Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Dec 1903, p. 3

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SAT IIGHT AND DAT IN A OHAIR SILL DODD'S KIDNEY PIxLS CXIKED HIS KHEUMATISM. and esperlally when the hen has near- ly fiiii.slied .'ittins, tie old cock la Irequeiuly little less daugerpus than A \VOUNDr:D TlfiER. Many tenible talcs aie told ia Care Colony if tte feroiity \»Uh which tbey will then attack all and. EUnlrj", and o( the s'^ocking inj;iiios William boeg, ot Strong TcHr.-iU'ey arc alilo to inflict wilh their , . _, , , TT i , !, Ilong fointed toes. Nor is efcape at ship, Hale and Hearty After ,„„ \.^^y .^ „^,.,^ ^ji, ^p^j,,^ ^^ Four Years of Tortureâ€" TLa warris at the biiU's long r.cck, and Story of His Sickness and His â-  gripping it tigl.tly stviiig himself on gjjj.g I lis assailant's ba"k, wle:e he is comparati I'ly safe. Uut vroo be- Sundridge, Uoc. 14.â€" (Sp-.'cial).â€" Ui e him if he misses. After four years of torture, during Tr.e omu, too. is x'qiaily daiigovous which ho was scarcely an hour Iroo un 'cr j-irailar (i:cumtt;in'e:-. ''Bo t" ;rc-ci ;jiun, Win. Uoeg, a fai-iner, liv- | Ca'tleton, t!;e wcll-loowti Aa: tra- lehjicits ha\e fceou londucted large !ng on Cs-n. 3, Stroug Township, !llan e.xploier and i ros; e to-, loEt ind well kiu>w*; here is a ha'e and; his life in a iight %vt;h o: e cf t! e e jcarty man. Hodd's Kidney Fills 'birds a ter pa.ssiiig lais-m'-hod turod him. ' j through all sorts of dangers. Tie SpL-aUing of his" cure Mr. Doeg says:' emu, an •'ild iiian" birii, took him 'â- The trouble started in iay back "nawarcF, hurlinj? Mm to t' e ground \nd the pain got so bad I could notjind bieai>ing one of his leg?, afLei ie down to take rest, but had to sit i light and day in a chair. •'The pain would sometimes moye HK* The tatisfactioii of having thi washing done early in the day, a.nd we!! done, belongs to everji user of Sunlight Soap. xqb i which it I'fliberatelv set to work and pounded I im to death. Wleii rext dav,. tie to:iy was i co erol o other parts of my body, and when i f^ ^ ;<=a,ching , tuty. it was found , _„„ -r . ,.,_ i., .1. to lUL'.e sustained no few-er tiian u my knees I was unable to walk "I was treated for llhoumatism by several doctors, and also tried dif- .'ercnt niedicin<?s without receiving a.ny beuelit. I feared I would nevet igain be free from pain fjxty-thrce wouiu's, many of them of the most .shocl^ng chara ter. STHOXGES T liEAK. The strongest and most formidable bca"< among birds of prey is ow; c.U •-My attention was called to cures f>y the Egyi tian Vi.lt'. re. T is bird By Dodd's Kidney Pills and I started to nso them, liefore I had finished Ihe second box I was a new man, en- tirely free from pain. It has not :omo back since." Uric acid in the blood is the cause of Rheumatism. If the Kidneys are working right they take all the uric oat of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys work right. OUR FEATHERED ENEMIES RAGLES AlTD SEA 1"'0V;lS AEE FIERCE FIGHTEKS. A. -Two Fostman's Experience French Tourists Killed Eagles. Tile Marilime Al. s of Ea;teni I'Yan, e ha\e lo;,g been noted as be- ing the iaunt of the mo.st lerotious and powerful breed cf eagles in exis- te.'.ce. OlUuren itii-uane.able ha\o lieea ca^ ried oH b.y them, aid t^.ey e\eu attacli adults oii' occasions, Bometiiiics with dire results. In J..ly, 1889, for ikitame, a post- man named Gustavo Silva, who car- ried t c mails on faot between the viilaiics of Sosjcllo and Tuget Then- ie:S, was .set upon w.