vo jumped on to more wrong cluoa than any other set of detectives this season. i-i'j';^ 'Iha Cva.-'.vcrkoca Heat-i, â€" Is tho gic-it cnr.ino \shich pumps lifl tliioiigh your sy.'sttm "nard pressed, over, taxtd, gro-ning undrr its load because dis. '.?.^c has c!of:;;ed it ? I>r. .^gnew's Curo fci â- 'ne Heart is nalurc's labiic.'.tor and cleanser, and daily dcnitm.stralcs to hesrt r-ufferera that it is ihs saffit. surrEt, and most speedy remedy tlnit medical science knows â€" 67 SMALL ORCUARDS DON'T PAY. There aro locations where it is more profitable to grow general farm VT. for hanging malefactors, has been crops than to engage in fruit grow- ciit down and the branches sold after , ing under such circumstances tho keen bidding for .'?25. When a dumb man doesn't want to bo interviewed' all he has to do is to put his hands in his pockets. Statr of Onto, City of Tocnno, ) . l.UC.VS (/OU.NTY. f* Frank J. Cheney innkos odth that ho is senior pan hit of the firm of F. ,) . Cheiiny &, t.'o.. doing busiiiLvs.s ui the City of I'oletio. Cennty ami Statu aforesaij tinri that stiid firm will pav tho .sum of ON 10 lllJNDItvail mil.LAH.S for oacii and ovory case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use cu' tlnll'a Catarrh Curo. FU,\Nti J. CI IIC.NK.Y. yworn to bcforo rao and sub;-cribed ia my prfsonce. thia 6th day of iJecomber, A. D. 188U. A. W. GLKASON. ; SEAL ; Sotaru Pubtta Hull's Cntnrrli Curs is taken internal- ly, and acts directly on the lilood and mucous surfaces of tho oystem. Send for tfstlinonial.s frco. V. .1. CHMNKY &. CO.. Toledo, O. Solii by all Druggists, 75c. 'lake Hall's Family Pills for con.sli- pai,ion. t-t SENTENCE SERMONS. Love is nlwa.vs far sighted. Faith is the .secret of lirniness. Fleasm'o is but a weed, joy a fruit. Talents are tools and not merchan- dise. Meekness is simj)ly the slh?nco of might. The gain of lo%e is lost by the love of gain. Secrecy is tho best soil for the worst sins. size of. tho orchard n!a.y well bo : limited to tho supply of fruit used I for famil.v u.se. If, however, fruit ; is grown for commercial purposes, it I is a mistake to have a small or- : chard. I Under modern methods of care the e.xjten.so attending a small or- chard is uiucli greater in propin'tion to the number of trees than for a large orchard. Of coiu'so tho intelli- igent num will imostigato market conditions before setting large or- chards, and will know pretty well :what nia.v be e.^poctcd fi-om his soil, but when these things aro well under- stood and seem favorable, then the prolitablo orchard will bo the largo one. Once set, then the caro must he all reiiuirod or the large orchard will ho the greater loss than tliH aniall one would liaxe been. BEST WASriINGTON TCXCUHSTON. Goes via L.aclcawannn. March ISth. Ten Dollars, ton days via Water Gap. Stoi>-o\er at Philadelj)hia and Haiti- more. .Sleeper to rhiladelphia. K'c- servo accommodations now 289 Main .Street, IJuiValo. "If-ivo you asked papa?" "Yes, I telephoned him. llo said ho didn't know who 1 was, but it was all right." APrROPHIATE. "It (i'oesn't seem right to rail a man-of-war 'she.' " "Unless you're speaking of the Rt^s- sinn mon-of-wnr. Tlie.v certainly seem to bo the 'weaker vessels.' " .. â-  â- mn.M i.iiiii n il I 1.1,1 ,, _ m n i .