Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Dec 1903, p. 5

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THE FLESHEETOIf ADVANCE D«c. 171903 Vicinity Chips Frc«h lime n'lraya on lutDd. J. H Duckett, Eugenia. Chopping done every afternoon 6«. per 100 lbs. T. W. Wilson. John Ctirley, Egremnnfc, jumped from k cutter and broke bis lej. Five hundred hogi were burned in » Gre near G»lt. A Mock i^imrrow is making its home al , the griutmili in Dundalk. CUytou's for Mitts, Gloves, Leggings, â- ^ Trunks, Valises etc. Kuphrasia tovrnjhip will vote on luoal option at the eoroing municipal election. Great rabber weather. Buy Maltese Crusi puncture proof rubbers and you will have the best. Suld at Claytons. Wanted â€" Grey broncho p<inT ; must be (EO<id size and sound. LI. P. Legate & Co. Ceylon, Ont Kinz township has an incendiary who h creating somethini; of a reij^n of terror. The Attorney-Getierars departaient, is iDrestii;.tting. Beeton house of refuge has 74 inmates ~60 males aad 14 females. Fourteen dc.iths occurred in the institution during the past year. Frame house for sale, in Flesherton, eiijht rooina,lugether with three lots,good cellars, etc. For particulars apply to Miss Park, Fleaherton, oi R. Park, Eugenia. \Oiir Biiots and Shoes find ready buyers. 'e have the right kind. We make no- thing but the best in our line. All sizes and shapes at Clayton's. Go to Spmale Crosaley & Cu for best Miiuitoba and Ontario blended flour, also hrnn, Hhorts, middliues. oats, peas, barley and wheat all at the lowest prices. Parties havinK Tamarack timher,fhould chU on R. P. Legate A Co., and get their â- peciBcations. All short lengths and ptives aw;k7 up in G. Stewart Bros, of Kimberiey eapiurod a pair of foxes alive 9n« day last' -week. Dogs holed theiu both,one after the other, and the hunters dag them out. Sawlogs Wanted â€" Ail kinds of timber, but especiaUy soft elm, 10 or 15 ft. long Other timber in ordinary lengths. Good prices pstid. . Armstrong Bros., Afarkdale and Rocltraie. The EppifigrKimberley mail bus has not viaitwi OS siivce Saturday last, up to the time of going tn press. The Fever- sham mail, howrver, (tot through on time. Trams h»v« not ^a much delaywl by the storm. The public library concert at Priceville has been postponed «Dtil Mon<?ar evening next, 21ist Misk. An unusually (tpod prp gram is prepared for this concert and the directors ar* deserving of a biuapcr house. So mote %f be. Wanted â€" Telegraph poles, peeled all tl.e way through ; piles, R. R. ties, tan- bark, wood of all kinds ; also all kinds of sawloKS. Highest market price for any quaoity of above in eaeki K. P. Legate A Co., Ceylon. , ... We will allow all subscribers three wseks grae* in which to rfnew subscrip- tions. After that tiir.e has eipired we cannot give the MontresJ Bersid free,lMit to those who desire it we will laaks a marvellously cheap rate. If you renew within three «e«k»fr»Bi lime- your sub- scription expires you will of course get the Herald fie« as a premium. We neglented mentioniiKr Isst wmIe the •ppnintment of Mr. John PioWett of I^rkeley Ut be license inspector for East Grsy. We do not know anything about Mr. Pickett, good, bad or indifferent, but as he Kot there ahead of several other applicants w« presume he must be a good man for the position. There was- a collision of freight trains a mile south of this stntion on Sunday after- noon, freight train- No. 454 pitching into the rear of freight No.823. Three cars were derailed and an ens>ne dnmased but no one was hurt. The heavy snowstorm, wliii;h preventini the engineer from seeing atiy distance ahead was the cause. On the ev,ening of Dec. 3nl, the bre- thren of L. O. L 1383, met in their hall for general business and election of of- ficers fwr 1904, with the following results : Ceorge Bowles, W. M. ; John Fsdden.D. M.;Thos. Kelts, Chaplnin ; Herb M. Ir»in, Kco.