-.ile trotsing ti.e pa;-^ by three large cock-birds, and' frig! if lly injure'.!. He managed to liii. c oil i i.s viiiiged a Siuloiits, with" Iho aid of hi . t.l.eiiEtock, aud even- tually reached his dc tiiiation. .with lis bag oi leilers. Uut his case was ftfjm the firtt regal ded as hopoles% by tie Icciil i.o.toiS', anfi s«re eriough, uf er hiigering in inLe;;triba- ble agony for six days/ he sutcumbed to ! is wo'iiids. Meanwhile two young French toui-^ ists. Mess. Joseph jlouand and Aritoine Neyisil, went up into tie mountai! s to try to kill tKe biids that had doi:e the damage, and were ta^agcly attacked in t! cir turn. Bpth men were airae:!, but tt-e sud-- (Jen ontlaug! t of ti o wiuged creat- ures coniplelely unrorved ti em, and aftM' firing only ore shot tiicy TIIIED TO ESCAPE by ruiuiii-g. The bir. s, however, struclv them down ere t! cy had gone j many yards, and tbey wouid have ' Alfred ii.&:<^hiii- dgy. fof-no tea 'than is "[.roc ted" througlo.t Northern Afri a, as it a'.ts the pait of a scavenger, and fiocs not, as a rule, use upon U\ing creatures ihe terrible weapon with whi h nature has en- dowed it. But when famine falls upon the lanci, as in certaiu distriot.s is not infieqreritly tic care, tie vul- ture at on'o be.omes a "source of acute and \ery positive danger. Gar- bage is t' en no longer available. Hunger tonc'o s him fcrotiou.':, and, on o casiors, lo wi'l not hesitate to attack even aclvlt human beings. Weird tales used to be told of the .strength and ferocity cf the condor. .\s a matter of fact this giaiit amon.g vulturcf is comparati\e!y harmless except diiring -t'o" iiesting seoEon. Then both male aud female become not iufieqirently wantonly aggi esE-ivc, aud they will, beai 'oy, invaiiably fig^t to the lasst in i-'cfento cf tl-eir eggs or t' eir young. For this reason the man who asiiires to rob a con or's eyiie, a- comnlishes his task always at the ri.sk of his, .'lie. Tie native Peruvian and CI il- iian colIe!.tcr>, waiy though they arc f eqvei.tly (ome to griot while dis-, ase s innumerable have overtaken amateurs. â€" â€" * .; THE lOO-HILE TKAxN. We're Likely to Be' Travelling at "That Rate. â-  We notei with jleasure that our sja e lie. ouiing f.ieiics at Zo.-^son, Germany. .ha\e not yet satiated tlieir ly with the ic'.ea cf tie early nppliia- tioil of the Fjstem to the ruihoad lon-p-tirg Bo lift v.ith Hamburg, i i.s- tunt- by lail 176 miles from each other, and that an caily converbiou of that Ilr.e is by no meaiiS impro- bable. Somehow the hundre 1-mile- an-hour train Ijo^s rearer than it did a few months i'go, and our spy- glass is still trained iu the dire, tion of Germany. ITIE HEMEBY A NUISANCE. Some 2.5 years ago inongoo;«s weie imported into Uarba.loes to drive away the rats which ale the sugai- 'rares. Now the sugar-i lanters have petitioned the govc: nor to authorize ihe destruction of t! e mongooses be- ca'.:se the latter, iu.stoad of confining their attention to the rats, have dii\eii out many vsef 1 native ani- mals, lucLtdiug liza ds, whi. h were the enemies of the nuilh-borer cater- pillars. The tatert ill.us are now loft .f. ce to penetrate the sugar-canes thereby affording holes for the lodg- ment of de.tiUctive fungises. Thus in the continual struggle for exl:j- tence nature herself is often found to have establisi.ed iho be?t system