>â€" â-  â€" . m T< We Gonviiica Scaptics. Colds, Catarrh nrsd Catarrhal J-JaacJatjhs RaJJovoti in IC Mintjtes anti curati b]/ Or. Agncvi/'s Oatarrha! Powder litre's ono of a tliouiuind such trsti- incuics. J!ov. A. J), lluckley. of Dulla- lo. savs: "1 with nil to kno-.v what u btesiii's Dr. Agnow's (."atariluil Pc.wdcr is ia a oiiso of ratarrlj. I was troubled with this dison.ce for vciirs, liut tbu lirai lime I used this rpinody it pava nuist dcliirhtful roliof. 1 now regurd myself entirely cured." 23 Ur. Agnew'.s Pills nr«- ''cllstUfnl. 40 cli.ses 10 c n;5. adaiirablo Food ol tli3 The thousands of people who write to mo, saying that s C^re taoxi Tho Lung Tonic cured them of chronic coughe, cannot all be mistaken. Tnero must be some truth in it. Try a bottle tor thai cough ol your*. PHoet: S. C. Wbi.i.9 * Co. JIO ZSc. SOo, $1. t.oRoy,N.Y., Toronto, Cm. 15â€"04 . or Over Sixty Ycnrj Mn.". Wi.N.si.ow's SooTioKO SvMfr h»8 boon \\te<\ r? mitliniianf Tiinthfr.-* for thp r i-hildrcn nliile tcsihaiif It nnothcit Ulf LhiM, !-oft,:it!( th^- f^iinp. alMtj-ni'itn. O'.iici wind (iolio. rPRUiatci* tliuf-oniJ'rh und howeln, And is th< bfpt rrnifldy fur l)lardm."v. T«(mty-IlT« ciiils h h..Lilt Sold tj tlnit'tcist? llir(.u,il:oilt llio norlil. )!« niro ku ' iBk for".\lu.'i. Wi.NSLow'a.SooTiii.so 3V!iiii'." IJ- v: .JImpaon â€" Tho horrors of war aro certainly unsjienkablo. Simpson â€" ! And tho niUiie.9 of the nnval coni- ' inanders arc ocpially unpronouiiccablo. South AinerEcan Rheumatic Curo Cures Rhousna-iram.-lt i., :..',fe, harmless a.iJ .icti cjuick-yives almo^: instant relief and an absolute euro In froir. 7,0 to three day s â€" woska wonders in mrs'. aculo forms of rhcumali.sm. One mr.n'r lestimony : " 1 spent 6 weeks in bed before mmcncing its usoâ€" 4 botiics cured mi; •66 Three months after marriago a Wo- man trioa to swap hor romantic nov- els ftit a cookbook. Finest quality find .flavour. Kutritioua and Ecvnomlcal. 48â€"21 :'-"â- â- :..â-  CLE AMINO ^ """^'r* LADIES'... ^ "itVrl^ Cm bo <lo«« i>*rift('tly by our Prtinclj Prnce%«, 'rr> 14 BltlTIDH AM EntOAH OV^IijQ CO. UOSTREA/i, XOBOMfO, OTT V\'i'.V » I^UKUEO Billiapd Tables Tho Bast at tho Lowes! Writo for Twrnta Prico TS3 Kins OtL W. i ;i2-3i Bytt@r, Honey, ALL KKiDS MtUiTS Of AnJ Farm Pro- duca genera!ly« consigns it to ui eat we will pet you good prieeii THE ' Dawson Commission Co. t'MITl/ T. 1'. PAGE FENCES Wear It b tka fenco that has r.lood the tost ot tim«â€" ttanAn thg bcftVlist sixainâ€" iioT»r â- acsâ€" tho (UnOArd tho world otct. t>r<lor throiigh our local agr.ut 0/ direct from us. THK PAGB WIBS nENCB OO. UtMJ^ED. .Hi â- J- » â- r ii • w--. T :i'.;i:tTli:e.Onl. MaalrccI, Qae. St. Jobn, ».3. Vlnklacx. Ugsa 'j^m^

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