-Sec.; Thi)s Irwin, Treas.; Robt. Fitsinimons, D. of 0. ; Wm. Hut- t'hinson. Lecturer; OtMomittee â€" H. Wyville, A. Sewell. J. Cooper, J'Wyville andW. S. Holley. Sproule, Crossley & Co., Fleslierton, have juat optsued a lino of lovely wall IHJckut cnleiKlart. which they are givini; to each of their custumers as thoy purch- ase £3 worth of groceries orgi-odsiti their Hns. An inpiirctiim of saTte solicite<l- Not required to purohn.se the whole amount at once, but keep your checks till you purchase that amount, tbun hand in and get your prize As quantity is lim- ited would adtiao an early call. The Fer'M of lett r* • hich have recently appeared ui The Advance fiom the pen oi Mr. Fred Gee have attracted widespread interest and have bren received by our readeis with extreme pleasure. With the conclusion of the Crimea incidents we are pleased tnaniKUnO') that we have in hand a series of letters from ths same pen, deabng with Mr. McRae's expertmce in the merchaut marine, wl ioh ws believe will prove ol greater inter«M than th. se which are just concliided. These Inci- dents have hMn taken by the writer from Blr.McRM'soniililf Minu'ee of Artem^na council, which met on Tuesday, will Appear next week. Municipal ntroiiutiona will be held a week from Monday next, Dec 28. Elec- tions on Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paweett, Korway, are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Fawoett's mother, Mrs. Joy. Mr. S. Bouga, woodworker with D. McTavish, got bis hand caught in a jointer one day last week with the result that he is minus the ends of three fingers. An auction sale of a splendid lot of farm stock and implements will bo held on lot 2, N.U.R., Artemesia, on Wed- nesday, Dec, 23, the property of Mr. Duncan Muir. D. McPbail, auctioneer. See bills for list. The Red School (No. ,1) will give their annual entertainment on (he evening of Tuesday, December 22. A. great pro- gram is undor preparation. Come and fill the school, as uaoal. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Mr. W. Trimble turned the tables last week by luakinc himself the sgressor i3*a small fracas at the station with his oppo- sition driver, Mr. Fred Norris. He set- tled matters at the justice mill by placing in the hopper $1 and costs. Mr. A. S. VanDusru, J. P., turned the crank. In the case of Thomas BrooKbton, ac- cused of sterling a horse fiom W. J. Tal- bot, the defence made an effort to have the case brought on last week in Owen Sound. The crown was not ready to pro- ceed, however, and the casn was held oiver fur the spring assizes, the prisoner being allowed out in 91000 bail. The election of officers for Walterville L.O.L No. 883 for the year 1901 resulted as follows : W. M , Geo. SneU ; DM., Arch. Ferguson ; Chaplain, Geo. Cairns ; Rec. Sec., Ed. Thompson ; Fin. Sec Donald McLeod; Trees., John Snell. ; D. of C, A. Guest ; Lecturer, John Wright. Committee â€" Wm. Law- rence, George White, W. â-  J. Rutledge, Angus Whittaker, Jos. Snell. The services in the Methodist church are growing in interest and power not- withstanding ti» unfavorable weather. Evangelist Kennedy speaks on Wednes- day night on the subject of amusements, Thursday night on Israel smitten before the enemy and Friday night en Kadesh Bamea. He speaks at Ixjth services on Sunday