of eqilibtim, intefeicuce with which brings more ills than it drives away. State or Onto, City ok Toledo, I.UC.4S COCKTY. I'UANIt J. UHKNBY makes oatli (hiLt he is senior partner of the Una of I'. J. CHKNltlY &. CO., doing business In tho Llity of Toledo, t'ouiity and titiito aforcisiiid, and tliat snld tirili vill l>uy thu sum of ONK mjNUltI;;u Dot/- liAliy (or cicli anil every case ot CA- 'J'-AitUil that cnnnot he cured by tlia nse of HALL,'S UATAUUll CUlltl. I'UANK .). CHKNIOV. tjworit to. Uetorft mo u.nd Eub.scriUe<l in ujy presence, this titb day of December, ^.D. ia,il). ......... A. W. GLEASO^-. : .„.;; t Aotaryl'a'M: V" Hall's UctarrSi Cura is tail*- iatt-- Hially, ar.tl acts tlirectiy on the blooo Itnd tuucous surfaces of the system, bend for tcstiiiiomals, free. F. J. CHKNldY & CO.. Toledo, O. Kolil by all Druggists. 73c. > Hall's l''amily I'llls are the best. ElLBnACING ALL CLASSES. Tie â- â- siin;i\vi,h army" cf London is LOWER PRICES ^i»' i BETTER QUALITY CAN BE HAO IN Pails, Wash Basins, litk Pans, &c Any First-Ciaas Crocsr C«n Supply You. INSIST ON GaTriNQ EOJY'S. A BAD RECOIiD. Si::.ce 18.52 moie than 26,OCO con- vi ts have been sei.t lo French Guia- na, of whom 8iJ i.er cent.- die of I i <!a:e, liards-.ip aud ii sulncient food. P«f Over Sixty Yiuir< Hr". wi.vsLOWft SooTlirsQ SVRi.'P has b».'u used bj niilior.H Gf mndicrs lor (hit r ci:iJ<irL-n wUife te«t.hioK. (baf:ath<>.s tbrt chiiJ, soft«iia tU" gumi, •!:»>.? pain, curei Find c<»i:r. i-eftilawti the stcraftch and tuwaU, and i« Uw H-6t roincily for Uiarrhueu. Twetity-flte cenu » batUa M'l "Ljdrm;iisti tjir..'.5giimtt Ulii ^ror!d. Ud auro and ntt'r"llus. W!.^3LoW3h«oIUI^uSvn^Ip.'â-  "â- "' 23-7« hunger for pa e. and toucl ed the le-Wer 7,000 strorg. In the torsive of ;.one advertising contrattor have been IJO raih's ler hoiiV, «a.T9^tF4 ' Siroct â-ºcleijasateu, uoaor.-?, ftcftitecla* af; Railway .lo-imul. They seem to .%o,<; " ilerVs, and even a forme be ose^ coming uir pressure rather comfo.tably uji to tic preseut, and we ha\e i eard nothing about the motors taiiiug or tlio juei-suic < av- ing in the fror.t oi^d of tl;o car. t'eihaps t'.c doubting geutleiuen wl o tig;;rcd on. the motors burning Diit from ovoiload at 80 miles rl cr hour to 100 miles per h.Qi!i'!iwlll ijow be con\inied ti at higher speeds ate both poisible and practicable. One huiii'rod ar.d forty miles [or hov:r is- a I'eridei ly hot pa o, b'lt it vvili mo e than likely be bcatcu before we jgo to pros:-. It has tuicn a good many- .years to evolve the two-min- ute tiv.tiitig hoi se, but tl i.^ year we uier wealtbj- scp.i,e. Bieer jaisfoitune, as arcle, presses men into tl.e work, but, accuri i g to a. well-Ijnovvn coi> ti'at-tor j'ea'UitJug sergeant of the aiuiy of boaru-beai erii, wlitso ordin- arj' wages vary froin ono'shilliug to two shillings a day. ,, -r .lOive the ic-ords be.crau to break B c ee. ed m rescusng Mr. Ncyssel L ,,^,^ fuiilv blew up and left only alue but terribly injured, he having ^^^^^^^ fragmo.-.ts. sustained .""/'^T" ^ ,T ^-n sevoie , „, i„,,j.|,.,.a ,,„d ,-,„ t,. „,ios per voun s in tl'c head and baclt.-bcsi;es ,. ^^^„ jf „,,^ outcU.re by a con- limuir.erablc minor la.eiadons «nd ,i :,„.;^i,ip margin, still means that abrasions. Ihs comp.amon, Mr. 1,^^, hun'!red-imle-ar-hour train is Uo.aritl was hil cd outug. t early j ,, ^^^^^.