and cquducls a children's service at 4 p. m. The services will close ob the 23rd inst. Owing to ill health and the extent of his practice Dr. Scott of Maxwell has felt unable to attend to all the work, and has secured the service of Dr. Raid, who comes well recommended. Dr. Reid is.a graduate of the Ontario College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, and a graduate of Queen's University, KingsUm. He has, in addition, taken a general course in the New York Postgraduate Hospital College and special courses iu Surgery, Diseases of •ffomen, and noes and throat. He was in charge of St. Luke's hospital, Ottawa, and Lying iu hospital, New York. An ofiice has been secured in Feversham at the temperance house. Change of cud appears in this iasua. Miss P. H. Badgerow, of Eugenia. ha» been engaged on - the teaching staff of Chesley school. Miss Badgerow holds a professional II class cettificate and Senior LeaviMg standing. She receives a salary of 9875. This week's openinss »t SprouIe.Cross- ley 4i Co... Flesherton â€" Lovely Confec- tijnery in endless variety and very cheap. Biscuits of all kinds, Lemon and Bruns- wick mixtures, only 10c lb. Choice frnits in oranges, lemons, figs, prunes, dates, apples and jams. Silver Drip Syrup in pails, 10, 5 and 2^lb. tins, very cheap. The storm which began on Friday hMt and continued until the present writing, Tuesday night, may be considered as something of a record breaker. It is seldiini we get anything so severe as this before Christmas. On Sunday it amount- ed to a regular western blizxari and the churches were very poorly attended. The publication by the Toronto News on Saturday last of a holiday number coi.sisting of 5^ full sized psees wis a unique accomplishment. This is the largest one cent paper evt>r published in Canada. It was too big even fi>r the mammoih Hoe sextaple press which The News recently installed and which will not print more than 48 pages. Over 14 tons of paper was consumed in the issue â€" an evidence of the rapidly growing cir- culation of The News. At the popular price of 9100 a year The Nows now finds Its way into all parts of Canada. It is not so much the price of the paper, however, which is giving The News such a lead over its competitors as the fact that the public arc discoveriiig the merits of the paper itself. All who have not seen The Nows ill its new dress should write to Tor- onto for a sample copy. The Ladies' Aid Society of Chalmers Church concluded the husinem of the year at their meotitg held at Mrs. Van- Dusen'son Wednesds/ afternoon of Inst week when officers were elected for the ensuing year aa follows: President. Mrs. (Rev ) L. W. Thoni; Vice President, Mrs. Jo .R«d!cy;Secrt t ry-treasurer. Mrs.Jo< Blackburn. The thanks of the society was unanimously tendered to the retiring president ami vice-president, Mrs. Van- Dusanaiid Mrs. FiL-tosd, resfwctitely, for their e6Rcient services during the year. The former has been a member of the society since its organisation about twenty years aiio and has served as preaident the gr^^ter part of that time. The Society, which clos<>8 the year with a memb- rship of forty, has l>een a valuable aid to the Managing Board in ^h« work of the ohurcb. Election Cards To the Electors of the Tp. of XrUmetia L>Di» AND GrjiTLBM«Mâ€" Your yota and in- fluanca ia raapeotfully solicited for councillor at the Artameaia couDcU t)0«rd. for the enauiog yaar. W.J. MEADS CeyloD.Nov. a, 1908. To the Elector* of the Tounwhip Artemesia IiAOIEa AND Oentlevkm-As I have decided to offer myaelf for the reeveahip for 1904, as I am the secior caaDcillor of the towuahip, 1 faei with Qi) past experienco aa though [ am ia a posltlOQ to renrlar the township good aezvice. ThaukiDE yoa (or past favora and hoping for futore, I retuaiu reapectf ully youra OBO. TBOUP80N Portlaw. Nov. 39th. Limzi' A.SD QBim,KHB>i,â€" I cordially thank TOu (or yotir aiipport ia the n«i>t, and I raopact- (ally solicit your vote and influence on my be- bait (or ttM raevMtiip for 1904. Tours respectfuUv AL.II.X Hum Ladies' axd OsirruiMBif, -Baving t>e«n re- quested by a larKe uutuber of ratepayers to ruD fur councillor for the towoahip of .ircemesia. 1 hereby otter myself as a caadidate and requaat your vote and mflueoce. AI.EX. McBAB, jr. Ceylon, Nov. 33, 1903. To the Electors of Artemesia Ladibs AitD aaiiTi,ExxN,â€" HavioR l>een re- quested by a lar^e numtier of rstepave rs to enter the field aa a candidate (or councillor, I hereby offer my aerTices and request yoor vote and influence. R. D. Parvte Eogenia, Nov. 90, 1903 To the Ratepayers of the tp. Artemesia LADIBa AND GBBn.EiCEN,â€" I aci a candidate (or the office ot reeve for the ensning year, I respectfnlly solicit year support. x thank yoa kindly (or past (avors and hope you will consider my request (avorable. I nave the honor to tw Yoors Siacarely JOHN BOTD To the Electors of Ariemesia liADDia AND OBBTUOfBiC,â€" For many years I have been pathmaatar in tho Eueenia division and my work has given entire satistaetioa. I have been reqaoated to stand as councillor in the coming election and after wefehini; the mat- ter seriously I have decided to offer my ser- vices. Trusting that yoa will see your way clear to giving mo yoor votes, I am yours sincerely. J. H. DUCKBTT Eugenia, Dec. 5, 1903 To the EUetors o/ the Township of Artemesia: IiAcns Ann OENTLntBH,â€" At the request of a large number o( rat4>payer3 to enter the field (or Councillor (or 1S04, I hereby solicit your support and influence. Thanking you (or tha support yoa gave me last year in a badly cat up flaldillam veawlryouiv, , . . i- W. BDSKIN. To the Electors of Ip. of Artemesia Iiioat ANi> OBNTLBinui,â€" As I have decided to stand the eootast (or tha reevsship (or the year 0(1904, I rMpeet(tilly solicit yoor vote and Inflaanoe. Thaakiog y90 (or past (avors aad hoping (or a aoatinuanoe ot ths same- I have tna honoc is be Tenrs reapacXitlly D.UoXAVIsa Fleshsrtea. DsaU, nOB To thf EUtiors; of J^tiemesia A(ter one year aa your representatiTa a4 tfaa eonnci) board I a^ain reapeoc(ully soiiclt your vote and iuflutince aa4 a renewal of )Oiir con- fidence tor tha eosoiug year. Thanking you heartily for past favors, I am faithfully your servant. ' - TRdXAS B UeXKNZIB PottlawKDwieiabMFU, 1908 Notice of transfer Notiee isiiarebv eiVeo titat a transfer of tha license o( the bote! at UaxwaU is Intaoded to be made (rom K. Brawn to "Geo. a Fleehsr, o( which all persons iotaieetad are hertby hotiflad. Dated this Tth December, 1903. >. JOHN PICKSTT Lioaase Inspector Centre Grey. Teachfr Wanted Wanted (or S. S- No. 1, Artemesia and En- phrasla, a (amsle teacher holding second elaas certificate. Duties 1o commence Jan. 1. 1904. Apply, atatiog salary. ALKX.CABBUTHBRS Eugenia P. Farm For Sale Rplendltl farm for sale, only $2500; 9500 to ^AOO, bal&nco easy termit; 65 acres > fit for any Diacbinery^ tO'acres most timber off, balance w«Il timbered; good frame barn and dwelliat!, well watered and «loB« to school, cbarehes. P. O., Btorai, etc. Apply to B. J. SPhOULB. Convevancer, Fl«AhertOQ FARM FOR SALE. ^^•^' -.