^^. ^^ ,g^,^,^ ^,^,, j^ j,^ hi tie fray, anJ ins body wleii ic . "Halloa, old^chap! I hear you've lost your job?" "Well, I wouldn't put it like that exactly, but the firm has been foolish enough to sever its coiniection with me " I. was Cured of a bad case cf Grip hy MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C.B. C. I. LAGUE. I was Cured of less of voice by IINARD'S-fuINTMENT. Yrfirmouth.. \^ .CitA,g, PLUJU3IEE. I was Cured of Sciatica Rheuma- tism by MINAitiyS LKVIMKNT. BURIN, Nild. £EV,'iS.S. BUTLER. Muggâ€" "Yes; they thought I was poisoned, and the doctor came with his stouuich-puuip." Wump â€" "Did he get an.vthing out of you?" Muggâ€" Vcs; two dollars." "llr. Kidder â€" "Ah, how-iler-do, doc- tor? If you have a few minutes to spare, I wish you would come over j t6 my house and chloroform my | yfoiingest boy." Dr. Price â€" "What is] the matter with tho lad?" Mr. Kid- j del- â€" "Oh. his mother waiits to comb his hair " "Pa, won't you buy uie a watch?" "What for, my boy?" "I want to swap it to Billy Wiggins for one ol his pups." A Veteran'9 Story.' -Geaig* U»i3. of Shamokin. Pa, writss: "I Bin eighty years of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh for fifty years, and in my time hava used a great many catarrh cures, but nevei had any relief until 1 cscd Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Oae box cured ma comclelely," 50 cents.â€" 25 Doctoi-â€" "Professor, a little son has* just arrived '" Professor (absent- mindedlj')~"Tell htm to wait in the onte-rooiii." ,l^1ina[!l's LifilHieril Cufss Colo's, eic, Physician (to patient's wife) â€" 'iVhy did you delay seijding for ,nie until your husband was uncouscious?" Wife â€" "Well, doctor, as long as l.e re- tained- his-senses he wouldn.'t let us send for you." An admirable Food of the "Can you tell uie." said a lazy man to a witty .acquaintance, "of a jjlan for getting up eai'ljur' iii the morning? I seem to bo geftiifg later ^ ^.,, . , . . , uii, ..v..v.-,s "" â€" . ">â- Â«. -- •-" "-- *"*' '•'^'*'^''' ''^â- '^'"y '^"y-" "^^fll-" said cloubilois been torn to pieces ^vhero , ^.^^^ j» ^^^ j...^j^._ and jus?. s6 it the friend, "just continue as at prcs- litoy lay bia for the opportune an 1- 1 1,,^ ^,^^„ wi.h clect.ic ttdlrotu hig. Cnt, getting up later every da^v, and val of a )arty tf sh.opherc.s. -These | r,„..„ th,. >•« nrri« l,o<r.n., 1,, i,,..n'.- by-and-by you will be up at four o'clock in tho morning." Piles curetd in 3 io 6 niehts.- Ona appUcation gives relief. Dr. Agnew'j - Ointtncnt is a boon for Itching Piles, 01 Blind, Bleeding Pilca. It relieves qaickl] Rud permanently. In skin eruptions it standi without a rival. Thousands of testimoniali U you want evidence. 35 cents. â€" 23 "Confound the railroads! "" ex- claimed Subbubs. as ho entered the office an hour late and took off his coat. "Train late again. I sup- pose?" asked Townley. "N'ot - at all. For the ilr.st time in six montlvs the measly thing was on time, and. of cour-se. 1 missed it Ulnd'j WiwiA Cures Dlsienrtjf- before. as That s;;eect is ro^ered prcKontcd a most shoe-king ^„„g foa-iblo whenex er it is ccmaiid and it is morooM>", niite high puough to iiiuet tl.e icquiicmeuts of humanity for some lit lo time to' come. Its teal iiupattar.ee lies, as wo have often rcaiarkc', in its ap- i) ligation to Inig lines on whi. h the I saving of time wovl-d he material. to iFlatbusii or ITucnotisack may ('e- e-. er been s;-o ta. lo. Mr Noy.'iSel locovered af- ; . ter six weeks in be I, but is disfigured for life. Very tragic was the fate ot I'cter rioralsen tvi.d .lohn Uibbcrt, two lejuiien belo; ging to t e ujuilor Good Hope, who attempted for a wager to .oa<h ti.e simmit of Po.-e -Ijjmij,,^, .rown Iho run-ing time sion Ifl iiid scinio ycais ago. i hi.'. â-  - perhaps tho nu.st desolate ..nd .^el-i^^j. ^, ^ dvsr.ep.viir of the commute.- dom-visiicd .su)t on tic whole g^obe. ^ f^,^. .,„„ther !iea>on or two. but it is is the lome cf myuads of sci-iowl. ,^,^ conmierciaily important. It is who o:cupy tho ei,ti:o surface ot thel^^mi t, p jj^^^, „„ ,„„^ j„, g „,.,t laud, from tho lowermo't !.e&(h to i ^„,„^i5_,,^,,^.^.i„^, t,,„ ti„-„ ,„ ^y^..,,. the top ot the conical mounca'n | j,^,^^,^ ^^ j^.^^, ,,,„„ ^,,,.^,^, hours, and whi h occui le.s the i converting t^ e tiip to Chicago into CENTPvK OF THE ISLANO. 1^, mere i.lghfs run. It- was noticed from the ship that! It is now announced that the «-.\- t.c iilting blrt's attacled th" e.Nplur- ^- crs vigcrot.s y as they wac'ed through tl em, I ec^klug at them with their tharp bea'-s aud .vcrccthing savagely. To Starve Is a Fallacy.â€" The I'Bturn to stop citing becn'a.se you U.ive indi- jesiion has long since betn exploded. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets introduced a new sra in the treatment of stomacli troubles. It !i.is proved that one may cat his (ill of anything »nd everything he relishes, and one tablet t.iken after the i««il will aid the stomach in doing iti woric. £0 in a box, 35 cents.- -»4 â- yVife (who was always ailing)- "You will bury me by the side of my lirst husband, won't you, dear?" Ilushantl â€" "With pleasBrc. my uear." but no one anticipated danger. When about two-tl irOs of tho as- \ rent had boon completed, however, I the men wore seen lo lie in difficul- | tie", aid, a iclicf pttity was orgnniz- ' el; bt.t at that moment there sprang 1 up one of those terrific blizzards ] lh.it are .so fretiuent in the .Vu-nitiCj icgic P, and lotumunication be'.wteu ' ship and .sho-e became fir the r'liie being itni-o-silile. Next day it w.is rc.toreJ, but it R-es then too lute. Tl^c explorers ireie foiu-.d upright among tho guano, Into which tiicy had siuiTv up to Ihflr waist.o, and quite tiead, while .•oiimi the â-  disri,ifure I and mutilated JO los l.Uled t' ousends of bloated ieafowl goied (o icilttion with a jidcous and unwonto:! diet. (lidiuarily tbtfjt«»is|rij» is a bl d, more 1 teht on tie Scing. Hut in 'y to run than to â-  !Mech of a human Vou can't cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. Shiloh's Consumption The Lung Tonic is the. only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices 2Sc., 60c. and $i.00 s. c. ^^fI:Lt,F! & co. Toronto, Can. Leiftoy, X.V. S WORLirs ItlGGliST MARKET. Tlie hoiuir of posscs-iing the tii'at- •oKt market iu tho world lieioiigs to Russia. It is situated in ?>Ic.si.ow, covers twenty acivs, aiul embraces a ; thousand tlilTerent c.tJtablisliiiient.s, joach of which has its own proprietor. jThe place is in fact a sort of baz- aar, consisting not only of shops on jtho .grountl door, but also on three I floors above it. The merchandi.so of- 'fered for sale is d«-scribed ns of fabti- ilous value; it amounts in fact lo ! millions of pounds. The prices of 'the wares arc not markeri. Tho Uiis- 'sians are much given to bargaining for and choapenioff the goo^hs tbey 'bu.vr- and in buying at the bazaar I most of them "negoti.ate" with the ; tradesman very