^y^- I I. 8HEPPARD ili Hit m ii/ Mi 0^ it iit We keep eveiything a man wears, the newest, the most, the best, the cheapest clothing. New Fall Top Coats in large variety. Rubl>ex*s Sc Felt Boots We have th best that are made, it will cost you nothing to see them, it will cost you less to buy them from us than the best can be bought else- where. X>otl46,3Qil W. T. AS. R,, Artemesia, contain- ing fifty acres; (rame hoase, small orchard. goo<1 frame barn with stone basemeutand large straw shed ; well wattired. Half mile (roui ITleshertou Station, For terras, etc., apply to T. A. Lawrence, N'antqn P. O.. Alberta, or to NOULB LAWBBNCE.Ceylou P. O Farm for Sale 160 acres in the Township of Osproy â€" part of lot 8 and all uf lot 9, in the 13th concession. .\bout <0 acres uodnr cultivation. There is a larKti quantity o( tiniher. ,\ good frame barn 40x(V) feet, frame atable and a comfortable dweUiug.alao good well, .^pply on the preui- ses or to W, J BBI.I.AMY. Flesherton. Doc. 1 3ia The Markets. CarefallT Correr ed Each Week Oats as -o 26 Peas 58 o 68 Wheat 70 to 72 Barltiy 43 to 45 Butler 16 to 10 KuKs Fr««h SO. .» 20 Pork 6 25 to 6 BO Obickens p«l|^ tb^,.... 6 to 6 Ducks per lb 7 to 7 Tuckeys p«r Ik 18 tc .18 Oe«fl« wiihout h«adai . ' 6 'o 7 Hv » 00 to 6 00 PotatoMbit^. 35 '.a. .^ 35 We are handling a full line of ftii-s, in ladies' and gents'. You will find one of the best assort- ments of Fur Jackets* CUips and 6cirt'$ Fur Coats to be found any place and our* prices can't be beat. ISfincex* XJxicleriiirecu:*. Our Stock of Winter underwear never was so full. Our Special All-wool Shirts and Drawers. This line at 50C« is a bargain. Clotb sJackets. "We have a good stock of them yet, although we never sold sold so many before. The reason is that the style and prices are right. You can get value from us you can't get every place, as we imported them ourselves. lidlllinex^ I>ep't. As in the past, is taking the lead. When you want a real nice nobby hat, come to us. We are handling Pratt's Astral, which is the highest grade Ajmerican oil to be got. It brigh- tens the home, makes peace in the home and don't cost any more than common oil. We take all your goose, duck, hen, and turkey featl^ers at good prices. Now is a good time to bring "^ """ them along '•'3**-'J-iQ!y®®^' ^ ik iHf ik ik ik ik h ^> .. ik-'. Or ik' Of ili Oi m ^. ilif â-  %â- â- - m- k- S new • • * ''Xmas Goods" Arrived For The Ladies' ' We have the fineet lia« ot Xmas Presents in town for the Ladies, Albuma, Work Boxes and Toilets a specialty. Other articles too luimeroaa to mentiua We hare also a rery select line of Xmas Pteseois for men and children. All Up-to-date Stock We deli.,h^. Try tts before p'jrchasing elsewhere, in ahowiug goods. ^Ae icleaaur^ is ours ufAen you call and inspect otw uCmas Stoei. § W. Je DOUGLASS & COl f CHRISTMAS I CHRISTHASI f Only Two. Week's Till Christmas. Call early and ina](e your selections from a full stock spoc^ties. Per- fumesâ€" a very largo stiKk â€" all prioes. Albums, Auto from five cents.and Photo .\ll)ura.s from twenty live cents. Dressing cases,L.id)es and Gent's Companion.s, Shaving Sets, .Brushes for tho ceeth, aails, hair, or clothes ; L»ther, or Piiint, or Hii}thiiig ; Tea Setts, Cups and Saucers, Dolls, Sleiiths, Toys of every descripti'm, Gaines, Sweets from 7o. per pound, Rood ; also Nuts, llmtiues, Shelied Almonds and Walnuts, Guns, Pistol.", Horses, Trumpets, Whietles, Orgaoa, Ball Ping Pong, Over tho Garden Wall, BmIis, Fancy Note Paper and Envelopesâ€" all kinds. Ask for what yoa want and we will show it to you. 01. ۥ Htcbardsoii FltsNiton, Ont. $ jitiiuiuiuiuikAAJkJfcift^at

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