much in tho Ovieti'al ; fashion. liilOiil'S Liltt3i1! GOicS GQiOei In GOIS. Cloiitlenuiuâ€" "What do you lu-an by putting your halKi iu luy pocket?" Light-fingered Rill â€" "Excuse me sir; I'm so ahsent-minded. I used to h.avo a pair of ti-ousers exactly like yours." Wash gronsy dishes, pots or pan.s : with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It : will remove the grease with tho j greatest ease. I Sum â€" "nov,f is it Pete Creen wears i scch line clothes en doan' do nuf- ' fin'?" Kemu.s â€" 'Wh.v, ho hes a' washin' machine dut suppohts him, I and does it very well, too." Saiu â€" 1 "lliih! Did he invent it?" Remusâ€" | "JS'o; m.arried it " Nutritious and Economical. 48â€"21 Dominion Line Steamships Monftra*! to Llvorpool ft»atoi» ta Livarpool Larva an4 VutStsamahipt. Suparior Hccommod&tUMl JMr aU cl&nea of â- ft'HQRors S Joans ami SUtoroocMia 4n ftuiiii^IiliM. Speciftl atL«i)li<>nliivs-be' II ^iTcn ta kiM â- KUCofTM'-'agf'ft"'} >^'l lMki-<.i<:u..ara, apply to anjr i<l^ BOAUVIOM LINE OFFICES :. f â- tatoflU., SsfitM. 17 lit. S««;iam«Bt3t. fiCuuinal CARPET DYEiNQ ^^ and 0;canin|!. Thia is » tpecialtr "i"" tl"! BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Ca Send p.iniculars hy po-l ana wo are !Urc ;o M Wj Address Box >5S. Montrtal. KiHs St., east, tCRCNTO. S)* GIAL SAir CF Eend for cotalosr, Weg vc cx'ra valtic. Raw Furs and Oanslnc. Send 'or prlca list BASTEDO'S " ATENTS RIDOUT& MAYBEE I 103 »•» S«.,TOBONTO IN ALL COUNTRIES. SPEOIAt. ATTUMTION TO PATENT UTIQATION. •and far Handboot •n Patent^ &o. tJIUI, W\\\(\ CLKRKS. ; I 'ilierc is a donia ud for gli-Is us â-  clerks in (leauan drT^ st'ore.x. The tourse" of ii.straction leqnries thtfe lycats, exu'i-t in t^e ta e of Hgli 'shiMd gra lunto*. who iTCcd o:,ly ' i « 0. Heart Disease Most Sudden and Dangerous of Ailincnt5. j Dr. Agnew's Heart Curj relieves In j Z9 riinutes. 1 Stealtli.v «'' a thief in the uiRht. heart | disease heralds itij coiuiii({ only by thft ' dsadly Kr'l' It la.vs u<)Ou its victims. If i you h.ive prtluilatioii. short brent' | •motheiing si'ell.'i. or vertigo, do not do- i lay tho u.w of Dr. Ajtnsw's Ucart Cure. '• It will relievo every ruse in ,30 minutc.i | and will radically e\M-o ninety-five per cent, of thuso ailvcicit. It is" a perfect remedy foP r.^rves and stomach. 8 I Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures all skin erup!loti.<s, 35c. [ Billiard fables Tho a%y\ At t^» Loweet Price Well* far Tarma ,REID BROS., M'f'c Go.'y I TI5 K»r>s •*, W I 'i'-i-ai Tho be«t hol'.day ijIfL^ art* iKoiTiil gf ffn, ami one of theniofttiiaoful U the ]Sewn»U tJUar^d Ldili-^aof WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY of Kngiisb. Bi-vcT^piir. Coocnpjij', ri«lion, r:c. I'seful. P.olinble. .\! tractive. Lasting. Tho Now Edition Has 23,000 New Worda Now Gaiettecr ot the World New Biograp'oicid Dlctiouary 2?-W rapts. .''.â- .K)*)i:!i;'Hra'.i..H9. U:-.;h r>;in'.:o:.^ Why Not Giyg Scmo Ona This Useful Prtsont.' FREE " A Test In ProaunclaMoa." Imvnii'ti^'^ iintt i.nt.r<;,iiii!»t: I'or '.lit. Mlioio l...;:u;y. Uiti-.ltti^Nl pii)!,v>hlt t hIm frwr. C. & C. MEBHTAM CO., FuV.ishora. Sprliigucl'j. Miis.3.,U. 3. A. ^ Poultry, Butter, E^gs, Hcney, Apples, THE Dawson Commission Go,, T !•'. I.,sne No. 01â€" ua, " All KINDS CI rRUlTS And Farin Pro- duce (Efenerally, consijjn it to us £â- 1 we will j:et you good pricca. iM@-

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